Jason Vale – Super Juice Me! Documentary

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I've seen family members beyond suffer at the hands of disease. I've lost family members at the hands of disease. My mum is an example which I find incredibly difficult to talk about. The reason why I'm doing this documentary comes down to my mum. I've got no brothers, I've got no sisters, I've got no father, I didn't know him. My mum was my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, my world. And she's now no longer with us. She actually had stage IV lung cancer. They said she had COPD and they gave her an Asthma pump. Even if the doctor thought she had COPD, I thought: there has to be another way! Let's get to the cause of the problems instead of treating the symptom. My mother saw this place before it was built. We stood here, she said: "You have to build this." "This may be too late for me, but you have to build it so that people have somewhere to go where they can heal." I vowed that if there is anything I can do to evoke change, to try and help somebody, to say: "Maybe there is another way." That's what we're going to find out. We're seeing an increase in cancer and diabetes. It doesn't matter now that you're 10 years old or 80 years old. All ages are plagued with very serious illnesses. It's getting more dangerous and more difficult to keep your defenses up. We're chronically over toxified. Toxins in the medication we're taking, toxins in the food and water supply. These lifelong medications have lifelong side effects in millions and millions of people. There's no question in my mind that we're not winning the war on disease. We're at a crisis point! If something doesn't change, all these disease are going to escalate. Hello Jason! I'm going already. Crohn's disease, that's what I have. Oh, I’m so stupid… I can't believe I'm crying so much. The majority of my life I've spent ill, sick. I think it's a very difficult thing to live with. Just effected every single aspect of my life. My number one problem is Ulcerative Colitis. I don't take medication because all of the medication that they prescribed had steroids and I started getting cataracts in both my eyes. I'll tell you what this shows me: How many people that medical intervention is clearly not working! All of this stuff is not natural and shouldn't be happening to a 26-year-old. Now on a daily basis these are some of the medications I take. I'm now carrying 135kg, and I cannot carry this weight. There are so many massive issues to deal with. I have a very long list of ailments. I can say honestly I've not felt well for 25 years. I don't see that changing. I need to try, but at my age who knows how that's going to go. I don't know if SuperJuiceMe is going to work for everyone. But you can't not try. I'm very overweight and I've tried everything to lose weight. She represents so many people out there. I need to do this, for my health, for my children. The last thing I'm going to try will be weight loss surgery. Please pick me, I've tried everything. To be able to be in a position where there's a chance that this experiment could possibly help even one of them. Then it's been worthwhile. In fact you can't watch any of these videos and not care deeply. Well, they're here! The SuperJuicers have arrived, in the middle of nowhere, in Portugal. Here at Juicy Oasis they are going to embark on a journey of having nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28 days as part of my big juice experiment. My name is John Zorrer, I’m 29 years old I've got Ulcerative Colitis which is an auto-immune disease. I'm a 29-year-old who should be having the time of my life. I should be able to do all sorts of things. I feel like I'm 60 years old! I can't do normal things or I don't want to do them because I feel like I'm going to be sick and it's just not fun. My name is Estelle, I'm 26. When I was 17, I developed Asthma. I get really shaky after I take my inhaler. I don't see that as being a definite solution or a cure of any sort. It's going to help you with the shortness of breath but it's not going to help you with the asthma, it's just going to help you get through the day not the whole month or life. Hi I'm Betsy Pauly. I will be 52 next week I have a long list of problems. It started with lupus about 23 years ago. I don't know what it is to feel good. If you were to ask me today I would tell you that I feel good. But my good is not your good. Because you can look healthy. I mean, you walk around, you get the job done. I mean, being a mother you always get the job done. I'm Roger Gale and I'm 67 years. I've got sleep apnea and so I have to wear a breathing machine at night. I have hyperglycemia and worst of all, I have lupus. I know that there are many people in far more unfortunate circumstances but I've been relatively healthy and active for all of my life without any illness, so it comes as horrible shock to me. The worst aspect is that I cannot do all of the things that I plan to do. My name is Sarah Crosby, I'm 22. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when I was 10. It can affect any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the back passage. Unfortunately, I have it everywhere. I'm a big believer in the fact that fruits and vegetables can help you. If that didn't happen and my Crohn's got worse it would really hit home that maybe I will be on medication for the rest of my life. My name is Lewis. I'm 22 years old. I've got problems with my weight and being able to walk and things like that. I use food as a massive blanket. I use it when I'm happy I use it when I'm sad I use it as a reward I use it for everything. It's so annoying because I don't want to be addicted to food. I'm Erika, I'm 33. My weight is my first problem. I'm obese. Running around after the children, I can't really do that because of my size. We should be able to go out at the weekend at the park. I can't! I've got two beautiful kids that need their mum. I feel like I'm letting them down. My name is Andrew Morris. I am 51. I suffer with a condition called pulmonary sarcoidosis. I've also got asthma, atrial fibrillation, sleep apnea and Type II Diabetes. It's weird for people to understand, but I can go to sleep and dream of waking up and just not taking tablets. I originally planned to have 6 of them but after seeing all their videos there was no way that I could only pick 6, so there are 8 of them here they have 22 different diseases between them. It's going to be interesting to see what happens, mentally and physically when they're just living on juice for 28 days. So if the the medical profession seems unable to treat these guys, why do I think I can help? Well, I have a theory and it all starts with a fish. Think of a fish living in natural, clean, nutrient-rich water. The chances are it will live a disease-free life. But would will happen to the fish if you pollute the water? If you poured, say, cola into the bowl? Or some salty potato chips? Or greasy fatty foods like burgers and pizza? What do you think is going to happen? Well, all living creatures have a natural filtration system that can handle a certain amount of just about anything. But if you keep adding more junk into the water the body is going to start to struggle. The poor fish is going to start showing symptoms of "disease". It might get a skin condition. It might get asthma. It might become fat or obese. Perhaps it gets a headache or a cough. It might get arthritis and can't move its fin so well. These symptoms are warning lights telling the body there's something wrong. So what's the best way to treat the fish? Medical intervention might suggest that you give it medicine to treat the headache. Or a different medicine to stop it coughing. Or further medicine to help it move its fin. Perhaps more medicines to treat the side-effects of the first medicines. That might treat the symptoms but even the medicines add pollution to the bowl. It seems painfully obvious to any rational thinking person what the solution is. Would you want to give the fish more medicine? Of course you wouldn't! The answer is so simple. If you want to treat the cause of the problem, you need to clean the water. So that's effectively what our SuperJuicers are here to do. To clean the terrain where their cells bathe to clean "the water" in other words. It's that simple! All chronic degenerative diseases are caused by two major problems: toxicity and deficiency! We're living in an over-toxic world, and we're living at a time where we're also consuming foods that are devoid of nutrients, and as that toxicity and deficiency becomes manifested in our body it results in disease. We have to detoxify, and flood the body with nutrients. We should address the toxicity and replenish the nutrients in our bodies if we're looking to heal ourselves. Once you understand the cause you got the answer for the cure! The thing that got me into juicing was the fact that it made so much sense. It was the perfect way to get "live" nutrition going into my body because even to this day I still don't like certain vegetables. I hate broccoli with a passion! You've got to remember, I was a junk food addict. So to go from that to broccoli, my taste buds didn't really want to know. I read a book that said that all fruits and vegetables was full of over 85% pure organic liquid fuel and it's only this fuel that fed the body. It's rapid nutrition into the cells. The idea of rapid nutrition really appealed to me. I thought: "If I can't eat them, can I drink them?" I'll be honest, the thought of drinking broccoli juice was even worst than the thought of eating it! But you know what? When you extract the juice and mix it with a little bit of apple a little bit of pineapple a bit of pear, some ginger and if you try different combinations. I got so excited! I remember even to this day, I called my mum I said: "Mum you'll never guess what! I'm drinking vegetables!" This has got to be good for you! It's fresh fruits and vegetables converted into juice right there on the spot! How can you do better than that? Do you see how simple this is? These plants contain all the elements of life and growth in them. I tell you now, if there is a system that can get me to have vegetables then I knew this would work for anybody! I am absolutely ready for the journey. It's a journey to health, to learning about what nutrition can do for my body. This opportunity, it's the mark of a new start, of a new life for me. I'm kind of scared of a whole month, it sounds like a lot! People have done it. I'm not someone who usually has that type of drive. If you took the medication out of the equation I could live a normal life. And that's what I'd like. I think that's going to give it to me. So, here we go! [MUSIC] Eurgh! Ooh! That's all right isn't it?! Thanks! It's not as bad as I thought! I like it! The orange is disgusting, could I have some more wheatgrass please? [MUSIC] Pow! I've been on the juice for nearly 2 days now and surprisingly, I feel very good! Actually, I feel really good! I feel pretty terrific! [MUSIC] There we go! On the 13th of July 1962, I was born. And I feel now I'm going to be reborn. It's my rebirth! That's it! Thank you! Let's turn that off. Craving food today. Craving a lot of food. I want food! I just want a quick high! I sound like a heroin addict! [JASON]: If the SuperJuicers are being fed everything they need then why does Lewis feel like a heroin addict missing his fix? They’re not missing food at all. They’re having more genuine nutrition than they've had in years. They’re almost missing a drug in a way. It's like an addict coming off a drug, that's the only way I can describe it. Imagine the big food industry is like a squirrel who's selling nuts. It wants to sell more nuts because, of course, it wants to make more money. Normally in the wild animals won't eat unless they are genuinely hungry. So it can only sell nuts when its customers are hungry right? Wrong! All it needs to do is cook the nuts and add 3 highly addictive substances: fat salt and sugar! Now, something truly incredible happens! These new roasted flavored nuts have become highly addictive. They create what amounts to a false hunger. Your body is no longer satisfied when you eat them. Your natural hunger cut-off point is gone. Now, the squirrel's customers will keep buying and eating until they end up with an obese squirrel. And the big food industry is doing exactly same to us. They're manipulating our food so that we eat more and more and more. Big food is responsible for the biggest addiction facing western society today. If you into any restaurant or you're going to any mainstream supermarket we're getting poor nutrition and we're getting toxicity. It's corn, and soy, and wheat, and sugar, and salt, and chemicals. That's primarily what people are eating. Add all of the preservatives and additives used in food processing, from MSG's, to artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, for instance and also the preservatives are some of the worst that you can get in your body. So we're eating these on a daily basis. We're eating a diet that is very sparse on vegetables and replete with monoculture foods that have been spun out of factories and dumped into boxes or packages, and they do not contain life! Where is our life? You don't actually know what you're eating any more. When you eat one item, it really is composed of 25 different things. Say you're having some sort of fast-food hamburger that in the States are made-up of 50% corn and generally, it's genetically modified. Then the other 50% comes from upwards of 100 different cows. You have to ask yourself: "What am I really eating anymore?" The biggest thing that's wrong with the food that they were eating before is that it wasn't genuinely feeding them. Most people are overfed and undernourished. They're constantly hungry because their cells are genuinely starving! You don't often think of somebody being morbidly obese, and think that they are starving. But the irony is, that's precisely what's happening. If I carried on the way I was going, eating all the rubbish You don't realize how addictive all the white starchy refined sugar stuff is. I mean, this week I've not been hungry. I got the headaches, the withdrawal in the beginning, but I can honestly say I've not been hungry. If I go out to my favorite Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet, by the time I get home, I'd be hungry because it's not feeding my body what it actually needs. It's feeding it for a little while and then it realizes that it needs the vitamins, and the nutrients and it's hungry for them. Convenience and an instant gratification lifestyle has become become the norm. So many companies have come in to fill that instant gratification need. There's a lot of money to do research, to figure out what's going to trick your taste buds and there's a lot of money to figure out the best way to sell things. So what happens is you basically become addicted to fake foods. They're packaged up in all sorts of different forms and sold to us as being even healthy and they're anything but that! So, our tongue tastes it and says, "Oh it must be good for you!" Well, its just shaped like something that's good but it's not really good for you. It's actually really bad for you. And food companies, they know this. It's a billion, billion dollar industry. They know how to trick you! Anything that says "fat-free" is usually loaded with white refined sugar. If something says "sugar-free", chances are it has artificial sweeteners in. You want to know why overweight people are insatiably hungry? One of them is artificial sweeteners and artificial flavor enhancers. For example: MSG. Now MSG itself doesn't really taste good but it makes you become addicted to the food and it makes you want to eat more and more of it. So that's great for food companies. Because you're going to eat more they're going to sell more. It's perfect for them, it's just horrible for you. Sigh! Everyone wants to talk about food today. Cheeseburgers and french fries. All-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. Boiled ham. Ice cream. Pasta. Bread and butter. A big stack of ribs with barbecue sauce. I just want a ham and cheese toasty... Chips, I definitely love chips. Apple danish pastries. ..not with normal cheese, with soft cheese... Macaroni salad. Chocolate. ..the ham and the bread... Mashed potato. Steak! Ooh steak! I don't want to keep talking about this stuff. It's starting to make me get back to those thoughts. And those thoughts are actually starting to leave! If I said to somebody: "Look a banana is going to cause obesity, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, eczema, psoriasis, high blood pressure, cholesterol" and I say, "Look, all you need to do is stop eating bananas." they would just stop eating bananas. They'd find it easy, even if they love them. But if you said: "Stop eating white refined sugar, refined fats, or chocolate or alcohol or things like coffee" there is an emotional attachment. Addiction to me is If the thought of never doing it again fills with you with an "abnormal" fear then your hooked if it doesn't then you're not. I usually have chocolate bars to cover up my problems and my insecurities and having to deal with everything face on is really, really tough. I feel like this is something I have to do to be able to move on in my life I've been eating chocolate crisps, cola, all that kind of stuff for 20 years. It's time to treat my body with the respect I should've given it years ago. The cost of our instant gratification life is that we're becoming more overweight we're becoming more unwell and we're suffering as a result of these diseases of lifestyle the diseases of nutrition, and the diseases of toxicity. We're seeing new diseases like Lou Gehrig's disease, scleroderma, lupus we are seeing an escalation of Alzheimer's disease we're seeing an increase in cancer and diabetes we're going to see continued escalation of obesity. Right now we're at a crisis point, and if something doesn't change all of these diseases are going to continue to escalate. And who would have thought fruits and veg would make you feel so good and also bad as well. It's not the fruit and veg that's making you feel bad at all. The toxins in your body that are just getting flushed out. And boy, they have been getting flushed out! I just did the cross-trainer for 10 minutes and I started having a small wheeze in my chest. It wasn't like the really painful one where I can't even breathe anymore. I took like 5 puffs of the inhaler before being on the treadmill. I jogged for a total of 5 minutes. As stupid as it may seem, that has never happened! It's crazy that today is Day 5 and that would be an effect. When I arrived, I realized that a few medications I was going to bring are missing from my bag. I did get in touch with my doctor, and she was even a little nervous, but she said since I'm coming to a place like this, that I probably don't need to worry about it too much. Maybe this happened for a reason. I have been trying to get off my meds. I think this is perfect for me. The answer to my prayers This is my CPAP machine, which is Continual Positive Air Pressure. I have to sleep with this. It's my significant other. And for the sake of her sanity, my wife sleeps elsewhere. [LOUD BUZZING] Right this is my CPAP. What it does is like I'm taking a breath. It forces the air into me, so I can't help but breathe. I'm going to hit the hay! I have only been on juice for nearly 5 days now and to be honest I've really been struggling the last few days. My ulcerative colitis has been flaring up, big time. It's been causing me a lot of stomach pains, cramping and diarrhea. I'm going to the bathroom about 10 times a day. And it's just very painful. It feels like this is getting worse, before it gets better. For me, a sign that I'm getting better would be more normal bowel movements and less pain in my stomach. I've been untreated for ulcerative colitis for over 6 years 'cause the treatments they offered started making me go blind. I don't normally just cry but this has been very emotional. I want to go home but if I was offered like: "Do you want to go home?" I would probably go home. First of all I thought: "I wonder if you can get any juice from the apple?" It's called apple juice, this is ridiculously stupid! We are so far removed from doing it ourselves. We're so used to buying everything in a carton. We're so used to the apple juice looking like you've had a pee! There are two apple juices here. I'd like to do a visual so you can see the difference. Now what's happened here, is it this is still alive, see the rich creamy head? What do I think of Andy's suitcase full of drugs? That says it all! He's got two suitcases in his room, one full of clothes. The other one full entirely of medical drugs! There we have my tablets. I'm here for four weeks and I've had to bring a suitcase because of the amount I'm taking. I'm hoping this journey is going to get rid of most of it. And I can't wait for that! I also take steroids. Now steroids come with a hunger factor. It's quite scary how fast your weight can increase when you start taking them. I've been taking them for 13 years and I would not like to see my insides because the outside is bad enough! If I can get rid of the steroids, it would be a dream, it really would. The thing that inspired me to do this big juice experiment was my own ill health It's hard to imagine now but I was covered from head to foot, in an skin condition called Psoriasis an auto-immune disease where the skin repairs itself faster than it should and produces these scales on the outside the body. I had severe Eczema. I had severe Hay fever to the point where I couldn't leave my house. It wasn't just small amounts of hay fever, itchy eyes. I mean it was like the worst flu you've ever had every single summer for long periods of time, The thing affected my life a great deal was my severe Asthma. I had really, really bad asthma. For my Asthma I was given the blue Ventolin inhaler, the brown one, which was the steroid based one at the time, I even got some steroid tablets. Not once did anybody even look at what could be causing the problem. They just wanted to treat the symptoms. With our chronic diseases, we manage them, we don't cure them, and we don't seem to want to cure them! We lower cholesterol, we try to lower blood sugar, we relieve pain in Arthritis, and we give medications for pulmonary disease, but basically there's no attention given to trying to cure these. This is the injection I take. It's an immunosuppressant, although it takes away the inflammation of my Crohn's, the side effect is that I'm open to every cold and virus and pretty much anything I come in contact with which is why I was hospitalized 3 times this year! I got a virus in my heart and my heart rate dropped quite low. The doctors didn't really know what was happening. They thought maybe I was either really fit they said Muhammad Ali has a resting heart rate of 32 beats per minute. I was like: "I don't think that's me. I think there must be something wrong." This is what at the moment I'm injecting myself with every 2 weeks. I'd love to go back to only having to take them maybe once a month. And you know, ideally, nothing altogether. It would be great to be free of medication. I'd love to be up to just and delay having to take it so. Medicine, we know, doesn't fix anything. It doesn't correct anything, and a medicine is a toxin. It usually interferes with something naturally that's supposed to take place in your body. Not one single person will be cured of heart disease, pulmonary disease, stroke, arthritis, obesity, diabetes with our current medical approach. In spite of all the technology, all the medications all the research and money we throw at these problems we are not conquering chronic disease! I think the pharmaceutical industry is disempowering. They give people a very simple solution here’s a pill, that's it! You don't need to worry about anything else. Just the mere fact that they think this is protecting them stops them from looking at what is making them ill in the first place. "If you are worried about high cholesterol or heart disease" "then ask your doctor about Lypintol." "Lypintol is a prescription medicine" "that is proved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stoke." "Lypintol should not be taken by people with liver problems." "Your doctor can provide a simple blood test to check your liver." If you're in the U.S. you'll see a plethora of drug commercials on TV. These drug commercials are targeted at helping alleviate people's problems and we have a lot of problems! "Some people can experience allergic reactions to Lypintol" "some of which can be life-threatening." "Tell your doctor straightaway if you have an allergic reaction" "that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat" "or affects your breathing." "The most common side affects include nausea, nose bleeds, headaches" "memory loss, insomnia, nightmares, and an increased risk of diabetes." You know, if you tried to sell anything under the sun that has side effects of liver damage, of kidney damage, of new diseases or even cancer and death you wouldn't be able to sell that! But they advertise these stuff all along and the public buys those things. All they are looking for is relief of their symptoms. We want a quick fix for our modern problems. And the pharmaceutical industry has promised us those quick fixes. But they're not really communicating the costs of those quick fixes. They're drugging them, and drugging them, and drugging them. And the drugs have side effects! I have to put my reading glasses on, because the writing is very small. Wow! This is incredible! Right out of the chute, endometrial cancer cardiovascular disorders, breast cancer And probable dementia. Wow! Memory loss, again, I presented with it, that causes it, this causes it! Worsening, trouble breathing, coughing and wheezing Dry mouth, nausea, stomach pain Lowered resistance to infections Confusion, shortness of breath Half of that is side effects Feeling sick, weight gain, stomach ulcers Feeling or being sick pain Chest pain, coughing up mucus and blood Feeling, seeing, or hearing things which do not exist Blindness Fever, headache Bronchitis, bruising, difficulty speaking Shock Increase pressure in the skull causing painful eyes, changes in vision Shakiness, nervousness Rashes Loss of bladder control, hair loss and unusual thoughts Symptoms of TB may happen Headaches Pneumonia Cataracts Retinal vascular thrombosis Irregular heartbeat Feeling depressed including thinking about suicide Psychosis, anorexia, osteoporosis Ringing in the ears Exacerbation of other conditions Loss of consciousness Feeling dependent or addicted to this product Death Death! If these occur, please inform your doctor. Right! So if I die, I will tell my doctor. Death is a side effect! Ha! Ha! [JASON]: I want to make it clear that I'm not saying that here isn't a place for medical intervention because clearly there is. I am not anti-medicine. For example, if you're in a car crash and your leg is broken, then clearly a few dream catchers, an aura cleanse or juice poured all over your leg are not the first things you need. What you're probably going to need is to go to hospital get some proper medical attention. And then after that you might want some juice or other therapies to support the healing process. But the point is that you need to achieve the right balance. If I have a chronic disease of lifestyle, caused by how I eat how I live, how I react to stress and the toxins in my environment I need to do something about it that's different different than going to the mainstream medical profession. I need to address those causes and the best way to address those causes is through diet and lifestyle. For the long-term management of illness you want to wean people off their medicines and start fixing the patient. [JASON]: The turning point that made me move away from the medical profession was I'd been offered treatment after treatment after treatment. Nothing was getting better at all. I think the real crunch for me came when the dermatologist said "For your psoriasis, what I'd like to do is put some coal tar treatment on you." And I said: "Coal tar, that sounds like stuff you make a road with" He said: "That is what it is!" I said: "You want to put it on my skin?" They said: "Yeah we'll put it on your skin put you in hospital for six weeks and cover you in bandages." It was at that point, I thought: "There's got to be another way." Up until now I've never, ever read the sheets. They're there for communication so people can read about things but they're horror sheets! Now reading them, reading the possible side effect as in: can happen on an every day basis? That's outrageous! No, I'm seriously considering what tablets I take, now. [MUSIC] Yesterday my stomach was acting-up just a little bit, but today I feel right on form! I really do. [MUSIC] I love being out here in the lake. It's so beautiful and peaceful. Hardly anybody takes advantage of it. And when you're hurting I think it's the best thing you could possibly do for yourself. It's nice to get some alone time. Shoo-be-doo-be-doo! Cheers! I have degenerative disk, so my lower-back has always bothered me. But I just recently had a spinal-fusion in my neck. That was actually an emotional one for me! I was able to do things that I thought I'd never be able to do with the spinal surgery and the shoulder surgery. So, it was awesome! Yeah, it's good to feel, I'm clearly healing. I can't wait to do it again! I'll probably cry again, too. [MUSIC] I still am fighting a roller coaster battle. I feel like I should be further along than I am. So it's just been a really tough for me. Okay, Jon's Colitis is not clearing up as rapidly as I first anticipated so as part of the big juice experiment I'm just going to add in extra juice to see if it makes any difference. It's based on a study I've seen about cabbage juice and Ulcerative Colitis. Now, John remains very skeptical about whether this is going to work. He also doesn't want to drink it cause cabbage is not the nicest tasting juice in the world. But we are going to mix it with a little bit of apple. I am blindly optimistic and again it can't do any harm but it would be interesting to see if this works. It looks like a beer that has too much foam on the top. It's like not even going away! I guess there's nothing to do except for to try it, right? Wait, I think I might have to actually do this with a straw because there's so much foam in here. Can I take this foam out, or no? It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be it's really not as bad as I thought it was going to be. [CLAPPING] There you go. That's what I did! I like red cabbage in salads. There's nothing wrong with that at all. It's wonderful. Terrific even! Well, there's a surprise! This journey is all about surprises and another one is I never thought I'd ever drink a cabbage The mechanism behind all of our chronic diseases is inflammation. Inflammation is the response to injury. Toxins do cause injury, injury causes inflammation. If we take a look at what we've done differently, it's the things we eat. We’ve gotten away from real food. Everything is processed. I mean we don’t eat an apple any more, we eat applesauce! And it’s loaded up with sugars and preservatives and other sorts of things that are potentially toxic And in my opinion, that dietary change is the cause of most of these diseases. As we're consuming modern foods we're accumulating toxins within the body. As we accumulate toxins within the body, we're becoming prone to illness. And that illness depends on our genetic predisposition. It depends on where our genetic weaknesses is in the body. Many of diseases are just manifestations from the same thing. and the solution is about improving the nutrient quality of your food detoxifying, and addressing stress and emotional issues. It just stands to reason and common sense if the majority of those diseases are caused by diet and lifestyle then the simple answer, surely, is to change the diet and lifestyle and then they'll just get better. Since I've been out here I haven't had any symptoms which is incredible. I'm just kind of blown away by that. And I actually arrived with medication the doctor gave me just in case my symptoms flare up. I used to be on it once a month and because my dependancy has increased so much on it and the few days leading up to the injection I get quite ill. So I know that it's time to take the injection again. But since I've come out here I haven't needed the injection. Tomorrow will be a week over when I'm due it and show no symptoms. So, yeah, it’s going well. There’s only one place that we should be looking for our long term health It's the same place wild animals look for health and nutrition It’s nature! We are the only creatures in the world that cook our food. You don’t see a gorilla with a BBQ! If you were on an island you would find fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and animal protein. Our bodies understand that. You can eat all those that you want and you will be enormously healthy. Once you start mixing other things in it causes such hormonal chemical chaos that your body just doesn't know what to do with it. If we got back to eating real foods real thing that were made or grown on the land instead of produced in a factory we would have a better chance to avoid these toxins and a better chance to avoid the consequences of inflammation. We should be juicing because so many people have impaired digestive tracts. And digestion is impaired because of the diet we've been on. Along come your beautiful juices. They go right into your intestinal tract. And those nutrients get absorbed into your system. They're going right to work within about 20 or 30 minutes. There they're feeding your body, rejuvenating, giving you energy giving your body life. This is why you should juice! Juicing is the perfect antithesis to the failures of the modern diet. I think it is the exact opposite of a Happy Meal. It is the exact opposite of some fast-food junk that we're eating. We've heard "you are what you eat" right? And it's so true! We eat things that are dehydrated, that are void of nutrients then we start to look and feel dehydrated, sickly, void of nutrients. We eat things like fresh green juice that are a plethora of nutrients and vitamins and hydrates the body, then you start to look younger. You start to look fresher, you start to feel more energetic and more passionate and have more purpose in life because you're actually feeling better. Juices are very alkaline, so they help you detoxify your body which is essential for weight loss to help you reduce inflammation. And it's the best way to get energy and vitality. It's going to make you feel like a new person. You're going to notice all sorts of improvements you haven't noticed for, maybe a long, long time. I was walking with one hand on my shorts. I can just slip in and out of these shorts without undoing the buttons. It's like, I should imagine, putting on a dress not that I've ever done that! Even though, I know I'm going to have to buy more clothes it's a lovely feeling. It's really brilliant! I know I'm doing well now. It's brilliant. I've got space! I got so enthusiastic about juicing, I saw everything start clearing up. My skin started to improve. My Asthma vanish within a month. I mean, that was just me personally but within one month after suffering with it for years and years and years ever since the age of eight, in fact. My Hay fever cleared up. My Eczema cleared up. My weight just went down at a rate I didn't think was humanly possible. I got really evangelical about the whole thing, as you would do. I set out on a mission to juice the world and I wrote a book on it. I was giving it to everybody I knew. I said: "Look you've got to try juicing." Everybody was looking at me like I had 10 heads! Nobody had really heard about juicing at the time. I started to get letters and emails from all over the world. One person would say: "Do you know what? I did that juicing thing that you said." "I did it for 7 days you know my skin started to get better" or "My Fibromyalgia started to improve," and there appeared to be every single common ailment, condition or disease that it was improving in some way. I honestly believe that freshly extracted juice has the potential to help millions of people all around the world. It's the most important thing you'll ever have happen to your body as far as nutrients coming to your 100 trillion cells. Because juicing is an immediate absorption of food values. I know what's going to happen. It's going to happen even after this film goes out. "Where they going to get their protein?" "Where they going to get their calcium?" Let's look at this logically. You get somebody like Andy who is suffering so many different diseases. He is morbidly obese and then somebody would say "Where are you going to get your calcium?" as if this was an issue for him at any given time of his life! The irony is that when somebody starts doing this people panic that they're going to be nutrient deficient. If I wasn't here and I hadn't been on juice I couldn't do what I've just done! It's like I came through the doors and Andrew Morris' spirit came through and my body was left outside. If juice diet is dangerous, what I'd like for them to do is for a week, I'll take the juice diets and they can take my tablets. And then they can tell me what they think after that. That's all I've got to say on that matter! Ten, nine, eight, seven, six five, four, three, two, one. Doing juicing is brilliant. It's given me so much energy. It's made me think about what I'm going to eat when I'm finished juicing. Because you're not thinking about -- well, you are thinking about food all the time but because you've been so long without the bad food all you start craving is the good food which is really, really good. There are some people that will say: "When they eat normally again they're going to gain all the weight back and they might get sick again." Well that depends on what their idea of normal is. We each remember that their normal diet made them overweight, made them incredibly sick to begin with. We've got this 28 days that, hopefully, is going to see massive improvements. And when they leave, if they go back to their old normal diet well of course, they're going to return to normal. In fact even worse because they were going in an awful direction. When we have talks about lifestyle changes and what we're going to eat we're actually talking about very healthy foods. Salads, bean, and legumes, and rice and avocados and just wonderful things. Most people would think you're here, unable to eat food you're going to be craving chocolate, and chips and all those awful things. No, I think because your body's getting the nutrients so it's craving nutritious food not junk food. You're not in that vicious cycle. We're all talking about amazing food changes and swapping recipes for really good healthy, whole foods. When they start to eat "normally" again what should they look for on the label? The label! If you find any food with the label on, then maybe that's the problem. whatever you're going to eat you've got to ask yourself this simple question: "Is it low human intervention food?" How many humans have interfered with this food before it came to me? [TOILET FLUSHING] So I've actually felt really, really good these last couple of days. Everything seems like it's finally starting to work itself out. I actually had 4 normal bowel movements in the last 3 days which for me is incredible. It just seems like everything is sorting itself out and I feel a lot better. People are even mentioning it to me like, he way that you're sitting and the way that you're acting you just look better overall. And I feel better, I feel happy and I just feel like everything is starting to work out and I think this Colitis can ultimately go into remission or I would like to say "cure". I'm just really happy and nothing is going to change that at this point. Three, two, one, go! – Go for it. – Go on Roger! My word, he's flying! [MUSIC] Before we climbed up the stairs I took one puff before, kind of to prevent to have to use it. That's what I do when I run now, I just have it a bit before. [MUSIC] Is it cold? - It's awesome! Yeah I bet it is pretty freezing! - Come on bro! Daaah! S##t! That's so cold! - Is that a fish? I feel weird because I'm in a lake and I've never been in a lake until today. Makes me feel brilliant! That's my English for you! It's scary though. I feel fish everywhere, and all kind of stuff! Are you going across? Huh? [SPLUTTERING] Are you going going across? If I don't killed by a speedboat in the meantime. I want to do it again. [MUSIC] I just pick an organic orange off the tree, and juiced it and this is the result from one orange, I've drunk half of it already. It's absolutely delicious. Tastes nothing like orange juice that you buy in a carton that's for sure. [MUSIC] I've had loads of highs and lows but mostly highs. And they seemed to outweigh the lows so I just feels so much better. How do I see the future? Inhaler free, maybe? And organic, definitely! Everything is going to completely change when I go home. There's no way I'm going back to the way that I was. No way! It's just not going to happen. Everyone's going to be healthy when I get home we're going to go out for walks, we're going to do things as a family rather than my partner and the kids doing something then I wait at home for them to come back. I'm actually going to go out and do it and just enjoy my life. [MUSIC] [BIRDSONG] [MUSIC] I actually feel really good. To start off, if I was really out of breath. I couldn't catch my breath and then I just carried on through I felt really good, surprisingly! Well, actually I'm kind of impressed with my progress. I walk and I do the treadmill a little bit at home but I never would have been able to do this. I'm feeling great. And despite the few upill stretches, I'm not too out of breath. We're like we're going to enjoy this walk, take it easy, she's my buddy. No pressure to walk fast or be in the front. It just kind of sunk in today that we're going home pretty soon. So you want to enjoy the moment. I couldn't walk 50 yards. I just done 10km! How weird is that? A few weeks before I came out here I was laid off from work because I couldn't walk very far. I stepped out a bit! And it really feels brilliant! I said I'd be bloody tired, didn't I? So here I am, very tired, or exhausted even! I'd love to do it again, though! You know it seems really odd that we have reached the stage in 21st century medicine and we are still at the point that we call Alternative Medicine anything other than medical drugs. Nobody even questions that. Surely, the number one doctor is to first of all do no harm. So surely, we should try plant-based medicine first and then if that doesn't work we should seek an alternative to what is obvious and the alternative should be medical drugs. It shouldn't be the other way around. I think when it comes to looking after your health you have the power to do it. You're the one that knows your body better than anybody else. I think when we are really healthy, life becomes about nourishing. Nourishing yourself on a mental level nourishing yourself on an emotional level, nourishing your body. If you nourish all your defences and you nourish all your systems and you nourish your immune system and you nourish your brain cells and the body is detoxed, how can you feel but better? When you look at the fact that the food that you eat really creates the life that you live, everything starts to change. Juice every day. This has got to be a way of life because that's when you're going to notice your life changes. This is the bottom line to health, start doing it on a daily basis. You'll never regret it. It's the ultimate way to feed your hundred trillion internal cells. The ultimate way, there is nothing else that duplicates it. You will never know how good you can feel until you give juicing a try. One of the the main reasons I did this documentary was because of my mother's situation. I'm not saying for one second that this is some kind of cure for cancer. Nor am I saying it's a cure for anything. But what I am saying is that I strongly believe that the way that we are currently treating lifestyle diseases is flawed on so many levels. In fact, it's completely wrong. I just feel, if you just do two very simple straightforward things you simply remove the toxicity coming in, the rubbish and replace the deficiencies and the body just heals itself. [MUSIC] That's right, it's Day 28 at the Juicy Oasis Camp! I'm your host, Lewis Bray. Day 28. Wow! It's Day 28! I've been only on juice for 28 days now and finally I'm there! Day 28, ridiculous! I feel on top of the world. And I feel great. I feel fantastic. I still feel fantastic. I'm able to do far more than I ever could before. I'm really pleased with myself. The results from this experiment has absolutely astounded me, and I'm going to be a juicer for life. This just four weeks out of my life has changed the rest of my life. That's all I can say. And I'm not being paid to say it. I see now things that I've always wanted to do. I actually feel that I can do them. I've missed the kids like mad but they're getting a happier, healthier mom in four weeks. That's crazy! And when I go home I really don't know what I'm going to eat! I've been only on juice 28 days. I feel great. 28 days, a month, four weeks. I've had nothing to eat. I haven't... let me get this word right "mas"..."masqueraded"..."mastica" Anyway, I'm not going any further on that word. I'm excited. I really am excited for the future. This month has given me a future. [MUSIC] The weight I was really, really surprised with - 17kg, 38lbs. This was my last opportunity. It was either going to be a gastric bypass or a gastric band. This is what I needed to finally go home and sort myself out for the last time. This is, been one of the best experiences of life. I didn't think I would get as much out of it as I have. It's just been amazing. I'm so, so lucky. I've got the tools and the knowledge from being here I know that I can do this at home. I've had high cholesterol for probably 15 years. It's almost half of what it was a month ago. That was one of my big concerns, and the blood sugar and that's all within normal range. The blood pressure's normal rate. And of course the weight is an awesome plus. I lost 20lbs. I came with a lower back pain, kidney pain, hip pain that I've for a very long time. Shoulder pain, neck pain. Most of pain had been for well over a decade. A lot of went away the first week and the rest, it's all gone. I'm looking forward to getting home and having everybody see. Even if I don't say anything, they're going to see the difference in me. It would be impossible hide it. I have dropped 33lbs which is really, really good. My overall health and how I feel has just become much better. I don't crave foods to make me feel better. I don't crave chocolate. So excited to hopefully inspire someone who's sat on the couch eating a packet of crisp and wishing they weren't. And I hope they feel: "Well if he can do it, I can do it!" My conditions have changed dramatically. My Ulcerative Colitis, I would like to say I'm going to cure myself of it but it was a really long journey there. It took it took me like 20 days to actually even start feeling better. But now I actually see the light. I truly believe that, for me, specifically the cabbage juice it really has made a world of difference. You know, I guess the message is if you really want to be better take control of your health, do whatever it takes And even if you want to give, don't give up. Drink your juice and you know you'll be fine. And I think, if you do that then you'll be able to take your health back and take your life back. Over the 28 days I lost almost 8kg. My cholesterol went down from 6.7 to 5.9, that's good. My allergies have improved. For the Asthma part when I started I was running 4 minutes, painfully and now I run about 30 minutes and I've increased my speed quite a bit. And I walked 20km. So the results are great. I'm just more energized and motivated. My cramps and the inflammation stomach has gone down so I haven't needed the injection at all since I've been here. I've gone from being on all this medication for the doctors being backed up against the wall to not being on any medication at all. So, I'm not as dependent on medication as I originally thought or even the doctors thought. I definitely feel better for this experience. This has just been life-changing, 100%. I've been able to come off all of my medication. Because of some of the meds I was hypoglycemic. I have no hypoglycemia at all now. I have no shakes, no fainting fits, nothing! And it's life-changing for me. It's wonderful. You can only do yourself a favour if you try this. It's the best food you can put into yourself and the fastest way you can get healthy, without question. I'm taking away fantastic experience and a great deal of knowledge and what I believe is the ability to maintain my long-term health. And while I may still be 67, I certainly don't feel it. My results, I was well happy! First of all this morning, I jumped on the weighing scale and I found that I lost 38lbs, which I'm really chuffed about! I arrived as a Diabetic, I'm leaving with no sign of diabetes. The CPAP machine for Sleep Apnea is now a door weight because it's no good to me at all. If I didn't change then I really wouldn't of lasted much longer. I would have probably added another year, two years in it. But that would be it. I would have been dead and it would be too late to juice. This four weeks has really saved my life. That's a juice! That really is a juice! The results have been phenomenal. Yes, the end of the 28-day experiment for sure but I really hope this isn't the end for them. I hope this is the beginning of a life-long change. I hope they picked up the tools they learned while they've been here and they really take charge of their own health and understand that their health, from this point on really is in their own hands. To notice the big improvement in such a small amount of time I just want to get home and carry on, I feel amazing. 200% better, I feel great, I feel energized! Now I feel like I'm on a course to get progressively better and all these amazing results really give me the momentum to do that. I truly feel like I'm 100% right now which I have not felt 100% in probably 25 years. That's pretty incredible. I'm looking forward to trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle when I get back and just keep healthy basically. I feel like my attitude towards medication has changed. I know that I can go a month without my medication and it's kind of the start of something beautiful, I think. So, I'm kinda delighted. My overall health has just improved beyond all recognition. Health and happiness those are the 2 main symptoms that I'm suffering from and that's terrific for me! And now my journey has really saved my life. There's no "if"s, "and"s, or "but"s. It's fact! It really has and a lot changed my life. This is absolutely fantastic! I'm on the start line of the biggest half-marathon in the world. In June, I couldn't walk 300 yards, and I'm now about to do 13 miles. The library of information that I have been reading for 10 years trying to get better. Every book that I bought and every little thing that I went for I thought, "OK, this is going to be it." And this actually is it! The doctor was concerned that I wasn't on medication and he said that I will never be able to cure my Crohn's disease with food. He said that point blank. And then he followed up by saying: "By the way, your results are there's no evidence of Crohn's disease in your gut." I'm not having any of the pain or problems. The cabbage juice has really been a miracle for me. Well, now there's a funny old story! Once we had the interviews at the end of the 4 weeks Jason said, "What was I going to do?" And I couldn't think of anything else but staying, really. Now we've started, I'd really like to see it through. Well, as you know, I had 2 suitcases coming out. One was for the tablets, the other one was my clothes. Now, as I said previously I was taking 40 tablets a day. But when I actually counted them up it was actually 52 tablets a day. Now Jason did want me to go home with just one suitcase and that was my clothes, obviously. But unfortunately, still I do have to take two suitcases. One is my clothes. And a second one, well, the second one, I actually have here and that's my tablets, so, yeah, I got two tablets a day now I'm on. So I've lost 50 tablets somewhere and I'm feeling absolutely fantastic. So, yeah! Here we go!
Channel: Jason Vale – Juice Tube
Views: 884,429
Rating: 4.9004807 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Vale (Author), Nutrition, Natural, Healthy, Juice, Juicing, Diet, Health, Medicine, Diabetes, Ulcerative Colitis (Disease Or Medical Condition), Crohn's Disease (Disease Or Medical Condition), Lupus Erythematosus (Disease Or Medical Condition), Asthma (Disease Or Medical Condition), SuperJuiceMe!, SuperJuiceMe, Juicing Documentary, Documentary, Juice Diet, Juice Cleanse, Juice Detox, Detox, Obesity, Weight Loss, Lose Weight
Id: Aaxa7rxEbyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 25sec (5125 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2015
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