Jane Schroeder - Faith Hope and Trust - Seattle Revival Center

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so why don't you help me in welcoming Jane we're gonna pray for her don't sit down extend your hand extend your heart yeah thank you Lord Father we just thank you for Jane and we just welcomed her that tonight God we welcome Steve and Jane we welcome you into our hearts we welcome you into our home we welcome into you into this house Jane we just say we just acknowledge you and honor you as a gift from God we acknowledge you and honor you all who you are the way you do the way you talk the way you sing the way you laugh we honor who you are as a person and father we we just pray that to all that's written upon Jane scroll every book that is every word that is in her book father we come into agreement that she would flesh out live out every word that is written in the book before there ever was one of her days father we pray you bless her and we release our hearts to her tonight in Jesus name we all said thankful friends my mum prayed for me for many many years when she died at 90 we she never seemed like she was very charismatic what she loved as we knew the love of Jesus through her and when she died there was a pile of Prayer she'd written stacks them under a little seat where she would note what no one else set that place on the city they were hidden under the fabric of the city she prayed for each child so I really Arnie humor me you're amazing and that was just singing to my heart that was so dear to my heart and my testimony so thank you and be really courageous because you have not walked this way before but you know the Lord your God is with you and I could see a massive shift in your life massive changes coming I just see all those people that have taken drugs all the alcoholics I just see like one word from you they're healing and salvations I saw the harvest angel around you I was fixated with this angel that was stood behind you and it's it was just like I was I can describe it was like was like a combine harvester angel it was a bit like a bulldozer like a wrecking ball us with you yeah yeah we got to do it that's right so I just honor you for that you are amazing blessed Jacob Anissa even regarding things to come by faith Jacob as he was dying blessed each of his sons Joseph and worshiped leaning on the top of his staff by faith Joseph when he was dying made mention of the exodus of the sons of Israel and gave orders concerning his bones Wow think about that he must have known write down the timeline what was going to happen Wow it's the same we David I believe that David already operated in the future that he could see write down the timeline that some people say that he didn't complete his inheritance I believe that the truth of it is he did he already was prophesying the future of the temple of his son Solomon that he would see that temple being built built and that he would eventually see the city of the living guards because where did he get his wisdom from how would he know that if God hadn't showed him the future and what more will he show us our future today what more do his promises are yes and amen what more by faith do we live and move and have our being faith is substance it's not an airy-fairy thing out there it's a realm it's like space-time space-time it's a bit like a fabric it can be stretched and faith is a realm it's a living entity it's a bit like stretched over us thank you Father thank you Jesus it lives and moves and has its being when I was a child I often used to engage this Indian mm-hmm even come as a boy a teenager uh a little bit older I just keep engaging this Indian never really understood what it was and who it was but I got to know the name of the horse I would have visions dreams and I'd be taken to different places and see lots of different things and then one day I heard somebody talk about Enoch was taken but he didn't die and then people were talking about John the Revelator John the Beloved did he really die I never thought of that when I was younger and I was in a meeting in Cardiff and one of the speaker's was talking about this everliving Indian that he'd seen and engaged with he's about two hundred and fifty year old Indian and that he would go in his dreams in the nighttime and he would show him things of the land and showing future things for his nation and I think when asked a bit mind stretching has a little bit you know I'm not sure as it's in the Bible but I thought I'm very open-minded I mean I don't you know straightaway think no-drill believe that I'll think about it ask Jesus and talk to him about it and Jonah's meeting people began to see this Indian not many people could see this Indian all of a sudden he stood right next to me in the meeting and I realized in an incident that all of my life from a small child I was engaging with this Indian and he was an ever living being he had never died and I've discovered since then there are many many people hundreds of people that never died that they were taken up into heaven like Enoch and John the beloved and other people in in you know Scripture and I began this journey of trying to understand and go back in time and remember what happened and have this first happened when I was a child and all as I know is in my darkest hours when I felt alone misunderstood when I was doing things I shouldn't be doing taken into places I shouldn't be going for me it was always drinking I used to drink like I could drink ten shots it's only recently I've told my children this because I said they I'm gonna start preaching about and talking about this I realized that this Indian used to Kerman encouraged me and I start to know the name of the horse I could talk to the horse and engage with it it was almost like the senses that didn't didn't form naturally in the natural were forming in the spiritual realm then I began to realize this word called to seer what's his here I just thought I was a little bit pathetic or pathetic or whatever it was at the time I think prophetic what does that mean and anyway and till one day somebody gave me a book by Jim girl called the seer I went for a week I must have read the book cover-to-cover as best I could read it and I began to realize this journey if they really see is just a misunderstood they don't always get it in the right order they think it's gonna happen now when it's 10 years down the road they get jumbled in the words poor Moses used to get a lot of stick I'm sure but at the end of the day what they're seeing is really truthful it's really honest it's just the timing we just get four straight years we think it's now but but I began to realize this India was coming to me to teach me things of the future it's completely not so and then and then this guy came to one of my meetings and he knew they knew this Indian have been engaging with him for months so we began to talk about what he'd been seeing and what the Indian was teaching him and I drew a load of symbols on a piece of paper and said this is what he's been showing me and this speaker could interpret what I was saying and why I'm telling you this the Lord's always going to bring you a friend or a birdie that's going to help you and teach you you are not you are not alone you are not alone whether it be the cloud of witnesses somebody in bodily form you are not alone I love that that story about you know it says the foot you know the footprints in the sand you know we said where were you in the whole time he was carrying us I love that thank you Jesus so I know this was resonating to somebody tonight that does not feel part of it doesn't feel involved feels rejection does not feel that identity does not have a clue they just feel isolated this message is for you tonight and the message that Heidi brought we are all adopted into the heavenly family into the heavenly kingdom and in that place of not feeling part of things was when I really met Jesus and Jesus came to my house I came to visit me in my room at 14 years of age a visible car I would appeared in my bedroom when I was having a really bad Assam attack my parents didn't understand they had asthma and I'd have these spells where I couldn't breathe had panic in the night and I'd learnt at Sunday school there was a man called Moses and he could Park the waves and he could he could produce manna I couldn't read the scriptures but I would believe that Moses would show up in my room and that he would be with me and I've actually engaged Moses since and he actually was coming to visit me and be with me I was clueless so far that I thank you now for those visitations that we've had that we never understood that we were completely clueless and we say tonight clarity and revelation and understanding those dreams that we've had those visions those words we've been given we unlock them tonight we speak life on them we open them now we bring them back to memory thank you Jesus thank you thank you Lord that we are not alone we are not alone thank you Jesus [Laughter] thank you Father Wow Jesus but God who is rich in mercy because of his great love for us even when we were dead in our transgressions brought us to life with Christ by grace you have been saved raised with him seated with him in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus that in the age to come he might show the immeasurable riches of His grace and his kindness to us in Christ Jesus we are saved by faith live by faith and preserved by faith as the pattern of your life faith is an established conviction concerning things unseen and settled expectation of your future rewards assurance rests on the promises of God especially the relevance upon Jesus Christ our Savior and our Lord and King the tree is always about the seed we are seated in Christ the seed the fruit that is inside us that is burning and permitting and growing and Jesus it says that faith is like a mustard seed do not despise the small beginnings because God is faithful with that small beginning that tiny seed is gonna grow into beautiful oak trees Oaks of righteousness you are the display of his splendor but one thing that we can be assured of that God gave all authority to Jesus who lives in you and he passed that same authority unto us he who believes in me the works that I do he will do also and we will do greater works for the kingdom of God you're gonna heal the sick you're gonna raise the dead you are a dead raiser in him all the fullness of the deity dwells in bodily form in him you have been made complete and he is the lord over all rule and authority for I am confident in this very thing but he who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus with miracles signs and wonders you are a sigh and a wonder you are a signpost to this dying generation you are a woman of harvest and substance a woman after God's own heart like John the Beloved and he lent is jest on Jesus Wow [Laughter] it starts to make no sense as all the words come off the page and you get drunker and drunker God's purpose for writing the gospel therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples which are not written in the book but these have been written so that you may believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God but that believing you may have life in his name the purpose of Jesus ministry was to do the will of the father and a company published his work by signs and wonders and miracles Jack a bear bear bear [Music] Jack a bad bad bad bad bad you know you are [Music] painting a second raising the dead thank you Jesus and then we decided to fly her out to me in America because I just my dad had just done it and they just want to make sure I was okay I was fine but mr. wool will send Caroline with Jane for a week so we go we're in this meeting and we're just mucking around and we just I was actually talking about faith and then prayed for loads of people at the end of the meeting loads of people got healed you know emotional it was a lot of stuff emotional stuff and this man came up for prayer and his wife's weeping and crying and she said it's been in hospital eight weeks he's got really big problem with his blood pressure and I didn't understand blood pressure figures at those I do now how you prepare it works and but it goes up and down it's too high but he had like major blood pressure and problems and she said that you know it's not a good sign his blood pressures just so bad so we decided we pray for him and you know when you know something's gonna happen the guy stopped breathing he completely stopped breathing he had no pulse and I was like is he clinically dead do we need to get a doctor do you need to fit you know I was like like surprised Caroline he's full of faith not even face that's behind him she's praying good I'm aster Corps da ba ba ba do you just want to clear the room get people out of here she's going to these people so we wait for a while we're praying over 20 minutes I mean his wife's weeping and crying and the pastor of the church a she sat right we're gonna get people away you know this is quite private so I'm like right I'm just gonna send her on the Lord and pray so I began to realize I could listen I could hear Caroline's thoughts cardio Geonosis you know I mean some people use that the worldly use that word telepathic and it's okay but I like that card here do you know sister thoughts and intents of the heart and we know it she's really so we can actually tell what each other was saying she's going let's just wait a minute let's wait so we waited seemed like a ages and I'm like do you know do I call him back is he really dead Lord I don't know I'm just gonna wait on you and then I felt that Realschule arm rest come on me and I knew I was right okay let's wait and then the Lord said remember Steven when he was stoned he looked up to heaven and he saw the glory of the Lord and the Lord said do you believe that he never felt one stone his body and I go yeah I believe that Lord and this is like like like long plane slow motion Caroline seeing the same thing so all of a sudden the Lord said right to say come back just call him back and it was almost like a light I saw we couldn't describe people witness we didn't put it on film but it just looked like a light appeared around him on his face and it was almost like he was looking up so I just put my hand on his chest gently no shouting craziness and just blessed him and said you know come back live in a really soft don't live live live and the color came back into his face we got a pulse back it was breathing it was even surprised as we were and we just sat down with him for a little while and talked to him and that was it went to bed I was like could not sleep matching it do you think you know did we raise the dead I knew I was ready for dead raising so anyway the next day he came to the meetings all dressed up suit aren't going to witness at the front and his blood pressure was normal so how big is your guards Jesus glory to God I'm on a roll now this year my daughter had a really bad mouth infection her four teeth were so infected wisdom teeth we went to the dentist they were going to do this barbaric thing to her and I'm not having it she's had some barbaric dentistry on the on the NHS and then you get including myself and I was like Lord I'm not having this I want the best for my daughter so I prayed and by faith he said oh stick it on your card and I'm like no I hardly ever use my credit cards I'm a cash girl so I thought I'm sure I heard the Lord and one of my friends I took counsel said you sure you heard the Lord it's a lot of money so we go to it we find out which dentist to go to and we find out the dentist in Cardiff where we live it's one of the best dentists in the country so I knew the Lord was on it we have a consultation she goes into hospital the very day she was meant to have a teeth out in hospital under anaesthetic Stevie and I are flying out to Texas our operation was delayed for an hour and I'm thinking oh no we got a long flight has been a mer might be a bit worried how she's got on during the anaesthetic the plane was delayed for 55 minutes and I got a text who to say that she was out of theatre and she was fine we then we then flying to Texas for some reason the Internet struck out apparently where we were saying it never gets blown out we had no internet couldn't really speak to her for a couple days these had no rain we have thunder lightning storms rain do you think so my happent when we flew in there you guys are like givers Eufaula power deminers power of gods you can change topography you can change the atmosphere just one whisper one words what god do you serve My gods voila glory power love and peace and he's got a big person he shakes it in heaven and he shakes his chickies I call him she keys anyway I go to my bank account within two days there's the money two thousand pounds her teeth a teeth with the exchange rate with the person it wasn't somebody from the UK put the money in my accounts but the exchange rate social we needed one thousand nine hundred and fifty five pounds the exchange rate it ended up with 1855 pound we were like ten pounds short we were just hardly short at all and then somebody the next day put the rest of the money in our account so my daughter got at Eastern privately by the best is surgeon with the least damage to her mouth and pain and stress and the Lord covered the lot thank you Father so trading is such a key thing it's really important remember what we said this morning one of the voices in the courtrooms of heaven that witnesses on our behalf when we go to petition is the voice of Finance isn't that incredible thank you Jesus Wow thank you Father thank you Lord and I'm sure most of you have got amazing testimonies of healing signs and wonders and financial breakthroughs Wow Jesus Wow thank you Father thank you Jesus wait because our future is not like our past so we just pull right now the future is our future destiny in because we are called to change we are called to be history makers we are called to catapult this generation further and higher than we've ever been before thank you Jesus Paul said and my blood my blessings and my message that I preached were not with persuasive words of wisdom but in the demonstrations of the Spirit and the power so that your faith would not not rest in your own but it would rest not in the wisdom of man but in the power of God but the message came through through anyway God's Spirit God's power which is made clear to you through your life in space [Laughter] Jesus Wow you know in the words disappear off the page make clear that your life of faith is the response of God's power not to some fancy mental or emotional footwork or anyone else cuz the earth is the Lord's and all it contains remembering 1 Kings 18 Elijah commanded the rain to fall I believe that God himself through Elijah prevented the storm in answer to our intercession prayer that is within his perfect will is always amazing you know sometimes as intercessors we'll pray some crazy prayer you know like bring the rains on this dry land Lord we just you know we do these crazy prayers without even asking God what he wants to do and we found that we've damaged the other side the globe because we've spent too much rain to one place and we've taken the rain from somewhere else this is true we think we're smart and we know what we're doing but last week a government of God and ask him for that blueprint and ask him for His perfect will and purposes thank you Father thank you Jesus man faith is the assurance of things you have hope for the absolute conviction that there are realities you have never seen faith honest God God honors faith faith is a belief in action without it we are grappling around in the dark this is what substance means the realization the confidence the insurances in God's promises and the realization of things have hopeful and the things to come that we can be confident in him that he is gonna do what he promised that he is going to fulfill the will of the Father whose will are you [Music] Jesus and without faith it is impossible to please him for he who comes okay lord I give in I just give in this is yes okay lords yeah got promotion now Lord we thank you today we thank you for your love we thank you for your presence I just can't think I just can't think let's not think let's just drink let's just drink and a vats of heaven Wow thank you Jesus Wow oh my goodness okay let's get back to what the Lord is saying Daniel was a man of faith conquering kingdoms performed acts of righteousness obtained his promise he shut the mouths of lions David did not bow to idols nor give in to intimidation it says in Hebrews 12 faith is not just chanting the power of the blood to bring power it's when faith is ignited within us we understand the power of the cloth cross the blood feast available to us we are walking on a journey of faith your words will be like a hammer like a double-edged sword piercing to the very heart to bone and marrow yet inside of us is the power of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty faith is a tangible belief living moving physical matter substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen when God healed the sick and raise the dead this is a revelation the Lord gave to me recently Wow the quantum field with either totally recreated or came under the divine order of heaven just imagine when God heals cancer multiple billions of Serb atomic particles constitutes cancerous cells are instantly instantly dissolved change with the quantum fields - totally recreate through the voice and the spoken word and the command of the Lord it reconstructs bringing the body and the cells and healing into perfect divine order detective materialized by the power of Holy Spirit that lives and moves in you and you have your being the spoken word in the atmosphere the frequency and the vibration of your voice you're like give us light beings the same creative voice that spoke at the dawn of creation when the morning stars sang for joy the words that I speak to you this is John 1410 are not my own authority but the will of the Father for I have not spoken of myself but the father who sent you who sent me to give me Commandments what I should say to you and what I should speak thank you Jesus remember God poured out his spirit on Jesus in John 5 he can own you ki could only do and see what the father showed him because whatever the father does the son also does so to us at the same time we speak forth through the Spirit of the Living God within us we're speaking the father's voice extreme creative miracles six trillion cells of decomposed flesh of Lazarus dead cells came back to life with the spoken word God loves to display his power over nature by speaking into that which is formless and void into complete perfection thank you Father thank you Jesus Jesus yield now and be at peace with him there by good will come to you receive instruction from his mouth and establish his words in your heart so you can speak forth with power with love with resurrection in the Shalom in the peace in the assurance of our Lord Jesus Christ father I pray like in Jobe that we will receive structions from your mouth to establish your word in our hearts that we will speak in the right time and in the right season that we will speak that which has died into life that we will speak things that have never been created on this earth with confidence and assurance in Jesus Christ I have given you power in your words let there be light because the light has come to overcome the darkness the darkness will never overshadow the light because the light of God within you overshadows the darkness there is no limit and no lack to what you can call forth through our Lord Jesus Christ do the holy spirit within you wear every cell of your being is surrendered unto the governments of heaven thank you Father thank you Jesus we thank you Lord that that power that light to command into existence things that are not receiving instructions directly from your lips making his words part of your everyday life in him you live and move and have your life you have your being father we thank you that through your presence that we are calling things into existence today that we can raise the dead heal the sick that through your spoken word we see cancers healed we see that blood supply cut off from tumors and sickness and disease thank you Father your presence and your power thank you Father that when you made a public statement that Abraham would be the father of all the nation's he was face to face with God thank you Father that you are calling us today into that place of perfection Wow Jesus thank you lord thank you Jesus we do not rely on our own strength but on the strength of heaven on the strength of God so father we just honor today the cloud of witnesses those healers that have gone before us Wow we thank you Jesus for those that raise the dead and healed the sick I just honor today John G Lake I was reading before I came here about one of the stories one of my favorite ones about John T late where a doctor came with a woman who was dying of breast cancer and John G Lake guitar like a really busy day and it says that he was feeling really tired and his strength was waning but he prayed to the Lord for help and he eventually prayed for this woman and they said that she was going to die that she had this strangulated Schumer around her intestines and that she was not going to recover but he had a vision that she would be saved like William Branham II operated in that visionary round like mariah Woodruff Etta because he saw in the future this woman would get up she was a nurse and that she would he saw in a vision that she was tending the sick and healing people and looking after them he knew that she was going to be healed so he prayed by faith and the doctor said it's not going to happen she was on a cot bed dying she was barely conscious and they took her home the next day she started to take food and drink the day after that she got up out of bed and got dressed and she was completely healed we prayed for that man in the meeting I did not have a clue what was going to happen but we waited and we waited on the guards we waited on the Holy Spirit to move because in him we live and move and have our being so we honor the cloud of witnesses tonight we honor the Saints we honor those that have gone before us and we thank you Father we really need their help we thank you for the breaker angel that resides in this place we thank you for the angels the healing angels we honor them tonight we honor those fiery angels that bring cleansing of disease and sickness we thank you Lord we are that realm of faith right now let faith rise let faith rise that faith increase father we speak into the atmosphere that this will be a place where like with Mariah there was they would they would come to run kart beds it would be the last place they would go before they died that this will be a pool of healing we thank you Lord for the miracle signs and wonders that have already been taking place here but we say greater greater glory greater greater power great faith great faith was among them and their numbers were added to them daily we thank you for those combine harvester angels we thank you for the salvations across this nation we thank you for the increase of that presence and that power we thank you that right now that glory cloud is hovering above this place above this building we thank you for your glory your signs your wonders we thank you Jesus for those gold outbreaks of gold us rainbow de signs and wonders we are for signs and wonders you are a sign and a wonder in the land thank you Jesus we thank you for the gemstones that have already fell in this place but we thank you for an increase last night I kept seeing gemstones gemstones sapphires sapphires emeralds emeralds I don't know me see a lot of that but it was like I was walking on a sapphire pavement with gemstones lord I thank you for that I thank you for debt cancellation father we thank you wow I can see right now debt cancellation some of you have had your inheritance stolen it's been rubbed but the Lord is about to return that is going to return right now expect money in your bank account expect money to appear in your purse these stories that are shared tonight I don't just stories they are reality they are real and it's the same for each one of you the reality is that our God is a God of healing signs and wonders there is a God of faith great faith we can trust him because He first loved us Wow I just wanna Jesus if there is anyone here though that really doesn't know Jesus don't be shy like Heidi that really really thinks well I'm I saved him and not saved I can feel like somebody's right I'm a saved I'm not saved I'm not good enough I've done this this and this and this man I've probably done anything you did bar murdered or somebody you know we love you we want to draw you into that heavenly family that heavenly community it's not always easy I go through struggles my daughter was taken very very sick all of a sudden at a friend's house she started to vomit and she passed out completely we were staying at a house within this who knew what to do it didn't matter what we did we couldn't get a pulse back she began to she began to stop breathing blue in the face I was panicking my daughter we've been to this incredible revival meeting and I go back to a friend's house and my daughter's sick we're about to phone for an ambulance and I just thought you know what I'm just gonna phone Justin I know it's late at night and he's in his hotel room the moment he said his phone rang and you it was me before I phoned him he sat up in bed and he went hi Jane what's going on I went my daughter's really sick she's got no pulse and she's turning a funny color he goes okay I'll pray he said it was like a wheel in the spirit he sort of turn this wheel and he locked in and he knew it was done we were in this lady's bathroom with this with my daughter slumped on the floor the moment I put the phone down the presence of Justin his sweet spirit came into the room and my daughter was healed [Applause] anybody else want to testify I was in two car accidents in the last two weeks and have had severe pain and my neck and stiffness and my neck and my hip and earlier tonight earlier today when Stevie was praying when we stepped into Mount Zion for healing I felt my hip pop and then just now I'm hiding Jesus come on Jesus thank you Father thank you Jesus anybody else want to testify come on yeah I walked in with with my lungs really congested really closed up they've been this way for about a week and and so now they're clear but I got to tell you the connection this is the connection the connection is I had a mother and daughter pray for me one on either side mother and daughter on either side of me prayed for me and their connection to Jesus to me my lungs are clear [Music] [Music] it's not beautiful to a mother and a daughter prayed for him and he felt that love and he got healed [Music]
Channel: Jane Schroeder
Views: 2,334
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: beautiful heaven Son Scotland ablaz fire faith hope blessing blisss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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