Japanese Guy Broken by English Tongue Twisters

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Quillbolt_h 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to the voyage of pan cello I'm joined today by my good friend that ski oh it's been a long time there have you been yeah I believe you he lives he is that's a reassuring answer so I haven't seen that skin a while just because I've been traveling around Japan doing cycling and various projects and that ski seems to have a new dream every time I see neski yeah it has some new kind of dream and what's your dream now I want to be an actor you want to be an actor I can do it definitely yeah the first step to becoming an actor is of course learning how to do hi Gucci cultivar how to do tongue twisters oh if you could do tongue twisters in English I think you could do anything yeah massive town today I've come to now ski with five tongue twisters five English tongue twisters we're gonna see if he can master them in the next half hour let's try alright let's do it let's take the first step and your long journey to becoming actor so we got five tongue twisters right if you get if you can do them all if you can master all five tongue twisters I have here incredible present oh just to incentivize you a little bit got some surprise gifts here give to me yeah if you could do the five tongue twisters not yet but you will be after this course alright first tongue twister she sells seashells by the seashore oh yeah can you do it she sell she said she's shelled by the seeds show not quite but not bad so she sells seashells by the seashore by this rooster set ships of ships air shows she sells seashells to the back she's shoe shop she sells seashells by a seashell she sells seashells by the shoe shop that's good good almost there I'll come back to that one next one I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream oh I scream you scream we we all will we looked at her we all scream I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream very good rest all right next fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy fuzzy fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy wuzzy had no hair fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he caught definitely the story about bear cool fuzzy wuzzy has he was he was a beer a beer Monsieur she was a beer fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy wuzzy had a ha ha and her hair as he was ofwhat the faces was weak he was he was he wasn't fuzzy was he he has it happy wondering what the father has a he was he okay now all together house he was it was Bear huzi what the hair fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy water whoa well done oh good come in red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry let's ride let Rollie yellow lolly black rather than a lorry lorry lorry lorry lovely no nothing else yeah Laurie Laurie Laurie Laurie let's come back to that one um lovely Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter Peter Peter Peter Piper Piper Peter Piper get out Piper yeah Piper Peter pointer Peter Piper picked Pitts picked a Peter Peter Peter Piper picked ah Peter Piper pega de piel the pepper Peter Peter people it's one word at a time Peter Piper feed that Piper picked a peck pick it up pick pay for the pack be for the pit picked a peck pick that up good that people people can the pack pick with a peck not Picador picked picked up pick that pack free the by bar Peter Piper pick it up pick picked a panic picked a peck of pickled peppers I'll pick the pepper picker the backpack you got pickled peppers picture the big belly be big gonna pick of the paper pickled pickled a pickle pickle pickled peppers bigger pepper oh yes picture the pepper we got there all right now Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper bigger bigger pepper be the pepper Peter pointed what I thought this would be easy this is the whole list well Peter Piper Peter Piper picked a peck pick the Peck and peak of the pack oh okay cool peppers peppers pick the pepper Peter Piper breathe Piper picked a peck pick the peck of pickled peppers of because of peppers pickled peppers Peck Oh pickled pepper oh yeah a peck of pickled the cooked pickled peppers pickled peppers yes pick are the pepper perfect now altogether Peter Piper pick the pet pick the pick oh come on come on you can do it I believe in you Peter pick Peter Peter Piper Pizza be the piper picked a pepper a big pick the peck of pickled peppers yes all right now Oh from the top she sells seashells by the seashore she sells she sells seashells by the seashore I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream ice cream for scream you scream I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream good fuzzy wuzzy wasn't bad fuzzy wuzzy had no hair fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy woman fuzzy wuzzy was a bear Oh fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy was another but he was a father father father he as it was he was a bear fuzzy wuzzy had no hair fuzzy wuzzy was a fuzzy was hey today red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry Fresno forget it always little yellow naughty dense blowing yellow Ali left lane yeah that's my yellow alright alright yellow noise I'll let you have that one well done alright Lee Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers beaver by the people it bit beasts oh baby the bottle beach by the bigger back baby feed by the big big fish feed by the big good but Peter Piper pick Peck Oh pink pepper good now fast please buy a bigger bag we have a big paprika Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter because they're big but big paper amigo five five tongue twisters and here's your award you've completed your first your first step on your journey to becoming an actor Netsky well done actor step one complete costume yeah is your price enjoy incredible prize Wow then then premiums on one cups up here it's sucky in a cup quite cheap in there okay aku 200 yen that was face masks [Music] Chop Shop so when you're sick next time right you can have your face mask you can eat some cup noodle have a little bit of socket and then chop chop slowly for your sore throat pick of the pepper Chipper Jones well nasty you completed your first step in ku and the next step in a skis journey to becoming an actor will make a short film you know yeah nice actor about Peter Piper Japan a land of contrasts a land where ancient customs and rituals coincide with oh my god is that a bear with a melon for a head
Channel: Abroad in Japan
Views: 401,141
Rating: 4.9827385 out of 5
Keywords: learning english, japanese, tongue twisters, japan, english language, language learning
Id: HyP2Ro4Zq2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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