The Fall of Jerusalem - A Black History Story

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the fall of Jerusalem fractured Brotherhood Salome Salome family it's a brother Benaiah band Israel coming to you with a video of the history of the fall of Jerusalem if you're new to the faith or if you're new to your awakening as to who you are one of the key critical histories that every single man woman and child should know is the history of the fall of Jerusalem the fall of our great city now in this video what we're going to do we're going to review what the children of Israel were doing just before Rome invaded Judah or Judea and also what they were doing during the invasion and also how the city of Jerusalem finally failed to the Romans all right so let's start off by reading some prophecies that had to do with the fall of Jerusalem and for that we're going to start off with Luke chapter 21 and let's start with verse 10 so Luke chapter 21 verses 10 through 28 it reads and this is the Messiah prophesy and he says then said he unto them nation shall rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and great earthquakes shall be in diverse places and famines and pestilences and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven but before all these they shall lay their hands on you and persecute you delivering you up to the synagogues and into the prisons being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake and it shall turn to you for a testimony settle it therefore in your heart's not to meditate before what you shall answer for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gain Satan or resist and you shall be betrayed both by parents and brethren and ken's folks and friends some of you shall they cause to be put to death and you shall be hated of all been for my namesake but there shall not be a hair of your head perish in your patience possess you your souls and when you shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies then know that the desolation thereof is nigh then let them which are in Judea flee into the mountains and let them which are in the midst of it depart out and let them which there let them that are in the countries enter therein - for these be the days of vengeance that all things which are written may be fulfilled but woe unto them that are with child to them that give suck in those days for there shall be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people now just to pause just for a moment no note that the people that the Messiah was prophesying about were the people of Judah now this kid going he says and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and verse 24 he says and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations are led away into slavery into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled now let's pause here on verse 20 for just take note of a couple of things now first thing we notice in verse 24 is that the children of Judah would be led away captive into all nations and one of the things I try to point out to family and friends and folks that I try to awake that we try to awaken to the truth and I'm sure many of you have tried to do the same thing but we noticed that these people go and have gone into this captivity into all nations and when I ask people is that now what other people on the face of the earth has gone into slavery into all nations it's only one people it's only one people and then the other thing that we notice is that the prophecy is that Jerusalem like the city of Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled so that also tells us that from when you know we know that if 70 AD it was the Romans that came in sacked Jerusalem so that tells us that from the time that the Romans sacked Jerusalem that the Gentiles will be trotting down Jerusalem from that time until their time is up from that time until the time is up so that's why this event is a key moment in history it is at a very important moment in history for not just the children that have used the Israel or the children of Judah but actually for the whole world but let's keep reading because I want to see if we can read all the way down to 28 because what we're what we're noticing is that we're reading down in chronological order right so as we look back in history we know that this part verse 24 has already taken place we know that the children of Judah has think we have already been scattered to the four corners of the earth we know that the children of Judah have participated or unwillingly participated in this thing called the transatlantic slave trade and also the Arab slave trade both slavery's were used to scatter the most high yas chosen people to the four corners of the earth so we know that that's already taken place but let's read verse 24 to see what else was prophesied that had either have or have not come to pass so in verse 25 it says and there shall be signs in heaven and in the moon and in the Stars and upon the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring verse 26 men's hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven shall be shaken and then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory verse 28 and when these things shall begin to come to pass then look up and lift your heads for your Redemption draws nigh alright hallelujah praise the Most High God alright hallelujah so we know that verse 28 has not come to pass yet we know that verse 27 has not come to pass yet the Messiah has not returned yet but that is something an event that we are looking forward to with great anticipation because it is associated associated with art Redemption and so we can say that from between verses 24 so verses 24 has to do with the captivity and verses 28 28 or 27 has to do with the coming of the Messiah we know that as far as x times concerned that we are in between verse 24 and verse 27 there between the verse 24 and 27 as far as prophecies concerned and so you can see that we are closed Israel we are close to the in the days we are close to the redemption in the returning of our Amasya of our Messiah Yahshua HaMashiach alright hallelujah praise the most ha ha ha alright and then another thing verse that I do want to read let's see I actually don't have it up on the screen here I believe it was let's see I think it's believe it's Luke 19 and let me see if I can find it here oh yeah but yeah hopefully I can find it verse 41 verse 41 alright Luke chapter 19 verse 41 and it reads and we're gonna read about the Messiah cuz he's also going to prophesy a bit about Jerusalem and it says verse 41 in the Rees and when he was come near he beheld the city this is referred to the city of Jerusalem and wept over it saying if thou had us known even though at least in this die day the things which belong unto your peace but now they are hid from your eyes for the days shall come upon thee that your enemies shall cast a trench about you and compass' the round about and keep thee on every side and shall lay thee even with the ground in the children within thee and they shall not leave in the one stone upon another because thou knewest not the time of die visitation hmm so we can see that the Messiah he's weeping and he's looking at Jerusalem and he's prophesying he's prophesying that a trench will be made around Israel and that it would be dug up it would be laid even to the ground and that not one stone would be laid upon another and y'all willing in this history lesson what we are going to see is that that actually did come to pass and we're going to look at that we're gonna look at some maps of that as well all right so first things first now that we've seen we've read some of the prophecies we know what to expect I like to go into the description of Judah at the time all right because you know there's some confusion as to what Judah looked like at the time and that has to do with some a postures that are running around today but let's do this so there's a couple of historians that were around you know around 70 AD right around this timeframe one of course is Josephus and we're actually gonna read quite a bit about Josephus and the other is Tacitus so Tacitus is a Roman historian and he too writes about the description of the children of Israel or the children of Judah and what Tacitus does is that he's right you know he writes about 70 AD and then as he's writing about it he goes into talking about the different ideas as far as like where did Israel come from like what you know what what's the ethnic origin of the the children of Israel and one of the ideas that people had was and I have it highlighted on the screen it reads many against say that they are a were a race of Ethiopian origin so in other words that thought was that Israel originated from Ethiopia that they originated from Ethiopia who in the time of King Cephas they were driven by fear and hatred alright so Tacitus shows us that even back during the time of the fall of Jerusalem that some believe that the children of Judah were of an Ethiopian origin so of course it kind of goes without saying if people believed that they were of Ethiopian origin then they looked African you have more references so I'm just going to show you just a quick reference this reference comes from 1859 and hopefully you can see the reference there on your screen and in this one we're gonna drop all the way down to the bottom where it says it reads there are some Jews still lingering in the valleys of the Jordan having been approved by the successive conquerors of Syria for ages a low race of people and described by trustworthy travelers as being as black as any of the Ethiopian races all right so I just wanted to show you that Tacitus wasn't the only one that believed that the children of Judah or the children of Israel were a race of Ethiopian origin or that they look like Ethiopian people and then you know I've used this reference in a couple of different videos but this is just the like Heche relief is a picture of the Lacasse relief it's in leaves in the London Museum and this is this is a relief if you had Bible time take a look at 2nd Kings 1813 and basically what happened was that Assyrians Kingston hiccup comes into Judas territory so remember Israel was separated into two kingdoms there's the north side and then there's the south side so northern kingdom southern kingdom the southern kingdom or what i referred to as the south side that's where judah lived right it's called judea so that's where judah lived and and the south side jerusalem was in the south side and also there were other cities in the south side one of those cities one of the names of the cities was in the kiss but King Sennacherib you know the Syrian King comes down and he's making war against Judah on his way to Jerusalem he stops at Mukesh the city of the Kish the city of the Kings and he lays siege to it and he destroys it breaks down the walls takes prisoners he kills many many of our of our brothers and sisters and then to commemorate you know his victory when he goes back home they make this a Syrian relief or this this stone carving depicting what happened and within this relief he shows the Israelites and this is what you see on your screen these are the Israelites that were captured by King Sennacherib and as you can see just looking at the tear texture alone you can see that these are Ethiopian type people they have what I refer to as nappy wooly hair as same as the Ethiopian people all right so just another bit of evidence of archeology showing that the children of Israel there were people that looked like a people of Ethiopian descent and that's just one thing to keep in mind that as we're going through this history I want you to have in your mind the people of Harlem or the Bronx would most closely resemble people that were in Jerusalem during this time all right so just looking at this I just want you to have in mind of what the people of Judah looked like as they were walking up and down the streets in Jerusalem as they're walking up and down the streets in Jerusalem there were people that looked like the people are on your screen next slide since we're getting ready to talk about the fall of Jerusalem let me just gonna show you just a couple of different paintings of what the city of Jerusalem looked like right and these are just a couple of different depictions I believe this painting comes from the 1100s and you can see there it may be hard to see you know there's a lot of lot of colors there and looks like this in this painting there's the city is actually being just to give you an idea of what different artists depicted the city attacked our homeland to look like and this is another depiction of this painting comes from I want to say the 1500s so around the 15 or 1400s this too was a depiction of Jerusalem picture or a painting of Jerusalem but the most important thing and what we're gonna do is that we're gonna take a close look at the layout of Jerusalem now note you may not be able to see that the layout in this old picture but one of the newer pictures of Jerusalem alright so there it is on your screen the layout of Jerusalem and some people and what I what I tell folks is that if you want to have an idea of what Jerusalem looked like just think of a sandal right so think of it like if someone had on sandals and they were walking through the sand and then they left some footprints behind this is kind of sort of what that looks like you know maybe not a perfect picture of a sandal but nonetheless you know Kaunas sort of looks like a sandal which is interest because you know weave their scriptures out there that talks about the earth being the most high Yas footstool like he puts his foot on the earth and here we have Jerusalem the capital city it almost looks like the picture of a footprint of a sandal which is very interesting but the thing that I want you to take a look at and I know you may not be able to see them up my mouse on the screen but if you start off to the left right you start off to the left this is where the Romans came into the city you know they started from the bottom left came into this courtyard area or this area off to the left and then from there they moved over to the right right some of this as we're going through the video and actually want to skip over this this slide before we get into the actual the breaching of the walls you know where the Romans were and what places that they went to in order to destroy and raze the city and destroy the city let's take some time to just go into the background of of Jerusalem you know what what happened in 70 80 to get things get the ball rolling as far as you know Jerusalem being destroyed well in this on your screen we're gonna read just a little bit of that so where it says background on the left it says in the year sixth century Judea remember the south side of Israel so on the south side of Israel which had been a client kingdom of Rome became a Roman province ruled by a Roman proc Tator who was responsible for maintaining peace and collecting taxes so basically Rome was ruling Jerusalem so they put Rome had put a proctor or person a Roman person in charge of Jerusalem and so he was collecting taxes you know he was supposed to be maintaining peace but something happened and so it looks at if you keep reading it says you know this guy he was pocketing any amount above the quota you know it had been a regular practice so he was taking money from the children of Judah it says which led to abuse it says ten rolls when Rome took over the appointment of the high priests so strike one Rome I started assigning the high priests for Israel so that was strike one so but let's keep reading cus up a few of the things happen which cause problems for the people of Israel and which caused them to react then which then that is what caused Rome to react so Rome did strike one they assign a high priests and then it says in 39 CES as Emperor Caligula declared himself a god and ordered his statute to be set up in temples throughout the empire so strike two so Rome put this seizure börje looking guy his painting or his depiction in the temple right he put they put it in the temple that was strike two and then let's three what else happened let's read about strike three okay and it reads it says so there's a stair as a city called Caesarea and it was actually in Syria which is interesting because right now in Syria there's a whole lot of drama going on in Syria willikers and Isis they're fighting over Syria but in reality that's that's really the that's really our land what caused the issue in 70 AD was had to do was Caesarea right and it says the Jews and the Syrians concerning Caesarea which was situated in the confines of Syria in Judea it says the Jews maintained that the city belonged to them because it was built by Herod their king while the Syrians pretended that it had always been considered as a Grecian city so basically you have the Jews on one side saying no no no this is this is our city and then you had the Syrians saying no no no this is our city all right so it went back and forth it was there was tension folks were you know each side was was was they were arming themselves so what they did was that they they sent the matter to Rome they sent it to the Emperor to plead their case something happens it says the affair hung in suspense till this period when Nero Emperor Nero decided it against the Jews so basically if Ernie Roe said that no you know what this City belongs to Syria well that was strike three by this time our people had had enough and as you as it reads says this event was the immediate cause of the fatal war with the Romans so that's why our forefathers start at the event or the war with the Romans because one they messed with the high priests they started assigning the high priests to they put this Sessler börje depiction dude in the temple and they said you had the worship it and then three they took away the city of Caesarea and said it belonged to the Syrians so at that point our people have had enough and they started fighting with the Romans right and it says the fatal war with the Romans which proved the most desperate of any record in history it says and terminated in the in the destruction of Jerusalem it says the decree of the Emperor was no sooner published than the Jews in all parts of the country took up arms all right so now we're through what you're seeing is that you're seeing what caused it all what kicked things off so to speak but there's a guy that was around during that time his name was Josephus and you may be familiar with him Josephus was a you know he's a historian that a lot of people quote when it comes to trying to recount history but Josephus was around during that time but you may not know that Josephus he was a priest you know of a considerable considerable rank but he was also a governor so when all this kicked off Josey fool Josephus was a governor he was a governor of the two Galilee's right and also what happened Emperor Nero you know he sends his general general Vespasian he was a general in this in his fifties to go and squash this resurrection that was occurring in Israel so vest bation comes he sends his general general vest patience Oh vest Batian is coming and as vest patient he's coming through he's making his way methodically through Israel is not as though he came directly to Jerusalem no he came into Israel and he methodically started destroying one city after another one village after another and as he's doing this he eventually comes to the cities or the territory where Josephus is so Josephus at this point he's fighting I say that he's fighting for the blue team he's on the Israel side right you know vest Batian he wins or he you know destroys that the place where Josephus was but Josephus he actually escapes and it says says Josephus was among the prisoners and it actually tells us how he became prisoner says he had escaped the general massacre by flying from the midst of his enemies and with 40 of his bravest men concealed himself in a deep cavern his retreat was discovered two Vespasian's so so Josephus goes that he hides you know he's hiding with his men best patient you know finds him and discovers him but it says that the famous general sent to offer him life upon honorable condition so basically the best patient decided not to kill him he gave him an optional ride he gave my option and so actually Josephus was gonna take him up on an offer but unfortunately the men that well I'd say unfortunately but the men they rebuked Josephus for they say they would rather die in order to surrender to the Romans so what they decided to do they took a death pact and it took a death pact they decided to kill themselves and to do it you know they drew lots right kind of like drawing straws nowadays and so as the men are drawing lots one after after the other they're killing themselves are they're killing one another and as they're going through this process it comes down to two people to two men Josephus in one of the other men and I can kind of imagine that at this point Joseph was kind of came up with an idea he's like brother I have another idea instead of us killing each other let's go in talk to visitation let's go over to bed space and needless to say that's what exactly what happens is in that josephus goes over to the station of course from there he's a prisoner of the Romans all right he's a prisoner of the Romans and actually actually Josephus plays a role in how can I put it Josephus plays a role in the events to come okay you know what happened what kick things off we know that Vespasian is on his way over to Jerusalem but he's methodically making his way in to Jerusalem and as he's making his way destroying cities destroying towns you know killing lots and lots and lots of the children of Israel he picks up of Josephus along the way so now Josephus is in his camp as they say as a prisoner something else happens I call it the three amigos so we have when all this this ruckus you know within Israel started we have these people that we today we were to them as zealots so they were the ones that were that were fighting against the Romans and within the zealots three factions were created so three groups were created in these zealots one of the groups was manned by our hated by John one was manned by Simon and the other by Eleazar right and these three factions fought against each other right they were actually killed and murdered each other that as far as the men in these factions and this and these factions eventually they made their way into Jerusalem where they continued their civil war right all the while this patient is making his way through Israel to Jerusalem where these three factions you know this kind of Paul's here for a moment and this is where we can really learn about division within Israel because as the Romans were advancing Israel was fighting against one another you know these three zealots these three groups John Simon and le a czar they were fighting against each other and let's read about it because actually the Romans saw that NATO advantage of it so it says after the conquest of Galilee so after this is Galilee was where Josephus was so after they destroyed the Galilee picked up Josephus it says you know by the reduction and gasps the cities as Titus joined his father so now Titus is joining the party so Titus is the son of this patient and he joins them at Caesarea where his troops were permitted to enjoy an interval of repose so they were took a pause during he says during the remainder of this and in the following year all right so they're pausing for a moment and it says the Roman Empire prevented Vespasian's from pursuing the war and vigor he says he the more readily deferred commencing the seeds of Jerusalem from being a prize that the Jews were wasting their strength by internal divisions and facilitating the conquest of their devout City so basically vest nation you know he hears about this civil war that's occurring in Jerusalem and he you know he's willing to let them just go at it like let them destroy each other right so they so they're waiting and they're watching these these factions fight each other and some of the things that that's happening inside the city is you know they had in the city they have these provisions right and some of the factions are burning their provisions right because they want to starve one side wants to starve the other out so one side gets a hold of the provisions and Jerusalem and so they start destroying those and burning up their food right which they're going to need they're going to need that when the Romans show up but they're too busy fighting each other that they're not they're not preparing they're not working together they're not fortifying their walls they're not building towers none of that they're fighting each other they're fighting each other our next slide and it says at a time when a formidable army was rapidly advancing the Jews were assembling from all parts to keep the Passover alright so another important part was that this was during Passover as the Romans his vest Batian and Titus now who joined his father as they were a pro Jeane Jerusalem all the Hebrews are all that you know the Israelites were coming into Jerusalem from all over from all over the different countries right so we had well over a million Jews or Hebrews or Israelites in Jerusalem to observe the Passover we had more than enough people in Jerusalem to defend the city but they were too busy fighting right they're too busy fighting and also another thing to keep in mind is that so this is this is pastor this is a moab right this is an appointed time is appointed feast day right when the Most High visits his people right and what you're gonna see is the Romans who don't believe you know they don't believe in the Most High that don't believe in and that the elohim of israel they actually see something that they note in their books and this is actually noted in multiple sources that we're gonna read it so far we learn that you know strike one it took rome assigned two high priests strike two they put that says Berbers a guy in the temple a picture of them strike three they took away that the city of Caesarea so that started the big fight emperor nero he sends best patient they're going squash it right and then as that space is going through the cities he comes to galilee he destroys galilee he takes Josephus as a prisoner meanwhile in israel we have those three factions fighting amongst each other civil having a civil war they take that into jerusalem and where they are still fighting each other they're burning up the provisions they're doing the opposite of preparing for this massive army that's coming to destroy everybody they're coming to destroy everybody but israel there's too busy fighting amongst each other alright so now that we've set that stage one of the things that the people of israel in jerusalem believed that they believed that the most high had his hedge of protection around the city so they thought that there's no way that this that these heathens are going to be able to conquer this city there's no way that you know the romans would be able to conquer it because they had the protection of the most high yacht well let's take a look at the descriptions that deal with the hitch right this hitch so for that let's jump over to the Book of Isaiah so let's go to Isaiah and verse I'm sorry chapter 5 so Isaiah chapter 5 and on the screen there you can see it says chapters 1 I'm sorry verses 1 through 13 so Isaiah chapter 5 verse 1 through 13 and it reads now will I sing to my well-beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard my well-beloved has a vineyard in a very fruitful hill and he fenced it and gathered out the stones thereof and planted it in the choices vine and built a tower in the midst of it and also made a winepress therein and he looked that it should bring forth grapes and it brought forth wild grapes and now o inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah judge I pray you between me and my vineyard what could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done therefore our wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes brought it forth wild grapes and now go to I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard so this is what the Most High saying that he's going to do to his own vineyard and it says I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it shall be trodden down and I will lay it waste and it shall not be pruned nor digged but there shall come up briars and thorns and I will also command the clouds that they rain no more are no rain upon it for the vineyard of yaa Hosts is the house of Israel and the men of Judah his pleasant plant and he looked for judgment but behold oppression for righteousness but behold a crime verse 8 woe unto them that join house to house that lay field to field there be no place that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth and mine ears sayeth yah of hosts of a truth many houses shall be desolate even great and fair without in habitation yay 10 acres of vineyards shall yield one bath and the seed of an Omer shall yield and Aoife verse 11 woe unto them that rise up early in the morning and that they may follow strong drink that continue until night till wine inflame them verse 12 and the harp and the viol and interpret and the end pipe and wine are in their feast but they regard not the work of job neither consider the operations of his hands and then last but not least verse 13 it says therefore my people are gone into captivity because they have no knowledge and their honorable men are famished and their multitude drive up with thirst alright well there's a precept for knowledge and knowledge is actually the word of the Most High so this is actually saying that they don't have knowledge they don't have the word of the Most High but he's telling them that he's taken away the hedge and as you can see in Isaiah 5 that the hedge gets taken away and then in verse 13 who says therefore my people are going into captivity so it was the most high that took away the hedge all right the hares was taken away and the people captivity all right so and this is what happened as we said that this was during the time of Passover and this was during a moet during an appointed time when the Most High come in to visit his people and it's interesting because during this time the Romans saw something so as they're approaching the city as they came to the city they saw something you know during this time of Passover and we're going to read about it and it says at the very last paragraph it says prodigies are strange occurrences had occurred which this nation prone to superstition by halting all religious did not deem it lawful to expatiate by offering any sacrifice sorry this keep reading says there had been seen hosts joining battle in the skies the fire a gleam of arms the temple illuminated by a sudden radiance from the clouds the doors of the inner shrine were suddenly thrown open and a voice of more than a mortal tone was heard to cry that the gods were departing at the same instant there was a mighty stir as of departure some few put a fearful meaning on these events but in the most there was a firm persuasion that in the ancient records of their priests was contained a prediction of how at this time the east was to grow powerful and the rulers coming from jail so basically you know Rome as Rome was there during the you know it's time to pass over this time of visitation of the Most High they're saying these odd things occur in the sky right there seeing swords in the sky they're seeing light in the sky they're seeing the temple you know radiation of light lighting the temple right and then they're seeing something department right they're seeing something Department right is saying the gods are the Elohim were departing right so this has taken place just before the Romans came to sack the city and actually this had to take place before the Romans sacked the city the heads had to be removed right and let's see here let's go to want to read about were says Josephus Josephus among other fearful prodigies I things relates that before the rebellion when a great multitude were assembled in Jerusalem at the pass over and at the moet right at the appointed time the appointed time of visitation so he said Josephus remember he's there he's seeing it for himself so he's saying I had the Passover and he's being very specific at the ninth hour of the night so great a light shone round the altar in the temple that it seemed to be bright day that a few days after the festival before sunset chariots and troops of soldiers in Armour were seen passing through the clouds and surrounding cities and that the priests going into the inner temple filled the policemen and tremble and heard a voice more than human crying let us depart hence this account was confirmed by Tess's the Roman historian who says so taxes remember her Tacitus would was there around the time that says portents and prodigies are odd things announced the ruin of Jerusalem sorts were seen glittering in the air and battle armies appeared and the temple was illuminated by a stream of light that issued from the heavens the portal flew open and a voice more than human announced the immediate departure of the elohim 'he's there was heard at the same time a terrific sound as if superior beings were actually rushing forth so just before the rome showed up at the doorstep of jerusalem the presence of the Most High that was there during a Passover that they left it left right and everybody's I mean they're they're writing about it says both the Romans and the children of Israel are taking note of it and the Romans they're looking at this as a sign that Jerusalem's getting ready to fall and even people in Israel saw it as a sign that something bad was about to happen all right so let's keep keep reading so you still have you know vest pation you know Vespasian's he's there actually he actually hands off the assault to his son Titus because of his patient eventually was made Emperor alright so Vespasian actually goes back to Rome so Titus is near to to actually do the dirty work of destroying Jerusalem and it reads it says the site of the Romans produced a temporary reconciliation among the contending factions so all this time the factions were fighting with each other right you know it started off with three factions we had John Simon and Ellie a czar and actually I believe it was John's faction actually conquerors or destroys le a czars faction so they ended up just being two factions left we had John's faction and he had Simon's factions right and but there's they were still fighting they weren't preparing they weren't fortifying the walls that you know they weren't putting up their towers gathering food in gathering water none of that stuff and actually they were doing the opposite they were fighting each other they were destroying something you know the people that were inside they were destroying their provisions right and they didn't stop fighting each other until they actually saw the Romans standing at their doorstep Israel I'll say it again they didn't stop fighting each other they were too busy fighting one another Israel and not getting prepared for the larger enemy we weren't getting prepared for the greater in it but you know they stop for a minute and it says their first sally was what he made with such fury that he and resolution met though Titus displayed uncommon valor on this occasion the besiegers were obliged to abandon their camp so basically so Rome came up Rome showed up Titus was there Titus in his army they attacked Jerusalem the factions halls they work together and they go out and they meet Titus's army and they actually repel them so Titus is army they actually have to retreat so they're running and they retreat for in a for a while to a certain distance but then it says no sooner had the Jews as short interval of quiet from the foreign enemies then there's several disorders renewed so basically once the Jews had repelled Titus the first time then they started back fighting with each other they weren't fortifying that walls they weren't putting up towers gathering water you know bringing provisions in they were too busy fighting each other right not not realizing what the the most important thing was right the most important thing was getting ready for the greater enemy outside as opposed to fighting each other right the most important thing is getting ready for what's to come as opposed to worrying about doctrine they had lost sight of that Israel they had lost sight of that let's see what else happened so they're fighting they went back to fighting each other and let's see what Titus is doing he says the Romans in the meantime exert all their energy in making preparations for a powerful attack upon Jerusalem trees were cut down houses were level rocks cleft asunder and valleys filled up towers were raised and battering rams erected with other engines of destruction against the definitive Alec City so you can see that the Romans oh they they were about that business there the Romans were getting ready to to to bring the pain to Jerusalem but again the people in Jerusalem they weren't preparing they were fired and it's keep reading it says after the offers of peace of which Titus had repeatedly sent vital CDs so one thing I can say about Titus now Titus he tried to give the people in Jerusalem a chance multiple chances so he kept sinning so Josephus who he took you know when he conquered Galilee so he took Josephus and he said hey Joe Joseph is going to talk to your people go and see if they're they'll surrender and of course the zealots that were in side the city you know John and Simon they would not let the people do that you know in fact they told him not the opposite right and it says it says the strenuous attacks of the enemy again United the contending parties within the wall so basically it says that you know basically what is saying is that those two factions that are fighting each other they didn't stop fighting each other until wrong start attacking Rome started throwing their but their boulders their seize weapons putting their battery rounds I said you know what it's going take care of these boys let's gonna fight these runs but by then Israel he was too late because by then Rome was prepared the Rome had taken advantage of that time and to make a powerful attack right they had their tools of destruction Israel did not of Jerusalem began and it says the rebels were soon compelled to retire from the ponderous stone so Rome who storing their stones that they had an opportunity to get but while the factions were fighting each other he says which they threw from the towers and this is kind of skipped down a little bit it says a breach was soon made in it right this breach was made in the wall at which the Romans entered and encamped in the city while the Jews retreated behind the second law so I don't know if you guys ever watched Lord of the Ring basically when Rome you know when Rome breached the city was going to scroll down a bit on this map so on the bottom left you'll see this is where Titus was that Square and so Rome breached the city but that's the wall that Titus breached as he's coming into the city right and so this is the first enclosure that Rome enters and you can see where it says the second wall right that's the second wall and so all right so what happened for Rome it to allow Rome to get across this second wall let's keep reading so here's just another picture and so on the bottom left I don't have the arrows on here but on the bottom left Rome breached that first wall and they were in the enclosure on the left right and then they started attacking the second wall tip which is to the right and here are here's a picture with arrows again you can see them coming in on the left getting into the first enclosure and then trying to breach the second wall to get to the second increment and it says the victors immediately advance to the second wall and apply their engines and battering rams so furiously that one of the towers they had erected began to shake and the Jews who occupied it perceived their impending sit it on fire so the Jews they were in decent power and it was shaking so they panicked and they set it on fire but what happened was that that tower fell across the wall it fell across the second wall this is the fall of this structure gave the Romans entrance into the second enclosure so when that tower fell it failed across the second wall and which allowed the Romans to then come into the second law and at first you know they were they were pushed back by the the children of Israel our forefathers that were in that second enclosure but after a while the Romans gained a foothold in the second enclosure so Israel had to retreat behind the third and the inner wall so there are multiple walls in Jerusalem all right so Titus is he's making progress he's he's actually inside but again he's a historian he's taken note he's fully involved he's trying to reach out to his brothers and sisters to for them to surrender to give up to save the city to save them to save the temple and says Josephus who was an eyewitness of the unparalleled sufferings of the you know the Jews experienced during the siege of their metropolis remarks all the calamities that ever befell any nation since the beginning of the world were inferior to the miseries of his countrymen at this awful period all right so Josephus is seeing all this suffering and one thing I'm you know we're not really going into it is the death that's occurring there's a lot of death that's occurring so as the armies are advancing they're burning there they're maiming there and they're killing as they as they go and and some of these references talks about the blood running down the streets like a like a river but again you know Titus you know he's still trying to give the the people in Jerusalem a chance you know he's giving him trying to give him a his given a multiple chances to surrender and as titus after he breached the first wall he breached the second law it says Titus who was a prize of their wretched condition because remember those two factions they were burning up their provisions one point another of the of the factions of the zealots had they locked away the provisions in so that the rest of Israel couldn't get to those provisions so some of the provisions were burned some of them were locked away and kept from the people but Titus you know he sees all this happened he stopped the siege for four days Titus is looking across and he's seeing the children of Israel the children of Judah that they're starving and as to kind of persuade them to give up he starts handing out food in front of the wall keeps handing out food imploring the people to give up so he ain't give up you know get some food you know at least you'll be able to save your city you know we won't may not kill all of you you know who knows exactly what the conditions were but Titus you know he gave them a choice and Josephus and Josephus was again sent over and over again and at the very bottom it says he exhorted them in the most pathetic terms to save themselves their temple in their country right wouldn't allow it to happen and it says the Jews were forcibly seized by the Romans without the walls this talks about all that death and destruction that we spoke about earlier and how when the Romans killed him they put them on crosses and they were killing so many of our people per day they it's like over 500 people who are being killed today and that they were erecting these crosses it says famine made them so daring and he's discouraged us that 500 and sometimes more suffer this dreadful day and on the day on account of the numbers Josephus observed that place was wanted for the crucifying them on crosses over 500 a day and I guess if you had to get a picture of what that looked like in the back of your mind it you could think of like a farm like a cornfield like if you're looking over a cornfield you have all those corn fields right that's what it looked like that's it was so many crosses it almost looked like a corn field of death right and so it wasn't until after Rome gained entry into the past the second wall that's when they decided to put a trench around the city all right and it says under they undertook the artists task of enclosing the city with a strong wall in order to prevent the inhabitants from receiving succour from the adjacent country or eluding his vengeance by fight let's see how long this this wall was as such was the preserving spirit of the soldiers that in three days they imposed the city by a wall nearly five miles in circuit so that shows you that there had to be a lot of Roman soldiers in order to put up a wall in three days five miles let's go back to our Maps good I want to show you where this where the wall is right where this wall or this enclosure that was created so it's shown on the map in red so this wall that you see in red is what was created to to encircle the last remaining people to says a siege wall is erected around the city to prevent escape and that was done in early July right and just to show you give you an idea of what that wall looked like you know via pictures here about five miles long while all this is happening these zealots and these I got to tell you these zealots from just from reading the references they they are wicked men because they killed a lot of their own people they were killing women and children and wreaking all kinds of havoc inside the city of Jerusalem but another wicked thing that they did was in order to you know keep the people fighting they pretended to have prophets literally paid profits paid guys priests to prophesy to the false prophecies to the people and you can see it here it says by hiring a set of wretches pretenders to prophesy to go about the city and declare the near approach of a speedy and miraculous deliverance so these zealots had these these preachers or these prophets fake prophets go around the city say oh I prophesied victory for you brother oh we're gonna go beep the Most High is going to deliver us and then let's read about because we're actually getting close to the end like if this was a video game all the lives would be lost in the the health of the blast man on the board be getting ready to fade away so it's just about game over for Israel just about game over for the people in Jerusalem and let's read about the final moments and it says they scaled in a wall and after a sanguinary encounter made themselves masters of the fortress of Antonia still however not only the zealous but many of the people were yet so blinded that though nothing was now left but the temple and the Romans were making formidable preparation to batter it down all right so the temple had a wall a wall of his own so Rome they got past that inner wall and so now the only thing that's left is the temple so you had some people actually you have the temple and to the right was the city place where other houses and stuff we're located but there are now in the inner part there at the temple they're trying to batter these these fortifications down in order to get to the temple but what they're finding out is that the fortifications around the temple they're strong they can't there's no move with those fortifications right if you read it says and the Romans were making formidable preparations to batter it down they could not persuade themselves that elohim would suffer that holy place to be taken by heathens right it just couldn't it didn't compute with them right I mean think about it they just saw this departure of Elohim from the temple so surely super natural power of Elohim that just departed surely that wouldn't he wouldn't allow that these heat is to come in and desecrate and destroy the temple surely that that would happen so that's most the belief of the children of Israel that were they were barricading themselves in the temple and it says you know when Josephus was sent for the last time to John so even in this late hour even after he's you know he pretty much has Israel beat you know he pretty much has Jerusalem captured you know he's already inside the city he's still trying to give them a chance to surrender but John you know he's one of those zealots right he's one of the the men these wicked men that was leading this uprising based off off of his actions as far as what he did he says who commanded it in the temple he's sending Josephus over to John to see if they would surrender short answer is no so what happens and just a quick note here says on the 17th of July the daily sacrifice ceased for the first time since its restoration by the brave by judas maccabees so if you've married with the book of Maccabees how during Maccabees they reestablish the sacrifices at the temple when they retook Jerusalem back over what this reference is saying is that so sacrifices continue from the time of the Maccabees up until 70 AD this is when it stopped and it says the daily sacrifice ceased for the first time since its restoration right and you could see this is at the very bottom says the Roman commander had determined in council not to burn the temple so even the Roman commander did not want to burn the temple but they weren't giving him a choice and you'll see that I like to start at the top of course says but as the strength of the wall eluded the force of all his engines so basically the wall around the temple it wasn't budget they weren't going to breach that and it says his troops next endeavor to steal it so they tried to climb it they were repulsed so they couldn't get past with considerable loss so they were losing men left and right as you're trying to scale this wall in order to get to the temple says when Titus found that his desire of saving the sacred building was likely to cost many lives he set fire to the gates of the outer temple which being plated with silver it burnt all night and the flame rapidly communicated or spread to the adjacent galleries in other things and says Titus who was still desirous of preserving the temple caused the flames to be extinguished I put it out put it out I don't want to destroy the temple there's this an appease the clamors of his troops who vehemently insisted on the necessity of raising it to the ground so notice here that the people that Titus is commanding that's causing all this death and destruction his troops basically it was his troops that insisted on raising the temple to the ground in other words they insisted on dig in this temple up and we're gonna actually read about this in Scripture because this points to we can actually find out who these people are that are insisting that this temp will be razed to the ground and you what you'll find is that it is a people that hate the Most High God and they are the the enemies of the children of Israel right they're the enemies of the children of Israel so Titus for a moment you know he gets these troops of his that were insisting on raising the temple to the ground or burning it up it says the uttermost exertions of Titus to save the temple were however ineffectual it says our Savior had foretold its total destruction so it was prophecy had to be fulfilled one way or another and his awful prediction was about to be accomplished and now says Josephus the fatal day approached in the revolution of Ages the 10th of August and fatica Lee called the day of vengeance in which the first temple had been destroyed by the king of Babylon so on the same day that the first temple was destroyed by the king of Babylon this second temple are the temple during 70 AD was destroyed on the same day and this is how it happened so while Titus was proposing himself in his pavilion so while Titus you know he's taking a break he's relaxing in his pavilion a Roman soldier remember the Titus had some Roman soldiers that were you know they really wanted to burn this temple to the ground all right so this is kind of like the scene out of a movie we just have this this lone soldier and he's walking towards the temple without receiving any command he sees some of the blazing material and with the assistance of another soldier who raised him from the ground he threw them through a window into one of the apartments that surrounded the sex room and basically what happens at the temple starts going up in flames so tight it you know he's kind of relaxing he you know he hears all his commotion so cystitis being awakened by the by the outcry hastened to the spot and commanded his soldiers to exert themselves to the utmost to extinguish the fire so this was a Titus that was doing this this was the soldiers Titus were commanding that dentists that wanted to raise the temple to the ground I'm stressing it because it's a specific people that did this that says he called purged threatened his men but so great was the clamor and tumult that his entreaties and menaces were alike disregarded the exasperated Romans resorted thither from the camp I said we're killing the Jews so basically temples going up the soldiers of he they they're killing folks left and right they're killing our forefathers nothing right it says the dead were heaped about the altar and a stream of blood flows and its steps still as the flames had not reached the inner part of the temples as Titus with some of his chief officers answered him to the sanctuary in the most holy place which excited his astonishment admiration after having in vain repeated his attempts to prevent its destruction he saved the golden candlestick the table of showbread the altar of perfumes which were all of her gold and the volume of the law wrapped up in a golden tissue and upon his leaving the sacred place some other soldiers set fire to it so you can see those same soldiers then made their way into the inner place where Titus was and they started burning that Titus he was able to take things out of the inner temple and even this is in Italy and on there they depict the things that were taken out of the temple during this time so there also confirming what happened all the stuff that was that they were able to take out of the temple it says the conquerors carry their fury to such a height as to Massacre all they met without distinction of age sex or quality they also burnt all the treasure houses containing vast quantities of money plate and the riches furniture and a word they continued to work their progress with fire and sword till they had destroyed all except two of the temple gates ok so after all this death and destruction was going on John and Simon somehow still managed to survive right you know after all these people that are getting killed left and right left and right and in John and Simon you know they were the ones that would not surrender you know they they wanted to fight to the bitter in then they decide to reach out to Titus and say hey Titus can we talk about you know surrendering to you so of course by then Titus you know he was going to have none of it and it reads you know the conquest of Jerusalem being now completed the Romans placed there in signs upon the walls with triumph they next walk the streets with swords in their hands and killed all they met amidst the darkness of that awful night fire was set to the remaining divisions of the city and Jerusalem wrapped in flames and bleeding on every side sunk into utter ruin and destruction and how many people were killed it says the number of those destroyed during the war was lasted seven years is computed to have been 1 million four hundred and sixty-two thousand when the sword had returned to his scabbard for want of objects it says no Titus commanded the holy of the whole city in the temple to be demolished and upon viewing the strength of the works he exclaimed we have fought with the assistance of God it was God who drove the Jews out of these fortifications for what can the hands of man or the force of machines affect against these towers so basically as Titus is leaving he's looking back looking around and he was like it was God to did this because he was because he was looking at the towers he was like there's no way that a man could conquer the city there was no way that that could happen and of course the key part the civil war the strife the beef the fighting amongst Israel which caused that to happen but just before we close this out let's take a look as you know I tried to stress that there was a people that were that participated in the destruction of Jerusalem that they were most vehement as far as you know raising the temple destroying the temple and killing people and cutting them off as they would as they were trying to escape there was a certain people that did this we can actually find the in in the scriptures as we first take a look at Psalms chapter 137 now we're gonna start at first one it reads by the rivers of Babylon there we sat down gaily wept when we remembered Zion we hanged our harps upon the Willows in the midst thereof for there they that carry us away captive required us a song and they that wasted us required of us mirth saying sing us one of those songs of Zion how shall we sing the jaws song in a strange land if I forget thee O Jerusalem let my right hand forget her cunning if I do not remember thee let my tongue cleave to my to the roof of my mouth if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy remember oh yeah the children of Edom and the day of Jerusalem who said raise it raise it even to the foundation thereof oh so now we can see who it was that was shouting raze it burn it down dig it up even to this very foundation it was Edom and it says then it also calls Edom it says verse eight o daughter of Babylon who art to be destroyed happy shall he be that rewarded thee as thou has rewarded us happy shall he be that taketh and Assaf thy little ones against the stones hmm learning that it was Edom or Esau that causing all this death and destruction that in the the army of Titus so you see Titus you know at times he wanted to to save the temple he wanted to save Jerusalem he wanted them to surrender but there were people that was with him that was with his army that kept pushing for this destruction all right and this we see it says and this is from the book of Obadiah chapter 1 verse 10 and it says for though violence against thy brother Jacob this is talking about Edom or Esau this is for thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee and thou shalt be cut off for ever in the day that thou stood us on the other side and then in the day that strangers carried away captive his forces and foreigners entered into his gates it says and cast lots upon Jerusalem even thou was as one of them but thou should us not have looked on the day of thy brother and the day that he became a stranger neither should now have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction neither should have thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress thou should have not have entered into the gates of my people in the day of their calamity yay thou she does not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity nor have laid hands on their substance in the days of their calamity neither should have thou have stood in the cross way to cut off those of his that did escape that's one thing I didn't read in the references but it is actually in these books that the soldiers there were soldiers that were standing guarding the streets that were cutting off people's escape so we see that in the book of Obadiah that it was he saw that it was Edom that was in these in the guarding the cities and that was cutting off the escape of the most highest people because they wanted to destroy the children of Judah and let's read verse 14 again it says neither should now have stood in the cross way to cut off their cut off those of his that did escape neither should have thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of their of distress for the day of yah is near upon all the heathen as thou has done it shall be done unto thee thy rewards shall return upon thy own head so one thing to keep in mind that the most high yah has not forgotten the most high yah will recompense will pay back those that done this destruction and we can see that Esau or it roll in that we can even see this like in the Book of Jeremiah verse I'm sorry Book of Jeremiah chapter 51 verse 6 Mary's flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul be not cut off in her iniquity for this is the time of Yas vengeance he will render unto her a recompense Babylon has been a golden cup in Yas hand that made all the earth drunken the nations have drunk of her wine therefore the nations are man Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed how for her take balm for her pain if so be she may be healed verse 9 we would have healed Babylon but she was not healed forsake her and let us go everyone into his own country for her judgment reaches unto heaven and is lifted up even to the skies verse 10 yah has brought forth our righteousness come and let us declare in Zion the work of yah our Elohim verse 11 make bright the arrows gather the shields yah has raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes for his device against Babylon to destroy it because it is the Vengeance of yah the Vengeance of his temple
Channel: Benayah Israel
Views: 196,331
Rating: 4.8595266 out of 5
Keywords: Jerusalem, Judah, Jews, Children of Judah, Children of Israel, Israel, Black History, Black, Israelites, Black Hebrew Israelites, Hidden Hebrews, The Fall of Jerusalem
Id: 1iNnpATeuPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 28sec (4348 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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