Japanese Street Food Top 10 at Kagurazaka Tokyo | Secret Kaisendon Sashimi Rice Bowl

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in this video I'm gonna show you guys my top 10 Street food at Kagurazaka alright guys the typhoon has cleared and it's a sweltering hot again here in Tokyo and today I wanted to show you my top 10 Street food I could go to Sokka so this place is known to be like a little Kyoto if you walk around you'll see like a mix of the old and new and some crazy like little back streets which I'm actually in right now this place that I'm standing here right now it's called a hide-n-seek alley the reason it's called hide and seek is they used to have a lot of bars and restaurants here where all of the geishas would go and men that we're cheating on their wives would come here and hide with the geishas away from their family or I could have just made up that shady Park but it's still an interesting story for calling it hide-and-seek alley well anyway so let me just take you guys on to some of the food spots man I'm sweating alright let's go on the futon in this super hot Tokyo weather man I really feel like I'm in Kyoto right now with all of these like little tiny streets and guess who's here to help me out today Michael and if you guys like my samurai shirt check it out in the link below some people say it's very similar to Paris because you can find incredible French and Italian restaurant but I liken it more to Kyoto a simple walk to the main street from Kagurazaka station to eat a bossy Jason is pretty incredible but don't forget to check out the hidden back streets to feel like you've transported back in the time maybe this is why they say I didn't see Wow look how small this entrance is all right let's get our food on number ten chiffon cake from chick Alicia's New York Amory's chica licious is a dessert bar in New York owned by a Japanese participate she cut Illman they offer several japan-only sweets that you can get at the original New York shop [Music] check out this nama cream chiffon cake it looks like it's really heavy but it's actually not that heavy but it's so big it's like as big as my head then it smells so good I like the top itself it's just like super fluffy and you have like a powder to sugar on top look at that cream [Music] that is heaven that's actually one of the lightest creams I've ever had it's like the Michael Jordan of chiffon cakes so much air it is a really milky I feel like I'm actually drinking milk it's so creamy and the cake is delicious it's super soft and it's not too sweet like I feel like I can eat maybe five of these and still be okay it's so light oh my love seafoam cake mr. bum cake first got popular in Japan was like when I was in elementary school my mom made for me now so I got bullied a bit [Music] ha oh well they still did cream is good but those Polish part is really good too it's like we just mounds know what I don't get it that you just forget about talking number 9 I you know to put a Monica from by cutting look at behind me absolutely making it right in front of us by kata is a local Lagasse shop established in 1935 they're beautiful wagashi is made by hand one by one next to those full-on traditional or gushy they have cute in playful Monica like cat and rabbit Monica's blanketing the shelves and I threw down on their all-time bestseller I you know tempura Monica the outer shell is crispy fried with rice oil and rapeseed oil and stuffed with handmade red bean paste all right my about Gashi fans and check it out it's in the shape of an eye you fish so they call this IU tempura but it's actually Monica which has I can uncle inside all right smells so fresh let me just like break it in front of you guys look at that oh so this is like a really silky type of uncle so I generally like something that has like a little more consistency and has more texture where this one is like silky smooth but let's see how it tastes oh damn that's like really sweet I didn't actually expect it to be that sweet but bread itself it's almost like a waffle cone but it's a lot lighter you guys love well gosh if you love unko then definitely worth a try in fact the store has like all sorts of different products and it's pretty cool just to like walk in and see them making all that stuff a sweet little treat for today [Music] he is gonna take a lot of uh Monica is really crispy but this is like a soft and fluffy type so Monica is made we're what you call me which is sticky rice so that's maybe right second what you would see if x4b it's from kyoto this is frag and rice I got this pram your really thick like good boy like my little sachet bees stop number eight me come on from go jubilant I love they're insanely massive nikuman of course it's not just enormous it's also stuff with their succulent and mouth-watering ingredients aren't so hot it's like hot potato but hot and you come on but you got a hot piping steaming gomoku nee come on it's like it's heavy look how big this is maybe two or three of my fist that's how big it is look at that so Momoko means like it actually has a five different kinds and then it just means like assorted so let me just open this up right in front of the camera look at that look at all the steam coming from there know how it smells so good can you guys see the egg it's right there and it even has a pink some chicken that's all good there's just so much flavor packed into here like taste the shrimp you can taste some mushrooms and it's nice because you get like a crunchy texture with the bamboo shoots the bond itself it's actually quite thick but I think they make it so thick so that they can hold all the contents I prefer like not so much bread but this like will definitely fill you up if you like have this alone look at that fresh pieces of seafood in there unless they even have Joshu pork in here it's almost like Halloween bag filled with candy from all the nights trick-or-treating it says many it's definitely smaller than Paolo's but this is actually like a regular space you like with the ones you get in the company but is it worth money the bread soaks up the meat juice it's so good it's not that sweet a lot of NIC one's really sweet but this is more like really savory we just went in this like back alley and check out right there there's a modern jazz bar and just over there there's a wine bar is a yakitori place it's just small little alley and Kagurazaka it's so hidden number seven senbei ice cream from Cole gets it go get to is one of the best Japanese ice cream sandwiches I've ever had and I want to show you guys and they also have something Tommy seats inside so you don't have to eat on the street Koga 2 is a Kyoto born oh gosh I shop there well Gashi is more similar to Western sweets as they calmly use butter in their products one of their top sellers is send you senbei and what better way to enjoy it then by using it to send with some delicious ice cream check it out I got a cookie send that ice cream and it was so nice if you actually eat inside of the shop they'll give you some free tea and she gave you another cookie just like I won already it smells so good it is a cookie ice cream Japanese style it almost looks like a Lay's potato chip that's really soft I love it the shell itself it's it's almost like a mix between a bread and a cookie and it's just all so good after that the cookie there's like a layer in between that's like a hard layer it gives it a little crunch so you can see is actually there's like the ice cream Center here and then it also has like kind of like a whipped cream just like all these different textures in one delicious Japanese ice cream sandwich I [Music] think I'm eating your piece pretty girl number six car again from voyage ino karaage so this is my fried chicken spot in Kagurazaka it's actually a bento shop but if you ask you can actually get the fried chicken to go they'll put it on a stick so you can walk with it pretty awesome I just got some fried chicken [Music] it's not as hard as this rickety fried chicken so there's so many different versions of fried chicken at the shop they had like Tula fried chicken they had chicken breast they had five I can't guess what my favorite by me because who doesn't love dark meat oh it's so good it doesn't need any sauce at all the meat itself is still tender you can tell this is marinated it's quite salty and savory already I just really love the way they've seasoned it the juices are just exploding in my mouth right now number five arancini from Dolce Vita what I really love about this place is they have an awesome selection of wine but they also have all these cheese's that you can try yourself have all these samples everywhere so if you don't know what cheese you like you can actually go inside and try some cheese but they also have a fried cheese surprise that I'm gonna show you too let's go inside and check out this store our soda stop look at all this cheese so if you could you to do a wine tasting here before you buy look at all the different wine bottles that they have don't Suzumiya I'm just a terrible luck buddy sitting on the sofa [Music] check out this hot auntie knee it's a rice croquette filled with gorgonzola and look at that lovely goodness can see inside of the crispy brown layer there's some rice it's like a rice pilaf almost and then it has a gargons Ola cheese looking back no how it's so strong oh jeez Laver is so strong it's like pink and moldy and so good the gorgonzola is so strong it's like TRT gargons Ola the rice itself is quite sticky does taste like a rice pilaf or like a risotto and I just love that krispity krunch at each lecture it's not that like think of a shell actually pretty light shelling but it's still pretty crunchy the texture it's so gooey in here like a cheesy rice ecoo that's yellow [Music] hmm Oh guys it just started to rain and so now it's gonna be a little bit more challenging to film the rest of this video because they're trying to do a street food video but anyways let's keep going because you guys need the top ten number four Unni pudding from chicha kite wool might've they have an awesome beer selection you can use some wine and they have some great seafood including one of my favorites and Unni pudding let's go inside and check it out just until the rain passes it's like one of those rains and I think is only gonna last for maybe an hour and then it's gonna get really sunny again so I have a big beer my glass of wine and we have some oysters oh that's a lot silky smooth right down the throat that's so good unlevel it rains so what I really love about a voice like this it just like you look at the atmosphere all around it's just like a Japanese like beach house like the way that they decided it just feel like you're exact in the day this is one of those places you go to like a drink but they have like really interesting snacks for like drinking but look at this beautiful sea urchin pudding it's so good like the lighter yellowish orange color is come I got cha hwa with sheep so it's like a Duchy Tom was she kind of egg and then there is a pudding on top and all it goes in and mixes it's so well together the egg and the dashi is like really savory and it just combines it can make this masterful piece number three shaved ice from curry : so Kagura czaka has a lot of shaved ice places but this shaved ice place is one of my favorites because it's so flavorful the funny thing is it's actually a hockey shop but my favorite thing from the shop is the khaki Cody let me show you how good it is oh look at the strawberries right there [Music] it's so tart and refreshing and I heart they're like this it's just what the doctor ordered and it comes to mochi ice cream stuff you've never had much ice cream and this is the place to go it's like an outer layer of mochi that has ice cream inside and love this place even has like a strawberry kind of jelly jam on the outer coating which is like add to the full flavor of this dessert number two sake testing at sake bar oh do not eat so just right behind me in and away in the business Lord is this sake bar they have all sorts of Japanese sake they have food and it's just a really awesome cool experience so a lot of people don't know about this spot so I wanted to take you downstairs and show you what's up let's go inside [Music] ha ha ha ha [Music] yeah it's it is stronger it is quite strong so this one is just like a lot smoother a lot easier to drink whereas the father was a bit like spicier and then the child is actually a little bit smoother but I would have to say that it's actually closer to the father than the mother like he said so the thing is I'm actually not a sucky drinker so I don't really know like a different various like different flavors and tastes but I just like the fact that I could come here in this try all the different sake and it's like not that bad of a price and what's cool about this place is that they don't actually have an English menu per se but they do have a list of like what your favorite flavors are and then you can just point to which flavor you want are they can point you to the one that's like most suited for your taste and it's all like six to eight hundred yen so it's like has a magnetic Wow that's good it almost tastes like a white wine it's really good because I like being another strong sake drinker you then you might want to try the shell lovers it was really easy to drink and it's super silky smooth and number one caisson donphan suji Han hidden in the side of the building suji on is one of those restaurants that serve only one menu caisson done which is a mixed seafood rice bowl you can choose from three variations which makes it super easy the restaurant only has counter seats which has that luxurious sushi restaurant atmosphere right after you're seated they'll give you three pieces of sea bream sashimi and Kimmy Joey which is egg yolk soy sauce to use for your caisson tone so I got the most basic caisson done ooh man it has tuna na karoti tuna squid herring roe shrimp salmon roe and two kinds of shellfish the restaurant recommends to mix wasabi with a key me Joey and pour it over the mountain of seafood when in Tokyo right check out this bullet so [Music] it is bursting with flavor of tuna is a so fresh it's like had a hints of niggy Toto like the mashed up to now do you have like really big bits of tuna then you have the Nikki total which is really nice and then you have like the cucumber bits right there it's really good - simply amazing here this has all this different - all mixed up together and it produces the most amazing flavors and then here's the best part which you don't get at most places after you finish with a caisson don't if you ask they will pour dashi over the rice so after you pour the dashi soup you add the sashimi on top looks damn good right oil it tastes even better it's like an all-new meal because it's a Thai dashi the sauce that the fish came into is kind of like a sesame kind of sauce like a like a peanut sauce the the dashi looks really creepy but in fact it's quite light and really nice but the umami flavor is just kickin like Bruce Lee this alone is worth the thous in the end it's that good so if you liked this video help me out and hit that like button also let me know which area you guys want me to do next and if you guys want to see more of my ventures in Tokyo or Japan hit that subscribe button and hit that Bell button and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 274,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japanese food, Japan food, Tokyo food, Japanese street food, Japan street food, Tokyo Street Food, Sushi Bowl, Sashimi, Food, Steet food, Kagurazaka, kagurazaka street food, kagurazaka tokyo, kagurazaka guide, tokyo guide, japan guide, travel guide, kagurazaka tour, street food tokyo, street food japan, Hidden Secret Tokyo Street Food, Hide and seek alley, Street Food Tour, Top 10 Street Food, Tokyo, Japan, things to do in tokyo, 東京 食べ歩きスポット, food, travel, tour, kaisendon
Id: r6uvmG_qyus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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