JAWS Filming Locations | Then and Now | Interesting changes to the beaches.

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hello so right now i'm standing in the exact spot where chief brody went running along this rock wall here towards the jaws bridge what is known as the jaws bridge in order to save his son michael's life from what was impending doom incredible what do you get when you combine mechanical sharks that hardly worked a starring cast that didn't always get along [Music] and a 27 year old rookie filmmaker under constant pressure from studio execs you get the world's first blockbuster the start of the summer theater season and the forging of a movie-making partnership between two legends that will go on to produce one cinematic masterpiece after another so join me now as i visit all the filming locations well most of them from the 1975 one-of-a-kind classic jaws oh nick p you're going to need a bigger channel so here we are now at south beach where the opening scene the opening scene of this iconic film took place now i was just talking to a local who's lived here for over 30 years because of the surging flood water i was told all these new dunes you see here now were unfortunately flattened but they were much larger before there was definitely much more beach so things change over time then where chrissy watkins enters the water is actually a different beach altogether it's actually edgartown beach i never want them to remake this classic movie but what i want to see more than anything is the making of jaws that would be special a movie about the making of the movie unfortunately a little difficult to match up the exact spots here because for the reasons i already stated but don't worry this is going to be uh it's going to be a pretty special video so stay tuned right here is where the brodie house once stood but many years back it was demolished and rebuilt they say that that was the structure used for the garage if it was it was completely remodeled it is possible i do not know for sure one way or another so that means the driveway would have been right in front of it and this became the new spot for the driveway and then he backs up right here is where the original house would have been very cool i guess they would have been on that swing set right about there be careful in this town hey oh he he he left new york seeking the more peaceful more peaceful life to raise his kids have a family make a difference only that wasn't going to be the case his life was about to become more chaotic than it has ever been awesome this island is beautiful by the way i'm really enjoying my stay here fantastic at least right there is where the billboard would have been located for the 50th annual regatta of amity island crazy yep right right around there now they had to relocate the lighthouse i believe it was once right there and they had to move it over just to there awesome this is so cool i've been wanting to visit this area basically since i seen the movie really really cool just fill it out fill out the forms just fill it out oh see here they definitely put an extension on this one definitely underwent some modifications over the years so so great chief brody would have exited what was the amity police station we've come out of here here's what he would have seen with it from his point of view as he walked out into the street davis lane turn this corner right here [Music] [Applause] beautiful look at that you would have went walking right down the street here again past all these buildings [Music] [Music] right over here is where the medical examiner's office would have been located i love it now here is the chap acquittal house in the movie it would have been the amity gazette the medals that came walking right out of this door here trying to head off the chief hearing the news fearing the worst before a panic is created on the island and that part was played by carl gottlieb he was a co-writer amity island what an experience it's amazing how everything basically looks exactly the same as it did some 47 years ago hey look at the kids get to my fence 89 year here's where bed had harry's bike rental would have been located who did it god the majority of amity island the fictitious amity island was centered in and around edgar town here in martha's vineyard very picturesque and right here this is where rice schneider walks in to get his paintbrushes this place right here which is now the port hunter and you see this across the street vaguely through from the inside outside as he walks in the summer kings come down here in june you haven't got one thing on here i ordered not a beach umbrella not a sun lounger no beach balls if i can't get service thanks again and what time do you guys open for business 5 30. so chief brody would have stepped out with supplies in hand all the necessary materials to make the signs so the beach is closed and there's deputy hendricks will pulled up right here couldn't call them in there's no phones out there okay come on get out of there take this stuff back to the office and get to work on those signs beaches closed no swimming i ordered the amity pd and let's collect the printing doesn't matter right we had a shark attack at south beach this morning man fatal i better batten down the beach gear enough for the fourth of july the banner would have been right above the water and main street intersection oh wow legendary and again mayor vaughn would have came out of this door here all the people in charge of the town eager eager to find out and learn just what chief brody had him on lancaster pennsylvania oh yeah this island is still not short on characters that's for sure wherever they may be from originally i'm okay to stay here while it moves or uh just move back a little bit further just so you're good yeah and that's good thanks so so a little different these days it doesn't do the spin but this was the ferry that was taken across right it's all psychological you yell barracuda devices huh what you yell shark we've got a panic on our hands on the 4th of july okay you can take us back now [Music] wait for it wait for it what the where's the wreath isn't this crazy look at how different the water line is now it is so much farther down the beach it's incredible i couldn't believe it when i got over here and i found the exact location for where chief brody pulls his son aside to tell him to go into the pond as as was just shown here i was i'm like wait a minute something's not right here huh what a what you see the new rocks that were definitely not out in the sun anywhere near as long as the rock wall that was originally there back during production those those rocks are far more sun bleached or sun stained at least comparatively speaking and um yeah this was fascinating to learn yeah so basically what i learned when i did a little research about this area at joseph sylvia state beach especially in this particular spot it was very susceptible to flooding because as you see what was the ocean line along the beach during production it's pretty close to the main road there and the main road is the only road on the other side is more water so naturally during a storm you got a serious problem you're not going to be able to travel by car until the water recedes back to its normal level i'm guessing they dredged along the coast dug up a lot of sand and just basically extended the beach forward so i had to loosely figure out the exact spots of where everything was laid out which was extremely challenging i think i did a pretty good job at it but again i got to be off a little bit here and there because i mean i'm not a computer but yeah it it it was just it was fascinating to to realize that that was all redone as well that's not the same bridge from the movie but it's in the same spot but again i i think the water would have started right around here [Music] go back out in the water let me see your fingers alex kentner they're beginning to prune just let me go out a little longer just ten more minutes [Music] i just want to know one simple thing when do i get to become an islander ellen [Music] you don't go in the water like oh do you some bad hat harry that famous dolly zoom there was dolly set up all over the beach basically the dolly pulled back but they zoomed forward at the same time to create that effect this movie did to the beach with alfred hitchcock psycho did to the shower you know what forget the beach when i was a kid after i saw this movie for the first time large swimming pools look suspect to me i have a vivid imagination now here is the edgar town town hall which stood in as amity town hall but this room here did not exist back during production i seen some videos where some youtubers believe that this was the room used for that scene this room was not even here this was actually parking lot okay where the building ended was basically where the side entrance is now located so unfortunately that room as a whole does not exist anymore it's part of what is now the town assessor's office part of what is now the hallway from the inside you can see those buildings there and again some of the area by the side entrance so quint would have been seated right here during that famous introduction of his character where he scratched nails down the blackboard you all know me know how i earn a living i'll catch this bird for you but it ain't gonna be easy now a member of the town council who worked at the hall was nice enough to let me in i was there in may technically this person broke the rules for me which was very nice of that person so i couldn't really get into the office but all that really exists from the movie is the window but anyway the hallway is the main shot that still exists and the officers you see running alongside them mr mayor chief ladies and gentlemen nonetheless very cool to be inside here and check out this location and at least we we still have the hallway right all right very cool moving on so right here is where the am the island harbor master shack would have stood frank silver exited that grin and chief brody and his deputy would have been walking right here [Music] they sat there trying to catch their breath and figure out how to tell charlie's wife what happened to her freezer full of meat that's not funny that's not funny at all would have walked along the dock right here talking about what happened at charlie's holiday roast hello hello back young fellow how are you this is where hooper met ben gardner as he arrived on the docks who gave him a friendly warning in hopes that he was not going to be going out with the armada of bozos hey i hope you're not going out with those nuts are ya sloop don't race sad you're just gonna love it you got a paddle on the boat you're not gonna pass so scully out of here officer officer wait a second wait a second just hey how many guys are gonna put aboard that boat i never safe right that ain't safe please please help me get those guys out of the boat will you please share with me gentlemen gentlemen the officer asked me to tell you that you're overloading that boat oh my god they're all going to die okay hold on then can you tell me if there's a good restaurant or hotel on the island uh you'll walk straight ahead yeah they're all gonna die i think these are the same rocks you see amazing at the edge of the dock there was like a slab of concrete or something at the top of it which is no longer there it's covered with blacktop now that's it and this is right where gentlemen richard dreyfuss would have been standing somebody to help us yeah get them get those roadblock signs out on the highway because we've got more people down here than we can handle yeah what are you doing here talk to them those aren't my people they're from all over the place do you see all the license plates out in the parking lot connecticut rhode island new jersey i'm all by myself uh you know those eight guys in the fantail launch out there yeah well none of them are gonna get out of the harbor alive lenny that's what i'm talking about i could find chief brody who are you matt hooper i'm from the uh oceanographic institute oh for christ's sakes you're the guy we called i'm brody i'm brody oh i'm very glad to meet you i'm glad to meet you and quinn would have been seen coming into port that lighthouse in the background [Music] that sarcastic laugh to himself knowing that there's no way that was the right shark i think it's from a cold yeah got a deep throat yeah but what kind what kind of shock tiger shark a what a wood tiger shark and i believe they brought that tiger shark up from florida i think that's where it was originally captured and or killed would have been strung up right here at the end of the day some things have changed pretty considerably over the years you do see that house in the shot and that has been remodeled somewhat as well there was another there was another building here that was it must have been torn down and the building you see now is what was rebuilt in its place and right around here is where richard dreyfuss would have explained to roy scheider the chances that these would-be fishermen caught the exact shark they weren't good a hundred to one it's probably a safe estimate and the chances that these bozos got the exact shot there's no other sharks like this in these waters it's a hundred to one a hundred to one now i'm not saying that this is not the shark it probably is martin it probably is here's where that dramatic scene would have happened with alex getting his mother chief roadie yes and you knew it you knew there was a shark out there you see the expression on his face it's priceless he nailed it he looks like a guy who got slapped in the face and stunned by a mother who just lost her kid not a joking matter this cast was excellent from top to bottom everyone did a great job i'm sorry martin she's wrong [Music] no she's not how was your day this fellow youtuber here at mov clips always shares the best scenes from all different movies i often use his uh his clips that he posts as references while i'm out here he makes my life a lot easier someone's property here that's where that's the doc his sons were we're on a boat next to their birthday present when chief brodie was yelling at them to get out and the mother at first was was upset with the chief and then she quickly changed her mind after flipping through some pages of that book the house was probably demolished because so many buildings and structures on this island are very old the island itself was first discovered by a british explorer in the early 1600s very i think 1602 if i'm not mistaken and he first discovered cape cod called a cape cod because of the fish found in that area and then he later named the island next to it this island martha's vineyard after his newborn daughter at the time and it has nothing to do with vineyards in terms of wine as the name may suggest it was named that because there were wild vines found growing all over the island right here is where that very memorable conversation happened between the chief hooper and mayor vaughan they tried to appeal desperately try to appeal to the mayor's better judgment to no avail now the jersey shore shark attacks of 1916 had to somewhat inspire the 1974 book but author peter benchley is on record of denying that justifiable belief i mean after all the incidents are referenced in the movie and it's going to happen again it happened before the jersey preacher 1916. there were five people chewed up in the search in one week tell them about the swimmers and what you see in the movie certainly rings a bell as to what happened back in 1916. now there were three mechanical sharks in total and the sharks not working was what worked out best for this movie this movie is perfectly paced and the suspense is masterful largely due to the shark not even making an appearance fins aside until over halfway through the movie spielberg resorted to pov shots from the shark's perspective along with some hitchcockian effects it also forced shooting to swell from 55 days to well over 150 days pushing its original release date of christmas day 1974 which would have definitely not made the same splash as what became its release date in the summer of 75 and movie magic happens that's it goodbye i'm not going to waste my time arguing with a man who's lining up to be a hot lunch i'm going to see you later please don't do this mr vaughn what we are dealing with here is a perfect engine uh an eating machine i wanted to take a long close look at this sign those proportions are correct love to prove that wouldn't you get your name into the national geographic [Laughter] larry larry if we make an effort today we might be able to save august and the mayor's car would have been parked right here right here where the chief and the mayor had a few last words for one another but again the lighthouse was moved from there just to there it once stood there because of erosion that uh happened at its foundation they had to relocate it and uh that telephone pole is no longer there as well august for christ's sake tomorrow is the fourth of july and we will be open for business it's going to be one of the best summers we've ever had lastly you see hooper sitting on a rock to be one of these rocks here i don't know none of them really resemble the rock he was once sitting on all right everybody on to the next one amity island has long been known for its clean air clear water and beautiful white sand beaches but in recent days a cloud has appeared on the horizon of this beautiful resort community a cloud in the shape of a killer shark over the beach city oh hi larry nobody's going in please the water would have basically come up to here amity as you know means friendship the hot dog shack the lifeguard tower the arcade that would have all been right over here in this section so this is the exact spot [Music] where chief brody would have pulled his son aside do me a favor will you do any other guys take the boat and put in the pawn instead and asked him to set the boat in the pond on this side the estuary side instead of taking it into the ocean ponds for all ladies i know it's for the oldies but just do it for the old man huh [Applause] in the movie the water came up to this point that is not the case anymore [Music] [Music] hey you guys you guys okay over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here where chief brody comes running along the bridge before he makes his leap and top marks to him for doing that himself he did not use a stunt man that is definitely roy scheider very athletic guy anyway he he runs along and you see him land on the look there's no beach here anymore i mean there's a little bit of sand here but as you can see this this is totally different it's really amazing to see the changes between both then and now as far as that goes obviously this is a new bridge this is not the same bridge but it's in the same exact spot i don't need a stunt man [Music] it's not only one of my favorites it's one of the best movies ever made by far ten thousand dollars two hundred dollars a day whether i catch him or not right where the starring cast of roy scheider richard dreyfuss and robert shaw would have disembarked from to go out to go out on the ultimate quest to capture and kill the monster shark terrorizing the resort community of amity island so great yep right here and quince shack would have stood right here they constructed it just for filming and then once filming was finished they took it down but it would have stood right here there would have been a you see this boathouse right here in a shot or two yeah this is mind-blowingly cool character quint which was brilliantly played by robert shaw was partially based on the local fisherman craig kingsbury who taught shaw how to speak like a real-life fisherman and sea captain he also managed to land the role of ben gardner who would later become the headless sea horseman i i couldn't resist speaking of which that originally shot scene wasn't satisfying spielberg or editor verna fields so what they did was they re-shot the scene and of all places her backyard swimming pool as the crew poured milk in the water to recreate the murky atlantic ocean and what you see in the movie is exactly that quint was also partially based on the legendary montauk fisherman and charter captain frank munders who shares a record for the largest fish ever caught by rod and reel which was a great white shark shocker eventually hung out with him on his boat the cricket two before writing the novel and i believe benchley in response to a question about where the idea from george came from is quoted in a people magazine article referencing the 1964 frank mundus harpooning of a giant great white shark that was estimated to be 4 500 pounds i'm pretty sure he asked himself what if one of these monster sharks came into a resort community and wouldn't go away [Applause] tell them i'm going fishing jaws features what is arguably the most popular line in movie history you're gonna need a bigger boat which was simply yet brilliantly ad-libbed by roy shatter himself this movie also features what is probably the most recognizable score ever made the only ones out there giving it competition in that respect would have to be star wars indiana jones superman and probably friday the 13th by the way three out of four of those were also made by john williams and the three main characters were basically supposed to represent the three sides of man you had the working class hero an epitome of masculinity and quinn give me your hands then you had the wealthy college boy hooper you're right the intellect of the group and then there was burley gotta do this aboard the ship are you mr quinn the neutralizing force and voice of reason farewell and they do to you fair spanish ladies now in the scene just prior to quint's famous uss indianapolis tale you could see that there's a there's a great bonding experience between the three leads you also get a greater sense of resolve here between both characters and the actors and there's no question after it's learned about quinn's tragic experiences in world war ii hooper and quinn emerged from this scene with newfound respect for one another you learn where quinn's passion-driven occupation came from you know when you're in quint's shop there you see the jaws of great white sharks and other sharks all over his shop it's a pretty cool thing to see but it's more face value no pun intended you don't you don't really think about it beyond that point but you're like this guy's obviously obsessed here you know like why did he choose this profession and it all becomes abundantly clear in this scene you run the indianapolis 700 men went into the water it's such a natural scene the way it just unfolds jaws was almost completely filmed on martha's vineyard with the exception of some studio and underwater photography in california and live shark footage in australia shark experts ron and valerie taylor are both credited at the end of the film i read somewhere they test a smaller person as a cage diver version of hooper and equipped them with a smaller cage to create the illusion of a much larger shark in the waters of south australia and then you have that awesome conclusion climactic finish you know it was just it's one of hollywood's best moments just incredible stuff and the end result once again movie magic and that's why this movie is what it is there are so many scenes that occur throughout this movie where you just have lightning in a bottle happening every step of the way okay now the final shot in the movie the end credits where you see both hooper and brody coming into shore this was filmed not too far from the cape podge lighthouse in chappaquiddick as you could see it in the distance okay i wanted to visit this exact location so badly you have no idea my wife and i took the ferry over to chappaquiddick but we learned because the summer season hadn't technically started yet we were there at the end of may there were no shuttles to be taken from where you leave your car because you in order to get to the cape podge lighthouse you have to drive over miles of beach just to get there because the season hadn't started yet they didn't start the shuttles so you would need a park pass number one which was like 200 and also wait wait and also let half of the air out of all four tires oh and by the way good luck to you if you get stranded halfway out there if you've never done this before yeah it was it wasn't happening um i i was considering just hoofing it as crazy as that sounds i was really considering hiking it but i i couldn't do that to my wife you know that she even put up with all my filming location shenanigans which she's really not into not like i am not even close but she she supports and appreciates what i do you know it was just a great experience all around my wife had a great time oh yeah i hope you all enjoyed this one i worked really hard on it and it was it was definitely a labor of love and i'm going to be unloading some some more classics soon as well i'm looking forward to that all the kind words and supporting comments and likes and whatnot it's it's it's very much appreciated so that being said time to go see you next time as you may think the local souvenir and thrift shops and restaurants on the island are themed to the gills with jaws and shark paraphernalia when december of 73 joe alves arrived at the woods hole ferry station intended to go out to nantucket island because author of jaws peter benchley recommended production designer joe alves to go out to nantucket to scout it as a possible excellent location for the movie so what happened was a storm was a bruin and the ferries canceled all their rides out to nantucket but martha's vineyard being a little bit closer to the mainland didn't have that issue so ferries were still running out to martha's vineyard out here so he didn't want to waste a day and he decided to come check this out instead and the rest is history [Music] you
Channel: Nick P Was Here
Views: 343,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shark, Great White, Attack, Week, 4th of July, Amity, Quint, Mayor, Alex, Kintner, Pond, Indianapolis, Beaches, Town Meeting, Island, Chief, Bridge, Opening, Ending, Scene, Closed, Open, Bigger boat, Soundtrack, Facts, Things you didn’t know
Id: qwEperBZnJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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