The Best Of Donald Osborne On Jay Leno’s Garage

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[Music] up folks it's time to assess and caress with donald osborne if you love classic cars then donald loves you all right this episode of assess and caress is gonna be a little bit different you notice you only have two cars today well jay this segment could be called the car my father drove and the car my father didn't drive okay tell us the cars we have we've got a 1968 pontiac bonneville four-door hardtop and the 1966 pujo 404 sedan so i grew up in new york city i was born in manhattan grew up in manhattan and queens borough of new york and when you lived in new york city you didn't need a car you had the subway and the bus and took you everywhere you needed to go how horrible exactly can you imagine that people that don't drive cars incomprehensible we didn't buy our first car until i was 13 years old imagine that donald i didn't know i am so sorry i didn't know your childhood was anything like this i i'm sorry i've teased you all this year i well go and continue i'm surviving as best i can so imagine the excitement yeah sure and the osborne household right when my two brothers and i learned that my father was going to buy a car well we read all the car magazines we knew everything about cars so we said dad the car you should buy is a pujo 404. it's classic it's elegant it's like having a mercedes but it costs a lot less right and what a lot of people don't realize these were exceptionally smooth riding cars french cars comfort is everything you know we americans are obsessed with performance but the french especially this period we're obsessed with being comfortable but your dad being an american guy little four-cylinder from another country or a huge american v8 well my dad is a really really uh terrific guy very simple very very direct right and we talked to him about the pujo said this is really interesting but on the spot he coined a new word he said i'm not going to spend that kind of money for a car with no stylage no stylish no stylish it's got no stylish no stylish but this is certainly a car with stylage i mean jay walking into this room today and seeing these cars sitting side by side earl osborne was on my shoulder saying yeah yeah didn't i tell you so this was the choice absolutely he went for the v8 pontiac i still love this car it's absolutely amazing i've got great childhood memories you love it because of the memories not necessarily because exactly it's a great car my heart is still with a classic pinafrina design of this pujo let's do our appraisal i would probably go with the bonneville because of the name and the prestige factor this is still i think to the non-purist just kind of a regular car that doesn't really have a lot of style all right donald which of these vehicles has appreciated the most well we've got a 1968 pontiac bonneville four-door hardtop and the 1966 pujo 404 sedan in terms of the values they haven't as i said really sort of lit up the collector car world so five years ago the pujo would have been worth thirty nine hundred dollars today it's worth about thirty eight hundred dollars and the value of the pontiac five years ago it would have been worth eighty seven hundred dollars today you could get about 8 900 [Music] so what you're saying is you and my dad were right well donald i'm gonna do something your father was never able to do i'm going to take you for a ride in this car and we'll get your opinion to see if if if was it a childhood dream that did this fulfill everything you thought or does it just ride like an old car you ready to do it i'm 13 years old again oh my god [Applause] [Music] well we're driving in the pujo 404 my name is earl osborne i'm donald's father donald is 13. he's in the back seat and as a 13 year old what's your impression how do you like it back there this car is great it's everything i dreamed it would be smooth and elegant i feel like i'm driving in a mercedes or a rolls royce it's wonderful well we've seen how donald liked it as a 13 year old but how about as an adult let's put donald behind the wheel will it be everything he thought let's find out ah now we're cool ah now we're cruising okay but it is incredibly comfortable isn't it yeah it is it's very comfortable it's quite smooth as you said so what do you think donald do you still want one absolutely i think i do want one of these cars you want one of these it does make you feel french doesn't it how's the anthem go i lost yeah something like that you all know donald osborne our appraiser extraordinaire this episode we want to learn about appraising a modern car what goes into that this is a 2008 dodge viper acr correct yes this is a car that is practically new so what i'm looking for is what exactly is the story that it's telling us acr stands for american club racer this is a viper for the track right and this was i think the first year of the acr correct the first year of the acr limited edition car and cars like this high performance late model cars are frequently valued in the market by their mileage or lack thereof all right well let's bring the owner in his name is jeff dunham very funny comedian jeff plays clubs and theaters all across the country donald trump thank you did you buy this as a collector car did you buy it just as a fun car for the road did you buy it as a track car what was your reason it's all the above actually and you don't know this but working the comedy magic club down in hermosa beach you brought your 93 viper there and that's when i fell in love with vipers oh that's right you were just four years old i remember picking up a young boy and the policeman saying put him down that was you that was me so the dodge viper the 94 was actually the first really nice car that i bought and this thing came up for sale and i'd never had an acr and thought this sounded like a lot of fun this car sticker price was 102 000 and i paid 85 for it you had the 94 and then you buy sort of a race version of your 94. do you notice a huge difference on the street this is completely different really because this isn't just an acr this is the hardcore acr so this is 80 pounds lighter than the coupe this thing is a monster all the time well the first thing i noticed of course uh as we discussed about low mileage cars this car is 454 miles on the odometer when i examined it 454 miles is your wife still a virgin so this is how i look at any car that i appraise you look at basic things for instance you obviously start with the body the panel fit is actually very good the panel condition is excellent and considering the way it's built i'm very surprised that there's not more damage but there is a little chip out of the bottom of the spoiler here which i'm sure jeff at some point caught the edge of a driveway somewhere now this is why many appraisers are often beaten today and those are called rub strips you're supposed to rub them absolutely they're actually designed to bolt in and bolt out very easily so you can replace those now if this was your car would you replace it because of that little chip absolutely not in fact if it were my car it'd have more than 454 miles on it but the car has been used there's a small scratch here on the sill some getting in scraped their heel there's a flight yeah the record show that that did not actually cover the scratch and uh but i noticed on the chassis there's some light road dust as well as a dead moth on the radiator you know you are so screwed i thought i liked him i don't like donald anymore but things like this are the challenges of of appraising a basically new car because right i am picking these tiniest of myths right couldn't you do this to the moth really and that would be pretty much the end of the problem i'm not allowed to intervene i observe so if the car was on fire you wouldn't pick up an extinguisher i would make a note that's just okay oh my lord are you curious to hear his appraisal of this can i make a guess you certainly can't yeah i'm gonna guess that it's gonna go for about what i paid for it 85.90 what do you think jay it might go for 105. okay so here we have jeff's 2008 dodge viper acr five years ago interestingly enough they sold for about 123 000 because people wanted them right wow today the same car sells for about 105 000 however because we are speaking specifically of this car with its 454 miles and owned by a car guy right provenance comes into effect this car would be 125 000 wow donald thank you i was really really curious so this is fun thanks so much jeff really love looking at your car let's take it for a ride all right let's drive in let's put a quick 1500 miles in [Music] you know i was expecting really to be a noisy slam bang it's actually comfortable plenty of room plenty of power well this is a car guy's car yeah and i think that's why guys that get them do appreciate it jeff i think should take this car out and put 100 000 miles on [Music] once again we're back with our appraiser friend donald osborne we're going to see exactly how he earns his money normally this segment we have three cars we have one car here today worth probably twice as much as any three cars we've had on the show all put together yeah exactly this is a 2008 bugatti veyron 16.4 at the time the perfect marriage of luxury and performance of course bugatti is known for outdoing itself when it comes to power after all this is the predecessor to the bugatti chiron which he drove earlier but this car isn't just powerful it's famous this is probably the most seen bugatti it's parked every day on rodeo drive and it stays there all day and you see tourists from all over the world come and take pictures this car was made for bijon who was the legendary beverly hills fashion icon a great entrepreneur great showman who built one of the most preeminent fashion businesses in the world and a character i mean i know he was the happiest guy i ever met he was like this in fact i had him on the tonight show once he developed the michael jordan cologne he developed this car with bugatti and incorporated his specific fashion and look touches and in fact if we can speak to his son nicholas we'll get more of those details nicholas how are you great to see you good to see you again good to see you how are you excellent and i want to apologize to his late dad for my rather this is my idea of driving you see i know i'm not in the same league as these guys you look great you look great this is bijon yellow correct now did your dad work with the golden's mustard people where did this color come from well you know bijan is a famous brand for color we're famous for using splashes of red and bijan yellow which is the hue you see oh look there's some yellow in there that's correct there you are one of the things that's so special about this car is the design on the hood this mural you see is very ghosted and when it's in direct sunlight you get to see the true color of it it's a very famous trademark for our brand for bijan and this is called the mouth of truth which is a famous sculpture in rome the story says that if you tell a lie and you put your hand inside it will bite your hand imagine how many one-armed guys have been walking around washington and we had this you want to try it out jay i don't want to try it out it's one of those things that makes this so special because it is just like the beginnings of the 1930s and 1920s it's a bespoke car right it's also got the signature of bijan on the rear spoiler you also have 611 pave diamonds in the clock inside yeah i don't see the valet with a screwdriver trying to pry your clock out of it yeah and the service cost is pretty prohibitive you don't really bring this down to clem it's a shell stage yes i think actually they have to fly somebody from the factory in france to the service center and it's very expensive you must do it once a year even if you don't drive the car i believe it's about twenty five thousand dollars per service wow and they also make you change the tires and the tires alone just to change all four i think are forty some thousand dollars well that's because if a car can go 260 miles an hour every component in the car must be certified to go 260 miles an hour you haven't had it up to 260 on rodents can i make a confession yes i think the fastest i've ever driven in this car is maybe 65. we will fix that today so let's take a look at my appraisal inspection checklist the panel fit on this car is quite excellent there are no scratches there are no dents the decorative trim is in very good condition i say very good not excellent because there is some evidence of light scratching which is to be expected i then look at the interior we do see a little bit of wear in the seats in terms of bagging in the seat which is normal because this is a car that has been used it's not a zero kilometer car as a matter of fact it's got 2721 miles on it and you can't see into the engine compartment but you have a view of the top of the engine compartment and all looks clean and well attended and then we come to the factors that really add difference and interest to a specific car those are historical interest preservation and provenance in terms of preservation it's a very well maintained low mileage car so it gets a very good there historical interest custom features by bijan a fashion icon executed by the factory it's quite excellent and the provenance obviously one family ownership from new which is excellent this particular car would have replacement value comparable of at least 2.575 million okay so it's actually an investment are you married i'm not good well see when you get married honey it actually went up in value so you get to 25 000 a year of service and it'll actually go up so that i mean that's how you as a single guy you don't have to deal with that you know this kind of advice is greatly appreciated yeah yeah i believe this will come in very handy that's why we're here this is really a very special car and i'm really glad it's in terrific hands nicholas enjoy it for many years enjoy it as much as your dad did and uh hopefully it'll go on for many years giving enjoyment to millions of people we'll take it for our donald see you later yeah thanks whatever [Applause] i filled the tank up for you but this tank goes real fast yeah i imagine it would yeah the problem with this car if you're driving it like it should be driven you get maybe two three miles per gallon right it has to have 100 octane fuel right which i can only get one gas station in los angeles which is about 12 miles away from my house yeah so by the time i get there i've gone through about 12 gallons right right and you've got you've really got to think like an airplane how much fuel do i have to get to the gas station how much fuel do i have to get home in fact i read at 260 miles an hour it will empty the gas tank in 12 minutes i believe it this is where it separates from the regular car you step on the gas and incredibly rigid i mean this thing you could flip this thing at 200 and walk away from it yeah you're in fact let's try that right yeah let's not try that i know that you i've seen some crazy videos of you rolling in in cars and that's very scary and it's always somebody else's car [Applause] the car was in dubai for a bijan fashion show and a good client of ours is uh one of the royal family members of the uae so he has several of them and i got to follow him on the highway in between abu dhabi and dubai right that's where this car belongs and how fast was he going oh he was probably going close to 180 190 miles an hour he was long gone they have a system there where they take pictures of you every 12 seconds right and it's a speed camera and i think he probably got three or four hundred tickets in between when you remember the royal family yeah they just his uncle's in charge of the tickets he said oh there you go that's the way to do it how are we doing on gas half take no you got funny quarter time [Music] all right behind the bow tie this is where our appraiser extraordinaire donald osborne analyzes one car and tells you how he comes up with its value and since this is cult classic there's no bigger cult favorite than the 1959 cadillac well jay this particular car is the sedan deville this is the deluxe cadillac for the well-to-do family man this is truly a cult classic this is the last of the great cars designed by the legendary harley earl for general motors now you brought the owner with you today rob carlson rob how are you doing nice to meet you look like a confident cadillac man so what made you go nuts for these i've always loved 59 cadillac's is the third one that i've had and this particular one because of the flat top roof really attracted me these cars are very very difficult and expensive to restore when i bought it it was very tired not rusty but really tired interior was black and white and the rest of it started out as silver but it turned kind of gray obviously you painted it to a color combination you like better does that hurt the value that you've changed the original color what rob did is something which is very very smart he chose this color combination which was the color combination available when the car was new and one of the things that i really love about this period of cars and specifically the cadillacs of this era are the details like the interior the fabrics that they use in the interiors you can see where you're spending your money in every inch of this car and i love this sort of uh grandma upholstery here i almost expect to find some stale ribbon candy this car is very highly optioned it has the air conditioning it has the atronic eye it's got the fog lights these are all things that were very very desirable options now that's a hood oh now rob i'm just guessing you cleaned this engine compartment but didn't restore it is that correct that's about it yeah in terms of historical interest it rates very good because 59 cadillacs are beloved throughout the world preservation the car has been very very well refurbished and provenance the history of this car is known from new which is also something which we really look for so rob do you have any idea what the replacement value on this car might be i just know it's worth a lot less than i have into it that's all i know can we ask you how much you have into it oh god um probably like sixty thousand about sixty thousand okay yeah a 1959 cadillac sedan deville like this one today's market has a replacement value comparable of about thirty seven thousand five hundred dollars wow i'm surprised that's a lot more than i thought i thought it was like i i haven't paid that much attention so i thought i'd run 24 25. god we could have screwed this guy what are we doing we could have taken this guy for a ride made a ton of dough can you feel the stability of those well i don't fins uh think i think you need to be going a little faster in order to really i think gotta be going like 300 miles an hour to get the stability effect that's a great example of what makes a car become a cult classic the fact that this car is so much of its time that it becomes an artifact i don't know about your evaluation donald 37 for this car that seems like a bargain to me absolutely jay and to think about the fact that thirty seven thousand dollars can get you something which is a piece of history i mean wherever you go wherever you drive everyone recognizes a 59 catalog but he wouldn't sell it for 37 right uh probably not there you go that's my man well thank you buddy we're gonna take it for a ride up through the hills and just donald and i'll be coming back well then the episode of behind the bow tie this is where our appraiser extraordinaire donald osborne appraises a car he shows you how he comes up with the value for it but what do you do when i have a car like this a car i've never seen or even heard of well jay the corwin getaway which is the car we have here is the brainchild of a brilliant black photographer named cliff hall not only did he want to build a car he also wanted to help his community he thought it would be really great to bring jobs and skills to the inner city in los angeles so he went to a client of his a fellow named louis corwin and he thought that corwin could help him realize his dream so this was all in the 60s this is all in the 60s he designed the car in 1965 it is very much a design of the mid 60s the angled windshield which is very much like the lamborghinis of the time the front end which is a little reminiscent of the avanti and these very wide wheel arches which are very reminiscent of a lot of the custom cars and the race cars of the period this prototype was finished by 1969 right he showed it at the la auto show and he got a lot of attention in fact a lot of very influential black celebrities backed the project but he really didn't understand how to actually finance the start of a company to build cars and so it never got past this prototype you had tucker and delorean and all these other people it's hard to build the car all right so how does one go about appraising something like this so here the comparables that i would look at would be prototype cars and show cars how about the african-american heritage you know does that make it valuable that is definitely an attribute of value that this vehicle has and this car in fact lives at the peterson automotive museum and to tell us a little bit more about the car we have the chief historian of the peterson automobile museum leslie kindle listen how are you hey how are you doing great to see you when did you acquire this we acquired this about 10 or so years ago and we thought it was important for the very reasons that you've been discussing we introduced it to the public just wednesday of last week and i have a hunch that they're going to be a lot of african-american kids that are feeling pretty proud about their heritage hopeful about what can be achieved with courage and determination and a little bit of savvy for someone who'd not designed a car before i think this is an amazing effort the peterson just finished restoring this car now what shape was it in when you got it i mean was it city garage with boxes piled on top of it and long furniture frankly it was it was covered by a layer of dust the windshield was sitting inside parts of the dashboard were hanging out it was just it was a mess right but all the pieces were there so we had a good starting point and restored love that because it is a fresh restoration obviously the condition of the car the overall condition of the car is is quite good it's a prototype so not every part of the panel fit is going to be exactly even the panel condition however is excellent the seats are absolutely beautiful and they are very comfortable if a little small the windshield and the rear window is in excellent condition the engine is restored to a very nice presentation level and finally the points of interest that are the totally subjective ones historical interest preservation and provenance it rates full marks now what sort of value do you put on it leslie i believe that uh the amount that the peterson was able to raise for the restoration was in the 50 000 range that's correct okay so what do you think would be the replacement value comparable probably to replicate this car would be maybe maybe a hundred fifty two hundred thousand dollars this is a man who knows his cars 165 thousand dollars that sounds about right because like you say nobody has any idea how it actually drives and it doesn't really drive drive we'll find out we will find out i'll see you inside jay all right the trick is to get this foot in let's see let's just hang on easy way wait i think i got it here we go valet i gotcha you're almost in yeah there you go there you go almost okay [Music] i like this one it goes to 160 that makes me laugh he still believes that other than some nine-year-old suspension has come a long way in 50 years yes it has what's the handling like this thing is pretty hard to steer i i don't know why and it takes a lot of pressure to stop this thing i mean the fact that it moves at all is actually very good because it's a prototype exactly but cliff we salute you you're an unsung oh hero i don't know if you're going to make it to the civil rights rally in this thing [Music] as you know donald is a world famous appraiser but how does he come to value an automobile what does he look for how does he do it so we picked an iconic race car what we have here is the 1934 pearson brothers ford coupe it was the fastest coupe in the world the pearson brothers and their engine builder bobby meeks built this car and they ran at speeds that the roadsters could never dream of so that makes this car really really historic it's the first of the high-speed coupes well luckily this car was found and saved by one of the great automotive historians and enthusiasts it's currently on display at the peterson this means bruce meyer hi bruce how are you jay good to see you again you got this back in what late 80s early 90s and at that time there wasn't a lot of value in something like this the fella that owned a tom bryant he couldn't believe anybody even had any interest in this car this car still has the original chassis all the original running gear now when pearson did this car was it these colors exactly one of the really joys for me is restoring these old race cars and having the original builders involved in the process so both dick and bob pearson were there every day that we restored this now when they built the car did it have this much chrome on it because it was a race car there was no need for chrome this is exactly the way it was can we open the hood absolutely we can there's a classic edelbrock heads is that a 239 merc 267. let's take a look inside sure the interior's a little primitive like you'd expect but it's original yeah i also like the fact that it's got a cut-off steering wheel can i hop in there absolutely and one of the things i think you're going to notice is how low you sit in the car yeah how little visibility you get this is starting yeah a real hot rod you know growing up in new england i never thought it'd actually sit in this car so that really makes it cool but now the hard part putting a value on something like this so where do you start donald what do you look for comparables for this car are other similar historic hot rods but the first and foremost thing that i start with is simply an examination of condition and the restoration is done to an extremely high level but also respecting the car in its history the car has been used somewhat the restoration is now 20 years old so you see some light polished scratches in the paint which is to be expected there's a little bit of wear in the tires so the question then becomes if you've always wanted to own the pearson brothers coop you can't wait for the next one to come up right this is it now before you either hug him or punch him in the face what is your realistic appraisal of what you think it's worth well i have it insured for five hundred thousand dollars okay i'm standing on this side of the car for safety so whereas most of the market has seen in the last five years cars similar to this in terms of history sell for about 250 thousand dollars nowadays there's greater interest in cars like this and this car would probably sell for around 550 000 thank you bruce thank you very much my friend thanks for bringing this this is one that ended very well time for another episode behind the bow tie what do we have today donald today jay we have something very special indeed a 2004 ford shelby cobra concept car now i remember this car carol shelby himself was involved in the building of it this car also means a lot to me because i was actually at the dinner in which this received the award for car of the show i was sitting at the table with carol shelby and his wife okay when this car was introduced so this car is seared into my memory and i couldn't wait for ford to build this car because i thought this is an amazing winner this was built to be a real car so it's got a bespoke engine an engine developed just for this all the parts on it actually work suspension goes up and down brakes work now that may sound silly but most concept cars don't most of them are sort of pushed onto a show stage and ooh oh you look at it and then they push it off this is a fire breathing cobra it's a very exciting automobile in fact there's a wonderful book out called the last shelby cobra chris theodore is the author of the book he's also the owner of the car chris theodore thank you so much for bringing this car to us thanks for uh reviewing the car when this car was created you were the vice president of advanced products for ford jay mace and i have said we want to do a cobra concept for the next auto show was probably in january february of 2003 carol came on board we want to we want to build this car and we said let's make it a real runner because we can use all the four gt components and a one-of-a-kind v10 engine that the guys had conjured up so it was the dream project got it all done and had carroll drive it in irwindale in december before the auto show what i think the design team has done here is really capture the essence of the 427 cobra without it being a copy of it in any way it was a hell of a challenge because they didn't want to do something they got accused of being retro and if you think about a cobra with the voluptuous fenders and the headlights to do something modern was really really difficult now when i show the car i mean people go is it coming out next year i mean the design has aged well right this is a show car so it's not built to production tolerances so the panel fit is good obviously this car has not led a terribly tough life the paint is in good condition it's also been driven so there are a few paint chips which i think the car wears as badges of honor the steering wheel shows a great deal of wear because you really need to put your hands on that wheel in a firm and commanding manner and i think that many people including carol shelby himself will be said have put his hands there the instruments are absolutely beautiful they built every single part so i really don't want to fix it do not touch them absolutely not no no leave them exactly the way they are they show the life of the car and they know that you take very good care of this car so they're not going to wear anymore the engine itself is absolutely wonderful it looks as if it just came out of the shop how do we get to the real fun parts for a car like this historical interest is excellent a one-off running concept car you can't get better than that preservation is very good it's extremely well presented and provenance as you mentioned before jay it is in the hands of the first private owner who was one of the leading members of the development team of the car and it doesn't get better than that have you put a value on the car i don't see you ever selling this thing i don't want to give a number but i i i think it's in the millions okay let's see donald the replacement value comparable i put on this car today is 1.5 million dollars but this car is not currently registered for the street once you get this car registered for the streets the value would go up considerably as high as 3 million dollars yeah i think you've undervalued it the one thing that you're missing is the excitement of the auction when you get in that room and you got two rich guys who grew up just idolizing carol shelby but we're looking to say what would chris have to spend to get a similar car not what the next person would pay chris for this guy right right i like his argument though who wouldn't that's right well see i want to drive the car that's right there you go now you're talking [Music] oh it feels nicely balanced at speed yeah it's very stable this car is the same length as the mazda miata but it's as wide as a four gt wow and you got all kinds of cabin room it's not cramped at all i'm never doing a concept car that was this good from the get-go the last cobra [Music] okay there's an episode of what we call behind the bow tie this is we ask our appraiser donald osborne to tell us why a car is valuable what it's worth and how he goes about appraising it so tell us what we have here well jay we have a car that's very special indeed it's a 1957 chrysler bowano speciale coupe okay now there's a lot of words that go together in a very interesting mix this is basically a chrysler 300b so it's a leather car it's a leather car with a hemi engine with a beautiful italian suit it's not just simply dressed in an italian suit it's actually made in an italian sporty manner this car rides on a 119 inch wheelbase shortened from the standard 126 inch wheelbase so it becomes a two-seater and this car has great provenance this car was originally ordered by johnny agnelli oh the fiat family sure and for a chrysler and for an italian body chrysler it has sort of a bentley-esque look it does very much though and to me the amount of restraint shown in the design is what really makes it impressive it looks fantastic the combination of the history and the way this car has been restored really tells the story of the pursuit of perfection and we have here representing the owner daniel castro daniel how are you nice to see you congratulations thanks for having us daniel's the uh the son-in-law of the owners and uh daniel this is an absolutely amazing car yeah absolutely thank you so much let's take a look at that wonderful engine this is the optional engine and in fact with the 300b with the optional engine two four bar carburetors and i think one of the best looking engines that they ever made engine was always a beautiful motor and you'll also notice for a car uh like this it's got a bench seat a separated bench seat i recognize the crisis steering wheel that's a hundred percent stock uh the push button transmission the gauges are all stock the radio the radio the knobs i remember instead of ashtray they would say ash receiver always made me laugh and so now we'll just talk about how i evaluate a car like this for an appraisal the panel fit in this car is excellent the paint is absolutely spectacular the decorative trim is also in superb condition and then we go inside and the seats are absolutely beautiful but we do have some soiling because the car has been lightly used the dashboard and the wheel as you were commenting on before are in absolutely spectacular condition the restoration is absolutely spectacular and the provenance every owner is known from new a car like this one of the coats built chrysler specials five years ago might have been had for about 450 000 today i would put the replacement value comparable this car at 850 000. that's interesting that's less than i would have thought only because i see two people at an auction battling over the car i mean it's that type of car what do you think i think it's less i mean it's a piece of history um you know blano being a designer that is i think underrated so this this one being his his named uh vehicle and a really fantastic illustration of his work his restrained work as you said i think it's it's quite special it's it's it's really something it's it's well with your permission daniel we'd like to uh take it out and keep uh see if we can keep up with traffic yeah how about that give it a shot all right [Music] [Music] it's really fantastic it's a wonderful car yeah it's as if they took the best of what was in the standard chrysler car and just gave it a new setting right right it does look like money yes i just want to straighten my bow tie just a little more just riding in this car right okay the horn is not priceless that's obviously fiat horn it's such a comfortable relaxing car to drive obviously suspension and brakes are where you see the age comes in right but just driving normally like this this could be a 2020 car exactly it's fantastic i know daniel's waiting for us back at the garage but let's take a drive up the coast for a couple hours he can wait a little bit longer absolutely [Applause] [Music] time for another episode of behind the bow tie this is where we get with our appraiser donald osborne pick one car and he will analyze it tell you what makes it valuable what makes it collectible or not collectible the interesting part is doing a fairly modern car this is a 2010 tesla roadster it's a car no longer in production and the question is can a 10 year old car be considered a collectible already and has it gone up in value or gone down in value this of course is the first model that tesla brought to market this tesla was based on the lotus elise which is one of the greatest lightweight sports cars of the early 21st century it's a beautiful design it's great ergonomic packaging but it's very much a car for amusement let's not forget prior to this electric cars are seen as slow almost a joke because the closest thing you had was the prius and all of a sudden here comes an electric car that's what it's faster than the corvette it doesn't make any sense i mean it really didn't register with people well we're going to meet the owner of this car desi dos santos and he'll shed a little bit of light on why he chose an electric car desi good thanks very much for bringing your car here and what made you buy this roadster well you know the story goes back where i actually had a lotus avora which is gas-powered and these were out at the time but they're fairly expensive and i got a model s once i had the s and the performance of the s i started looking at these and the price had gone drastically down because everybody was trading them in to get their model s and ended up swapping the lotus evora for this did you find the same level of involvement that you found in your avora it is totally different the sound is different that was a 5 speed this doesn't have a transmission a 10 year old sports car is not worn out but tends to feel a lot more loosey goosey i find than a 10 year old electric one of these with 200 000 miles on it there's no different than one that has 10 000 miles on it that's the part the car guys can't get around let's talk about what it's worth we started out with the panel fit panel fit is shockingly excellent this is clearly a car that was not only screwed together well but has always been very well maintained the seats are in very good condition windshield dashboard all excellent historical interest very high this is the first of the teslas and the first time that anyone really attempted to make an exciting electric sports car so i think that's very important preservation is very good it's been very well maintained and the provenance is excellent you're the second documented owner so the overall condition of the car is one minus which is basically flawless as a car can be that's been driven on the street so what do you think the replacement value comparable on this car would be i'd probably say sixty to seventy thousand sixty to seventy thousand interesting i'll give you sixty thousand right now coming up we'll find out just how much this 2010 tesla roadster has appreciated in value and later but it's so slippery [Applause] and we're back with donald osborne so five years ago this car would have been about sixty two thousand dollars and today it'd be a hundred thousand dollars oh really absolutely let's talk [Laughter] you bought well and you're enjoying the car and i think if i can step on the limb that this car will continue to be a very very interesting and interested uh car for the collect car markets well let's take a ride let's see if we can drive the price down to 60 so we can buy it off them come back all dented smash all right i'll give you a 65. [Music] well i like this because it's the shock of the new you know it's it doesn't make any noise it's incredibly fast and with this i plug it in for a couple of hours and it's the same as cooking a turkey there is still a bit of the aspect of an amusement park ride about an electric sports car because it does everything you expect to do but you're not hearing what you expect to hear along with it and i have to confess that i'm somebody who is slow to the embracing of electric vehicles as a singer the music of the car counts for as much as the feel and the handling and the looks of the car right that makes sense but it doesn't mean this isn't fun and for all intensive purposes it costs you nothing to run after you buy it you're set i think that we'll look back in time at this tesla roadster as the first real usable fun electric car to drive i believe that's true i just put my foot down and you go that instant torque that surge of power something that's faster and more powerful makes you feel faster and more powerful it's as if we're going to warp speed [Music] hey cnbc fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel here you'll find videos from all your favorite cnbc shows be sure to subscribe by clicking right here click on the videos around me and watch the ladies from cnbc thanks for watching
Channel: CNBC Prime
Views: 176,807
Rating: 4.8873458 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC Prime, Money, cnbc, tv, television, cnbc tv, finance, cnbc money, cnbc finance, cnbc channel, cnbc television, business, cnbc business, Jay Leno's Garage, Jay Leno, Cars, Jay Leno Cars, Car Reviews, Vintage Cars, Classic Cars, Super Cars, Sports Cars, Race Cars, Restored Cars, Jay Lenos Garage, jay leno garage, leno garage, lenos garage, jay leno garage tour, Behind the Bowtie with Donald Osborne, JL Grage, Garage, JLG on cnbc, JL Garage on cnbc, donald osborne, leno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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