What a 100 Year Old Machiya Hotel stay in Kyoto is like

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this is what it's like staying at a machia hotel in [Music] Kyoto okay so I'm back in Kyo and just behind me is the Macho hotel that we're staying out it's 100 years old and I can't wait to show you inside but before we start let me take you to the beginning all right our adventure begins at kyotto station as we're headed to Ren who invited us to stay at the MAA a traditional Kyoto wooden townhouse go okay so we just got off the shinan and we are headed to the check-in area right now so the check-in location is at one of their hotels nearby about a 6 minute walk from the station after getting to pick up some of their offered amenities they chauffered us to our Mach hotel located right by Kyoto's historic n Castle so we just checked checked in and they are taking us to the machio right now it's I think like 15 20 minutes from where we just checked in but what's nice is that you know they'll do this service for you like you don't have to like get your own taxi or anything um it's all [Music] provided thank you luy C [Music] now and this is our two-story machia Ren premium nio Castle North so Kyoto's machas are natural wooden tow houses first built when Kyoto was still the capital of Japan between the 1000s and the 1200s and are known for their unique elongated design and narrow entrance called unagi noo a place where eel sleep which was a direct result of laws that tax Property Owners based on the width of their entrance wow this place is amazing you can see right here all of the historical framing washing machine inside I don't know how I feel about you doing my job no washing machine so this is the dryer here and the washing machine is just below so basically you have the sink here this is coffee machine this is a coffee machine you have a stove right here microwave a little refrigerator here a wine glass cops and then just all of the utensils down here as [Music] well go this is a bath this a new soap too you soap too I like how the bathroom is nice and modern so this is pretty cool they have dual sinks here and they even have all the amenities even though we like like when you checked in they had all the amenities there they have the standard ones here the glass is so clean right now I almost could feel like I could walk right through look this is actually last so this is kind of like the Terrace area so what's nice is just like one continuation so if you are taking a bath you feel like you're outside but you're protected from all the elements you like this place W WFIE you're doing Dad's job good job so this place looks like it has two bedrooms one like this little one right here that we're standing in and then it has that main bedroom over there you can probably fit maybe three more futon here one two three four if you really needed to maybe even five and wow look at all of this original wooden structure they have this huge log up here this is amazing then what's also interesting is like they've kind of just like mixed it in with new infrastructure so you can see the lighting just behind here there's some AC the toilet's obviously new so it's pretty interesting I also love the little details here they have kind of like this flower outline in here flower hole but I actually don't know if it's like part of the original building or if it's not but you know it does have that nostalgic feel to it what do you guys call this like a etching or a print carving let me know in the comments what it's called where do you want to go okay thank you okay so we are headed out right now we are going to do some tsty things today we are actually going to get on one of those double-decker hop on buses just to check out the sites family just stopped we're going to miss the bus Wolfie we going to miss the bus okay so I think we're a little bit late this is actually nij Castle right here and we're going just towards the corner of it let's go Michael and W get going [Music] now it's time to explore the area a bit we got on the sky hop bus that takes you around the city you can hop on and off all day and we decided to go to one of our favorite walking spots the kizu temple shopping area as Wolfie's never seen it before hey Wolfie what's your favorite word ging G this so and that BS really messed up my hair or maybe not maybe it's perfect I don't know I'm just joking so we are heading up the street right now just you know just hanging out [Music] today so these hilly streets are called ichinen zaka ninenzaka and sanen zaka which make up the iconic approach towards kizu Temple lined with traditional Japanese style buildings you really get a nostalgic sense of a much simpler time in Japan especially in the early quiet mornings as the day goes on though it's evidently a popular tourist spot nonetheless let's do what we always do and throw down on some street food just got a donut here as we walk along we're going to do it like Daddy look this is [Laughter] ma hey yep okay so I got this little ice cream doozy popsicle has some strawberries raspberries what you want to take a [Music] [Applause] bite he Daddy's going to try oh that's pretty good Zam matcha base flavor and it's a little bit on the bitter side this is what it's all about having a little street food with my son the first time we've actually been doing this together oh need Sal if you're not excited about the street food well you can simply enjoy the beautiful and traditional Japanese buildings the Pagoda at the colorful Temple called yasaka Koso okay so we're actually headed back to the Macha right now over the place actually said we can check out one of their other machos to see if he wanted to you know potentially stay there in the future so we're going to go check that place out right now and after that then we'll go back home just arrived and it's right here so this one is called Shiki juraku near the Kyoto gu National Garden it's a 100-year-old machia renovated into a hotel with a gated front to create a private space for guests okay so I got the key it looks like this is a lounge area oh wow look at this they have like free food here coffee and they also have all you can drink [Music] wine just one note although we're taking Wolfie apparently this particular Macha doesn't allow kids under 12 so this is pretty cool it's like a wide open entrance hello [Music] hello oh wow I think this is a little dining area over here in this area you have a little bath shower two shower heads go up the stairs oh there's even a skylight on bedroom and I guess you got a pretty large bed right here maybe Kink size or maybe even wider hey so if you guys don't know about my poo from Tokyo premium comti hot sauce I've got tell you about it because so many people love it it's handcrafted exclusively by a small batch producer in Japan's nigata prefecture made with an original blend of Premium Ki AG 6 years locally grown Carolina Reaper and show you a lot of love has gone into each bottle and I'm telling you that there's no hot sauce in the world that has this level of a mammy and fire all in one and it all begins at the base of Mount mioko in a process called Yuki sadashi where locally grown red chilies are spread over snowfields to develop their natural Umami for over 3 to 4 days forming the foundation of ki's distinctly delicious flavor you can get it at Palo from tokyohot sauce.com or just click on the link below and if you're in Japan I have shops listed on the website such as skije Fish Market also I've got the commady hot sauce shirts in the merch shop so you can get that along with the hot [Music] sauce interesting after we got back we decided to go to the supermarket to pick up some stuff for our stay it's only a 10-minute walk with mofy so it's fairly convenient this a nice neighborhood huh quiet yeah quiet huh I think this is like a big street right here around here but like once you step into the back street it's pretty narrow and friendly I guess I think the dinner comes between 5:30 and 6:00 so we have about an hour just to walk around and check out the sites see what's around and then uh yeah go back home for dinner good the thing is we don't have a big Supermarket like this one near our house in Tokyo so we always get a bit excited for a little Adventure like this so we just got back pretty nice there is a couple cominis either way that's pretty close by has that supermarket and there are some restaurants along the street as well so yeah this place is is pretty nice I got some snacks ryen beer never had it before looks pretty cool I'll have to try this always like getting these Japanese snacks as well this is Kari Yaki iwashi this one's dried squid you got one can you even eat it is it hard looks really hard sure it's there's definitely a workout for your teeth oh I think the food is [Music] here for dinner we booked through the Macha a Japanese Shashi Bento a made to order set meal prepared by a traditional kaisaki restaurant with 140 years of History iuen wow wow so look at this amazing meal nothing beats this and being in aacha in this historical like en enironment I guess and being able to have a traditional Japanese meal like this is what it's all abouty loves it too look at this this is like the kids plate and it's pretty damn awesome it has chicken nuggets tempura fried shrimp sausages french fries kamaboko shrimp egg salmon cucumber rolls I think and flag yeah it has flag I just love the variety here I don't even know where to start it just all looks so good the set comes with an appetizer dish Sashimi egg pudding clear soup called osuimono CI Gohan which is steamed rice with Chestnut a very fall dish tempura Sushi a vinegar dish Sesame tofu in a sauce and a broil dish I think you know usually you're probably going to want to start with what's in front of you this is kind of like the appetizers you have two types of fish I think this little fish is a k nugo the little Ki nagos try this egg dish this is umaki M A there's unagi in the middle I think the egg is done in Kyoto style so it's a little bit on the the Savory side it's actually I prefer as opposed to you know in Tokyo when it's like kind of sweeter and then you have some Sashimi right here that looks so delicious have some serum M that's so fresh and the tuna is so buttery as well I think this is oi it's on top of GMA dofu we have some mushrooms here oh that oi is really good nice and creamy little sweet the gou is made of Sesame and it's got a little bit of a smooth Mochi texture to it okay so let's check out this thing right here it's wrapped in daon has some shredded carrots maybe some egg crab octopus cucumber and there's some sauce here let me taste the sauce real quick oh it's like a crab sauce a sweet vinegar just throw it in here I just dumped it all in here see what happens okay so we got the crab there pickles it's a nice refreshing little dish you know I love vinegar anything with vinegar I usually tend to like this one is no exception the meal isn't too strong like it hasn't been over seasoned it's lightly seasoned just to like accentuate all of the food what do you think food um it's good you can eat it after you had one more sauage so I like the vinegar stuff that you know the kany vinegar that thing you liked I really liked that as well I don't know so there you have it this was our meal Wolfie is over here having a bow Mich is enjoying her meal too definitely want to try this once and especially on a lazy day super tired from traveling this is like the perfect way to do [Music] it [Music] [Music] good morning everyone I got my morning coffee the family is still sleeping 6:30 right now nothing like starting the day with some cold coffee Wolfie and I slept early last night after dinner I put him to sleep and I just fell asleep with him so I think we went to bed at like 9:30 I slept perfectly last night it was really really comfortable this room is also nice I don't even know what this room is for maybe like having coffee or tea or something guess there you go but yeah there's quite a lot of room okay so this morning I think breakfast is going to be coming here between 8:30 and 900 and then after that we'll probably be filming some other videos as well so look forward to that doing some street food videos and whatnot yeah we'll take you through um if we don't do the street food video in this video then expect it to be coming after this video or maybe before I guess we we'll see how it works out so I guess all we have to do now is just wait for the family to wake up good morning you sleep well dude jum so m i just sleep last night that's okay I think I was using the pillow in the wrong way you know like how the pillow was like this and like you put your head in the middle I was like on the edge so like my neck was hurting anything else so in case you're wondering I'm using a three powder this is very good I don't think I love this Nars climax okay so I think we're going I think we're going to cut to the laundry section of this video this is how I'm feeling with the WFIE right behind me you like doing emji Wolfie [Music] yeah this morning we ordered a breakfast from the same place always nice when breakfast is served in the room without having to lift a finger okay so let's see what we got this is another amazing breakfast I love how you just get like a bunch of different little Japanese dishes that you can try it's a very like typical style Japanese breakfast you don't just get like one like big dish with pancakes and eggs and sausage but you get like these little ones that you can try it's great because you know it doesn't necessarily sit heavy on your stomach so you can enjoy the rest of the day so this set is very much a shoin rori style meal a traditional Vegetarian Cuisine originated from Zen Buddhism it comes with rice with yukti red chiso dried seasoning on top miso soup an eggplant dish wheat gluten skewer Shake mushrooms and veggie roll a pickle dish and some other dishes I have no idea what they are feel like we can start off with comboo kind of style seaweed root kelp thing it's kind of like Kik I don't really know but it does have some sunow pepper in there so it has that kind of numbing pleasure or pain I might call it but it's not too strong but definitely not for kids I'm did I M and then look at this you got some Yuba right here one of my favorites bam look at that big piece of Yuba ah I just love the texture of that oh I think the washing machine is having a go right now yeah so the Yuba what's nice about it it usually has like the same taste it has kind of like a rounded taste just in between Savory and sweet oh and this is a like a tofu sponge it's called Kya dofu like just soaks up all of the the sauce that it's been marinating in oh this is Gamo I think and usually you'll see this in Odin if you ever go to like Odin places I have this m this is wonderful three different tofu dishes not like you would think of tofu in one dish oh Wolfies doesn't have any meat either no so what do you think I really really like it like the seasoning is so satisfying that like I have rice everything has different like seasoning this one's Shi that one's Ginger that one's like sweet and sour the breakfast and the dinner they're surprisingly completely different um in terms of like style of food I think I like breakfast over for dinner just my preference yeah I I I'd love to have this every day yeah it's good all right so we're going to wrap up the video here we're actually checking out today there's actually a lot that happened on this trip but we didn't have time to show it all in this video we actually have a few other videos that we'll be releasing for this trip so definitely check those out but like always if you like this video help us out and hit that like button if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button in the bbon and we'll catch you guys in the next one on
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 430,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japan, Japan guide, Japan travel, kyoto hotel, japanese house, kyoto machiya, kyoto hotel near kyoto station, kyoto travel, kyoto japan, kyoto hotel recommendations, kyoto hotel review, kyoto hotel tour, japanese house tour, japanese house design, kyoto travel guide, kyoto travel video, kyoto hotel vlog, kyoto hotel for family, machiya kyoto, machiya house, kyoto japan travel, kyoto japan tour, kyoto japan hotel, hotel tour, where to stay in kyoto
Id: LNO3evFqnmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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