Japanese guy reacts to “11 Things NOT to do in Japan“

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hello guys i'm majora so today i'm gonna react a video called 11 things nothing in japan must see before you go just before i reacted to video called 12 things noted in japan by abroad in japan so it's quite similar title but i'm just curious how its perspective is gonna be different from that so i'll check it out by the way thank you so much for sending me the respectful messages on instagram you guys are so respectful polite and kind so i'm really glad that i have such amazing subscribers but i'm so sorry that i replaced so late i try to replay all of the messages from you guys but effectively there are so many messages so it takes a long time to replay so i sincerely apologize but please wait a moment i'll do my best and thank you so much for commenting on youtube too i'm really glad there are so many comments but sorry it's a bit hard to check all of these but your respectful comments always give me happiness and motivation to make videos so i love you guys thank you so much and thank you so so much for being subscriber on my channel adios i hope you guys enjoyed this video and let's go okay so three two one go here are 11 things that you should absolutely not do well in japan number one don't tip tipping is not a part of japanese culture someone will probably come running after you with your money if you do now in some restaurants you'll see a vending machine where you just insert your money and you choose whatever food item you want yeah so there's actually no waiter that you could tip either way don't leave a tip because it's actually considered insulting to the waiter number two cover your okay okay so that's the same as i brought in japan's video as you mentioned we don't have tipping system in japan so you don't need to tip for servers and when it comes to tipping system my opinion is if i were a worker i'd be happy to have tipping system but if i were a customer i would hate typing system the background of this opinion is that actually i had worked at japanese restaurant for a year in canada when i studied abroad about five years ago i was working as a server and i got taken from customers and at the japanese restaurant where i worked at the time the wages were eight to nine dollars per one hour so actually i like that because if you work hard kindly appropriately politely you can get more money and also you can improve your communication skills for me was i could improve my english skills as well in japan we don't have tipping systems so whether you work hard or not it's the same wages of the guy who actually doesn't work hard much so it's not fair right that's why i like the tipping system as a walker but definitely not as a customer therefore it's a difficult issue number two cover your tattoos tattoos in japan are generally associated with criminals in yakuza because of this tattoos are from japanese society and most pools and bath houses bar anyone with a tattoo from entering yeah that's right number three okay yeah that's still so strict in japan especially in hot springs or pools or places where exposing your skin and also we feel scared when seeing people who have tattoos i think it's because of the influence of the yakuza or criminals as he said because they basically have tattoos so we tend to be scared about that but little by little tattoos are recognized as one of the fashions or arts and just sometimes i see japanese people who have tattoos in public i don't have tattoos but i think it's very cool so yeah i want to try someday don't hand cash to cashiers now this may seem like a contradictory statement but in japan almost every convenience store will use a tray you're supposed to place the money on this is used at a convenience so the coins don't fall everywhere and also so that everyone can see exactly what's happening with the money at all times okay yeah he's right but sometimes we handed the cash your coins uh no reason in particular though but right now under influence of this horrible situation we must put the cash and coins on the trade so i'm just curious how other countries deal with this kind of stuff under this current situation so i'd be happy if you comment down below about that number four japanese only restaurants japanese are also gonna seem kind of crazy but some japanese restaurants will not allow any foreigners into their establishments that is because while the japanese can be very friendly and welcoming there are some aspects of their culture that make them a little xenophobic there's really no way to tell whether or not a restaurant is japanese only but you'll know pretty quickly as soon as you walk in usually what happens is the waiter will wave his or her hands no you'll be told to leave or any combination oh my god no never never no this kind of things will never happen i've never heard about that and i've never seen this kind of restaurant or places don't worry you can go wherever you want and if if you encounter this conversation please let me know and i'll take you to much better restaurant number five don't talk on trains the volume of your voice is extremely important in japan as everyone is hyper aware and very respectful that they share their space with others that means talking loudly or speaking on the phone in trains is a definite no and you should avoid it as best you can right yeah he's right but of course if it's emergency you can call or talk no matter what the station is but accept that you should stay silent for sure proper chopstick use proper chocolate this is a big one because chopsticks are used to eat almost everything in japan the main thing is not to do with your chopsticks are not to eat directly from common dishes always take the food and put it on your plate first and then eat it don't point chopsticks at people this is considered very rude don't cross them and don't leave them sticking out of a rice bowl as that is part of funeral ceremonies and don't rub your chopsticks together after you break them apart because that's rude and disrespectful to chef no assuming he purchases poor quality chopsticks no um okay wait wait wait wait so yes okay so when it comes to rubbing the chopsticks it doesn't mean rude or disrespectful chef by assuming he purchases the you know poor quality chopsticks but we never do that in japan so if you rub the chopstick in the restaurants i think japanese people might be surprised some of you guys told me that if you rub the chopsticks especially cheap one you can get the splinters out so then you don't get the splinters in your fingers or in your hands in your mouth i completely didn't know this so when i saw this for the first time i thought they seemed like they're trying to start a fire or something number seven don't wear shoes in the house like most people the japanese don't want the dirt from outside getting in the house they take it one step further though and provide slippers and shoe cubbies at the front door and some restaurants will ask customers to take their shoes off before coming inside [Music] but but i think it's very common in any countries i've been to many countries but i've never seen people wear shoes in the house and if it actually happens i wonder which countries people were shooting the house so if you know that please let me know number eight drinking etiquette this is a big one if you got with any japanese while in japan there are subtle rituals that show respect towards the person the first is whenever you receive a drink always receive it with two hands yes also never pour your own drink first as it's considered selfish you should pour others drinks and then put the bottle down and someone else will take it up and pour your drink if you're not trying to get absolutely hammered make sure that when you're done you leave your drink full because the way it works is whenever someone sees an empty glass they'll just immediately pour you another one things can get crazy pretty quickly if you're not careful yes yes maybe that sounds very strange but it's actually true i often do this way for the even friends or families but especially when you drink with the elderly people or the person who you respect i 100 percent do this way in japan we have seniority system that means respect elderly people and being applied to them so if you come to japan and do like this japanese people will think oh this guy is very very nice and polite so if you come to japan try this way number nine how not to eat sushi this has been the central part of the japanese diet for centuries and they've developed tons of different ways to better enjoy the fish so it's not a bad idea to get to know some of them the first mistake that most people make is ordering a bunch of sushi at once instead of a little bit of the time which they recommend it's because the temperature of the fish actually matters you're supposed to eat it as soon as it comes on your plate that's why you sit right at the bar in most sushi places in japan the next big mistake that people make is dunking the rice directly into the soy sauce which makes it absorb way too much the correct way to do it if you're going to do it at all is to flip the fish over so that just the back side of the fish touches the soy sauce this allows the soy sauce to enhance the flavor of the fish but without drowning it out okay okay this reminds me of when i worked at japanese restaurant in canada i saw a lot of customers dunked sushi into the soy sauce and i was like oh my god that's too much but i saw the customers happy face so i decided not to tell the truth number 10 don't expect to use your card card japan is a cash-based society they're generally skeptical of credit cards it's almost every place that you'll visit will use cash don't worry though because the 711 atms will work with any card and are open 24 hours a day it's not unusual for japanese businessmen to grab 30 or 40 000 yen before they leave the house like i said everything here is done in cash now last but not least number 11. no um okay so this video was uploaded uh three years ago so i think it's a bit old one but now we have many places where we can use credit card and money but in the local area or countryside they still use cash a lot so if you go countryside you should blink a lot of cash not least number 11 receiving business cards business cards this is another good one if you plan on meeting people while in japan when exchanging business cards always receive the card with two hands and study it carefully before putting it away don't shove it into your backpack carelessly as it may be interpreted as being rude it's best to carefully place it into your wallet to show that you respect them and the business they work for okay okay so yes this is also true and given the business card is still very common in japan so if you come to japan on business you should definitely bring your business card but i actually hate this matter because even though you receive the business card you never see that again so instead what i do is just giving my instagram facebook or my website so that they can understand what i exactly do and what kind of person i am but this is just my opinion never mind okay it was really interesting to see their perspective and how this content is different from abroad in japan five things are the same as about in japan out of 11 things but six things are different so i enjoyed watching this very much i hope you guys can come to japan soon after this current horrible station ends and we wrongly welcome you anytime and i also want to visit overseas countries like america uk india canada germany australia philippines indonesia sweden netherlands nepal brazil malaysia france spain italy poland norway mexico alright guys thank you so much for watching this video if you have any recommendations or requests please comment down below and if you like this video please hit the like button and please subscribe to my channel thank you so much have a good day bye
Channel: George Japan
Views: 651,543
Rating: 4.9634194 out of 5
Keywords: japanese, reaction, japan, 11thingsnottodoinjapan
Id: Cl-No85qdVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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