ROCKY 2 Filming Locations NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN 2022 - Where The Movie Was Made - Proposal Scene

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and so this video begins before the sculpture this inscription below it rocky balboa it's not how hard you hit it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward that's how winning is done and i've returned to the great city of philadelphia to go the distance once again welcome back for another rocky balboa filming location this time is for redemption for the rematch welcome to the filming locations for rocky 2. yo yo what's up everyone i am tampa jay this time we've gotta win it we've got nothing to lose rocky balboa true underdog story a film that has inspired me just like it is has inspired millions of others over the years especially athletes i'm a former athlete myself and the rocky story wow without the rocky story there was many of games that i probably wouldn't have done so well always in my ears with the soundtrack the gonna fly now i have a tiger always listening to that stuff thinking of the rocky films and getting fuel getting inspiration from a movie as i was you know trying to do my best and give my best and that's why i'm out here one of the biggest reasons why i'm out here i love movies i love film and i love rocky and it's been such a huge inspiration to me as it has been to millions of others and right now among these stuffs there's peop there are people out here always out here every time i come out here always coming to the top and recreating the scenes of rocky running up these very steps right here so iconic and i just wanted to give you all that up here just before the philadelphia art museum as i start my pilgrimage my rocky two pilgrimage throughout the city here a ton of scenes were filmed more than the first one so i've got a lot of ground to cover and i'm going to show you all of the locations of the philadelphia rocky 2 movie hope you enjoyed also i will point out the scenes that were filmed in la there was quite a bit filmed in la but a majority of it was filmed right here in the city of brotherly love philly i love philly and i love being back here with you guys i appreciate you coming with me this is a big deal to me this is huge and uh i believe i found a couple locations that no one has uh shared before on the youtube so i will point those out to you as i show you got a lot of ground to cover thank you for joining everyone this one's dedicated to all you rocky fans out there and all you underdogs those who who are struggling to make it to the top keep on punching keep on fighting the good fight and just like there is today here in philadelphia for us in this video i believe there's much ahead for all of you out there so here we go hitting the streets of philly what are we waiting for and for our first rocky ii filming location we come to the pennsylvania hospital where rocky and apollo creed were brought by ambulance wait for the bus whoa this is the hospital where rocky and apollo creed were brought to the emergency room actually over there on spruce street i just wanted to show you the back side of the hospital first because this is also an important filming location that we will come back to but for the first one the first match up we have to go down here along spruce street where the er is this is the exterior filming location the hospital from rocky ii and here we are this has not really changed this is the emergency room entrance that the ambulance pulled up in front of and rocky was wheeled out by wheelchair into the doors but you see the ambulance actually come down this alleyway before it pulls up to the door imagine the ambulance right here keep your eye right there here's the screen shot notice the stone wall to the left as the ambulance is coming forward about ready to take a right to the emergency room notice the stone wall and the fence to the right with those circular pillars on top of the fence it's a very dark shot the ambulance actually originally turned right to come down the alleyway right here and now recreating the camera angle of when you see the ambulance finally arrive at the pennsylvania hospital this awning the same but a little different than it was back in the late 70s actually i think that's the same it's just looks a little different this structure right up here looks about the same as it does in the screenshot check it out written and directed by sylvester stallone such a great film also you can make out these awnings as well then and now in the screenshot the ambulance would have pulled up right here and you would think they filmed the interior scenes in there but they didn't those were in los angeles and for this location when rocky and adrian exit the hospital this was in the courtyard somewhere behind this wall back over there now i was approached by hospital security and i was said i couldn't film here so here i am doing my best also right here between the archway down here right this scene right here was behind the wall right there now i'm in a public street so i i really ain't doing anything wrong just filming back at the hospital i don't think but this is where that filming location happened and burgess meredith as mickey this opening credit scene is the ambulance is traveling towards the philadelphia city hall which was right down there i just wanted to show you the pathway of the ambulance it would be coming this way from the south on broad street a few shots of it right up there in the beginning as it was heading towards the philadelphia hospital which is over in that area it would have took a right with rocky in it way down there in front of city hall and for the next filming location we actually stay on broad street just a couple blocks up this is broad and pine this building on the corner is 341 south broad and this once was the car dealership where rocky and adrian bought the trans am the smoky and the bandit car rocking adrian with that fight money bought a brand new car right inside this dealership and i'm going to show you some screenshots of course but first i just wanted to show you the filming location this is what it looks like around the area this is where those scenes were filmed we're going to start right over here outside the glass now the scene begins as the camera is shooting through the glass and captures rocky adrian and the salesperson walking out this way and i paused it just right so you can make out some of the brick right here before they pop out towards broad street this is cool because if you look right here [Music] this indentation and this bolt sticking out you can make that out clear as day in the screen grab a sylvester stallone rocky and the salesperson's walk about to walk through the door you can make these two indentations out perfectly and the brick then and now isn't that amazing right there 1979 and 78 is when the film was uh made created right there that is so cool and then they come out of the door right here still a door there today and obviously the brick right there again to the right and the car would have been standing or sitting right out here actually i think the street was a little wider back then it would have been actually it would have been parked more so on the sidewalk yeah actually the trans am was parked right here folks to the left of the building this parking garage can be clearly seen in this screen grab behind adrian and rocky notice up here to the very right of the corner above adrian's head you see this molding here's the molding today check it out that is pretty rad you can make out that then and now clear as day in front of this parking garage that would have been right behind them trans am is right out here that they just purchased and thanks to my handy dandy rental car that i picked up at the philadelphia airport whoa red light thanks to this car i will be zooming pretty quickly to the streets of philadelphia today i have basically no time i have a little less than 24 hours to make these filming locations [Music] and for our next filming location that amtrak train that railway is right across from the next location right in here is the philadelphia zoo ladies and gentlemen welcome to america's first zoo opened in 1874 and there's crying children oh no this is so awesome to be here right now i paid 16 to get inside i pre-purchased my ticket i'm about to head in to show you the precise location where rocky proposed to adrian i always thought this was funny and ironic because in the first film gaza's driver would tease rocky about taking adrian to the zoo and so he finally did and little did we know before watching the film he was gonna pop the big one right inside the zoo okay let's get in there this is a pretty big zoo i wish i had more time to come back and just make a video of the zoo maybe in the much ahead maybe i'll come back to philly one day and do that but right here big cat falls specifically this area right here the tiger terrace is where i'm headed this is where rocky proposed to adrian which is right up the hill to the right this statue right over here looks familiar oh yeah i know that statue now it's shifted a little bit but this is the very same sculpture that you see behind rocky and adrian as they're walking towards the tiger exhibit actually you can make it out in the screen grab right behind them in the distance this uh lion it could be a tiger it looks like a lion is grabbing some prey and feeding it to its cubbies but notice that there's a vehicle inside of the zoo looks like he used to be able to drive in here back in the day but there's a station wagon to the right of rocky and adrian as they're passing by this very same sculpture very awesome and they're walking towards the tiger exhibit which is over this way things have changed a lot and so much has changed but right here is where rocky proposed to adrian this is the tiger exhibit like i said so much has changed still tigers here still a tiger exhibit as you can see by that giant feline right there look at that that's amazing the only thing i'm able to match up for you to confirm this filming location is because of this brick wall back here the brick pattern the formation that wall is so old that has not changed and this is the tiger pit more of a pit in the movie there was a wall that came this way as you can see behind rocky and adrian as rocky proposes i pinpointed it right here because of the brick formations i'm about to show you about to show you some match-ups but about right here in this area is where rocky proposes to adrian hey i was wanting to see if you wouldn't mind marrying me too much i believe or some of his exact words has he popped the question so cool to be standing here as the uh geese oh the geese is flying right here in front of the tiger exhibit now this is totally changed there's lions over here now this is more of a pathway and the statue i just showed you was all over there but this is it this is the spot right here this is where rocky proposed to adrian and rocky too the tiger keeps going in a circle keeps going like this and right here in this moment when rocky and adrian are kissing notice the tiger over here is in front of a door look at that door right there that door that opening is right here right up there the tiger would have been coming this way would have been much different the wall still the same and i want to throw this screen grab in here notice the window up on the wall to the left above the little cave area notice the rock and the brick around it here you are today the window right up there to the left the rock formation the brick the pattern matches up then and now mr tiger back then not today different tiger today got his invite to the wedding right there yo mr tiger you want to come i believe rocky said something like that he invited the tiger to the wedding look that tiger's right by that window now if it wasn't for this brick it'd be hard to match up and the tigers it would be hard to match up this filming location but i'm standing right where the proposal went down right here in this vicinity this is so cool to be out here and there was snow in the ground back then rocky and adrian walk off to the left this way i'm further back but i just wanted to show you this glass the tiger exhibit reminds me of busch gardens back in tampa the tiger trail almost thought he could hear me for a second he's coming this way oh no look up no i'm gonna look straight forward check it out flamingo flamingos oh i love my flamingos if you've been watching this channel for a while you know i love my florida flamingos there's some here in the window 17th and tasker street south philly just came from downtown heading down 17th because right over here is our next filming location good to be back in south philly at the corner of morrison's 17th st thomas aquinas roman catholic church founded in 1885. this is where rocky and oh car this is where rocky and adrian got hitched right here this is where the wedding went down father carmine who married them later in the film before the fight on the back side that is where rocky pulled up in the trans am and asked asked for the blessing right out here this is so cool to be standing here right down there you can make out the skyline of downtown philly check it out right here at the corner of 17th and morris this is where rocky got married i can't believe i'm here and also father carmine's church all right let's match up some screenshots i'm done fanboying out well for right now so the scene begins here with the wedding the camera starts like this it's pointing right at the top of the steeples and it goes down precisely like this i'm recreating the shot as you see and it stops about right there check it out here's the screen grab and here it is today obviously there's no cars parked right in front in the movie but wow just painted a little differently the r the doors were red in the movie today they're brown this is so cool now i don't know if we're gonna get in there but you know i'm sure gonna try okay so i came in the main doors and right here's the chapel i don't know what i'm gonna end up experiencing i don't know if this is it okay so the wedding was not filmed inside of the church as you just saw it is totally different than the arch ceilings you see behind adrian and rocky and the giant stained glass and also the church pews did not match up as well so yeah i'm guessing this was filmed i don't know i'll try to do some research before the end of the video get back to you on it but this may have been filmed in a church in los angeles as well there's that scene again condominiums i never use them okay so to the right of the church the north side of the church back here is where rocky pulled up in the trans am and screamed upward to father carmine for the blessing as he was about to head down to the fight this gate is open [Music] my new home brother hey your father come on okay yeah that's me rocky balboa hey yo and here is my rental car still in the gm family not a trans am not a pontiac trans and pontiac went out of business but it was a gm like chevy not as cool this is the same vehicle i had by the way this is the same vehicle i rented in austin texas to run down the texas chainsaw massacre locations but yeah this will do as i'm recreating the shot actually it would have been more this way this is all new actually now that i'm looking at a little closer where the car is parked is actually kind of where this building is that okay that is actually the wall or part of the structure you see here the car would be would have been more towards here this is new this right here beyond the razor wire could still be made out right there so rocky would have been more so the car in rocky would have been more so towards where this building is standing rocky balboa sylvester stallone sly big big huge fan of sylvester stallone would have parked more so up this way as he was shouting out shouting up to father carmine in this window right here asking him for a blessing so he doesn't get too beat up you know he's got a baby on the way he's about to do this big fight about to go the distance once again why not come by the church where him and adrian got married and get a blessing oh my gosh i am like nerding out right now this is incredible this is so good wow i'm speechless right there this hasn't changed this is incredible this is all new here but this is where father carman gave rocky the blessing and then he turned around and pulled out this way it's amazing how many comments on my last rocky filming locations for the original movie of how many people actually thought that this scene was in the first film because this is a very iconic scene here in philadelphia but that didn't happen until the second film almost forgot my camera and when rocky and adrian got married they bought a new home right here on lambert street in south philly and right here is 23 south lambert street rocky and adrian's house that they purchased the beginning of the film a ton of scenes were filmed right out here on lambert street a ton of them that way downtown philly kensington where rocky's apartment was or is still over there 1818 tuscaloo is on the north side of philly northeast in kensington but they moved all the way down here to south philly it's amazing because the lattice in the window is still the same and notice rocky's placing his hand on this off collar brick right here let's see if i can pinpoint that right here on this brick actually this one right here and says hey these are new bricks and then as he's walking up he puts his hand on the mailbox and kind of taps the uh the number there two three one three as they're walking in he's grabbing the mailbox kind of plays with it right there and another shot of rocky right here in the doorway the mailbox oh my gosh the number sign and the lamp and the lattice in the window everything still the same as it was in rocky 2. and here's another shot of rocky coming out the door this is the night of the fight he's about ready to actually get in the car and head to father carmine back at the church which is not too far from here actually just a little north a few blocks and i believe this same apartment this house rocky's house was the same one used in rocky 5. a car parked itself right over here i think it's a delivery car maybe ubereats or something left the radio going but right here i'm recreating a similar camera angle as you see sylvester stallone rocky playing stickball with the kids and you can definitely make out lambert street behind them all the houses and it was because of a brick that i found this precise spot that is actually hidden right now over here behind this chair all right so i highlighted the brick next to the basement window on front of this house here you see that brick right there it's behind this chair today and that's how i found this location on google maps i just figured it was on the same street as the house but there's that brick right there in front of that window that's how i found it i had to blow this up you see this diamond right here this can be seen in that same scene that same shot of sylvester stallone playing stickball and i found that diamond today below that windowsill right there that's awesome we've been playing stickball we're actually about right here it would have been knelt down and stallone was actually batting lefty he was a lefty south pole and i might want to bring that up during this movie stallone suffered an injury he pulled his pectoral muscle on i believe this side this would be our right side i believe he pulled his right pectorial muscle and it changed the entire film he had to actually punch more with this hand his actual left hand than his right because he was injured on this side i think that's correct could have it mixed up but he was definitely he definitely ripped a pec muscle filming this for training for this movie and when the montage began the gonna fly down montage sylvester stallone rocky jumped right over the railing right here here's the screen grab a little then and now action for you hopped over the railing and came right out in the street jumped right over the rail and came right out here did a couple of punches and then he ran down lambert street north towards downtown that started the gonna fly now montage there was two montages in the second film this was the second one and i just want to point out in case you come down here be aware the neighbors of rocky are very how do i put this quietly are very interested in what you're doing filming their uh or filming around their places which i get it i totally get it but i'm sure i've been to a lot of filming locations i'm sure it happens all day long all the time but yeah i was uh given a hard time just filming the house not the owner itself they didn't come out but a couple of the neighbors around we're not happy that i'm here doing what i'm doing let's put it that way all right just throwing that out there so beware and so right out here in rittenhouse square it's kind of a central park feel a lot of people gathered around over on this side of the park near 19th i am over here near the corner of rittenhouse and 18th street and right through here is where rocky and adrian walked in rocky too now a few things in the background of this screenshot right here that give evidence that rocky and adrian walking this way notice the opening right here of this doorway on this building the brick pattern to its right this vase right here on this entrance you can make out each of these items right here this and the far right of the screen to the right of adrian just a little bit of that vase definitely the opening in the brick right there and that was my evidence that rocky balboa adrian balboa walked right past this tree here that you do not see well they walk right by all right now i have to walk a couple blocks over to the next couple filming locations i parked my car in a parking lot 25 bucks for two hours totally worth it and for the next scene we come to the busy corner of south 17th and chestnut right here the screen grab the trans am coming down the street towards where rocky bought the tiger jacket now this building right here showing you this building in the trans am because everything right here is still the same check this out there's that building trans am would have been coming this way on south 17th that was pretty cool check that out right there there's that building and also the 17th street sign up to the left to confirm that as well but right here is the location now the trans am crosses chestnut street and parks right here in front of the nordstrom rack present day nordstrom rack now in the film it was called bondwood teller you can see it right here which would have been almost exactly see the 17th street sign too almost exactly where the nordstrom rack sign is today now it's very busy right here also you can make out that building again right here bondwood teller the trans am would have parked right here no parking here today this is a busy street so cool sylvester stallone gets out about right here i'm gonna come out here for a second before this car turns right here is where the trans am was parked bondwood teller sign now nordstrom rack this is the window where the tiger jacket was in right here in the center window you see this crevice right here before the window just before the trans am right down there in the corner this little area that is right here it is beyond this center window where the tiger jacket was that oh my gosh rocky's jacket right here in this window look the railing of the window there to the right in front of the lady with the chair this is the same really this is the same window this is so cool check it out it's a nordstrom rack right now and i do believe they filmed those scenes inside here it looks a lot different but when rocky buys the watches for him and adrian notice these pillars up here right here especially the pattern the molding here's the screenshot check it out up above their heads check out the columns [Music] boom somewhere there it's been rearranged this has been a number of amount of things i think this was a starbucks at one point but right here the second window is where rocky bought the tiger jacket right here on 17th this is so cool it's a busy intersection the trans am would have been parked right out here so awesome and now one block up at the corner of chestnut and 16th this fire hydrant over here i'm just showing you this first so this helps put things into perspective but this was during the montage rocky ran right through this intersection now everything to the right's changed but over here that fire hydrant is right there and also this building especially this area and this building can be seen behind rocky that's a busy intersection i'm going to cross over but right through the center of the street rocky with all those young links coming down this way during the gonna fly now montage this building wasn't there there was a theater a couple of theaters here back in 1970s when they were filming this this wasn't here right here at the corner of 16 and chestnut rocky ran this way right through the street towards downtown that way i searched everywhere on google maps along 16th street and it was this little building right here you see this opening right here this kind of brownish coloring it was that it was this that gave me that spot so much has changed and also the building to the right of it you can kind of match up that as well check this out these two buildings behind the bus stop look very close right there center top screen right here right there that's how i found that location here on chestnut rocky running through the streets the reverse camera angle the angle you don't see in the movie and that was one of the locations i don't believe ever been shared before that took some digging took some punch and a side note there's a plant cell going on currently right now in rittenhouse square shout out to my girlfriend chris the girl she would be on cloud nine we've got some succulents over here some cacti oh look i know this one i've learned this that i have in her video it's uh that's the point a hall no no ahoya ahoya there you go it's shaped like a heart yo chris the girl all right back to the filming locations and for our next filming location we come portside near the walt whitman bridge to where rocky sells his car his trans am to paulie actually he asks him to take over the payments this massive amount of shipping containers may block our view for this next filming location and much has changed and the shipping containers you see today at the packer avenue shipping container yard is hindering the shot but this lot along the delaware is where the scene where rocky sold his trans am he was needing some money running out of that fighting money that award money and sold his car right out here to paulie now this has never been shown before as far as i could find on the internet i discovered this location by using google imagery of a former building that sat out here actually it was building number six that sat to the right here behind the shipping containers that has been torn down but this image you see here of rocky walking along this building that is the building that i found by using google maps which led me to look this way towards the walt whitman bridge which you can clearly see behind rocky as he's walking away now that was my indicator the bridge and that building that i found with google maps which is long gone and is not here until this day but this is the filming location out there in that yard is where rocky had to sell his trans am to paulie paulie was having a snow cone and took over the payments and i'm charging my battery down here because i'm running out of batteries filming a lot today we've only just begun lincoln financial field the nfl stadium for the philadelphia eagles right here at the philadelphia sports park is where the 76ers i'll get there in a second and the and the flyers the hockey team the basketball team right over there you've got the eagles and citizens bank park home of the philadelphia phillies these grounds out here are for the sports fans that's right and as well for the boxing fans because at the former stadium right here where now the wells fargo center sits this used to be the wachovia spectrum stadium now in both movies that fictionally is where the boxing matches went down the final showdown between creed and balboa fictionally went down at the wachovia sports arena wachovia spectrum but they were filmed in the los angeles coliseum in l.a but i just wanted to show you 3601 broad street back in 2013 the wachovia spectrum stadium was torn down right out here among these grounds i-95 north into philadelphia right after the airport this bridge was the first thing you see the first location you see of philadelphia and rocky 2 right after the rehash of the first film the ambulance is in this far right lane coming off of the bridge on the other side i just wanted to show you not going to be able to stop in the middle of highway to get the exact shot but i just wanted to show you the bridge i thought it'd be fun just to go in the same lane as the ambulance was across the gerard point bridge and over this way to the right a little further ways down but you actually see um rocky ii displayed as the camera's aiming down this way at the navy uh shipyard naval shipyard so right here this lane the bottom level of i-95 there's philadelphia over there first thing you see in rocky 2. i have now parked my car heading to the fairmount park whoa check this out little philadelphia waterfall for you that's different i'm heading out this way along fairmount park for the next filming location part of the montage was filmed out here right up on the top of this hill it's hard to see through this brush there's a building and you can make it out clear as day behind rocky sylvester stallone as he's running in this vicinity out here that you can again clearly see behind sylvester stallone as he's running in between two trees i'd like to think that this is one of the trees and that could be one too but right here in this vicinity because of that out there and i have discovered something because of this screenshot right here stallone would have been running towards us present day here they have moved the trail out beyond these trees since the time of the film notice the light poles are close to us and in the shot with stallone running with rocky running this way he's really close to the road there's actually a sign down here and these cars are loud there's a sign down here and a curve just like in this screen grab down the road to the right as the kids begin to follow rocky now i don't know if these are the same trees it's changed so much mother nature has changed but right here i am willing to bet this is the former pathway that rocky would have ran among maybe just this stretch right here was once between the road and the trees but these could very well be some of the very same trees you see to the left of rocky he ran right here this is this is amazing i doubt this has ever been shown before or discovered the detail of fairmont park right here from rocky 2. check it out and you can see where there used to be a pathway here whoa move over there u-haul you don't own the whole road i already go through this tunnel somewhere around here is independence hall somewhere i know what's around here somewhere it's a cool tunnel isn't it there's a building above us was [Music] and younglings welcome to independence hall july 4th 1776. this nation began by the signing of the declaration of independence right inside those doors and on the backside back in the late 70s a young southpaw from the kensington neighborhood jumped over a few park benches and just a peek in the window quick peek at the liberty bell right there that's it independence all right and here we are on the backside of independence hall welcome to liberty square right out here to the right in this area i'll show you in just a second is where rocky ran or jumped over three park benches over this way now it's a little roped off because this is a national park and it's very secure they do tours during the day but over in this vicinity to the right of the park is where that went down and of course all those kids were following behind him as he was jumping over the park benches and moments before rocky jumps the benches the scene begins here during the montage again rocky and this screen grab is right before the back door check this out all looks the same nothing has changed really at all then right there so that's just alone's head about right there then and now i'm zoomed out a little bit just so you can see the location of a little more but yeah he would have been running kind of this way there's three park benches here today but they're not in the same spot and definitely not turned the right way i think it was more so over here so because of the screenshot right here i'm going to say the pathway that the park benches were lined up was right here in this like grassy area in between these two walkways just because of the angle right there of independence hall in these three windows you can see as rocky is jumping the first park bench look at all those kids behind him and right before he jumps the last one i paused it just right so you can see the buildings this is all part of um independence hall as well but these buildings behind them especially the windows there right here the third park bench would have been somewhere in this vicinity it's almost as if they lined him up on purpose so he could jump three in a row with all those kids behind him the kids didn't jump it rocky sure did look at this after the third bench you can make out this building check out the columns here boo right here oh wait there is kind of a bench over here in the pathway oh i don't know if i can do this no i'm not i'm not gonna try it or at least not now maybe later and now it's time to take it back welcome to front street ladies and gentlemen welcome to kensington northeast philly and so i've returned to mighty mix gym 2147 front street this is where rocky train this is the exterior filming location of the gym the interior gym was filmed somewhere in los angeles right here i've returned 2147 front street this is awesome and also adrian's pet shop used to be right here in this gap it was torn down and now since i've last been here there's a coffee shop a busy coffee shop that opened up right across from mickey's gym it's so cool to be here there's just a couple shots of rocky and butkus out here going into the gym and also i want to point out right behind me is the lucky star tavern or was the lucky star tavern in the filming location from rocky five and right here is where mighty mick's sign was way back in the day it hasn't been there for ages but this is where it was covering this large window as you can see in the screenshot all the brick matches up then and now but this is pretty much the camera angle you see it goes down like this and rocky comes around this corner with butkus as he's entering the gym in rocky ii for the first time rocky coming this way along front street with budkus which was actually his dog butkus was also in the first film which he purchased buck butkus in the movie right over there adrian's pet shop get over there in a second but i always love pointing out this little indentation right here this has always been here and you can see it in the screenshot as they're walking this way right there right here check it out that little indentation has been there for a long time in the brick whoa someone had a good time last night that's for sure watch out cut yourself and another quick shot of rocky and buckets before they go into the gym to meet mickey got the tail end of buckets there sorry this that's the screen grab i got i love this jersey isn't it awesome buckets is an eagles fan and sadly as i pointed out in my last rocky filming locations video adrian's pet shop where she worked has been torn down and i matched up gave evidence in the last video of the pet shop there were scenes filmed in here when uh when rocky buys buttkiss his awesome spike color collar that was in here as well oh yeah this is where it was the pet shop and very cool that the hydrant is still here this is the hydrant you see in the opening credits of the first film and you can actually make this out in the second film as well it's the same hydrant just the top is missing here's the hydrant right there with the top on it the pet shop right behind them as they're walking out the steps would have been right there this is the cellar door or used to be to the cellar they filled in the basement but yeah right here kind of this way this car is a little bit in the way but rocky and adrian walking out as those uh gentlemen are over here on the corner kind of taunting rocky making fun of them don't do that to rock don't do that oh i want to point out the boxing gloves are still up here on the wall check that out look at that there you go there's the screenshot the fellas over there sitting on the car notice the door and the beam to the left the door on the building which is actually the lucky seven tavern you can make up that door then and now some of the buildings have changed there's a train coming above me of course right below the train tracks but there you go then and now those fellas were not nice rocky uh brushed it off he always took the high road that's for sure rocky always took the high road or the high rail and i want to take this opportunity to debunk a rumor of a filming location the famous chicken scene when rocky chased the chicken as mickey instructed that was not filmed here in philadelphia that was filmed on skid row in los angeles yup skid row right out back there somewhere in between a couple of old buildings calabanga i just wanted to show this awesome teenage mutant ninja turtles mural on the side of this building here in kensington a block away from mickey's gym oh look they've got the shredder down there as well has nothing to do with rocky but it has everything to do with philly this is awesome well maybe new york but i'm a tmnt kid that's for sure here's my favorite michelangelo with the pizza that's awesome so i've returned to tuscaloom street where rocky's apartment from the first film and in the beginning of the film when rocky and adrian get married he carries her all the way down tuscaloo to his apartment now there's a lot going on out here so it'll be quick with the apartment it's actually right over here 1818 tuscola right there that's rocky balboa's original house and here it is right here it's here a couple years ago the steps rocky and adrian went up he carried her all the way down the street here up the street and into his apartment very cool that you can still make out the one eight one eight right there it's the same one eight one eight as in the first film and in the second i got a screenshot of rocky carrying adrian in as they just tied the knot they walked right up the street here rocky carried her the whole way up the street i think he made a comment back there around the corner as they were walking this way and ran into the taki-bat crew which was singing two kinds of love this time right over here in front of this building actually they were in that alleyway and by the way that's frank stallone that's rocky's brother leading leading the uh take you back crew in both films again rocky's apartment just had to show this because it was indeed in the second film in the beginning before they bought the house down in south philly there are two kinds of love right there this moment happened right here look at the two buildings to the left and to the right this is where this moment happened right here check out the buildings right there the two kinds of love crew the take you back crew we're singing right there in the alleyway all matches up still to this day here you go then now there are two kinds of love that you ought to know there are two kinds of love so cool now this fence wasn't here the last time i was here this was a park and this is the building that was on the corner where the take you back crew was singing on the corner of the original film the first film rocky walking down this sidewalk taking a left taking a swig of beer with his brother frank stallone and the take you back crew right here on this corner before he walked up until his apartment what's that oh man man i don't think that man yeah all right man all right gotta get out of here quick drawing too much attention the stories i can tell [Music] and the last filming location i will show you for kensington is this bridge now it's not the original bridge but this was the bridge that rocky ran over during the montage scene with all the kids right there also in the first film as well i wanted to do a little more in kensington but i've noticed there's a huge difference since the last time i was here in 2020 there are a lot of homeless around rocky's apartment and around that bridge there's hundreds of them and i'm just trying to be respectful you know i don't want to encroach and film all the homeless people so there you go i'm glad i captured those moments a couple years ago it was a lot colder out and earlier in the morning when i did those filming locations but those are the locations for rocky ii the bridge and rockies apart yo adrian looks like someone left your glasses on top of the grave there that's pretty cool i feel like something's missing with these filming locations just like last time i feel like i haven't won it and i need to win it so i came up here to ask you and your brother paulie for a blessing kind of like rocky ass father carmine for a blessing in the film i think i've got it i think it just came to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i did it i went the distance yo chris the girl i did it i did it yes i want to thank you all for watching this video today and joining me for this incredible weekend go go go around the city of philadelphia and boy even though i jumped through a bunch a bunch of hoops had a bunch of obstacles i kept on fighting the good fight and i went the distance once again redemption i won as rocky did in the end if you enjoyed this video do me a huge favor give it a thumbs up if it was your first time here on this channel subscribe below my name is tampa j and i love making videos and i love rocky hope to see you all next time now it's time to catch a play straight to the airport all right guys see you next time oh oh philly's waking up from the bottom of my heart thank you know you're awesome know you're loved and no no matter what you're going through whoever you are wherever you're at i believe there's always much ahead for you and all of us that being said standing here before the city of brotherly love hang in there it's to get better i promise i'm out of breath keep fighting the good fight as much ahead bye bye y'all see you later
Channel: Tampa Jay
Views: 59,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rocky 2 filming locations, Rocky ii filming locations, Rocky filming locations, filming locations, Rocky 2 trans am, Where is the Rocky steps?, Rocky 2 montage, Rocky 2 training, Rocky song, Ukraine, Russia, Rocky 2 win, Rocky 2 church, Rocky II father Carmine, Rocky filming locations never seen before, Rocky filming locations Philadelphia, Rocky, Tampa jay, Vlog, Travel, Rocky zoo location, Best Rocky filming locations, Rocky park bench, Rocky montage, Sylvester Stallone 2022
Id: 2Lho081eqUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 16sec (3436 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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