Point Break 1991 FILMING LOCATIONS Then & Now

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beautiful time of day here at Leo Carrillo Beach and it's time The Point Break filming locations [Music] I managed to find myself visiting this very spot almost every time I'm in Los Angeles do you blame me absolutely gorgeous this spot is where the fight scene happened we're boaty came to Johnny Utah's Aid right here that whole scene went down right here with Anthony Kiedis and Company more child [Music] foreign [Music] the shower is no longer here [Music] Utah give me two [Music] [Music] [Applause] they mixed in scenes from the North Shore of Oahu in Hawaii to get those real Pipelines nobody puts a baby in the corner especially the 57 Chevy model surfboard foreign [Applause] [Music] this is also the same section of the beach where the barbecue soccer game and fight scene took place in the 1984 classic The Karate Kid seriously [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign actually trained with professional server Dennis Jarvis for two months in Hawaii prior to production this is a very cool place to visit and multiple movies have been filmed here over the years foreign what do you want shrimp and fries I mean what do you want why do you keep hanging around here I need you to teach me give me a break it's always figured I'd go to law school so I did football scholarship five big it's gonna take a really long time so I'm a big hero to my folks right your whole life changes and I suddenly realized that all my goals had been their goals and I hadn't been living my own life so I wanted something for myself so right here is the section of the beach Johnny Utah would have met his guy the erosion that has occurred over the years is pretty remarkable foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so Pappas in Utah would have been staking out the bank that would have been located right there which is a building now that has been completely all but completely remodeled and they would have been parked right here right here on Culver boulevard between Canfield and Main Street in Culver City this scene actually has become the most popular in the movie and has taken on a bit of a cult following of its own and for a classic like Point Break to have a scene like this stand out amongst the rest is uh is pretty special we got a classic right here best I've ever tasted would you go get me to come on partner Utah give me two [Music] so yeah right about here is where the ex-presidents would have pulled up in their Lincoln Town Car [Music] Johnny ordered the meatball subs to go and just says Angelo pacus was sinking into his meatball sub and explaining how hungry he really was that's when they came storming out of the bank purpose in Utah now in Hot Pursuit the chase would have spelled out right here onto Venice Boulevard you see that building right there in the background in the shot [Music] he's still behind us foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through what was a gas station at the time but it's now become one large surf shop that shares two very nearby locations that are in fact both locations used in the movie pretty damn awesome this chase scene bounces around a lot in the flash from Culver City miles south down to Redondo Beach then back to Culver City in a Fletch in between I believe they're running through the back courts of the Venice area which has transformed a lot over the years I can't confirm that for sure but it looks like it was perhaps in that area foreign [Music] and as Bodhi runs through the creek you can see that distinctive looking drain behind him as he passes it here's the match [Music] once across the creek he would have climbed the fence that would have been located right around here and as he reaches the top of it you can make out the window and the air conditioner and then the lower either glass window or sliding glass door along with the wall right in front of it just in the background there as he reaches the top of the wall [Music] foreign [Music] would have looked back into Johnny Utah's eyes and they would have had that close-up moment staring into each other's Souls if you will and that's when Bodhi realized Johnny wouldn't do it and he ran off [Music] all right you can find parking right along the street here then you make your way down you'll see signs for the bike path go down the bike path and there you have it so the van would have been parked right here and you see that in the background as they would have emptied out of the back [Music] there would have actually been another set of doors right where these ATM machines are right where these machines are now is the entrance they would have went through during the movie back during the time of the movie this would have been one large Bank space it has since been partitioned into separate spaces final beach scene was not shot in Bell's Beach Australia at all it was actually shot at Indian Beach in Oregon which is a part of ecola National Park just below this Bluff here regrettably I did not get a chance to visit the actual Beach during my stay in Oregon from what I gathered Swayze was a pretty frequent skydiver and also if I'm not mistaken Swayze actually participated in both jump scenes in this movie and the drop scenes were shot over Lake Powell in Utah and where they take off from and where Angelo Pappas meets his feet with Santa Monica Airport there are a few things that match up with the location that is seen on screen in the movie with this actual location the relationship of the pole to that tree where the tree is on the property where the pole is on the property the driveway the house type you can see there was an addition put on to the front that popped it out a little bit that altered the roof so again I can't prove this but it's possible the number of the house is the same the types of houses in the air area the same there are a couple of things I do not like you can see when they're rolling up to the house you see a couple of larger structures in the background which are not present here they could have been torn down at some point backyard was a different location the front was a different location and uh where Utah is seeing coming up the street with what appears to be a lumber yard in the background was also another one like I said it's a possibility anyway I wanted to include it as a bonus if anyone else out there could perhaps shed some light on this subject I'd love to hear it foreign foreign
Channel: Nick P Was Here
Views: 31,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Utah, Bhodi, surfing, beach, fight, chase, bank, robbery, presidents, Behind the scenes, set, movie, Sky dive, meatball subs, get me two, Federal agent, Los Angeles, fbi, pappas, undercover
Id: JCpdyhxEDn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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