The Karate Kid FILMING LOCATIONS Then and Now

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[Music] is [Music] that's where that station wagon daniel's mother was driving along with daniel pull up and boom pretty awesome right up those stairs there left side rather upsettingly replace the field with this development right here the fence was right there where mr miyagi jumped over to save daniel it was just an empty field that was there for decades right here right here is where mr miyagi's shop was actually where mr miyagi's office was right here daniel's mother parked there there you go that's awesome soccer scene went down right here in their beach bbq [Music] um [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] stop right here pretty awesome that beautiful pacific malibu pacific backdrop crazy that's still there here at leo carrillo beach and this is the path they wrote down yeah they came riding right down this path on their bikes oh yeah as they did that's what a fight soon happened so if it's more of a close-up of the street than it pulls out of see this house in the background the window here changed a little bit over the years really cool it turns out and then into this driveway right here and then it cuts to the front shot pulls over and parks his bike right there all still the same i don't know what's giving me more feelings of nostalgia right after daniel locked his bike up immediately running into his uh new friends on his first day of school wow a little bit more tarnished than it was here's where the cafeteria used to be shhh let's go check out the field [Music] do [Music] you see clearly see those buildings in the background now that over there is the school gym and that's the the bathroom area in the back towards the back end of where the cafeteria was as well [Music] and then it's seen again later in the film yeah it's great hey hey man awesome [Music] what happened to your forehead oh it was terrible it's just gigantic runaway zit it's gross daniel this is susie no come on what really happened they continue walking along and they turn out that's when daniel runs into his friends again and uh yeah i just remembered i gotta i get i i forgot something so i'll catch up with you guys struggles to come up with a real excuse as to why you can't continue out the main entrance poor guy just an awesome once in a generation film [Music] this is a school gym where the um [Music] halloween dance was filmed wow [Music] unbelievable oh man wow but this is right where daniel got cracked over the head with maggie in the shower [Music] that's the door daniel is chased out of by the cobra kite and you see that building there with those windows that are now boarded up in the background here's where that three-car accident happened and he gets chased off through that fence and the next scene you see is him running across that field back towards his apartment in reseda pretty amazing this is woodland hills which is not far from the cedar but not receded right here johnny leave him alone man he's had enough all the sides when he's had enough man what is wrong with you johnny enemy deserves no mercy right right right you're crazy fear does not exist in this dojo [Music] hey this was daniel's locker right here everybody i think i remember seeing 281 look at that still there unbelievable these markers are still here this markers oh apparently there's no getting rid of dried glue wow walks over to daniel and sees that uh he has more marks on his face and she had enough and she was gonna go do something about it and he uh he immediately lets her know that now things have changed that's awesome you can see this in the movie these markers here pretty cool wow that is that is pretty awesome and they turn and that's where you see those five knuckleheads our favorite knuckleheads standing right here i mean there was johnny bobby dutch tommy and then the fifth member who never said anything he didn't even he didn't even have one line i don't even he might have smirked a couple of times and made a few uh anyway you'll see these steps in that shot as well when they're walking by and then they continue into the courtyard and that's when they they run into each other again and daniel tries to set them up with a boring history lesson but it backfires must be take a worm for a walk week this was supposed to be west valley high school for the movie the karate kid this was also seen in a nightmare in elm street part two and summer school among other movies so it was [Music] [Music] [Music] but that was when the miyagi had brokered the deal with sensei john crease that he cannot be touched and now here's allie's house that was on display in that embarrassing scene with daniel's mother in the car she was a sweetheart and didn't seem to mind not so sure about the parents though and they pulled up and parked right here in front of the steps and it's a beautiful house here in encino california and the car stalls right in front of the parents they have to do the rolling poppet scene right here pretty funny is that that the pedestal there oh wow that's the column daniel kicked the brick out of the parents came home they turned into the driveway and looked up in disappointment immediate disappointment of what they saw it was off the golf and stuff their first date [Music] that's quite a new jokey one of the most lasting images in movie history and that's mr miyagi who was propped up on a wooden post practicing his crane kick right there [Laughter] and you can see this rock formation yeah amazing [Music] and here's the spot where miyagi had to set those two jokers straight oh yeah oh man i almost don't want to leave all right leo carrillo malibu that's a wrap on to the next location beautiful [Music] hey slugger look i'm a jerk hey i got something to show you what what so how do you like it this is yours nope are you serious yep oh it's beautiful yeah it sure is huh oh my god all right here you go [Applause] [Music] and miyagi slickly grab the belt out of the bag and slipped its alley man well well well it's our little friend danielle what's the matter mommy's not here to dress you awesome some things have changed around over the years not much no points or no points you're dead me i said out shot when miyagi ali and daniel came out of that door there from the locker room area and walked out it's that one continuous shot they had to do dozens of times to get it right they're the preliminary matches surrounding the whole inner area but at the end the final the final fight scene brought everything in to the center from all sides and right there that was where miyagi was set up and on the opposite end was where sensei crease was set up and that's where the scoreboard was that epic final scene great shot [Music] [Applause] on both sides are seated in the shots [Applause] [Music] nothing's going on do all right ladies and gentlemen this is the moment we've been waiting for the present day daniel is gonna fight yeah all right finish him we did it we did it all right with the feelings of satisfaction setting in part two opens up with daniel's first autograph exiting the sports arena where the old valley tournament was held right over there right over there is where their cars were parked years ago that was a parking lot or they just used it as a parking lot for the movie anyhow john crease did not learn his lesson yet and it was about to be taught the hard way right here is where it happened the knuckles through the window you
Channel: Nick P Was Here
Views: 68,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie, locations, karate, tournament, beach, fight, miyagi, johnny, sweep, golf, behind the scenes, clip, school, locker room, dojo, fear, cobra kai, Arcade, Best, Around, Film, Then, Now, 1984, Apartment
Id: 7i_7U0UWqHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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