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that you cause your word to bond with great intensity on the heart of everyone that is a partaker of that which you have to dispense this night and let it resound many more times like viable seeds that cannot die in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus mighty name amen first corinthians chapter 12 first corinthians chapter 12 first corinthians chapter 12. the first testimony i have this evening is that we have paid for our generator [Applause] so in a few days from now installation inspection and installation will take place and will be able to test everything we have been building into that facility so i come here with a note of thanksgiving see the god that does impossible things hallelujah first corinthians chapter 12 now concerning spiritual gifts brethren i would not have you ignorant he know that he were gentiles carried away onto these dumb idols even as he were led wherefore i give you to understand that no man speaking by the spirit of god call it jesus accursed and no man can say that jesus is lord bought by the holy ghost now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit there are differences of administration but the same lord there are diversities of operations but it is the same god that walketh all in all but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit without we'll take that particular verse verse 7 we'll take it from niv subsequently you know order to build a very good premise now to each one [Music] the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good all right that's great please take note of that reading because we will exploit the unique expression of that scripture as rendered by the niv verse number eight for the one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom and to another the word of knowledge by the spirit and to another faith by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit so tonight we'll be talking about the gift of faith and before this service is ended we're going to demonstrate the gift of faith all right in order for us to build a robust foundation on this very critical subject it would be needful for us to pick a few scriptures to talk about god first of all how that god is a god of faith then to talk about the spirit of god and what exactly is the spirit of faith then we can talk about the nature of faith before we talk about the gift of faith our god is a god of faith we have been exploring the book of romans chapter four and in our key scripture which is in the book of romans chapter 4 verse 17 we see how that our god is a god of faith um can we confirm that romans chapter 4 17 as it is written i have made the a father of many nations before whom he believed even god who quickens the dead can you sit out the phrase there and collect those things that be not as do they wear you see our god is a god that calls first of all when he was introducing himself to abraham he identified himself as the god that quickens the dead second way by which he introduced himself to abraham is that he calls those things that we not as do they were and were able to identify how that um he will give you dreams on the crusade ground casting out devils moving in the miracles and you have never cast out a devil he will be calling to you the things that be not even though those things be not for you those things are fully articulated in his plan that he has designed for your life so he keeps hunting you with things that are consistent with your vision which you have not yet seen but it is the context of your true reality ordination and destiny it is the nature of our god to call things that be not as do they will so our god is a god of faith when he deals with you he deals with you on the principles of faith and most of the things that god does is to motivate us and to give us a a springboard to believe you know i told you that we have a god of race hallelujah god has a very tough obsession and one of the obsessions that god has is that he wants to be believed the entire framework of the new testament possibility is hinged on grace and if it is by grace then it can only be appropriated by faith it means that god true design ordained that the resources that he has available for us in the new testament context is accessible only through the instrument of faith and that design was in keeping with god's obsession god wants to be believed are you are you here you see so our god is a god of faith and in order for you to engage this god you cannot become my faith the bible says that he that committed god must believe so the new testament economy was designed to pedestal faith which is something that god wants to see in your life as you interact with him hallelujah so our god is a god that quickens the dead our god is a god that calls those things that be not as do they wear our god is a god of faith hallelujah so if you understand that that is the nature of our god being a god of faith you will find god stepping up on the scene and say let there be light even he's speaking the things that he's speaking is speaking the first time words were used in the bible was not for communication the first time words were used in the bible was for creation and there were words of faith because that's the way our god operates so in order for us to understand the gift of faith first of all we need to know that our god is a god of faith second scripture in this second scripture that i'm trying to read to us which is in the book of second you see the word same there means common so if we are saying we have the same spirit of faith the next question is with who hallelujah we have in what the same spirit of faith with who with god god operates by the spirit of faith and the bible says that the spirit of god is the spirit of faith now i need to explain to us this issue of the spirit of faith are you here you know i was teaching some time ago i guess it was in the city of benin i don't remember where at least i remember what i thought and what i thought was this it is impossible for you to enter into the realm of god okay it's in manchester as much as you want to enter into the realm of god it is not possible for you to operate in the realm of god if god doesn't open the realm i know you know how to pray have you not prayed before you prayed for three hours seven hours 18 hours and the realm didn't open there was no feedback you don't have the ability the power the authority to open the room it is only when god wants to be discovered he makes himself discoverable yes it is the will of god is the will of god it is god's it is by god's will if he wills that you meet him that's when you meet him even though your efforts are good but your efforts do not have the authority to location and encounter except god is willing to give you an encounter are you with me i was teaching and i said that the spirit realm is not far from us the spirit realm is right here but it is domiciled in a different dimension in a different realm even though that realm is not far in terms of distance but the realm is not accessible until the spirit of god opens the door honey i say hallelujah now yesterday i was coming to the office just to you know do one or two things and come back to the service and sister messi was leading president she sang a song and my spirit was open and i saw the angels that observed in this ministry allocated to the ministry i saw those angels they began to group themselves because he was single hallelujah i entered into the office then she now changed the sound and i saw the angels leaving it means she missed the frequency and i said that it was good for you to sing an anointed song but it is better for you to sing the song god is singing because you will be operating by the spirit of faith part of the things that the spirit of faith does is that it gives you the grace to be able to know what god is saying so that you can see what god is saying and if you say what god is saying the things that will happen are the things that happen when god speaks hallelujah you see the only reason why i could see those angels was because the holy spirit opened the door of the realm to me do you understand that and when i saw the angels and eventually when you began to sing again because i told her sing that song again you will see and then the atmosphere initial atmosphere began to build and the angels were here do you understand now the spirit realm is not distant in terms of they are far away no he just domiciled in another diamond is this here it is where the demons that trouble you in the night when you go to sleep those demons were in the room but they were assessed they are domiciled in that realm so whenever you talk about the spiritual don't think about a wilderness we need to travel it's just domiciled in another dimension and your access point to that dimension is either the spirit of truth or the spirit of error other people have accessed the spirit realm through the spirit of error and the danger of operating in that realm by the spirit of error is that your advancement in that realm is going to be what will occasion your self-destruction eventually if you're operating in the realm by the spirit of error but if you're operating by the spirit of truth your advancement in that realm is what will guarantee that your passage through time will not be subject to manipulation oh hallelujah you see it's good to know god it is good to know the lord oh i was doing quarantine in london i went praying praying me and our pastor and then when we finish the quarantine before we finish a few people visited us brother david that placed the keyboard for me in london he came here that was how i knew he he could play the keyboard so i said okay when i come to london i'm going to contact you so when i was on quarantine i called him came and visited me so we planned how we're going to minister together and i went inside then someone else came we saw that personal person and the third person came as i entered into the room the realm of the spirit opened you see people visited me that they're about two people the rain did not open you understand you can't open it you don't have the key it is the holy ghost that opens the room the third person now visited and then the rain now opened and the hand of god came upon me so strong and when the hand comes like that i know the hand that comes upon me it means it's time for war fight i know the hand that comes upon me is time for you to bless the one that came that day was blessed bless that blessed so i came out it was hallelujah so i proclaimed a few words a few words from the spirit of god because the realm was open i was saying what god was saying i don't need to check for feedback because i know that there's a miracle so it is not by power it is not by mind it is by the spirit of god so get this and get it well the spirit realm is not distant from the natural realm it is just domiciled in another dimension the way you see the realm is dependent on the spirit that opens the door of the realm to you you will see the realm through the lens of that spirit you see the realm through the vista of that spirit and there are two options or possible tour guides of the realm spirit of truth and the spirit of error now this scripture says we having the same spirit of faith like god has so he's teaching us the way god operates and is now telling us that we have the same spirit of faith with god god is a god of faith god operates by faith in fact it is impossible for you to please god except you subscribe to the design of engaging god by faith and then the bible is now saying that we have the same spirit of faith like god now if we continue in the reading you will find out what the spirit of faith enables us to do he say according as it is written i have believed so the spirit of faith enables you to believe it enables you to have to sustain a conviction i have believed and i have spoken we also believe and therefore speak so this is the message it's by the spirit of faith that you can see what god is saying that is that is prophetic singing saying what god is saying is prophetic singing but the one you did yesterday was unknown texting anointed singing is different from prophetic singing you hear there is singing then there is anointed singing and then there is what prophetic thinking when you are engaging prophetic singing you are singing according to the spirit of faith because the holy ghost gives you access to the realities that are obtainable in the realm of god and also you therefore have an opportunity to say i have believed and therefore i have how did you become saved how did you become safe you believed and then you spoke what you believed your entry into this economy of grace came by your believing are you with me let me let me advise you let me tell you something that belief that you had when you believed in jesus that jesus could save you it was not on the basis of your faith it was on the strength of the workings of the spirit of god he imparted that faith into you and that's why you could believe that jesus could save you and when you so believed you confessed with your mouth that jesus was his immortality you confess his immortality that god had raised him from the dead so death no longer have power over him you believe that he was raised from the dead oh my that which you believe you spoke and god found occasion to give you the greatest miracle which is the salvation of your soul hallelujah you see can you see that the framework that we have here is a framework of believing believing so your faith life is a critical component of your work with god and the bible says we have the same spirit of faith it means that we have the capacity to be able to operate the way god operates he's a god is a fit god and we have the same spirit of faith the same spirit of faith with god and the same spirit of faith makes us believe so that we can speak the things that we believe hallelujah the spirit of faith makes us functionally faith people we are functionally faith people amen so we need to therefore find out what exactly is the nature of faith nature of faith nature of faith quickly when we have so spoken then we can define what the gift of faith is now i'm going to differentiate between the gift of faith and the gift of working of miracles they are closely related they are power gifts but we need to differentiate gift of faith the gift of walking of miracles all right let us go to the book of hebrews chapter 11 quickly see the nature of faith he said now faith is this substance according to the book of hebrews chapter 11 the faith is this substance i need to explain substance quickly here with me so are you with me i know you're not you're not with me so i need a scripture to help explain to you substance faith is the substance faith is the substance now let me explain quickly substance of things hopeful faith is the evidence of things not seen so the proof that things that you cannot see exist is a substance that the holy ghost furnishes and he furnishes such a substance whether when he begins to be a witness about things that your physical senses cannot verify so the verification of the existence of those things will be the substance that god furnishes upon your heart are you with me all right come with me i'll just give you two examples uh if i notice that you understand i will stop and continue my teaching hebrew chapter 11 verse 8 let me give you one substance one example of this substance faith is day substance hebrews 11 8 by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing widow he went once upon a time i taught us here on the questions of faith and and i revealed this scripture that the question that a logical person will ask under these circumstances if i say step out of your house take your wife take your children and move now the logical thing for you to ask is where am i going how will we begin to move without knowing where we are going so how we know that we are advancing in the right direction but the reason why abraham did not ask for where was because he had a substance so the question here is where right that's what a logical person would ask but abraham had no need of asking where because he had substance the reason why you're asking where is because there is no substance the other day a young man came to me and said jehovah appeared to him see i'm old now in the ministry so i don't take those things seriously anymore the god of one one guy wanted to talk to me on social media i had to spare time so i wanted to see if anybody had a message maybe somebody was struggling and i can just make an input from the privacy of my study table that will help the person's life so once in a while i go to our facebook feedback page so i better pass the days i serve the god of our fathers i just put him on he's a junk junk list say john why are you here i told you i'm old in this i know when i hear you talk i know i know where you are bag of problems i just i serve the god of abraham the god of isaac i see it spam put it on spam quickly hallelujah are you with me all right um the holy ghost like i said yesterday when god begins to appear to you he begins to introduce himself and the introduction of himself that he makes to you it is designed to help change your logic the fallen man is not a being of faith and so the fallen man has a soul that is inquisitive not a soul that trusts so your soul cannot trust is your heart that has the capacity to trust your heart is a bigger organ than any of your senses whatsoever your heart is the ground the interface the airport where god is going to land if he is coming into your space because the heart has capacity to trust the heart has capacity to believe and the faculty of your belief system is a critical place of god's working so what the holy ghost does is he comes into your space and he furnishes substance on your heart he says that um i heal you now meanwhile the pain is still very present with you but i came to administer healing and you keep saying it until you come to a point where even though the pain is there you can't believe that means you went above the circumstances you went above the situation you went above the evidence in the natural climb that's what the substance does to you he makes you go above the evidences hallelujah so a young man came to me that jehovah appeared to him and that jehovah said should follow he should follow me and i heard his hands i said lord thank you for sending him he is welcome i set him let the covenant be activated right now in the name of jesus and the young man now in after two weeks he said his rent has expired that's in jehovah said you should follow me he has transferred the body of i said no it's not me that says you follow me in fact i don't like i don't even like you as you alright so you will need to meet jehovah you were not told when jehovah appeared to you he didn't tell you that part of following me doesn't include a house rent the young man has since disappeared after the interaction he has disappeared you know what the lord didn't meet him because if jehovah meets you what he will do is that he will give you substance when he gives you substance substance will take you above because you know that you are where jehovah has allocated you all right you know it you are where he said you should be [Music] that substance will be the new ticket that will cater for that your need so when abraham received substance he didn't need to ask where am i going so if you are still asking questions it means you have no soul carrying god's presence until there is substance a young man here he said that god has sent him i don't know the city and then he now sent me a message that he found the whole the rent of the hall for one year is 1.1 million did you ask me who i was sending to give pay for rent when we started this war so men are not ready to walk by faith and because you are not ready to walk by faith you will not be able to see the miracles of god so when you have substance what substance does is that it takes you above logic human logic when you can maintain that substance and tend it you will begin to see miracles that are beyond logic if you cannot tend the substance you will fall from the hierarchy of faith that god wanted to introduce you into where supernatural things will become naturally are you with me is it no madness it's madness it's total madness for us to begin to build a facility in mccodie we just discovered you know when they calculated the first time they said 300 million will build that project but you see the naira has fallen this is if i'm if my accounts are correct this is the 12th time the value of the nara is falling the 12th time so the budget that we had which was 300 million as that now we have spent 712 million my calculation is wrong it was 705 then today we spend 734 million as our today is it no madness in my country has the government built any structure any is any project in the united states that is so are you government is madness it is only same with substance meanwhile i don't think we started well we started the account balance was 12 million when we started and the foundation was 55 million so i know you know is this faith looks like madness to a man that doesn't have substance and when god wants to take you beyond the level of the fallen man he imparts substance to your heart and substance now gives you a higher level of logic you with me like i said the supply encounter god gave me was that he started a project of building this whole world and he built it for six days and he started broke as god was trying to convince me are you with me i started broke he didn't start with money money was not part of what the raw materials on ground but he was able to accomplish the project in six days right so he will keep coming he will keep appearing unto you until that substance is furnished and there is no doubt and no question on your heart again you are just willing to go ahead and if you don't go ahead you will never see the miracles of god however however however the short that is god that is moving you if not you are going ahead will be trapped that's why that's why we always advise students in the school of the spirit that our god will never scold you if you are not sure and you come back and ask again and you are not sure and you go back and ask god is an oracle his answers will be the same all the time it is better in the school of the spirit for you to be lit than too early if you are late god does not walk with time he will accept once you are not outside of of the destiny window that is a crucible they say god told one man to resign from the oil industry he refused to resign until five years he resigned five years later and it and god did not calculate that as obedience do you understand okay let me let me leave you he resigned when he wanted when it was convenient for him and as far as god was concerned that resignation was not in obedience to his instruction because the time window had elapsed are you so even though you are inquiring again and again just make sure you are within the framework of the time window that's the balance i'm trying to bring into that but god is an oracle he will tell you what he told you on monday is what he will tell you on tuesday it is what he will tell you on friday so god is not offended if you try to verify even if you ask him okay i am send somebody to speak to me i assure you you will be you will be you will be amazed god will send so that you know that yes it is god that is involved you can run some checks until you become a master a time comes by reason of use you become a master you don't need to check anything you know how the thing sounds you know how the texture of the move of god is on the heart of a man are you with me so the substance it was it's what is what eases out all the questions that would have been associated with the instruction so the question here is what is what where and there was no need for abraham to ask where because he had what did you understand let me give you another one so that i can be sure that you understand verse 9 verse 9 by faith he's so joined in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob has with him of the same promise how many of you see the problem with that scripture may the lord give you eyes right now how many of you see the problem with that scripture no the problem with that scripture is the word tabernacles what's a tabernacle it's a tenth and the bible says he was dwelling in tents with who with isaac and jacob now a tent is a temporal accommodation are you staying in the tent in the in the tent is a tent you are staying your house while you are sending book is it a tent would have would have raised money for you you know the question there the question is when when will they promise when will the deliverance come we have been dwelling in intense you and your ancestors you are independent so the question are you you ask that most ladies who ask when will i marry this is tent we are sitting in the tent mode the situation that we guarantee permanently has not yet found expression he saw jesus he saw john where in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the question here is when will it come to pass when will god fulfill his promise so that they will not dwell in palaces and the reason why abraham didn't ask when was because of what substance your intellectual questions will keep becoming very creative as long as you have no substance and satan will come the deceiving spirits will come and fill your heart with things that will choke your confidence in god if you have no we were on board a vessel option and i was wondering why the people the operators of the vessel where they were discharging at the lowest possible frequency so that it would be delayed and then in the night by 12 1 2 there will still some products those were the days of cues in abuja so if you have 1 000 liters of petrol oh my god deals were happening on on the sea so we cut them it is it is better for you to catch them by two o'clock in the afternoon because if you catch them by two o'clock in the afternoon you can solve the problem you take two hours you can solve the problem by four you have finished the problem but when you catch them by 10 in the night they can kill you the guy from ministry of finance and the other people that were supposed to cooperate with me we were government trying to regulate i was the only one trying to bring order and that's not a good place to be so what we were trying to bring on even the surveyor that is supposed to be working with me the fiscalization is part that is on that place because my agency is existing that's the expert that is supposed to work for me do you understand that he had already he was independent hallelujah so i don't know what they discussed before before i came but he was on their side and when i settled him he now moved from that side and came partially to my side and then the people he had prized the deal with now unveil the fact that he came on price so he now said it's a lie then the guy that said he came at price broke bottle and all of us would have died a cannon man will fly off that vessel to save his life and meanwhile you could reach out to a life bout pick one and you escape but there are wild animals where you are jumping into there's no guarantee you come back with both feet so you can't do anything in hurry that is a situation where we will know if you have substance and the holy spirit spoke to me he said that man that broke the bottle walk straight to him and tap his right hand that's a gift of word of wisdom you know i thought i thought to you i told you that the gift of word of knowledge is informative but the gift of word of wisdom is directive god gives you a direction many times the difference between life and death is a direction and i walked straight to the man and i tapped him and he began to cry that was how that fight didn't take substance because you now ask the question what if i slap him and i become if you are still asking you don't have substance faith is day oh you are now with me [Music] the substance is the holy spirit that furnishes that substance it is so real that it distinguishes doubt it is so real that it it it makes your questions illogical god gives you another plane another platform of logic and on that platform of logic the only thing natural day is the supernatural you know something i struck the man on the right hand and the man began to cry he cried so i don't know what made him cry that he cried deeply and my my surveillance that he was supposed to be with me when he saw that i don't know where he was again i don't know whether he was still with me or he where he was beating himself that was how we resisted that corruption that corruption would have given me 4 million that night but i said i will not steal from my country because we are the ones sent to deliver the country so if i steal today and i and i one day there is a leader of the country that is messing up i'm saying no the lord will build you it won't come to pass because four minutes satan will carry for milan [Music] what the substance of things that i hope for things that your physical senses cannot verify substance of and the evidence of things that you cannot see that means that faith is the navigator with which you can interact with the unseen world that means i can i can hear from angels by faith i can interact with god by faith i can touch the unseen realm interact effectively once i have substance so the specialty of faith is that it gives you the senses through which you can interact with things that are not seen except you are saying that it's only the things that you see that are real and if it's the only things you see that are real to you then you are blind hallelujah so first of all in the nature of faith faith requires substance that is furnished by the holy spirit to entrench convictions about the reality of things that your natural senses cannot verify so we cannot over emphasize one factor which is conviction when the holy spirit moves upon your heart the currency that it gives you i need to show you the currencies spiritual currencies one of them is assurance once you have assurance it is proof of the fact that the holy spirit has moved upon your heart and he has settled the possibility of a future that you yet do not know you need to see me when my wife accepted to marry me i was like an age victim because of fasting you know you're not here i may have someone now then jesus even me i knew i was black by because of the sun in in canada so i asked her when did you accept a man like he said it was a conviction only the holy ghost knows what will happen to you in the next 25 years so you will need a conviction to journey on that path a conviction so the holy spirit comes to furnish a substance the reason why i will not say something is because we are online if not i would have said some things but we will keep them until we are offline hallelujah because there was one we said one time the people involved now say i saw you since then now the person that switched off the light is not walking by faith hallelujah you see we have people like this that i always you know so well well thank god is not totally black they are still watching me from are you with me you are not with me now so when god wants to help you what he does is that he gives you substance and the substance becomes the reason for convictions unshakable convictions because the substance can run so deep so deep on your heart that it makes the logic of your mind to become inconsequential because this substance has the capacity to be a witness about things that are yet not seen the first currency of the spirit that the holy spirit makes available in order for him to make a walk of faith very possible is what we call assurance that's the first one what we call what then another currency is what we call conviction conviction conviction you're about to enter into a marriage and then the holy spirit furnishes conviction upon your heart and with the conviction that he has furnished now what happened to this light now i need feedback now so that we can know who we are going to suspend after this service okay tony has not come back now listen the third currency is what we call rest rest rest the bible says in returning unrest shall he be saved in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength oh something blue okay so it's not someone that touches switch all right uh for those of you viewing this is not the work of the devil this is an electrical situation that will be fixed by tomorrow god bless you in jesus name rest rest means it is done rest means it is accomplished so there are many ways the holy spirit furnishes substance upon your heart it can come in form of peace great peace it can come in form of rest it can come in form of conviction it can come in form of assurance can come in form of confidence in returning unrest shall he be saved in righteousness and confidence shall be your strength hallelujah now is the time for us to talk about the gift of faith and i'm trusting god that god will uh he will just give me some little sound there so that i can texture my spirit man and know what is moving in this place this evening the gift of faith in the gift in the manifestation of the gift of faith god is the one that does the work and first of all he supplies you a supernatural faith which is beyond your own believers capacity of faith to believe are you here then he now performs a miracle by himself that is equivalent to the measure of faith that is imparted into your spirit so in the gift of faith you don't do anything you are not the one that does the miracle god gives you the capacity to believe for the miracle are you with me yeah now with me now see don't forget don't forget the nature of faith the first aspect of the nature of faith is the substance aspect we talked about the convictions that are deeply rooted that the holy spirit furnishes upon your heart second aspect of the nature of faith is is an obedience a spirit induced obedience you know the bible says faith without walks is there it's not canal walks it's not walks that come from the flesh but works that are products of an inducement of the holy ghost are you there so anytime faith walks there is a conviction aspect of faith and there is an obedience aspect of it so even in the gift of faith there is an obedience and a conviction aspect are you with me but the thing about the gift of faith is that it is god that impacts the faith and it is god that performs the miracle so in the gift of faith god is the one that is performing and even do the gift of faith or praise in on the same stream with the working of miracles in the case of the working of miracles god walks the miracle through you you do something oh my are not with me in the case of working on records what happens god walks there is something you do so you are part of the process of the production of the miracle but in the gift of faith god impacts the faith and god does a miracle all you do is receive it [Music] exactly so let me give you an example now let that sound flow is too strong come come with me quickly in the gift of walking of miracles how many of you still remember that crippled man at the gate called beautiful and peter came to him as a silver and gold he said look on us for silver and gold we do not have as such as we have we give unto you in the name of jesus rise up walk [Music] the man didn't walk peter now shook him this is a walk and the man stood up and began to walk it means peter was part of the making of that miracle but in the gift of faith if it's precedent if peter had come and said rise up and walk and the man begins to walk that's the gift of faith but gift of working on miracles there's a walk attached you understand so in the gift of faith god impacts the faith and god also accomplishes the miracles i mean this faith that god impacts is not the normal measure of the believers faith is a strange impactation of the grace of god upon a man's spirit and that man is able to stand in the natural as the excuse that god will give to move sovereignly in the affairs of men [Music] now watch it let's do exodus quickly exodus chapter 14. change the sound let it just flow [Music] i saw those after 14 verse we read verse 15 we read verse 21 and 22 so this is 15 and the lord said unto moses wherefore christ died unto me speak unto the children of israel that they go forward moses was confronted with the barrier of the red sea it was the holy ghost himself that was directing this party and god directed this party through signs the angel that god was using to guide them was visible to their sight and they saw that angel either as a pillar of fire or a cloud of smoke you know you know if you go close to god if you go closer you go closer to god and god has mercy on you if he decides to have mercy on you he can make some things that are normally invisible visible see the thing about the way god led the children of israel was that angels were visible [Music] so not sign that was the pillar of fire it was actually an engine that was burning like a flame and any time it was time to move the engine begins to move the cloud lifts and they know the direction that god is leading so it was not them that led themselves to the red sea they were led by god's suffering and and now there was a barrier there was a barricade the red sea so vast that he still touched the sky from the sight and the view of the eye how will you surmount this challenge so moses began to cry and this was god's response to moses wherefore why chronist down unto me speak unto the children of israel that they go for where are you going forward the red sea is a barricade and you are saying go forward see is trying to introduce them to the gift of faith so when nobody responded when when he said go forward they didn't respond verse 21 and moses stretched out it was this was the second formula because he had told them and if they had obeyed and gone forward the team would have you won't need that road the team would have just so they couldn't take that level say all right no problem moses now stretch your hand the people want to see something so stretch your staff they know this stuff this stuff i've been doing miracles before stretch it now let it look like he's a staff that is walking over the sea and moses stretched out his hand over the sea and the lord caused the sea to go back by a strongest wind all night it's not something that happened whoa no it was like that all night [Music] all night and made they see dry land and the waters were divided oh my today if you need the waters to be divided so that your destiny can advance tonight god will divide the obstacle and the waters were divided do you know we need men of faith in our time i was on a crusade ground and had preached a powerful evangelical message what was left left was for me to throw in the net and catch fish and then there was a rain that interrupted so powerful important you know potato that was the wrong time for the rain to come because there is something more important than the rain that is about to happen and the rain just so powerful and i spoke to the rain i say give way and the things stop [Music] and i've been taught by the lord when you stop something that is in in nature when you finish doing what you want to do release it back so in the night i remember i said rain come back and it continued we the reason why we're ordinary men is because we don't trust the god of it the god of faith wants to put the world on display and cause the world to see how great power he can wield with his right hand if if thou canst believe the bible says all things are possible to him that believeth please help me preach to your neighbor if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believer verse 22. and the children of israel went into the midst of the sea upon dry ground not wet ground i'm talking of trigger dry ground like the ground you'll find in december in maccardin there is wind that blew upon the sea so blew upon it that he licked up the ground and made it dry [Music] the children so you can imagine there was dust on people's trousers as they were walking through the belly of the sea because the gift of faith oh my woman you see when the story of moses was told god said by a prophet one prophet god brought an entire nation out of captivity it was in that scripture i saw how powerful one prophet is one man that can believe in the supernatural workings of god can change a civilization in a generation can you believe oh i said can you believe because our god walks by faith if thou canst believe the bible says all things are possible to him and be living two things i would like you to notice here is that the red sea was parted all night that's the first day second thing i want you to note here is that the children of israel walked on dry ground [Music] this kind of manifestation is what will make a generation like ours bow to god go to europe and meet any white young man approach them at random seventy percent of the people you are likely to approach don't believe that there is god once you explain everything from the laboratory from ions [Music] and all of that he has a scientific explanation for everything the reason why he's so confident in his fully it's because he has never met a man of faith if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believe it now the protocol of this service is that i will speak once upon a time as we advance now into the practical session i will speak and god be confirmed you see in the gift of faith god might require just an action maybe speech you know the spirit of faith speaks right one obedience it will unlock the spiritual and god will now perform the miracle by himself give me rise on your faith the quest tonight is simple if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believe it i know a lot of problems are represented here tonight present on ground and online but my charge to you is if doubt can't believe all things are possible to him not believe it i believe you know when jesus told the man if god can't believe the man said i believe but hector that's the prayer for tonight i believe in my own measure in my own capacity but if my faith is not enough help it the gift of faith is when god helps your unbelief he helps it it helps your belief in so that your believing goes to a level that can release him to work how many of you have been to a theater how many of you anybody that has done cs here cs [Music] okay they normally ask for somebody to sign that that room is a signing that we release the doctor to begin to operate [Music] jesus wants to do something but your faith the signature of your faith must to release him to release him to operate we need a signature we need your faith to sign it oh my gosh mosquito manta level [Music] let's go with us [Music] um [Music] [Music] baby is singing my is [Music] [Music] your baby's singing [Music] your [Music] the baby is singing [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby [Music] oh my gosh baby [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i see someone in the congregation in fact the kind of darkness that i saw the depth of the darkness was such deep darkness and i was wondering what is this so i re i realized that there is a there's someone in the congregation and four days ago you saw yourself in peach darkness the darkness was so dark that it was almost solid four nights ago in your sleep you had that experience so he's the person i'm waiting for four nights ago you had an encounter and the darkness that was in that your dream was so thick that it was as if you could touch the darkness if that person is here in this vicinity come to me because your case is an emergency your case is an emergency you saw that four nights ago please don't waste my time okay you come quickly your case is an emergency whether you're inside or outside someone had a dream kind of experience and there was this darkness this darkness was investigate them what did you see speak to me speak what did you see one night ago i had four nights is it four nights yet sir yeah i had a dream in the dream it was safe way in a place and the place was dark and i was trying to move out and i couldn't really see you're going to see it i couldn't see and there was somebody at the other side that that i was just trying to walk out and i couldn't know because if you didn't know what how to get out okay mine was last night okay so darkness was even though i'm going to pray for you but this is the man i'm looking for yeah what did you see it was thick darkness i was like on a bike i couldn't cease you couldn't see next i couldn't see anywhere [Music] only [Music] till we see [Music] till the end is over here [Music] can you stretch your hand in that direction and banish this darkness [Music] foreign [Music] in the name of jesus i just saw a movie i hope you have time because we are just was starting you know someone said that since i was not coming from my journey that even sickness came upon me so i'm back [Music] i saw in a movie now this is what happened to someone um a shadow some something somebody like darkness a being like darkness came and fed someone in the dream a being this being is like darkness where are you a being like darkness came and fed you in a dream join them you couldn't see you couldn't see the being it was so dark but you know the attempt was an attempt to feed you join this week and join them quick [Music] join them quickly [Music] join them quickly [Music] don't waste my time you join them quickly quickly so that i can move [Music] oh [Music] [Music] for the rest of eternity [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] shouting and jumping for the rest of eternity [Music] [Music] [Music] give them the mic you talk if you are not the one i'm talking about you will go back i had a dream last night last night that i was in a dream and i saw darkness everywhere and and i was praying the dream and i saw someone that i knew and the person was the person was chasing me in the darkness okay that's your only experience yeah i can't even time so i was i saw myself it was like i left my body okay and i was struggling that's your experience um but what's darkness no no no you are not the ones i'm looking for but i will pray for you listen to me listen to me carefully what i am talking about is a being like darkness was attempting to feed you do you understand it so go on three days ago now you know i told you a man has no right to call himself a prophet he is he has not operated accurately in two revelational gifts and gifts of prophecy for more than ten years are you with me so if if you have operated it for two years you are still learning you have operated it for five years you are still learning don't say you are a prophet if you have not operated it for 10 years because at that point you are not learning you understand what i'm talking about by the special grace of god i'm not learning this gift i learnt it years ago and it i will achieve totally nothing to try to make you feel that i'm seeing something when i'm not seeing anything are you with me talk every night a great woman put food for me in a dream to feed me or someone else at the food someone else had the food but a woman brought it to feed a dead woman a dead woman okay yes next person that's nice last night yes i saw someone feeding me but i see the person you could not see the person no i saw the person within me with the person i'm talking about has not come yet you see this case i'm talking about we need to rescue this person from death that's why i'm doing this listen to me again someone in this congregation a being that looked like darkness black came and attempted to feed you if you are in the congregation come to me now [Music] are you are you with me you are not with me let me give you some details are you are you here oh you are not here [Music] we have not started this night we have not started we are warming up warming up one in one another like i said a prophet has operated in two gifts revelational gifts and gift of prophecy for more than ten years are you with me you are now with me let's start again [Music] yesterday morning i came back from prayer so i was don't tell me stories i was sleeping then i was fed in the dream but i didn't see the person i didn't see who did it oh god last week i think last week or thereabout i had a dream and i saw a woman she's darkness just black black old because and the first time i saw her was when i went to the river and prayed when i came back i saw her she followed me you went to the river to deliver a land and a spirit a spirit followed you from the river don't worry that since february that so she followed when i entered his favorite this year yes sir when i entered the room i saw her enter the room with you yes so i saw her last week you see now let me use this to to lecture you if you know the lord and he speaks to you never doubt him if you doubt him you are elena you are stealing it the bible says our god is a god that raises the dead i pray these words will entice your spirit a god that calls those things that be not as do they wear that's our goal the bible says that our god is not a man that he should lie so if he speaks to you and you doubt him you are a learner you are still the devil can say manipulate your life but when you grow beyond that regime it can use you to change the world [Music] now this matter that i raised about someone that continued continuing my own was that we're praying nothing i saw this black god i don't know what i said you were trained as a group okay go on so these black people it was stretching his hand towards me i don't know that it was about feeding me or not you're not the one i'm looking for continue my experience was 2019 what came fresh this week it came fresh this week in a dream i saw an image mail came and grabbed my left hand side i didn't know it's not you i'm looking for yeah go on i saw my dreams i put a bucket of what i saw a bucket of water in a in a blight so when i got here i saw my mom giving me yeah at least you knew it was your mom so it's not you i'm looking for you i'm not looking for two people i'm looking for one person if we follow all these stories you might find that this is a man i'm looking for but since you are out i'm still gonna yes what happened to you i had a dream i ate in a dream you ate i ate in the dream you know who gave you the food i did not ask i think so you see i told you that this is the man i'm looking for the lord said that meanwhile stay where you are stay where you are the lord said there is a darkness that has been following an individual this is my own for my own consumption since i'm trying to teach some people there's a darkness that i've been following an individual for some time and not too long ago that darkness attempted feeding the person that's how we know the person i see hi so talk let him talk the darkness has been quite some time because like when i went to the village in december last year i prayed so when i prayed i found out that in my village i broke through so in the dream of the night i found myself in a congregation of darkness that people like five of them are there now let me let you know let me lecture you about a bit as much as we want you to deliver the entire village and set the captives free you will need clearance spiritual things you you need clearance for spirituality if you try to attempt something that you don't have clearance for you become a victim so this young man moved with you went to his village by the river to implement oh the river here you are talking about riverbend way you would have come to me to tell you about your avenue move with z to bring deliverance to the benue people he moved to river venue and a darkness has been following wait we'll deal with the online but this man jehovah sent me to him so with that you will see that darkness will go because everything has rank [Music] there is rank for everything and go and look he's in your bible school hallelujah now now now now as we progress i'm going to take one hour this ministration will last for one hour this evening all right so we'll end by five minutes past eight okay first and foremost i'd like us to speak in tongues for a few minutes the tongues we are speaking is for this my brother can we do that as a congregation [Music] [Music] m [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] i beheld and i saw in the spirit [Music] i saw a rope [Music] all the way from river benue and this group was fasting onto a young lady in this congregation when wisdom spoke to me he said before we can pray for this brother we need to deliver that sister first you know everything has a has protocol don't just it's only god that knows how to deliver people so hear him don't just say crap you achieve nothing hallelujah all right lord in the name of jesus that young lady you showed me that is tied there is a court tied on her body that is linked to river benue that is present here tonight i ask that you help me find that lady help me find the lady help me find a lady help me find a lady help me find a lady put your hand on the lady put your hand on the lid put your hand on the lid help me find the lady help me find her inside and outside inside and outside inside and outside holy ghost help me find this lady help me find this lady in the name of jesus i should ask when you see the lady because the power of god will come upon that lady if she's outside i don't know but there is a lady that the holy ghost will come upon in the next few seconds and when you find the lady bring her here the deliverance this evening starts with that lady stop praying so that we can finally just be quiet father in the name of jesus this lady we are talking about that is linked to activities that take place in that river help us find her let your hand be heavy on her let your hand be heavy be heavy so heavy so heavy so heavy inside and outside so that we can begin this service of faith inside and outside let your hand be heavy on that lady let your hand be heavy on that lady let your hand be heavy on that lady in the name of jesus in the name of jesus oh sharks help me then we'll start after we finish that deliverance then we'll start before you do deliverance just pray in tongues [Music] as you pray in tongues allow the holy spirit to lead you all right something was taken from your family was told something was extracted from your family evil people came and tried to exchange things among your siblings something was taken something was taken but god in heaven who is merciful who is merciful who is merciful he stretches forth his hand to restore that which was taken from [Music] so this is the key to this service when we expel this demon [Music] then people can be liberated so stretch for your hand pray for this lady right now [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord jesus [Music] you will be amazed oh torture sister you will be amazed the things that god will begin to do in that family and in the next two years recoveries upon recovery recoveries upon recovery will begin to take place restoration will begin to take place in the space of two years and the things that we're taking [Music] will be restored we break the yoke in the name of jesus we break the yoke in the name of jesus we'll break the yoke in the name of jesus let the chain let the link be cut off right now let the link be cut off now be cut off now be cut off now in the name of jesus [Applause] thank you lord so we can pray for him wait [Music] now listen to me [Music] the hand of god will come on one of you one see us as we are praying for everybody the sign that god is answering all of our prayer will be on one person all right the hand of god will come on one of you and you'll come intensely comes strong upon one of you and that is a sign that god is responding to everybody father in the name of jesus i ask for a sign i ask for a sign that your hand might descend that your hand might descend on one of these individuals that are standing before me that your hand might descend let your hand descend strong upon one of these people let your hand descend stronger on one of these people let your hand descend stronger on one of these people that your hand decide stronger take away take away take away take away every covering cast take away every seed of darkness that was sown take away the power of any transaction that was done in the lives of all of these people standing before me in the name of jesus thank you yes you can go back so bring her are you ready now [Music] oh my oh my can you start by praying one prayer for your family lord let every yoke in my family break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign and listen listen to me follow my instructions carefully take your right hand put it on your chest as i pray for you [Music] inside outside online on ground [Music] father in the name of jesus [Applause] anyone in this congregation that was dedicated to any deity [Music] anyone in this hall that because of some wrongdoings in the past such a person became a feeling affiliated to a certain deity and the deity is seeking to monitor their affairs of that life further in the name of jesus i demand now let that link with any power of darkness let it break [Applause] [Music] those of you in the congregation that when i began to pray this prayer you started feeling hot on your feet come to the front the heat is still there [Music] the ones that are falling bring them dedicated to things two of you can go [Music] see the demons are resisting so i command you in the name of jesus let this soul go let this soul go let this soul go from the crown of our head to the soul of our feet i break your heart [Music] spirits of the water spirit of the water hear my voice hear my voice there's still one hiding in the congregation somewhere spirits of the water spirits of the water hear my voice i charge you in the name of jesus let your captives go [Applause] [Music] yeah it will break don't worry [Music] father your people are before you have you found that one in the congregation okay allah [Music] stay hiding in the congregation spirits of the water leave her leave her leave her leave her leave her in the name of jesus yes he hiding in the congregation no problem live in the name of jesus [Music] live in the name of jesus [Music] live in the name of jesus [Applause] let your hold on this soul break [Music] lose them lose them lose them lose them [Music] put it on her waist print on springtongs that's what i'm seeing i'm seeing yeah praying tongues you come shake me put it on her chest praying tongues this one her chest her chest lord is there still anyone hiding in the congregation let your hand let your power let your power let your power let your power let your power [Music] if i touch you you go [Music] from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet let the hand of god let the hand of god break the yoke break the yoke break break break in the name of jesus [Music] i disconnect the link i release you i release you i release you i release you i'll release you if i touch you you can go [Music] hey i lose you in the name of jesus i release you i release you i release you i release you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i release i release in the name of jesus lose her in the name of jesus loser in the name of jesus lose her lose him lose him lose him [Music] look at me sister [Music] so let the yolk break lose her now lose her now lose her now [Music] put your hand on our head afraid i release you in the name of jesus i release you in the name of jesus [Music] lose him in the name of jesus i release you in the name of jesus i release you in the name of jesus i release you in the name of jesus i release you in the name of jesus that link is cut off that connection broken in the name of jesus the connection broken the connection broken let the limitations be taken away in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] inheritances of darkness handed out from generation to generation i intercept it on this life i intercept it right now in the name of jesus i break the yoke you false spirit of darkness monitoring this soul right now i cut you off are you still on the way along the west psycho bellow me circle can we create some fire just some fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do so [Music] in the name of jesus [Applause] he said he said there are some cases online [Music] those of you online that are implicated by the cases i mentioned in the name of jesus i send the fire of jesus your way i send the fire of jesus your way in the name of jesus i'm seeing demons holding a pot for demons holding a pot i don't know whether what that means can you help me just some tongs and now we know sometimes [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] you know what someone here went to collect champ that's what that part means when to collect went to collection someone in this place you collected chat now we have the hard way to do it and the simple way to do it the simple way to do it is just accept and come i went to college that's the simple so i'm waiting for you i collect a child i'm the one there are four demons that have been monitoring you since you went for that transaction if you want to do it the simple way just come and say person i'm tired i'm waiting for you you have 15 seconds to accept i collected charm i collected champs 15 seconds the other way i will judge you because i'm a law enforcement agent so there are two ways the good way and the other way i'm giving you another 10 seconds i am the one i collected charm come out [Music] i am the one i collected charm come out am the one i collected this channel come out the window is going the window is going let it be known to all the world that i gave you the opportunity to repent so i collected you come come two come three come four come five come six come seven come eight come nine come dead okay [Music] by the oil that was upon my ancestors the grace let him interview father [Music] he has to talk let her go let her go shut up shut up shut up kai we don't you have no right to talk before me i command you in the name of jesus lose her soul [Music] lose her soul okay sister take this your finger put it upon her forehead just open it yes yes [Music] what happened did you collect chan you don't know his case is a known case when he came there is a book that he has enchantments written inside so the effect of those demons is not recognized as this okay so he even he had a book with enchantments i'm seeing four demons following him that's what i'm saying you know and we can make him whole by jesus yes do you believe that yes we can make him whole by the law so we are going to pray and disarm those four demons and then we release him can we do that all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we break the hold of the devil upon your life in the name of jesus those demons that speak into your ears i arrest them now in the name of jesus [Music] let your mind be restored onto you i decree freedom only but in the name of jesus or be healed in jesus name in jesus name thank you now i want to pray for sick people afflicted people people in bondages if you brought someone that is afflicted lay your hands on the person now brought someone that is sick put your hand there jesus is a healer he's a deliverer anywhere he shows up he heals he delivers he says it's set free thank you lord in jesus name all right let's do it this way if you need to use glasses to read remove them lay your hands on your eyes [Music] these nights god will heal someone's blood listen listen to me somebody's blood will receive a touch somebody's blood will receive a touch from god thank you jesus thank you yes yes yes you have started growing you're growing now all of you all of the ushers i'm going to take you through deliverance training because you are my team on the field the mud will be sailing again hallelujah yes now you have it's accomplished our soul is back [Applause] [Music] so you take the glasses off put them somewhere lay your hands on your eyes and this applies to those that are online if there is a hearing condition take this finger you put it in your ear and block the ear that cannot hear block the ear that cannot hear no just leave her just leave her just lock the ear that cannot hear if it's paralysis put your hand where the paralysis is put your hand where the paralysis is if it's someone that has complicated conditions just stretch out your hand lay your hand on the head right now right now in jesus name amen is weak in jesus name [Applause] [Music] in jesus name [Applause] in jesus name in jesus [Applause] seeing name things it's as if the devil has gone on over time in jesus name [Applause] lord in the name of jesus i take authority over the devil [Applause] i break the power of satan in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] i command sickness bow to the name of jesus i command pain bow to the name of jesus i command affliction bow to the name of jesus blinding spirits in the name of jesus be bound come out of the eyes in the name of jesus deathly spirits be bound come out of the ears in the name of jesus every form of paralysis i challenge you i cast you out in the name of jesus everyone that has a case of multiple affliction i break the yoke of satan i release you from the bondage in the name of jesus christ oh lord born be healed in the name of jesus [Music] i be healed in the name of jesus i destroyed that migraine headache that have been troubling your life in the name of jesus [Applause] that loss of appetite i banish it in the name of jesus oh there's somebody here you have been experiencing consistent weight loss consistent weight loss consistent weight loss you cannot explain why you are just going your weight is just going you are just going i stop it in the name of jesus respiratory tract disease you are finding it difficult to breathe finding it difficult to breathe breathe in now then breathe out the person i'm talking about breathe in again breathe out let's do it one more time breathe in and then out i release the lungs in the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] i release the lungs in the name of jesus [Applause] the yolks are breaking sit down remove your hand in jesus name let your captives be released in the name of jesus thank you lord for those of you online i break the yoke i release you i release you i release you in jesus name thank you lord remove your eyes try to read now try to read without your glasses check your body check your body if you notice that the paralysis has been released and you can use the part of your body that was difficult for you to use it will take time before she gains herself so just allow her check your body quickly [Music] oh my god blood conditions have been rolled out i challenge you two days after this meeting those of you with blood conditions go around a test go around the test go around the test and check your blood is it genotype anything that is wrong with your blood two days after today run a test and get back to us in the name of jesus if you notice that something on your body has changed you can come come to the front if you notice that something has changed and those of you online if you notice there is a change send us a message on any of the platforms that you are receiving this transmission on i take one testimony then i pray for the congregation because my time is almost up one testimony check try to use your eyes any part of your body if the migraine has gone the back pain has gone the pain on your leg has relieved you one testimony and i will pray for the congregation quick quick quick quick quick quick quick [Music] okay since you don't want to respond i need to use my gift to find out what is happening okay oh can you read [Music] now let him try the reading were you using glasses okay you can actually see now it's clear i will stress my eye before before you can see and now you can see give him blood only you only knew [Music] me so he's going to read jeremiah number seven entourage from verse one okay please the world that came to jeremiah from the lord saying it's time [Applause] to continue okay say stand in the gate of the lord stand at the gate of the lord's house and proclaim here this word say hear the word of the lord okay you can see [Applause] lord in the name of jesus we name this miracle permanent let his sight even improve more by tomorrow morning in the name of jesus hallelujah yes go on yesterday i was invited by somebody to come in my sister peace yesterday was my first day of coming here on the yesterday night when i went back home i had a realization whereby you are ministering to a crowd okay and when you do your hand like this fire will just come out so everybody actually just call me you don't you don't even lay there your hands on there and once you clamp like this fire so on the crowd you you picked me okay oh my god and see that's how this parable did not end unt put your hands together for you [Applause] hallelujah yes listen there's someone that came here with a migraine half of your head was hurting and now the tension has been released and i'm not seeing you here i'm not seeing you i'm waiting for you you came here with a migraine a nagging migraine and while we were praying it yet it has been released so i'm waiting for that person migraine is you all right so you can be doing yourself this austrian walk and refuse to respond there are two bottles of oil that have been poured for lord let it pour let it pour this vessel let it come stronger let it be emptied upon her life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you yes now he could come a lot to her you have the gift of prophecy [Music] foreign [Music] she has the gift of prophecy [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i will do a new work i will do a new walk in the midst of my people i will do a new work a new walk in the midst of my people the people that are caught by my name you should not fear because i will bring my revival my revival my revival will not parry in this land again i will come i will come i will come for this is the time he will take revival to nations he will take revival to nations he will take revival to nations and by my heart he will not fail he will not fail he will not fail he will not fail for i have caught him i have called him he will not fail he will not fail till my revival is accomplished [Music] [Music] i will raise my demand in this revival i will raise mighty men in this revival may we stature they will valiant ability they will run and they will not get weary they don't have fear for the work that is ahead of them they should dig on their laundry and as you walk they should condemn it for i will anoint my ministers i will anoint my leaders i will anoint them and make them ready for the work for my work wonder why do you worry why are you afraid why are you afraid have i not called you onto nations [Music] for i have called you unto nations let your heart not fail i have called you unto so be not afraid oh mommy dinner and i see a ninja with a jar of oil that i have come to anoint you for the work that is ahead our heart not fear let the heart not faint for i for i we take her by my right hand i will take her i will take her to the national it will not be by her strength but by my strength it will not be by your strength but by my strength i will take you to nations i will take you to nationals let your heart don't fear let your heart not faint let your heart not fear i will take you i will take you i will take you to the nation so why are you worried about my servant why are you worried about my servant i caught him i caught him i am the one that caught him are we kicking to the end of this journey why did your heart fear why did your heart fear why did your heart pound for i called him and i know i anointed him as a father of revival why is your heart afraid why is your heart afraid for my walk why is your heart afraid for my work fear not fear not are we a quick king and i will enable you for my worker it is my work is not his work do not be afraid for i have come to anoint you i have come to anoint you i have come to anoint you and take you to nation sir i will take you to nations of your faith we go to nations your feats we go to nations all mother of nations oh mother of nations are we anointed by my right hand are we a quick care for my work it is my work it is my work i will enable you i will give you strength i will enlarge your capacity for my worker i have come to to ordain you as a mother and mother on the nation [Music] [Music] [Music] and this is the time for the ministers to arise in the place of their sleep this is a time for you to arrive in the place of your sleep this is the time to read to to stand for your servant for your for the father of nation apostles this is the time to level this is the time to level in prayers this is a time for you to stand for my servant for my servant this is the time to level embrace i caught him i caught him i'm the one that called him for my walk therefore i said that you should leper with him in a place of prayer stand in the incision for my work stand with him stand with him let you let do not be do not be do not be do not be unconscious about this walk it is not his work it is my work it is not his work it is my work why are your heart divided why are your heart divided why are your hearts divided for for i according as the father of nations i have anointed him stand written in prayers standing with him in prayers watch and pray watch and pray advantage for the work [Laughter] a mighty angel a mighty angel a mighty angel that have come that have come that have come to enable all our father for the work of [Music] and he said it is the angel of his presence he will go with him to nations uh he will go with him into nations he will go with him wherever he goes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] or remains another for this is the time of my judgment this is the time of my judgment i have come in the midst of my people to georgia every form of iniquity i will georgia i will judge i will judge i will judge every form of iniquity in my household i will not be silenced i will not be silent i will not be stilled i am tired of we all there are with all the iniquities in my house i will judge our georgia i will judge i will judge i will judge our rights from my leaders down to the memphis i will not be silent i will not be silent there is repentance in my house x there is repentance as there is repentance i will show no mercy are we judged we all are radable and i see an angel with a sword of spirit that have come to georgia i will judge every iniquity i will judge every iniquity i will georgia every iniquity i will judge every iniquity [Music] a mighty angel with a sword oh the sword of judgment oh to cut every form of iniquity upon them unto georgia every form of iniquity in a quarter i have been silenced over the policies in my house i have been silent over the qualities in my house i have been silent over the bhagavad-gita [Music] but now i have come to georgia now i have come to georgia if there is repentance i will judge i will judge i will george i will judge i will judge her i will not hold my peace i will not hold my peace t there is no more [Laughter] [Music] repaint repaint repaint repaint repaint repaint repaints repaint for you to enter to your rest repent repent repent repent all your remnants repent repent from politics repent from almighty repent from gossiping repent from malice replace from bitterness repent repent repent [Music] remind my people remind my people remnant my people remind my people remind my people return to thy first lord return return return return yes i will take your candle return to your first love return return for i know you by name i called you i cody return return for the people that are called by my name if they humble their self i'm praying i'll seek my face and repent from all the iniquities are we here for heaven i will forgive there is transgression and i will heed the lord my revival will continue to tarry if you will not repent my revival will continue to tarry if you will not repent why will you make the work of my servant heart why will you make it levels hard why will you make his levels hurt replace repent repent why will you make it levels hard why will you make his levels hard why why oh remnants why will you make his levels hot why why why i have come to judge i have come to judge i will not hold my peace i will know all my peace i will not hold my peace i will not hold my peace i will not hold my peace for it is time for me to judge it is time for me to judge every politics in my house i will judge and i will cut off and there will be no replacement i will cut off and there will be no replacement i will judge and i will cut off and there will be no replacements for repeat [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] i am i will not spare anyone my london are we not i will not spare i will not speak [Music] [Music] my now listen [Music] we have been praying for over 30 nights and the lord is speaking i followed all the utterances in my spirit based on what i'm seeing there are still four people that have not yet prophesied it's just that we can't take that now hallelujah so these ones this all these people that prophesied take them to my office we'll continue the the service there and then we'll document what god is telling us if you are a worker if you are in any department and you are guilty of backbiting guilty of malice guilty of lying causing division this is the time for you to repent hallelujah i allow two witnesses to speak to see if there is going to be any confirmation all right so you see and there are four there are four there are how many now one two three four three more five [Applause] so you see that there are seven so take all of them to my office take all of them to my office take all of them to my office that's the spirit of prophecy take a look you know [Applause] in the days of revival you will see a lot of this so don't worry this is how our services will be god can interrupt and he begins to speak take them [Applause] yes take them to the office take this one take this one um pastor tony come and finish the service me i'm going to join the other one [Applause] media people were supposed to do a video for um i think national television in kenya so stay don't go anywhere okay after the service we'll do that video um can we just go ahead and bless the lord wherever you are praying the holy ghost for a moment just go ahead and release your spirit release your spirit release your spirit to apprehend what god has made available tonight yes grace makes it available faith makes it accessible can you just go ahead and let your own human spirit lose to begin to take receipt of that which god has provided for you for this service yes healings and miracles are available just go ahead and receive it by faith make contact make connection touch what is yours tonight you don't have to lose the atmosphere of what god is doing in your own human spirit even though yes that is manifestation there is demonstration of what god what is welling up in the spirit of other persons of course there is something that god is walking in your spirit man and you have to lay hold on it you have to become conscious and convince a short of that which has dropped into your own spirit tonight [Music] your baby is singing [Music] is [Music] you [Music] oh only you know [Music] i see the hand of god touching people there just take receipt of what god is doing right now right now right now right now right now in the overflow the power of god the power of god is coming upon you out there the power that god is upon you right now right now overflow overflow the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god the hand of god is [Music] somebody [Music] [Music] the holy ghost is here the power of god is here the power of god is here [Music] [Music] oh yes oh yes there is a cloud being punctured right now there is a cloud punctured right now there is a cloud punctured right now there is a cloud puncture powered cloud power cloud controller for the rain of the spirit the rain of the power the rain of fire fire fire fire fire fire [Music] oh jesus [Music] jesus you see part of the package for tonight is the impartation of the gift the spirit of faith the spirit of faith the spirit of faith that recklessness in believing the recklessness recklessness recklessness [Laughter] [Music] daddy my yes your baby is singing [Music] i will be singing [Music] is [Music] i don't know how to end this service [Music] the atmosphere is heavy and weighty [Music] all right can you just keep quiet because i just saw angelic beings walking through the congregation walk into the congregation can you just be silent can i be silent can i be silent [Music] yes don't be distracted i saw angels walking i saw them walking i saw them walking i saw them walking that right hand side towards the back i saw an angel meander that way yes yes yes i saw an engineer that was a right-hand side at the back at the back at the back at the back towards the gate outside towards the gate outside there are angels towards the gate outside touching people there yes yes twas i get outside towards the gate outside there are angels watching people there i say lady you are wearing white white that is white top of the garment you are wearing white towards the outside i saw the hand of god touching you so strong so strong the angels of god i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving i see them moving there is someone right now an angel of the lord is lifting you out of a peace you are being brought out of a pit i saw your hand being held you are being brought out of a pit right now the power of god accomplishes that right now right now a lady is being brought out of the pit out of the pit out of a pit you have been brought out of a pit right now yes yes yes yes i still see an angel by the gate outside around the gate there i see an engine around that place yes come out adopt it right now come out of that come out of that piece come out of that come out [Music] [Music] i see a young man you are too tender for what god wants to put upon your life say a very young man very young you are inexperienced but the lord is anointing you very inexperienced but the anointing of god is coming upon your life i pray you find mentos i pray you find mentos i pray you find mentos can you just go ahead and give him praise give him praise give him glory exalt him just give him glory give him glory give him glory give him glory give him glory revive her come come come revive her come come come revive our calm [Music] oh [Music] was oh red red [Music] you see this right through there is a lady the hand of god is so close on your on your head the hand of god is also close so close so close i see the hand so lower down that it look like god doesn't want you to take receipt of what he has for you before i round up father in the name of jesus [Music] lord in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus help me help me help me help me help me help me just lower that hand down bring it down more bring it down more bring it down more bring it down more yes it's coming stronger it's coming stronger upon you it's coming stronger it's coming stronger it's coming stronger it's coming stronger it's coming stronger it's coming stronger oh yes oh yes oh yes the fire the fire of the lower ringer of his hand is becoming intense it's becoming intense it's becoming enticed touch touch touch touch holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost [Music] can you just go ahead and bless him appreciate him inside outside online online online just go ahead and give him praise give him praise give him praise give him glory giving praise give him glory lord bless you father we worship you in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name i don't know the person i'm just going to announce it i will not go any further i see a crown a crown a crown being put on somebody's head it i saw it very brief i saw it very brief but it registered strong in my spirit may you receive it may you receive it may you receive it because suddenly suddenly there will be a change your story will just change suddenly very very suddenly your story will just change your story will just change it will just change because of a crown because of a crown your story will just change the quran i saw it was on this left rule the head it was on this left row did you have the person there all right hallelujah can you just go ahead and give him praise tonight please let's be seated amen praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord you're welcome to church tonight online on ground god bless you for coming offering basket please go around the angel i saw at the gate he's standing there still i don't know why but i still see him there towards the gate side it means there's a lot that'll be happening around that side even after we round up this service praise the lord amen god bless you for coming we had been announcing we've been announcing the landscaping work going on at the embassy site and i want to encourage you keep sending in the support keep sending the partnership on the project forms to the minister's account and god bless you greatly in the name of jesus christ now ushers we we have the flyers for the women's conference the lioness conference 2021. praise the lord amen is going to be a radicalization conference yes people ladies women will be radicalized you will be changed from inside out hallelujah and for this conference god specifically named and picked the ministers he has prepared for the purpose so the hand views are going around collect as many as you can and uh collect also as much as you should make sure you invite somebody give god a reason to convict to convince someone to attend the conference with that flyer praise the lord don't take more than you can distribute and if you have collected please become an ambassador become a publisher of this good news make sure you send it around in jesus name last friday we had the general video of friday videos at the embassy and we are going to maintain the status quo so today is wednesday or friday we are going to be at the embassy for the video and this is an instruction to all departments and units accept this information as authorization to deploy your services to the embassy is that okay media osha everybody whatever you need to do for that video to be hate free to be a huge free experience please you are hereby authorized is that okay especially the media i don't want us to be looking for sound in the night like we had last time praise the lord tomorrow evening 4 p.m uh we're going to be having prayer cell meetings at the various cell locations make sure you are hooked up to one of the cell locations close to where you are and raise incense and intercession for that territory in jesus name would you please rise as we bring this meeting to a close sanctuary the sanctuary keepers your monthly video comes up this saturday 18th of september you know the venue i guess the venue is here at the tent so you know your usual venue and the tent here if you're a member of the sanctuary unit or you intend to be a member of the sanctuary unit that would be a good time to join yourself to that chariot in jesus name this friday will be 17th of september and it's going to be the friday for the women's fellowship all women if you're not a man uh that day make yourself available here at the remnant christian network 10th 4 p.m god bless you for dying is a kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever amen
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 13,238
Rating: 4.9581466 out of 5
Id: 0maBSg3Ny8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 37sec (10897 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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