Japanese Idol Girls Ruined by Marmite & Liqourice

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RustedBlade7 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
i don't really do collaborations i've never had time for such frivolous activities particularly as i'm off uh busy making the world a much better place but this year i've been looking at ways of boosting this channel's appeal to the japanese demographic which means i've actually got to put some effort in and do something so recently when i was contacted by members from a japanese idol group asking to take part in some kind of challenge with a foreign competitor i thought good fortune had come my way members from an idol group called kisby who nicknamed themselves the samurai girls wanted to battle me and my japanese friend with a british accent in some kind of traditional japanese game and what follows is probably the closest experience i've had to being on a japanese style tv show the samurai girls saw it as an opportunity to have some fun i on the other hand saw it as an opportunity to destroy them with [Music] marmite we agreed to meet the girls an hour south of sendai in an old mansion called saidiashki with a kind of creepy atmosphere that seemed like a pretty fitting backdrop for our competition so this is where we're going to meet the idol group do you ever think do you ever think this is quite weird the whole youtube thing the situation is going to arrive i'm still trying to get my head around it myself but i'll roll with it let's go let's go and see what happens so what actually is this place so this is like a merchant's place and that's been like i don't know it's like 100 years old it does look pretty um you were eight you're ready ass i'm not a lazy ass either come inside get tanned all right is it a good idea you have no idea how long this took to put on i've never worn a sambari costume before the only bonus that comes with it is a real careful bloody hell it's a real like a real sword like that could actually kill people someone oh my god all right all right so we're just we're just gonna okay i'll just do whatever it is this is shaping up to be a rather weird monday looking like this yeah definitely not awkward sorry girls in front of us good the game we'd be playing is called karuta an expression or proverb is read out and the aim is to find the card containing the first syllable of the sentence in hiragana characters we'd be playing five rounds with the winning team of each round being the first to get three cards on their side and to raise the stakes one person from the losing team would have to forfeit each round with an unpleasant food item on our side we'd brought black licorice marmite and root beer things that don't go down well with japanese taste buds and on the girls side they've brought grasshoppers actual grasshoppers and a horrific slimy dish called natto the dish which makes me sick straight away when it goes anywhere near my mouth it is quite honestly the worst food ever made by humans we're going to kick your ass and i'm going to poison you with marmite so good luck with that all right let's get let's get it you're japanese you're supposed to read things quickly all right [Music] that is a dangerous amount of marmot [Music] you could probably die of like soul poisoning but it would be a great video how do you describe your feelings in three words just swallow it i don't want to win look if this is the sort of thing that keeps happening if ever there was an incentive to win the next round it's that all right god come on [Music] grass oh [Music] no no oh horrible why it's the worst texture ever no no no no no no no no right there my mama is still in my mouth that was made for consumption this was an insect no it wasn't it's a food as well no it's not how it's a grasshopper oh god it's not gonna we're not gonna be able to play because i'm just gonna be sick all over the cards you're like we have to win we have to win three times three times okay this time all right [Applause] first time and i'm expecting second time too okay what about right revenge is a dish best served with marmite you are going to have your mouth all right good luck with that yeah your smirking face won't be smoking too much longer one bite [Music] delicious revenge is so it's just so rewarding seeing that happening generally going to be sick hey okay [Music] i thought it was there it was right there what oh [Music] it's time for licorice and you're the only one who hasn't had some sort of delicious snack so do you want jesus people enjoy this [Music] i'm not sure who's come up with us to be honest all right okay all right everybody's pretty motivated [Music] oh you it was your fault i got one you got yes nothing how old are you you can't even look you can do it oh come on i can't put that in my mouth i cannot put that in my mouth oh i can't eat that three you look like three two ruby ah marmite natto insects all together oh so uh that was a game yeah it was good wasn't it that was those uh really fun fun great fun and i just i just love the fact that you actually finally got to get natto again [Music] no i didn't set you up you set me up no no no there was a decision it was their decision [Music] [Music] mud
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 1,348,754
Rating: 4.943604 out of 5
Keywords: idols, japan, japanese, marmite, react, food, idol group, marumori, miyagi
Id: 0IsVNhFDxhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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