Jawbreakers VS Mark Waid and the Marvel Mafia

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I guess I initially shared it about a month and a half ago actually to the diversity programs and they just ignored it and surprised the point yeah I mean I I scented some individual Googlers and they actually had some reasoned discussion but it was only after it became viral and it was obvious that many people were actually agreeing with it that all this outrage started to happen interesting so what you so you only became a figure of hate when you start to become dangerous Richard Mayer the opinionated COFF behind the diversity in comics YouTube channel has spent nearly a year critiquing the works by Marvel Comics and for almost a year the Marvel mafia has stalked harassed slandered and plied assault against him beginning that they were just a gaggle of soft in their blogger types going after a veteran of the Armed Forces so after of course being found out and doubling down on their liberal arrogance they relied on the OL if you don't like it make your own so in response Richard started his own IndieGoGo campaign to produce his own comic jawbreakers lost souls however once Mehra did exactly what the Marvel pros challenged him to do this den of diversity hires this flock of failures this caravan of comically crests comic cooks wet their pants and fear upon seeing the colossal victory of jawbreakers because for the first time in their lives they were forced to see what success actually looks like which is doubly bad for them because if Marvel fat cats caught when they might start being held to some kind of professional standard and that would mean work which is a word I'm pretty sure they've only ever used ironically tests Fowler Tim Doyle mags Versace Oh to name a few acted as the goon squad aiding in or supporting the effort to intimidate and bully retailers and to rejecting mayor's comic but the worst of the worst the kingpin behind this hate campaign is a thug by the name of Mark Waid this guy the guy with the face that makes you want to start lifting weights this is Mark Waid Mark Waid who has a history of going into violent virtuous signaling tirades has recently placed himself as the head playground bully standing at the gate of the comic books industry he decided to take a whole day out of his busy schedule to call Antarctic press and intimidate them into dropping the jawbreakers comic Maher said he received an apologetic call from the owner of Antarctic press who said Wayde pressured his mom-and-pop publishing company into complying with his demands the SJW Marvel stormtroopers went after Antarctic press with insults and death threats Wayde and the other pros went to work slandering mayor's name to make him toxic to work with Wayde placed the careers on the chopping block and in the end the publisher and the retailer's sided with the Marvel hate mob when Antarctic press made the cancellation announcement they even alluded to the pressures being forced on the company and in the wake Wayde shut down all of his social media accounts likely to cover his tracks then as a follow up bleeding cools Rich Johnston decided to write up a biased article echoing the narrative thrown around by the Marvel mafia the article aimed to paint the jawbreakers team as a group of bitter outcasts and failures Johnston also pulled the old journalist trick of taking obvious jokes out of context and repurposing them to make Maher look like the hateful person the Marvel mafia needed him to be towards the end of the article is a transcript from an interview with Mark Waid telling his side of things and you know those kid cartoons where the bully tries to convince the adults he's innocent by telling a ludicrously by a story that portrays our heroes as villains in him as a hero that's pretty much what it reads like the article is worthless trash believing Johnston's story is like believing gurbles about Hitler especially because Johnston mike wade apparently doesn't shy away from his support of political violence Maher was labeled with all the usual left-wing titles sexist racist homophobe Nazi etc he's also being accused of assaulting people and telling his fans to assault people he disagrees with which is utterly absurd because he doesn't even work for Marvel private comic book shops also conspire to order the comic and then return them in the hopes of causing over printing wasting the money of the jawbreakers team in other words active sabotage which is strange because at this point comic book shop siding with Marvel would be like the European siding with the plague but despite appearances there is some good to come from all this because of mark Wade's hate campaign support from Mayer's comic increased exponentially which inspired the jawbreakers team Mayor John Malin and brett Smith to form their own publishing company splat o comics and let's not forget about our wide knight-in-shining-armor Mark Waid he could run I think but the legalities are close behind mayor has already filed a complaint with a Texas Attorney General over what could be labeled as Wade's tortious interference now sitting at over 270 thousand dollars with nearly 7,000 backers and no sign of slowing down jawbreakers has become more than a fun comic Richard mares jawbreakers has become a full-blown revolution and doesn't this event make you wonder I mean who would have guessed that in the epic staredown between a guy making YouTube comic relief's out of his closet and the behemoth of Marvel Comics it would be Marvel Comics who blinked [Music]
Channel: Literature Devil
Views: 27,681
Rating: 4.934052 out of 5
Keywords: Diversity&Comics, Jawbreakers, Mark Waid, Marvel Comics, Social Justice, Splatto Comics, Jon Malin, Brett Smith, Antarctic Press, comics, Richard Meyer
Id: _LHgFXh5fWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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