Japanese Extreme Noodle Challenge | Wanko Soba (Morioka)

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hello everybody greetings this is the great wonko soba challenge behind me is azumaya honten which is the main branch for this amazing soba shop now wonko soba is a food challenge it's a food challenge that anybody can do and it's one that you really don't have like a certain amount that you need to get to somebody told me if you don't eat 100 of these you're not a man but then he told me like um women can eat more so what happens if a woman eats one does she become a man so a lot of things that i don't understand so inside here we're going to be meeting with co cody who is a ramen professional a noodle lover and knows a lot about this as well as the shocho babasan is going to be explaining a little bit about this too now i don't know if i'm going to be able to eat 100 bowls this place is uh it's very historic even the building is so beautiful check this out uh the now this as azumaya honten started in the year 1904 so there's a lot of history here that's the meiji era and uh the the president of this company is now in a fifth generation of serving soba so we've been invited to eat inside this is morioka in iwate prefecture it's just about a two and a half hours from tokyo kind of far up north there's a shoten guy over there shopping street so if you do come this way you gotta have it again it's closed and it's open just for us welcome it's famous for having a load of cats look at this inside here a lot of cats and i saw a couple of alley cats but i kind of made them upset by meowing at them i think they're used to humans hey cha let's go upstairs to the second floor where we're gonna be starting our wonko soba challenge look at that oh it's a preview to come what look at all those bowls in the left and right there's no way i'm i'm supposed to be excited about this but i'm really really nervous i'm really really nervous you're invited to enjoy this with us are you nervous hoping to hit a hun the menu is right here take a look what we got here whoa so this is the one kosova challenge and um with the all you can eat noodles it comes with all of this more than just noodles yeah so you can meal so that you're not just constantly eating uh soda noodles helps you consume more noodles throughout all right so the price is sunsen sambiakuen mm-hmm yeah all right there seems also i guess they give us a little reception here wi-fi arimasu oh you must come for wi-fi all right we're gonna see if i can i can fix the uh fix the reception with the oh [Music] welcome back okay i think we're on to the wi-fi here hopefully the reception is a little bit better oh wow cody check this out in front of here we have sashimi and some uh seaweed nori explain fairy this is um japanese mushrooms with daikon radish this is pickles um japanese pickles chicken um minced chicken minced chicken this is the uh goma sesame seed and then this is the tuna sashimi name flavor changes signal better [Music] when we're finished close the top you hear [Music] so when you're done she said just close the top and that means game over that's like hitting the flag uh cody i'm not i'm not i'm not sure i'm ready for this i'm okay i i don't want to be too confident though i'm hoping to get the hundred but we'll see how it goes this is a lot of food that's not soba yeah actually this is more than i thought how am i gonna eat a hundred a hundred bowls of this with all the other stuff i didn't expect this jeff eng thank you brother it's nice to see welcome everybody uh this is called azumaya uh honten this shop has been here since 1904 which is the meiji era which is oh what there's no timer this is all you can eat you can stay here all day takes the pressure off yes hey [Music] good it's coming faster are you chewing are you chewing kind of i'm not chewing i'm just swallowing [Music] i [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign that's a lot that's a lot code are you feeling it yeah i don't know how to explain anything while i'm constantly eating how can i talk to people i can't talk to the people hey my is right my foreign [Music] [Music] hi gumbo hey oh my god it's like groundhog's day hey didn't i eat this it just came again hey cody i'm storing them like hamsters in the sides one cody are you hung are you still empty cruel punishment i drooled on myself [Music] um um [Music] there's a load of ammunition it just doesn't end this is a tommy gun of soba i bought more what do i do ah cody what are you gonna do you're gonna give up cody huh look cody can't do it can you huh i'm 15 away speaking of how far away we are where is the restroom in case uh [Laughter] it's like right here the soba is right here [Music] hey [Music] thank you why not i'm five behind him i got 90. he's got a 97 [Music] oh my god i'm so full i've never been this full in my life hi dun once there was just gyoza it was really big i tried to eat it i only ate 35 65 of it and i hurled for like two days i'm not proud of it it happened go go go be a man be a man 200. oh no we're almost there you're almost there i feel like i'm there now [Laughter] i can't feel my stomach i'm sweating are you sweating i am sweating i'm sweating what saw some of this no no no no hey 101 you know you're gonna lose this is a marathon not a sprint with this with this last one i have destroyed ramen guy japan where's your pride man you're gonna let me beat you a man who runs around and if andoshi and screams like a girl so i'm not soba guy japan i'm ramen guy japan that's true it's a good point so just for ramen you could you would destroy me probably the soba is hitting me where oh man like dead center of my stomach hi this is just a habit now i can't stop because i don't know how i don't know how to stop oh no i asked i asked the shot joe said so it's all you can eat and people can eat a lot sometimes do you lose money and you go yeah sometimes they just lose money i think they're going to lose money on us huh no i don't think so no i think we have to cross well over 200 at least this is 107. that's like james bond with the one that's kind of cool no when is it going for you [Applause] [Music] where's the escape hatch i'm legitimately sweating after eating all that sugar um if you get to 500 likes i'll i'll eat more you have 10 seconds to get to 500 likes i'm serious five ten nine eight seven i'm serious six please don't do that five four three two one i didn't get it we didn't get it 497. you guys are so slow oh crap you don't have to drink the um dashi right yeah see you see you right right notice how slow things have gotten what's a good number to end on does it represent anything i don't think so i think it's just after you pass a hundred it's just a battle against yourself i'm fighting myself beast mode thank you may i have another hi thank you man i have another this was a big big mistake [Music] [Music] um bye wasabi we still have to eat more noodles after this what there's more what should i do it should i do it should i do it [Music] [Applause] way to finish strong i'm going to live to 121 years old i don't think that's the meaning of these no it doesn't work like that oh my gosh so this is babasan over there and he ate 222. and the record is and the record is 500 and not good 570. somebody i don't know human ate 570 of these somebody ate that who jose and it was a girl i'm not i'm not surprised all the japanese girl food fighters i'm not surprised either oh mama oh no no [Laughter] [Music] this looks really good it looks really good it does look good i could eat this the cream is made out of soda as well so this is oh come on so this counts as one right no it doesn't work like that i wish it did i wish it did ah one it's a nice refreshing way to finish off this meal i like this it's not battling with the soba war inside my gut right now because acidity i'll just kind of break down this a little bit cody i s i kid you not man the sobel was here all right and it's like like gagging and then gradually it goes down and then it starts filling up like a i did right i was i was getting there now i feel like i could eat more but i don't know you could eat more no you closed it it's yeah that's why i just didn't want to push myself i don't know why how i did that marty thank you marty santosh oh i finished it brother well kind of abe khalid i did 173 what could have done 200 yeah right that's it uh three two one two two tony congrats johns you are officially a man i'm finally a man my wife will respect me uh john measles mochi for dessert irvan irvin irvan i wish we could have i don't think it would fit man [Music] so the the gel on top is made from buckwheat as well oh we did a prize wait i didn't know about this i could have gone to 200. prizes really at 200 wall of fame you'll probably be very low on that wall of fame but i guess technically you'll be on it it's true it's true what would you like for your name um john man john [Music] a she did 100 but she couldn't get to 120 101 she said no cody not 120 122. do you see that number right there that represents that i'm a man plus 22 and i don't know what the other 22 means that's for you guys because it was awful awfully cool this is nice and we got a little black here check that out yeah so you never forget it how does she make with it this is a lot of fun now i don't know i don't know if this is for every i found a noodle this is like one of these dishes i'm gonna go to sleep wake up tomorrow and i'll find a noodle in my hair and my ear or something there's a lot of slurping going on this was quite the experience but uh i don't know if i would ever do this again are you serious yeah come on come on man no this is challenge one you're coming back here tomorrow i didn't tell you i'm not even gonna lie i i like i feel like i could eat a little bit more but i can't eat any more soba so you could eat more as long as it was like ice cream or yeah something yeah the soba oh no my mouth is just getting tired silver getting shoveled into my mouth cody it just kept coming yeah it doesn't stop look at this it just kept coming and she just doesn't stop and it's like this is like it's really fun but it's cruel i felt like dude hold on the piece was like so difficult to try and eat the other things that are on but that's what makes it fun that's what makes us a challenge there's a pace i think you need a beat you need like a taiko drummer right taiko taiko taiko right and you have to eat with the beets oh i'm thinking outside of the box here i think this is a pretty cool this is a pretty cool uh thing to do and this is in morioka this is um azuma honten this is a history going back for those that are joining us all the way back to 1904 which is the meiji era which is which is crazy right that's really going back there i wanna yeah i mean for if you're coming to visit morioka and you've come in to visit you ate i think um this is something that you have to kind of experience as like a cultural um phenomenon here in morioka yeah there's not too many places there are some places in tokyo have it but to get that authentic feel you got to have it at the at the source yeah i can feel the history in this building right yeah i mean this is such a kind of like one of those old school just japanese restaurants yeah i mean the sobo was fantastic but the sashimi was great the um the mountain yam the greater daikon um everything was just fantastic so it just made for a pretty complete meal yeah i can't even think anymore my all the blood is in my stomach i'm about to pass out but that would be i guess you had room for like sake or something right you could drink a beer yeah i could go for a beer really really you know what i could go for it ah we actually this is the third meal just before this we actually went into a uh raymen shop and we watched them make the raymond and it was really interesting to see how different of a noodle that is you can check out that live stream um i'll put a link in the description there but i want to give a shout out to my friends at japan rail east jr east welcome rail pass here it is one more time boom we came here on this path to eat so therefore we are here that's all i have to say about that we came on the shinkansen yeah sorry about that um so you can get this pass until the end of february definitely uh great pass to come and explore tohoku and just stretch your stomach the diet starts tomorrow no because we gotta eat more tomorrow cody there's more tomorrow yeah it's a it's a long week ahead of us yeah we just started this new noodle trip so there's a lot more uh where that came from um i'm gonna see here jennifer french is here thanks jennifer uh let's see if we can answer some questions here brenda brendanya bret brandania that was awesome it's here cody s your your twin over there you need therapy hey i used to therapy i can't even feel my stomach i think that's funny i'm not sure eugene holbert covert bebop jafang michael cesano irvin irvane tdstr um amanda amanda stevenson's here hey santosh lee devlin nash abroad stop nosh look this isn't karate kid okay this is a different kind of challenge one in which the stomach can do some um crane kicks or something right now i feel like this crane kicks internally right now in zatto 71 thanks for australia there you go folks um this is a pretty amazing challenge and i love the little bowls uh it just adds up really quickly and i did not think i would eat a hundred i seriously did not think i would get 100. i was hoping for a hundred and after i hit that hundred i lost our motivation to eat anymore yeah so i mean you're a ramen guy how does this compare like with other noodle challenges rob those are there are ramen challenges as well right but they're not quite as fun i think this is something you can only do with soba i think the thing about what makes us so unique is the fact that with soba um you know it's served a bit cold it's shocked in water so it stops the cooking process oh this this one yeah so if you don't um if you do it with ramen the ramen will get soggy in the soup but with soba you don't have that problem so you could just continuously keep eating and um yeah as the the owner graciously explained to us you know if you cook it in batches then um it's freshly served um right when it comes into your bowl so you know even though you're eating so much of it you're not eating any like stale noodles you're eating nice freshly cooked noodles so oh yeah yeah if you want to come in um have some great noodles you know i feel like just buy that jr pass come up here get the uh get up here to morioka and try this challenge yourself yeah i'm kind of happy to that i did this once in my life i i'll probably be back again i don't know if i can top this record but if whoever i'm eating with if they stop i will keep going cody i if you had eaten 150 i would have eaten 151 if you had eaten 252 i would have been 253. i just would have done that and because you stopped at 100 i went to 122. i don't even know why because because of our awesome audience that was watching and encouraging me with uh karate kid music in the background how dare you nosh all right folks um that that's that's all that i really have to do here uh we we finished our meal uh let me just show you this room one more time there's joining us ah oh my gosh i can't stand up i feel like i'm pregnant oh oh my oh my that is that's insane did we do that 500 bulls would have been this whole table whoever ate that table like zen booty show like there would be no space on the table 570 is the record oh mama oh i'm struggling food challenges they're not good when you're in your 40s no but forever young folks click that like button leave me a comment below if you have any questions about morioka about ramen about noodles anything you'd want to ask for cody you check out his uh instagram is really popular um ramen guy japan yeah check that out on instagram he's got some he'll have some pictures of this probably as well as me on instagram and uh big shout out to azuma honten for help letting us eat here and completely obliterate over 200 bowls of really good soba there you folks have a good day see you in the next live stream probably tomorrow morning i can't believe we ate all that yato ramen challenge do you know that one you know that one he knows that one oh no well i know this one and this one is in the books
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 88,023
Rating: 4.9090681 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, noodles, Soba, Ramen, Morioka, Tohoku, Food, Challenge, wanko soba, large, size, Azumaya, Japanese noodles, shop, restaurant, noodle challenge, AZUMAYA Honten そば処 東家 本店, 東家
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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