Top 10 Tokyo Street Food at Jujo Ginza | Local Japanese Eats

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So in this video i'm gonna show. You my top. 10 street food at. Jojo, ginza Jojo, ginza is also known as so zayed peng goku When translated it means Daily dish heaven lots of moms and families come here to pick up dishes because it is so cheap they Even have dishes that start at 210 Yen that's so crazy And it's really close to the station that's you joe ginza and right there is the station so close and What i really love, about this place, is that it's a cover there you look Above, me it's all covered so you can come here on a rainy Day and still stay dry and in today's video i'm gonna get michael helped, me out with, some of the taste testing Alright let's start our tokyo street food adventure number one yaki xiao long bao from shanghai Xiao long bao shan mountain right at the front of the street this shop Is ash isn't it no joke get ready for these succulent pouches of savory goodness look it's still warm to the touch let's try this out you can, smell the sesame the juices are flowing i just burned, myself superhawk That's so delicious moist on the top, but the bottom ends are like a crunchy shell and the meat is super tender Wow so i guess i'm gonna, drink the citrus, soda buddy, buddy its trick rider deep-fried I can, taste the meat juice so This next spot is an award-winning onigiri shop comet aiya comet ayah Is like that's baskin robbins of onigiri shops offering more than 40 kinds of fun on the kitty but Don't get caught slippin i arrived around noon and half the showcase was already sold out Get here early or you might get stuck with, plain old rice, oh? I'm so hungry this is the ebi look at that it's a fried a Shrimp all in an oni kitty, that's pretty good amazing It smells like a japanese morning Mmm talk about a b is really good But to be honest there's actually a lot of rice for my liking but wish they had Like the rear, end and like half the rice that would be perfect, what i like about the shop Is there's like so many different oni giddy's that you don't find in like a convenience store so there's an eggplant Me so there's a fried cabbage there's a fried scallop, but it's like, so many different options if you, guys love Onigiri, then you definitely have to come to this place, oh it's really, soft it's like You really really like it handmade really like, my, mom's only you i'm getting the, hull be spicy Take a, quick. Jujin spicy for your, korean business - do you go hunt the one office i usually eat the convenient Giddy's but damn i really love, this like handmade Handcrafted honey giddy, is it really handcrafted i don't know number three Amaku, so much from jeremiah i'm always a type of japanese strawberry Which is sweeter and bigger than normal strawberries and their amo kusa mochi is a, bomb diggity Look, at this another hand they delight wow look, how, big this driver is this is couse, emoji it's kind of like it's made of green tea i Want to smell the mochi but like all you can smell is stronger like the strawberry smell is so strong Holy, hot damn this is really good that strawberry Isn't justice so juicy if you can just taste the strawberry it's like explodes in your mouth it kind of looks like, something to This, day! i Just ate just, oh? My, god is so good, you're all missing misses you could see know You're, there like you think a red Bean paste it's not that sweet is out with the really strong sweetness of? Strawberry sure is the most artistic super super sweet like to do, boost against it thanks gonna finish all of it strawberry juices Look, at all this fish number four Chickens, ozai, from toady died 20 die is a solo shot Specializing chicken, and there's always a long-ass line but, who wouldn't, wait look at all this chicken, hey Why, did the chicken cross the road to hang out with all his friends at today oh My, god i got so much stuff i couldn't decide this place has so many options look, how Many bags i got One two three and four four bags My, eyes are sometimes bigger than, my stomach but i'm just so excited. What's nice is they actually seal every single bag all right it's chicken thigh and Green onions, look at a glistening on the sun right when you order it they put it in like a vat of today which Is like the sauce and then they dip it and then they put it in a baguette so you can see inside of the bag still has all of the juices inside of it all right After was super delicious come on onions are fresh actually have the chicken skin i'm not really a fan of chicken skin but the meat itself here is feel pretty good so i just usually, like, take this off Super look, that chicken ball look, at that ten yen, who can beat that That's really, light and delicious if you ever had like chicken nuggets from mcdonald's then it's it's not as Compact. And dense as that it's like a really light and fluffy chicken i can, probably you like 50 of these because they're so light but i actually, like the cody it has like the really tiny chance Outside the light not just the flower i don't know. How. They, do that but it's truly like cutting on a, bone it's going to chew him Good seasoning That's so good i ate all of it how, many ira got to tell you guys something days i got it so good Maybe they're just delicious it's fried, and it's chicken you can't go wrong Number five host and yucky from ho sendou host and yaki is a type of oven? Yucky, it's all natural and the owner created this treat based on an old secret recipe from kyushu Damn he's going all samurai on his ingredients i Really, feel like i'm in japan i got my hope on yucky and i got my hot Tea, so there's actually two flavors here there's a brown Bean paste and then there's a white bean paste the one that's actually most popular is a brown Bean paste but he says, that his favorite is a white bean paste so that's all we got you can see it says Shit'll, which means white? that's not bad Well doing is not really a fan of uncle so much so i usually Don't get this but then i get so many of you guys are always like, oh, why, don't you try More japanese desserts all you tried it like so i needed add this to the list Because it's really popular here and people really love it it's actually pretty good The uncles really good, like arrogant smooth uncle invent the pancake part it's like, super comfy really good Number six takoyaki from takuya watch the master work Nothing like a hot set of balls mayonnaise and cuts. A. Pussy, yeah, oh look at that did delicious It's like eating a like a pancake with, squid inside you have to like mayonnaise and then you have like This sweet sauce all around it She added the onions on here and it's kind of like a nice hint like it gives it a Good texture and it has like a little kind of like, stink to it which is nice what better place to do it that Jew joe gives up i Don't even know it's, gonna be able to make it through So many people just say hello i love it Number seven pork menchi-katsu From miyahara miyahara is known for its friendly service and Incredible prices at sixty and yakitori and 30 and croquette you'll never need to go halfsies with, your mate This, is like one of my favorite look at this delight work minty it doesn't big as My, head it's like a minced pork and then this fried layer of goodness Look, at that the steam I don't know if you didn't hear this Well it's amazingly crunchy japanese i've taken, like, frying to the next level No, you didn't see the layer of fried goodness the meat it's very light and it almost has like a Sticky texture and it's, weird like that mommy comes out Like the more and more you eat it the flavor is just like this slowly come in like builder it's really good Number eight spoon is ando from i psycho i ceqa is another shop with incredible prices look at that it's bigger than, my hand Oh it's so actually pretty cold this is a tank on and it's kun a sand oh it's like a Sandwich because this is the raincoat on the outside here and then inside is like a sku Name so on both sides like a sandwich and then it's gonna is usually like a minced chicken cake One of the things that i love about this place, is that there's just so many different food options wow. Anyways that's right? That's good? Surprisingly, enough it's really sweet i gets almost second it's like Almost like a candy sweet this rink on also known as on the buddhist Route it's really crunchy so when you you bite into it it has like this crunch but then the Scoony, itself is very soft and all that goes in together you can See and it's all melted in that it's gonna is actually like melted through the lotus root holes When you hit the end of judo ginza street it will actually lead to another show. Thank i fujimi, ginza, let's keep the party rolling Number nine, gyoza, from, daiwa, kiowa sells freshly made dumplings you can, buy uncooked ones to take home or you can Ask, them to fry it on the spot guess what, we're doing Fresh off the frying pan you just told them that we're. Gonna eat right now. And he just put sauce right over it There's just so much flavor in this Inside it has some onions and leeks, and maybe like Some cabbage it's just so moist it's like just like it's popping with, flavors this, would be so good with Some rice right now, as i'm asked Who sells expired? number ten raider cheesecake from odeon bloody 103 When you're walking around sometimes you just want to eat up cake, and i'm gonna eat my cake right now This, chiefs cake, earns the heavenly, award never eating a lot of fried food this is heaven Nothing moves i feel, like the little like soft bubble in my mouth All right so that concludes my top 10 at Jojo, ginza if you, like, this video help Me out and hit that like button if you have any questions or comments or have a Suggestion for the next video leave it in the comment section below And like always if you, want to see more of our videos in Tokyo or in Japan hit that subscribe button And I'll see you guys in the next one?
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 309,398
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Keywords: Paolo, tokyo, tokyo street food, jujo ginza, best tokyo street food, tokyo street food tour, tokyo street food 2018, street food tokyo, tokyo secret street food, tokyo travel guide, jujo ginza street food, tokyo food tour, tokyo food street, top 10 tokyo street food, best tokyo streetfood, tokyo secret streetfood, streetfood tokyo, hidden tokyo street food, tokyo cheap food, cheap tokyo food, tokyo street food guide, japanese street food, street food, japanese food, food
Id: F9q9Fa17S8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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