Andrew Huberman EXPOSED: The Secret Life of the Playboy Neuroscientist

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[Music] so another podcaster is being celled this time for shagging too many women terrible isn't it this man is jacked handsome intelligent and he's got a great beard I know what you're thinking it's not me now this is 48-year-old Andrew huberman who actually is a professor of Neurology and Opthalmology at Stanford University now you might have seen the guy before on Joe Rogan podcast like that where he will offer up hacks to improve your life using science-based evidence as to why you should have X amount of s or do ice baths or all of that other crazy [ __ ] people are doing these days that might not sound crazy to you but you know why do you have to just post about your ice bath all the time imagine people from the past seeing us doing this and they we like with this so you've got hot running water but you're choosing to jump in a bath full of ice cuz you think it makes you live longer right okay but it would seem that a lot of people have found benefit from listening to Andrew huberman give advice on how to live a healthier life now on to the consolation because the New York Magazine have done a expose about this guy detailing how we had six women on the go at one time and journalist Carrie Howley specifically seems to have been talking to one of the girls in particular interestingly this main chick that they've interviewed they've given her the nickname of Sarah and not given her real name over despite the fact that nothing to my knowledge that She's accused him of in this article is illegal which is normally the reason you would do that automatically I'm a little bit skeptical here as to how serious this is I'll read a bit of the article and you can get an idea of how it goes Sarah was someone who could talk to anyone about anything she was dewy and strong and and in her mid-40s though she looked a decade younger really we'll go with it we'll go with it with two small kids from a previous relationship for a start she was luy was even entertaining her straight off the bat she came across a scattered in the way she jumped readily from topic to Topic in conversation that would annoy me scatter brains irritating but she was in fact extremely organized she was a woman who kept track of things well I mean that's probably how she caught him cheating she was an entrepreneur who could organize a meeting a skill she would need later for reasons she could not possibly have predicted I'm already good that's because she eventually gets all the other women together and they have a little Roundup of what that's been going on basically you didn't get them either did you nah me neither should we all make each other feel better about it now a little WhatsApp group sorry I've gone already I'm going to try and give her a chance she basically got with him right before his career was about to take off and as we all know when a man's career takes off he makes a shitload more money gets a shitload more famous his options change and men are only as loyal as their options I was never sitting around him she said she cooked for him and it felt good when he relished what she had made relished uh ate ate the food he enjoyed it yeah he enjoyed it of course he did and interestingly she's added that she decided to have unprotected sex with him because she believed they were monogamous also at 4 odd you're probably not going to have a kid are you and it does feel better so I I look I I respect your decision and that is 100% her decision remember she consented she's happy to go forward that's all on you she then planned to introduce him to her family and friends at Thanksgiving and he didn't show up which yeah it's a bit crappy it's not wor with an article like but [ __ ] happens you know what I mean probably got a better offer he [ __ ] probably did though that's obviously how we was operating the article continues that huberman disappearing was something of a pattern uh as it writes the list of reasons for not showing up included a book time stamping a podcast Castell his dog wildfires and a meetings tunnel I mean he is just a busy guy though I mean his dog might have been sick wildfires is a pretty good excuse he's a [ __ ] Professor with a world-renowned podcast I'd expect them to be busy no one thinks of this when they want a man who earns more money than the average dude they think oh well you must have this just as amount of free time as an average dude does now in their digging they've also spoken to a guy who used to know huberman called Scott conney uh and he's spoken about how huberman can be a bit of a flake we established a tentative friendship and after I finished the reporting he invited me out to Oakland to hang out with him with the plan that we would head out on a two or 3day camping trip I was excited not because he was famous or any of that just because I wanted an interesting friend so you weren't excited because he was famous yet you've made a video about it he's already admitted he wasn't even close friends with him he said a tentative friendship do you make videos about everyone who makes plans with you and it doesn't happen just checking because it does seem like him being famous is a [ __ ] key component in all of this so I packed a bag I booked a ticket from Denver and I rented a car look and one but when I showed up at his house dude wasn't there I mean he he said that he had some work to do there were some text messages and there was a grant deadline I guess and he basically ghosted me for like roughly 18 hours he texted you to say he had to go to work which is why he wasn't there so he acknowledged you ghosting is not acknowledging you exist so he didn't ghost you I'm not even defending the guy but just be accurate I stayed at his house alone for the entire day with his dog Castello who was on the couch not moving very much was the dog rude for not entertaining you was the dog supposed to get you a cuper sometimes dogs don't move very much he let you into his house trusted you with his home and his pet didn't just say right [ __ ] off then as you insinuated by saying he ghosted you and he let you in while he was at work now you're making a video about it what the [ __ ] eventually we did go on some short day hikes where we talked about neuroscience and nerve regeneration they went out for a walk they had a chat just as promised it wasn't quite cing I don't know why he was looking forward to the camping withit so much I have my suspicions let me tell you I've got a suspicion that he might have packed the two person sleeping bag that's all I'm going to say it's going to be romantic in the mountains it was interesting he did say some pretty weird things about sex there I maybe I'll get into that on a different video this guy he's trying to make him sound like he's some deviant just cuz he [ __ ] didn't take you out for the full three days you [ __ ] dick making a video about it Go and cry harder imagine you're thinking about making plans with this Giza you've got him in your phone book he messages Fant you go and camp and I'm like I feel like I [ __ ] have to you might do a tell all if I don't you [ __ ] loser later he invited me to swim with sharks with him not virtual ones but real ones but he said that I would need to get a diving certification to make it happen first so I spent the summer learning to scuba dive here in Denver a mile above you already know he really fancied him now because this man learned how to scuba dive to spend more time with him he has a crush on him this is like on 10 Things I Hate About You where the guy learns French to teach the girl french it's the same [ __ ] basically he funcied him and it cost me about $1,000 and like three or four weeks of classes the guy didn't put a gun to your head and say learn how to sco die like this is your own decision there's not not a second of him taking any responsibility for the fact of I could have just said yeah I don't know how to scuba dive so I'm going to have to sit this one out mate that was an option by the way but the day before we were supposed to go he canceled that trip again I agree he's a flake absolutely fine but none of this is really nasty evil behavior and now a word from our sponsors do you want the greatest pair of underwear ever created to be touched your skin well you're in look because we are now sponsored by sheath underwear the greatest creators of underwear ever so if you're sick of underwear that's too tight or too loose sheath is for you and it's not just for you it's for the UFC because they also sponsor the UFC their stretchy fabric is made out of moisture wicking technology they're super soft keeping everything cool and comfortable and in the right place and the great thing about sheath is that they have dual pouches that keep your manp pods separated which prevents them from sticking together so if you're putting your underwear on in the morning and wanting them to still feel fresh later in the evening this is the 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even pulling the sky up on like not showing up on time or not showing up clearly if you're going to go into that level of Det anything really bad he says is going to be in here so if you're leaving open-ended it's cuz the truth isn't really that bad and actually leaving open-ended makes it sound worse than what it really was although Sarah does say I experienced his rage she recalls two or three days of yelling in a roar now the way that's written you'd assume he just yelled non-stop for 3 days it's not like that is it you had three arguments or something again remember everything is being exaggerated when he was in this state he would go on till 11: or 12 at night and sometimes start again at 2:00 or 3: in the morning it takes two to tango so her putting all of the blame on him I just don't accept I'm not saying he wasn't a prick but for you to be up in the middle of the night arguing with one another you have to have someone to argue with and again not a shred of accountability or acceptance that I also could have been better in any way shape or form and whenever that's the case I'm always skeptical because none of us are perfect she doesn't say anything about here's what we had an argument about I thought this he thought that here was his position here was my position she doesn't see any of that so because there's no context given it's entirely possible she is being completely unreasonable also and again if you're going through all this trouble to cancel am man and to put his career in jeudy we're going to need a bit more now apparently they've robed Sarah's friends into this for coming a friends it could be anyone right they could have just made it up but Sarah had said I just want to be with my kids and cook for my man and her friends apparently have said who says that I've known her for 30 years and she's a powerful decisive strong woman we grew up in a very feminist Community that's not a thing either of us would say it's a wonder she didn't end up with them isn't it I just want to be with my kids and cook for my man if your mat are saying to you that's not a thing you should really be saying is it I guarantee your mate's also a dateless wonder if I'm honest with you on what planet is wanting to be with your kids and cooking for your man a bad thing to come out with she's a powerful decisive strong woman though so apparently they can't cook for their man and look after kids [ __ ] idiots honestly a friend also added I found him very stressful around so much of this is just complete and out a waffle if you're going to do a HIIT piece you better have some solid information some facts and things that are going to outrage people this is just waffle the same friend also said I don't want to be the most negative non-supportive friend just because of my personal observations and disgust over somebody so he disgusted you did he if you're going to say someone's disgusting you've got to say what about him was it the fact that he's a scientist and very intelligent clearly a good-look dude cuz he's getting all this attention famous rich what was it I tell a li sh's actually given one example of what did it farar apparently it was cuz he said oh my dog needs his blanket this way and I'm like your dog is just laying there and super cozy why are you being weird about the blanket well well well I think we found out the real problem here call the rspca this man fusses over his dog too much I mean if there's one thing that disgusts me it's a caring pet owner so as things developed Sarah decided I'm going to have a little look through Andrew's Journal just an invasion of privacy there think of it what you want she did discover a reference to other women and she said she was gutted and he said to her um I hear that you're angry and you're hurt and I will hear you as long and as much as you need I do like the the lines there if you're good if you get caught that's a pretty good line it's a shitty thing to do obviously if they were in fact in a monogamous relationship we've only got her words to to say that that is the case obviously other women will tell you different by the sounds of it and weirdly it the article literally goes from him getting caught cheating straight to the they wanted children together it seems like she acknowledged the cheating was going on and she decided I'm all right with it do you know why I've got a hunch probably because men like Andrew huberman they're not really a dime a dozen are they you're not just going to find another one anyway so she made the decision which she isn't acknowledging here and taking any accountability for coincidence I think not it's what the [ __ ] whole article's been like that she had allowed it now that doesn't mean that I think that that that makes it fine or that huberman's golden or that he's a legend or anything like that but the point is you made the decision to continue on with the relationship and she had begun the first of several rounds of IVF um huberman denied that he and Sarah wanted to have children together but he had said that they were deciding to create embryos via IVF now that is that right so clearly there was some sort of baby making going on here which does give credibility to her side of the story being she seemed like the main chick but who the [ __ ] knows right you might have been doing this with other women as well now it then goes on to say that she actually tested positive for the clap and had caught a sexually transmitted infection which she alleged is from Andrew now the reason this is kind of amusing is because this guy is one of the smartest people on YouTube everyone thinks he's got all the answers and he's out here just running the risk man Road dog in the mall just transferring [ __ ] to this one to that one that's wild right that is [ __ ] wild for a man of 48 years old to be caught up in this level of [ __ ] it's wild and I do have empathy for her for for for going through that right it's a shitty feeling and she obviously trusted him he's bang out of order for that right and and at his age he should [ __ ] know better he apparently has denied that he was the one who gave her it I mean yes it arguably could have come from someone else before him or whatever but like realistically I'm inclined to think that there's probably some truth in this one they've then made reference to this podcast clip where huberman is talking about aair women tend to have affairs with one person and become emotionally involved with that one person over time men tend to who have affairs tend to have affairs with a larger number of Affair Partners variety you can't have longterm affairs with six different partners yeah unless he's um juggling multiple uh phone accounts or something right right right and some men try to do that but um I think it's a could be very taxing yeah well and and in this day and age it's um do you know what's funny I mean according to body language experts when we're like getting caught up in something that we're uncomfortable about we'll blink a lot this man is having an epileptic fit right now easier to meet more people by virtue of online see that's after I've said that [ __ ] me easier to get caught meaning it's harder to conceal um interactions everything's in the cloud anyway a good friend of mine who's um yeah let's get off that let's move on to another thing a good friend of mine now here's the thing when you're as smart as this dude is you probably think you can get away with that just a little note out there for all men you're all dumb even him just don't do it that's that's honestly lad honestly just don't do it man I know you might be a surprise coming from me but I'm I'm a changed man and if F can change we all can all right so now Sarah and huberman are living together and apparently his rage intensified whatever that means it you know it doesn't really give specifics she said that she felt herself getting smaller constantly appeasing apologizing to him again and again saying I've been selfish childish and confused when you get in a relationship with someone and you're living together and you know it's another level of commitment you will often find that you have to change to fit together and you will learn people's likes and dislikes and I think some of this is just PA for the course again she's not giving examples as to really what the specific issues were and huberman has denied that his rage intensified with cabit saying that he's very much in control of his emotions now obviously with a HIIT piece like this they would love to hit him where it hurts in his credentials and say that what he's saying in his podcast isn't true they've kind of tried a little bit by saying that critics say he extrapolates wildly from limited animal studies and he's basically using data to make GI leaps to give conclusions that aren't necessarily true but still there's there's nothing there they're not really hitting the nail on the head by any means they've even brought up like how far away he lives from Stanford University as a sign of like oh is he really doing all these studies at Stanford is he really this guy and Stanford have literally cooperated his entire story but yeah he's he's here he works he's doing all the studies everything he says is true which is embarrassing for these people you've dug and you've dug and you've dug and all you've got is he cancels sometimes and he's been you know having a few women on the go all right it's not perfect is he supposed to be oh he's in the public eye so he's supposed to be I forgot about that now when it comes to talking about the other women that huberman had on the go Sarah would talk to huberman about them apparently she said he would say that they were stalkers alcoholics and compulsive liars he told her that one of the women tore out her hair with chunks of Flesh attached to it let's be honest that could be true though like this man is a good-looking block celebrity all his money women don't want to lose him and they will react badly if that's the case that's possible apparently he said that one woman fabricated a story about a dead baby to entrap him I actually know people who've created stories like that to get a bloke feeling sorry for them oh I've lost your baby now I've got to look after you and feel sorry for you and boom that's how you keep a hold of him at the start I've seen that happen and look I'm not saying all of this is true and that she might even be making half of this up but like it's possible that he some of what he was saying was true now Sarah at the time apparently believed him she said well he was a celebrity he had to be careful Yeah ironic cuz one of them might be so [ __ ] crazy she goes to New York Magazine and sells a whole [ __ ] story about you one day mate so these two now go on a camp trip where they're still doing this IVF trying to get pregnant apparently she looks in his phone and finds text messages to another woman called Eve where he's making arrangements to hook up with her at the weekend that is absolutely mental and I totally empathize with her on this one like this this is not good just to be clear this is the second time she's caught him cheating she's now gone into his phone so she's clearly not trusting them anyway and she's been proven right you shouldn't trust them and they're going through IVF apparently Eve was an aesthetically beautiful actress as opposed to the non- aesthetically Beautiful People the kind of woman where it's hard to look away she was hot and she was probably hotter than the one he was with and it says while Sarah exudes a Winsome chaotic energy Eve is intimidatingly collected meaning Not only was she hot ass she was also like just better in every way so Eve apparently met Andrew on social media and they went for a swim in Venice and he complimented her form [ __ ] me this guy was just throwing dick around and look you do have to think at 48 years old if this man's testosterone is is good enough to keep Six Women occupied then he probably does know some [ __ ] ironically a lot of the the people who were supposed to be put off by huberman are kind of like yeah [ __ ] me I might need to listen to this guy not on relationships but in physiologically he's doing something right most 48- year olds can't be us to get out with the [ __ ] sofa and put their slippers on Sarah was viewing the Instagram story stories of Eve they started messaging figured it out on a call and rumbled them well and truly the weird bit is Sarah then moved out of the home but apparently claimed to have continued a committed relationship with huberman after that happened so this is the second or third time you've caught him cheating big time you've now moved out but you you're still in a relationship with him make it make sense huberman's side of the story though is that they were then separated at that point which does make a bit more sense Sarah then showed up at his house and found him on the couch with another woman she could see him through the window apparently and she had said if you're going to be a cheater don't live in a glass house not to be confused with if you're going to throw stones don't live in a glass house if you're going to cheat don't throw don't live in a glass house you have to laugh cuz this guy's been making amateur mistakes you know we've all made them but you think 48 years old being a [ __ ] scientist on this level the man who's got all the life hacks you'd at least [ __ ] think about this [ __ ] now at this point Sarah and huberman are completely broken up and he's moving on with his life she on the other hand decides to form some sort of support network for every single woman he's slept with in the past [ __ ] 3 years I understand he's completely wrong he's been an [ __ ] and he definitely deserves some criticism for that I don't think he deserves to have a [ __ ] article made about it it's [ __ ] mental it's an invasion of privacy for one thing but yes he's done some wrong things he's treated people badly but for you to spend however many hours talking to all these other women about he did this he did that what was he like with you you're wasting time where you could be out finding someone else moving on with your life it's [ __ ] sad man and it's actually pathetic if I'm being honest if I was one of their friends I'd say how man you're a good-looking woman get your groove back get out there get on a date nap there might be another professor who's six foot old and minted and famous probably not but you could look and on one of the little timelines that they did Andrew apparently had slept with Sarah in his hotel she'd left then the next day he slept with Mary oh when he was also texting Eve that day I agree it's shitty behavior and especially from a BL who's nearly 50 [ __ ] years old like come on do you not want want to settle down with just one less and make life easy for yourself and actually I do think that someone who puts himself across as an educator someone who has a lot of the answers to life probably should be living his life in a better way especially at his age I don't even think people in their 30s should be behaving that way and I found out the hard way when Fame comes yes you get a lot of attention and you handle it terribly but I think a man of his age should definitely handle it better than he has so I'm not defending the lifestyle but I also think he's a man when men get a load of attention from women and I'm going to go out on a hunt and say he's a professor he probably hasn't had the most attention for women his whole life especially not now that he's famous like this is a whole another level to anything he's dealt with he's going to [ __ ] up yeah probably but the way this is written Andrew huberman's mechanisms of control the private and public seductions of the world biggest pop neuroscientist mechanisms of control he's [ __ ] texting them organizing a shag this is like he's some criminal mastermind who's brainwashed women into being as like slaves or something the way we're talking about that kind of title mental now apparently these women are all planning some sort of weekend together in the Summer where they'll all meet up and I guess discuss more about what it was like being with him that is weird you've got to move on with life go and find a new [ __ ] blog do you know if you're a Blog who meets one of these women and you're like oh you got anything planned for the summer and they're like yeah just going to meet up with a bunch of girls oh just all friends now we were all getting shagged by the same block and we made friends and we wrote a massive article about him we thought we'll dub him in and uh make a real black mark on his name and hopefully get him cancelled what about you you you doing anything this summer you sound like a [ __ ] psycho man he cheated on them he didn't [ __ ] can kill anyone the thing that he needs to understand don't get me wrong is you're now a celebrity and what that means unfortunately for you as a wise man once told me you might have been in the between us you're now for sale every friendship you have if anything goes wrong and they're no longer on the take they'll sell the story about you if any relationship doesn't pan out the way it was supposed to in the heads of other people they'll sell their story on you you are there to be sold so you have to pick your [ __ ] people carefully close to you and no one knows this more than me it's hard and you've got to trust people and give people a chance and you will get burned but what you don't want to be doing is treating people like that so long story short do I think you should be celled not really none of it calls into question really the validity of what Andrew huberman says on his podcast to his audience and that's what I'm about you look at the jhett thing I'm looking at what is he really telling people and is his message contradicted in any way by what's really been going on in his life none of this really aside from the fact he's had a few dodgy chats about cheating on people which don't paint them in a great light it doesn't mean that any of his science is flawed anyone out there who listens to podcasters and thinks that they're always right and that you should live your life by what a [ __ ] podcaster tells you you need to think about life but no let me know what you think in the comments cuz this was a bit of a weird one should he be cancelled yes or no but most of all hit the like button subscribe to the true Jordy YouTube channel and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 152,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, chris williamson, neuroscience, addiction, Andrew huberman, Andrew Huberman podcast, huberman lab podcast, dr. andrew huberman, huberman labs podcast, andrew huberman alcohol, Brett Cooper, dr. matthew walker, managing stress, muscular endurance, masculinity, andrew huberman exposed, Huberman testosterone, True Geordie, Motivation, Build muscle, Lose fat, Science, Muscle growth, Dopamine, Body hacks, Life hacks, Mind, Sleep, Stress
Id: EAkDgUUl268
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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