Jason Vale's Juice Recipes for a Healthy 2019 | This Morning

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so now whether you need an energy boost or just want to strengthen your immune system for the new year then we might have the article you Joseph Bell is here and there are some common misconceptions about juicing so when when we're told that they detox us yeah you think okay well what are the tuxes and surely my liver and my kidneys do that for me and they do and you're correct and there's and this is the more common misconception I mean over the last 25 years I've been doing this not once have I ever written in any of the books I've I've done that juicing per se detoxifies the body but what it gives the opportunity to do is the body to do what it naturally wants to do for it it's a bad analogy filled but imagine I was - you can breathe naturally but if I was to nap if I was to just squeeze your throat slightly your body's incapable of doing what it naturally wants to do if I if I remove my hands then it can do it if I remove the junk food from my diet if I remove the alcohol from my diet it gives the body the opportunity the freedom to do what it naturally wants to do what about losing fiber because people say well juices will do good but you lose all that fiber that you need for other policy well you don't his misconceptions so I've done this morning is I've decided to just to illustrate it visually okay so here's a shop bought apple juice which has been we've treated all of the fiber has been removed there's no question when you do a cold-pressed juice which we've done live literally seconds ago here of apple juice that a soluble fiber pectin so it still contains some fiber having said that we still only need less than a handful of fiber anyway no one is advocating a juice area nor juicer x'q type diet or whatever the case is so we will eat food anyway and if it's a well thought-through juice or blend plan I've just done nothing but blend seven-day I'm allowed to eat today I've just done seven days of no eating I've had plenty of fiber because I've mixed some avocado or banana blended with the fresh stick you just look at when you look look at this you look at this in here and I think surely that would be better going through me cleaning me out yeah but it does you've got enough cleaning you out but what we're looking for is bioavailable fuel so fill what we're doing is cutting out the middleman that's not waste nutrition fill now because look here's your throat there's your stomach there's that if you put a carrot and you chew it there's your blender there's your juice extractor is trying to extract the juice contained within the fiber that stuff would have come out anyway I don't know I don't really graphic now we need we need roughage I appreciate that but we get tons and still soluble fiber in the pectin there's more reasons why we're juicing that than just that anyway let's have a look at our first juice them which one you're gonna do first cold Buster so we're trying to do we're trying to do a kind of drug free version of a very well known kind of sip drink essentially and so what I've done I've already juiced them anyway we get some we get some ginger we get some lemon with the rind on unwaxed unwaxed yeah we're possible Apple any kind I tend not to use Granny Smiths they tend to be a little bit too tart isn't it reducing people think well you're just pulling loads and loads of sugar in your blood you're not there's different types of sugar and I've dealt I mean again I've been doing this for 25 years and what we're talking about as long as that sugar has a degree of a buffer and with freshly extracted juice if you've got cold press juicers we have here it's richer it's thicker that thickness because it contains more fiber which means that you don't have the spike of insulin as you do with the other now all we're doing here added some honey a little bit of hot water not the honey fast and this is manuka honey so this is the good this is the good stuff and then we just pour in and all we've got is apple ginger and lemon very simple that looks heavenly and then what we do is that we just add this is the piece to resistance to the Jeunesse acquire what is that is it cinnamon Oh YUM I love it a little bit of cinnamon give it a tiny bit of a stir on for you for what does that do to me we call it huggin amok well it's got vitamin C mmm which is vital obviously but we also have ginger which is everybody's favorite auntie as I call it and I'll take natural antihistamine natural is but you can make it slightly hotter I mean I love it but it's just the right bottom they do all of it i me too I'm gonna move on to the next one looks like it's Australia's and a witchetty grub but it takes a laugh a camp but it tastes a lot better so this is the hunger buster so the what we're looking to do really is to satiate so we're looking for proteins in here so this is the like you were just saying is the roughage still in it is in a smoothie so everything is still contained the problem is when people making smooth is they put in too much and they drank it too quickly there's too much insoluble fibre going on so here's what here's what we're doing for hunger so we've added into the blender just to save time so I've got some blueberries in there I've got some spinach in this we've got our greens but we've got a little bit of cashew butter and almond butter now these are rich in amino acids the building blocks for protein also good fats and these help to regulate the appetite I'll put a little bit of hemp and pea protein powder in there I've added a date for some extra energy and of course banana which is the best herb on planet Earth snow even a fruit it's actually a home off you're from America and herb so so you add the almond milk in so you get a little bit of almond milk add a little bit of ice if you've got any knocking around and all you do you just give that a little shake here's what I made earlier yeah let's give this an honor is a hub yeah I know who knew who knew cherry cherry tree that's really tasty google that google it oh you can Yahoo or Bing it other searches we have a look at the last one but we haven't got long so you might just have to tell us what's in this yeah okay this is the what called American smoothie one for energy I did the New York Marathon and the London Marathon on nothing but juice this idea you needs carb low isn't necessary we've got avocado the best fruit on planet Earth I know you don't particularly like that there's no there's not too much in there I think you'll be alright with this when it makes it thick that's why I like this because we used other stuff so we've got beetroot loaded with nitrous that's what makes it red no I like it okay good so it's loaded with nitrates widens the blood vessels auction uptake is increased so there a lot of athletes are now using beetroot and so that's why we call it the elixir that athletes elixir essentially a bit of vitamin C with a lime cucumber natural diuretic apple always makes it that soluble fiber so we're juicing the the Apple reduced the lime which used to be true reduce the cucumber and the celery and we blend everybody out with a little bit of it feels somebody that doesn't eat all this in your diet anyway what a brilliant way to get it into your dive I once dealt with somebody's the biggest thing people say through what I just eat it and I dealt with someone who's 30 stone type-2 diabetes all kinds of disease I laid out 28 days worth of juicing and blending we were gonna do and he said to me Phil why don't I just eat it that's just a good question I don't know why you don't bring it up so therefore we need to find another rule with our kids that if you you could put banana apple on the table all that stuff and they'd never eat it if you cut it up then they ate it and I would say if you can't eat it drink it ask the thing about juicing look if you eat well exercise well you eat you eat tons of roughage and fruits and vegetables you can say you don't need to juice however I would never have the ten portions which is now what we need this to new direct directly from last year not high portions I would never have it unless I juiced Amblin you need the combination of the two and you need to do intelligent using an intelligent blending not just jump on some kind of bandwagon I'll be the only for 25 years we'll put all the recipes on thank you very much can you watch him do a little bit juicy you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 60,442
Rating: 4.9181585 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, best juice recipes, juicing recipes, how to juice
Id: nBrQUWf3trk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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