British and American Compare Accents For The First Time!

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hello i'm christina and i'm from the usa and i'm emily from the uk [Music] i think with the vowel sounds and the r sounds right yes for example like i think in the the us like we have a strong r sound car car yeah we do we cut out the r's in yeah yeah and a's you go like a and we go like oh it's like kind of nasally sound a little bit yeah yeah it smells like little rats we sound more like fish and then like america's like we're like oh like we sound like we're yawning all the time well it depends on the british accent there's several accents within the uk disclaimer can you put like a big disclaimer within the uk the several accents i have the standard posh english probably mixed with american by now but in the uk you have like you know scottish is completely different from mine right and the same thing in the u.s yeah yeah the east coast the west coast midwest [Music] south oh dear how could you do that that is spelt wrong in the uk oh yeah the uk color color color color when there's an r in the end we just forget it exists ah yeah i know when like somewhere that the us doesn't have a u we have a u for example color right like if i read that'll be color yeah yeah theater theater oh it sounds so fancy oh stop it i love it i love it theater theater theater theater well theater that's so nice theater theater the other theater theater theater theater i don't know why it sounds off yeah yeah like theater theater theater okay that wasn't too bad okay we got that the right way of saying this is schedule but everybody says schedule even the uk the kids all say schedule but the right way is scheduled the thing is schedule sounds weird to me to be honest because i used to say schedule as a kid the british kids used to watch american tv right because that's what's more popular so everybody grew up saying schedule and then we would say that to our parents or grandparents they'd be like no it's schedule [Music] neighbor neighbor no oregano we don't in the end neighbor labor labor neighbor i don't know why it just sounds so like it sounds like so regret i am like what's the name uh like how to be i am like neighbor from new york i'm also from the she's a pro she's from the bronx yeah from the bronx that's east coast oh this a sound is going to be really strong what also keep in mind like i also have like a slight uh like east coast accent some of my words may come off as like a little stronger past fun fact do you know something funny british people do not like the american accent but americans like the british accent so the reason she's complimenting me and i'm being mean to her about her accent is because that is how the whole country works oh yeah like my dad was quite funny my dad actually went to the us and he said he's never felt more popular in his life okay he went because he went to a bar and he was just like yeah and everybody was like they love you they'd be like you oh my god he sounds so like um like handsome because it's like because he's he he was a good looking chat back in his day now there's 50 50. anyway yeah the americans love the british accent but british don't really like the american accent that's true center center if you want speaker projections make your vowels more rounded and remove the eyes humor humor yeah just a little different yeah it's just humor humor we have such a nice sense of humor like you have a great sense of humor saturday saturday said air sound saturday saturday yeah it is it's just yo it's like da saturday saturday oh saturday saturday oh it would be such a nice british place tomato tomato yeah it's like you say tomato i say tomato and then everybody's happy i forgot the salt yeah i don't remember but like tomato tomato potato potato potato potato tomato tomato oh my god you sound like a disney channel character tomato potato so in the u.s we would say tomato tomato tomato we don't see potatoes i don't know but i don't know why the song goes like that anyway tomato tomato so why not potato oh now you're just trying to provoke me aren't you because it's always what like they were can you say this word i'm like go ahead go say it first water water i think that's like this is the most requested word yeah the most requested word that and bath are bath bath water and they're like harry potter no no no no harry potter sorry i'm not hermione water water water water water water yeah the thing is the tea is actually quite strong water what what okay forget the word just like war war water but you don't need to change your voice for it she's like water because the thing is my voice is deeper so you were like oh that was really cheap musical you know she was like whoa it's hard i was like no no water water every word even when you said every like everywhere i say every word i don't it's a song every word sounds like a little but also like my accent is a little bit on the east coast it's stronger yeah the sound is stronger okay so today we compared british accent and accent from the usa and we had a really fun time with some of the differences in pronunciation so well if you liked subscribe comment and what else is there and like see you next time [Music] do
Channel: World Friends
Views: 2,996,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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