Fresh & Fit EXPOSED: He Got An Escort PREGNANT (Leaked Call Reaction)

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[Music] now lately on the channel we've been looking at podcasters who like to give out life advice despite the fact that their own lives seem to be a bit of a [ __ ] show and in the interes in continuing that today we're going to talk about fresh and fit now if you don't know who fresh and fit are they are the number one selfimprovement podcast for men in the world it's hosted by fresh and fit themselves although their real names are myON and Walter which wouldn't have had the same ring to it myON I am a bit familiar with some of his quotes and I see things of his on social media he's written a book called why women deserve less which does sum up a lot of what I've seen him say in the past now to try and boil down their content for people who've never seen it someone who doesn't really watch it I'll be honest it's generally get your money up young men out there go to the gym don't take no [ __ ] off any woman in fact you're above women women are beneath you and to illustrate that we're going to get on a bunch of only fans chicks and Instagram thoughts and dunk on them and show how intelligent we are by comparison to them to prove our point and this is a Rin to repeat formula we've seen all over the Internet many different shows are using with these Instagram thoughts where they make the men the hosts look way more intelligent than you are because these women shouldn't be on a talk show they're literally making money off of how beautiful they are they're not being paid for how they talk and what they've got to say so you're setting them up for failure from the second they walk through the door but they don't mind because as long as people find out who they are want to buy their only fans they're winning now the problem is when you make your name dunking on these Instagram thoughts saying how silly they are and how stupid they are then one of them gets pregnant by you and Records the phone call of you asking her to get an abortion and that's today's video the irony is horrendous but I do have a smidgen of compassion because let's be honest the way she's leaked this video it's every man's worst nightmare so let's hear it I want the baby because I don't want to kill the baby I don't want to kill nobody you're not they just give you a pill and it's over you've got a thing for a start why is she recording this call she knew before she made the call he doesn't want this baby and she did this as a form of a power play either to blackmail him or to post it online in order to ramp the pressure up because it's it's a lot harder for him to dismiss this ignore this and walk away from a child when the entire internet know this is the situation and that's why she's using language like I don't want to kill the baby because it's it's very extreme it's shocking and she's aware this is going to be played at a later date so this is for our benefit I'm pregnant no but that's what I'm saying the pill they just give it to you from the doctor and then you're good I am pregnant she doesn't give a [ __ ] about what he wants at all this is not about you bro I've secured the bug can't pretending like nothing happened I can't in My Religion we don't care is part of your religion just shagging around unprotected sex just not having a a wedding ring on cuz I'm going to assume given most religions all that way that you should have been married beforehand if you were that religious oh religion didn't apply when she was getting raw dog [ __ ] down by him it didn't matter then but now it matters you're not killing okay I feel like he's aware that he can't trust her here by the the way he just goes okay okay okay cuzz a lot of men at this point would be freaking out and he's actually fairly calm yet I want to keep the baby okay well like I said I just don't want any kids know okay so what you going to do what are you going to do a very provocative question there like what are you going to do about it then he can't do anything you know that I think that that she's digging a little bit trying to get a reaction and he is doing a fairly good job here in maintaining his position of look I don't want any kids being quite calm because you know as a man this is going to [ __ ] your life and that's emotional that's traumatic and what you going to do to me what are you going to do to me that right there she is almost begging him to make a threat she wants to catch him out here that's why she's recording the call she's Poison by the way that is poisonous when you're provoking someone while recording it knowing you're going to leak it later and he's just said look I'm going to do nothing as much as I'm not a fan of these guys I'm also truthful and I I think he's handling it okay at this point but it does make you wonder for people who give advice out for young men how to live their lives you got this kind of woman pregnant your judgment a great Paul so before you start giving advice out [ __ ] me you've got a lot to learn well why I do anything to you nothing oh this is so poisonous no I know so like how you going to deal with this by by saying I don't want a baby that's all to the doctor I guess so you want abortion have we not made that clear I feel like this I should be this guy's lawyer at this point Jesus Christ you know he wants an abortion and why do you make me pregnant now well clearly he wanted a Shug you love and doesn't mean he wanted to have a kid with you we all know that they are not the same thing and funny all thing she's saying why do you make me pregnant as if she was just like not even involved in the whole matter it's in your body it's definitely your responsibility too am I wrong you know there's like 30 or 40 contraceptive pills out there that she could have taken one and clearly this man was Road dogging it but when he was I without given his reaction he was under the illusion that she wasn't on a pill of some form so just think about it it's meant to be it's meant to be it's like a miracle like Jesus well you're religious you'd know maybe it had nothing to do with him and God put it there that would be a bit of a let down if the second coming of Jesus was to an Instagram thought not really the same as a baby in a Manger God wants you to have the baby wow she actually did say that I was joking [ __ ] hell it was God's plan Drake gave away money he's giving away babies same thing really definitely not it is God want you to have a baby seven years never happened and then you're Rel in a Rel you're [ __ ] me for a month and I'm pregnant a month [ __ ] bro a month obviously it's enough time for you to get a pregnant but like it's nowhere near enough time for you to decide whether or not you want to spend the rest of your life with some woman parenting a child man she didn't give a [ __ ] she was like I'm getting pregnant to you m now I just think about if like if you forc me to kill the baby then you are a Sin pretty much this is mental that this blog gave advice out to young men about like what kind of women you should be going with and this is the kind of woman he's got pregnant so the theory after that video dropped online was that she was a Chinese escort that he'd sort flown over to spend time with to [ __ ] but it wasn't anything serious well the internet has done a little bit of digging and proved that it may have been more serious than that for a start she met his mother now I thought this guy was supposed to be a pimp I thought he was supposed to know the game and how to handle women mate you introduced her to your mother that's the point where she becomes in her mind she's wifey and waiting she's your girlfriend at the very least you don't introduce a [ __ ] body to your mother you're wondering where she got ideas of getting pregnant from you [ __ ] put them there when you made her a part of the family I'm disappointed I've got to say I mean you introduce her to your mother what's next giving her gifts actually yes that that is that is what's next he's an amateur what can I say he bought her a van clef bracelet worth 30 grand and she's even posted the receipt God this is good so she posted a video of them walking along together on Instagram with the caption I'm just a girl who was deceived by a love veteran for so-called love he took me to meet his family and promised me to have a baby together I came out of the United States without hesitation alone that might play into this whole Chinese escort story now I found out even my Instagram account where I can speak was hacked by him don't I even have basic human rights or is it just because I'm a foreigner just a reminder she leaked a full conversation with him first and now she's claiming she's the victim bullying me and my child like this I mean come on don't make me defend him bullying the baby oh is it feelings hurt come on dad give us a break I really want to be on your side love but it's really hard not to hate you both I have been exhausted these days well I mean editing conversations down like that can be tiring right seeing him slander me online and deliberately smearing me oh my God the hypocrisy my heart really hurts did your heart hurt when you a dis the dirt on him online did it I can't think that the person I love would be like this why is he like a devil he used to say I love you and now he calls me a [ __ ] I mean you've acted like a bit of a [ __ ] you link this [ __ ] conversation to the world you made him look like a [ __ ] I'm not want to try and call women [ __ ] out here I do try and refrain from it if I can help it but if that's not [ __ ] then what the hell is so she's done a video/ Liv stream on our Instagram where she talks for 47 minutes and from the smidgen of it I've watched it's complete waffle but we'll give it a world I'm not saying I'm naive or innocent It's just sometimes when things happen you're in a foreign country you have to protect yourself she really protected herself by recording that call and uploading it he was saying I don't want the baby I don't want a baby well this is actually happening wow this is true I can't believe this is happening what the [ __ ] you can't believe this is happening this is a man who gives advice out to young men out there we need to Gaff tape his [ __ ] mouth shut immediately and now a word from from our sponsors so a lot of yous know I love a game of poker love the casinos and I've now found my favorite new game online which is BET kit there's lots of different games you can play on the site one of the games I love obviously is roulette you can pick any table you want I chose this one I don't know why I just felt lucky my bet is 11 10 13 black and 14 red come on oh do you know what this one feels possible for me 26 black 29 black 28 black 25 red yes get in come on now this game you basically have to open different boxes and hope to avoid the mines you know so you get a good box fingers cross this as a good box bad box angry face so we have to see how many times I 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enjoy the games but for now enjoy the video by having sex by having unprotected unprotect sex with your girlfriend he know what's going to happen right there's a reason why she wants to keep a baby to a guy that she met 2 minutes ago he's not a [ __ ] janitor he's not sweeping the roads the man is making a lot of money online he bought her a $3 [ __ ] th000 bracelet that's why she wants to keep the [ __ ] baby let's not kid ourselves here people are asking in this chat yeah what how did he get her bro why do you think right she's not with him for his looks no offense she's W for the cash it's an exchange yeah and she thought I'll get pregnant and secure the [ __ ] bag and she's done just that he thought I'll shager have a good time and when I'm done I'll move on to the next one he [ __ ] up they are using this for money they are still trying to use the the everything like every like they don't feel ashamed about it they're still making money from it she's annoyed because she wanted them to feel ashamed so that she could then get her own way basically and the money is very much on our mind of course I'm emotional of course I need my baby father is supporting me but he's not supporting me maybe before you got pregnant you should have thought am I in a relationship where if I get pregnant I'm going to be supported by him and that we have been together for a significant amount of time to prove that this is a long-term sustainable relationship before we bring a child into the world have you thought about that was that not on your radar I guess not I wonder why maybe because this baby is a [ __ ] paycheck and you don't give a [ __ ] about the environment you're bringing the baby into you just want that money the first thing he said I don't want the baby what the [ __ ] you don't want a baby don't come inside me my God my God you're a grown woman you bust it wi for him you took to come inside you but let's not talk about that let's blame it all on him and look I'm not victim blaming for anyone who's to say that the the real victim in this is the child and that's why I'm a bit pissed off because there's another baby going to be created that isn't really wanted by both sides here but it's being brought into this world to secure the bag that's the last reason a child should be born but it's becoming more and more common and ironically if the laws weren't what they were and in order to get half of a man's paycheck a man had to be in a consenting situation where he's consented to wanting a child with you whether that be for a meaningful period of time in a long-term relationship or officially married before you were entitled to any of his money while having a child with him what impact do you think that would see if women couldn't just have a one night stand or a quick fling and get pregnant to a rich guy and then secure the bag and they actually had to have written consent from a man to say I am I am consenting into having a baby with you and therefore I'm a committed father what do you think would happen if we had a situation like that all of a sudden women would be more incentivized to be in committed long-term relationships before having a child where the father would then be more likely to be present and therefore it will be a better environment for all children out there but God forbid we give father some rights around here you know the ironic thing is I'm not allowed to sign a contract while I'm under the influence because it's legally binding and Lasting for the rest of my life but I can bust a nut in any woman's [ __ ] clap them cheeks and get her pregnant and be committed to the next 18 years of my [ __ ] wages while I'm pissed drunk at 3:00 in the morning on Saturday night and that's fine it doesn't make sense so my the best friend of fresh who's got the girl pregnant did a stream on his own and basically just lashed out a lot of you [ __ ] are jellyfish no [ __ ] spine and that's the reason why a lot of you [ __ ] are fat triple chin neck bearded pieces of [ __ ] [ __ ] dorks with no money and no one [ __ ] respects you because you [ __ ] don't stand for nothing I feel like this is myON really hurting at the fact of everything he's built fresh and fit to stand for is kind of being laughed at right now because what is happening to them is the complete opposite of what they preach about he's finger pointing a lot because he feels like the the spotlight is firmly on them I stay with my [ __ ] friends period all right some of your [ __ ] need to get a [ __ ] Spa you jellyfish SpongeBob in the [ __ ] pineapple house he's having a real freak out yeah and it's ironic cuz the people commenting on it saying it's emotional it's AFF feminite it's unhinged it's everything men should not do by his own admission and apparently they deleted this stream for that reason afterwards I think he's probably not proud of it the one thing I will say at least he's standing up for his mate I'll give him some credit for that but he's lost it I'm tell you [ __ ] leave FR leave FR he's all you do he's all you done well [ __ ] you all right I don't even make a [ __ ] cent off this [ __ ] podcast I'm fine if there's one thing I've learned about life is when someone goes I'm fine they're usually not fine my real estate will take care of me cuz I knew that if I want to say what the [ __ ] I want to say and not sell my soul I need to go ahead and bu build residual income coming in every [ __ ] month I can sit here and tell you [ __ ] haters [ __ ] you the fact that he's supposed to be like this bulletproof sort of manly man and he's reacting like this he's exposing himself when it isn't even his life it's his mate's life and he's making himself look like a [ __ ] tit here I have my soul I have my spine I have my Integrity I got my 10 toes and my two feet and I [ __ ] stand where the [ __ ] I'm going to stand and if I die there I'll die there with a smile on my face cuz I can look in the [ __ ] mirror and be happy with the man that I see you [ __ ] [ __ ] he thought this is his Brave heart moment they can take our lives but they'll never take our freedom no it's not that there's no [ __ ] War there's just a chick with a baby Insider wanting paid you [ __ ] losers that sit there and say oh it's getting Rocky mared you should leave why do you stand by S do you stand by the T do you still think they're human TR FR is the idiot why you still there Chris drinks too much hey shut the [ __ ] up that's why no one respects you [ __ ] cuz you don't stand for anything this is the point though we're saying you don't stand for what you're saying you literally been bashing these kind of women meanwhile you're [ __ ] wiing them up practically we've been through hell together we had people come at us we've had death threats at us people [ __ ] laugh at every time we [ __ ] go through some [ __ ] people make allegations on us he can barely breathe right now do you know what he's saying people have talked about us that's it [ __ ] me you're sit and talking to a microphone it's hardly the end of the [ __ ] world you know who was around me the whole [ __ ] time these [ __ ] guys he thinks this is Wolf for W Street it's not I've had people sectioned for less than this sorry Dad 3 years later police some [ __ ] that Mak the same [ __ ] again I can see why I deleted this I can't be bought no one's trying to buy you you're the one doing the pain she's getting paid that might have been an idea though how much for the abortion come on how much what we talking put a number on it 30 grand for the bracelet it's going to be upwards of 100 for sure so as if things couldn't get any worse myON then goes on the podcast and exposes the woman in question the baby mama as a sex worker we were thinking that she was just some Instagram thought taking a few dirty photographs or whatever online for a few quid no she's actually a full-blown hooker you're making it worse myON just stop talking pal in this photo that you guys can see here we can see Jin Chen with meeting up with a potential client you're snitching on yourself she's your baby mama you can p an hour St go for 1 hour doesn't mean you going to stay 1 hour then I will stay here for 1 hour then because for you 1 hour is enough you said 2 or 3 hours I cannot stay for 2 3 hours you can't stay for 2 or 3 I honestly the is on you to make this experience wonderful so I want to see you again okay so let's get started are you sure yeah we've got proof that she is definitely 100% a prostitute a woman who sells sex for money if you're introducing women to your mother there supposed to be the crem de laem the best of the best he's introducing prostitutes to his mother and buying them jewelry and treating them like wifey raw dogging them you broke every rule in the [ __ ] book and you claim to write the book you claim to give all the advice out to these young Lads I had a friend of mine translate this for me as you guys will know I play OverWatch right and I have a buddy I call him the China man and uh he went ahead and kindly translated this police report for us and we have it for y'all here oh no at about 1940 on evening of August 27 2018 the reporter canceled the police station to report that he met with a Chinese woman at about 12:00 noon on August 27th 2018 basically she was a hooker in China as well I wonder if she was one of the better ones which is why she's over here like sometimes a bit like football right you do well over there come over here play in the big leagues I hope you're watching this right now [ __ ] crying because you've been exposed okay like you you need to go back to China China China a [ __ ] visa for some odd reason you're still paying $5,000 a month for rent in New York I don't know how you can afford that when you're not supposed to be working how are you making money you shouldn't be working while you're here oh he's really threatening I know he's getting quite legal on so since then they've got a lawyer on the podcast who's explained that she's broken the law by releasing the audio she shouldn't even be in the country working let alone doing sex work so this whole thing is [ __ ] up and they're going to try and go after her legally it seems meanwhile she still got his baby inside of her and is still going to need some way to support this kid and I don't think sex work is the long-term answer so what a [ __ ] mess this is and it goes back to what I've been saying in my past few videos is be careful who you listen to especially podcasters cuz most of them are full of [ __ ] don't forget to hit that like button stay subscribed to the true Jordy YouTube channel thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 115,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: king of nothing, Fresh and Fit, Myron Gaines Exposed, fresh and fit exposed, Aba N Preach, Law of Distraction, Myron Gaines, Andrew Tate, Kevin Samuels, Red Pill, Destiny, Stand Out TV, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Candace Owens, Sneako, Adam22, Pearl, Mohammed Hijab, H3 Podcast, H3, Ali Dawah, FLAGRANT, Andrew Schulz, whatever, Logan Paul, Jake Paul, KSI, SPEED, Akademiks, No Jumper, FreshandFit
Id: gzHl1XJBNcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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