Japanese Words That Sound Like English Words And Mean The Same

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hello guys i'm george so today i collected japanese words that sound like english words and mean the same so students listen carefully so first word i picked up is dao in japanese it means very very similar but one thing you gotta take care of is this r sound so in japanese language we don't have l sound and r sound so l sound and r sound both become softer r it's very soft [Music] [Music] last so your tongue should be more relaxed and say okay and please don't use american accent so if you use american accent it's going to be like real rare wrong it sounds horrible so if you want to say i feel dull you can suggest so repeat after me very good so next word is ochre ochre in japanese it means oh [Music] very very similar so once again this r sound is soft r so it's not like o chord it sounds terrible so be more relaxed and say so repeat after me very good so next word is road road in japanese it means [Music] no no no [Music] wow very similar so this one too soft r it's not dora bro it's door okay be more gentle like when you kiss someone so repeat after me doro do very good so next word is typhoon [Music] typhoon in japanese it means wow this is the same this is miracle but this time another thing you have to take care of is this sound so we don't have sound in japanese language instead we use sound so it's haki food [Music] uh [Music] food thai food okay so repeat after me thai food you're amazing student so next word is name name in japanese it means look at this here look at this here just only adding another a into here it becomes ah another miracle so repeat after me now my so please write your name on the comment section down below amazing student so next word is can can but it's now in japanese it means come come can and come so if you're british or australian you say come right congratulations you got it it's totally the same so repeat after me come come easy peasy so american people be british or australian you can do it so next word is setting setting in japanese it means said setting setting setting setting settings that is if you study japanese i recommend that you should change language that you use on your phone to japanese language so that you can expose yourself to japanese language throughout the day every single day you know at first it's a bit hard but like after a month or so i'm sure you'll get used to it and yeah this is exactly how i learned english anyway so i hope it's going to work for you as well so repeat after me very good so next word is so so in japanese it means so so so and so turn it do you see the same miracle so for example is that so is that so in japanese [Music] you don't necessarily have to say e but if you say e you will be genuine japanese so repeat after me [Music] oh so japanese so next word is take take in japanese it means guys look at this here but only just adding what into here mod take what easy peasy japanese so next word is irritate irrigate in japanese it means irritate irritate irritate irritate irritate very similar so for example kanji irritates me me is she foreign good yeah japanese kanji is very difficult so it's irritating you know and even though i'm native japanese i'm second writing and reading difficult countries so yeah maybe i'm not japanese alright class that's all for today i hope you enjoyed this lesson and enjoy the journey of learning japanese i'll see you soon have a good day bye you
Channel: George Japan
Views: 72,905
Rating: 4.9757142 out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, kanji, language
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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