Hidden Japanese Street Food Tour Tokyo Daikanyama

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this video is brought to you by squarespace  these are my hidden food spots in daikon yuma   so i'm back with another food tour this time we're  in daikon yama so daikon yama is just outside of   shibuya station in fact if you wanted to you  can walk here but there's also a train daikon   yama station and what a lot of people don't  know is that it has some of the best hidden   food gems in all of tokyo and i'm going to take  you on a personal tour around this area and if   you've ever been to daikon yama then you know  just right behind me is tea site which is one   of the most popular spots that people go to  here in daikon yama there's a bunch of stores   here there's a style bookstore and there's  even a starbucks which makes it a perfect   place to chill but since it's the most popular  spot then a lot of people come here so there's   not a lot of hidden food spots so instead i'm  gonna take you on a tour through this whole   daikonyama station area and show you my hidden  food spots but before i start like always if you   wanna help support the channel check out the tokyo  merch if you wanna see what i'm doing on the daily   check out my instagram account and if you have  any questions about japan or japan travels   check out my discord community  that all said let's get our food on   daikon yum is a residential area with  a unique blend of style and culture   popular among celebrities and locals alike for its  trendy cafes gourmet foods fashion and artsy shops   and unlike shibuya and ibisu express trains  don't stop at daikon yama station so there's   a lot less foot traffic here helping to create  its laid-back vibe kind of my speed these days   number one tempura moto yoshi emo this  tempura soft cream specialty shop is   one of the hottest spots in daikon yama right  now it opened last year by a high-end tempura   restaurant in minami aoyama moto yoshi it's  located right by the station and offers an   amazing salt soft cream paired with a  japanese sweet potato tempura called   shiosoft mataju and it's finished off with a  sprinkling of bamboo charcoal salt and tempura   flakes the word mataju itself is from a secret  language used only by tempura chefs meaning   sweet potato i guess the secret's out now so  look at this beautiful creation this is just   made right on the spot so this is freshly fried  in tempura so you should eat the tempura fried a   sweet potato right away or it gets too cold you  want it to still be crispy take a bite of this that is a nice fried sweet potato you  can also see that there's some tempura   flakes right there just to make it extra crispy   the salt soft cream has a perfect  amount of saltiness to complement the   sticky sweetness of the tempura fried sweet  potato it pairs so well with that ice cream number two meet yazawa black cows this shop is  a crazy popular steak and hamburger restaurant   originally from the gotanda area they only  offer 100 real deal purouge wangu beef and   it's served to perfection damn my mouth is  watering already oh okay take the mask off   look at that comes in like a premium box  packaging what's interesting about this place   is that they not only have burgers but they  also have these bento box where you can get   steaks or like hamburg which is  pretty awesome oh that smells so good look at that bacon egg burger  and it is premium vlog you   a5 i'm just looking inside you can have like  this toasty sesame bun see the egg right there   the bacon you have a super nice  vlog you like a bite of this oh that's so good i gotta take a second bite that  has prim written all over it you have the wagyu   a5 hamburger that's so tender and then when you  take that first bite you notice that the bun   itself is lightly toasted so it has like a crispy  texture to it bacon itself is tender it's not   like super super crispy like it's really really  meaty you can see the barbecue sauce coming out   the back they're kind of like special mayonnaise  onions and relish pairs so well with a crispy bun   when you order it it takes about 10 to 15  minutes because they make it on the spot it is   ultra fresh and what's also interesting  about this place is depending on the day   they have wagyu shipped from different places  all throughout japan so this next spot is a   new addition to daikanyama and it's literally my  favorite sushi spot in this area let me take you   now number three maguro and delhi karohachi just  opened this last september karohachi is a takeout   fish shop that offers high quality and ultra fresh  fish sushi hot deli and bento boxes at reasonable   tokyo prices here you can even mix and match to  make your own sashimi platter personally i love   how you can get sashimi to order but today i  wanted to share with you one of my favorites   alright so we are taking street food to the next  level sushi street food but you all know how   it is for the life of me i can never pronounce  this milfue milfie but check it out anyway that   is some layered tuna you have the otoro and  naokami so you have like the super super   fatty tuna and then just the less fatty tuna  and it's just layered in this little sushi   roll oh let me just take a bite out  of this got some soy sauce on there just melts in your mouth that is some buttery tuna  i would just eat this today i would be completely   satisfied but since the show must go  on let me take you to the next spot number four hachiya from the outside hajiya  looks like a chic japanese restaurant but   hidden behind the stylish doors is a fantastic  t-stand that offers a new way to enjoy   japanese tea after you order the shop prepares  the tea one by one with delicate care just look   at how gently the staff whisks the tea i  can't wait but i need to wait i can't wait   okay i'm gonna wait so i got the hojicha  affogato soft syrup you can smell the hojicha wow i love when you take that bite you get all  of that hojita it goes kind of through your   senses and it just kind of like cleanses you  what i love about hojicha it has kind of like   this burnt tea taste but it's not bitter almost  like a sweetness to it and since it's affogato   they've made the hojicha super thick kind of  like espresso when they pour it on you get a   really really concentrated version of the hojicha  oh and michael usually orders their latte this is   essentia latte with a creamy milk foam poured  on top this place is truly unique and one of a   kind so if you love matcha if you love green tea  and you love hojicha come to this spot before we   continue on i want to give a quick shout out  to our sponsor for this video squarespace if   you guys don't already know squarespace is  my go-to for building my online presence if   you've ever seen my tokyo zebra website then  you know it's been built with squarespace   squarespace has uniquely awesome templates making  it easy to start and better yet they have some   pretty awesome tools to help you along the way  for example they have portfolios and galleries   to display all of your projects and squarespace  has powerful blogging tools to tell your story   show your updates photos and videos  and if you're an analytics nerd like me   you can see how your visits unique  visitors and page views trend over time   helping you to build a better website as you  go so go to squarespace.com today for your free   trial and when you're ready to check out go to  squarespace.com forward slash paulo from tokyo   and get 10 off your first domain or website and  with that let's continue on this hidden food tour number five spring valley brewery what time is  it beer o'clock so hidden away just a few minutes   from daikon yama station is a full-on japanese  brewery serving craft beer brewed on site yeah   in the middle of tokyo so svb is located  just inside of log road where you can enjoy   an assortment of craft beers and pair it with  food directly sourced from farms and producers   alright so we're here in spring valley  brewery he has an actual brewery here in   daikanyama there's not a lot of stations that  have breweries so i definitely had to take you   to this spot and you can see that i have a full  flight of beers here to sample they have just   so many beers on tap and this you can actually  sample all the different ones they have 496   copeland after dark on the cloud daydream and  jazzberry just to start this is pretty awesome   right and it's actually quite affordable it's only  1300 yen it's not the biggest beer in the world   it's just like here is the beer and here is  my iphone actually one of the ones that i   really like is the jasberry it's almost kind of  like a wine cooler it has that very taste to it wow that's interesting so  this daydream has hints of   sancho and yuzu it's really really interesting  so if any of you ever do come here and try this   flight tag me on instagram and let  me know which one is your favorite number six grand premium gram is a souffle pancake  shop inside of the address building and today   we're going with a treasured treat their take out  pancake style cream sandwich look how fluffy these   pancakes are oh i got them fluffy puffy hillary  duffy cakes so this spot is hidden in the address   you might have seen this one already on my  uber eats video i did let me just take a bite that is so creamy and delicious the first thing  is when you take a bite in this you can feel just   how soft the bread is it's just a perfect texture  nice and soft fluffy but has a nice density to it   it definitely does taste like a pancake in  fact i can probably eat two or three of these so this one is for my organic and vegan viewers  let's go inside and let me show you number seven   hatana daikanyama hatena is a vegan organic cafe  but with a twist that even puts a smile on my meat   eating face their shop is popular for organic junk  food yeah you heard me but it's organic and vegan   so it must be good for you right so this is your  organic and vegan surprise for this video this is   tatsage supposed to be fried chicken but it's  actually using some soy meat but in fact that's   the only thing that's not organic in here  but everything else is organic and vegan   it has the donut top to it nice and fried  let me just try to kill this right now   for a vegan creation that's not bad first of  all the tatsu again itself is pretty nice and   crispy definitely is not chicken but it almost  tastes like chicken look at that you can almost   see like the little striations in the meat  it's heavily doused in like a teriyaki sauce   this white sauce right here it's kind of like  a like a sourness to it pretty simple but done   pretty well and it's all vegan um i think  the winner is the bun here like the donut   bun is really really nice one thing about  this shop is that they not only have fast   food but they also have kind of like a lot  of desserts so you can get not only kind of   like a tatsuya or teriyaki chicken or something  like that you can get some sweets here as well   now that we have our organic and vegan  fix let's move on to the next spot and number eight surprise nippon this modern style   onigiri sandwich shop is  produced by a food designer it even uses a special machine to create the  better bryce used to craft the sandwich-like   sushi rolls at the shop known to many japanese  as onigirazu but the shop calls them omusando   i am so excited for this one surprise  surprise i've got a big piece of meat from   surprise these are thick pieces of beef katsu look  at that you can see it's still a little bit rare   on the inside but crispy on the outside they fried  it right when i ordered it they're using ishigaki   beef and this is like this right here is beef  cuts but let me just take a bite real quick   wow this sings to my inner soul that is literally  so beautiful oh it's nice and tender and look   at that you have the seaweed wrapping everything  around with rice so you got two pieces of   ishigaki beef katsu and you have their tonkatsu  sauce in here which is a little bit sweet but like   the winner winner right now is this beef just  a little bit you can still see the meat juices   coming from it oh that's beautiful i love the  crunchiness also of the lettuce you know the   shredded lettuce in there it gives it a nice  texture i love just the fact that the red meat   itself in here the center of the meat it's not  too oily which makes it just a pleasure to eat   and what i love about it the most is that it's  cooked perfectly you don't get it too uncooked you   don't get it like overcooked it's just prepared  how it should be nice and crispy on the outside   in a center juicy inside this place also has  some other healthier options like this one   is just straight like the kimchi namuru basically  you have all of like the pickled vegetables you   have like a spicy kimchi in here and it's just  right on top of an egg on the leaf it's very   similar to shisha and look it doesn't it's leaking  right now you can see it's a dripping of all of   that kimchi juice all right so that concludes a  video of my hidden spots here in daikanyama if   you like this video help me out and hit that like  button a quick shout out to newton thank you for   helping me film this one and finally if you want  to see more food tours japan related videos or   daily life videos hit that subscribe button and  above and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 657,791
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Keywords: Paolo, Japan, Japan guide, Japan travel, tokyo, tokyo guide, tokyo travel, japan food tour, tokyo food tour, tokyo street food, japan street food, japan street food tour, tokyo street food tour, daikanyama, daikanyama tokyo, daikanyama street food, tokyo food guide, daikanyama guide, what to do in daikanyama, shibuya, shibuya guide, food, street food, food tour, daikanyama food tour, hidden food tour, hidden street food, hidden gems, hidden gems tokyo, secret spots tokyo
Id: LJnuyjpZiwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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