I Ran 100 Miles in 20 Hours-The Javelina Jundred 2019

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[Music] hello my friends Here I am once again back in the desert late October that can only mean one thing it's time for the javelina 100 and it feels really good to be here this is my third time here this is my third 100-mile race and it sounds funny but I'm looking forward to it I know that I'm gonna go deep into the pain cave that's what happens and I'm curious about what this race is gonna teach me every race teaches me something new about myself about other humans about how far I can dig about nature about everything and I look at this as another opportunity just to learn and to see what happens and I'm excited for it I remember after my very first javelina three years ago I was like there's no way I'm ever gonna do something like this again and Here I am the humans are funny you know when we're in the moment and in pain is just all-encompassing we're like no way Jose but then you give yourself a week two weeks you know what yeah I'm gonna do that again that's a great idea let's go back there so here I am and I feel very grateful to be here once again my body feels strong I've been training I've been running this time last year I did a lot more biking than running and yeah I'm ready and also this year besides Dana and Zanta the most amazing crew anybody could ever ask for I have my mama my mom is finally coming out here to check out and see what it's all about and it's really fun to have her here because she gets to see why I love this race so much and I love this race obviously the race is fun but it's the community it's the people it's the energy it's the fun it's Halloween it's the costumes it's the desert it's running under the stars it's hearing coyotes that's seeing rattlesnakes it's making new friends this race is something special and that's why I make the long trip out here every year so ladies and gentlemen let's get ready for my third javelina hundred [Music] here's my feet here's Martha I feel great good good it's good to be scared these things hurt smiling that's all I'm not sure what or why but I might here I'm doing it you are gonna be so proud of yourself so I think you're gonna do it thank you thank you I got it what about me mom and I think you're gonna do it too I'm taking care of business back here this is crew food yeah pop-tart mmm so you know if someone's gonna be ready to get everyone through this race when they're crying in there messing their pants and then everything's happening everything's going down I got your back in Zanta we'll get you through this okay I'm ready I'm feeling good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love how it goes from pure mayhem to total solitude in a matter of half a mile the beginning of the race is my favorite part it's so quiet the first lap of this race can be really tricky because you've all the energy and you want to go out fast and you're feeling great and I made that mistake the first year so I try to dial it back or I run pretty darn slow saving energy for the for the later laps you see these cactuses right here it's called the toy at a jumping Choya you want to stay away from this one because it will jump on you so today is forecast to be a bit cooler than the past two years I think mid 80s low 80s and tonight should be around 50 this is gonna be comfortable I'm happy about all this what's up by how's life it's it's magic [Music] I see my friend Mary Mary wait up I met Mary at the trans Rockies this year Doozers do know they are the little green guys from Fraggle Rock walk the hills walk the hills Mary walks areal oh thank you for this beautiful race this is the party aid station especially at nighttime it's a really good thing I don't drink alcohol anymore this used to be my favorite and it's dangerous I'm trying to eat as much salty stuff as possible here ultrarunning there's really just an excuse to eat junk boot for a hundred miles feeling good feeling good ten miles in it's still really early my goal is just to eat as much as possible when I'm hungry stay hydrated and most importantly just to enjoy being out here enjoy a day outside an entire day outside just me and my thoughts figuring out life there's a lot of time to figure out things out here and also probably a lot of time to get confused about things she's carrying a baseball bat don't mess with her look at that's like a real bat it's good play some wiffle ball what are you gonna do with it later squirrels when they come alive Mary just got all excited we ran an 855 mile which is way too fast all you guys are going too fast slow down I swear you're gonna be thanking me at Mile 90 people slow down Edgar was just talking about how he hasn't pooped yet would you like to elaborate on that new posture as it came out yet usually poop during the race before a race and I feel great right now my stomach's already like Oh see we runners we openly talk about poop with strangers it's all good and all I've really become a fan of peanut M&Ms ginger really helps put the stomach for dancing in the morning feels good thank you look at this outfit I got a new outfit I love it [Music] scary she's gotta be coming soon Mary [Music] there's a lot of times where I run these races and I'm like I would rather be on my bike but there's a time and place for biking in a time and place for running 100 miles [Music] [Applause] Naina's got me a nice cold you need what do you need these are the two faces you want to see mom and Dana and usually xanthus here but she's not running I think I'm gonna keep going and is that okay oh you also asked the notice I brought the car out a flag this year [Music] this is my favorite new family ah yeah yeah I'm being chased by Barbie I shouldn't be hallucinating yet but I am alright we're about 25 miles in how we feeling yeah I love how every few miles you make new friends yeah there we go good job good job now we're coming up on the hundred K runners looking good they all need to be cheered on just said that she's run 15 miles now of her 60 and it's the farthest she's ever run in her life is going that way good luck this ice on the arm trick really is the best thing you can do out here it feels so good and it just slowly melts keeps your arms nice and cool when you flex you look like Popeye I like your dress we go what's up [Music] man looking good looking good Brian are you doing joy your day enjoy your day so the first lap you're around runners pretty much the whole time there's a lot of people on the trail 750 or so but now by the second lap things spread out and you find yourself alone a lot which I like I like the mix of the extreme social interactions and then just run it in the desert by yourself [Applause] and I'm feeling a little calorie deficient I need to stop and eat more I've been too excited I've just been eating candy and blowing through bean burritos always the magic food man when you walk out of an aid station you just feel like a million bucks it's like a reset button you hit BAM feeling good again [Applause] [Music] this is where you don't want to fall right into that I'd be bad news some of the cactus get really close to the edge of the trail she gotta be pretty careful [Applause] look at that also viral that is crazy it's like a skeleton these things are hundreds of years old so that one must be really old if it's finally having its time I love the avocados have the good fats they have little emotional support puppies at this aid station such a cutie such a cutie hi [Music] [Applause] relevance in high-five how's everybody doing all right Thank You Dana Dana is the masseuse supreme thank you so much thank you love you guys certain lap number three this will be miles 40 through 60 heat of the day Sun will be going down at the end of this lap it's my favorite it's Freddie good job buddy yeah that is the craziest costume that dude carries around that damn car with him 400 miles I doubt I said I would go this little covered picnic table is new and it seems very inviting I like this sign right here so it's all cyclists go to heaven where there is a never-ending sliver of trail through cosmic mountains with the Sun and wind always at your back my friend Mike said something really funny and poignant yesterday and he said that today the race there's a lot more hours in these 24 hours than a normal day and that's so true it's like I've already been running for like I don't know eight hours eight hours is a long time to do anything I'm not even close to finish what's that guys and yeah so this is one of those bonus days bonus days where we have more hours than 24 or at least it seems like it because you're just alive you're alert for every second all day long yeah yo I'm chasing my shadow that's gotta stay with that guy that guy is my pacer right there so long as I stay with him we're all good my job man I can go like a good body that was Patrick Rankin he's gonna win this race he's won at the past two years he has the course record at 1301 13 hours in one minute that's crazy you know what I said go I'm sick come on Patrick why didn't you run 12:59 that sounds a lot cooler than thirty know what this kid that's incredible hey guys a beast and he's super friendly I met him at trans Rockies this year very good dude so I just figured it out Patrick is on about mile 70 I'm on mild 50 that's crazy he's gonna finish right as the Sun Goes Down I will not but I'm okay with that I'm happy out here but yeah I just love that he can run this race so fast I'm hungry I'm really feeling it I need some food ASAP or I will bonk and crash and those are hard to recover from I need food food soon finally yeah let's taste so good now it's time for burritos look who I found again well Maya you on that's right you're gonna do it I'm walking out of there with a full mass of food that was much needed little evening nausea is kicking in I think all that random ass food I put my bellies having a fight in there I like what peanut butter M&Ms and avocado and burritos and ginger and potato chips and peanut butter and all sorts of other crap when you get in these moments of extreme nausea it's scary because you're like is this ever going to end is this how it's always going to be because in the moment it's just black but I'll have enough experience to know that it'll leave hopefully hopefully still got my pacer with me aka my shadow he's getting kind of farther away from me though so I have to run faster stay with him I don't know where he's gonna go when I get stuck though that's my mom 15 that waiting for him yeah I feel pretty good the last lap I got a little nauseous hey like it's Wonder Woman [Applause] back home I saw you have a new sign here what is the sign say mom mama dudes are seeking inspirational positive and athletic female for single son fire within does that mean yeah well you could use a dude too if there's any dudes out here for my mom Jana's going to town only 40 miles to go that last lap was my fastest lap and I'm definitely feeling it because my body hurts now that's what happens when you go fast now I just gotta maintain this speed yeah get this thing done job everybody [Music] we're at the aid station and last year that gave me soup but it saved the day I would love to have some soup right here used to eat this all time in college and I don't eat it much anymore except for at this race it is very beautiful out here my camera ping can't pick it up but there are some incredible stars there is ZERO moon titties as dark as the night can be all I can see are headlights bobbing off in the distance pretty magical yo what's up looking good mr. jackass Junction night party I should probably go dance a little bit even though I don't feel all that great man I am really struggling with nausea this time around I don't know what the deal is trying to eat trying to drink trying to try some new things had some coke see if that would settle my stomach hope this goes away cuz I still have like 30 miles to go it was [Applause] then tha's out here she started her last laugh that's amazing [Applause] a bit of the nausea has gone away and which is nice now I'm just plain old exhausted hmm you got this right stay cool keep moving forward keep breathing enjoy the beautiful night think of everybody loved whoo you'll get this and then you'll get this it's hard there's no doubt about it this is hard I always forget how hard this is cause I only do it once a year man that's a good challenge I love seeing those arches all right lap number four that's what we're on is done yeah thanks mother whoo thank you there we go here we go this is my new friend clinch I've never met Clinton before where he's gonna run with me but I'm gonna be new thank you so much for doing this man I appreciate it so I am going to put my camera away for this lab and just run I'm sick of holding this thing oh boy 80 miles down 20 to go and at this point I don't know if I'm gonna get my goal of 20 hours I feel horrible and besides hitting my goal I'm kind of worried that everything is gonna fall apart and I'm gonna walk a lot of this lap and have a miserable time luckily this guy Clint my pacer who came out of nowhere he answered a tweet was a really good strong runner and he kept me moving and he kept me moving at a good pace you see the lap before I really slowed down and Clint helped me speed back up I ate some soup at one of the aid stations and I started feeling better slowly but surely started feeling better I think I can I think I can I started using every mind trick I could and for the final ten miles I started feeling great so great that I was running as fast as I've ever run in my life at least it felt like it I got back on pace I felt as strong as I did on the very first lap and I had not been this motivated in a long time to get to a finish line we made it to the finish line whoa we're sprinting we are sprinting [Applause] here we go what's up no thanks bye thank you thank you so much my brother welcome he pushed me so hard that last lap I needed this guy otherwise I would not have gotten just over 20 hours we were students were just under but we missed it [Music] it's always next year [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ryan Van Duzer
Views: 29,350
Rating: 4.9669967 out of 5
Keywords: javelina jundred, javelina jundred duzer, ryan van duzer javelina, javelina jundred tips, ryan van duzer running, javleina jundred advice, javelina jundred race report, ultra running 100 miles, best 100 mile running race, how to pace a 100 mile running race, how to fuel for 100 miles, how to fuel for 100 mile running, aravaipa running, best gear for 100 miles, hoka speedgoat shoes, ultra running documentary, inspirational running videos youtube, how to hydrate for 100 miles
Id: xg5JaFDLSU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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