WR Speedrunner Reacts to "I Attempted a Speedrun (and got a world record)" by Jaiden Animations

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what's up everybody i'm yo bgs speedrunner with a little more than 200 games that i've speed run in my few years of being a runner i've got several world records a lot of them in really junky type games but uh i'm doing something a little bit different today because jaiden animations a channel you probably know for her phenomenal just different animations on different subjects did a video called i attempted my first speed run and got my first world record now i found jaden's channel back when she did her first pokemon nuzlocke and it made me fall in love again with nuzlocke like i felt so good watching her animated journey of this first adventure with you know ari and onion and the whole crew so i wanted to react to her first speed run because if it does anything for the speed running community and making people love speed running the way that it made me love nuzlocks again this is going to be something phenomenal to behold and i'm sure it will be so without any further ado this is jaden animations i attempted my first speed run and got my first world record well first things first i obviously love the art style it's it's jaden's stuff it's amazing but i love that she's starting holding a vhs tape because back in the day speedrunners would actually record like their n64 onto a vhs tape mail the vhs tape to somebody who actually could get it you know transferred onto the internet so it's a cool like way to start things out although i'm pr i'm pretty sure that's not where she's going with this i think we all know the gist of what a speedrun is play game fast but there's so much more that goes into it than what's on the surface people spend hundreds of hours practicing games finding optimal routes discovering the most precise glitches that can save from minutes to just a few frames but that's what makes speedrunning great though is you can build on the knowledge that they have and pick up one of their guides and all of a sudden i mean like that you can speed run a game there's very few barriers to entry even though i know a lot of people tend to get nervous about them when they're first getting started out which if you don't know is basically risking your entire run just for a few milliseconds of time save i've come to yeah so when you saw frame perfect jump there that means you have 1 60th of a second to do that it's the mind-boggling like best of the best when it comes to speedrunning i love speedruns watching them at least something about them is really cool to me and i think that community is really cool it's all cool i've been lurking and watching various speedrunners for a decent amount of time and i decided that i wanted to do a speed run now i don't really have the time to set aside hundreds of hours i don't you can't let that bother you when it comes to getting into speed running you see this a lot right where people you know say they don't have the time to compete with someone who's put 20 000 hours into mario one you don't have to compete with the people who have put the amount of time in to be the top of the world record like play a game yourself set your time and then see if you can beat it i think everyone worries about being the best of the best when it comes to speed running just go for it right like getting a timer is a very easy thing to do set your own time race against yourself you don't even need to capture it like you can just do it for fun but yeah try not to well but then again someone like jaden's probably got a lot on our plate but yeah try not to let something like time get in the way of at least doing one for fun hone my skill on whatever game i want so i decided i had to do a blind speed run where i just play it for the first time and try my best i spend a few days racking my brain on what game i'd like to run i like pokemon maybe i no don't don't start with pokemon especially not oh my goodness that there's like novels written about pokemon speedrunning but the other thing i wanted to say is jayden mentioned spending a few days figuring out what to run that seems to be one of the biggest questions runners have when they first start out is what do i want to run what's a game you grew up on right what's a game that you played you know dozens of times that you're never going to get sick of if you play it over and over and over again that's the game that you should speed run something that you're going to have fun with that hopefully you're not gonna get too mad at but that tends to be an issue a little bit later could run a pokemon game uh but that's a lot of researching right memorizing and luck i could try a mario game it's a popular category but i don't know if it's for me then it hit me the perfect game of course why hadn't i thought of it sooner i ran to speedrun.com to check if anyone has run it yet no one love it i love the fact that she picked a game that nobody has run before although it's gonna be harder because like i said earlier you don't really have those guides to kind of help you along but it's gonna be awesome because when jaden finishes i mean like her title says it's going to be a world record and this is coming from someone who i love picking games that nobody's run and trying to get the community like started for them so i can't wait to see what she's come up with none i'm gonna be the first person in the world to speed run cooking mama 2 dinner with friends um first of all cooking mama doesn't have any runs i mean i'm sure by the time i put this video out there i'll probably be tons of runs for it but i'm kind of surprised the ds game i thought you know would have some people who've played it at least for fun but uh i guess not so that's kind of all right well there you go jane's world record cooking mama 2 let's see it that i know of why did i choose cooking mama because dude cooking mama is awesome if you haven't played it's a ds game where you follow steps to make food and impress mama the better you do the better score you get plus i'm at an advantage when it comes to preparing food i've seen food wars i know all the techniques okay first of all if she's got the food war strats going with the cooking mama strats yeah undefeatable right there second of all if you have not seen it food wars is an amazing anime uh it's on hulu i think at least the the tub is i highly recommend it since secrets if you're under 18 don't look it up why did i choose the second game and not the original that's the one i bought duh i used to play cooking mama all the time as a kid with my friend kate i always thought mama's english was really funny good reason as any i still love it we even had this system where if we kept failing at a recipe we'd have to change chairs because that one had bad luck obviously i don't have that luxury this time because i have to stay by the computer so i'll have to come up with a better strategy so this is something else that happens when people first start speed running they feel like they have to record their very first run or they have to stream it on twitch or something like that and that can lead to a lot of pressure i mean look like jayden's sweating here so it you know it's one thing when you're sitting on a couch playing your favorite game it's another entirely when it's like official which is why you know again to take the pressure off don't worry about it being like quote unquote official even if you got a timer running although i'm sure the the nerves will get going there but again it's all about getting that first run done and then kind of building off of that if you have the time if not you do the one run you submit it to speedrun.com you're good to go also extra movements lose time i need to be efficient here anyway oh i see uh jaden dropping a little bit more serious speeder on knowledge than than i do there but yes extra movement does slow you down i guess that is technically correct wait i wanted to have some sort of challenge so i decided to add some rules to my run that's fairly odd fully complete the main game mode cook with mama two i have to receive a gold medal in every single recipe that means i can't make a mistake ever can't burn a single onion can't accidentally pour the rice into the sink can't smack my hand while pounding mochi if i do the whole recipe needs to be redone three so wait that's like i mean assuming that's the 100 category i can't imagine there's much else you would get so she's starting her very first run with a hundo of a game that nobody has run before buy a please accept all the likes and all the views this is going to get because that's incredible that's it do it fast i guess the first recipe is pizza and i was off to a pretty good start obviously it's a speed run so i didn't have time to read the little description on what to do each step but for the most part i was able to use my massive iq and big strong brain to decode the objectives in split seconds except in the last step where i didn't know how to work the oven and failed immediately again off to a great start after deciphering how the oven worked i was moving on quickly maybe someone in her community can let me know um is the timer running now and again i'm not trying to take away from the run because it's it's awesome and i love the animations but like normally when you're watching a traditional speedrun you can see like the timer somewhere so i would have at least again jaden clearly a better speedrunner than i am certainly a better blind speedrunner i would have played a couple levels just to re-familiarize myself with like the mechanics if the timer's going now that's free time save in the future right i mean you already know how to play the second time you do it so you're not gonna the the seconds off like that butter poke the peanuts done oops recover adapt overcome done sea bream carpaccio exfoliate the fish chopping restart choose smaller knife easy peasy corn soup ew balled the corn boil strain oh come on not all the corn came out all right admittedly i was making a lot of mistakes at the beginning i was nervous because it was my first speed run and i didn't know what i had to do most of the time and was generally panicking but then i remembered that no cooking mama two speed runs exist yet there you go and even if there were five million cooking mama speed runs you're only playing against yourself like jane has already taken the hardest step and that is to say you want to speed run a game and then start the run i feel like 99 percent of people who try like don't even get that far so if you're here you can persevere you can push your way through so i love i love the perseverance and again all the mistakes that she made if she attempts this run again free time save because you already know what not to do which is almost as important as knowing what to do so that means i'm on world record pace that made me feel better one mechanic i had to learn the hard way was when it comes to the oven choose the low heat the first attempt i decided to go with the medium heat to go a little bit faster and look at this oh no what was that that was a speed run in itself burn the apple pie as quick as possible you know how there's separate categories and speed runs mario odyssey has the one where you take mario's shirt off as fast as possible called nipple percent i want one for cooking mama too called burnt apple pie percent where you just burn the apple pie as quickly as possible so there is like an its own let's go call it an industry but there is its own like section of the speedrunning world that's just dedicated to meme speed runs burn the pi percent i could see that getting a lot of traction i'm hoping jaden gets to run burn the pie percent at agdq 2022 i think that would be amazing anyway i redid the pie and it's moving on perfect ill rice bowl we're about an hour in at this point i had my friends in a discord call so they can help me take notes so i didn't have to re-watch all the footage again for the script and they decided to look up how many recipes there actually were in the game i didn't know because i wanted to go in completely blind and you know what they discovered there are a total of 80 recipes in this game an hour in i was on recipe eight yep which would be impressive in real life but not here so either we were gonna pull up it's still impressive though because what jaden has done here is created a cooking mama speedrunning community just out of the desire to complete one run and again jaden much better than i would be i would just be like oh uh 10 recipe percent and then call it there but to hundo this entire thing jayden is more a speedrunner than she's letting on a cooking mama all nighter or i had to start picking up the pace sorry shrimp this is gonna get violent it wasn't perfect and i was still making some mistakes but i started getting into the zone it helped that i was starting to get familiar with the mechanics and actually know what the game wanted me to do for most of the steps now waffles chili dog meatloaf lobster i was one shot in all of them i even put two mama flags on the lobster which was a bit risky but you know me i live for the danger i almost i almost forgot to put the lobster let me pause and tell you a story of my childhood i already mentioned my love for cooking mama as a kid even 12 years ago i set myself the goal of getting gold in all the recipes but one haunting memory i have wait a minute so technically this run has been going on for 12 years at this point or something that she never completed as a kid that now she's going to complete as a speed run this this is big time this game was my struggle against the mama rice cracker all the steps are relatively simple but at the end you have to stamp all 18 crackers with a mama stamp that's what makes the mama rice cracker the mama rice cracker but as a kid my ds was old and i dropped it a few times which messed up i love the bastardia screen in a way i couldn't fix so that meant at the very end of the recipe it was extremely hard for me to stamp the stamp in the exact spot again jaden sounding like a speedrunner here the fact that her ds was broken is the cause of the problem i can't tell you how many times speedrunners have said my controller's broken the game's broken my system's broken and and it's anything under the sun other than not being able to pull it off now in her case it sounds like it's a legitimate reason but again that's very much a speed runner thing that you'll hear not that mama wanted i spent weeks i'm not joking trying to get the gold on the mama rice cracker it was the last one i needed and i couldn't do it i just couldn't i'm pretty sure i was eventually able to pass but let's just say i didn't for the sake of drama either way i was having ptsd i was going through all the steps washing the rice putting the rice in the little hole pressure energy pounding the rice scoop and then it appeared the screen that caused the most pain a video game could to a 10 year old i was slowly making my way down the line everything was going well and then all of a sudden on the 10th cracker i accidentally tapped the screen when i was lining up my pen causing me to not brand the cracker enough i'm not one table it's amazing because in this run in particular it's something i would not be good at like you have to have a steady hand it looks like to get all of those pushed down and when you take into account that there's like 10 of them i think she said you you know in your own world record pace she is you you have to be hitting everything exactly right you get a little nervous you get that little bit of a twitch in your hand and all of a sudden that's what happens and your run is just straight out the window so this cooking mama may be some serious uh speed game action here believe in spiritualism or star signs or destiny's child whatever that stuff is but that moment in particular made me question if it was all real and my only fate is to eternally fail the last step of the mama rice cracker recipe until i inevitably die in an unaccomplished old man that makes ugly rice crackers i did it right the next time but that there you go well you know in most runs i didn't mean to cut her off mid-sentence but most runs have their run gates like the things that are super high pressure because you personally get bad luck in them every time and that's where you throw your runs away like 90 percent of the time you just get madder and madder at it and for some reason it never works out until like you saw there just next time you got it you just have to keep trying it would have been unfortunate right with the mama rice cracker conquered now nothing was in my way and i was making my way through i love those 37 minute mark 27 recipes in uh ari got out of his cage and was running around the room so i had to spend precious time getting him back wait a minute because she names the yeah she named the bird in um the nuzlocke ari it makes sense see it's all there's there's these connecting lines i love this but that's it's unrelated to the speeder and although i will say this is free time save next time so you got to go to the bathroom in the middle of a run you don't do that next time you're good to go it's a free time save control that was a loss of two minutes right there then i miss slice the ravioli so i'm blaming all that misfortune on ari i actually struggled a lot on the ravioli recipe the pasta is really hard to cut because you have to time the splice with the line but since i was so focused on when to cut a lot of the time i would deviate from the actual line to cut from and mess up then when i was able to get past that stage it's for some reason the mic had trouble hearing me legit even though i was doing what i was supposed to i'd fail anyway no i do you hear it overall i had to redo the ravioli recipe six times and i spent 11 minutes on it not great sorry but after that i was able to one shot both the cake and the spring rolls and can we talk about how the ice cream recipe literally just makes you scoop out store-bought ice cream and put sprinkles on it free let's go that's been my favorite recipe so far skipping forward a bit let's talk about the mango pudding this was ravioli part two the first step i had trouble with was memorizing the order of the all right my maturity test for the day failed i just saw the that ribbon caught me off guard but it's this quality ingredients it's a six part simon says memory game and my big smooth brain can only handle one number at a time before the concept of object permanence leaves my body i inevitably got a lucky pattern that was easy to remember and after a few more steps in the end i had that's one of those things where speedrunners will come up with all of the possible patterns it can give you and know exactly from like the first ingredient what the pattern is and it's just this is amazing because it's before a run gets optimized completely out the window so like everything jaden does in subsequent runs or you know you if you decide to speed around the game it all knocks it down a little bit more in every discovery that leads up to where like a mario is now that's so much of the fun of speedrunning and it's so nice to see her at the beginning like slowly starting to to work her way through that because you don't get to see this a lot of the time you get the the finished product 10 years down the road you don't get the first attempt at a run at a game although i don't know what's going on with the pudding we need to find out what's going on here to draw a line at a specific speed that would remove the pudding cleanly too slow and it wouldn't come out too fast and it just for the life of me i couldn't get the pacing right three consecutive times in a row and with the combined difficulty of that along with the memorizing i spent another 10 minutes trying to get it right and still failing my confidence was shattered and i had to take a mental health break i'll be back for you mango pudding i'll come back stronger and i'll cook you so well i'll become the mama i was in shambles from the pudding but was able to move on and started getting back into a rhythm all these foods i was knocking them out one by one i will note that i struggled with popcorn because i thought there was going to be some sort of indicator or something on when to open the lid still new mechanics coming in there until i realized they burnt it all oh wait so i was like oh okay i'll open it when i hear the popping sounds that is something else though that you see in speed runs about the um i keep wanting to call it a flan it's a little the pudding there's something to that in speed runs where a lot of times you'll see a runner that said when my runs dead i can't complete the run now because i screwed something up and then the next just the next several splits one after another because the pressure's off all right well now i got to worry about the flan i don't need to worry about anything else and if you see jayden like jaden's just knocking stuff out left and right it's safe but it's a very again it's so many these very real things that you see in speed running that nobody talks about they're being addressed with with cooking mama who would have thought and then i opened it with like five popcorns but it's okay i was able to figure it out overall the rest of the run went on without any maybe open your eyes i was able to finish up the rest of the recipes and at the six hour 38 minute mark i only had two recipes left the bento box and of course the mango pudding time is ticking done we're in the end game now also my discord friends were ready to never talk to me again i thought i could just get the bento box over with quickly she's exhausted the cooking mama community and it's only been a few hours but i mean i think that they're gonna want to try this run now and and they're tired because they know that it's the home stretch the celebration is going to all be worth it if she can get that pudding because it's like you just put food in box right well actually i didn't realize i had to include food from all the categories mama gave me or something so i failed it like three times and was on the brink of insanity trying to figure out what mama wanted from me the food is in the box mama what what's what's what food and box what else do you need blood a blood sacrifice it didn't say anywhere in the instructions that i should have put more variety in there not that i was reading the instructions anyway i still right now don't know what mama wanted but at least i finally got the gold after four minutes that meant i only had one last recipe 79 were completed the mango pudding was the only thing standing between me and the first cooking mama to dinner with friends worldwide which is awesome because she's gonna get the world record if she makes it but saving the very hardest thing for you to do until very last is a little bit scary because now in a future run if that's the last thing she does in the next run that pressure is going to be building that that's sitting there you know and you start to fail it like once or twice and it starts to get in your head a little bit that's why in games that have level selects which i i'm guessing in cooking mom you have to unlock them as you go but in games that have level selects you'll see runners take the hardest levels first that way you know okay i'm going to reset there because i mess it up all the time and but once you get through that it's like okay we might be on the run but you know again who am i to criticize jaden jaden is on the run right now this is world record pace will she get the the flan pudding record i clicked it nervously but i climbed my mountain i trained with mama and i've come back a new chef peeling slicing blending i was quicker than ever there was the memorizing i was doing well until no i restarted i was sweaty and shaking my brain was shutting down my eyes had only been seen mama for the past 6 hours and 45 minutes every breath was cooking mama every neuron in my skull was cooking mama every atom in the universe at that moment was cooking mama it feels good though doesn't it every atom in the universe is cooking mom and when those atoms all align and you finally finish your very first speed run but you got to get that you got to get the pudding done first that's the prize see that's what happens and in a game like this where she mentioned earlier like the last challenge is drawing a line not only in the right direction with the right timing i that's amazing but my next attempt oh my god oh jesus is this the one i nervously went through the rest of the recipe until i arrived at the last step it's been about 3 hours and 15 minutes since i practiced removing the pudding from the mold and to be honest i don't remember the removal strats first one second one let's go i got all the puddings out flawlessly i waited until the results to confirm it boom 100 points on the mango pudding stop the timer i did it at long last all lady recipes in cooking mama 2 gold in 6 hours 47 minutes and 27 seconds let's go that is i cannot tell you how amazing of an accomplishment that is and that's coming from again i've got like 200 speed runs most of them aren't that long i think i've i did like final fantasy vi and i did earthbound i've never submitted them because i didn't like my times but they're that long and let me tell you something and you get an hour into a game you're already wanting to do something else when it's a forest sphere like two hours in three but six hours and 47 minutes of just like i don't even know what to say other than like learning adapting overcoming and for all of that it is a world record time but here's my question because this is all for the animated is it recorded like is it in a form that can be submitted to speedrun.com there might be some room for improvement there overall i had a really fun time with the speedrun it's not even close to a good run and the time can easily be had but i still pride myself in knowing i was the first one to complete and document the cooking mama to all gold percent and also burnt apple pie percent if there's any speed runners out there it's a multi-world record run that's that's so big brain like that is and not to mention that's probably any percent world right it's like five world records right now that is huge for wanting to try and take my crown uh i'll share some speed strats i thought of during the run if you complete the steps too quickly you get a bonus and at the end of the recipe if you get five bonuses gifts that you can't reject or skip which loses a lot of time you see that in sonic a lot they actually to change the timing convention for sonic because otherwise people would have to go slow in order to go fast but avoiding the bonus game that's just that's smart you're smothering me mama so if you can get no bonuses within the entire game you'd be saving a lot of time another tip is if you're gonna mess up the recipe uh don't mess up the last step because if you do you have to wait through mama giving you your score and clapping for you no yeah it's almost perfect and the whole time you're like yes mama i know it's not perfect i dropped an egg and then she gives you like three presents in a row because you got too many bonuses and you're just screeching at her to shut up the whole time i didn't just dude you'd be pulling your ds out of the drywall because you're just sitting there like finding out you did good maybe you could do a little bit it's like i know oh no yeah you'd need like a you would need a non-breakable cover for the ds if i was going to pick that up cover any glitches that would save time unfortunately uh i don't know what a cooking mama glitch would look like but it doesn't sound pleasant but it doesn't matter because as of this moment right here i'm the one with the cooking mama 2 dinner with friends world record guess i finally did something with my life after all oh no thanks for watching my first attempt at a speed run i think in hindsight i should have chosen a game that could have been done in a few less hours because i feel like i aged 20 years after this but eh you live and learn i wanted to submit my run to speedrun.com but since no one has run the game yet i need to submit a request to add cooking mama to dinner with friends but i only made my account last night and to make a request i need to have had my account for seven days so i'll submit it in seven days but it's not gonna be interesting i didn't record my audio with it it's just six hours of cooking mama gameplay also we're working to drop some new merch in the shop really soon i don't know if it's on the site yet but it's okay so she did record her time which is huge because that's what you're gonna need to do although it's kind of interesting give me a sec i'll explain why so here's something that's worth noting because technically since jaden is the one submitting the game to speedrun.com jaden becomes the one that will be the moderator for the game so if you submit a run in theory jaden would have to be the one to moderate it unless she finds some other people to take over as mods but that's another really fun part and quite frankly an underrated part of like the speedrunning community i think is when you become a mod for a game and you start to see the community evolve like i started i put jungle book on genesis on speedrun.com because it wasn't up there and it's built this whole community now that's been amazing i haven't run it since because now it's being played by people way better than i am but that was just such an amazing video that like so concisely explained what speed running is the joy of running your first game like everything you get out of it all those emotions of can i do this you know i've gone to all the trouble to start this run am i gonna finish this run and do i care about finishing this run because i've messed up so many things to this point and then the joy of finally finishing a game and jaden was smart jaden found a game where she got the world record just by finishing the run which i think is something you want to do because then again zero runners is a free world record and i can't wait to see the cooking mama 2 community blow up in the near future hopefully they use the oven on low not on extra high but thanks for checking this out i just wanted to kind of react to this because i love seeing content that gets more people into speed running it's something that i've been trying to do a bit on this channel as well and then jaden comes by and does it 80 bajillion times better than i ever could so again thanks for checking out this video i really appreciate it i'm sorry if there are some weird edits from when the ads were in the video but i wanted to support jayden i didn't want to skip the ads or do anything like that so you know i had to kind of find a way to edit that in a little bit later on you can check out some of my other content if you like it i'm gonna have another video actually coming out on tuesday about the 16 game sega genesis speedrun tournament it's gonna be really cool but until then i will catch you for the salty run back have a good day that was an amazing video
Channel: YoBGS
Views: 826,751
Rating: 4.8851457 out of 5
Keywords: speedrun, speedrunning, jaiden animations, world record, speedrun reaction, jaiden animations reaction, world record speedrun, nintendo speedrun, speedrunning video, speedrun 2020, funny speedrun, animated speedrun, how to speedrun, 1st speedrun, new speedrun, meme speedrun, speedrun tutorials, yobgs, let's play, let's speedrun, nintendo ds, speedrun guide, cooking mama speedrun, cooking mama 2, speedrunner reacts, speedruns, The Best Pokemon Game You Never Played
Id: 7xnunOhbCiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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