Jay Shetty EXPOSED: The Secret Past Of The Millionaire Monk

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[Music] now if you don't know who Jay Shetty is he is a very famous YouTuber podcaster he has what 50 million social media followers which is insane he's the author of two best-selling books people love this guy and he is a very likable guy like I've seen a couple of his Clips seems a lovely man he has interviewed huge celebrities like Oprah Joe Biden Michelle Obama Kim aashian I wonder if he got a stiffy J on that one he's also had will and J pink it on separately he's actually even a spiritual adviser to Will Smith so now we know who to blame for the [ __ ] show that Will Smith has become he even officiated a Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez's wedding I don't know what that means he I'm assuming it means he pronounced them husband and [ __ ] wife which is mental the man's a podcaster he's also the CEO of an online school for you to become a certified life coach which apparently Awards diploma as the equivalent of a un University degree now to say this man is successful would be an understatement because apparently it cost hundred grand just to book him for public speaking each online course that he sells is £75,000 per term and according to his website as of today they have trained over, 1600 new life coaches which means he's probably made in the region of around about 12 million quid out of that school that's not including the fact that he is an owner of the Comm app which a lot of you have heard of obviously he's got sponsor says YouTube Revenue all of that money coming in the man is loaded and you can see why because he's so brand friendly he's got the most friendly face he never says anything offensive everything he says is very agreeable and nice and kind and he comes across as a YouTube sponsor's Dream he ties every box unlike me and one of the reasons he is so successful is because of his backstory and the problem is few holes in it when I was growing up in London I had three choices to be a doctor or lawyer of failure and I ended up at business school so I guess I was the and I was going to business school and every week we had CEOs entrepreneurs celebrities coming to speak and share their stories and I was fascinated by how people went from nothing to something that might have been where it sparked his brain of I need a compelling story to make me the most interesting guy in the room and one week I was told that this monk was invited and I actually said to one of my friends I said I'm only going if we go to a bar afterwards because I wasn't interested in hearing a monk's perspective on life you know when you realize that this guy was surrounded by among most of his life this is actually hilarious he promised me he would go to a bar afterwards and it changed my life it was the most captivating presentation I've ever been to and he spoke about selflessness and service and kindness this is the sale so I spent all of my summer holidays from 18 to 22 aged 18 to 22 half of them working in the finance corporate world in suits and driving cars in London and spending the other half living as a monk in India just doesn't add up straight away let's be real people who work in finance in London you're wankers I don't mean that in a nasty way you know you're wankers you're getting loads of money you're getting paid to be wankers but you can't switch that off and just G by a [ __ ] monk in India half the time can you it's either one or the other and when I was 22 I decided to turn down my corporate job offers and go and live as a monk in India for 3 years this is the thing right when anyone ever comes out with a story like this immediately we all think of what we would do we would take the money you know why cuz we need [ __ ] money to live him on the other hand he's just better than us so maybe we should listen to him and that's right there how people like this get you so we meditated for half the day and the other half we were trying to serve humanity and make a difference in the world could you be more specific cuz meditating is just sitting in a [ __ ] room doing now isn't it so like we get what you were doing for half the day but how were you serving humanity and making a difference that's the real question yeah where's the proof of that sorry Sarah where you been just serving Humanity making a difference really all right okay then so that is why you decided to not just be in India and be a monk you decided it's better to be able to share this knowledge for a price 7 and a half Grand of Pop if you want just so selfless do you know what I mean if there's one thing about monks it's about teaching people about life but for a profit but a lot of my friends now worked at large organizations and they were going through stress and burnout well they hadn't [ __ ] off to end yet but you're lazy [ __ ] had that actually applied themselves maybe you should have done the same and so they started to invite me to speak at their companies wow so he used his connections to his mats to get the cash in to pretend like oh I've been doing all the Enlightenment and all of that and he's now using his mates for money and started to do that and I started to see impact inside these organizations but I really felt I was like this knowledge and wisdom needs to reach everyone in the world it needs to reach further than just corporate boardroom it already has cuz other people have said it before we'll get to that we'll get we'll get that only 3 years ago I started making these videos which were these wisdom bites so an example of one of these wisdom bites are do what you did at the start of your relationship and there won't be a finish that's deep right it was very deep when Tony Robbins said it originally oh Award Big Tony got there first for that one maybe they just had the exact same thought though healing doesn't have to look magical or special genuine healing is tough purifying and hard work don't glamorize change let yourself go through it don't try and make it anything other than what it is another great one from Chetty unfortunately that was originally said by Audrey kitching awkward awkward this but you might be sat there thinking just a coincidence could easily happen maybe he said at first and they copied him yeah well a lovely little lady uh called Nicole arba made a video full of examples of J plagiarizing other people's work we're meant to love people and use things but today we use people and love things I'm laughing because that one's like the most basic of all of them I've heard that a million times we spend more times holding our phones than we hold each other when she's literally putting the original post side by side you say I love you because I need you when you grow up you realize he's literally doing it in the same video though this is the thing he's like he's just strung as many of these phrases as possible together to blow you away as if he's just he's just riffing he's just coming up with this off the dorm you realize I need you because I love you oh well [ __ ] your mother it's all of them you you literally Steal Your Everything someone a priority when all you are to them is an option he's nailed him y some of us lose the people most important to us because we don't value their time is this reminding anyone else of David Brent if we're facing in the right direction all we have to do is keep on walking are you reading these am I what reading the quotes doesn't who said first I am passing on my wisdom at a price 7 and a half Grand a course before you go out and tell everyone it's about wisdom right it doesn't matter who said it first all of us have likes on social media but don't feel loved in real life I mean I do feel pretty loved actually I have got likes as well I guess I'm just one of the lucky few feel sorry for all you losers so many of us can get comments on our posts but can't get a friend to call us back at least I've got you a lot comiing on this video thanks it means a lot all this is about is just making you feel better about how [ __ ] your life is that's really the root of all of this that's why women love it especially single ones living with their cats sorry girls but it's you I'm looking at just get a boyfriend do you know anyway I suppose that's tricky when he won't call you back but you can get comments on your social media post investing our money in experience rather than things he's just literally a walking you know motivational post isn't he just blurting it out over and over again how does he memorize this [ __ ] and where where does he find it all he probably just looks through hashtags lonely is not being alone it's the feeling that no one loves you usually when I feel lonely it's when I'm alone so you get the point he's got a great story loads of wanky post sold a bunch of books everyone loves this guy now recently J sh's team invited a independent journalist to write a piece on him for Squire magazine because he was releasing a new book called 12 rules for love now the journalist who's called John mcma a very good journalist by the looks of it had never been familiar with Jay shetty's work before so he was coming into this blind John goes to one of Jay's live shows which I don't know if you've ever seen like a Tony Robbins live show before but this is where blogs who are full of their own self-importance and feel like they've got all the an stand on stage and tell you exactly how to live your [ __ ] life now weirdly and this is true he started his off with with a rap because apparently he wanted to be a rapper as a kid I've actually got some of the lyrics Here short he had them Apple Bottom Jeans boots with the fur the whole club was looking at her this is FL Rider he plagiarizes everything no he didn't actually I'm actually bullshitting unlike him I will tell you when I'm ly he then brought a woman on stage into a sensory chamber to prove that we all struggle without our mobile phones that is so deep we knew we struggled uh without our mobile phones about 10 years ago he's trying to be really like I'm just going to freak them out in reality like yeah we we don't like leaving our phones like tell us something we don't I thought we were paying for this to find out things we don't know yet man I took your phone away you just freaked out you just did not know who was calling apparently the rest of the room were watching her through a live stream and the woman was absolutely unaware of this so she's just floating around probably scratching a Minge or whatever no idea that this slot are watching evasion of privacy some would say and this is my favorite bit cuz Tony Robbins does this sometimes he asks someone from the audience is anyone out there struggling with in a relationship or or someone who you haven't se in a long time tell me people put their hands up you know what I mean one woman says that um she'd you know lost touch with her brother now in the Tony Robbins you know videos and this is the ones that he actually puts in where it works obviously he doesn't put in the bit where the ring the brother answer saying [ __ ] off he gets them back together and heals the wounded relationship so he tries to do the same thing he Rings the estang brother with her on stage and uh brother doesn't pick up it's awkward he then calls again still doesn't pick up it's get really awkward now he then makes her leave a voice not on the answer machine and apparently people in the crowd near the journalist other women were saying this is absolutely mortifying but this was worth the money so yeah wow I really got something from that today did you change my life so after seeing what was a [ __ ] show of a presentation the journalist decides I'm going to dig a Little Deeper because instead of writing a piece about how great the sky is I'm actually going to look into how legit this guy is it feels like he's talking bollocks John then discovered the video that we've seen made by the lady lady who went through all of the plagiarism and once he realizes okay this guy has no problem repeating other people's hard work as if it's his own he clearly is probably doing a lot more I'm going to dig a little deeper and I'm going to go and ask the people who actually know this guy if he's legit or not so he started interviewing his schoolmates former employees graduates of his life coaching School even high ranking members of iscon uh which is um the Hari Krishna movement that monks are obviously in which apparently was what inspired Jay in the first place they claimed that his story about living as a m for 3 years is a huge misrepresentation of the truth they said he spent a couple of months in India at best and was mostly living in Watford that' be fair to him though if you're sat in front of Ellen and she's like so were you a monk for all that time you're not going to say well M and wford did a couple of weeks in India wasn't really a monk it doesn't sound as good and if there's one thing I've learned from YouTube never let the truth get in the way of a good story was I really a deep sea diver or did I just G snor and they also claimed that story about having a huge revelation after he met a monk for the first time was a lie as he grew up within the religion of Ison so this idea that he was this highflying exec who then met a monk and had his mind blown no he just grew up around them that's how he knows so much so there was no Epiphany how can you have an epiphany about meeting your first monk when you've been surrounded by them the whole time and that's the point of if your whole story is based around this moment and it's bollocks then how much of what you're saying do you really [ __ ] believe and the story apparently is inconsistent and sometimes he says the enlightenment happened when he was 18 sometimes when he was 21 there's actually footage of him rapping what is it with all the rapping in front of a monk just stop rapping Jay it's not going to happen for you just cuz your name's Jay doesn't mean you should be rapping son kill the Beat Just to be clear this this is about a year before he were supposed to have met the monk for the first time and reached Enlightenment and he here getting backing Beats from a monk with a violin wearing an M&M t-shirt but don't let that throw you off his story I'm sure he's still enlightened it's really mad that the music career didn't take off his so surprised so in his book think like a monk he claimed that I traded my suits for robes and join ashram where we slept on the floor and lived out of gym lockers and traveled across India UK and Europe the journalist who was investiga in him found a Blog he kept called The Essence where he recounted these travels in real time a lot of what he was saying conflicted the actual book Now Jet's lawyers wrote to the guardian who actually published the article that this journalist was writing and claimed that yes he did come across monks as a as a youth but that those interactions weren't meaningful like the one he had later so they're sort of trying to like reill in bits of the story that's just not the way he told the story if you'd said I'd been around mon all this time and then I met another Monk and he made me have an epiphany it wouldn't sound the way he told it which is that I met this Monk and he blew my mind and it's as if that had never happened before now obviously J sh's publicist team was the one who hired this journalist originally to write the piece to help promote the book but when it turned into something else they tried their best to kill it so the journalist then starts looking into his life coaching School remember they charged £ 7,400 to get a certificate at the end which they claim is the equivalent of a University degree now we all know a University degree you can go and get a [ __ ] job with you can then make money out of do you know allegedly even that's [ __ ] these days but they are recognized by places of business as an official qualification that allows you to get a job and on his website Shetty claims that the certification school is approved by offall which is a governing body that regulates all exams in schools in England and it says that students would then be able to progress to a topup degree like a master's program or MBA at many universities in the UK and overseas he listed the universities of Derby Anglia Ruskin the University of Bingham and the University of chitester as universities where students would be eligible to progress to a topup degree and await to gain a full undergraduate degree by combining JY certification school diploma with only one year of full-time study but John McDermot the journalist who was investigating this went to offall and the spokesperson wrote that the organization would be contacting the school to have the references of ofqual removed from their website because it does not regulate jhett schools accreditations at all so again he's talking bollocks and when you consider how many people view jetti as an authority on how to live your life and Trust every word he says this is mental to just go on your own website and just write flagrantly like yeah yeah this is signed off by these people just without a [ __ ] care in the world that anyone would ever check anything you're saying think about how normal people think how you and I would think about that we wouldn't write that it's one thing lying a little bit to get your first job it's another thing when you've got so many people spending 7 and a half Grand per course believing everything you're saying and you're doing it on the sea of oh these people classify everything as legit when you consider if what he's saying is true that there's 1,600 people bought this course and that he's made roughly 12 million quid on that so the journalist then contacts the universities listed on the website and they denied any connection with j shett school [ __ ] me me in fact the University of Chichester the communications officer said in an interview I am very unhappy that we are included on the website we are unsure as to why we are being mentioned and we will be immediately asking to get our names taken off since the article was published The Universities have been removed from the website so that is an acknowledgement that it was complete and utter [ __ ] even imagine you spend 7 and a half Grand of your hard earned money on this so the journalist digs a little deeper and he goes and Rings up one of the um advisers for a half an hour introductory call uh to the J Shetty certification school that's where he learned how much it cost and what it is about which is becoming a fully qualified life coach so the guy on the call claimed that he done the course himself and that through it he was able to make 10 grand a month doing the course of course the journalist then asks well if you're making that kind of money why the [ __ ] are you on the call to me selling the course why aren't you off being a [ __ ] life coach to all these people he says he made just as much working as an enrollment adviser for Jetty as he would going off and being a life coach anyway because he was working on commission now that does make me wonder if he did the course made [ __ ] all money as a life coach and realized the only way he was going to make any money was by working for J Shetty working on commission and the only way you can get commission is if you tell the people who are going to buy the court that it's great and you'll make all this money when an actual fact you'll just end up selling the [ __ ] course again for jhett if any of these [ __ ] YouTubers our podcasters tell you they've got all the answers be very skeptical the adviser said it really aligns with my purpose you can hear the script he's reading from C with life coaching I impact one person or I can be here and help people like you who are going to go on and impact thousands of people do you know what I imagine right now I imagine him he's got the phone down and he's doing the [ __ ] what wolf for Wall Street [ __ ] now to be fair if you're selling something that actually helps people it may not have that bad of consequences but if you're selling Psych ological help this could be disastrous if you're not actually qualified and no one is signing off on anything you're saying he has a promo video that J made to get people to enroll on the course I want you to have the same incredible opportunity to harness your potential that I've enjoyed in my own life has anyone ever said nah I don't really want to harness my potential it's one of those things that anyone is going to be like yeah sounds interesting the first thing to note as we embark on our journey to learn about the roles and processes that a life and success apply is that it is not a unilateral process oh I love that because if there's one thing that you can measure and actually track progress of its unilateral processes the more gray and vague it is the harder to realize if it's actually worth anything the relationship is symbiotic this means that together as a coach and client we learn from each other yeah I I can imagine that would go down well when someone sits in front of me and goes ready for the life coaching and I thought I thought you were teaching us today cuz it's not only me symbiotic you me we're going to learn from each other so you can take it today so what is life and success coaching I'm waiting to find out we've been a minute into this video you still not put his finger on it from experience I know that everyone has a different definition and expectation of what a life coach is and what they do I'm still waiting on you telling me bro there's another sentence come by the Crux is that a life or success coach helps people discover their best self by doing what ready and waiting any minute now in already lies an important Extinction well you've been waffling for an hour and a half now so come on get to it life coach views a client's challenges and potential objectively as a third party well yeah you would do because you're not living their life from Life coaches act as a mirror reflecting to clients the answers to find within them I've never done someone say so much and actually say so little what do you do spit it out I always say you're not providing answers I'm not providing answers what do you want from me I'm a life coach this is mental this like I can't believe people fall for it you know you're guiding clients to discover their own answers without me you wouldn't be able to find your own answers with me you will find your own answers through you doing the work that I'm watching as a third party it's not about me we'll get there together through you on your own as I watch getting paid that's a life coach in case you wondering quite easy this I feel like I'm ready if you would like to enroll in the true Jordy life coaching process links in the description below £50,000 per course in for fortunately but if you want results through you doing the work while I watch that's going to cost you coach appreciates that each client is unique they start in different places you can't track it everyone's different stop putting expectations on me as a coach you're all different just because someone else got results doesn't mean you will they move at different Paces they want something different we're all different everything's different nothing is the same and nothing changes by staying the same and that's something that you've got to work out on your own I can't hold your hand they are the experts and change makers they're already experts they don't need our help I don't even know ID yet people PID 7,400 quid for this sh how does this happen I'm the dumbest podcaster cuz I could have been doing this [ __ ] years ago I was trying to make you all like entertained and help your mental health with little stories and stuff i' have a [ __ ] Ferrari the conductor of their own Orchestra you're the conductor of your own Orchestra I'm just in the audience jaring this is a great song the life coach is like the sound and light technician in the background always making sure that the best conditions exist to create the most awesome results this is the most bollock I've ever listened to life coaching to have the most profound influence on a receptive client's life but if you're not receptive this isn't going anywhere and maybe that's on you maybe you're the problem they can work with almost anybody in any field I can work with anyone anyone with money absolutely no problem if you got the 7 and 1/2k I'm ready price just went up sorry leaders athletes business people and entrepreneurs to celebrities anyone with loads of money so someone's done a little review of the course let's see what they got out of it so once you have finished all the modules that you will move on to the fun part which is the unsupervised coaching like at the beginning I definitely felt a little bit of impost syndrome which is makes me feel like oh I only finished all the modules how can I coach others I thought that was the point of it you do the learning you're ready to be a life coach turns out she got ready to be a life coach and felt like she was an imposter I mean if that's not a bad sign of the course I don't don't know what the [ __ ] is to be a life coach should you not have had a [ __ ] life people who are actual life coaches should be in their 50s and 60s who've got years decades of experience in many different fields who can offer good well-rounded advice for life you're not going to get that by doing a poxy little course like this no wonder she felt like a [ __ ] imposter you are one this idea that J sh's got all the answers and you're going to get them for seven and a half man come off it the GU is a [ __ ] podcaster but that was such a normal things to feel cuz like after I talked to um my peers basically Al all of us feel the same way okay so you've all done the course and you all feel like imposters imagine my shock not one of them has gone out there and said actually I'm killing the game I feel like I'm fully ready to do this after that course wow yeah I definitely felt in the beginning I wasn't like ready enough to do it but at the same time you would never be ready to do anything in your life you just got to go do it no sometimes you are ready actually that's bollocks and this is a life coach even though I didn't know really what I was doing or how am I really supposed to coach my clients she appeared all this money and she just said I didn't know what I was doing or how I was supposed to coach my clients this is mental now this might just be a one-off I don't know maybe this [ __ ] course is fantastic and she's just one person but [ __ ] me it doesn't look good like was it expensive yes it was but is it worth to join it I think so do you know when you've just you got that sunk in cost fallacy where you're like yeah that was so worth it so he has a screenshot from a person who received these messages from J's Instagram account it's riot from Jay's team messaging from Jay shetty's Instagram account claiming that they've been working with Jay helping people unlock their passion and turn it into a real income that they can earn from home you look at the day people were working from home a lot back then remember um today Jay is looking for a few more students to work with us just a few just' got an exclusive amount left to get in on the course if you're lucky enough is it okay to ask you a couple of questions to help uh us work out if you're a good case for Jay so the person replies yeah go ahead with your questions and Jay's team member says to work with Jay we'll need to know can you spare two or three hours a week and how old are you so the person replies yes I'm 29 and the messages keep continuing uh Jay's next question is a bit broader would you mind sharing how much income per month you making right now they get straight to the [ __ ] point and obviously by the way how much income would you and the conversation goes from there you can imagine the point is is this is literally how they are using Jay's social media to reach out to get these people to part with their hard earn money now correct me if I'm wrong but if you're claiming that you've got the sort of morality of a monk and you're all spiritual using your social media accounts to to to get people to p with their money like that it's not really very monk like I'm not an expert just a Salesman aren't you and look there's nothing wrong with that be a Salesman but be honest about it and interestingly jett's ex-girlfriend is a psychotherapist of 13 years and actually is the head of mental health services at a university in the UK and she's spoke on record of the guardian and she's confirmed his story is heavily embellished she said my issue as a mental health professional is that Shetty has misrepresented his Persona his knowledge and his credentials misinforming others is not only unethical it is potentially harmful to vulnerable people she's also said that she also grew up in the iscon faith and saw Shetty join in his teenage years further confirming you know the conflicting reports of did you meet a monk later on or did you grow up within the faith Jetty has claimed that he did Behavioral Science at Cass University and for the entire time that he's developed his certification program in coaching he has claimed this online he has recently however changed this to management science bit of a brain fault that day I just forgot what degree I did it can happen I was with him actually when he was at University he did business and management science this is problematic because he developed a coaching school that is an accredited coaching School via the association for coaching now that coaching uh Association just like every other regulatory body has a code of conduct ethical guidelines and things like that that members should be adhering to and one of those is integrity and it raised a question to me which is well but maybe he doesn't actually do life coaching or maybe doesn't isn't directly involved in the teaching or the life coaching itself and he's just the CEO of a company and his own business however this this is not true question seven will I be learning the exact coaching strategy and tools used by J shett with his coaching clients the answer is yes as a j shett coach you'll be learning the exact same strategies I use with my clients my coaching this is wild man this is wild we've got someone who doesn't have the qualifications that he claimed he misrepresented his degree and then he hasn't done or hasn't shown online that he has done life coaching himself meaning trained in life coaching he has his own claims that he developed some sort of methodology from his time in India has not been adhering to the codes of conduct that his very own School must adher to to be a member of wow the first thing he talks about is the definition of a therapist a therapist like a life coach wants to help their clients move forward their objectives and approaches are very different though the foundation of therapy is based on this guy's such a genius salesman type of dysfunction such as a therapist identifying schizophrenia or a personality disorder and help the person recover their normal functions by reducing the symptoms there a therapist helps a patient return to their cognitive and emotional baseline or the way they used to feel think and act he states that therapists uh identify diagnose and cure types of dysfunction such as a therapist who identify disorders like schizophrenia and personality disorders and help them go back to normal functioning he also uses the word patient instead of client we have to remember that this person is teaching students to become life coaches to work with potentially vulnerable individuals this information his definition of a therapist is completely incorrect it's wrong even I know that just based on the fact that I know people who've had mental health issues this idea that a therapist can take someone from schizophrenic to Baseline like they were before is mental we as therapists do not cure mental health yeah we do not diagnose mental health issues um we can sometimes identify possibilities of uh mental health diagnosis but we do not knows and we do not cure and that's the thing is look at the confidence of which he says wrong information that's how they get people roped in because vulnerable people mistake confidence for competence and that is where the sale clinches it every single time what he said there is so wrong and he said it so confidently it's unbelievable so look I I don't want to overdo this video because there's probably good in this man and I'm sure that he has helped people and is it a crime for him to make money like should he is that a bad thing not necessarily like and if he is helping people then then great it there just there is some problems with what's going on here for sure his whole backstory is oh I traded in the high life for you know being a monk in spirituality and then you're literally having your team Outreach to get money out of people and then you we're we're seeing that the things that you said the course is backed up by were false and when you're presenting yourself as an authority in mental health when his ex who really is an authority in mental health has exposed that he's talking absolute bollocks a lot of the time well then we've got a problem because Millions upon millions of people listen to him and take every word he says as the truth I'll give you an example he interviewed J pinket Smith who as we all know publicly destroyed a husband like this was a man who was held up as Hollywood's leading man a ladies man men wanted to be him women wanted to be with him and Jada never was the a side she was always the backside right and she is an ass so that actually really works she publicly told everyone she cheated on him and we've all seen the clip will sat there looking like he's going to burst into tears while she talks about going with a younger man who was living under Will Smith's roof now you're thinking that's a piece of [ __ ] move surely in an interview situation she'll be challenged on that this is how J handled it when someone's trying to do deep inner healing work yeah actually more often than not their external way will not make sense oh yeah for sure because it literally looks like you're setting yourself up to fail what he's doing is saying it's all right that you acted like an [ __ ] you dismantle the ego or you're really trying to deconstruct the false identities that we all build up me included all of us like when when that is there and it's being deconstructed someone would look at you be like why would you do that like no no no what what we're saying is why would you do that publicly by all means have a private conversation with your husband but don't destroy him in front of the world cuz that end up with him being such a wreck that I don't know he tries to punch someone in an award ceremony I I just want to highlight and I want you to share about that that the intention was healing the intent abely absolutely the int I know this cuz we were talking about it the intention wasn't to yeah wasn't to save face and it surely the intention was to make sure that you were the alpha of the relationship and to destroy him that was the intention and look this interview like many other interviews with Jay and which is why he gets all of these aists aside from from the fact that he's in with that group or softball as [ __ ] and he allows all of this garbage Behavior he doesn't call out anything now in my opinion that's unhealthy but apparently oh it's all love it's all love but do you know what love is love is the [ __ ] truth and the way he just pandas to the ego of Jada is so bad and it's terrible interviewing he's literally praising her and making excuses for toxic behavior and that's not okay but it's fine because thanks for the views where's the [ __ ] credibility in podcasting gone so when I originally looked into J I thought was just this nice happy gol luuy podcaster spreading positivity the more I look into it the worse it gets and I don't really know what the truth is who is the real J Shetty and for him to just ignore this until it blows over is an option but I think if he really cares about his credibility he should address it either on his own channel or he's more than welcome to come on here I'll interview him and I'll give him a a a worthy interviewer to sit in front of him and to challenge him because a lot of this really should be addressed in my opinion let me know what you think in the comments below if you haven't already hit that like button subscribe to the true Jord YouTube channel thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 393,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ethan klein, Jay Shetty, Jay Shetty Podcast, Jay Shetty Interview, On Purpose Podcast, Jay Shetty Inspiration, Jay Shetty Motivation, Self help, Self improvement, success habits, purpose podcast, Jay Shetty relationships, Jay Shetty exposed, Jay Shetty article, Jay Shetty guardian article, H3 Podcast, Coffeezilla, Voidzilla, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tony Robbins, Kim Kardashian, Monk, Diddy, 50 cent, Andrew Huberman, Chris Williamson, Lex Fridman, Podcast
Id: mOxfYNreqM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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