Javelina Jundred a Journey to Failure

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[Music] so tent city is so cool so cool [Applause] [Music] dunt-da-daaaaa [Music] so cool there's one reason that's there we all know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm officially hot I need to go stop melting someplace okay so I am finally relaxed I'm at javelina headquarters waiting to get up at 4:30 tomorrow morning and get ready for the race I've really got to meet a lot of wonderful people today so far it's only 3:30 and I went to the expo so I got to pack up pick up come a bit a Kate railrunner and spent the afternoon after bid pickup came back here sorted out my gear got my drop bags all set up I can get any stuff as I go is like oh yeah I need that oh battery backup batteries for the headlamp yeah I kind of think I'm gonna need those little things like that like when nighttime comes I'm gonna be soaked for running all day long it's gonna be cold when night hits now you don't want to be running tonight and all these cold clothes you need some clothes to swap out of so I got fresh shorts and shirt waiting for him in my drop bag so around 6 7 o'clock I'm going on lap 3 or 4 or whatever at 7 o'clock hopefully I'm going on laughter I'm praying to God I'm on lap three I'll be able to change out into some dry clothes fresh socks maybe even change my shoes I never changed my shoes I'm gonna give myself the option to change my shoes but every time I do it I never ever change my shoes so it's nice to have an option there my mind is going crazy right now I was fine loved sorting my gear while I was getting my nutrition together and I've taken every precaution that I can imagine hopefully it all works out for the best it's gonna be fun I have a very positive outlook about tomorrow it's just I've never ran 100 miles before I see racists and videos of people doing hundred miles and I've seen what normal people look like doing 100 miles and they're pretty worn out you know it worked over by the end of those 100 miles and you watch the elites run it may finish in there they're pretty blasted too it's like well this is what happens to those people what's gonna happen to me when I'm running this hundred miles and that unknown kind of frightens me usually I welcome the unknown usually it's what I seek because there's a fear there there's something romantic about the unknown [Music] part of that unknown is about yourself about what you're capable of about how you gonna how you are going to act it's so romantic and it scares the hell out of me but at the same time I welcome it and I'm excited to experience it it's gonna be a ride talk to you about it tomorrow sometime [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] couple miles into the race run fast over [Applause] run that I've got to be running eleven right good short calm down [Applause] [Music] go running back ordering on a 10 minute pace we really need to run about 30 seconds slower chill out and the beautiful blonde on stage sunrise make it all that much more amazing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right what's up trying to slow myself down it is still a beautiful morning hold on for miles in super early let's go in it loving it you slow myself down I'm gonna keep speeding up just pass through the first aid station and stop blood ups temperatures grab a couple of ginger snaps head back out head on up jackass Junction parking for about two and a half minutes run back down what a beautiful day right four miles in and I am walking because this is my first hundred mile I wanted to be my last [Music] take it easy [Music] that's 16 miles in the loop one ring actually little faster than I thought I would and almost three hour to two hours 55 minutes so I'm on track for us for our first lap a little pass I'm sure look at the back it's already hot nine o'clock in the morning I'm so hot we got ice in my elbows but I don't feel bad they feel pretty good bad actors in tight start but last few miles it is settling down just trying to maintain my face get through the hot laps welcome tonight about eight hours young good day [Music] [Music] [Music] all right here's the deal haven't mean videoing or anything because worried about the heat just throwing the camera battery like come on lap three I'm about a third of the way around lap three I'm at Mile 47 right now um aches later it's waiting for them to bounce back and battling nausea now for 17 miles okay keep salt Capps down so I've been trying to bring tailwind but then it just makes me gag so into the clip are there new blah energy blocks they seem to be helping able to keep them down and nutrition is really behind fortunately I'm hiking a lot so I'm not burning it as much as papa honey not the last lap it's horrible lap to you was like 91 degrees hotter in sections on the course horrible so here we are it's 5 p.m. I'm right on the bubble for a 24 hour my mentality now sonic cares want to see cognition sub 30 our goes to 30 hours of Kyle walking all the up goes right now I did a trial run back here a little bit ago legs tried it a little on applying at about 11 minute mile which is made me happy good after jackass Junction we've got six miles down to its Camry the name of the aid station but it's all downhill I wanted people to run it taking some time back myself a little buffer but it's beautiful wish I wasn't so pissy right now that dark place bad see some friends here that I know really made bitter promise I'll do some more later [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] and a half miles from home headquarters and we have to go suck in a ginger root Dean said you brought a lot of hiking foot I love ice down states diction while out sit down there from up to a few minutes see more veggie broth off of our ginger root it's a whole bunch of mountain dew believe it's becoming my crack I'll see nutrition I'm still my eating solids only been eating broth for the last twenty five miles oh really pain is that right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh wasn't gonna do anything wasn't gonna film Racing goes I wanted and of dropping out at the end of the fourth lap at my lady they're calling it a tea but it was anyone the heat got to me mostly and messed up with my nutrition [Music] I started having waves of nausea that built after the first 50k once they built up and just stayed there I was running good I was right my goal is 10:30 to 11:00 minute pace I did the first two laps first lap and a half I don't even know I was right on target it was I was doing so good I was so 24-hour I was actually running by the end of the second loop I was running about a 20-hour 2:21 our split even with the nausea later fine we're still find us or they heard so out of it so out of it right now I was running so I was having fun in I couldn't any time I would try to eat food I was ragging and I would like heave a little bit everybody knows what that's like it was causing I could I stopped taking my cell tablet to my ass caps just put him in my mouth my gag reflex would engage if I try to Street more than a sip of water my gag reflex would kick in so it literally changes these micro sips water and when I got to the aid stations after mile 50 I started making veggie broth and sucking on ginger root the ginger root was helping but by by the end of lap three [Music] that was got I was nauseous I get nauseous anything I'm gonna throw up just thinking about ginger oops I was constantly had it in my mouth [Music] I was drinking iced down Mountain Dew which you know I've never drink in the Mountain Dew I don't like soda I do love I love so Who am I kidding but I don't not only drink it work otherwise I got my Lacroix out of it I came in to jack into javelina headquarters at the end of Luke 3 pretty worked up you know a lot of hiking and which in a way was good because it was helpful my lake state fresh but I was hitting that plateau of freshness they're just wearing out and I can feel it starting to come on my hips my hat actors were starting to just be there's just nothing there and but I could still trot along 11 minute pace so I was happy I came in here sat down I wasn't here for 20 minutes I think I don't even know I know my last stop it heavily jackass Junction and I was there half an hour but I was spending a lot of time in DEA stations just reading my stomach to settle down before I'd go off and it helped it get it pills pull on it was helping me out a lot when I left I still feel like crap I was walking and then when I turned up to go up just start of the loop about a half mile down road I started feeling really good sounds like I turned I turned the corner it's great the nausea it was gone everything was gone and the four mile run up to coyote junction where the name of that first first-aid station was I ran the whole way even the climbs I felt amazing people were just like holy cow great pace and then I was getting it was awesome I hit I hit there I stopped sucked on some ginger just as a precaution I had like maybe eight ounces of Mountain Dew here I was get you sugar but I wasn't getting my gels and the veggie broth was giving me myself but not enough I was already so far behind my nutrition took off from coyote when I was called eight station and we do a lot of walking a lot of hiking from there to jackass junction which is five point seven miles up the road up the trail and there's a lot of climbing most everybody height most of it in either direction rattle snake Gulch aid station a four-mile in the opposite opposite direction it's the same thing after that you just climbing and climbing for six miles so you do a lot of hiking you just don't have a choice hi I was speed hiking mostly fifteen to sixteen minute my office which I didn't care at this point I wanted to finish I didn't care about anything else anymore I was already outside the window I was actually on the bubble of twenty four hours of twenty four thirty days and by the time I got the jackass Junction everything came back all the nausea had returned it just over the two miles before I got the cactus Junction he just gradually built and built and when I got there I was trying everything I could all fluids I couldn't get me food in me no I think I tried to eat a grilled cheese it took like like for a little mini bites out of it soon and then I was like well I'll try some hot chocolate this somebody said there was hot chocolate so I drank some hot chocolate and the sugar and the sweetness it was really wonderful and hot I loved it and then I threw up and I kept throwing up threw up everything that I consume but I felt better so right after I threw up why I cleaned up grab my gear and I just went I feel good the stick advantage it is maybe we can finish this race and you hike for the first mileage you out of Jack that's Junction and then it's all downhill is just falling all the way back down to to a rattlesnake old and the halfway down to rattle snake Gulch ice no sir I was drying even at this point yeah I couldn't keep anything down water nothing I literally rattlesnake gold just went I took one sip of Mountain Dew and he just left it's just hiking just walking I was done I knew I was bidding - I was gonna drop when I got back to heavily headquarters came to conclusion that there's no way I would be able to handle because I was gonna do it double sunrise and there was no way I was gonna build a handle all that heat with the condition I was in with the lack of nutrition and the lack of fluids check my urine I wasn't dehydrated it was yellow but it was it was a clean yellow so I wasn't dehydrated which was crazy considering I hadn't drank anything it stops sweating so there was another warning sign for me it was probably 65 degrees out beautiful weather gorgeous versus the daytime where I think every to 91 or 92 degrees the middle part of the run which is horrible did a lot of hiking tried to run as little as possible it didn't help you thought son gets into you and your I had ice effect I still can't feel I think that nerve damage I can't feel my forearms underneath because I spent the whole time with ice planet Mars just packed full and ice and my my buff and my neck I have back my hydration bladder was just filled with ice and I wore him back to keeping all that ice against my back and then as it melted I would squirt the hot the cold water on my legs feels amazing felt so good at his ice-cold been ice bath whatever I wanted it was magnificent it really helped it really helped me get through that five hours of just six it was actually six and a half hours that it was a loop and a half of the high heat yeah it was too crazy I knew I was done I was practically crying disappointment myself express our crying right now I wanted to still there was that close that close that's all I had was 19 miles come back and do it again I don't know how to do it but I've always lived by the philosophy of safety first health first nothing is worth your help God can cure yourself because it's okay to quit and racing because you can always come back and do it again sorry for the long video I know there's a lot of negative stuff in there occasionally those one period sorry I'm hired get my gear sorted out and packed up ready to go and find out if my drop bag turns out it's missing right now hopefully a pop set [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: AKtrailrunner
Views: 4,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trail running, Ultra running
Id: Hz3jwn7pXkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 5sec (1685 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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