Japanese Reimen Noodles, it’s not Ramen! | Morioka

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hello everybody welcome we are about at pyeongpyonsha how you doing we are here in iwate prefecture this is morioka city this is a really famous yakiniku restaurant however they're famous for a noodle and today we're going to be introducing you to raymen raymond is not ramen it's raymond it's a completely different kind of noodle and i'm pretty excited to introduce introduce this to you a lot of people might never have heard of this room noodle before it's very famous here in iwate so we're going to go inside and to taste it and actually get a chance to go inside the kitchen and watch them make it let's try it i'm so excited about this live stream here all right i want to introduce you to cody cody is uh does it has an instagram called uh ramen guy japan right yep yeah i run an instagram and a youtube called ramen guy japan and i write about ramen and other types of noodles around japan awesome today we're going to be trying this i think we got here some raymond right yep so oh there it is right there oh wow so this is a completely different kind of noodles um it's not made with wheat and and uh it's made with a regular flour it's a korean style noodle um i think it originally is from north korea and it got brought over to japan probably about 50 60 years ago and um a little bit of the ingredients have changed over time to kind of adjust with available ingredients that you'll see in japan but uh yeah it's um it's mainly a korean dish and it's something that's uh looking forward to eating i'm getting up and i said no cody because we're gonna go right into the kitchen now and we're gonna watch them make raymond from the start masks on here we go [Music] whoa you can see that they're boiling the noodles over here saishoni so first in this bowl here they're going to be mixing uh the flour in with some water so it's pretty basic isn't it inside of here yeah and then everything's made from scratch as well i love that made to order you can see there's the kitchen right there are they gonna start just like right now look at this oh this is awesome so i've actually come here just a quick little plug on the japan rail welcome jr east welcome rail pass 2020. i'm here in mudioka on this pass it's really cool um it's available until the end of february and that's my passport into getting into morioka here nothing like a shinkansen ride and some raymond i'm really excited about this look at this so right now we're in the process of making ramen noodles so basically it was the flour that you saw there and it looks like like 300 grams how many grams of water none gram 500. 500 grams of water that's a kilogram of the flour and then 500 cc oh it's simple so it's a kilogram of flour and 500 cc's of water yeah it's pretty big pretty simple 500 grams or 500 cc that's right and you can see here i noticed this before look at the power move right you have the the foot in the back pushing the power into it the technique is really neat to see to put that effort in there freshly made noodles folks this is a a real treat here chomp i think the chomp rights in here takes a lot of muscle i think it does and you can stay in shape making noodles making noodles is not an easy easy thing when you do it by hand like this again there's no machine at this restaurant which makes makes it so special and again morioka is famous for having three noodles this is one of them raymond okay so he's gonna weigh it out to about half okay so it was about 750 in here next it goes into this press this is awesome whoa so on the wall here i don't know if you had noticed it but the timer has started two minutes 45 seconds and it's very very strictly done as soon as you cut and put it in there turn it a little bit start the timer so it's about three minutes in total this is how how amazing it is from flour and water to your mouth that's what we're doing with this raymond episode from the actual making of it flour in a bowl to our mouths the whole process in general takes takes about eight minutes to get from making it all the way to eating it and i think we're gonna experience a level of freshness that we are not used to being city boys hey the panda photographer's here thanks for joining us and thank you i'm so happy you guys can join us for this john wakamatsu in the house somebody's hungry [Music] i see brian de paula 4 was here before i'm doing pretty good i'm kind of hungry he's adding a little bit of water whether to cool it down but what is really interesting about raymond is the next step here the next step involves that that over there that tub of ice okay so that's gonna be coming here so we have about a minute left on this thing here all right cody let's switch here's the soup right yeah that's the beef that's the beef bone soup we'll explain that in a second is this gluten-free do you think no this is extra gluten gluten-free i don't think so yeah it's very interesting here uh thanks for writing that cody it's actually really interesting that this is a beef bone broth which is unusual for ramen i guess you would find this only in uh raymond or some of the other noodle dishes here in morioka maybe again everything is very regional this is uh very famous here in morioka and in fact i would say like raymond pretty much is exclusive to morioka you can find it elsewhere but this style is all right this is the morioka style of raymond right all right we seem to be at the end here thanks so much if you guys want to see us eat it click the thumbs up button let's see if we get the thousand likes during this live stream again this is a mobile live stream 720p that's what we're limited to for everybody joining us you're watching this live the making of raymond not ramen raymond now the word ray r-e-i actually it's used as like uh raytoko which is a a freezer so rey means a kind of ice so that's how we get the name raymond which means it's a cold noodle dish yeah don't leave leave nothing behind that's right joining me on this adventure over there is cody from ramen guy japan uh this isn't soba flour it's just normal flour right with a little bit of uh a gelatin in it all right you can see it it is shocked now it's been boiled and now they just quickly want to cool it down and uh this is shocking the noodles here now this is the centrifuge [Music] get rid of some of the water there and now we get to this step here looks like they got a lot of bowls to make it is now lunch time here so a lot of customers are coming in here but we have access to get in here before the lunch rush which is pretty exciting oh the presentation is so good look at this i love this then the ingredients we have here a hard hard-boiled egg some cucumbers uh this looks like some beef here some beef chashu steak right there some negi uh green welsh onions and uh ringo these are seasonal uh fruits that they add in there and then some beef dashi on top of it whoa beautiful and some sesame and on the side there we have some kimchi that you can add yourself as you like with spice very cool to get a chance to to take a look inside of the kitchen at how they make the raiment wasn't that pretty interesting yeah that's it that's it that's done now we get to eat it that's it cody we want to eat it here right yep all right let's have a seat welcome thanks for joining us for lunch everybody all right beautiful restaurant how you doing [Music] foreign it's here i'm so excited all right just a little note we've been taking our temperature for 14 days and have been tested so we're all good temperature checks um this raymond is really really special again it's really famous here in morioka so that's why we come all this way because i travel for food that's somebody else's line that that's somebody else's is that mark wiens i don't know who's it trevor i can't put my finger on him i don't know i travel for food am i gonna get sued for saying that but it's true um there we go the hard-boiled egg and then i want to show you the noodles here cody go ahead and mess it up and i said we talked about this earlier said it's so beautiful i feel guilty almost sticking in the chopsticks and messing it up yeah i mean to fully enjoy the dish you have to kind of mix it up and get all the soup um and noodles together that way you get the full experience of the beef bone broth in with the um with the chewy noodles yeah let's mix this all together good if you guys like this content let's give us give us a thumbs up encourage us to do more and maybe if we get a thousand likes i will stream this the wanko soba challenge you're going to eat 100 right that's the goal right right that's the goal 100 we need a thousand likes for that to happen all right should we uh right cody you can have the big bowl this time actually last time i filmed this before for another episode and i ate the big bowl and cody ate the small bowl but this time i'm going to give cody the big big bowl hey cody s japan food always an art it is indeed japanese cuisine presentation is important all the little details are always um important and um oh that's right i didn't eat the trash before you did didn't you i did so this is why you're giving me the toppings because you ate it last time this is a north korean dish initially originally yeah it's more traditionally eaten in north korea um but yeah it somehow got its way down here to japan i think the owner said that uh one of the original shops was in kansai osaka area all right and um yeah it got brought up to morioka and a little bit of the ingredients have changed just to kind of adjust with the readily available ingredients here in morioka but the concept and the i guess the idea of neyman is still stemming from the original north korean style the pyongyang style pyongyang style north korea interesting all right let's give this a try here um no you can add the kimchi to it to to give it more of a spice and and flavor to it test a taste to it but we're just going to start off with the noodles now you you go in for the broth i always make that mistake the broth is um i mean it's a really deep beef bone broth so i think you're gonna have a really good flavorful um soup oh wow noodles so with with that i can taste all of the ingredients there's cucumber there's a sesame there's the the beef uh is well in there it's it's interesting because it's all mixed up just but it separates on your tongue which is i don't know you have to eat this the broth in itself is as special as the noodles all right i'm going in for the noodles here pan down do you have the slurp down oh do you slurp this the same as you do with ramen yeah of course oh all right let's do it all right hmm springy very chewy very very chewy not i don't know it's like at first i thought it was mochi mochi kind of like a good but it's not because it doesn't really break apart in your mouth it's very rubbery i guess it's very gelatinous there's like a gelatin content that you don't normally see in japanese noodles like soba or udon or or so man or um or ramen really it's a very unique kind of texture and um yeah it's something that's really good yeah here is this uh morioka kind of uh yakimiku restaurant which again is uh a top 100 yakiniku restaurant i can eat a restaurant in japan that's what we have here the countertops are actually for grills for yakiniku but why is raymond at yakiniku restaurants is there something to it like this is i know when you eat uh certain dishes at teppanyaki they'll sometimes have yakisoba as like a finisher right kind of like that game over uh noodle but noodles in japan um they call it the shime which is like the n kind of like the finisher so a lot of japanese meals um tend to finish with a certain noodle dish and yeah that kind of idea kind of leaked over with the korean restaurants that open here in japan and um they would most likely serve they men as a shimmer and that way you could finish your mule off with some noodles to kind of i guess soak up any alcohol that you may have drinking during the meal or just fill up the extra space in your stomach and leave be very fulfilled it's doing that to me right now i feel very very fulfilled uh take a look at this piece of very thinly cut beef here i'll turn it around to the camera you can get a closer look at it um it's beautiful i guess you could find a piece of chasha in ramen but this is beef chashi would be pork this is uh iwate's local beef the wagyu he said and again this area is so natural it's got really good beef as well but not as famous as yonezaw and some of the other places uh it's a newer brand not back to the meiji period beef was uh i got a lot of stories in that oh hmm quite tender i didn't think it was going to be as juicy it looked like a kami more red and not so much fat in there but it was it looks like a dry piece because of how thin it is and how kind of like dense it is but it's almost like a it's like a beef jerky that soaked up a lot of soup it feels like you kind of get that condensed flavor of the beef but then it soaks up the nice soup flavor as well and just really um it's like a flavor bomb in your mouth flavor bomb i love that we have we have some kimchi here and i guess you just add as you like right and i think what he had mentioned was that um the difference between i guess the japanese style kimchi and the uh the korean style name in of the kimchi is that um in japan the kimchi is a lot spicier from what i've heard it's because uh japan is spicier sorry yeah interesting so from what i heard it's because the chili peppers uh they are grown in a temperate that makes for a spicier chili in japan and because the the chili peppers are a lot cheaper using the chili peppers that are grown in japan the kimchi turns out to be a little bit spicier and then so the kimchi that you add in japanese name in here in morioka is a lot spicier than the kimchi that you would add um let's say in north korea wow it is a little bit spicy and i guess they said the difference was kimchi and kimuchi kimuchi would is the way you would say it in japan but really they're they're good in both places just different just different they put a nashi pear in there and again i guess in the summer you'd have a piece of watermelon so you would add a little seasonal fruit to it and it does add some complexity some some character to the broth i think having different ingredients so if you came here in the winter spring summer fall you're gonna get maybe a different flavor but raymond in general is a winter food which i i was very interested curious about because you saw that they shock it so this is a cold dish eaten in the winter that doesn't make a lot of sense to me i mean it's kind of like how in japan they say that you want to eat ramen during the summer um it makes you sweat and that sweat helps you cool down in the summer heat right so i guess it's like the backwards thinking where if you're cold on the inside you might feel warmer against the outside weather and so having a lower body temperature kind of equalizes the the coldness that you feel outside and um yeah japanese people like to eat cold things in the winter sometimes it's a weird concept i don't know if i truly believe it especially here in iwate because it's cold here in the winter they get a serious amount of snow in fact aomori which is a neighboring prefecture where we're going to be going to the day after tomorrow they have the most snow in japan more than hokkaido is an alimony just because of the way it's positioned like right between three uh three bodies of water so uh they get a lot of snow here but they like to eat cold stuff in the winter weird but cool i guess if you're gonna be under the kotatsu the entire time you might want something to kind of chill with raymond would be pretty cool and there's a lot of acidity to it yeah and i think you could kind of tell with their cities at it from both uh vinegar and from the uh kimchi and that vinegar kind of ups your internal body temperature as well so yeah helps you heat up during the winter yeah you can see i guess when you look closer at it you can see the gla glutinous part of it it's got a little bit of that potato that uh you would have started yeah starchiness to it so you saw it look like flour but there was more than just flour in there huh yeah he didn't want to go deep into the specifics of what goes on that's where the secret is i knew the chef had some secrets he wouldn't tell us exactly what is inside that flour looking stuff but uh yeah it's a mixture of flour a little bit of gluten um kind of like a uh almost like a gelatin kind of construct um and they're all mixing together with the water and it gets this kind of chewy texture i think that's why this is so good i don't think if i ever had raymond again i'll be comparing it to this place in particular and i don't think it'll ever be as good as right here this is a very famous place for raymond in the entire country of japan and if you're thinking of trying different kinds of noodles tohoku here is stacked with different places to go and again one more time just a pitch because i'm so thankful for it this is the jr east welcome rail pass 2020 that's available now until 20 uh end of end of february and it's only a hundred dollars like it's about a hundred dollars it's uh 12 000 yen and i can use the shinkansen for three days unlimited which is really cool because i'm a resident of japan and you have access to this if you are not a tourist you can use this pass and if you are a tourist you can use this ass i like what they're doing i like what they're doing all right folks um we're going to be it looks like we're short of the 1000 likes required for us cody to eat the wonka soba challenge so i guess you're off the hook all right so no hundred bowls of wonka soda for me really really you guys can't click the like button really i'm so disappointed we would need about a thousand for that um we're going to be eating around 2 p.m and uh around 2 2 30 i'll set up this live stream wonka soba is one of really interesting soba challenges here in morioka they bring out i guess you're not a man unless you eat a hundred bowls i can already tell you i'm not a man i'm like a boy okay i'm like between boyhood and manhood i don't know but i could probably eat a hundred they're like really small they can't be that hard we'll see we'll see we'll see it's up to you quite a lot of noodles maybe we should hold off on finishing this all right i'm gonna shave it if you have some questions leave a comment below and we're happy to respond to it i want to introduce you to new types of noodles new types of food new types of cuisine here in japan traveling is a reason um to eat right there's amazing foods all over the place tohoku this these three prefectures that we're going to be going to which is uh iwate akita and aomori next have some amazing foods regional dishes not just ramen but they do have ramen and they found a way to innovate the ramen here and make it different special for this region and super delicious and famous and we're going to be going to a couple of those really famous places as well on this on this ramen trip yeah any last words um yeah stay tuned uh we have some soba we have some udon we have some ramen we have um a chinese style noodle dish which uh yeah so uh yeah stay tuned and um hopefully uh you'll catch us eating those as well yeah uh again leave a co leave a comment below hit the like button if we get to a thousand likes we will live stream that wonka wanko soba challenge a little bit of it to to give you a taste and what that's like live it's different it's crazy and um yeah i'm so thankful that you guys can join us stay safe wherever you are in the world um you just saw kind of like how you could make your own raymond maybe it's like something you could do at home right yeah you gotta really put the effort in there and if you and if you're watching in the live go back in the playback and we show you inside the kitchen how they make it i think it's really special to get the kind of inside look and on how they make the japanese food again the present presentation of this was incredible i'm so happy this place is called uh i put a link in the description if you're in morioka or you're thinking of coming up to tohoku please do hit this place up it's about a 10 minute taxi ride from the station it cost us about a thousand yen they also have a location right near the station oh yeah right and both locations are um considered a top 100 yakiniku restaurant in east japan um so yeah be sure to check it out yeah you can get more than the raymond you can also get yakiniku here one of the top 100 in the entire country or is it easter east east japan which is actually pretty amazing because there's a lot of places top 200 in japan yeah that's make it the top 200 in japan yeah all right folks have a good day have a good night wherever you are in the world we'll be back in a few hours for some um it's a lot of a lot of food i don't know if i should be excited or i should be i should be nervous am i should i be nervous should i be a little bit scared a little bit wrx turbo and is that irvin or vaughn thanks mate we're gonna we're gonna put that to some good use here have a good day see you guys bye from a yakiniku restaurant here morioka that was pretty fun are you still hungry i'm not hungry i gotta work up an appetite we'll see how it goes we'll see how it goes i can live with that
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 31,191
Rating: 4.922647 out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo, Ramen, reimen, noodles, Morioka, udon, Soba, food, eat, meal
Id: 1meodyCDCTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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