Javelina Jundred 2017-My first 100 Miler

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[Music] good evening my friends from McDowell Mountain State Park this is just outside of Phoenix Scottsdale Arizona I'm standing out in the middle of the desert and I'm here because tomorrow I'm gonna wake up early and run my very first 100-mile race you're an idiot if you told me even months ago that I was going to do this I would have said hell no that sounds crazy but after I did the caballo Blanco race this year in March I started thinking maybe I can go a little bit further because at that point 50 miles was the furthest I'd ever run and that seemed freakin crazy and now I'm gonna just double it up and go for us to clean hundred I have an incredible crew I have the crew of all-stars the MVPs Dana Innes antha and they came all the way out here to help me and I can't thank them enough I'm so grateful to have them is gonna be my MVP toward the end of the race to run me to the finish line and Dana's gonna be my mental support when I'm getting bounced you know it's an awesome mix to be in it's gorgeous as beautiful and we get to witness of close and personal you know to the paint I'm out here to have an incredible life experience I'm here to push my limits both mentally and physically I'm out here to make some new friends I'm out here to enjoy mother nature during the day and during the night I've never run through the night before ever in my life I'm gonna be going to the pain cave and I'm gonna be hitting it head-on and you know in the moment it's gonna suck but when I cross that finish line it's gonna be an incredible feeling of accomplishment [Music] Billy Idol will always get you up and get you going in the morning it's like Christmas morning maybe but it's gonna hurt a lot more than Christmas okay you gotta wake up what you did most people have coffee which you don't eat something poop and be awesome okay good I've got the pooping and the B ah something down what are we having for breakfast good luck USA socks I like to grease my toes so I don't get blisters direct cuz I don't want to be a stinky runner scooby-doo been days for my nipples [Music] scripture ray I'm also gonna be eating a lot of these today the caramel it does it's made of Pinot lay this is the fuel of the Tata Hamada done in the copper canyons more water this right here is my extra special buff that I wore every single day in the jungles of Venezuela it's kind of like my good luck charm I'm gonna keep it nice and cool stick ice in it keep the Sun off my neck it's gonna be about what 95 inch today it's gonna be the 90s today we're in the desert it's gonna be hot [Music] and this my friends is my awesome little Sony camera that I bring with me on all my runs but you just had a cute question butters like what it sounds like it goes on your nuts I know you're super excited yeah but what what are your fears today like I have I have a lot of fears today I don't know I've never done this I'm scared of getting gnarly blisters last night sleeping I was like thinking of all the things that could go wrong and I was just end this experience and agony and that's what I want to avoid and that's why you're here that is exactly why I'm here I can power through physical pain that's just the traditional pain but if something really physically goes wrong if my nipples start bleeding it's all over them I got my Scooby Doo band-aids yet no crying there is no crying and ultrarunning I could not have picked a better team for something like this Dana herself has done lots of endurance activities so she knows what the pain cave looks like I'm excited but I also have a healthy fear of what I'm doing right now I'm not out there to win I'm out there to finish I'm out there to have a good time whoo let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a great day to write 100 miles let's do it heading out into the desert I've been thinking about this race for many many months it's crazy that I'm actually here doing it I gotta remember to enjoy it in this very moment not think ahead to the next laps just enjoy every step of the way this is going to be a very long video just so you know so buckle up I got a comment from Bob Africa yesterday my facebook post said run slow to run fast and I like that I really got to remember to run slow because you know the pace I'm going out right now is it's really slow usually when I start a race I'm running but definitely cannot go out fast right now there's only a 50% finish for rate of this race and it's mostly due to people going out too fast so I'm going slow all right we're coming in at the first aid station what mile is this like oh yeah only 96 to go look at all this tree it's gonna be a great day I made a new friends guys Matt what up what's up buddy he's from Laramie Wyoming just up the road well 307 man yeah what's your advice for running 100 ski moving forward man that's it house and pond talk to some cool people that's it that's it yeah I like making friends I can do that 400 miles had to stop check out that sunrise are you guys seeing this beautiness this beauty I don't want to fall into a track this amazing perfect from here on out till about 5:00 p.m. it's gonna be hot you know I was thinking yesterday it's not often you get to like be totally awake for 24 hours usually throughout the day you chill out you watch TV you take a nap not today today I'm gonna be fully alert and awake and present for an entire freaking day and that is pretty amazing [Music] I'm walking the uphills kocha Dana I said walk the uphills there's really nothing doing this point you need a lot of inspirational people on these races it's one of my favorite things about olcha what's up my man how you doing doing good how old are you 14 14 you hear that 14 baby and they say kids these days are slackers not this guy that's right have you done this before first hundred what are your friends think of this isn't that bad for you that's what my friends say too I don't think it matters what age you are we've made it to jackass Junction all right bean burritos with the aid stations actually I'm talking about you make fruity fall what's my five yeah little bathroom meditation time all right let's go my stomach's bouncing around a little bit I was in Honduras all last week and sometimes that can make your tummy a little funny so hoping that goes away Jen has these magic ginger pills but I've been chasing her down for like two damn miles oh look at that so what is this good for good good my tummy feels funny we're the Wolfpack and we're the three best friends that anyone could have we're the three best friends that anyone can have all right we're at the next aid station and I'm gonna go back to the bathroom bye guys come on stomach don't fail me let's figure this out ginger ale my grandma always said ginger ale will help make your stomach feel better [Music] more for ginger more ginger I like how life just introduces you to the right people at the right time [Music] so these guys running past us her start in the second lap as we get closer to the Jed quarters here comes the wolf pack oh all right we're all gonna split up go to our crews and hopefully meet in the stomach bye I gotta leave him I gotta leave him here we go yeah you came in like BAM on the number ten o'clock you just look strong you look great that looks great having a little GIS you little bit tell me issues but coca-cola and wine Donna he looks great lap one okay done good I took a long time there at the crew head course went to the bathroom finally got a little bit out of my system it's a little bit of leftover Honduras belly diarrhea hopefully it goes away I'm at sea yeah I'm mad again okay we got to [Music] feeling a little nauseous Oh quite sure what I ate at the aid station but maybe coca-cola and burritos and tums and all that mixture created a bomb in my stomach you can expect like three to four serious low points and twenty minutes later you've never felt better yeah well I sure hope you're right and it's daunting to think there's 75 more but I like to not think about that I think about the next mile then the next month or the next mile then it slowly adds up i sand down the sleeves oh look at that that's a great idea you guys are amazing I have a tumor ah sapota all right my stomach is settling down at least for now it kind of comes and goes but for now feeling better this dude right here is Kevin I met him on the airplane with my good buddy Matt I just met him yeah Kevin that were just having a great day out so we're not quite sure we're Jen wins no we're thinking about you Jen wherever you are we're sending you some love these things I call them my power pellets I eat them it's like a video game each power palette you get Little Boots we have a new friend her name is Rachel she's from Washington you wanna be the wolf pack here we go can I get a cup full of bees perfect let's go run let's do it run slow - run fast run slow - run fast right there get to the show there is the shady spot right there found it I just learned something new about my friend Matt Wyoming state champion the mile what was your time for 16 or 16 that's solid let's do this next mile in 416 ready all right Matt's going through a tough spot but he has a secret weapon what do you do all right this is key you imagine the people who you love and you imagine how they laugh you got a really really focus on how the laughing hit you in your mind you just go from person to person to person and then you're golden you can't stop smiling I can't tell you how good it feels to get that ice bath [Music] all right we're about about four miles to the headquarters I can here's antha hey it's Wonder Woman hi fine I'm fine except for my stomach still a little funny it's good to have people like xanthine running out here taking good care of me damn zan that you're running fast all right this is what about mile 40-ish looking great I heard you got ease up going crazy going to the bathroom you just go for it you sure yeah you go for it I'm having a really hard time seeing this is not the hero left this is the make it through the lap okay and then you got it if you come back in here and you're good you're ready to go all right change your socks give me some more fuel all right like you're not gonna be dealing with the heat I had a coach say this and one more listen one more listen mom or go get a hug to my car I think his tummy is better he's eating out there which is great he's hydrated I think but oh my god I'm so hot who told him to slow down this lap if he makes it through this lap we're in clear three so slow it down this is the defining laughs I think yep he makes it here all right this is the hot lap heat of the day I lost my boy Matt he says he's having trouble seeing which is scary I'm guessing it's from the heat I got ice in my sleeves I got a belly full taters [Music] yeah more than anything in the eight sessions I think it's the hugs that give you the most energy that snow put in the house what's that brother I'm doing pretty good this guy right here super cool dude was down the canyons with us and caballo Blanco lands vais pink shorts solid out there baby yeah it is definitely super freaking hot Cate Creek fountain hills they don't look good either and frankly Wickenburg is a total loss we're a little warmer would be at stasis you know 98 degrees temperature body some stuff to work a little bit to keep our temperature up right now but if it warms up in degrees we can just be smooth sailin oh man let's hope it warms up yeah so Andrew you've done a lot 100 miler x' we record about 45 miles what's the I with some advice here just keep it slow and you gotta know that any low that you hit if you just ride it out long enough tide will turn ABS enclose everything in life no matter how bad you feel you just keep putting one foot in front of the other eventually it turns around you feel like oh my god I'm running [Music] but nine a time I would just like to show that andrew is drinking at PBIA now that is next-level ultrarunning let's do it there we go like yeah good let's cheer these people on in turn I'm really hearing myself pumping myself up this is not a mirage Fred Fritz Flintstone is coming through what's up buddy look at that that is that looks horrible hey Asha I could totally hear you I'm at about mile 50 what do you think about that Asha I'm calling I'm calling it a lifeline like that game show tell me something inspiration will keep me going thank you for the quote Asha I'm definitely a little bit uncomfortable my body's feeling it my joints are screaming my quads are tight but moving forward [Music] I can't even talk son go away pain case back in the pain cave really deep in the pain cave right now bean burrito it's hard to eat when you're like it's kind of like what I don't want to eat but then you have to get the calories living look yeah so good huge props to these eight station people they are on it so well-organized got some new water got some new electrolytes the legs feel like poop our bird's heads are falling off [Music] we are in uncharted territory for me personally over the 50-mile mark I have never run over fifty miles and yeah I feel it oh boy little nausea joints hurt but the Sun is going down that's great news I bought it it's definitely feeling like it's never been here before [Music] oh so hard to eat it's like yeah no I love bean burritos no offense to my favorite food but damn [Music] sunglasses off yeah play some music for me oh that's our song you're gonna make me cry I'm in a lot of pain Tosh I'm in a lot of pain dan that came out to meet me this is much needed I feel tired we're less than a mile away about two foot thank you on fire man hurt so Thank You Dana right there right there you got this honey I want to make sure he's not cramping so we started giving him some apple cider vinegar you had a burrito with potato but I found half of it not eaten he's hurting he's on he has over a marathon didn't have to do so oh my god I can't imagine hurting and then having a marathon to do yeah but he just ran the furthest that he's ever run like 62 miles yep a hundred 100k I think he's got this it's gonna hurt he's going into the pain cave right now but I think he's got this really focusing on my breathing right now trying to stay calm breathing in oxygen to my whole body sending good vibes to my it's my me [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a Christmas party Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and to all a good night so stage little over one lap left any advice a for the last chick just hold it together a couple dance moves don't don't fall into a cactus [Applause] fancy seeing you here I feel pretty whooped right independent fourth claps we're coming in forget about my only have to go I think having xanthine here right now is a lifesaver I feel I feel like absolute [Music] roll it so Ryan is this the hardest thing you've ever done this is Devin our Sarah so you think you'll do another one yeah yeah I did mom the only way we know you're hurting is you're not dancing no no one more lap deep into the pain cave yeah yeah you got it you got it right very much right now but he's drinking and he did drink some stuff with some apple cider vinegar and we gave him salt he hit the Pringles but the best news is Fred Michael Miller is out there with him right now hole laughs but he's doing great he'll finish finish but I think this will be like his defining moment of the page [Music] I'm trying to fill my mind with positive thoughts right now because my body is really really hating like poop and I felt so great now son blam hit me I don't know what's not but we're gonna do this we are gonna do this like I say brother I could not have done this without you go Doug Isaac oh I don't think so I don't know this guy right here gypsy gypsy but we're not done yet we're there so gonna go 7 347 this is a victory lap [Music] Michael I love you brother alone here we go here we go alright date event of Michael we're finishing together we do this together [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel like I haven't felt in like two years I don't drink alcohol anymore but I feel severely hungover and I'm like what the hell happened yesterday got in around 4:00 in the morning just woke up it's like 10:00 a.m. my body feels like I got you know run over by a steamroller people are still finishing right now at this hour and man I love races because the energy of a race is so supportive and inspirational you see these people coming through and it just makes you realize that anything is possible anything is possible and you might not think that you could run 100 miles that seems like something absolutely impossible but look at all these people running 100 miles I never thought I could do it I did it and all these people as well it's so cool thank you so much javelina hundred Thank You Jamil for getting me involved in this you are the man this is one of the best organized races I have ever been a part of in my life there's so much love and support all over the course all the volunteers are incredible Wow man I'm gonna be sore for a long long time that last lap was pure torture took every bit of willpower to keep my body moving and Michael Miller was right on my side the whole time and he's like alright buddy we got this a few more steps keep moving forward and then we'd start jogging a little bit and I would just I felt so nauseous and just absolutely shitty in every way but we did it but I didn't do it alone I didn't do it just me I needed every ounce of help from Dana and Zampa and Michael so I love you guys so much for for being there for me always being there with a smile getting all my burritos ready all my nutrition you guys are you guys are incredible to come out here with me and I feel so lucky and fortunate to have friends like you somebody finishing right now [Music]
Channel: Ryan Van Duzer
Views: 69,991
Rating: 4.9265656 out of 5
Keywords: javelina jundred 2017, racing the javelina jundred, running the javelina jundred, javelinajundred, javelina jundred, javelina jundred 100k, Running a 100 mile race, javelina jundred advice, javelina jundred 2018, ryan van duzer running video, how to train for an ultra marathon, trail running ultra marathon, ultra trail world tour, how to prepare for an ultra, ultra running documentary, ultra marathon training, 100 mile run documentary
Id: k5-R4MZKk4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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