Stand By Me (1986) Filming Locations Then and NOW 4K

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is that is always [Music] thank you for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves in Brownsville Oregon we're tracking down the filming locations to a movie known as stand by me but here's the thing it's actually going to take us a couple days to film this because it was filmed in two different states and some of the locations are kind of in the middle of nowhere we got a little bit of exercise ahead of us so bear with us while we visit these filming locations in fact the very first one is right here I just walked it let me show you what I mean we are first introduced to the Town of Castle Rock from right about here Gordy is inside the store and he's buying magazines and then he leaves the store and he walks right down the sidewalk towards where I am standing and as he does this the camera pans with him and you see this red building across the street I was living in a small town in Oregon called Castle Rock there were only 1281 people but to me it was the whole world and as he steps into the road you see this intersection and then you see that building that looks like a church off to the right this is it if you're a fan of the movie Stand By Me or more importantly movies from the 80s there's just something very unique about the way that they would introduce their characters The Goonies did it and so did Stand By Me the first time that we see the boys is in their tree house all together and that tree house used to stand in that tree right there it's on private property we can't get any closer than this but at least the tree is still standing it's kind of protected in a way how cool is that right I mean you fell in love with the characters really early on with their Antics and the way that they interacted with each other it was pure Magic I remember being a kid and playing in the treehouse we had a tree I was very similar to that in my backyard growing up in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and I remember whenever it was torn down it cut deep cut deep the house you're looking at right now is barely recognizable but if you see that car right about the middle of your screen the house that's right behind it this was Vern's house and Stand By Me This is where he's underneath the porch trying to find the pennies that he buried he can't find them and this is also where we find out where he finds out about the dead body the boy pretty much catapults the entire okay they're talking about on the radio rocker or Brower or flowers the train must hit him because there is so much growth on the property now you can't actually see the angle of the house that they used for filming but if you stand down the road a little bit you can see those two windows right there you can see that on the side of the house see what I mean you really can't see Vern's house anymore all the angle that they used for the movie but if you look right about the center of your screen at the end of the driveway that is the wrap around porch how it looks today even though we really can't line up anything with the way the house looks today there is one shot that we can line up and it's Vern's point of view looking out through the lattice from underneath the house while he's digging up pennies and you can see mountains in the background you know how the Grim life Collective likes lining up mountains and for this in this video in the movie The guys are standing right where Jessica is right in the driveway because he was a kid our age three days before he had gone out to pick blueberries and nobody had seen him since I think we should tell well he wasn't gonna tell him we're not gonna tell nobody this is the shot we get of Vern looking down the driveway through the latticework you can see the mountains off in the distance the field the street the curve of the driveway everything it's right here how fitting that there is this beautiful garden right next to Gordy's house because in this scene Gordy calls out to his mom wondering where his canteen is Dad is gardening and Mom is doing the laundry and his dad actually says that his canteen is in his brother Denny's room notice I said Denny d-e-n-n-y like the restaurant but this is the house and most of the sea well pretty much everything the exteriors were filmed from the back side of the house facing the road where we're at right now but that's it Gordy's house from Stand By Me mom it's in Danny's room oh sadly we can't get into the backyard to point the camera towards where we're standing if we did you'd be able to see the shot from the movie but because it's private property we're not going to trespass but standing right here looking at the house you can see the steps going up to the back porch the back door and if we come down here move a little bit to the right you can actually see the garage that's that can be seen in the movie it's still here it's all still here beautiful house beautiful and peaceful right next to the park in this next scene you see Gordy walking down the street and you get a voiceover which is Richard Dreyfus saying that it was almost noon by the time they set out to find the dead boy Ray Brower now as he's walking pay close attention to these two buildings and how they look towards the top they're identical it was almost noon as we set out to find the body of a dead kid named Ray Brower [Music] Gordo hey man now this NAPA Auto Parts that you can see across the street can also be seen in this scene and more importantly it's right over here to your left on the sidewalk on this side of the street that we're at where Gordy and Chris meet up Chris gets out of the car and says hey do you want to see something you want to see something sure what are you okay yeah I'm fine come on man what is it the next location we're going to visit is the alleyway behind the Blue Point Diner and this is where the famous gun scene took place right back here and it should start looking familiar everything pretty much matches up the door used to say Blue Point Diner on it and to the right of it there used to be a window it's no longer there in fact you can see that it's been bricked over but for the most part everything still looks the same including the wall on the right hand side come on man what is it why what is it the boys would have been standing right about there and about the center of your screen aiming the gun over to a trash can that would have been right over here by the front of the car right over here at this corner they think it's not loaded they end up shooting scares them and then they bolt off down the alleyway this way in fact you can see that church steeple down there hey who did that who's letting cherry bombs off out here it's funny growing up a fan of the movie Stand By Me I've always wanted to visit this little Alleyway behind the Blue Point Diner I don't know what it is it's just something about it it's like one of those childhood memories but this is it standing right here how crazy cool is this right man this is fun this is fun it's a small town and it's perfect in the movie you can clearly see some of these buildings as Gordy and Chris walk right down Main Street this one here today is called hex Annex there's a little magic in all of us but there's that building and then right over here is the Blue Point Diner and then there's a scene that happens right out front of the bar with Kiefer Sutherland oh man I need you to see your face damn that was cool that was really fine he knows why did you wet in you're being strong hey girls where you going hey come on man my brother gave me that brother's not very polite eyeball now Christopher in fact if we stand right about here this is as close as we're going to get to the actual shot from the movie Now You See the door the sign that says no miners permitted anywhere there's a sign very similar to that in the movie that window right there is the one that had the Billiards sign on it and then you also see the wall of the Blue Point Diner to your right crazy that it still looks like this I mean some time has changed it has changed the building for the most part it's still here you can see it Stand By Me if you're watching this video and you're a fan of the movie Stand By Me then this is probably the part that you've been waiting for the train tracks the walk to find the dead body when I think of the movie Stand By Me the thing that sticks out the most the thing that I remember is the train tracks I mean it is after all coming of age story about a group of boys heading out into the Wilderness to find a body now whenever they first get onto the train tracks where they enter the train tracks it's at a split and if you see this pathway on the left hand side that we just walked past there used to be some train tracks there right now I'm standing in the middle of the V but if I come right over here to the other side of the scenic Bikeway sign you see this paved portion this is the old tracks now has a bike path and a hiking path this is the V where they first step onto the tracks to start the journey we'll be sleeping out at night in the woods you might see it there or garbage can so much time has passed but this is this is the close-up I think we're gonna get so right about here right now I'd be standing between both tracks and they would have been stepping onto the tracks from the right hand side of the screen pretty wild right the boys would have been walking right in front of the camera and hopefully you can see the split in the train tracks the grass path as well as the paved path a little hard to see with the Sun at least on my end when it comes to Stand By Me this movie is really all about the journey and the time that the kids spend with each other and right here this is where the Journey Down The Tracks begins right here at this Trestle and I think they say if they keep going straight it takes about what 20 miles to get to Harlow and Gordy says possibly even 30. but this is it and we know that this is the right spot because there's a scene where whenever they show the camera looking down when they're walking across the bridge you can see this like straight path that's this way how far do you think it's gonna be if we follow the tracks all the way into harlows be about 20 miles something about right to you Gordy yeah yeah it might even be 30. just before the boys get to this bridge this is also where we find out that Vern brought a comb to the trip and Jessica finds it amusing because this is one of her favorite lines in the movie Vern is one of her favorite characters and he says what does he say brought a comb what'd you bring that for well you want to look good for the camera don't you or something to that effect he's so cute I just I love him in this movie of course we have to walk across the bridge at least to the other side get a feel for what it was like to be in the movie now I promise you baby goal we're not going to be walking the rest of the way to all of the other locations we're going to drive but this is still pretty pretty amazing when it comes to visiting these train track scenes this is actually pretty cool we got a couple big ones I mean if you've seen the movie you know exactly what you're in for and we're not the first people to do this I mean other people have been here they've done different videos and they've taken pictures but we had to do it ourselves and of course we had to take you with us now on the other side of the bridge you can clearly see that it's a straight line just as it is in the movie this is just blowing my mind and we're not going to be hiking 20 miles down the train tracks in search of a body but we do have to hike a little bit because the next scene is probably I don't know a couple hundred yards up this Trail and it's the perfect day for let's just say that foreign [Music] this is a really lovely Trail and it's been a long time since I've seen a place or rather been walking in a place that had so many dandelions I've been behaved I've been just appreciating but every time I walk by I go the entire walk you've been doing that the entire walk so I figured I'll get it out of my system I'll do one just one and I've picked out this one right here grabbing yep they say that when you blow a dandelion it spreads the seed so that more grow [Applause] th for a second I thought you were going to eat it foreign that's how you're supposed to do it really up close all kinds of movie Magic was happening here they had the boys walking one way then turning around walking the other way everything they could do to get the shot but we're still on the old train tracks and right now we walked up to these old electric boxes I wouldn't call them old but here on the trail we haven't seen anything like them and I think this is where the boys sat down to count their money to pull their money as well as where Corey Feldman's character tries to dodge the train it all happened right here and we're going to point it out [Music] if I Pan the camera over to the right you're going to see a pretty large field and it might look like this is the way that the camera was pointing in the movie because while the boys walk down the train tracks you can see what appears to be an open field as well there's a mountain off in the distance it's a pretty wide shot but I don't think the camera was pointing this way in fact I think it was pointing behind me and I say something similar because this is as close to the shot that we're going to get and in the movie I think the cameraman was further back behind me into the field pointing the camera this way now you can see those trees behind Jessica those are grown today but back then they didn't look like that you can actually see the mountain range behind them especially over to the left and how in the movie it comes down and then it kind of flattens out this is the shot today so much growth actually if you walk down the trail a little bit you can get a better look at the mountain how it slopes down from the left and then just kind of plateaus out to the right just behind these trees again the trees weren't there whenever they made the movie instead it was more of an open field [Music] s now let's walk over to the tree line for a closer look those trees that were just behind Jessica like I said they weren't here whenever they made the movie but you see this fence see the wooden pool right there and if I Pan the camera down this way you can see these these wooden posts sticking up they look very similar to the ones you see in the movie and then remove all these trees behind them that's where the field would be and then the train tracks right over here so you see what I mean you can kind of get a little turned around just looking at this place but like I said if you know where to look and how to look everything just matches up and there's one more thing that tells us we're in the right spot and it's a house and Jessica actually pointed it out it's back there it's kind of hard to see right now because of all the trees but there's a house down there right about there you can see that pretty much the entire time this scene is happening whenever the boys are sitting down on the tracks counting their money as well as whenever Corey Feldman's character stands up and he decides well he's gonna Dodge the train now bringing the camera over this way you can see where Jessica is standing that's about where Corey Feldman was standing and if we come up here right about here is where he would have been standing pretending to shoot the train as it's coming towards the track [Music] about this time Charlie and Billy were playing mailbox baseball with Ace and iBall well would you look at that once again we find ourselves in the middle of the street this time for a little bit of mailbox baseball this house right here is the house the first house that they hit the first mailbox that they destroy in the movie and they you can see it as they drive past it after decimating the mailbox in the movie you can clearly see that the house belonged to the rosalinds and the mailbox is long gone but how interesting that it looks like there's a mailbox post still here almost like a nod to the movie crazy right as they hit the mailbox they drive right past the house and it happens so quick but if you pause it just right and pay attention to the house and the garage that's behind them this is what you see it's all still here it looks a little bit different but it's all still here about this time Charlie and Billy are playing mailbox after they destroy that first mailbox they gear up for another swing and as they do this you can see this wooden fence behind them there's another mailbox right there you see this tree it passed by it real quickly as they head on down this road just got me killing these field boxes it all happened right here this is called Huston Road this entire scene the entire game of mailbox baseball would have happened on this road heading right down that way this one here survived or maybe they replaced it it burned looks like you must be not driving again the building that's behind me is where they filmed the junkyard scenes and Stand By Me This was Castle Rock Salvage we can't get on the property they have no trespassing signs everywhere and here's the fun thing about this I hear a dog off in the distance and all I hear in my head is chopper sick balls and you know what even if we could get on property things have changed so much there's really nothing to see anymore there's nothing that we could line up but we could at least walk up to the gate here got signs everywhere stop no visitors Beyond this point no parking any time posted no trespassing keep out so I'm guessing at some point they had people just walking on property and Taking Liberties but this is it Castle Rock Auto Salvage it's just crazy to think that this is still standing but it's still a salvage yard after all this time from them filming to today got some old cars back there I can just standing here I can hear the movie in my head I could be wrong but I'm guessing that there's a gate or something in the back because from standing here at the main gate it looks like everything just kind of took place in the back by the woods don't know for certain Nobody's around if there was I'd ask somebody but nobody's here it's just me what's with this movie filming on busy roads it's almost like they had to shut down the entire town to make this movie now here's the thing during the junkyard scene Gordy takes the money that the boys pulled together and he heads to this country store to buy food because everybody forgot food but Vern brought a comb it's the most important part so he goes inside this really cool Country Store and we get this flashback scene where he's sitting having dinner with his family he's remembering his brother that Country Store is no longer here instead it's now an empty lot things have changed a lot over the years and I'm a little sad that the General Store is no longer here it looked like a really cool place to go and I was hoping that I could take you guys there but that's also a part of History now what's sad about this the establishing shot for the country's store baby goal it was so tight you really can't see anything like trees or mountains or anything like that the closest thing you see is on the right hand side it's like right across the the road is some bushes and you can kind of see this little pathway it's almost like a driveway leading up to where it once stood some old concrete yeah we really are in the middle of nowhere so this must have been a general store for a lot of the residents around here it's sad to see it go it's crazy because like looking behind you you can see this indent where the building once stood bring you an update on the search for the missing 12-year-old Ray Brower the police have expanded their efforts to include mutton Durham and the outlying areas and this is how Ace Merrell's house looks today we get a shot from right about here you can see the uh the telephone pole on the left hand side in this shot it's a vehicle turnaround but right about the center of your screen right here in the foreground is where Ace and his friends were sitting around bright beautiful sunny day kind of like today and giving each other cobra tattoos we get a bit of a close-up shot of the guys getting their tattoos from right about here the house for the most part looks the same just that addition on the back is a is what makes it look different but the windows up top hear the points they're spot on tell you how they're gonna find them ten years from now somehow I think this is the best vantage point that we're gonna get looking at the side of the bridge and I can't believe that I'm standing here this is wild so freaking wild before we start lining up shots let's walk up to the barricade and get a POV shot across the bridge I'm going to point out a few different things the first one being this in the movie The kids are walking across the bridge to right where Jessica and I are standing we know this because the two pieces of landmarks now if you look at the bridge itself on the right hand side you see how there's a bunch of wooden planks just jutting out you can see those in the movie but when you watch the movie they're on the left hand side of the bridge which means they're facing this way they're walking towards us also if you look at the far far end of the bridge you see that the the cliff side where you see that little bit of dirt that light tan color between the trees you can see that as they're walking across this way and that's also it could also be seen as the the train comes around the corner towards the bridge how crazy is that [Music] [Music] [Applause] just standing here just being here at this bridge not even going on it it's kind of like a childhood dream of mine I love this movie growing up and I always wanted to cross this bridge so even though we can't go across it just being here this is truly something else oh baby Gore obviously we can't walk across the bridge but if we could would you I was brave enough to do that at the beach where Lost Boys of film not the Lost Boys bridge but one near it and that gave me high anxiety this is a lot higher and a lot longer it looks just as old I don't think I could muster up the courage to do it I don't think so how cool would it be if we heard like a train whistle right now that would make it worse right that would definitely make it worse I'd be terrified yeah I'd probably break my ankle or something trying to run yeah I think this is as close as we're going to get to that actual shot it's a close-up shot of them jumping but it's right here you can see how it matches up and then we get a shot that's very similar to this as River Phoenix and Corey Feldman run to the edge to make sure that their friends are okay oh baby goal I just noticed that somebody actually wrote Stand By Me on the blockade here probably the only thing I've seen so far I'm sure there's others especially over time but this one's still here all right so here we go here's our analysis of this scene basically where I'm standing is right beneath where they they jump from the train tracks and we think it only makes sense that right where Jessica is laying down is where they where they landed you can see the Rocks behind her as well as to the left and then a little bit to the right and then there's some erosion on the hillside but you see down there by the water those two trees right there you can see those two trees in this scene which means if we come a little bit closer over here right there is where Gordy and Vern landed [Music] at least they know what time the next train's coming what found a couple more graffitis of Stand By Me that one and the blue heart here I'm sure as we walk around the barriers a bit more we'll find another a fun thing about this if you look and sometimes you got to look really close but you'll still see Stand By Me written all over this bridge when it comes to the Grim life Collective Jessica and I both have been lucky enough to visit some iconic locations and talk to some iconic people in the movie industry and you know what it's things like this this bridge is is famous to pretty much anybody who grew up in the 80s it's iconic and we're standing here right now right baby ghoul you know what I don't think I've shown any of these signs yet that are here inside Brownsville the state of Oregon loves their film history and they have these historical signs throughout various filming locations like we saw when we did Goonies and here's this one here for Stand By Me 1986. the sign right below it says did you know the park in front of you is the location of the film's blueberry pie eating contest which featured nearly 100 Brownsville residents as extras after filming the production donated picnic tables for use in the park if I remember correctly pretty much this entire scene took place inside a tent like the the pie eating tent and I'm sure you know this but here's a little bit of a a reminder a refresher if you will Gordy is telling the story about the pie eating contest this is where it took place it was a campfire tale and before Bill Travis knew it he was covered with five pies worth of used blueberries boss man Bob Cormier take one look at Bill Travis embarked on principal principal Williams barfed on The Lumberjack that was sitting next to me mayor Grundy barf on his wife's tits but when the smell hit the crowd that's when Marta's plan really started to work what you're looking at right now is a production drawing from the day of filming the placement of everything and looking at this pay close attention to where it says stage and then where it also says audience now look towards the bottom you see the parking lot with the cars and then right here the direction says North is to the right well here I am right now standing in that exact parking lot in fact you can see some of the rocks that were in that drawing there and if I turn the camera over this way we are parked to the right North which means when they made the movie right over here in this grass is where they had the stage the audience set up pretty neat right fun thing about this park it's really not that far from the main street in Brownsville where they did most of the filming you can actually walk around town then come down here have a picnic eat some pie and then go visit the rest of the filming locations it's a nice little peaceful spot in the town of Brownsville sometimes I like doing these 360 turns because it kind of shows you the lay of the land how everything looks if we're to keep going up that road right there it takes us to Teddy's house as well as Main Street in Brownsville where they did most of the filming for Stand By Me right over here past the stop sign you'll find Pioneer Park where the pie eating contest was and then if we were to keep going around the corner right down here the house on the center of your screen that is Gordy's house and then right in the middle of it all is the stone and plaque that says dedicated to the Pioneers who blazed the Oregon Trail and there you go mixing history with film history I remember whenever I was a kid playing Oregon Trail on the computer the only thing I really remember from it aside from the really crappy Graphics I mean looking back they were crappy at the time it was probably really cool but I remember family members dying of the strangest things like I don't know dysentery dysentery run over by a bison ate a raw cupcake threw an egg at your sister gouged out her eye I don't know things like that it was one of the most comical times of our childhood if you grew up in the 80s yeah Oregon Trail scarred a lot of people in the movie when the boys fall asleep in the woods Gordy has a dream he actually dreams of his brother's funeral well where they filmed that funeral scene is pretty much in the middle of nowhere it's at the end of this road and we found it we are going to drive the rest of the way up to the cemetery but I just had to stop and show you guys this because it's so simple and yet so beautiful this Cemetery really isn't that big but it's absolutely beautiful because you have these panoramic views everywhere you turn now where they shot the funeral scene is right over here let's see what I mean once we get over here I'm going to line up shots I think well pretty much right where Jessica is standing is where the funeral was held you can see all the Tombstones behind her match up it looks like the camera was a little elevated almost like a crane shot like looking down but this is it should have been you Gordon this always cracks me up about movies like finding filming locations the location scout the location manager to that's in charge of finding all these places I always want to know the story behind them because this Cemetery where they shot this it's such a small scene so far removed from everything else it feels like there's just nothing here you see what I mean there's just nothing around and right in the center of nothing is the cemetery there's just something so relaxing about being out in the middle of nowhere and look at that right now we're about 20 minutes away from the train trestle scene from Stand By Me and we're in search of where a water tower once stood there's a scene in the movie where their stomach is their stomachs are rumbling as they're walking along the tracks heading to the Royal River and they pass this gigantic water tower it's massive I don't think it's still here there might be some remnants of it where it once stood but I think it just deteriorated over time we're going to try to find it behind us you can see parts of the old railroad they got this crazy glare on me because out here there's snow like I'm in ankle deep snow right now it is something else what a thought but right now I'm standing right where the train tracks once were you throwing snowball she's throwing snowballs at me well God that's like Knee Deep I'd say we probably parked probably about 100 yards behind us and we're just walking where the old tracks were seeing if we can see anything but this is definitely where it once where it once stood where they filmed Stand By Me we truly are in the middle of nowhere trying to find this old water tower this is a bit of a hike that's for sure I'd say at this point we're probably about 150 200 yards from the main road where we parked and we're kind of cheating a little bit we know exactly where it's at we'll where it once stood at least we'll find out once we get there because we had the we have the GPS coordinates of it it's in my pocket so we should be coming up on for the Royal River the reality of Ray Brower was growing and kept us moving despite the Heat for me the idea of seeing that kid's dead body was starting to become an obsession [Music] and there it is so right now we're walking on the tracks or where the tracks once stood for the movie Stand By Me and this is the scene where they're walking to Royal River and right over here to the left just past these trees you're going to see the the lumber this is where that giant water tower once stood crazy so the the top part of it that held all the water that's gone but the support beams are still here right now we're just walking around it seeing if anybody wrote stand by me anywhere on these support beams not seeing anything standing here in this exact spot lining up the shot is actually pretty easy but some time has passed those two trees to the left of your screen those weren't here whenever filming took place and the water tower only two rows of the the wood remain there's actually more and it's kind of kind of deceiving because it's around like a circular water tower on top of like a square platform and right where Jessica's standing that's the direction that they would have been walking it's a pretty freaking cool scene simple but it's the journey a lot of times these locations are cool but just like the movie Stand By Me It's All About The Journey this might make it a little easier to see where the water tower once stood as you can see there's only two rows of the wooden supports that still remain but you can see where the other ones were pretty crazy I mean the fact that this Still Remains at least you gotta come out and check it out in fact on Google Maps there's a there's a location for it a Stand By Me Water Tower so let's see here the water tower is right there and if I turn the camera right down this way you can see where the train tracks used to go that's the way the that they're a walk in the direction that they were walking and we parked 150 yards up this way which means we got to walk back but we had to come out and take a look at it especially if we're up this way and like I said this is about 20 minutes away from the train trestle scene from the movie one of the most iconic scenes from any movie that came out in the 80s I mean you think Stand By Me It's the scene you think of this one here it's a lot smaller of a scene but still it's still pretty cool to be standing here I don't know why this is but it seems like every time we do a film and location video it always I always find myself standing in the middle of the road this road right here in real life it's known as Royal Avenue and it is busy every time I try to get out there to get a shot a car comes by every time it this has proven to be one of the difficult parts and that's just the stand in the center of this road and point the camera that way in the game of chicken scene Ace and his friends are driving down this same road that I'm walking right now the same direction and we know this because when they first see the truck come over the hillside straight ahead you see all these different telephone poles on both sides of the road as well as that Barn that's behind the trees up there now we know that this is the spot because of this particular telephone pole right there it's known as Royal Avenue all in all it's just a quick spot on the tour but it's still part of the movie so we had to stop and kind of captured at least try to hopefully we did I think we did at the very end of the journey the boys head back to town and this is the shot that we get it's a bridge that goes directly into downtown Brownsville and it symbolizes the end of the journey changing in lives I think it's one of the reasons why we love this movie so much I mean especially to me it's a coming-of-age movie somehow the town seemed different smaller [Laughter] story where the kids come back to town and they're heading home and Vern walks across this intersection right here and this is the same intersection where he finds the penny in the road Corner looks a little bit different but the building is still the same whoever had the bright idea to put a penny in the crosswalk in a busy intersection is it's beyond me because this place we've been waiting for an hour to film this a quick walk by I'm going to walk back out there to show you guys how it looks in the pavement but it's it's a busy road and I I just don't get why I mean I get I mean they should have put the penny like on the sidewalk or something like that right and here's a quick close-up of the penny in the crosswalk it's there you can come visit it but be quick about it be safe Teddy walks up the driveway to his house which is this building right here singing his song as he goes home once we see Teddy walking up the driveway to his house Gordy and Chris turn and they walk down Main Street this direction right here now look to your left you see that Coca-Cola sign painted on the brick wall it's still here hey look at that you don't see advertisements like that anymore it's nice to see that they still have it here and they they kept they kept it up it looks good foreign [Music] there are three locations that everybody talks about that everybody wonders about but nobody has been able to capture where if they did they get the location wrong that is where they built the leech pond where they had the campfire scene ultimately the whole purpose of the movie where the body was found we just finished a walking tour of the property with the owner who took us to each of the spots and we can confirm that yes they built the leech Pond back here the campfire scene was back here and where they found the body was back here and he even pointed out where they built the railroad and of course we're going to show it all to you and it's in this far back corner of his property now he was telling us that whenever he bought this place there were trees everywhere and shrubs almost up to Jessica's waist and I think he said he took out what 29 trees and all and he he works consistently to cut this grass and make it like a park his family has had weddings back here can you imagine having a wedding where they filmed Stand By Me well in the movie Stand By Me Right Where She is standing this is where they built the leech Pond they dug the hole and they filled it with water and this blows my mind you can see it's kind of like a clearing and how it's a little sunken into the ground even after all these years and I say that because when the homeowner bought this property spent a lot of time filling it with dirt to just kind of level out his property but that's where it once stood hey you know it's not that deep you can walk across walking back here we also stated that the property owner took out a bunch of trees a lot of them were either dead or they weren't doing too well but he kept the strongest ones he kept the healthy ones and a few of these trees can actually be seen in the movie like these two trees on the right hand side of your screen now let's walk through this scene the leach Pond was built to the left hand side of your screen right there in the grass now from everything that we've read from what we've been told that they filmed the campfire scene basically on the edge of the leech Pond or at the very least part way inside the leech Pond before they filled it with water that puts these two trees right next to it now in the campfire scene you can see Chris River Phoenix's character right up against this tree right here and they get up a couple different times and this is where you have an emotional moment thank you doesn't it kind of look like at one point there was a road back here it's long it's flat it's straight there never was a road back here to the left we got the actual River to the right we have where they built the leech Pond this is where they built the railroad tracks that they filmed here on this property we'll get a couple different shots of the boys walking along the train tracks in the same direction Jessica is and behind them you can see the river pretty wild to be standing here huh I'm sorry to be walking the train tracks here you know what baby goal we're about to see a dead body coming through the woods I bet we saved over an hour I've seen I see him a lot has definitely changed over the years but right now where I'm walking is where the train tracks were and the boys can be seen on both sides of the tracks looking for the body and it's Vern who actually spots him first and where he spots and where they filmed the body scene is right down this embankment close to the river just standing here I can see the movie but at the same exact time things have changed so much water level has changed trees have fallen down but the property owner was saying that the body was laying right about there I look over baby goal and you were sitting exactly like you were in an earlier part of the video with dandelions this time it's grass seed what do you think of our time here up in Oregon or California Northern California and Oregon tracking down Stand By Me It's been hot I'm a bit sunburned but I'm not really mad about it because it's so peaceful and beautiful here and I love nature I grew up in nature so it's a little bit like going home and with that being said thank you for joining us on another groom Adventure this time telling the story of Stand By Me ending it right where the body was found until next time happy Halloween
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 252,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stand By Me, Stand By Me Movie, Stand By Me Movie Soundtrack, Stand By Me Movie Song, Stand By Me Pie Eating Contest, Stand By Me Song They Sing, Stand By Me Train Scene, Stand By Me Leeches, Stand By Me Leech Scene, Stand By Me Leach, Stand By Me Then and Now, Stand By Me Filming Location, Stand By Me Filming Locations, Stand By Me Stephen King, Stephen King Stand By Me, Stephen King Movies, Stephen King Audiobook, Stephen King Interview, Stand By Me Boogeyman, Oregon
Id: 6xgpgxPTVMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 8sec (3128 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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