Douglas Murray hits out at Australian senator after Elon Musk comments

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now on this program I'm not supposed to have a favorite regular but I confess I do and it's this next guest he's the bestselling author of groundbreaking works the war on the west one of the best books you will read The Madness of crowds and the strange death of Europe Douglas Murray let's start in Australia this week we have the albanesi government going to war against Elon Musk desperately trying to uh censor and even ban they consider violent or hateful or even harmful content the Australian prime minister has called Elon Musk arrogant his home affairs minister has called him a megalomaniac and we even have Senator Jackie lambi who wants to throw Elon mask in jail so when it comes to the tech billionaire like I've already said I think he's a social media knob with no social conscience he has absolutely no social conscience someone like that should be in jail and the K be thrown away that BL should not be have a right um to be out there on his own IDE ideology platform throw him in jail and throw away the key Douglas how important is X as a free speech platform and should bureaucrats like Australia's e safety commissioner being empowered to take down tweets for our protection I I think we've just seen there a very good example reita of of why Twitter and other Free Speech platforms are necessary uh which is that uh otherwise you have uh bureaucrats and others who appoint themselves the uh the the boundary beater and the town crier and much more of the Public Square lby says it because she she thinks she thinks that Twitter uh ex um owner Elon Musk doesn't have a social conscience that that he should be thrown in jail was that just a rhetorical flourish I don't think so actually I think people like her think genuinely that they should have the power to uh uh not just police but arrest uh uh the Public Square and that's that that's an extraordinary demonstration of why members of the public in country after country actually do need to have platforms X like every other platform goodness knows has its problems but it's a demonstration of why we need platforms that can effectively um live above and alongside uh um these these sorts of figures you know otherwise we have this just um permanent uh effectively thumb to our throat uh of people like lambi uh saying you know if you don't agree with me and what I've got on board within I don't know the last six months then you're not just uh reprehensible you're not just appalling but you have no place in our society and unfortunately as people like her sometimes find out uh the people they believe don't have any place in society quite often turn out to be uh what we used to call the General Public now Douglas call me cynical but it seems the government is preoccupied with removing this this footage of an alleged terrorist event in Sydney from X because it doesn't want to talk about the broader issues things like importing hatreds assimilation issues exm and it's looking at censorship as a way to uh curb these difficult questions and as an answer to polarization and populism C can a case be made that if we do have these greater controls on Free Speech we will have a less polarized Society well look I mean first of all I should just say I mean there is serious problem in the social media age of people getting it's not just images they shouldn't get but images we wouldn't have got in the past particularly brutal images I'm sometimes stunned when I you know open X in the morning and you know I see stabbing or something I just s ah I didn't need to start the day uh with that and I think there is a sort of issue about the the filter which which the mainstream media used to put on particularly really violent uh things that we just were told about and we trusted um but we didn't need to see you remember the old news reporter line of you know if you don't want to see this or Look Away now uh but there was definitely filtering to protect us from ultraviolent scenes um and you know that seems certainly to have burst but what we're really talking about here with issues of you know scenes like the appalling attack on the Sydney priest is not actually uh as far as I see it people saying we just don't want people to see Violent content per se it is we don't want you to see this bit of violent content and it always tilts in One Direction if it had been a I don't know a white racist sort of killing or assault of a black uh person or an indigenous person uh I would imagine that the authorities would be very very wary at least of saying no no no this footage can't get out there what I'm saying is there is there and there has been a pattern of sort of one directional desire for censorship and we all know where that comes from it comes when officials politicians and others don't know what to do with a major problem and so go on really hard on the secondary problem the problem here is not the footage of this young man allegedly uh on camera stabbing at a priest it is the problem that such a thing would happen in the first place in Sydney in 2024 that's the problem but but people find it so much easier and I've seen this for two decades now they find it so much easier to go onto secondary problems what do we do about censorship online what do we do about online radicalization and much more no the problem is one to do with your immigration policies your integration policies your radicalization policies and much more but but that seems to be Beyond them so so off they go debating a video well you wrote about this very thing in in the in your book The Strange death of Europe about the West's self-loathing and the mass immigration that we have seen uh that was back in 2017 and you you warned that Europe is committing suicide or at least its leaders had decided to commit suicide and right as you were releasing that book we got this warning from the United Arab Emirates foreign minister shik Abdullah Bin Zed al- Nayan who warned that we would see Terror attacks coming out of Europe thanks to the ignorance of their leaders and and the desperation I guess to be politically correct let's revisit that uh particular speech let me say this in English so you can understand what I'm saying there will come a day that we will see far more radical extremist and terrorists coming out of Europe because of lack of decision making trying to be politically correct or assuming that they know the Middle East and they know Islam and they know the others far better than we do and I'm I'm sorry but that's pure ignorance and now Douglas we have the police warning Jewish people to hide their Star of David necklaces or threatening to arrest them if they're looking openly Jewish in London uh we've got to that point very quickly yes we have Rita as you say we've got there very quickly things have been normalized today which would have been Front Page News for weeks uh um just a few years ago um the fact that as you say you know um we have uh priests being attacked at the altar we have um Jews uh afraid to walk the streets of Western cities um and so on you know the problem here all of the discussion around this rer as you very well know everything around it is always um fearful because of a number of things people are fearful about addressing this because they are sometimes they're afraid of physically for their own safety and sometimes they're they're afraid because they're afraid of what they're going to be called for instance if if you say what our emirati friend there just said and you don't have the advantage of being from where he is dressing as he does looking as he does and having his name you'll be called an islamophobe and perhaps even a racist and you know for some years I've been thinking about this and I say you know um anyone who doesn't think that there's a problem within Islam doesn't know enough Muslims and they should really get out there and make some Muslim friends because if they knew any Muslims if they were friends with any Muslims they'd know that all Muslims know that there's a problem all Muslims know what our emirati friend there was talking about they're not ignorant about it they know what's happened to their co-religionists among others they know how apostates are treated within Islam they know how reformers are treated they know how Shia and Sunni are at each other's necks and have been for a millennum and a half um they know this they know there's a problem but the only people who can't talk about that are the people of the countries who have been experiencing immigration from Muslim countries in very large numbers and if that migration was all of uh secular um or secularized Progressive reformist open-minded Live and Let Live we respect the the the the traditions of the country we're moving into types then you know Allelujah I'd say to coin a phrase but but that isn't the case because of our immigration policies because of our lack of integration policy because nobody really knows what they're doing with so-called integration policies we've been importing an awful lot of people and you can choose your number we' been importing an awful lot of people who think very differently from you and me and most other people who thought there was a settlement in our countries there was a poll just the other day in the UK um about support of Hamas among British Muslims and it was only a minority of British Muslims that were willing to condemn or say that they opposed Hamas well that's not problem for Israel that's a problem for Britain it is and you are so right uh as you know my family is from a Muslim majority country we had to flee the islamists uh when the Islamic revolution happened and and this ignorance in the west about uh the extremist elements within the religion I'm not talking about uh Muslims who just follow their faith and and and are not extremist in any way we're talking about the islamist here the ignorance of that is profound and and it is rooted in this desire to be inclusive and politically correct and not sometimes State the bleeding obvious and we're seeing this anti-west sentiment uh over and over again this example in the UK Oxford University scrapping its St George St George's Day event but hosting and eat dinner instead the telegraphs reporting on the banquet to Mark the end of Ramadan replacing the formal celebration of England's patron saint which stretched back decades I mean this is just a tiny example Douglas but we have that happening right here in Australia where there is this reluctance to celebrate our national holiday Australia day but every other celebration well that's embraced that's absolutely right it's it's astonishing they'll fly the flag they'll fly any flag uh on Oxford Street in London apart from our national flag um you know the lgbtqia plus uh um uh weird Fringe of a Lobby uh recently came up with a brand new uh pride flag which is one of the ugliest things ever but no sooner had they invented this ugly flag with a sort of triangle pointing into a weird anyhow the point is no sooner they come up with this um genius marketing Ploy than that flag was all throughout Oxford Street all throughout the center of London by order of the mayor sadik Khan uh um uh you know we had Ramadan lights uh up across oxa street this year thanks to sadik Khan and others uh St George's day um there didn't seem to be doesn't seem to have been uh a cross of St George in sight and some of this comes you know Rita I mean you don't know whether to laugh or cry some of it comes very close to home the college uh that made this decision at Oxford is my old college mlin and uh I read this with amazement because I'm all for being inclusive I'm all for saying you know if we have students of different backgrounds we'll have a you know they can have celebration here the Jewish students here the Christian students here the the Muslim Students there but but but part of the point of freedom of religion is that you don't force other people into following your rules and this uh decision not just not to celebrate St George's day but to celebrate the end of Ramadan uh is a dinner the dinner in Hall to celebrate Ramadan this is where all of the students and the professors have dinner and I'll tell you a sign that this is about this is about something other than just being nice to each other the dinner was nonalcoholic nobody could drink at the dinner uh in respect to uh Ramadan now I can tell you Rita having spent a number of years in that institution uh um the idea of a dinner at my college with no alcohol is absolutely foreign to me I wouldn't recognize it I reckon that that most people will be an utter shock uh at that but the point is is there's a serious thing underneath this you know you want to celebrate your religion and not drink fine but you know your religion is not my religion so if I want to drink at the I should have the right to do so and not have to change my habits to be in line with your religious beliefs but this is another example just the latest reader as you well know is this is just the latest of this thing of it's all said to be equality and it's not about equality it's about something else and a lot of it is about submission uh that's uh particularly if you live in a Muslim majority country as I did for a number of years now finally I got to touch on this wonderful piece you wrote about the Triumph of the brilliant and brave head Mistress of the uh exceptional free school in the UK called Mia I've had Katherine bble sing on this program she has just achieved the most remarkable academic results for her students many of whom come from the most disadvantaged socioeconomic groups and yet she has been relentlessly attacked tell me about this latest campaign against her and her school and her Triumph yes I mean she set up this uh School more than 10 years ago as you said it's not only incredibly diverse but but compris of some of of people children from very deprived socioeconomic circumstances the school has proved itself in an unbelievable way it now outperforms almost any other schools uh in the country and she has shown Katherine burbling has shown that you don't need a lot of money to improve education goodness though they don't have any more money than any other school in fact rather less but what you need is discipline dedicated teachers and being taught the basics of of of your what will become your personality rather than you know you've got a magic personality tell us all about it you eight-year-old um and uh the school has performed exceptionally it's demonstrably all the other schools set up at the same time by sort of leftist doctrina have failed miserably and this school has excelled they were recently taken to court by a um a Muslim pupil and her parents because this school that believes in in in there being no place of religion in the school uh said that there couldn't be Mass prayers of I mean all connects doesn't it um couldn't be Mass prayers by uh Muslim Students in the playground they tested this they went against the school and eventually the family amazingly found money I don't know where from uh to take the school to court and it went all the way to the high court Katherine bble sing one and the school won on the basis that the family knew that they were signing up not to a madrasa uh but to a school that wanted to have religious boundaries and Katherine bble one but but but but all of this is to say there's a very important Point here why why should it be that a school which demonstrates Excellence which has a very clear guiding policy that demonstrate that has now shown itself in the grade room to be exceptional exceptional why should it be that it's that school that is attacked not just by some um islamists and so on but by leftists the teaching unions the labor party and others why do they attack this school instead of saying hey this is so amazing we want every school to follow this we want a thousand melies uh in the next five years they do it Rita because the success of Katherine burbling shows the failures of her critics there is school after school that has tried the leftwing approach to education and the one that says that you shouldn't have discipline because discipline is bad for the pupils and stops their free expression and much much more no she has shown up the leftwing trade unions and others to be utterly incapable and inep it's not an issue of money it's an issue of ethos in the school so I say three cheers for Katherine burbling which she should never have been put through these trials because she's an utter hero she is an absolute hero that the trials she went through just to get this school up because they tried to stop her even before the school began and the results as you spoke about extraordinary and her students are happy they love her they love the school and it's all about Back to Basics learning it strips out the indoctrination it's about teacher-led learning not the students letting the lunatics run the Asylum and it works surprising well not surprisingly it works so Douglas Murray always a pleasure thank you so much for your time this evening
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 505,280
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Keywords: 6351671920112, fb, msn, opinion, ritapanahi, yt
Id: 67DmnzuG-AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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