Charlie Robinson | AWA #207 | Eyes that See Conference | 1/13/18 | 7 PM PDT

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey hey hey how we doing how's everybody feeling hi are we feeling good are you ready well welcome you guys to the eyes at sea conference thank you guys for coming thank you guys for driving in the traffic man it's gonna be so good it's not I just kept hearing that the word activation activation activation we're gonna be activated you guys tonight we're gonna be activated into things that we haven't been activated before and we're gonna be revived you guys this is a night of reviving come on come on all right let's just turn our hearts towards the Lord right now let's just take a second and find that sweet spot with the Lord find that place that you connect with him sometimes people connect with him into their hearts I personally sometimes connect with him they're just coming into his heart and visualizing that so if you're a visual person in here tonight just go ahead and start visualizing the heart of the Father visualizing the heart of the father and golfing you god we thank you we thank you for what you're doing in this place we thank you for the divine appointments that you have for us tonight we thank you God for gathering us in unity we thank you that the Bride of Christ is here and we're ready Lord I just invite the Holy Spirit I invite you Holy Ghost into this room [Music] whoa hey oh you guys the Holy Ghost is my best friend you guys the Holy Spirit is my best friend I can just feel it right now engage with best friend engage with the best friend if you guys need a lover tonight come on run towards the Father thank you Jesus thank you Jesus all right let's worship you guys let's worship [Music] I love her thousand stories were they think your life [Music] tender whispers love and the dead that's your please and then I'm never you're a good good fire too to - you are - I - I - I [Music] [Applause] any search engine searching flower and Oh [Music] [Music] to you - I you are your who for you who [Music] you you are [Music] [Music] to you do you who you are laughs I Shuai Shuai - I you're a good good father come on sons and daughters come on listen up [Music] when you are good father you're good [Music] Oh oh yeah right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are a good father isn't he good boys and he could hold any good sons and daughters boys at each end [Music] all around poor [Music] oh you better all the rushes oh you're bad love of the father moving through father was rising [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I'm loved by you yes yes you are a good good father yes who you are - I am - I love so undeniable that I I can hardly speak in peace so unexplainable it I I can hardly finkles love so undeniable [Music] that I I can hardly speak in peace [Music] father you're good father you're good you're so good um come we know you're here we know you're here and you're coming we know you're here and you are coming there's always more there's always more of your presence there's always more Oh Lord we are satisfied and we want more Oh father would you come with your love put it blow through the swing would you come with your peace with your perfect long whoa come we feel perfect long drive out all the fear travel all the question oh come come or come warmer oh there were designs for you you know we found favor in your sight and father to come come come poor Jesus come [Music] oh jesus car for four come war gee waiting for you just invite him just push your heart out into the Georgie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah let's just lift up some applause to the Lord this night come on come on raise it up let's show another little bit higher come on yeah [Music] come on come on [Applause] so good [Music] so good so good so cancer I've walked in barren places seeing you ARCA when I walked in fruit-filled places Steen you are good you are good all the time you're good you are good and the Bible says that the goodness of the Lord will overtake us it chases us down have you been avoiding his goodness here he comes [Music] how many of you want to get caught tonight [Music] remember you said yes [Applause] who assists yes I'm so overwhelming overtake us take us to your secret places we want to go on a little midnight rendezvous with you alone you so overwhelming overtake us but you take us to your secret places take your hand and put it on our faces or lead us with your I just guide us with your eyes to that place you see you for the very first feels like the first time feels that the first oh my soul it's been crying um um longing for more of you there's a cry in my home it's burning with passion war so here I am waiting more of your presence must show me your goodness Here I am waiting for you oh my soul is crying out [Music] Oh No Oh [Music] my [Music] Oh [Music] the cry [Music] passion [Music] [Music] there's a crime [Music] [Music] waiting [Music] whoa [Applause] witty way for you oh there's a cry in my heart it's burning with passion Here I am waiting for more of your presence show me your goodness or Here I am waiting for you is your fire [Music] it's burning come and burn me Oh your fire it's consuming you consume me burn me up zeal for your house burning it's burning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa whoa here or here I am waiting for you it's like the sweetest perfume when you come in the room there's a mystery about you would you come Lord consume was too small for my face could it be the father [Music] where the loneliness that plane [Music] disappear falling why from you [Music] [Music] a mystery [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] here comes love yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Polaris or yeah overwhelming and overtaking groaning crashing into me crashing into me like a cool summer breeze I'm falling down on my knees it's like a car summer breeze I'm falling down on my knees the overwhelming sense of kindness Moore's the sweetest relieves the sweetest release thus like a cool summer breeze [Music] I'm moving through the room right now feeling moving through the room right now feeling movin through the room right now [Music] cool summer breeze [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm falling down [Music] well mning sensitizes presence of our Father for he draws this Primus Oh boys [Music] oh hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here comes a to rush you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] grace of undress [Music] [Music] [Music] cowboy with one from your then you put me together you say you you are mine I am yours you are mine I am yours [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are perfect in all of you you are perfect in all of your ways good good father when we love by you [Music] you're good good father father we are loved by you [Music] are you [Applause] chicas father for your goodness your goodness [Music] rolling in the Sun rolling in the thunder of your presence for your goodness Lord shining like the Sun your goodness Lord shining like a Sun your kinds o your time porcupines can you feel it stylist can you feel this time Brody Brody my [Music] release [Music] [Music] good good father isn't he a good father is it a good father yes oh yes oh you're so good you're so good you're so good to me yeah you're so good oh my god you're so good god you're so your son here are some God you are so good Oh God you are so you are so good see one more time come on God you are so good Oh God you are so Oh you are so he last to come on this let's make a sound in here that's never been made before God you are [Applause] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord [Applause] alright alright put you put your right hand on the shoulder the person to your left [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] alright everybody got your right hand on the left shoulder to the person to your right now and lift up your right knee like this maybe lift your other hand up in the air straight above your head and do this you guys are crazy what's your ID test are we have we only have six more songs tonight [Applause] and only the Lord knows what those songs are at this moment it's good it's good yeah let's just spin around is just everybody spin around which deacons watch for those who aren't spinning YouTube please spray them with that special oil we passed out earlier don't worry it's legal basically alright this is a new song for the band they haven't heard it yet this requires some participation from the audience so [Music] it's in the key of G that's all even for everybody it's about our kind of our heritage and the Lord father Abraham many sons many son said father Abraham and I'm one of them and so are you so let's just praise the Lord right hand father Abraham and many sons many son said father Abraham and I am one of them so are you so let's just praise the Lord right hand left hand father Abraham in many sons go on it's if you if you have a right hand just put it up there yes I'm looking at all of you left hand to see it if you don't have one we let's pray okay right foot up left foot up just kidding and we're gonna turn around later we're gonna Pat our head rub your belly it's alright your belly not your neighbor's belly okay let's try again we'll go a little faster we'll just get there fast you guys ready you guys ready father Abraham many sons other abraham i won so let's just raise left hand right foot left foot nod your head turn around father Abraham sons Lord right hand left hand right foot left foot turn around not your head sit down stand up father Abraham so are you so let's [Music] [Music] [Applause] I just wanted to read this over over Austin I just made this declaration out of second Corinthians chapter three and it says um but when one turns to the Lord the veil is removed it says but when one turns to the Lord the veil is removed now the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom and we just declared the Spirit of the Lord is in this place tonight [Applause] just declare yourself just say this through the Lord is in this place not just speaking of a room but actually speaking about about the house that you are and it says and we all with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another but this comes from the Lord who is the spirit you are free tonight you you are free tonight you are free to worship you are free you are free to worship beyond the veil tonight there is no more veil tonight there's no more separation on tonight there's just the invitation to come into the glory would you stand to your feet and just put up your hands we don't need music we don't we just need Jesus tonight just put up your hands turn up your turn turn up your face up towards up towards the heavens and just just declare there's no more veil there's no more separation there's no more alien yep yet there's no more segregation now there is there is communion there is communion there is unity there is unity between the Father the Son the Holy Spirit and the Bride of Christ and we just declare the great union between heaven and earth between the bride and the bridegroom and we declare we are free we are free we are free the where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom just declare right now it's not it's not a future words it's a present word tonight you are free tonight you are free tonight Liberty is in this room tonight Jesus is in this room tonight let's welcome the fire of God into this room tonight just being the welcome it's fire to come and rest in this room tonight the fire of God that burns away corruption the kind of fire that burns away all separation the kind of fire the brezza way every lie the kind of fire as well witchcraft and rebellion the kind of fire that burns it doesn't destroy Redemption and restoration we declare the fire of God it's in this room tonight the fire of heaven is in this room tonight and we have been called to be torches do we be called to be ignited that we would host that we would host the presence of the Lord we invite the flames of heaven tonight we invite the tongues of fire tonight yeah yeah just begin use your tongue tonight to welcome to welcome the man of fire the Ancient of Days the great I am yeah if you're watching at home just welcome the burning one into your home tonight yeah if you're watching from your car just invite Jesus let's invite Jesus into this room tonight the King of glory Jesus you are invited come come come conscious invite Jesus just to come yeah come come come come come come come come come come come come Lord Jesus come Lord Jesus come Lord Jesus we honor the king tonight we honor your presence tonight we honor you Jesus we honor you Jesus we honor you Jesus yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah we honor your presence Lord we honor your presence Lord hallelujah Lord hallelujah Lord you're free tonight just be free for a moment lift up your voice and just begin to worship him in whatever language you got tonight with whatever sound or song you got tonight yeah just beginning to lift up your voice just tell him he's worthy tinnitus just tell him he's worthy tonight just declare you're worthy lost telling you love them tonight let's dip your voice tonight we love you Jesus [Applause] [Music] we welcome the winds of gods tonight the winds of change come on just begin to welcome the winds of change the winds of his presence come and blow through this room come and blow through this room plumbing blow through this room more Lord we say more Lord more Lord more Lord we want more Lord shoot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] blah and we all with unveiled faces beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image I mean have you heard this before that that that if you see him you'll you'll you'll be like him have you heard that before do you remember being a little kid and seeing someone that was super impressive and just wanting to be like that the amount of influence that powerful people have just just from looking at a powerful person and the kind of influence it just kind of it changes your posture changes your your emotional state it just changes just just um close your natural eyes and open up the eyes of your heart and see him tonight that as you see him you will he'll be like him but as we see him and that's the invitation tonight with with no veils with no separation as we see him yeah we'll be like him Lord let your fire fall tonight let your wind blow tonight let your glory come down tonight Lord let your fire fall in this room on every head tonight Lord let your wind blow tonight Lord and let your glory come let your glory come let your glory count yeah yeah yeah let your glory come yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes Lord yes Lord look that fire fall Lord let it burn tonight let it burn tonight let it increase what do we ask for the increase you're the God of the increase you're free so go ahead and go go ahead and go yeah you're free you're free you're free so go ahead and go up go up go up you're free tonight there's nothing holding you back tonight no religion no tradition no no ways of the past there's just you and the Father you're free so let it go let it go right now just let it go let it go right now let it go you're free tonight you're free tonight you're free tonight no one's holding you back tonight no one's holding you back tonight no one's holding you back tonight no one's holding you back tonight no one's holding you back tonight no one's holding you back not the past not the past not the past not the past no restrictions no restrictions no restrictions all your fountains are in him tonight all your fountains are in him yes you're free tonight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] more love more little more little more loom morale I am I fired we fired fired you're fired [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] yeah that's right that's right that's right yeah hallelujah Lord hallelujah Lord hallelujah Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Lord hallelujah Lord hallelujah [Music] do you just want to go [Music] [Music] [Music] just let God touch you tonight right now just let him touch you right now thank you Lord for touching us right now thank you Lord for touching us right now lord thank you for touching us right now thank you for touching us thank you for touching us thank you for touching us thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah lord thank you for tickling us right now thank you for touching us right now thank you lord thank you Jesus father we thank you today god we just take a step closer to you and we ask you to come the Bible says when you draw near to God he draws near to you goes near to who you so Lord we draw near to you God we want to receive everything tonight that you have for us I see Scrolls coming over people right now just lift up your hands father we thank you for your Destiny's being fulfilled in people's lives beginning tonight god we receive release those scrolls over people's lives tonight and their destinies what you've called them to not just a touch tonight but God their destiny fulfilled in the weeks and the months and the years to come that father tonight that they would be impacted by the Holy Spirit so that their destiny and what you've written over their life would come to pass father we just want to thank you that as we draw near to you you draw near to us always remember this it's not just a matter of you coming to God when you come to God you've got to believe that he's gonna come to you that when you cry out to God he's gonna touch you that when you run to God he's gonna run to you that's how it works it's not one way it's two ways you cry out he he comes you step forward he sets forward your run he runs that's how it works and so father we thank you that as we move toward you you come toward us but as we move toward you God our destinies are revealed in their release tonight is going to be a night of people's destinies not only be revealed but release so they're gonna walk in them how many wanna walk in their destiny not just know your destiny people say I want to know my Nesta nee it's great to know your destiny it's greater to walk in your destiny and so it's one thing to know it it's another thing to walk in it so God wants us to give to give us the ability to walk out what he's given us because there are harvesters in this room God has called harvesters to come tonight because he's going to use you to bring in the harvest and what is on God's heart more than anything else tonight is a harvest but first of all he wants to do something with us and then he wants to send out send us out into the harvest to do something for others freely view receive freely you received freely give amen praise God good hallelujah no no you can stay here go to your seat sit down stand up doesn't matter but remember this no matter where you are this atmosphere is here you can keep receiving at any time and if God starts talking to you ignore me and listen to him did you hear that at any time tonight if God starts talking to you ignore me and listen to him that's how it works if God starts moving on you ignore me and just lean into him if God starts tickling you just forget I mean not forget what I'm saying but just just let him tickle you if God turns you in the banana then you become a banana so God wants to pickle you tonight he really does he wants to pickle you saturate you not just touch you he wants to fill your not just fill you fill you so you're saturated like a pickle because a pickle is a cucumber going into this brine until it stays so long that when you take it out it doesn't taste like a cucumber anymore it tastes like a dill you didn't even know what it was before it went in the jar before it was a cucumber now it tastes like a dill okay dill let's say sunshine pickle how's that so let's take a drink by faith from a river that we can't seek take it make your barrel come on make your barrel the Bible says there's a river that proceeds from the throne of God clear as crystal verse 17 revelation 22 it says if you're thirsty you can come and take freely for the water of life so this is serious joy okay so lord dip your barrel come on dip your barrel in the river tip back your head and drink drink drink let God fill you fill you fill you feel you feel you feel you feel you looking on if you're on the internet you're not on the internet but if you're watching come on you can drink come on drink at home come on do it drink drink drink drink airs about your relatives come on drink drink drink drink drink keep drinking through jesus said if you thirsty come to me and drink nothing come on drink drink drink keep drinking drink drink this is fellowship with God Rick do it you see why do I have to do this unless you become like a little child you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven and little children will have a tea party and toast to the Queen and she's not even there so we're gonna toast to God and he's here doesn't matter if you can see him or not we're gonna become like a little child and we're gonna drink to God hallelujah take a big tree holla let's have a drink for God glory to God whoo let's have a drink for God hallelujah if you're going to toast somebody might as well be God amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and out of your innermost being the rivers gonna flow Jesus said ladies drink for the river I say when you drink from the river there's a lot of river here there's a lot of river there's a lot of river in Seattle it's about to go it's about to go over our heads and when it goes over our head you've got to go with the river goes you can't go where you want anymore that's the whole point of the kingdom Oh oh-ho I love to be invited to conservative churches like this I love it so my favorite places to be is among the conservative Christians man if you're still here you're not easily offended I love it praise God we get so offended but you know what happens people leave meetings like this we know what they even leave with the problem and I have my eyes closed so I don't have anybody left so it's not not talking about anybody you see they leave with the problems because what's working for them ain't working for them and what they're doing ain't working for them they need to come to the river and drink well the river was 25 years ago no the river was thousands of years ago so we're gonna get in and again event well that River thing yeah they dwell in heaven you're gonna have to deal with that what's God gonna do put you by a bog you wants your mansion by a bog you know there's no water just a little bit right no you want the river hallelujah will you praise God good okay would that taste good there's nobody here anymore what happened anyway oh talking to myself no I'm talking you know I was in wow there's a lot of people tonight God's good hey how many came expecting for something or really came expecting for something some of you already received but I want you to receive more than you can think or imagine that means you can't imagine or even think how much God wants you to receive so if you came to receive a lot it's more than that but I was in Singapore and I was at a Holiness Conference a seven-day holy holiness conference for sessions a day and those guys can preach holiness I got some really good holiness messages and so I was sitting there so I was there for days three four times a day I'm telling you it that those messages were shaping the hair right off your head people were sitting there it was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth I mean it was I mean it was hard holiness preaching for 416 sessions in a row before I get the priest and by the time I'm telling and they were all Chinese four hundred of the people came to those meetings because they had dreams that they had to be in that meeting yeah one lady has said her husband is seven she had five can you imagine that from the underground Church in China but you know what I never saw one person laughs in four days not one person because it was hard hole in aspiration and you know it was good wait how many no but you need some of that every now and that you really do but you can't have a diet all the time or else you just wither and die yours would you know the Bible says behold the severity and goodness of God but however I was sitting there and I was about to preach ten minutes of you know from preaching and I'm making notes and I'm gonna preach some holiness and God goes what are you doing now here's the thing if God doesn't know what you do when you're in trouble number one so if God comes and says what are you doing you're in trouble I said what do you mean I'm doing I'm I'm gonna preach on holiness he goes no I didn't bring you to preach on holiness he said I brought you to preach on the glory and and and the joy of the Lord and I said to God that ain't gonna work today I told him that ain't working look at these people I mean there were like like prunes they they cried so hard they couldn't cry anymore and still more was coming out and their words weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and they were all sitting there waiting for the next guy and unlike God and all the guys just sitting there I said God he goes no I didn't call you to come here and preach holiness I said I got some good holy holiness message he says says you he says I brought you here so anyway the guy that's running the meeting God speaking he comes over to go so you're not thinking of preaching unholiness I said well you've been preaching it for days what I'm gonna preach and he goes glory and joy and I said okay well okay so I thought I'd get up and just mention it maybe for 20 minutes you know when God speaks you and you really don't like it no you may not do this but you do it and you're like okay thanks a lot God see you later and you're like okay maybe I'll be then so I went up to preach and I got about eight feet away from the pulpit and I couldn't speak in English and I started going shot about a you know nobody old daughter Baba Sean but I thought Abadi old daughter boy I could not speak in English I couldn't only speak in tongues and only tongues came out of my mouth a moment and as a begin to speak in tongues and speak in tongues and try to switch into English and I couldn't do any kept speaking in tongues and loud and it was shaking I was doing this the glory of the Lord hit boom and the joy hit and all these precious Chinese people it was severe angle cement stairs they were falling bouncing down on the cement falling they were piling up they were doing the Coco bunk in the and the bowling ball hit and you could hear their heads cracking they were all over the floor and there all these Chinese people were drunk drunk drunk all over the place in the oz funnel another seat they piled up at the front bouncing down the stairs and they were their faces where they were going haywire and I kept I kept praying in tongues I couldn't speak English they were all Chinese so it didn't matter anyway but I couldn't speak English I had interpreter he was gone after like a minute boom down I've had the most useless interpreters in Asia because the power of God hits them and they're gone and I'm left on my own and I'm like and the Lord says okay thanks a lot forget it so I pray that my whole message an hour and a half tons hour and a half laughing hour to have joy and this lady kept this man sitting beside my wife she told me after he kept saying how does your husband know Cantonese she says my husband doesn't know Canada oh yeah he's speaking perfect Cantonese and I and she's well what kind of things what kind of things is is he saying drink have a drink drink have a drink I'm praying in tongues I thought about I thought about whatever I was saying you know what I said god you're wrecking my message that's what I said I had four sessions all three sessions I prayed in tongues for roughly an hour and a half to two hours I couldn't speak in English I'd great messages so I thought so the last night I the last day I prayed and I start speaking in tongues for 15 minutes and I pulled myself out of it because I thought this guy's gonna give me a good honorarium I gotta do some teaching right I should have pointed at you you're gonna he was he gonna give me a good and so I stopped and I said listen I said I've been praying in tongues they're speaking in tongues for three sessions I'd like to teach for a few minutes and the guy that invited me stands up he says no teaching more glory about a body of the robot Amanda was it [Applause] so every now and then when I get to talking at the restaurant my wife will go Charlie less speaking more glory shot thought about all total total Bob bumper sticker hey we'll talk about that later brother because I want in on that that's good okay hallelujah praise God sometimes I think when I get up on a night like this God wants to niibori people because I'm about to receive the offering like it's really quiet the brain evolved man but listen I have received I receive we were in Mission British Columbia Sean bowls is there and Brian Johnson was doing worse it was it crazy these people got so drunk the only problem was that they offer and everybody forgot where their wallet is so don't forget where your wallet and purses are okay but I never just receive an offering hour I always give you a testimony because you know my wife said tonight I talked to her before I came we had communion on the phone before we came and she says you know in order to have a testimony of it have to have a test did you know that your greatest test will give you your greatest testimonies is how it works but most people want to run away from their tests that's why most people don't have great testimonies they don't want to run away they don't embrace the test they run away from it but the Bible says we should count it all joy when various trials and tribulations things come our way knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience let patience have it's perfect work that you made pre perfect and entire lucky nothing why would what God want you to have patience because of the delays its the delays that happened that qualify and disqualify almost everybody in the kingdom Jesus said there was a man he gave all these you know guys money and the steward money and the look any delayed is coming the master delayed is and in that time he got in trouble in the delay you make it or break it in the delay you stay with God or you leave God in the delay or the disappointment of delay and disappointments of life are where you go up or down most people do not embrace them they run from them every bad thing that happens to them they know you don't embrace the devil what you do is you always embrace God within the trial that's why Paul when he was in prison he could have said God have done everything you told me to do Here I am in a stinky prison chained up and you know in the doctor and what did he do they began to sing songs and worship God and not only their chains came off and their doors open everyone else's jail cells open to the same time isn't that awesome that's what happens when you put your mind on Jesus and rejoice and again I say rejoice okay so here we go so I'm going to share a testimony so how many know where Pasadena is don't you love Pasadena California oh man I love palm trees remember the first time I saw a palm tree in Northern California I'm from Quebec the only palm trees you have her and like the snow globes you know you have a Christmas palm tree in the snow globe with snow that's it yeah I remember my first palm tree so I was there I feel what year a few years ago and it was at J&C church you guys know che ever - che on and it was the old church it was a matzo auditorium and first time I was down there for conference and I was sitting there and I went to the bathroom funny thing happens on the way to and from the bathroom for me I don't know about you because many times you disengage and it's great to disengage your mind and engage in the spirit because jesus said come to me and think no come to me and drink many many churches think they said he said come to me and think no come to me and drink so God wants to speak here he speaks here not here here not here don't try to hear God here trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding and so I was walking back to my row and suddenly I was here and yet I was in heaven and I was standing in front of the heavenly Treasury number one I didn't know there was a Treasury in heaven didn't have a clue that was until that day it was two thousand two thousand four and I saw and it was a double door with no doors so there's no doors on the Treasury how many know that's pretty good can I can I ask you something tonight if you were all we brought you all into a great big bank and there was a vault right here and I open it up and you could see hundreds of millions of dollars in cash I mean stock from the ceiling to floor and I said to you go in and get as much as you want you got five minutes don't do it it's not there but if it was what would you do I bet some people wouldn't even make a move they'd go oh I don't know other strings attached can I tell you that's what God is offering you tonight in the kingdom I'm talking about money now I talkin in the kingdom in the kingdom everything the Bible says if he's given you his own son how is he not giving you all things freely to enjoy that means the Treasuries open you can go in and get whatever you want now the problem is we don't really trust God to give us all that because we tried it failed we prayed it didn't happen you didn't you didn't stay at the course you didn't embrace whatever the trial was if he gets that pace it's since they've laid it up so your father your or they God gave you for you and your family and so I saw the Treasury open however in the Treasury in heaven I saw gold coins as far as you can see first you can see how to cite both sides and I'm looking I'm thinking then this is a treasure of heavens for the gold coins however the most amazing thing in the treasury of heaven was five gold shields about two and a half feet around back-to-back-to-back-to-back hanging in the air and God doesn't need piano wear a wire to hang anything up they were hanging right in the air back to back to back to back though so when you look this way you see one uni look this way you see one two three four five and every one of them had heavenly writing on it that fed my soul I knew it was heavenly but I know exactly what it said and then the first coin went this way this way and then we raid into my belly right into me I don't like I got a big gold coin in my belly now how many know that's not a great testimony unless you have a beginning and beginning middle and end hey brother I get a big gold coin in my belly well what's that gonna do for anybody you got it so if you had that happen don't share it till you get a beginning you have a beginning you need a middle and now you need an end then you can share it to the people with the people so I got a I got a coin in my belly but here's the deal the coin looked exactly like a shield exactly like a gold shield hanging in the Treasury in heaven do you know that every coin you have in your pockets actually a shield they started minting them in Babylon and the devil wants you to put your faith in that coin or that shield the devil wants you to make money your shield your future your retirement God's my investment God is my retirement God is all those things but you can have both because if you won't serve God and you will serve if you won't serve money and you will serve God that means money will serve you that's how it works when you serve God and you refuse to serve money money will serve you that's how it works and I'm going to tell you another thing the world when they see that their God serves you they will take notice until that forget it we're supposed to make the Jew jealous we don't make the Jew jealous they look at us and they go now not yet because we're still raking it in that's how it works oh it gets quiet but I'm gonna tell you I'm giving you a testimony and so I got this in my belly and I went sat down I'm thinking this is this is hot some I get a big gold shield looks like a coin right here well hallelujah but I wasn't gonna tell anybody and then God said this just like this Charlie before the glory comes the wealth has to come but listen before the glory comes so I said God where's that in the Bible God said 2nd chronicles 5 verse 1 so let's go right there I'm going to talk to you about the order of God no the order of God is different from the importance from the important importance of God something can be important and not first in fact Paul said it is not the spiritual first but first the natural and then the spiritual why did he say that well the spiritual is most important yes but what's the order of God many of you have the right words the right things in your life and you know the right concepts and teaching but many of you don't have the right order to put it in and therefore it doesn't work for you it's like a combination lock you can't you can have ten numbers if you don't put them in the right order you'll never get in but if you get the wisdom of God to make wisdom the principle thing he'll tell you what to do and when to do it and then when the order of God begins to appear you begin to have fruit that lasts until then you won't when you understand the order of God and the order of God it's not it there's an order in the church there's an order in the kingdom there's an order in finances there's an order in wealth there's an order and taking care of the poor there's an order and everything that God does in heaven there's order but sometimes heavenly order on earth can look like chaos like earlier so order doesn't mean we're all standing there like that's not God's order it's not talking about that he's talking about order in the spirit because you ever see revival angels they like to have fun now warring angels you can't get them to smile ever they won't because they get a job they do battle revival angels will throw water at you pour oil and people who trip you when you're preaching I've had it happen many times they're just there because they want to touch God wants to touch people and God wants to get happy could I tell you something if Jesus only has one body and you're and it's us on the earth who is he going to get happy through if he wants to laugh who's he gonna laugh through if we're sitting around like a bunch of pickles bad pickles you know sour pickles he's gonna have a tough time laughing through anybody that's why when many times and laughter comes people go like they're laughing for no reason absolutely God knows why we're laughing we don't even need to know if God wants to dance who's he gonna dance through I'm telling you he's got a body he's in the dance through you many times I'm sitting there the Holy Spirit say I want to dance watch me and one girl will come up here flipping and zipping and going home up with the place with my bow and that's the Holy Ghost in her guy wants have a go for a dance and what he went you ever think about that you should how many bodies does he have you think he's got one in the closet in heaven when it's time for the real hard work here's another one no the Bible says one body that's you and me who's gonna do the work his body in the book of Revelation all that stuff that happens you think that's God vs. the devil were in the middle no he's doing it through his body but we don't think so we think it's the great battle between God and the devil that was settled 2,000 years ago that big that battle that battle that battle was settled 2,000 years ago on the cross now battles over defeated so what does that make you you know the Bible says more than a conquerer I ask God how can you be more than a conquerer I mean a conker's pretty good what I said what's more than a conquerer you know what he said a person that goes out and wins before they fight because the victory has already been won for you you already won you go into the battle I won the devil say you did no he's gonna test you to see if you really believe it he already know he lost you don't think the devil knew he lost he knows he's lost and there's no demons that escape to Mars and said we you know we escaped they didn't they all lost because you're in Christ and he's in you you've won the battle before you fight that's what more than a conqueror is you've already won before you fought that means you don't fight to win you fight to ensure a victory that's already been won so what do you fight for the spoils and that's the key and that's why we're in a harvest season and we need to look to the harvest it's not a prophetic move even though we're prophetic it is a harvest move because God wants us to take the spoils of all the work we've been doing of all the people that precedent above the joy of all the glory above the power above America's all the signs and all the golden feathers and all the stuff that's going on God wants us now to go into the harvest demonstrate the kingdom and bring people in and that's our job and to be honest he did of prophetic church has probably the least on the rung of people bringing people into the into the into the kingdom but it's not gonna end that way it may not be everybody but it's going to happen we're gonna see we're gonna see God move through whatever prophetic people he has to bring in the harvest those that still believe hallelujah well only believe Wow you like this kind of teaching I do you know you know why because we're coming up higher not just to experience up for ourselves but to giveaway and we're more than a conquerer hallelujah I see Jesus the conquer that makes us more than conquer can you imagine when you face the devil you've already won you might say it doesn't feel like it exactly but that doesn't matter that's what that book is for every promise is no one maybe no every promise is yes and amen every Pro every promise yesterday man well it didn't work keep doing it it didn't work keep doing it didn't work keep doing it didn't work keep doing it didn't work keep doing - keep knocking keep asking don't quit well I tried that well I I don't believe in he I've talked to so many but I don't believe in healing pray for my aunt didn't work well so what pray for another one Oral Roberts he was asked what did you pray for 1,000 people if you prayed for 1,000 people and nobody got healed what would you say next he said it's in the word it's God's word Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever next Oh hallelujah well as Bobby would say well well well well hey we were to meet you know what how many love Bobby Connor he's coming but I'll tell you you know he preaches don't be too don't be too not friendly don't be too familiar with the God you barely know well don't be too familiar with Bobby either he was at one of our meetings it was about 500 people he went touched ten people on the shoulder just randomly what do you do I'm a pastor he go over here what do you do I'm a pastor can you imagine picking out 10 pastors in the role finally he went to this lady and he goes what do you do she goes I'm in the ministry he turns around he goes yep Judas thought he had the ministry until then everybody wanted Bobby to touch him after that they're like not so sure I went to the pastor running the meet and after I said do you know that woman he goes I know that woman trouble right Europe Oh Bobby okay just threw that in because he's coming I could some of you will be faster than praying before them where was oh yeah so I got this coin in my belly so a couple of months later so God tells him no I didn't I didn't reset in chronicles 5 verse 1 you wouldn't have got the whole thing okay so so so I didn't I didn't I believed God but the concept I'm like god I've been I've been contending for the glory I've been moving the glory I've been God's put me around people like 31 years ago we met Pat Hawking who became producer King we knew her 31 years ago and and she would come to our meetings and and then she invite us over their house and God began to move and power of God would come and then we go out in the streets we lead people to Christ and and then we sang on the street and then they would throw beer cans sometimes when we did that but anyway we did that we went out and we were just bowled and Patricia just took all this glory stuff in this well just shot out of a cannon and now she's in Arizona in weirdest weather but we've been contending for the glory the glory the glory I think God comes in interrupts me and says yeah it was great but Charlie it's not the spiritual first first the natural then the spiritual the wealth has to precede the glory and like God where's that in the Bible he says second chronicles 5 verse 1 and it says so all the work that Solomon had done for the house of the Lord was finished now why was why did Solomon build the temple because it was in the heart of his father David to build a house for God which meant he had a tent but he wanted a house right he had the tent in his backyard right the tabernacle of David you know Todd you know the Bible says that God gave Samuel specific directions on how to build the temple he gave Moses specific instructions on how to build the tabernacle of the wilderness he gave David zero instruction David wanted God in his backyard so he built a tent put the ark under it he knew God like a lot of noise and a lot of singing and a lot of rejoicing so he hired thousands of the best musicians to sing and make noise and jump up and down please God and dance and said I got God in my backyard now you got God better than that you got guard God in your front yard even out like my terminology but God in his back yet but that's what he wanted he wanted God on his property don't you want God and we want God I want God in my property I don't got in my house I want God in my church so did David but he had the Ark and that's where the presence of the Lord would be and would manifest out of but so Solomon builds the temple because it was in the heart of his father David to build a house so he builds it and he says no all the works done now was built for one reason and one reason only a place so that the ark could come in and the glory could come down that's why I built it however that's not the first thing to happen he had to do one single thing before the ark came in this is Bible it says he done although all the work as Solomon had done for the house of the Lord was finished and Solomon brought in the things which his father David had dedicated the silver and the gold and all the furnishings and he put them in the Treasuries of the house of God did you know there was Treasuries and a treasure treasury in the house of God do you know that in the book of John Jesus taught in the Treasury in the temple but you didn't know there was a treasure in that most people don't there was a Treasury in the temple in the time of Jesus he taught in it do you know when the woman that was caught in adultery that wasn't outside he it you go and read it he was teaching in the Treasury they brought her in oh now the outer court was filled with all the guys buying this Ellen he didn't like that so much took the whip right for that good they weren't supposed to be there because they were selling stuff that they had no business doing on the grounds there that doesn't mean you can't sell stuff well you can't sell stuff in the church this isn't a temple you are well they shouldn't be selling got come on anyway I won't go there so he put him in the Treasury the house of God do you know what a number of Kings make gold shields you know where they put him in the Treasury I didn't even know that before I saw the shields and the Treasury in heaven you know why they do it they did it in the Treasury because God has him in heaven hallelujah and I had one right here you say no he didn't yes I did I'm giving your testimony and so I'm I'm sick but I'm not telling anybody because who's gonna so the next conference I'm Adam sitting there and the guy running the conference comes over and he goes Charlie you getting anything this guy was a big wheel deal conference guy unknown all over the world and he's like are you getting anything he never asked me if I get forgot anything he got everything he got the 5cd sets you know from heaven he go up to heaven get the five CD messages and off he going I'm like whoa you know but he's asking me and I'm thinking he knows something he this guy knows something I don't know so he said something I see him like this he's trying to pull this I thought he's trying to pull down my revelation I got something I'm sitting there going God and and I'm in candidate this time guess who's preaching che on of all things months later channel and standing right there preaching and I'm sitting there in the front row in the big chairs those chair it was an it was a Pentecostal Assemblies Church and they had the big chairs you ever seen the big chairs you felt like a little kid and a great big over you sat there this is a big huge chair and instead of sitting there and some of the other speakers and I'm like Lord you want to speak to me I know you want to speak to me you want to speak and of all the people che on his preached of all the people and God says yeah I want to speak to you what did you do with the gold coin that put in your belly I said nothing now have you ever heard a message on what to do with the gold coin when God puts it in your belly there is no message I've never heard that message if you have I'd like to see it I said I did nothing he said what do you think I put it in there I said I don't know do you know that you're a Treasury the Bible says we have this treasure in an earthen vessel that means an earthen an earthly Treasury because treasure goes in Treasuries you're a Treasury so it's right that God puts a great big gold coin and spirit in me I'm a Treasury so are you you need to learn how to open up and see what comes out it may scare people but it'll bless them at the same time so I said I don't know why he said I want a manifest gold coins in your ministry now right away if God were to say I want to manifest gold coins in your ministry you would do what I did oh you know spiritual gold coins like I saw in heaven and GOG there's no real gold coins I'm like real spiritual gold coins you know it's easy to believe for something well we're gonna believe you but we see the angel then they oh can you see the event but how about manifesting see Jesus took from there and manifested on the earth Jesus manifested the glory of God in his life and through miracles signs and wonders he manifested the glory of God the unseen realm the unseen realm needs to manifest in the seen realm to help people that's how it works and so I'm sitting there God says I'm gonna manifest them but I'm going to make them come to you really took me two seconds to believe thank you Lord hallelujah at the moment I said that guy ran in the mean comes over to sit did God just talk to you I went no no didn't say word no because he did no no he said did God show you something now I didn't see anything God just spoke to me I said no I didn't see anything no nothing is okay if you do tell me but what I didn't know do you know who Bob Jones is most of you know Bob Jones who a was I say who Bob Jones wasn't isn't Mystica but Bob Jones who was I know that's Jesus but you know he'll be back he knows that Bob I have so many dreams that Bob my nurses I've dreams with me and Bob is awesome Bob gave me some of the most amazing words of my life and so I didn't know but that speaker two days before had been with Bob Jones and Bob Jones told him that the old guy in the ministry is going to get a visitation on Yom Kippur the 24th of September 2004 and I went out today's this I found out afterwards cuz he told me but I didn't know that at that time but and so that person said to Bob you mean I'm gonna get it he goes no you're not gonna get he goes you mean me Bob me he goes no the old guy now I was the old guy in the ministry can you imagine I was like 40-something and I was the old guy in the ministry everybody else is like most of them are 20 year olds I was the old guy I didn't mind being the old guy there's a lot of benefits being the old guy when all the young guys are doing all the work knock yourself out hallelujah it's like playing basketball I scored 36 hundred points in college 3600 points at a 32 inch vertical could hit my elbow on the rim spend most of my time playing in American League on the Canadian team and and then obvious and what he got older I got 35 I joined the old guys league and and when you're young you're running from here to they are they here to there to here to there to here and so then one time we played all these young guys you know you realize they're running like this you just humble soldering back you wait till they come by and as soon as they go up the junkie just tugging the Jersey they missed your shot you get the ball you throw it out oh it's so much easier to go from point A to point B they're doing all the work and over here and all the Magnum and you're just like yeah I'll take that will go this way throw what they have and I can still hit a three-pointer and I played in the dinosaur age before the three points value okay so he's I'm sitting there I'm pretty happy gold coins are gonna manifest I'm gonna get gold coins real gold coins gonna come to me I was so happy so the next day heard me so then on on the 20 that was the 24th and so the next evening so you know when young Kippur how many know what Yom Kippur is so it goes from sundown to sundown so sundown Friday but it also goes the next day right till Santa we got Mahesh of die Mahesh you know you've heard of Jeff's okay I love Mahesh so he's preaching on a lamb for every house this is the offering by the way so don't forget I want you to get inundated with the glory of God understand what we're good to give because we're going to give in to that we're going to give in to the glory of God because God does not supply your needs according to your needs he supplies all of your needs according to his riches in glory and so and so I'm sitting there Mahesh is preaching God goes look at the silver coin inside of a house job does temple I don't even look I think it must be pizza that can't be god silver coin and Mahesh this is temple so I'm sitting there with the bunch I look up there's about 1500 people sitting there and I look he's got a silver coin stuck right in the side of his head about that big stuck on the side of his head and I'm like I'm hyperventilating I'm like does anybody see nobody sees it they're all looking like he's get a silver coin stuck on the side of his head rid of this dip I'm like this is amazing say God what do I do he says I want you to believe me for the silver coins I know you never say no to God I said no to God it came out I couldn't stop it one word two letters no God says believe me for the silver coins I couldn't stop it out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak said no we don't need the silver coins we got the gold coins coming come on God in a moment I said that the dark cloud of God came over me came over me and God vented I I felt he was waiting at waited maybe 2,000 years to vent on somebody for it's just such an occasion he secured just like my church oh you want the gold you want the prosperity you want the gold he said I told you if you're not faithful belittle you'll never get much you're faithful the little you will get much you don't want the silver you'll never get the gold and again he said you like my church oh they pray for a revival and all these different denominations Oh God give us revival but when I send revival they reject it because of the silver vessel that carries it they don't like what he preaches how he preaches how he moves how he flops how he laughs and they reject the gold of my glory because they're offended by the silver of my servant that's what he told me the Bible says apples of gold wisdom is apples of gold in settings or frames of silver silver is redemption you are their silver vessels of the redeemed vessels of the Lord and revival God will always bring different quirky people to lead revival except for John or not no John or no he's never manifested in his life but he loves it I was talking to a pastor a young guy that was if I couldn't believe it he's like John's looking around not enough manifestations we need more people like not enough more because it doesn't bother him he knows that when people get out of their mind they get into the spirit now you know there's a limit not really there's not a limit but I mean if you're in any way no there is no limit I know thank you lord so anyway I'm repenting I said okay Lord I received the silver coin the guy comes over God just showed you something I said no yes he did I said well he talked to me and then he said you know I just talked to Bob Jones you were gonna get a visitation in Yom Kippur and he said you're supposed to go home right after the meeting is supposed to go and write it down Yom Kippur September 24th 2004 so I go back up my Bible let's go to your Bible right now please turn to the book of it'll come to me in a minute hi guy how'd you like to be called hi guy hi guy and everybody waves hi guy no no hi guy okay that's Canadian humor I don't if you get it hey you know we've moved on though in Canada you know we say now bee bee bee pretty good bee well at least we moving on you guys start at the wrong end and you say Z it's actually Zed but you we said hey you say Z but it's actually Zed but that's okay you'll figure it out I almost started preaching in my water bottle again and drink it from my mic but I won't tonight okay hi guy - hi guy - verse 8 the silver is mine and the gold is mine says the Lord of hosts who's the silver and gold belong to Lord you know what he probably isn't gonna go to a bank and put it in there but he does want to give it to somebody I'm telling you the truth belongs to him well the spiritual gold no the gold gold you know gold is good Bible says it is you didn't know would you say where's that gold is good I remember Jedediah preached on gold is good a whole sermon remember in the Garden of Eden there was this river and it says at that place it was gold and the gold was good God said it not me God frees people right out okay I'm gonna look at Martha I'm gonna look that up and I get home that sounded real strange don't know if I read that in the Bible the glory of the latter temple wait a minute the silver and gold is mine what's the next thing the glory the silver and the gold first what's the next thing glory now is it more important oh you can't even compare the glory to anything else but the order of God is very important you know what the poverty church won't accept this religious spirit and the poverty tears and withholding church they're all the same the religious spirit is the poverty spirit is the width Holy Spirit they're all the same spirit will never accept this is why it's on the earth that's a spirit from the devil sent to the church tried to see if it's if money doesn't matter Kenneth Cole beside for five years witches had come to his meeting and try to stop the Collins life which was Verde and they sit there until I've had so many witches they go all over the place and anyways your which tonight's not a good night to be a witch I've kicked so many of you out of churches because God told me who you were so be afraid be very no verse 9 the glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former says the Lord of Hosts Wow and then this place will get these look at this on the 24th day of the ninth Martin I thought what day is it what days Yom Kippur the 24th day of the ninth month was Yom Kippur in 2004 three times in that chapter it says the 24th day of the ninth month can you imagine that same place in the Bible says 24,000 ninth month and Yom Kippur is 24th day of the ninth month I'm like hallelujah so I got pretty excited now how many know now I got a beginning and now I got a middle but I don't have an end so God says you got to call the prayer meeting go to pray I said what are we gonna pray about if you don't pray so people silver gold mine and gold and silver are gonna manifest now we've got to tell people so told my intercessors we pray two weeks later I was in Alhambra Lambada California can you say that Alhambra California Alhambra anyway I was in Alhambra California speaking at a conference with our friend that we were talking about which I won't mention to protect the innocent so in a good man and so the Lea that the guy that was running the meeting on Friday night he is bursary he only received one offering his whole conference on Friday night but he warns all the people he gets the biggest offers but after the offering he come running up to me he's got a bag a paper bag like this he goes you're not gonna believe what comes in the offer and I thought is a bomb in there how come II hope you're not gonna believe this never happened before I've never seen this or even heard of this he said there's something to hear for you but we can't give it to you right now we'll go to your room right now so we drive back to the Days Inn at el hombro California it's about 11:00 at 11 o'clock at night 10:00 to 11:00 and we go back with the other speaker and that guy Sammy's with me we go back and he takes this thing and he opens it up and he dumps on the bureau in the hotel at the Days Inn humber California he dumps 24 solid gold coins and 40 silver dollars in plastic like little cases with numbers almost every single one of the silver dollars were Morgan Silver Dollars and almost every one of those Morgan Silver Dollars were 1881 Morgan Silver Dollars I had to look online at that time there was like 30 levels of what a coin could be and number one didn't exist it was number two all according to the number we found out that the silver coins are worth more than the gold they were so rare when he when he put them on the bureau I looked at them and I asked God I told God see I believe if God speaks to you here's how you believe God you prepare even in the natural or what you're going to do believing that's gonna happen you just do it well you don't have it it doesn't matter Noah built a whole Ark and it never rained I said Noah built the whole Ark and it had never rained but he believed they'll pretty god that's what these guys do you guys that's what faith does it builds before it sees and it builds before it has the money it goes forth and it comes and so so I my wife and I got together week before they said when it comes in the gold and silver because it will come in that we don't know how but you'll care it's going to come in I said when it does we're gonna give her first first to Israel because we love this but I'll tell you why we love mister because but well like I shared the other night when I got saved the first day I got saved I want to hug did you I didn't know why I just want to hug it you I did I'm from Quebec and when I could and so anyway and I ended up anyway I've hugged a whole lot of Jews since then I'm telling you that but the Bible said this is not the spirit so first first the natural then the spiritual you learned how to bless virtual Israel and natural Israel you'll be very blessed even if it's just just for that principle a lot of people don't believe it I don't care you won't get what I get and what a lot of other people get and I'm not bragging and boasting on God I get that natural Israel we're going there in November you're taking the trip to the tute Israel who knows what's gonna happen I know heaven is gonna come down and glory we'll fill our soul something so we I said God how much of this is the firstfruits God said the whole thing none of us yours all goes Israel I'm like yes sir and then the terror of the Lord came in like I appreciate the night you know what you need to know the terror of the Lord Paul said knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men that's why most people don't win the souls to Christ they don't know the terrible Lord you see these things all add up into something good when that I'm talking about the fear of God because that money didn't belong to any man if I've ever seen it I've never think I've ever seen anything in my life that I looked at that I belong to God not man not me not anybody and the two people in the room ran out the speaker and the guy run to me ran out ran out you know what he said there's too much fear in here fear of God in here well even when they left here they left me and Sammy with a bag full of gold and silver and the terror of the Lord all alone in the meeting so I got in my bad time he got in his bed we're sitting there just like this for like 10 minutes I kept looking at the bag by the TV cuz I put all in the bag really quick and I'm looking I think you know man Oh have a long stick oh honey can't wait to get home I want to go home now I want to give it away I want to give a senator so we're sitting there I said Sammy I'm turning the TV on sometimes that's not a spiritual thing to do but I was in Alhambra California by that time there's a little bit after 11:00 guess what they we're showing and selling at about 10:00 after 11:00 on the what's that channel you sell everything they sell everything Home Shopping Network qbt on the Home Shopping Network 11 about a love 10nm filament they were selling one thing one item one item only 1881 Morgan Silver Dollars can ask my son X let me come say did you actually see he'll tell you might add a nice hat they're looking at this thing as they were selling 1881 to 1882 82 1881 Morgan Silver Dollars that's how we found out how much they were worth more than the gold we watched the Home Shopping Network for 20 minutes the only time I've ever done that and I kept saying god that is amazing listen really this is my this is my statement to God God it was absolutely still amazing then we've got all that gold and silver to come but I'm going to tell you God what more amazes me more is how you got the Home Shopping Network to cooperate with you I like that's the part I said God so now we got it so we go home almost done we're gonna receive an offering we're going to sow into the glory tonight we're gonna soar to the reality of what I'm telling me because this is a reality this is something that up here that I saw it manifested here you see many many people's destiny is to determine everybody's destiny is to turn by two things your prayer you're giving your prayer and you're giving ours are equally important but most people don't realize it they think the praying is more important than giving it is not it is not it is not yes it is yes it no it's not the gospel came to the Gentiles primarily because a man by the name of Cornelius prayed and gave and the angel came in a dream and said Cornelius God has heard your prayer and seen your giving we do not understand that what's what you get in the natural is the only way that you can bless God in the natural you can bless them in the spirit but what should be praying all this other but in the natural it's the increase that comes to you and in your thankfulness and your willingness do not give tonight if you're not willing we don't want people to give they're not willing God is the willing and obedient deed to go to the land but here's the thing here's to happen because I need to have an end of it so I phone a place called bridges for peace out of Winnipeg Manitoba bridges how many have ever heard of bridges for peace you have that's who Oh severally we're going with bridges for peace we're going with bridges for peace we're doing four days of work on the streets and Israel feeding the poor in Jerusalem and then we're taking a six-day tour but my wife always we always do tour where we do some work we roll up our cities we get dirty we feed people we'd help people even Jerusalem there are poor people so we want to bless Israel we want to end we want to feed the poor and take care of the poor we're going to do that but so I phoned them up and the ladies answered the phone said I don't usually answer the phone I boy it's almost nine o'clock we're going to go late tonight so it's okay we're gonna lock the doors right where we don't lock they're not allowed to lock the doors in the States okay we're not going that late maybe an so clots distract me but anyway I live an eternal clock anyway eternal eternal clock right and so she says I don't usually answer the phone I said this bridge 4p she goes yeah I'm sorry I just type in the names of the addresses of the of the people that give to the ministry we send him a newsletter over two months so I said you know what we just had this great miracle and we're gonna send you all this money there was a lot a lot a lot of money I said we want to bless Israel and and right before I hung up I says by the way I go to such a church that I went to a novice fir'd Family Worship Center he starts to cry and I'm like you okay she says sir she said I was just Phil typing in the names of churches that give to Israel in Canada she said for last two months hardly anybody did and she said I was sitting there about two minutes before the phone rang and I said God does anybody care about Israel does anybody in Canada care about Israel and she says I begin to type in the name of your church and she says I was I was taping in the name of your church she said I stopped and I said God does anybody in this church care that Israel exists and the phone rang and God said you picked this one up not the lady you pick it up and she picks up the phone that's the beginning a middle and an end God wants to give you those kind of testimonies you say you gave that away absolutely I'm gonna keep a dime are you kidding me these guys however tonight will receive the will will receive the offering but here's what I want you to do we're gonna receive it now do we pass out envelopes do they have envelopes so how does this work they're in your seatbacks I want to encourage everybody to give tonight if you get what you can it's minor if you want to and if you're watching at home can you give there is a text so you can text text to give text about to four to five at four four one three four zero three the instant giveaway number is four two five four four one three four zero three that means you're instantly giving as you text that number put in a big amount the biggest bigger them out the better I'm very bold no I'm very bold I'm receiving this enough for me I'm receiving this for the kingdom I'm receiving this on behalf of God I didn't like to receive offerings I'm from Canada mind you commit todd Bentley he likes receive offerings or Benny Hinn can do you know Benny Hinn's a Canadian yeah I gotta tell you he is so Benny he didn't know that Aimee Semple McPherson Canadian did you know that no you didn't you know Patricia's that's her grand niece is like a me simple most persons grand niece is Patricia King I don't if you knew that you didn't know that she doesn't tell anybody she told me well I know that not some people do okay so let's give you make checks payable to s R c.src come on thank you Lord for speaking to people we're gonna give willingly tonight they take cash I believe how about credit cards how about debit cards all the cards so you can check how about how about sewing something from every okay no just text it to that man you know what as I've grown up I have less and less excuse to give it's like oh I forgot my checkbook well we take credit cards okay I only have my debit card we'll take that - it's a V Z your arm you she'll take the arm - so she go and see her she'll take your arm - if you want to give that just leave the Rolex on you know what you guys my obvious way that you know Cindy Jacobs so I preach a lot in Canada I'm a lot but I often minister on finances and and prosperity prosperity is not money by the way prosperity is around so prospers not money seen yet but prosperity includes money includes stuff but it's not money and stuff prosperity is a realm of the kingdom of heaven I'm not talking about earthly wealth earthly riches earthly money however it'll all be included in that but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about the realm of prosperity where you don't love money and money serves you so you can have as much as you want if you believe God for it because I've been to Indonesia many times as well and I know at least seven or eight billionaires who have millions a part of me billions and billions of dollars that use it for the kingdom they use it for the kingdom you guys and make you cry they take care of the poor they build buildings four-story buildings all over the place they take you these places in malls that partly they by force floors and these small malls and they put a restaurant in the bottom and then the place where they they they make this stuff and then have a bake shop they have a church on the top and they hire the poor they get the poor they hire them here they hire them here they train they're trained in the whole time that's part of the job to get them saved they're not and then a higher and these are poor rate off the street off the street never had a job some of them and they train them and by the end of it they're working in the church upstairs and who knows what they do after that when I when I went there I preached to the martyrs I preached the guys that three months later weren't around because they take the messaging one for each and God says I'm sending you to the martyr sowing and sending in these I preached to the martyrs that preached of people who'd become martyrs I'll tell you it's I had serious joy just like your dad you know why his dad went there to bring joy because that's what they need joy unspeakable full of glory I prefer stye my priests at Evie's it was a good friend of your dad he was a good friend and I appreciate her place there was a guy there he took notes and Evie said she's a he's an evangelist and he took notes and a month later after and I all I spoke was on the glory arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord do we receive it now okay father we just thank you for every gift and a forgiver we thank you Steve of the offeree we think or we receive it up to the glory by faith in Jesus name we thank you for the multiplication that comes back for the kingdom in Jesus name and everybody said amen so then I got a I'm talking about Charlie Brown tonight but but but Indonesia so this guy a month later I get oh yeah you come on up so you come on up put it the box here they come around the bend and leading is the okay I always like the atmosphere when people give because God is looking at your heart and he loves a cheerful Giver god bless you cheerful givers god bless you merry gentlemen may nothing you just and gentle women may nothing you dismay so anyway this guy when don't preach the gospel into a town of about 2,000 he ran out of people to baptize so as far as he know everybody in the town got saved everybody everybody we're talking in the not only got him saved took him a month to baptize him only ran out of people to baptize nobody in the town knew anybody that didn't they didn't get saved to baptize and then he was killed a couple months later by terrorists he's in heaven hallelujah I'll see him god bless him I don't even know his name you know what I tell people in Canada you're gonna bear so much fruit you may not have gone in those nations but you gave in meetings like this and your and Jesus gonna come to you Wow here's your reward wow man that's a new wing I mentioned yeah that's because all those people in Indonesia go save well I never went to Indonesia when when did I ever go to Indonesian Lord he's gonna say these kind of things because if he just said the other thing and it was just the way you read it in the Bible you'd say well I already knew that no he's gonna surprise you you're gonna say when was I in Indonesia when you gave him that meeting over there can you imagine that that's how it's gonna be I'll tell you that's how it's gonna be whatever you'd then to the least you know what Paul said he was Paul D Paul were the least did you know he said that the least oh that's good okay done alhambra okay so I want to share a testimony in the atmosphere so my my ministries atmospheric ministry okay you say what is that book of Acts says suddenly there was a sound of a rushing mighty wind that filled the place where they were sitting he did not say it filled the people it said suddenly there was a sound of a rushing mighty wind that filled the place that means the atmosphere of the building was full of the presence of the Lord and the wind of God then the fire came now that were sitting which meant they may have been eating did you know that they weren't standing they weren't kneeling they weren't lying they were sitting very important they were sitting in the place where they were sitting God filled the room it was a sound rushing mighty wind that filled the place where they were sitting you ever think about those things I do because God leads me to think those things he says were standing up they weren't laying down well what were they doing sitting what were they doing sitting pretty amazing right that doesn't sound very spiritual Oh hallelujah okay so this is my story about my first trip to Korea South Korea actually went there because the same guy that was in the meeting that was trying to get my revelation a good guy I love him I just leave out all the names of the innocent to protect the innocent and so I was invited there and I show up at the airport I'm six foot five and a quarter or a half are used to be my dad shrunk a bit I don't think I have some people say you got taller well maybe I have in the spirit and so I was there and Koreans are mostly about this size there are taller guys so I'm pretty easy to see in Korea I'm standing here and most of the people are here not all there's tall Koreans did but you know I'm sitting here and I'm standing for the like 20 minutes in Korea they're always on time in fact they're probably an hour early they're like everything is just so they got you there they got this here they meet you here they've been right it's like clockwork and there it's so amazing I love Koreans and they pray pray pray pray pray and so I'm standing about 20 minutes and they're not here and so finally I'm like man where are these guys so these two guys come up and go Pastor Charlie I said yeah I said wow you guys are here yes you know they bow you know they bow in Korea right not always with some though you know and I'm gonna say ho yeah so they're bowing and we're walking to the card I said did you guys have a sign and they said oh yeah it so they pull the sign up it says Charlie Brown on the sign to meet me at the airport Charlie Brown but they didn't realize that I don't know who wrote it for him they didn't and I went Charlie Brown the guy turns it around Charlie Brown Charlie Brown they're like oh and then they start bowing they know they were sorry sorry sorry pastor Charlie sorry we're sorry sorry Charlie but no no charlie but sorry so I'm like yeah it's okay you know I'm trying to it's a long ways for me to bow when you tell that's a look so they're keep bowing and we walk in they're like we're so sorry we're bowing so then we're going I'm thinking okay but you see if I have a dream and God is wants me to go lower and I'm going to go through a period of time where things are gonna happen the way I think and they're gonna have to humble myself I have a brown coat on same with Rick Joyner same thing when he has a vision brown coat his earthly coat puts it on it's a you know it called yourself with humility right and I knew they called representing humility and I could feel that things were gonna go my way here and I was sitting there going oh boy go lower lower I kept thinking that lowering enough to go lower I can feel this ominous like okay I don't know if this is gonna really work the way I think but I'm gonna stay engaged you guys can we go there we're at the church and we go there pardon me we go there and we're having supper out of five service or a 5-star restaurant and we're eating and I find out that the person was really hoping that the other big guy would come and didn't know me and he said I have just long term lease the building that seats 800 and you're coming and we might get 50 because I was suspecting revival to break out our church to be filled now I got this big lease and he says if 50 people come how many know welcome to Korea right now Koreans aren't like that generally but I got that but I kept a good attitude I love Korea by the with your Korean praise God go to another I mean you go directly to not jail you go directly to where's the place you go in in boardwalk go go directly to go okay good boardwalks even better I'd rather beat go and boardwalk because you're right next to go go ho not the other cheap property boardwalk for the Koreans okay good no peace so I said okay so I'm like I'm keeping a good after office and this guy comes over this six year old who's the son of the guy that came for the meal he comes over he's gets his greedy bull I look at I couldn't believe it says Charlie Brown Charlie Brown's are all in the edge of the plate and there's a picture of Charlie Brown on the bottom of the bowl this is a five-star restaurant I'm looking at this coin lower lower Lord what are you doing Charlie Brown like Charlie Brown like Charlie Brown what's this ball doing here Charlie Brown I don't think you need a bottled up little boy okay I'm going lower lower lower okay this is good for it I kept saying this is good for me see when when you humble yourself under the mighty hand of God in due time if you get the patience to ride it out in due time he'll lift you up and so this is going on and I'm feeling okay Lord and so I'm believing God and and I'm thinking god this is it don't feel that great but you know what felt really great I met my bodyguard the guy that was with me and he was the president of Korea's personal bodyguards name's Daniel and he's got an earpiece in a suit and all the I'll tell you that Church had it together they all come out they got black suits on and they could earpieces and he comes out and he said this is the president's personal bodyguard the number one Secret Service man in the nation and he's going to be with you and take you to the beanies take you back driving the car and I'm like hey thinks getting better maybe not quite so Brown you know as I thought and so anyway he's there and so we go they have cards that are made by Hyundai that cost $100,000 to us they start with a Q what kind of car is that a Q anybody no okay anyway hundred thousand dollar Hyundai but anyway you sit in the back they get a massage thing you get a massage Oh in the backseat whoo-hoo-ho I get the person whose bodyguard there and I get the massage and the pastor's driving this car and it looks like a anyways it's a nice car so we go to the meeting and I look and there's 500 people basically rioting outside to get in there's 1500 people in the building 1500 and 500 people like wow they want in they can't get him in so I got this guy he's like boom boom whatever that is good and we're move moves the people I walk in there are people in the bathrooms full in every bathroom in the hallway the bathrooms are full of whoever's whoever doesn't matter and they're all there and I walk into all the chairs and everybody sitting from one end of the other side to side packed in as as much you can pack them in then everybody's everywhere else in the building trying to hear and I'm walking in like water they didn't care they want a revival they never heard of me who cares God just went and it came so I go out and God says I want dental miracles I said dental miracles okay God calls for the dental but listen when God calls for the dental miracles it's not time for the diet coke okay that's how it works whatever God calls for that's what you do so I start praying for dental miracles and all of a sudden one lady started screaming because I told him to look into each other's mothers screaming away and screaming and they come up I said you ever have gold in your mouth no never had goats got four and then another then another did another one or the other they're screaming the glory of God's coming but I love it when people scream when they get something from God he makes God happy oh I got a go to you thing is this great why would God do that come on why would God give somebody a goal to go to the back of one you're gonna get socks next Christmas from God that's I don't think God can do that then you go back to elementary school because you don't understand God it's not a healing so much as a sign signs are different than healing miracles signs and wonders are all three different things we have to understand these realms if God's calling for a sign don't say why didn't this happen and that happen it doesn't matter God called for that it's not me I don't know he knows and I'm not rebuking anybody it's just the spirit that lingers around isn't like that stuff God will just that rate out off the ocean how's that get a lot of ocean here that thing can just go as far as it wants but it can't land in Korea though that's all okay so so anyway I get up there Dental miracles like crazy but I didn't know and I would always say this I would always start drinking from the river all over Canada and I'd say let's drink for the Presbyterians everybody laughs well I did it in their church let's straight for the press Porter's nobody laughed I said how come then I'm off and he said this is a Presbyterian Church I said oh man I said I've been drinking for you for like 15 years hallelujah I found you [Applause] so but the pastor two days later I ended up in the front page of the presbyterian paper my great big face Charlie Robinson the false prophet from the Toronto Airport vineyard I wasn't from I was they only missed it by about twenty two thousand five hundred miles but anyway there I was of course his church just got kicked under the bus any Korea then ain't good you know they talked about his church was a cult and blah blah blah blah so he didn't care for that good man though they didn't care for that at the time so all of it they were waiting for one speaker to come and you know who the speaker was our intern our intern because I wondered how come I only got the day meetings and the intern the young guy the really young guy got to night meetings and they couldn't wait til this young intern because he'd been in England and they happened to catch it on the Internet and his name was Jeremy Nelson and not like well when Jeremy gets you nothing yeah yeah I kept thinking to myself wait a minute you know Jeremy's just like graduated from the inter I mean just right now he's got the night meetings I've got the day meetings now that may mean nothing to you unless you speak in conferences you know Bill Johnson if he's speaking and I'm speaking I'm the day meetings hey that's great he's Bill Johnson you know what I mean he wouldn't like that if I said that so I hope he's not watching so but he's awesome I mean how many know bill Johnson's also made me the person of Bill Johnson are you kidding me is an awesome man and a humble man yeah and so I just kept thinking and then this thought kept buzzing around in my mind all the times that I said you know what I can't wait to the young guys go ahead of us I can't wait till they're on the platform and we're listening to them and all of a sudden it didn't feel quite so good I'm like I felt this but I'm like oh this is good for me Charlie Brown lower lower so Jeremy comes we go to the same restaurant Oh Jerry you don't say Jeremy Nelson Oh Jeremy Nelson oh my god Jeremy Nelson and yeah charlie hallelujah so we're eating we go get our food Jerry coats back look at this plate Charlie the other kid had the bolt this was a whole big plate Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Charlie Brown I'm like hey I went out they had a whole series of plates and bulls in the five-star restaurant with Charlie Brown on it I'm like lower lower and I said it right out loud it just guy said lower lower he goes what are you doing I said I'll tell you later lower lower so they're talking it you know we're going to the night meeting after we're eaten and all of a sudden on the music you know music is as the tape keeps going around listen ask Jeremy this he was sitting there at the table fie fie fie fie fo fo fum I smell smoke in the auditorium Charlie Brown Charlie Brown well he's a clown and I'm like no and Jeremy it's like Charlie listen to that Charlie Brown Charlie bad like lower lower lower he goes what are you doing I said I'll tell you later I'm like all about Rome but remember the Angels have betrayeth me they're singing Charlie Brown I'm like how did that get on the music as I asked you know I want him to share his testimony from his dog don't have him anyway so I'll get I mean you'll have him it but ask him you know it didn't feel good I'm laughing right now I wasn't laughing that so I'm thinking ok I'll go to the meeting maybe I'll get in on the residue you know that'll help to heal me when we get to the meeting right I get up the door I'm ready to get in the big hundred thousand dollar Hyundai I get like bombard by that by the they have ushers everywhere they come out of the woodwork and these great big things and in Korea like all his Korean they're Usher's and he goes no and I see Jeremy and my bodyguard and the pastor get in my car with the massage SMERSH machine and drive off and he points over here listen have you ever seen a Korean you go it looked like a Yugo it's smaller than your car like it was a little I'm like I'm getting into that he's like you okay get in so my knees are here we're driving I'm in the you go wasn't that you go but is small so I'm thinking okay lower lower lower this is good for me Jeremy you have my massage machine you're in the nice car your bodyguard my bodyguards now your bodyguard and I'm in the you go it's good for me it's good for me I kept thinking that my spirit kept saying this is good for me get to the meeting and it's a room like this you mention putting 1,500 people you know what I don't even know if it was this big and it was full so I'm going up is way it we come in the door here is way up here the same usher no puts out his arm I look they have a red rope right here with two like brass stands and one chair everybody's on the floor and they sitting here I'm said it here facing this way the platform's this way way over there they're looking at me I felt like I was in the penalty box I'm like I'm in the penalty box and I'm looking away up there there goes Jeremy there's the pasture there's the president bodyguard there's the cloud of anointing it all goes up they're all sitting up there yeah I'm like okay I'm back here so what do you do you guys you know my spirit kept saying it's good for you remember all those words Charlie you had yeah I remember him how the young people were gonna go up and take the platform and you would just be glad of that day when the next generation came to the platform and then I'm like okay this is good for me God said how does this feel it's not good he said well you prophesied so jeremy preached his starter message you know starter messages when you go to how many been to Bible School if the illogic old school or don't want to admit it and the meeting like this some people don't they're like I wouldn't be here if I did no you know what I mean but you have a certain message they teach you you know how to build a sermon and how to he preached his first message and it was the rivers of God but I know that that was his starter message the first one he ever preached so he's preaching it he got a little bit better though by that time but at the end of his message you know it was you know he's done and the minister comes up that was the best message I've ever heard in my life and I'm like it was okay it was pretty good but I had gold teeth I'm thinking right you know you don't think you think that it all comes to you I don't care who you are you got it you got a say okay this is who I am I better deal with this right now then he said I've heard Kenneth Hagin better than kind of thinking he just goes on and on I'm a goood about humble but up okay great better than Kenneth Hagin I agree Oh Lord helped me this is good Charlie Brown lower lower so it gets worse or better we go back to the hotel room Jeremy's phone's about Charlie come over to my room look what he gave me do you notice stack of $10,000 u.s. is right out of the bank not a fold with the thing it says ten thousand us he had one of those pastor gave him and I'm checking my pockets as he's talking on checking I'm thinkin I said what do you give you that for well for my wedding he got married a long time ago yeah I mean I did too got married a long you got $10 and then he's now I remember the scripture rejoice with those that rejoice have you ever tried to rejoice I mean he's a guy that I love that God told me he was going to make it and he's like literally ha ha ha oh that's great ha ha ha lower lower lower Charlie Brown lower so this continues and then it's time for me to go home the pastor blesses I don't know when the envelope doesn't bulge in its cash it's a blessing you just take it go lower thank you so I go to the airport and all I'm thinking is that was good for me that was good for me god bless Jeremy and I was so happy God used him but I was but it was and I was at the time but I do realize this all that was all for me you see it's easy to say all that stuff do you know this is the reason why most people can't give away their inheritance in the next generation which is what God told me to do right after it goes I'd teach you how to give away what you have the next generation but it's not as easy as you thinking that's why most people can't do it because of what you felt and if I wouldn't warned you and I've wouldn't done the Charlie Brown thing I wouldn't have told you all that you had had a way bigger problem but I set you up tell ya and then the Holy Spirit kept saying this is good it's good it's good it's good it's good that's what you say yeah yeah it's good yeah yeah yeah so you guys should top it off I'm in I'm in the Seoul Airport and it was packed and there's like 200 people in front of me just to check in I don't even know if we can make my flight I didn't even care I'm sitting there okay and here's Tommy standing it and all of a sudden here boys you it's a lady right like you and I oh man she's pointing my way so and I stand out right you mean you know me okay I go over I think man here we go Charlie Brown again it's not done not even in she goes what are you doing in that line she picks me out of 200 people I'm standing line regular ticket like not upgrade nothing she goes you are a VIP come with me I'm like I am so I'm walking over there and I go over to this VIP thing and the gorilla did it a parade business oh okay I thank you and business and they go business I'm sitting and I'm like oh thank god I passed the test oh I'm sitting there in business can I have some more that yeah Oh silverware thank you oh yeah they're still of the word upgraded just and I thought wow I'm through that well not so quick oh no I passed the test today I get home I thought I was living in much role then the day I get home the day I get home no he's living at my don't where I was living I live in I was heard Montreal where are we Seattle iPhone still be at my PA Sylvia how's it going Chad I had a strange call today I said what was it a lady registered for the conference cuz right away we had Bobby corner Paul Keith Davis and somebody called Sammy Robinson who has also taken the stage and I get Charlie Brown have to listen to him but it's all good and he's up he's my son so it's okay so the lady says I got a call from lady in the States and she said she's coming to the conference he registered him and so I asked her do you know any of the speakers this is in the states and she says yeah yeah yeah Charlie Brown guy and she goes oh I don't know why I said that and I said I do I know why she said that it's okay lower lower lower from that day to this day from that experience to this day that experience is for most of my mind all the time it's painful to give birth and to release people and to be a father you think it's painful to be a mother I'm telling you that's the pain that a true spiritual father has to go through you've got to step aside you've got a gave it away with no strings attached and you got to be happy that they're doing it and many can't because they've got to be the guy they got to be the people that got to be the one they have to you know I got to be going they have a hard time and many ministers live live and die in their generation that's the thank God for this ministry it's a generational ministry but many aren't because they can't give it away because of that that's the way it feels it's not easy you can even prophesy you can even say but when it comes to pass it's amazing what happens when you sit in the you go it's not a you go but and you feel humiliated listen the part I forgot the next day the whole team comes with Ken Greta comes he's the pastor and that's a big ministry I was with him out of Canada most of you know who it is and it's about 20 people I don't word the 20 guys but when I came to sit down they had the red rope but they had two chairs so I'm sitting here this is the last day I was there I was leaving that evening I'm sitting here Ken Greta sitting beside me and he's looking around because he wasn't there for all the rest he goes Charlie what are we doing back here I said well I'm Charlie Brown you're Snoopy [Applause] he goes what do you mean I'll tell you later that's what I said come on take a big drink [Music] we're not done yet but we're almost cuz they don't keep people up because it's gonna be here for two services to go over these you have a couple of announcements I'm not dad so I got one more shorter testimony which means only two hours I'm gonna tell you the testimony in a few minutes when I broke the oldest religious symbol in North America into when I was 14 years old I'm not kidding you I broke you're looking at the guy that broke the oldest physical not some spiritual thing the oldest physical religious symbol in all of North America when I was 14 years old that's coming soon and now this word from our sponsors okay I have a flash drive otherwise known as a USB otherwise known as a jump drive I thought he's called it a junk drive when they sue the judge okay that's what he thinks lower lower yeah that's what that's all you do if people get it you just go lower and it's got 14 messages these 14 messages are on 14 CDs we used to sell them all separately I put them all on one they're called the library of Charley actually it's called glory 101 and we have that available that's all I have but that's 14 messages on the glory and I have three of them are on marriage and the glory and bringing the glory into your marriage not just your home your marriage cooperating with your wife speaking well of your wife having joy in your marriage understanding that that the elements that are in the church you can bring right inside your mayor's not just your home because if they're in your marriage you'll have great children like we do I have a great child great son and we have two special needs people that were in our home for many many years severely disabled people that we took care of that we still see they're not in our home now but still see not our children but other people's that we took care of we took care of other very very disabled people we loved it we were called to it as what God called us to and so you know you learn through various ways right we all learn through different ways but that's how so we not just empathize we understand people that have some of these children and different things and some of the hardships really do and and as your Krypton you press in and just keep pressing it don't try to understand everything that's the key don't try to understand why why not how come don't know don't go there don't ever go there keep your eyes on Jesus you know I want to encourage you if you have a disabled person in your family not your children maybe a relative keep your eyes on God I'm telling you because we you know it wasn't easy for us because we had people in our home but you know we loved it and also we have a glory intensive February the second and third in Abbotsford that means Friday night and all day Saturday we eat together we stay in the room together 9:30 to 4:30 Saturday on February the 3rd we started in the second so you can if you want to drive up you can make about the afternoon leave that the next day after it's only like two and a half hours from here but here's the website it's not going to come up you're watching at home you might want to come it's called restoring hope to cities dot-com restoring hope to cities you can check that up so we got USBs and we have this and we have our glory intensive for some it's a glory offensive because of the fandom but it's foremost it's a glory intensive but these two stories I was going to share it in that now I am a storyteller who God called me to be a storyteller at toffee how to release to joy the Lord or supervise silly stories like Jesus did and tell these stories and tough stories of the glory of God the angel it's right here so you know what he's got he's got like a checkered flag I keeps waving it some of you're gonna cross the finish line and pass the test you're in right now it's like the speedway your past you've got around lap after lap after lap Alleluia for somebody it's the final lap and I see him waving the Speedway flag the checkered flag and you're passing the test and God's about to give you divine testimonies because you passed the test Olivia Wow go figure eight how does God do that that's the way God is all the time he's way better and bigger wait he thought you were via the it's all Agrella always comes like this I was in the as it is ela and then say they have a so I was sitting over there like I've standing here and there was about 300 youth in this section and all of a sudden I was saying here and I said to this girl in the furrow because I saw Tierra and I saw the word princess I says you know ago this God has a name for you and I said I called her up and she was so shy she's about 15 and she goes well what is it I said it's princess and I heard all these kids three other kids go huh I said what's your name she goes Leia hazel Princess Leia every one of those kids called her Princess nobody colder Leia she said every Church I have except for this one has late on and some waiver for her than that I says well Princess Leia and when I walked away five diamonds appeared on the floor were actually I was there but the angel was there before me my diamonds appear he's looking that's good five diamonds appeared and the youth got them all the people got them all that doesn't offend me anymore I like it didn't anymore but what offended me was that I wasn't going up there didn't he Jeremy never offended me don't try to make a way for you God will make a way for you and if he can outweigh the devil you'll get what God wants you to have that's what patient says and the devil has no patience because patience is the fruit of the Spirit so it's bad nothing I told when I was 14 years old 14 and I got saved when I was 17 - 4000 da ba ba ba ba rumba rumba what's going on in this section shot about ombo para para para para para para but I put up people's relatives are going to begin to get saved in this stuff you're going to see salvation family salvation it's going to happen there's a number of you and I mean in a hurry you're gonna see the people that you've been praying for saved not only in this country but there are other countries they're good if you get to get saved if you be praying even praying and I see like this ladder and your prayers have reached that the top of the ladder angels ascending now the angels are gonna that harvest are gonna come back down BAM and they're getting saved although you boom take that bad take that boom take that bad take that down take that Oh Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad anyway where did that come from heaven what does that mean happy nativity palace now they die hallelujah where am I Seattle okay good oh man what's going on over here I don't think it's spend much time over here but I'm gonna go back because something's happening here it's very very very good I might preach from here it's okay you guys you gotta get it to you Benny Spanish people live in the city they must be Bupa to a Mexican restaurant any Spanish people here Oh Spanish people all over the place good where are you well you're back there hallelujah Feliz Navidad listen something God's gonna do something with Spanish people how many believe that Spanish I'm talking spanish-speaking people right Latino is that good said that here okay could you just check it I'm from Canada when we have loonies and toonies you never know we might say the wrong thing but it's okay oh come on keep drinking kingdom is all inside out right inside out God wants you to drink [Applause] [Music] Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad some border Bundoran dodo bird I I wanna wish you Merry Christmas I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart in heaven all those notes will be perfect but right now we're still practicing just like doctors they practice medicine ok they're still experts go figure ok you ever think that a doctor he's an expert medical expert but he's still practicing that's why you need a lot of patience [Laughter] [Applause] is there a doctor in the house come on now okay see in America I like the you just blurt it out I like it some Canadians do but most you know we're reserved I used to be reserved no really did first conference I didn't Quebec none of my friends came and saw me they came in innovative people came in vitam they said Charlie Robbins to speaker we know him no Charlie Robinson he said he knows you know I don't know I know Charlie Robinson but he couldn't put three words together like they literally one guy would not come I needed anybody else cuz they didn't think it was me cuz I never said anything that's very shy yes then I met Jesus he may be very bold overnight I couldn't shut up and haven't shut up since and I have a God has a special deal with me if I talk about him all the time I can talk all the time you might not have that deal I do as long as I'm talking about him very quiet I'm trying to get back there Lord yeah he knows that I'd sort of China because there was a big door opened up over here so what's he go over here you see what's God doing something for somebody he's doing anything for anybody that's what we pray God do something for somebody anything for anybody and he does it hallelujah yeah the glory of God is gonna blow in here but you see we want we don't want to retain it and that take ownership of wanted to stay I said we wanted to stay Holy Spirit wants to come and today I I think I said this yet say this the other night like I have gold embedded in my bottle just a few flakes now but over for over three years I got it in the church where I said the Holy Spirit is in Indonesia I said at a big church for the mucky-mucks into the mucky-mucks are the gaba the well and all these young people they'd had Benny Hinn everyone he had ever all these kids were sitting there the whole time you listen to me I'll just at the Gucci and the vanilla that would chew coochie and all whatever they had on the nail got in there and they're all do you know that they got their so wealthy they heard everybody and here's this guy from Canada you know an unpopular way but my message to us the Holy Spirit is looking for a place to land and I said just like when the Holy Spirit came and landed on Jesus the moment I said that a bird a living bird came in the building and the whole time I talked to flew back and forth for an hour and a half I tell every one of those kids put their phone away they all set up that look at the bird and I'm preaching I'm looking at the bird I'm looking at the bird I'm looking at the bird the Holy Spirit is looking for a place to land he's looking for a place to land though that was the most tired bird and Indonesia I'm telling you just get flying back and forth it landed one time for like a second that he kept planned hour and a half hour now planned planful at the moment the moment I was done it went down landed Reggie's I be and the whole front got covered in gold they tried to vacuum it away kept coming back I've been in people's cars for years ago was in this lady's car front seat my wife and I were going to the meeting she still has gold dust she's vacuuming probably a hundred times since it keeps coming back the next day I don't it just does I like I don't you know I don't run after Goldust it runs after me I don't know how it happens so you could get a dental miracle just see here the Lord but I said here is a miracle right now whatever you need take it yeah I see God bringing in cases of Holy Ghost wine cases case he stopped stocking up the fridge Darren he's stocking it up he's you see I feel like I'm here before something is about to happen I feel like I'm in it that's a night you know it's my job I feel like I'm here before something is about to happen I've been in the room before things have happened and I've been in the room when they've happened and I know when it's about to happen and when it happens it just it but it won't happen the way you think it won't happen with the people you think it will happen to it just it's this just basically the rule of thumb and and when God begins to move you God begins to watch where he's gonna move next don't just watch where he's moving where is he moving next you see don't just when you're worshiping God enjoy God and worship God but I'm telling you if you if you go to a revival meeting after above me as you begin to worship God just start looking in the spirit what's going on what's God's and that's where God will speak at the highest point when there's miracles signs and wonders and everybody's awed by the miracle signs and wonders more shouting and we're all happy when those things are happening take a look in the spirit that's that would be the highest realm and then you look in the spirit see what God is doing because he's doing this but what is he showing you and what it what is he saying I guarantee he'll be speaking to you while all that's going on but most people don't know they're supposed to listen then in worship you don't just worship God one way it's not all sound and music and singing in worship it's you sound music and singing and God sound music and singing back god-given directs it back worship as always two ways it's never one way it's never been one way worship is you to God and God to you worship is a communion with God if it's all just you to God you to God prayers you to God were some utica where's God to you where's the God to you gonna come I soak great so soaking is good see I'm more of an I'm a Soaker but I'm more of an activator but I know how I have to get into the rest so if you learn how to get into the rest you automatically soak the rest of God as you cease from your own labors you see did you know the Bible says labored and endures rest it's the only thing you labor to enter into the only thing you enter into you labor into its rest and once you're into his rest what does the Bible say he then enters his rest ceases from his own Labor's what does that mean you know your space shuttle those big space shuttles you know that over 95% of the power and explosive energy in a space shuttle is to get it off the ground and through the atmosphere over 95% 98% so you have the big Rockets four three two you know just to get it off the ground takes the most energy just to get it starting off the ground it's laboring slow and then he goes and he listen all the crew they're not walking around you know no they're strapped in because we're going up because the power is being released to go up and you're starting and then you go up and then you go up and then you get what is called momentum but it's still not time to work yet you're still strapped in and then you go up there you go and all of a sudden that rocket booster falls off and you're lighter you go faster and then the other one now you're really zipping along you don't have all that excess weight why because the fuel burned off the fire it's the fire that gets you out there it's the fire and the power that pushes you up that's where that's where you labor you believe and then all of a sudden everything's gone except for the last one and you break through the atmosphere Oh what happens then it goes like this it actually sits you know it's it's upside down right so it's just like that and it's basically for all intents and purposes not really but basically floating that's when the guys unstrap they put on the things and they go out and they do the work and his burden is light his yoke easy [Music] remember we're now in the moon some people like they never went to the moon well I think you did but anyway you know remember the guy hit a golf ball on the moon the ball went and it's probably still going I bet you that know I bet to the golf ball is in orbit around the moon still why because the work there is very easy very little gravity to pull you down when you enter into his rest he says and take my yoke upon you my yoke is easy my burden is light come to me all ye that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest that's the work you do when you enter into his rest you cease you stop your own works and you enter into his work then his yoke is easy then his burden is light if we would learn how to enter in here's how easy I'm going to demonstrate I'm out I'm in I'm in how did I do it that easy years of practice years of practice on the eye coming from my experience on the i-5 outside of Portland Oregon where I took the is it to 2:15 or the 2:05 or what does that thing goes around it is the 205 can you imagine all these years probably 15 years ago what happened to me and that's when the rumor rest appeared and opened up and I went in and I felt like I became exactly four and a half years old I had no memory of sin no no knowledge that had they ever sinned and it was absolutely 100 perfect ly free it's my spirit man went in I just this isn't the vision I went in my Superman went into I was my body was driving the car don't can't figure it out how it happened it happened and I went in and it was fun I said f you and fun some people like she allowed to say that in church Martha fun I don't think they'll come up sober-minded does not mean Sauer minded Jesus was a man of sorrows acquainted with grief yes brother but he was also anointed with joy above his companions at the same time Psalm to rejoice with trembling oh man what's going on here Evans going on heaven is going on right now the rest of God came into the room you can corporately enter in when you enter into his rest and you cease from your Labor's which means this has to bow to this you've got to make this bow to this you got to get rid of all the excess thinking in the thoughts that you can't control well New Age said no they don't do it like that it's not mine over matter it's getting you taking authority over this and when you take authority over every thought to the obedience of Christ taking captive every thought what it means it means taking captive every thought not allowing your thoughts to distract you from entering into the rest of God and when you they enter in and it's not one and all of us in you enter in now you're in and those thoughts are a way way back there because you're you've broken through that atmosphere into his atmospheres is very very light the heavily I was is light I sound like him in a spacesuit cosmonaut he says the Canadian cosmonaut some of you need to go to the Tree of Life tonight just go take a eat something oh boy that was I was pretty heavy oh wow I was pretty heavy what do we do now nothing it's time to go up I'll tell you what going up ain't like it's just not a spurious you you do it you go with them out with God for a purpose to meet with him to look at him to behold him he wants to hug ya he wants to touch you wants to give you a kiss he was a minister to you he wants to tell you his things he wants to whisper sweet somethings in your ear that's why you go up how do you go up you just go up God would ask me I'll go up and I'm like okay well beam me up no I need to just get really quiet and focus on me worship me but don't do this I worship you worship you worship you worship that doesn't work that's not worship let's say I worship you not necessarily worshipping probably not he's just saying you are your mind's involved get rid of that there's a time to say you worship God and his time to worship God you worship God in the heart everything else you do is an expression of your worship when you say I worship you your worship that's not your worship that's expressing your worship your worship is in your heart deep calls unto deep is the size of a water falls so God will beam you up but not in the way you think that God wants to take you know that's why God allows that stuff to happen you know God Oz's shows us flaky shows like that to happen deal what not flaky view you know why he allows does it happen - no - no the final frontier what's the final frontier heaven where you gonna end up heaven what's the final frontier for you heaven Oh hallelujah come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on where did you come from heaven I know where you came from I've been there I got like five more minutes and then I'm gonna release it would've a number on us but I want you to go to Revelation not revelation I say you say that's like different stuff yeah it's different let's find out where you came from do you know where you came from I know you already came from ah where did you come from where they each come from no okay let's say you came from a pit I love saying that when it's in the Bible foul things Norval would say you're flaky thank you that's what he'd say Isaiah 51 listen to me you who follow after righteousness you who seek the Lord look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the hole of the pit from which you were dug the Bible says that now so I said it know you like oh that is in the Bible thank God he's not an idiot that's what right do something you weren't thinking that but some people do I like saying things that are in the Bible that we don't think are in the Bible they're in the Bible it says you were hewn from Iraq and dug from a pit what does that mean that's King James you were mined mi any D from a mine on the backside of the throne of God have seen it because the throne of God is all rock and I've seen it I've been on the backside of the throne of God it's all rock Jesus is your rock but the reality is the throne of God is like a big mountain like a rock and I've seen where I got hewn out of and I've seen all the clefts of the rock all the way in the back and God took me for about a 3-day voids the back of the mountain of God and one of the most amazing things when David says you you set me on my high places and in the Song of Solomon it says in the cleft of the rock and the secret place let me see your face let me hear your voice you have one of those in the spirit but it's not just in the spirit because you seed in heavenly places you but cleft in the rock in the throat of God rate under God right under God's arms which is the wings of God Psalm 91 you're under the wings of God he'll cover you with his feathers he's under his wings you're gonna sit do you already do in the spirit if you do it there's a cleft in the rock in the throne because the throne is not like a chair the throne is a mountain so high you can't see the top of it but I was on the backside of the Mount of God for three days God took me up there when I was worshiping God and I and I I didn't even know where I was was on this rock I was on this mountain I thought where am I couldn't even see anything it was a path about four or five inches wide naked and I'm walking also know it the word worship the more I go up and I was going up and up and up and up and up it was whole nation I passed all these cuffs of the rock and I saw where people come from with and it says right here in the Bible it says look to the rock from which you were hewn and the hold of the pit from which you were dug you are a living stone but you're not a piece of cement you're a jewel that was mined in heaven a spirit that God placed on the earth and gave a body to and a personality and desires and eyes and noses and ears and hair skin feet and hands your mind mi ne D you belong to God you're a living stone together we're living stones and we form a building we come out of heaven we're not just like a dog or whatever they are the animals we're special to God who's most loved creation other than the son of God the only begotten Jesus we're a close second though because we're co-heirs but you're a living stone every one of you may not think highly of yourself that God does every one of you as a color every one of you every one of you is actually a living stone the Bible says it not me the Bible says you were hewn it is a pit in the Old Testament it literally means a mind you were mined by God look to the rock from which you came out of I saw the rock where you came out of is this nothing new weird doctrine it's the Bible if there's if you came from Iraq then there's a rock that you'll be able to see when you go there if you're hume for my mind you'll see the mind where you got hewn from people people say they believe the Bible most don't believe the Bible they want to believe the Bible they try to believe the Bible they hope to believe the Bible but my experience is I don't I don't see and believe I believe in see Jesus said did I tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of the Lord to Lazarus his sister David said I would have fainted had I not seen and had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living not just believed it he said it what a faint ahead not believed that I would see it in the land of the living no when they died in the land of the living the goodness of God what is the goodness of Gus the glory of God Moses said show me your glory God says our cause oh my goodness to pass before you these are the realities of the kingdom that God wants to give to you and to your children the promises and we have a low level of Christianity for the most part because you don't know we don't realize I want to say this in the right way we need to reach for the stars we tell you know children you know they tell them in Publix you'll reach for the stars which means reach for your highest dream why don't we do that when God is dreaming with us reach for that dream believe some of you need to have your hope restored some of you have lost your hope and the things that God has told you or maybe you failed you think that said it's not it I I hear God saying tonight Adam where are you Adam where are you Adam where are you we didn't seem to show up you don't get hold and then you go to God you go to God to get holy you don't get holy to go to God you go to God to get holy well you can't bite off more than you can chew you know what if you're not biting off more than you can chew you're not living you've got to live on the edge of your faith on the other side faith is a line on this faith faith is a line literally on this side of it is everything you have and everything you've done everything you know everything you possess everything you've gained all those things you don't need faith people sell well I have faith to sit on that chair no you don't if the chair breaks its are rotten chair you don't have faith to sit on a chair you just sit on the chair you've said under share so many times you know the chair will hold you where you need faith is for the things you don't have but on that line of faith the devil lies in front of every single living person the same thing and it's called fear and it's the fear of the unknown the fear of stepping out and making a mistake the fear of blowing it for the fear of giving a false prophecy the fear of not being right the fear what my friends think the fear one of my relatives think one of my children think one of my parents think the fear of thinking the fear of thinking and caring what other people think and not stepping out because they care too much about what other people think or they or their they're locked in and they're so shy which is one of the highest forms of pride is shyness because you care more about what people think about you than what God thinks about you I'm not saying quietness is shyness but real shyness where people won't move in they're petrified to move why because they feel that people will reject them I'm not motivated by whether anybody likes my Facebook are you kidding me and yet there's a whole generation growing up that if a few people like what they put on they feel better about themselves this is horrible we haven't taught young people that they come from the heart of God that God created them that didn't come from a monkey they didn't come from Chunk they didn't come from nothing they didn't come from a blob they can't they have a father they have a creator and his name is God and he created them he mined them he formed them before they were in their mother's womb God knew them before they were even there well how did he do that he mined them the bub I'm gonna read it again because it sounded a little good girl you're from a pit yep man from a pit sort of sounded like somebody southern listen to me you follow after righteousness you who seek the Lord so you know he's gonna hear this only those that are seeking after righteousness and seeking the Lord's ten o'clock mom was done looked at I said that a half an hour ago but I really am look to the rock from which you were human look to the rock from which you were human look to the rock from which you were hewn it's his old testament look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the pit the hole of the pit from which you were like this you know you used to read that and pass over that really quick I'm like the hole of the pit it came from a hole in the pit come on god that's what good news is that know then I found out he mined me I came from a mine now I came from the quirky part of the mine I understand that if you don't think God is quirky and I say a wholly quirky then you missed everything look at the profits you think that's quark you know he's not he's the norm not us so he'll seem quirky does and he likes that he doesn't mind giving you a dream you don't understand it you like that was the quirkiest thing well they came from God he does it on purpose because he can't figure out God God has passed figuring out his ways of past finding out his thoughts as far as the the heavens are above the earth is it that so far as thoughts are from our thoughts and his ways tomorrow is so don't try to figure them out so he'll appear very quickly sometimes you know we don't understand but it doesn't you don't have to understand he's the whole reason he does that is so you don't try to understand the mode you don't try to understand it you'll get it the fact that he loves you but what what will interfere is the carnal mind the carnal mind it doesn't mean you're going to the carnal mind that's sending mine that's out there saying yeah I could be that but most of the time it's not that the carnal mind is an enemy against God is an enmity against God it means your thought life will not be until you put you put that under control and under captivity your thought life will actually be an enemy to God and when you try to think figure out the things of God it'll take his plate the place of your heart and then you'll miss it and if you don't watch out a religious spirit will come and you think you're doing exactly what God wants you to do you become very familiar with the God you barely know and you become familiar familiar instead of being friends with God you're familiar with God and after a while really you just go through the motions think you're pleasing God and you're not you're so far away from God but you're familiar with him but you're not friendly with him Lord Lord I did all these things here's what it says look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who bore you before I called him alone and blessed him increased him for the Lord will comfort Zion he will come what is I on the hill of the Lord the hill of the Lord the hill of the Lord heal up Mount Zion in the natural is is the the the the natural person Asheville and then you got the mountain in heaven that's what it represents is Mount Zion it says in book of Revelation I saw lamb standing on Mount Zion yeah I've been on that mountain it's terrifying and great at the same time still God still terrifies me every once in a while thing when I not in a bad way good way you want to say terrified I mean God so big I mean you know even Moses come by me we do tremble we should tremble we rejoices trembling so I can't just be flippant and say oh yeah I'm gonna rejoice um laughing that and then hee-haw and nothing matters not have the fear of the Lord the fear of the beginning wisdom it's not the end wisdom well is the end of wisdom it's beginning to wisdom mostly the end of wisdom is Jesus because wisdom is not information wisdom is personalized information given to you it's not information it's personalized information given to you what is amiss not information most people are looking at wisdom as information up for information it's personalized information for you because wisdom is personalized is called the she in the Bible it's called if you make wisdom or sister if you make her hear your can are your relative the Bible says that wisdom and sanctification that Christ has been made in me wisdom is to personalize Christ has been made into us we don't look for wisdom out there look for wisdom here because Christ have been made unto you wisdom so wisdom is not a way out here that you don't have you already have the wisdom you just need to know that Christ has been made under you wisdom and that's where you get your wisdom from here not here and not there most people are looking for here to there to get wisdom they never find it it's like a file cabinet they go through it and through it and through it and it's not there and they go through it for 10 years they can't get it because it's not in the filing cabinet it's here Christ has been made into you wisdom sanctification and righteousness so because he's been made those things unto us and he's in us we need to look in us and it says this for the Lord will comfort Zion will comfort all our waste places will make a wilderness like Eden and her desert like the Garden of the Lord joy and gladness will be found in it Thanksgiving the voice of melody let's stand up said that all in one sentence I'm gonna pray one prayer administering tomorrow morning and tomorrow morning two services do you get anything tonight from heaven did you get anything from heaven not to get anything from me or to get anything from from Canada we do have maple syrup and a lot of oil and there's water we send down too but you know what most of all I want you to fulfill what God has called you to do and I've learned through experiences like what Jeremy I'm so proud of what he's doing proud of God what is what God is doing through Jeremy and I love Jeremy Miranda I've know Miranda since she was young it would come to our meetings and she's an amazing woman of God they both are Lord bless them tonight and my son who's in San Diego tonight ministry as well I love what God is doing in the next generation Bobby Bobby's the leader in loving what the next generation is doing Bobby Connor says we bless Bobby we thank him more thank you for for him we thank you for sending people like Bob Jones and Bill Johnson and John Orr Noddin and these guys in this guy's dad this guy's dads tape I listened two years ago when to throw it out of the car now listen to it ten minutes of this guy well who is this guy Nona then two minutes later I said god I've never heard anything like this I listened and over and over and over and literally transformed my life I know just being you in God and stopping all the useless stuff that we do thinking that is spiritual when all God wants us to do is sit there like Mary Martha was doing all that work all that work and Mary had broken through in the atmosphere and was just sitting there at Jesus feet that's what this is all about you guys so father I thank you we need to learn how to sit at your feet rest in you help us to break through Lord in in the natural realm and the spiritual breakthrough into your rest give us that divine supernatural order to break through into the rest of God Lord touch people tonight touch their bodies bring healing bring healing bring healing let the reins I see rain coming Lord let the rain come on them let the rain come on their heads let you I want you to be the glory in the lift of their head thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord Wow I see something over you though I won't even say that is so amazing and it's coming down and God will tell me what it is but it's the most wonderful realities coming down over people's heads I see the glory and the lifter of your head coming I'm telling you is coming down right now it's coming down over your heads you put your hands up come on just a more a few moments more because the reality of heavens coming down right now over your heads over your heads I'm talking about over your heads over your heads over your heads over your heads these the glory and the lifter of your head they look you know what the Bible says in Psalm 3 is as many are those who rise up against me many are those who say there is no hope for him in God but you O Lord are the shield for me my glory and the lifter of my head God's going to restore your hope without hope you can't have faith because faith is the substance of things hoped for God is gonna restore people's hope because many have said to you there is no hope for you and God but the Bible says but you will Lord our Shield to me my glory and the lifter of my head come on let's give a big shout tonight yeah God I mean that was so good so good yeah he will be ministering here tomorrow 9:00 and 11:00 if you have your own home church then go home tomorrow morning otherwise if you don't have a home Church or come check us out we're cool next week we will not be doing anything here we're all gonna be at Jakes house Patricia King Jeremy Nelson IMATS order a Charlie shamp Michael Maiden they're all going to be up north so we're gonna be serving what God is doing there and so if you can't make it to those meetings watch them online and then mark your calendars because will we be back here our next apple wine awakening meeting will be on January 26 it's an awakening night and that'll be a Friday night on and that'll be it for that for that weekend also save the date for Bobby Connor and Patricia King because they're coming in February so is that good all right love you guys god bless you have a good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SRC LIVE
Views: 1,040
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Id: IHjyW2tTs-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 28sec (11548 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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