Healing For Your Soul: Session 3 | Katie Souza | Seattle Revival Center

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turn to your neighbor and say it's about to be good you think you know but you have no idea or you might actually so my daughter my daughter's four years old she's very prophetic and I said what do these people need tonight and she said they need paper I said okay what do you mean by that and she said you know like to create stuff to write stuff down they need a pen too and I said it's God gonna give destinies tonight and she said yep that's right so God's got destinies and Scrolls there's a scrolls are another word for paper right and Scrolls are often used to declare our destiny that's what God uses to write our destiny down reveal who we are it's an amazing story amen so I really believe that God has destiny in the room tonight this is gonna be a life-changing moment tonight you guys in agreement with that come on so I'm just gonna open us up in prayer and then right as I say Amen feel free to just come on up and we're just gonna worship all right you guys ready yeah come on come on so father we just thank you we thank you Lord for your plan for our life we say yes to your plan we say yes to your will we say yes to your leading God we stop and we we take the time to look to where you're looking we take the time to be sensitive to your leading to your moving and we're ready we're ready Lord we're so ready in the deepest place of our hearts God we are ready for the fullness of what you have for us God we say yes to you God so tonight Lord as we worship You God come and sit in our praises Lord be enthroned in our worship tonight God we just thank you God for being such a faithful God you never let us down you're so good come be made manifest in this place in Jesus name everybody said amen come on let's worship Him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] louder than before [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh chuckles no more chains no gonna find it ah [Music] no more [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] filled my body my mind killed my body touch my my [Music] [Applause] killed my body touch my MA [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we come king of Boracay king of boy come [Music] in space yes rain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] we have come [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we are you [Music] [Music] either we wanna see [Music] all the praises are [Music] we can [Music] [Music] came front account [Music] it's a fire [Music] see it out to him tonight boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was torn [Music] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] belongs to you my halleluyah halleluyah [Music] to sing it again [Music] deserve [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and all of the glory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you did [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] how's the glory Lauren praise [Music] you deserve you deserve you deserve you deserve [Music] you did it is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa holy Oh [Music] oh that's so beautiful to them sit him holy [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you are [Music] you are [Music] thank you [Music] whoa [Music] okay Oh as you [Music] you are good yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] yeah [Music] you're never you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna bet you're never gonna let me down it's not in your nature you're never gonna bet you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna bet you're never gonna let me down you're never gonna never gonna let me die ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on let's keep praising the Lord right now come on lift up your voice your voice let's do that chorus one more time come on let's sing one more time let's really celebrate the Lord tonight amen because she is good a man he's gonna do good things tonight amen demonstrate his goodness tonight a man come on you're never gonna let [Music] come on believe it that's what he does what are you believing for [Applause] promises are coming [Music] see it [Music] you good voices notice the voices ready you are good good you are good good you are good good you are good good [Music] you are good good you are good good [Music] yeah good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] high-five your neighbor and tell him how you're doing god is good he's gonna do some good things tonight come on yes get excited tonight amen get excited tonight amen Seattle Seattle how are you doing tonight Amen this is always the last gig I do every year I love it I love it coming here to Seattle amen love you guys how many of you were here last year yeah that's it the rest of you were where were you you missed out holy cow amen oh we're switching testing testing I'm double-fisting a microphone okay that's awesome okay amen amen so look let's let's let's do that let's have a review of what you missed last year I'm gonna roll a video of what happened in this room last year so you can see what God was doing it what he's he always goes from glory to glory amen so it's only gonna be more amen more okay so let's see the Seattle vid where's the medal girl I had three screws because I had a break that went all the way across my ring finger and it actually caused it to go on a diagonal and you could peel the screws sticking out okay I see us a big scar can you get a picture that scar um there Heidi it's pretty big that it's running like all the way from the knuckle down to the the knuckle I have x-rays that show this three screws okay x-rays show the three screws okay so do you see okay now pull back out okay so now did it give you pain um it didn't give me pain but unless somebody went and squeezed it and you could feel the screws poking out but you can feel like I mean if there if it's there it's it's really uh apparent at this point so you're saying that you had three screws in there and when you squeeze that you can feel them yes and that actually if somebody squeezed it if somebody took my hand and squeezed it would hurt because the screws would poke the inside of the skin okay so now when you're squeezing it can you feel the screws I can't feel the screws and I've been playing with my finger trying to find out three of them three screws and you can't find them I can't find them no when you said somebody would hold your hand and squeeze it it would hurt but now you squeeze it for me how does it feel when you split among you okay okay so you're alright there you go all right so that's how it would you're saying if somebody held your hand like that it would hurt how's it feel right now I don't feel pain [Applause] okay so now let's try and see if there is something there you want to see it okay so this is the police so it is the real deal all right let me test it on your other ring there it is see now it sounded off now let's test this finger ready there you an even last night tell us what happened to you I was healed yeah and that's a wrap no tell us about the gunshot wound I was shot at point-blank range with a 357 in the right hip it's spun off came back and lodged in the back of my father's okay suppose so what's the bullets still in there yes along with a bunch of hardware and the right hip and a bunch of hardware okay so why was the hardware there you said something about you had to piece together your hip yeah when the bullet hit it it broke into 17 pieces so your hips shattered in 17 pieces on the right side yes and they wired it together with hardware and all kinds of stuff yep and you've had it in there the metal and the bullet and stuff ever since since 95 now you also had other problems like you had pain going shooting down your leg from it and other issues is that correct correct constant burning down the right side burning a burning is that from the metal you think the burning or what I think it may have been metal and sciatic metal and sciatic okay so first of all how's the pain in leg right now gone zero zero zoom what was it on a normal daily basis that burning pain in the leg what was it seven eight seven eight okay and then how's your mobility like did you have limited mobility and stuff like that I mean how did it affect you well I couldn't do this [Applause] so when you do that did you feel any pain not felt total freedom total freedom okay so now we tested you last night but we want to make sure it's not a fluke so we're gonna test you again a man so pull your pull your pocket out okay pull your pants down okay so now he has one metal rivet on his pants so we're gonna I'm gonna show you the metal rivet okay lift up your shirt see right there that's his metal rivet okay that's my mind that there here's this metal rivet that's on his jeans okay now watch we're gonna I want you to put your finger on that cuz I'm gonna go around it and we're gonna test all your hip and your front your back okay you ready that's my mic okay hold on come on you're gonna be pretty strong [Applause] tell us your name again my name is quando quando uh you had an injury to your hand so show me what chant okay right I see you I see a star there it's about about an inch and a half two inches big what happened to your hand I broke it in the kind of who fights pretty tough guy yeah tough guy okay so you broken in country fight and how did the doctors try to fix it they put a metal to hold the bone together metal think now last night you were here and we prayed a couple different times and you felt the metal getting smaller and smaller is that correct yes and you actually had more and more movements with your thumb see there you go right now your before you couldn't move your thumb like that is that correct right okay and so now how does it feel when you move in any pain no pain no pain is there pain before not too much but a little bit when you try to move it there was a little bit of pain before but now there's not is that correct right you got a lot more movement there yeah Wow a lot lot isn't it yeah it's really great it's really good okay so now last night when you walked off stage we tested you and you still had metal in that we ran this over you and you still have metal even though you felt it was getting smaller is that correct great so I went out and I saw you today and I said let's check and see if that metal still there right yes shall we show everybody else what happened yeah okay ready [Music] [Applause] come on let's go got a big race tonight that happened on this stage in this room in this church that means you have access do you understand you have access to that miracle realm now I just want to challenge you something if God can take metal out of your body do you think he can fix your marriage or save your kids or kill your cancer or bring you financial prosperity do you think you can do all of that if you do this good you've got a big shout out come on [Applause] thank you Jesus now is there anyone in here tonight that has metal in their body that gives you pain or restricts your movement if you if your metal doesn't give you pain or doesn't restrict your movement then don't stand up but if it does then please stand up so I see a woman in the back and who else is there anybody else there's someone right here gives you pain your pain how much pain are you in ma'am a lot of pain right now currently one to ten what are you in seven or eight and what about you in the back there ma'am how much pain are you in you're a ten pain right now okay where's your metal and your neck and your collarbone and does it cause you're restricted movement okay and what about you what where is it on your right toe okay and does it cause you restricted movement what's that it held it hurts to walk okay and then nine screws and a plate in your leg and your femur we had a guy here he's not on that video but he was here last year and he had jumped off a 20-story overpass is he here is he here he was here this morning he was here this morning remember him yeah and then he got so healed that he started break dancing on stage right he was doing country line dancing and then he mixed it with he went down and braked his I couldn't I was like wow okay man and he had metal he had more metal than that in his leg from jumping off that overpass he came later and he said I couldn't believe it that I was I was in my bathroom after the miracle happened and he goes and I didn't have to lean against the wall to put my underwear on he said I could just totally do it so awesome so awesome okay so you ladies stay standing stay standing where are you okay there's just three of you eight okay so we're gonna pray right now everybody just back me up will I pray for them Father in the name of Jesus has to spend time right now son stand still in the midst of heaven moon stay in the valley of aztlán so the Sun stood still in the moon stayed until Joshua took revenge on all his enemies I loose right now the presence of the Angels in this room to bring healing to the soul and to exchange the metal for bone to extract the metal and replace it with bone in the name of Jesus right now and I speak to your soul in Jesus name and I loose the Holy Spirit and Dunamis power for you to be healed of all trauma that came from the accident or from the situation that led to the metal implant in the name of Jesus right now I command your soul to become excellent of soul be healed of all trauma now in the name of Jesus right now in Jesus name and I command all pain to get pain go right now mobility right now return in the name of Jesus now now now now everybody pray in the spirit please you want to step it up by the Angels working [Music] [Music] now I want you ladies to start checking yourself start moving around and checking yourself because as you do the pain is gonna decrease it's already decreasing your mobility is gonna increase right now just keep checking come on if you're not moving you're not checking that pain is gonna disappear mobility is gonna return in the name of Jesus right now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus right now right now right now in the name of Jesus keep praying everybody now if your pain is starting to decrease wave at me when your pain starts to decrease I still command more pain she says it's starting to decrease right here she's saying the pain is a little bit decreasing so we command all the pain to go right now right now in the name of Jesus I command the looseness of the of the muscles the tendons right now right now as exchange happens she'll be able to move right now in the name of Jesus right now in Jesus name right now how about you ladies in the back do you have any pain less pain what are you well you were in a tent what are you at now you feel no pain you were out of ten and you feel no pain amen amen and how about you man with the toe you feel a little less pain you feel only a little pain right now what were you before wonderful one to ten come on take off and start walking girl come on take off and start walking come on take up and start walking you have to test it in order for us to know okay okay and how you doing how you doin yeah yeah you you how you doin still hurts let's pray for her again while this other lady's walking around father more more MORE we bless the little bit of pain reduction you already are doing Lord and we believe that it's more more more more more MORE you're gonna bless her even more angels are is tending to her making the exchange right now in the name of Jesus she's having more emotion less pain more emotion than less pain right now in the name of Jesus right now we speak to the soul we speak to the body we command it to be healed in the name of Jesus now now in the name of Jesus now we're looking at the toll ad you're not walking you're just standing what's happening girl come on walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk come on and you're still at zero ma'am you were attending are you ready zero okay does it hurt less or the same what is it it's about time keep walking can you keep walking for me okay and you're not standing up okay how are you feeling it's better how much better half way that's half way is 50% half way is 50% so we even more we bless what you're doing God you're doing something gone right now if she's got 50% does that mean he's doing something does that mean that he's doing something everybody say it even louder yes so we bless it even more right now in the name of Jesus let's hear from the lady who's a tenth come on up here please that went from a 10 to a zero can you come up and give her a hand when she comes up right now Lord to keep on blessing that right now in the name of Jesus and keep on blessing out in the name of Jesus come on up here the next contestant on The Price is Right thank you Jesus thank you how's our tow girl any improvement on the tow babe when you press it that's when you feel it and when you press so how do you feel same less little s okay come on come on up here baby okay tell us your name my name is Yvonne okay Yvonne what happened how did you get the metal in the body I fell down when I was 18 years old bad choices and I was drinking and my whole leg shattered Wow your whole leg shattered 18 years old so what was that six months ago what ten years ago oh girl you're still looking good you need to lay hands on people [Applause] amen okay so ten years ago and you shattered the whole eggs so what did they do to rebuild the leg they put a plate here with nine screws so right here it never hurts but right here is where it hurts really bad and it like pops all the time and sometimes like I can't even walk when I was pregnant there was times I couldn't even walk my leg would like stop on me and I would have to sit down or else I'd fall that bad okay so what was that like a ten pain every day yes actually the pain is so bad that my body started to get used to the pain already so you were you become acclimated for 10 years you lived at a 10 pain and you got acclimated to the pain yes so tonight where you attend before we pray yeah and what are you right now right now I don't feel nothing and we've got to be praised amen amen amen no yeah let me feel it okay okay so I can feel the metal in there still how many of you know that sometimes the metal disappears and is replaced by bone sometimes the metal stays but that person still got a miracle if they went from a ten pain to a zero right sometimes the metal takes a minute to go away remember cuando yeah it's really great karate guy okay remember him he stood up on this stage and the first night when me and him talked he's he felt the metal getting smaller and smaller and then by the next day when he came back I tested him the metal was gone so sometimes it takes some everybody say sometimes it takes a minute sometimes it takes a minute at some times the metal actually changes forms so that you can actually bend or do something you couldn't do before even though the metal stay there now can you have do you have anymore movement in the leg I just tested before I was never able to bend and when I had the baby in my arms like I was able to come on I saw you pick up the baby I'm like what's going on back there it's really not like I had it like tried to go down because I know that it always hurts me when I do that so that was one of my tests and I was like wow then I started going come on let's give God a big brace for that amen come on so that feels good so when you do this and all that you can there you go how does that feel let's give God one more big praise amen amen okay so now how's my neck and how's my toe where's my toe where's my neck how's the neck it's a lot better alright so so what did you sweat paint little did you start at celery and you are at at what now you're a tattoo come on up here I'm gonna pray for you right now finish it off here come on come on you're one of those people right I got to get up here stand up sit down come over here come up the stairs now okay come on up here give her a hand as she comes up here man all right no so now tell us your name tink tink I love that it's not like you should have wings on the back of your tank okay so now how'd you get the metal where is it what happened I broke my neck two times one time in a car accident and another time falling out of bed one time in a car and you fell out of bed and broke your neck you're kidding it was like a granny bed with steps to get out and I slipped on the steps and because I already had plates in my neck when I my head hit the end table it made it break above and below the plates so Wow I'll break any calamity spirit off of you right now in the name of Jesus amen wow you actually fell out it slipped and hit your hand on the nightstand and it shattered the bones above and below the plate and what are they how did they fix that well I'm fused from c2 to see two three four five I think I'm actually fused from three four five and six three four five and six okay so let me tell you a story here a couple stories ready so I have this girl named Lisa she came to the women on the front language Patricia King in Arizona okay she had I had a major accident and she lost all the discs in her neck and and like the cartilage and and that they actual cracked the bones and all that so they they actually went in and they put they took out the discs put spacers in her neck and to hold the spacers in place they put nine screws in it okay nine screws in okay so she totally gets healed in the meeting test her with the metal I have it on video tester with the metal detector and the nine screws completely disappeared she's crying she's able to turn her neck all the way no pain crying her eyeballs out and my question was what's holding the spacers in now the screws are gone or like did we put some new disks in at the same time amen okay so then I had another lady in Sandy San Jose San Jose Jenni was her name Jenny okay she had a major accident and they put in cadaver bones cadaver bones with metal fused in between each cadaver bone to hold them together so she had this implant made out of cadaver bones and metal okay so it's in her neck and something had gone wrong because her friend who was an RN sitting right there next door could reach up and she could feel it she said it felt bony and it protruded out of her neck I'm thinking well it belongs back here with the heck right she couldn't leave for cuz when she did she felt the weight of it shift so she could only like that's the furthest she could lean forward she couldn't shake her head she couldn't turn her head side to side okay so in the meeting we thought it disappeared sometime the mysteries of God because her friend reach up and could not feel it couldn't feel it at all then she came and she was she was turning twisting jumping up and down well she wouldn't had an x-ray afterwards and it was still there but and the angel had moved it into its proper place is that awesome or what do you think God can give you it you tell me you're at a set you were out of seven when we started to pray right yes and now you're at o2 okay you ready everybody pray for me Wow close your eyes and just receive I mean father thank you again that's the angel to come no no don't pray anymore just receive okay don't you're going come on Lord good okay just to see you okay just receive okay all right and I just loose the angel on you right now the Holy Spirit you're being healed of all the trauma from the falling out of the bed and from the accident every bit of trauma right now right now in Jesus name so right now in Jesus name close your eyes yeah thank you God right now finish the work and take her pain down to a zero in three two one it's gone I can you feel the middle with your hand can you feel it I could I can feel the divot in between where the plates are I never can really feel the plate and I have a plate right here that I can feel okay so I believe I can I can see it right here so so we're gonna pray for a completely disappear but has she already had a miracle amen ready okay so father thank you Lord as as we go through the night that the metal plates would completely be removed and bone would be inserted we thank you for what you've already done to give her a zero pain level and we now know you're gonna finish the miracle just like you did it for cuándo and by tomorrow she's gonna those plates will be bone now we decree it so it is established in Jesus name can we all give got a big praise amen now where's my toe what's happening girl how's that toe babe you don't feel anything so press on with your hand baby come on up here so you're saying it's only a little bit compared to what used to be how is it right now he's still feeling yes when I'm only when I'm pressing on it but it's just like a very little bit of pain okay so when you used to press on it what did if what was level pain that you felt probably three four and now what is it like half one maybe half of a one you come up here let's finish it to zero okay okay ready so what's your name Elvira how'd you get it in there how'd you get in there I had a bunionectomy and I had a surgery because my bunion was so big that it hurt to walk I would limp because of the pain from the bunion and so the doctor removed the bunion and I put a tiny screw in my toe to connect my toe today you have a screw in there a tiny screw oh that screws gonna go okay so so let let me tell you what some stories here okay so there was a girl in Denver okay and I prayed for her she had a bunionectomy she had arrived this long that's way bigger than your screw okay she had a slice on the side of her foot you could see it she told me they shaved her bones stuck the rod in there to keep her feet straightened out and she said it gave her pain and she couldn't wear certain shoes and when she got up on her toes it hurt and and all of that stuff okay does it hurt right now no no does it normally when you do that normally yes right now it only hurt like I said when I was pressing on right now does it hurt but normally you would feel it okay and can you feel the screw with your fingers it's very small very small okay all right so anyway so she comes up and I said what level paint her you guys because I'm in pain all the time I said still I know your pain oh oh yeah I mean I'm in pain all the time I went still right now she's oh yeah I'm in pain all time I said still right now huh and she goes yeah she start doing this now I got this on video and she goes oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay she did that for like 5-10 minutes freaking out we ran the metal detector over that rock completely disappeared okay now I have that I'm videotaping going YouTube much just put bunionectomy Denver or something like that I don't even know how to spell bunionectomy but somebody ask Siri and then go look it up okay then I had this girl named Lisa no Lenore Lenore women on the front line same place where the lady with the nine screws disappeared from her neck Lisa okay so Lenore had five scars this big across her feet one two three four five had metal inserted all in the feet okay had massive problem massive pain couldn't get up on the tippy toes right she totally gets a miracle it totally disappears see while I'm talking to you thinks something's happening see to you see that because it's a testimony right so she's totally has a miracle she gets up on stage she's doing it the tippy toes she has no pain she has no resistance we take the metal detector out and we wanted her no metal completely disappeared amen so now she had a lot of metal you have a teeny little screw okay so the tiniest screw is gonna go away I had a girl in prison she had a car run over her foot crushed her heel they tried to rebuild it with screws and everything else one of the screws dislodged it was still trapped underneath her skin she could feel it with her finger all the other girls in prison could feel it they had felt that they described it as feeling disgusting okay this is disgusting okay and so I couldn't take the metal detector in there but I invited them all up because she said that screw is gone and they all came up they all touched her foot and they all testified that the screw was gone I almost got kicked out of that prison for that because the guy that was there he says why is everybody touched why she making everybody touched somebody everybody's touching touching touching we can't touch in prison there's no touching here and then the chavín went up to her and said calm down you wouldn't let them bring in the metal detector so she asked to ask people to touch it so they can prove it's gone I don't like all the touching I don't stop touching too bad God did it anyway okay now I want you to take off your shoe and I want you to tell me if all that pain is gone just a little tiny bit when I do this when I Father I thank you that that muscle memory is leaving that muscle memory is leaving in the name of Jesus right now and that screw is totally dissolving right now because bone has replaced it in the name of Jesus right now thank you Jesus thank you God in Jesus name right now the pain leaving all the way the name of Jesus okay now I want you to check it again any better it's better it keeps getting better just a little bit but it's better so I think the screws getting smaller smaller let's test it and to see if there's anything left so can we have the wand okay put your foot up on my leg there yeah beeping yeah okay so it's green lights on see it okay put your foot up on my knee can you I believe your screw is gone so that's just muscle memory tiny bit of pain left and it's gonna be gone now you believe it let's give God a big praise him in no just so that there's if there's any skeptics in the room I do have a video up online how many people who clarice fluid is okay i she has a titanium metal hip in her and she let me use her as a guinea pig I said I'll pray for your hip after we test you and I used that same metal detector on her and it went through her hip muscle which is very thick and picked up the titanium metal in her in her hip bone so do you think it's gonna pick up that screw in her foot let's give God a praise amen amen okay I'm gonna give away a couple things and then we're gonna go in okay so this is uh well it's not new but it is somewhat new healing the wounded soul in here is even the stuff that how I work the mental me how I God works the mental miracles and uses us to do it but it's in here okay so if you want to learn how to do that I see a woman waving your hand way in the back yep come on up here you're the next contestant on The Price is Right come on down okay and then this is very important this has all the keys and stuff I've never talked about in public ORS in there so you want to get that book for sure and then this is how if the presses I've I've cultivated this revelation for ten years ten years and I've whipped me some Legion you know what this is an important teaching because if you want to be able to take regions of land if you're going into ministry or anything else and you want Authority you've got to get rid of regional demons that are over the regions of land where you've been sent by God to get revival I made a soaker the so guy recorded it three times I threw away every edit on the third time I said this is the one and people reporting after one time of soaking to this that they're getting deliverance what the one time this is some of the most important work I've ever done okay I can't bear to give it to somebody so I'm gonna let you Nancy give it yeah yeah yeah it's too hard for me to pick somebody yay awesome okay amen let's give God a big praise amen okay tonight I'm so glad about tonight and I'm so glad that my brother from another mother Tony camp is here can we give him a big hand on the way here I was like what am I gonna talk about in Seattle God give me a word and he gave me the word lever I have one of those Bible apps that you can look up a word in every single translation at the same time so i put in the word lever leather lever and out of every single translation there was only one verse in the entire bible out of all the translations that had the word lever in and it's it's from numbers 13 when the Israelites went in and they scouted out and spied out the promised land and they came upon a huge cluster of grapes it was so large it had to be carried by two men on a pole in this particular translation I found the word lever in the word lever is used instead of pole so the lever is what the Israelites were carrying this huge piece of fruit on right so then as I'm like okay so what does that mean that means okay there's gonna be a lot of fruit a lot of fruit coming forth in you know new wine here we are new wine you know in Seattle I said but what is it good what do I need to talk on and I looked at the word lever and it's from a French word that means the light the light the light and I knew God was saying as we pull the lever and release the light you're gonna get a payoff just like how you pull lever in a casino and it pays off same animal it's gonna pay off big so then I came in my brother was sitting here and I ran up to him sat down next to him I said what are you gonna talk about and he looked right at me says the glory and the light and he said Enoch was in the light and I just went right because we had been taught you know the five of us that came as a little team here I've been talking about it since I got that word and then even even like Leslie said oh I've been studying Ephesians five seven I think it is her five nine or it says the fruit of the light is righteousness goodness amen yeah light produces fruit fruit the big thing a grapes amen so we're gonna teach on this because I'm gonna believe that as we walk into this revelation about the light of Jesus Christ that we're gonna produce major fruit we're gonna pull that level and be able to carry out a big honking cluster grapes from the promised land okay a lot of people they when they hear somebody talking about the light of Christ they think oh this is a new-age revelation you know cuz all the New Ager people are just talking about the light and the light okay well here's the thing about that we had it first get back let's stop letting the witches and the New Age people take our stuff and get all paranoid when we talk about our stuff that we had first I mean God is light and there is no darkness in him that's what 1 John 1:5 says amen okay he created light he spoke he said let there be light and band there was light it's the first thing he created that everybody else same in and then what what does the Bible say about Jesus I love the scripture in the amplified classic as Hebrews 1:3 it says it Jesus is the sole expression of the glory of God the light being the out ring or radiance of the divine meaning Jesus is a light being he is the out ring in the radiance of the divine father God guess who lives in us the light being we are full of light our spirit man is full of Christ and we're supposed to outre we're supposed to outre that light that's in us because it's light isn't just God didn't just create light to illuminate the planet he created it because it heals us in her inner man it heals our bodies it causes deliverance to come it causes revelation and enlightenment to come when you're full of the light of Christ when you release it from in here to the rest of your being into the darkness of your mind where you're thinking stupid into your will when you're making dumb decisions and you screwed it up into your emotions where you're feeling downtrodden oppress the oppressed reject it ashamed whatever you're not gonna feel those things you're not gonna make stupid mistakes you're not gonna think wrong thoughts because the light drives out the darkness darkness has to flee when the light is turned on you have all the light you could ever need in here Christ in you the hope of glory he is a light being he is the light of the world he brings his light brings life and you need to start releasing the light of crisis in you into every other part of your being your soul your body your finances your relationships amen we have to understand how much the light is a supernatural tool and weapon so we can start using it and exercising it look at Malachi 2:4 - okay this is from the amplified classic it says that the Sun of righteousness who's that Jesus Christ right arises on us with healing in his wings and his beams of light it actually says the word beams in the amplified classic that Jesus arises on us with healing and the way he heals is through out the wings which is the glory realm and the beams the word beams means rays of light meaning Jesus himself who is a light being he's the light of the world uses his light to be able to heal you what kind of healing well if you look up that word it means Rafa it means healing health and sure meaning the light of Christ can actually heal your physical body which we're gonna talk about that in a minute but it also missed the eyes the Hebrew word Marr pay which means to be sound of mind sound of mine look your mind has some dark places in it and those dark places are attracting demons they're attracting trouble they're making you think wrong thoughts they're making you have all kinds of strongholds built up in your mind but Jesus will arise on you with healing Maur pay in his beams of light to make you what mark pay means sound of mine how many of you want to stop having all that chatter noise in your brain then you could hear the voice of God II saw them which is and arlesian and all these spirits trying to constantly interject these thoughts and it's our own our own inability to recognize our identity in Christ or we feel the shame and all the rejection and all the stuff and all the anger and all the offenses and everything else that's the thoughts were thinking but when the light comes into your brain you become our pay you become sound of mine when the Sun of righteousness Jesus Christ arises on you with healing in his wings and his beams of light you got to start taking action we're gonna like I'm not just gonna preach that we're gonna activate throughout the entire thing I want you to clamp your hands on you right now clap your hands on your head right now you know what it says in Jove 3632 it says that God's hands are covered with lightning and it commands them to strike their mark your hands now are full of the light because it gets released from your spirit man into your brain into your mind now I want you to create with me because as you do this is what's gonna happen whether you can see it or not and God will let a lot of you actually see it light lightning strikes are gonna come out of your hands into your mind and it's gonna drive out the dark pockets and the resistance and the stronghold and the chatter and the thoughts and your mind so that you can receive and hear the voice of God amen so just say it with me to say I decree that the Sun of righteousness is arising on my mind with healing in his wings and his beams of light God's light is coming out of my spirit through my arms out of my hands into my mind I speak to every dark place in my thinking that's allowing me to think wrong thoughts and causing demonic oppression and I strike it with the lightning I strike the darkness with the lightning I strike the darkness of the lightning I decree I am marpe a sound of mind sound of mine sound of mine because of the light of Christ right now in Jesus name i decree it and it is established now get got my praise as we go through tonight I'm gonna have you interact with me you're gonna speak the Scriptures after me you know why because many places in the New Testament not every time but many places where the word voice is used in the New Testament you know what it means to shine forth light your hands release the lightning of God but so does your voice when you speak especially when you speak the word because the Bible says the entrance of thy word bringeth light when you speak the word your voice releases the light that's in you that's why it's important that we're always speaking positive I have to fight this all the time I mean I battle I own an a Christian Network okay I'm on the front line battle of media and everything else and it can get overwhelming and oppressive and oppressive and I have to remember those times to praise God did you know that in the Psalms the word praise and many songs you know it means light rays of light that's why it's so important for us to say our praises our praises instead of our naked confession because when we praise it releases light our voice releases light so when we're praising when we're speaking the word the interests of thy word bring its light the word praise means light it's going to release light and then what happens the Sun of righteousness arises on you with healing healing healing in his beams of light healing healing healing when you're thinking wrong thoughts don't let yourself continue that path clamp your hands on your head and say devil oh ah snap you were some lightning your fried sucker you fry that dude you use the weapon you have insight you have a weapon of the light inside of you and you can use it to cost healing to come upon you amen are you with me are you with me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus remember as we go we're gonna make these decrees you know what drove 2228 says right you shall decree a thing and it shall be established but nobody finishes that statement it says this you shall decree a thing it should be established and the light will shine upon your ways your voice releases light your praise releases like your decrees the reason why your decrees are established is because the light in you it's released through your voice through your praise so that when you decree a thing it is established and the light show sign upon all your ways let's praise God right now come on lift up your voice and praise Him lift up your voice and praise Him lift up your voice and praise him praise him for your family praise it for your job praise it for your home praise it for your car praise them for your health praise them for the money you have praise them for everything you own praise them for everything that you've ever owned brakes and praise him praise Him come on you can do better than that come on you can do better than that come on you can do better than that we gave you the honor we give you the glory God we give you the honor and then we give you the glory God which is honor we give you the glory God we magnify your name we magnify your name we magnify your name we magnify you God we release the light of Christ right now through our praise through our voice releasing lights in the name of Jesus the room filled with light filled with light because of your goodness sky whoa come on Jesus come on Jesus light is a power to heal your soul to heal your body to bring you deliverance when you start releasing the light stuff that's in you that you didn't even know exists starts coming up and out you want to get rid of that stuff that stuff is holding you back that stuff is allowing demonic resistance on you that stuff is allowing sickness to come upon your being you want to get rid of the stuff the light gets rid of it listen to this scripture Psalms 90 verse a amplified classic I love this it says as our iniquities our secret heart and it's sins which we would so like to conceal even from ourselves you have set in the revealing light of your countenance the understand what happens you're just now what happens when we get into the presence of God and his light that light what does it do it forces out the secret things in our heart the iniquities and the sins even stuff we want to conceal from ourselves the stuff that's giving us trouble you want to get rid of the stuff that's giving you trouble you do it in the light you do it in the light you do it in the light you do it in the light you do it in the light you do it in the light you do it in the light in the light you do it in the light to it in the light you do it in the light [Music] say it with me ready say our iniquities our secret heart and its sins which we is so like to conceal even from ourselves you have set in the revealing light of your countenance put your hand on your head say God revealed to me the junk in my trunk through your lights as I decree this thing this is being established and the light is shining on all my ways and I know you're bringing up and out the junk up and out it comes in the light in Jesus name now shout amen thank you God I'm gonna keep on walking you through this and we're gonna hit it and we're gonna hit it and we're gonna hit it and we're gonna hit it until he's gone you're gonna see you're gonna act different you're gonna feel different you're gonna make good decisions you're gonna hear the voice of God amen this is Ephesians 5:9 I mentioned this earlier this is in the amplified classic says for the fruit remember we're going after the big grapes on the lever which the word lever means the light we're pulling the lever and we're gonna have big grapes big fruit it says for the fruit the effect and the product of the light or the spirit consists in every form of kindly goodness uprightness of heart and trueness of life so you see the light when you work it produces everybody's like what's a Dookie let's say I do they're always come on to me which I do I go soak in the light it will produce fruit what kind of fruit look it's like you're gonna have kindly goodness every form of it every form of uprightness of heart every form of trueness of life then you're gonna start acting righteous without having to try to act righteous how many of you go through your day like you just cuz we're believers right we're supposed to act right so every time you want to cuss somebody out are you either biting your lip or are you just cussing them out just think what it would be like not to have to cuss them up or even bite your lip to just be like oh it's all good that don't bother me I'm good with it to just be able to handle it for your natural reaction to be peace kindness goodness self-control amen love joy gentleness the light produces fruit why would you not want to use something that was gonna produce for you do you understand put your hands on your head we're working the light amen say wouldn't it say for the fruit the effect the product of the light or the spirit consists in every form of kindly goodness of rightness of heart and Souness of life say I decree I'm getting fruit because the light is shining through my hands through my voice through my praise and I'm gonna walk in kindly goodness I'm gonna have uprightness of heart and trueness of life cuz the lightning is striking its mark and destroying everything that's against the fruit of the Spirit in Jesus name Amen now give God a shout again I'm gonna keep working it and keep working it keep working it cuz you're gonna leave your different tonight you're gonna leave here with a bunch of big I was gonna you know I was gonna say grapes baby great sauna pull my man grapes amen okay let's look at this scripture this is Luke 11 34 through 36 in the amplified classic I'm gonna keep showing you that this isn't just a stray scripture here and there that the Bible is full of scripture about the light of Jesus Christ healing our soul healing our body bringing us revelation there's even an angel of light in the room right now my kid heard his name he's been following me around the kidney of course God gives it to the kid his name is Ray al she looked it up you know what it means Lord of the light right now it's here you know angels hearken to the voice of his word right so as you're saying it not only is it coming out your mouth the light coming out two hands with lightning strikes but an angel is going around harkening to the word as you speak the Bible the scriptures and since he's the lord of the light he's releasing even more light can you dig it can you dig it say I can [Applause] I'll love you people amen now look at this great little treasure here says your eye how many of you know the eye is the window to the soul so this is a soul scripture ready your eye is the lamp of your body when your eye or your conscience what's your conscience it's part of your what soul right is soundin fulfilling its office your whole body is full of light but when it's not sound and not fulfilling its office your body is full of darkness okay so check it out it's saying that when your eye or your conscience which is your soul your mind your thoughts your reasonings everything about your mind right when it's sounded fulfilling its office it's why because your whole body is full of what light see when your brain your mind is sound of fulfilling its office that means you're thinking right thoughts when your will is sound of a filling its office that means you're making my decisions when your emotions are sound of fulfilling their office their job is to make good emotions peaceful emotions app emotions not depression or anxiety or hate or fear or anything like that right how does that happen when your whole body is full of light the light is a soul healing power we want to be filled with the light and not be filled with the darkness the darkness represents that the wickedness inside of us the wrong thinking the bad emotions the bad decisions those all come from a dark place in us but when the light invades the darkness it shifts everything the way we think the way we act our choices that we make the way we feel everything you men I love how it says be careful therefore that the light that is in you is not darkness if then your entire body is illuminated having no dark part it will be wholly bright with light as when a lamp when it's bright Ray's gives you light see the more you do this the more you activate into the light the more you work the supernatural tool that you have inside of you the more your whole body will become illuminated having no dark part how do you know when your whole body's illuminated have no dark part including soul body everything you can't have no sickness and disease you can't have out pain because pain is darkness disease is darkness you can't have any that it will all depart it will run for its life screaming out of your body out of your mind out of your soul and then it says you'll become like a what you'll be holy bright with light as with a lamp with its bright rays gives you light once you start to become totally saturated where you're working the light and you're driving out all the darkness in you you become this bright lamp and light starts to come out of you you start to fill you fill up with a light and then it starts shooting out of you and then when you start praying for people they'll get healed you know how words the knowledge work you're so full of light then when you speak that word that light which travels at 186,000 miles per second goes directly to the person that needs it and heals them remember jesus healed that that person long distance the Centurions servant he goes my Centurions sick you know he needs some help and Jesus said well I'll come to your house and pray for me because no just speak use your voice which releases light the word the entrance of his word bringeth light and my servant will be healed jesus healed that dude long distance by the light I don't think you heard me jesus healed that dude long distance through the light he said just say the word next result I were bringing is light the voice releases light he's broken that light that was in Christ because he's the light of the world without his mouth shooting at 186,000 miles per second to that guy's house and it said that guy was healed the very moment that Jesus said you want to hit you want to pray for your friends that are in another country or another state and you're thinking I'll I need to lay hands on them so I can release the lightning from that know you can release it with your voice the surgeons would say light it's already there 186,000 miles per second hello I have healed people all over the country by just speaking and release having an understanding and in a recognition the light that's in me is coming out when I speak the word because the interest of thy word bring it light and my voice it means to shed forth light gender sound I'm saying to you now if you can do that people across the country you can surely do it for your teenager who's locked themselves in their room again at the end of your house or her husband as he's curled up on the other side of the bed with a blanket going I hate you and you can go oh yeah wait take that well you try the darkness right out of that man what's your hand on your head let's see that scripture again bring it back up there Raylan you ready we're just gonna go to the first part ready my eye is the lamp of my body when my eye my conscience is sound and fulfilling its office my whole body is full of light but when it's not sound and not fulfilling its office my body is full of darkness say body be filled with the light of Christ the son of righteousness is arising on me with healing in his wings and his beams in my voice it's releasing that light and I decree my mind is sound and fulfilling its office I'm thinking right thoughts my will is sound and fulfilling its office I'm making right choices my emotions are sound and fulfilling their office I feel good emotions and it's all because my whole body it's full of light I'm becoming the lamp with its bright Ray's that gives out light to other people that are in darkness I am wholly filled with light now shout Amen Buddha Jesus Buddha Jesus who did Jesus Oh Buddha Jesus Oh see you're starting to start uh I'm starting to see the light bulbs are starting to start to glow Sam Sam Sam yeah yeah yeah everybody has a darkness on their face and now you're starting to illuminate see because you're filling up your like a car you need to stop at the gas station and put some gas in and that gas is the light amen amen John 12:46 I believe this is the amplified classic this is Jesus let's see if we can get it up there well you have the light oh is that the one [Music] there it is okay ready I have come as a light into the world so that whoever believes in me whoever Cleaves to entrust and relies on me may not continue to live in darkness okay now let's look at C what does that word live there means so awesome this is the fair's lexicon this is what it says something that has been established permanently in your soul and always exerts its power over me so Jesus saying some of us are living in darkness meaning we have things established in our soul that are controlling us exerting power over us negative things dark thoughts dark decisions darkness in our emotions and they reside in the soul it's causing us to live in darkness because of what has been established in our soul but Jesus says I have come as the light into the world so that you won't have to continue to live in this darkness of your soul you won't have to be under the power of these things that have been permanently put in your soul some of you are still holding on to the pain of a divorce you're still holding on to an offense somebody said some tease they talked some acting you just can't get over it get over it that stuff is causing you to live in darkness those words that somebody said to you all those years ago become permanently established in your soul and you're letting them control you maybe somebody told you you are stupid when you're a kid well that was alive from the pit the person who said it was stupid to say but those words have been causing you to live in darkness that word live means to be permanently established in the soul and to control you and exert its power over you those words are still exerting power over you there's still exerting control over you something your husband said you something your family said you something your mom and dad said to you something something did to you has caused you to live in the darkness I want you to take your hand I want you to put it on your head and say I Drive that control out of my soul now get out now get out now get out now I invade the darkness with the light of Christ I'm gonna get better and better and better and better and better and I come and break through right now and she's the same now shout Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus okay so now we've been talking about how the light heals the he is a soul now we're gonna talk about how it heals the body we're gonna go back to Malachi 4:2 back to Malachi 4:2 it says the Sun of righteousness arises on you with healing in his wings and his beams that were bees these beams of light that's in the amplified classic okay remember the word healing is marpa means sound of mind but it's also the Hebrew word Rafa Rafa which means healing health and a cure the light of Christ heals the way you think the decisions you making and the emotions you feel but it also heals your physical body see here's the cool thing about the light it can penetrate to anywhere in your body where disease disorder infection bacteria anything is residing think about it when you go to have an x-ray the x-ray machine uses a certain form of light waves that's how it's able to penetrate through the organs and the skin and the muscles and everything else to take pictures of your bones and even on these shows the inside of your bones and the condition of your marrow and everything else if the x-ray light waves can penetrate to be able to see your bones and even the condition of your bones the very center marrow of your bones do you think the light of Christ can penetrate into any place in your body where sickness disease or pain is at and drive out that darkness see as you've been sitting here saying all this stuff right we've been speaking the scriptures the word voice means to shine forth light as we've been praising the Lord the word praise means to release light okay as we've been making decrease the Bible says you shall decree a thing and it shall be established and the light was shine upon your ways light has been shining shining upon places in your body where sickness and disease and pain are you're gonna start noticing you're gonna feel different in your body pain is gonna be reducing you're gonna have more movement you're gonna be able to have that freedom without any pains or discomforts because you've been decreeing the light and the Bible says that the Sun of righteousness the miracle-working Jesus Christ that worked all the miracles is arising on us with healing Rafa and his beams of light hey Rafa means healing health and a cure some of you are gonna get an instant miracle some of you are gonna get a progressive healing some of you are gonna be cured of a disease because of the light that's coming out of your mouth out of your hands put your hand on any part of your body that's in pain right now any part of your body or disease is resting right now anyplace if you can't reach it have have your neighbor or your husband or whoever's next to you doing now say the Sun of righteousness Jesus Christ the miracle worker is arising on this part of my being my body with healing in his beams of light I'm getting a miracle I'm getting healing I'm getting health I'm getting cured I'm getting cured I'm getting cured in the light of the Sun of righteousness the light is thriving out every bit of darkness that's in my body every bit of disease every bit of inflammation I'm hearing inflammation really big right now if you have inflammation stand up if you have your inflammation anywhere in your body stand up right now right now in the name of Jesus now everybody who doesn't have inflammation point your hand Wow 90% of people stood up thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus father we thank you now just receive as I pray for you I'll release the angel right now Rael right now the lord of the light to minister to people the healing light of Jesus Christ how many of you know that Jesus created the Angels said in him by him for him through him all things were created things unseen and seen meaning unseen in the heavenly spheres all the angels created by Jesus there carrying his light he is the light of the world they're carrying the light of Christ on them sir al is going around healing people right now and I speak with my voice and release the light I'm carrying right now to come against inflammation right now right now a command that spot that place that's inflamed to stop right now go down right now reduce in size all the pain from the inflammation down now in the name of Jesus now in Jesus name I command all inflammation to cease and desist as the Sun of righteousness arises on you with healing healing healing healing healing in his wings and his beams of light my voice releasing light traveling at 186,000 miles per second city you already sow sow Oh pain going down now right now in the name of Jesus right now the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus I see a rainbows over your head healing promises happening right now you actually asked God to heal you of this and God is fulfilling his word to you right now in the name of Jesus everybody began to pray in your spiritual language while the angel comes to minister to you inflammation is leaving the body right now I command it to go it's leaving the body right now that spirit and that disease leaving the body right now leaving the body right now somebody who have it really bad and like your back your spine it's leaving right now in the name of Jesus somebody your foot is swollen up with inflammation sleeping right now the ankle is reducing in size right now all the trauma it's coming out right now right now knees are being healed right now right now right now pain is going all the inflammation going going going in the light of Christ you are rough right now healing health healing and a cure happening right now because the Sun of righteousness arising and rayel ministering right now healing right now in the name of Jesus right now in Jesus name keep going keep going keep going we're gonna wait on God right now the spring is coming back to someone steps right now Springs coming back to someone step right now right now risks risks that were inflamed that pain and the wrists we're now disappearing right now because the light the light the light the light of Christ rising on you with healing healing healing and his beams alive right now being cured of inflammation cured of inflammation never coming back cuz the darkness is being driven out by the light no you should be feeling better if you are feeling 80% or more better if your pain is released try testing you have to test you have to test I want you to start testing and waving your hand if you're feeling better waving your hand at me when you start to feel the inflammation going I see let's see the hands let's see the hands okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 can we get 18 19 can we give God a praise 20 come on come on pray some more your press releases the light for the rest of you to get healed come on your praise releases the light for the rest of you to get healed your praise releases the light for the rest of you to get healed come on keep praising him keep praising him keep praising him keep praising him keep praising him keep praising him keep raising him keep praising him keep praising him come on keep praising him your praise releases like your voice releases long we thank you God we give you the owner we give you the praise we magnify you god you're amazing you're awesome you're a mighty gun you're awesome gun you're a healing god you're a breakthrough god you're delivering Galan you're a good guy you're a majestic god you're a powerful god you're a peaceful god you're a good good god you're a good good guy [Applause] now she's all can we cut can we clap and get out a praise come on can we clap and you've got a praise come on you deserve a you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve a scenic you deserve a you deserve you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve a single one you deserve it really raise your voice you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve [Music] it come on you've got a big hand come on now if you still have pain keep standing anybody that still has pain from inflammation keep standing if you stop pain from inflation wow there's like like only a third of you left that's a lot of people they got healed of an inflammation all right now lay your hands on your neighbor and release you some light tart starts speaking out of your mouth that light is flowing into their body if you are if you're some pain raise your hands so that people know that you're the ones that self inflammation raise your hand now people go to the people that have their hands raised go people go to the people that have their hands raised who don't have the pain keep your hand up until somebody comes to pray for you keep your hand up until somebody comes to pray for you when they come to pray for you put your hand down okay now look for people there's people look come on church get this a there's people with their hand up come on go help them Church there's a woman back there there's another room right there there's a lady right here with their hands up there's two ladies three ladies right here with their hands up come out here and they'll I always ladies so that people can get to you ladies with your hands up if you're in the middle of the aisle get out into the aisle way put your hand down when somebody starts praying for you so we know that you're being prayed for come on come on hit somebody there's a man over here oh oh he's just praising the Lord amen okay come on yes there's ladies right here in the hallway who's gonna help them come on church get busy busy busy busy Church busy busy busy pray the light pray the Sun of righteousness is arising on them with healing healing in his wings and his beams healing in his wings and his beams sunrises are rising come on decree it speak it out your voice will release light there's the lady with her hand up so I hope somebody's helping her you okay you have your end up somebody Heidi go pray for that lady thank you yeah amen the Sun arises arising on them with healing in his wings and his beams of light come on to create there you go come on to create fill them to command their whole body to be full of light command that inflammation to go out its darkness command it to leave the body its darkness it has to go in the presence of the light [Music] now once you're being prayed for if that inflammation leaves could you please raise your hand above your head and show me you've been healed let's see and don't lie because we don't want to make people feel good by saying oh yeah I feel great and okay if the inflammation is gone raise your hand and wave at me yeah I see one over there great awesome that's great there's another one over here awesome great great great we want to become the lamp will display right late raise the light there's one over there that's awesome okay amen anybody else there's one back there this is another one right here amen amen amen right did anybody get healed of a notable thing like you had inflammation for many many many years yes who had that who anybody just shout it out if you got healed of a notable pain that left notable pain right who is it yeah yeah come on come on come on come on nobody's paying attention to me yeah yeah yeah okay yeah there's another one healed okay right alright let's wrap up the prayer and let's say Amen wrap up the prayer I give you a few more seconds look the more you're filled with light the more that when you pray somebody for somebody they're gonna get healed just shine that so like I know I'm out trying to like toot my horn or anything but more people got prayed when I prayed right cuz we have a hot for how many kinetic and forget okay right right right okay if you were healed of inflammation tonight can you put your hand over your head and wave now stand up for me stand up for me stand up for me stand up for me okay so here we go ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 let's give God a big praise okay no no no now that listen to me and then we're gonna go into a little bit of a different thing in Oregon oh we're gonna release an angel into your life okay all right so look even the hardest diseases you know how certain prayers only get rid of certain stuff but the light can take care of everything even the hard stuff even the hard stuff and the proof of that is this remember when Jesus went up on the Mount of Transfiguration do you member what happened to him he was covered with light the Bible says his face shone with so much light it was brighter than the Sun and his clothing became as white as light so he was covered with the power the presence of the light of God who is light okay now remember they come down off the mountain and they encounter the disciples who couldn't heal a guy who couldn't heal this kid that had a deaf and dumb spirit and no matter who prayed for him that's fear wouldn't go okay so this is one of the hardest miracles now think about the disciples had their moments when they're idiots yeah but in that ancient world they were the second most qualified group of people to pray for people in the entire planet because they've been trained by Jesus so here's the second most powerful qualified people to heal somebody who's been walking with Jesus for years can't heal the sickness but Jesus did now is that because he was Jesus well the Bible says something very interesting in mark 9 about Jesus and the way he looked when he came off that mountain right before he's gonna heal that kid this is in mark 9:15 in the amplified classic it says it immediately all the crowd when they saw Jesus returning from the holy mount his face and person yet glistening we're greatly amazed and ran up to him and greeted him Jesus came off the Mount he was still what full of light and he delivered the guy the kid who nobody else could deliver there's no coincidence in Scripture that the scripture would mention this that his face and person were yet glistening with light he'd become that lamp with its bright rays he got even more like than he normally had and He healed the guy and delivered the kid that nobody else could heal or deliver that's what you want to do you got to get up in the mountain in that presence be filled with the light and then the most difficult diseases the most difficult cases will get healed and delivered amen all right now we're gonna talk about the angel angels carry light all right it's just the way it is let me tell you some stories and let me give some scriptures remember that scripture in Ephesians 1:17 talks about this is what Paul said I'll read it see it says for I always pray to God to Lord God Jesus Christ the father of glory that he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insights into mysteries and secrets into the deep and intimate knowledge of him so here let's break this up here's Paul now look can we add the second part when we add 18 to that and he's praying for us to what have a spirit wisdom have revelation and to insights into mysteries and secrets okay and in the deep and intimate knowledge of him he's how many of you want that how many you want the mysteries and the secrets how do you want to know the deep intimate knowledge and have a deep intimate knowledge of God well Paul tells you how to do it next verse ready it happens by having the eyes where the eyes the windows to the soul the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to what she's called you to the more you do this process that we did with put your hand on your hand decree light is filling your brain filling your will filling your emotions I sure heart the eyes of your heart your heart is the soul your eyes are the windows to the soul the more your soul gets filled with light the more you will start to be able to perceive the mysteries and secrets and deep intimate things of God because right now your souls and darkness in the can't you can't get it it can't get it but it gets it the more you have the light the more you will receive the revelation you've been longing for that will bring the breakthrough that you need now what does this have to do with angels that word light in the Greek there's fortissimo it's where we get the the word photograph from the root of that word fortissimo is the word Foss the word Foss and this is what it means ready the heavenly light that surrounds angels when they appear on earth yeah yeah see you you you you you don't even realize you got access to light everywhere it comes out your hands as lightning strikes comes out your mouth when you speak as weird voice means to shine forth light and you're surrounded by angels who are carrying light they can actually release light into you so that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with light so that you get a revelation of God that's why when messenger angels come they're so bright with light that you receive revelation you receive a message from God because not only are they carrying the message but they're carrying so much light that your soul that's healed so you can actually receive the message because if your dark soul was in its dark condition you'd never be able to understand the complexities or what the Angels trying to tell you but because the angel not only comes with a message he comes with the light of Christ he can cause the eyes of your heart to be funny with light so you can know and understand the hope to which he has called you and how rich is his glorious inheritance in the Saints so that you can have the deep secret mysteries and the deep intimate nodes or him angels are carrying the light and that light can heal you can heal your body can heal your soul that's right in that in that verse where Jesus says I am the light of the world he who believes in me when that will be walking in darkness but will have the light which is life he's saying my light brings life through every dark part of you okay because he's the light of the world but that word light there also means boss it means the light that surrounds angels when they appear on earth so it means that not only does Jesus have light in him that brings you life and brings you out of your darkness but he sends angels that have the same light they're always in the presence of God they're carrying the light of Christ they were created by him and they can bring the light which his life they can bring life to you life to your mind life to you will life your motions life to your physical body their light that they're carrying brings life do you understand what I'm saying to you years ago I had a visitation I went to this little town in Oklahoma City and I went to this church and as I was going to church out his vision I saw this big angel sitting on top of this tiny love church that I was going to and I looked at I said who's that guy and he said that's Michael and I went I'm in Ponca City Oklahoma why in the world would Michael be here and the Lord said don't laugh I've assigned him to your ministry I went I said hello this is my first tour I don't even know anybody I'm going to little church with like 50 people and he goes I've assigned her to you for your prison ministry so I was like okay so I had to think about that I went home I thought about it and then I went to go way that Patricia Kings place and do a television interview and after I got done with the interview I walked off the set and as I'm walking down this hallway there's this woman sitting to be the next guest in the green room never met her in my life her name was Angela green eek and I walked in the hallway and she got up and I'm just gonna say it like she said it I hope nobody's offended she looked at me she goes I know you and I said you do cuz yeah I can see you're angels and they're kind of kicked Satan's ass I'm just saying it oh she said it just repeating don't kill the messenger and I went I have lunch with this woman so she went to lunch with me and she scolded me she said you're not using your angels she was I could see your angels you got one angel and he doesn't look like an angel he looks like a thug and I had my first name so I'd ever seen was when I was in prison and lock up in his cell for attacking a cop and they put me in the cell and they were gonna keep me there for 90 days God okay no shower no nothing and this angel shows up and he was all bent over in the in the cell and he's it's raw balled up and he looked like a thug he's all like he was gonna beat down anybody that came in the cell cuz the cops just to come in and roust me dragged me out throwing me around and was like wrestling ww2 wrestling and he was like when he showed up that never happened again so she could see he looks like a thug and she goes oh my god he's only got one wing and there's blood on it no no yeah that's my angel all right yeah [Applause] if she says I see another angel but he's hidden behind a cloud she goes this it's Michael no she's just the better start using him are you gonna lose him so I went home I prayed I said God give me a scripture because I'm not gonna believe I could possibly have Michael unless you give me a word and it gave me a word in Daniel I don't have it right in front of me I think chapter 12 it's like a very first verse right before that Gabriel comes and he says that he's got a message that he's bringing about Michael who's fighting the Prince of Persia and then in the very beginning I think is Daniel chapter 12 in the amplified classic I believe he says this he goes so Daniel is protecting you so Michael Daniel is protecting you and your people who was Daniel he was a guy in captivity in Babylon who's Daniels people other prisoners that were in Babylon Who am I see Michael's not only the guardian angel for Israel he protects and guards God's people in captivity that's why he's been assigned to me and God gave me that verse and I was like yeah and I said okay now god get have Michel come and see me tonight well Michael didn't show up but Gabriel did see Michael don't come Gabriel comes to tell you Michael what Michaels doing that's what happened in Daniel Michael didn't come to visit Daniel Gabriel came to visit Daniel to tell him what Michael was doing so Michael didn't show up so even my visitation was biblical Gabriel showed up but he was so full of light so full of light cuz he's a messenger angel and he not only brings the message but he brings the light so you can understand what God is doing so you're the eyes of your heart can be flooded with light so you could know the hope to which he's called you to and the secrets and the mysteries of God he had so much light I couldn't even see his face I could just see his hot chiseled arms and his hair and then forget it you know there's only one man better-looking than him that's the hubby soul but yes he was so full of light angels are carrying the light right and they heal I remember I was at the tent event Tony was there he could testify to it Heidi was there she could testify to it and I was sitting in the front I was one of the hosts of this tent event in Arizona and I was in charge of you know every break doing the breaks bringing up the speakers and I had my own you know my own sessions and everything else like that but I determined to work a miracle during every break I had put my faith on it so I was sitting there like praying in the spirit in the front row and I went into like a trance and as I did I saw what looked like a giant sparkler go across the stage in front of me and I went who's that and all of a sudden this age will go right on my face I said I am the angel of light and I went what are you doing here and he said Matthew 4:16 so I went to and it says the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and those who sat in the region and the shadow of death light is dawned and when I read it I said what are you here for you here for that he goes yeah because I'm here to heal terminal illness with the light so I got up on stage and I said the angel light is here and he's here to treat and to cure terminal illness is there anybody here who's dying one person raised their hand there's a woman in wheelchair she had ALS she was at the advanced stages so I sat there at the podium and I heard the Holy Spirit say release angel on her I did then I heard the Holy Spirit say ask her she's buzzing and I said are you buzzing and she her eyes got really wide to it and I said the angel is healing you now that's her sign and I waited and then I heard the Holy Spirit say the buzzing has stopped confirm it with her ask her I said has the buzzing stopped her eyes got big again she was I go you're healed stand up and walk she did she was healed of ALS [Applause] the angel light angels light how do we activate cuz you need to start caring your own angel there are many different types of angels of light like I just got upgraded to rayel he means Lord of Light this angel is bigger bigger than the other one I saw because the the group is expanding more people need light now you can get an angel though to to follow you around yeah if you want to sow into this any of this we should to follow you around to release healing when you need it to help you to heal other people how do you get an assignment like that well there's a few things for one speak the word because angels hearken to the word right so if you start speaking the scriptures about the light all the time the angel ahead is actually gonna be a sign to you it's like wow they're really pressing into the light I'm gonna come help them out right so they definitely want to start speaking these scriptures about the light because the Ames is gonna hearken to the word and be assigned to you you also want to worship right or what does the Bible say in Psalm 3rd 34 7 says that angels write a surround Oren Camp around those who fear and worship the Lord and he delivers them so when you worship the Lord angels come and they don't just come and go and visit they in camp they stayed instead of a tent amen instead of a tent and they began to help you God deliver you okay and what's the third thing ready it's giving for sure now this wasn't working up to an offering message but I'm gonna show you a video and you're gonna be shocked and I'm gonna show you how in the Bible giving brings the angel listen do you remember Cornelius remember Cornelius he was that Gaia the the officer of the Italian regiment okay and it said that every day even though he wasn't a Jewish person that he would pray he would pray every day and he gave great arms and great gifts to the poor well he got picked by God for a Nutella visitation an angel came and visited him and told him you gotta go and get this guy named Peter he's gonna come here he's gonna tell you all about me send him into job fun to go get him and and he sent out men to job when Peter was at you know Simon the Tanners house he's up on the roof rang saw a vision unclean and clean animals coming down on his sheet and got some rise up kill and eat right and Peter and he said that three times and Peter's like oh god I've never eaten anything unclean and he goes don't call anything unclean that I've made clean so what was about to happen is for the first time ever the Gentiles were about to be grafted into the family of God this was the first incident where it happened this is a world-changing event anybody here who is not a Jewish person and he was a Gentile who is with the faith has Jesus as their Lord and Savior had it happened to you because of this event now it all started when an angel came to visit Cornelius a Gentile person and the angel tells Cornelius why he got picked for this world-changing event he goes I've been sent here because of your prayers and your generous gifts to the Lord to see that generous gifts okay he got picked because of his prayers of his generous gifts not a couple bucks in the in the offering thing generous gifts generous gifts he got picked for a world-changing event when you start giving God will pick you to be involved in a world-changing event and in Azle will come and be assigned to you now that's not the only place in Scripture do you remember the story about Samson's birth his mother who the Bible doesn't even see what her name was says the father's name was Manoah was totally barren she could not have babies but she gets visited by name so I'm told she's gonna have a son and he's gonna whoop on some Philistine but okay so then she goes and tells her husband the angel comes back and this angel is so real that manola the husband doesn't even know that he's an angel right so they're sitting there talking and my noah says to the angel this this the listen this is in charge of 13 verse 15 through 15 and well let me just read it says oh my noah said to the angel the lord please let us detain you so we may prepare a kid for you and the angel the Lord said to me Noah though you detain me I will not eat your food but if you make ready burnt offering and offer it to the Lord for Manoa did not know he was with the Angels so then now look what happened I think this is verse 19 let's go - it says so Manoa took the kid with the cereal offering and offered it upon a rock to the Lord and the angel working wonders why all my knowing his wife looked on so the angel is working a miracle my oldest wife got pregnant she was buried he was working I wonder but when did he do it and they were bringing the offering right when they were hearing what I'm saying to you it's while they were bringing the offering that the angel was working wonders you're giving activates angels it causes angels to be assigned to you there's many more scriptures but it would take me a long time to expose its posit aurion them but you can trust and believe even gideon when the angel showed up the angel said okay listen you need to prepare an offering for the Lord get him prepared it in the angel disappeared where'd he go he went to work an angel 8 and he kicked some Gideon kicked some butt of the enemy but it happened when he made the offering so you can be picked for a world-changing event and have an easel assigned to you through your giving your generous gifts to the poor you can bring up your offering in thee and the eggs will actually work wonders while you're walking up here and putting your seed in the bucket it says well my no and his wife looked the angel worked or wonder while they were doing the offering do you see what I'm saying to you I'm gonna play you a video this is Barbara collarbone I want you to watch this i police and there's been more of these I preached this message and the woman had an astounding miracle while I preached this message while she brought her seat up an angel worked a wonder let's watch it right now now I pause for station identification are we loading up oh we got to see this miracle you got to see this miracle you're not gonna believe it miss miracles shocking I was shocked well as I do that I'll just tell you it's instant I've seen miracles like this happen everywhere people come to bring their seed the angel works wonders while they're bringing their seat so I guy had pain chronic pain for 20 years he had a lump on the top of his spine and on the bottom of spine could not move as an agony for 20 years BAM both lumps completely disappear he's totally able to move he was so excited so happy absolutely no pain zero pain it all happened while he heard this message and brought up his offering the angel work to wonder hey man I mean I did it for myself I was having chronic chronic neck pain and I was like God I need a miracle I'm a miracle worker what's up do a miracle for me and the Lord sets plant a seed and I'll send the angel so somebody handed me an honorarium check and I open up a said Wow three thousand bucks I was like three thousand bucks this is great okay and I said who do you want me to sue this three thousand dollars and he goes no you don't have to do that and I went like this okay great okay and then he goes like this because instead give five I did and I got my miracle I chronic pain my whole life I got my miracle BAM can we give it can we come can we can we can we can we huh give me honking well what is are we everybody go Simon again and I went to Michigan in my mind I'm I should get my name in Michigan mind when I when I when I when I'm under my mama she get my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my you deserve you deserve you deserve it you deserve it you deserve it you deserve [Music] now you you have metal in your neck yes yes how long has it been there I'm about probably eight years nails what kind of restrictions and pain and things like that did you have from it a lot of movement pain you know restriction of movement until I went to the ten event and then I received total movement here but I still had my collarbone and I had a rotator cuff tear so then last time we prayed again right and so you told me that if you look at your you can feel yourself each one of us has like the collarbone right one side and the other side and they're supposed to even well Barbara how much were yours not even um really bad one was up here and the other one was here and this one would stick out and very painful no show them your collarbone can any but in any way you can come up and examine to see okay we have the camera come up they are dead even they're not sticking out once now higher than the other her collarbones are dead even right here okay right there so and you brought that to my attention it's so it's very noticeable yes yeah I actually stood in front of the mirror this morning and rejoice it's it's very beautiful and I you know it's it's so beautiful that this has happened and I'm gonna say something else to Katie really this movement here did not start happening until you started talking about the sewing and the two ladies that are with me we could literally hear my bones moving and cracking and adjusting Wow did you hear that she said that the movement of those bones be put into place or whole collarbone moved because it was protruding it was upwards started when I talked about sewing I know that people get their hackles up sometimes when preachers start talking about an offering but you have to understand something we when preachers like Patricia myself Brandi our hearts are pure in this area how can that be well God has because our souls are healed we understand the power of sacrificial seed of sowing of giving and it opens up a realm of miraculous and breakthrough in your life and you just said that when I start talking about sowing that's when your friends are your friends here come here right now quickly quickly quickly tell me your name Jennifer Jennifer you were sitting next to Barb yes yeah could you hear stuff moving absolutely yeah what did it sound like you can literally hear the crackling of her bones moving oh yes yes I know did it happen during the sowing time yes Wow how about you what's your name Catalina Rodriguez Katharina you're suspicious darling did you were you sitting next to Barb during that time I actually was telling her that I was hearing noises and it was like crackling all over all of her bones were even popping and cracking did you get your hackles up in the vine and then asking for money again do you want your miracle or not you can't buy a miracle but you man you can so into a realm okay now you also said you also states there are dead legs you also said that now you have movement in your arm that you couldn't have you even said that you couldn't you had to sleep with your arm by your side and last night you slept with it all the way over here for the first time tell us about that well when I walked out of here I could only carry my purse on this side when I walked out of here I was literally carrying my purse with this arm and it was not hurting and and just to let you know for the last seven or eight years the only way I could sleep was on this side with this arm straight here all the time because of the pain it would not go over without being painful I slept all night well I didn't sleep because I kept hearing thank you lord thank you of the whole night thank you Jesus thank you Lord praise you Jesus that's all I heard all night and I was just like going with Lo and and my arm and I just you guys like just have so much movement I couldn't even like to live dishes out of I can't wait to get home to lift dishes out of my cupboard everybody let's give them a big hand amen amen thank you Jesus wow this is so real right this is so real sacrificial offering in prayer it's what had you know Cornelius have an angel visitation for a world-changing event when Manoah and his wife prepared the offering the Angels working wonders while they brought the offering of okay she got pregnant with Samson you know there's barb right there her friends her friends could hear the phone's moving that's crazy town your wonder if God can do something he can and a lot of times are giving brings that angelic visitations that angel came when she sowed that angel came and moved her bones into place wow that's amazing so bow your head if you have not given yet ask God ask God what should you give and then put your faith on the biblical standard that when you do give especially the sacrificial gift God told me no don't give three give five I was like Oh thrilling so happy but I got my miracle ask God what you should give tonight and then I'm gonna release the Angels amen and you just saw some of the miracles I mean like 30 somehow people got healed tonight and Tony had 30 some or more or last night and I mean it's like wow I'm Tony and I work with angels so we understand how that realm works so bow your head and ask God what to give tonight and then can I have the worship team up here please thank you Jesus Jesus I hear there's gonna be no more breach a lot of you had a breach in your wall of protection I learned it's gonna seal that up with your offering tonight and the angels in a stand guard like never before I heard he will penetrate even the most sturdiest impenetrable fortresses in your life to bring the enemy down amen and I heard regional spirits are leaving tonight because of the angel coming because of the results of your giving when I hear that those pesky diseases and disorders you've been praying and fasting for are going to be eliminated whenever you're ready you can bring up your offering is there any protocol on that if we could put any protocols up on the screen yeah thank you Jesus thank you God father's people do bring their offering on speak over their seed I ask that you would assign an angel just like you sent an angel to my know and his wife when they prepared the offering he actually worked a wonder why they were well how they were bringing the offering he worked the wonder just like he did for a barb you worked a wonder while she was bringing the offering just like you did for Cornelius the angel said it himself out of the mouth of the angel said I've come sent by God because he's remembered your prayers and your generous gifts to the poor a realm is opening up right now as people bring their gift up and I ask that angels that heaven would take out the record books and assign angels to people powerful angels a new level of angelic host right now in Jesus name right now a new level of angelic visitation to come as people so their gift right now in Jesus name I thank you God I'll bless every seat here with the presence of Jesus and the presence of the angel being released right now and that the names would operate and you would learn he would bring so much light then you would learn how to a walk with Him work with him cuz the light would flood the eyes of your heart with understanding so you know the secrets and mysteries of God and then the angel would lead you and guide you to be able in the name of Jesus to be able to work with him to do signs wonders and miracles thank you God you're gonna do great things to people seat tonight and I remember last year just to let you know last year at the last session when I was here I had a word of knowledge I told Dan Darin that I said there will be many more angels now assigned to this house and within a few minutes after I said that a feather came down from the ceiling as a sign but that was a word from the Lord then I asked him he said a lot more bigger feathers have shown up he had a word from a Heche saying that the revival was gonna be here this place has been primed tonight to release angels according to your offering tonight amen okay we're gonna sing a song and as we do I'm just going to begin to cream the angels being assigned to each household so let's all rise up we're gonna worship as we close out tonight and we're gonna believe for these angels to be assigned to your homes thank you good thank you God thank you God [Music] if you want to come front you can't somebody you've been developing sinus troubles you're gonna get healed the night of that [Music] right now more neck healings are gonna happen [Music] thank you Jesus somebody felt like getting a Knick band around your neck it's being broken off so you can have free movement in your neck right now somebody had a bladder disease it's being healed right now by the angel right now bladder disease or bladder infection being healed right now the name of Jesus somebody had a kidney disorder it got actually cause the blocking of the urine coming out that's being healed right now prostate is being healed right now for you men that are having kidney and prostate problems with your urination being healed right now be healed right now in the name of Jesus by the angel needs us standing next to beaming the light of Christ into you right now in the name of Jesus right now somebody have a sore throat you already had your tonsils out so not sure why you have the sore throat but it's being healed right now in the name of Jesus right now in Jesus name right now hair loss right now I decree people who've lost their hair I command you to grow hair I've had a lot of hair miracles because I have the hair anointing yes so I release the hair anointing I've run everybody here that needs hair you're deserving thank you gotta sing it [Music] you deserve you did sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir [Music] let's sink all of - [Music] Oh to [Music] you deserve desert [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody your spine is straightening right now some of you already you have like water dripping on your eyes down your nose down the back your throat or your ears who has that so far there you have like a mysterious draining raise your hand at me may see it right there yeah right there right there right there right there right there right there yeah you have like water in your ears or your eyes are watering or there you are man right there it's going down the back your throat that means you're being delivered let me see angel came and stood by you you've been delivered a trauma that's the supernatural sign when water comes out that you're being you're being healed in your soul the trauma that's we're just as we close out tonight you deserve ud sir you deserve [Music] it you deserve you need sir [Music] you deserve [Music] that water retention somebody just got healed a water retention your belly just shrunk so who had this sore throat and they're better now we had at me is that you sir who hit the sore throat and you're better now wave your hand at me say you and they how's the pain [Music] yeah I did it go down yeah good don't yours no it's not hurting yeah just when you play yeah you're gonna heal right now all right who had the water retention and your belly just rung who had the water retention in your belly just shrunk who's that who had the water retention and your belly just shrunk is that you guys set you girls you're gonna get it though if you're looking for it is that you yeah you receiving who actually has your belly streak come on who had the water retention in the belly shrunk everybody's giggling there's a bunch of evil giggling so somebody had it they just want to say but I release that all water retention I command it to go in Jesus name command all water retention to go right now in the name of Jesus right now right now right now in the name of Jesus right now in the name of Jesus I forget what other words the knowledge I have but somebody wave your hand if you got healed right now other words the knowledge did anybody respond yes you got something yes you had water coming out you had water coming out yes good you got healed then you've been healed in Legion okay you did okay good how many other people had to water put your hand up like this let me see it water yep yep okay all right one more child that's just singing then we'll say goodnight you deserve [Music] desert user you deserve you deserve you deserve lizard [Music] you deserve you decide you deserve [Music] now I release those angels I hear the fluttering busyness of angels being assigned and loosed into homes just reach up and grab what heaven has for you pull it into your home right now pull it into your life pull that ends onto your business pull that angels light into your heart and your body pull that angels presence into your ministry pull that angels presence into your business and your children and your marriage pull that angels presence into anywhere you need him anywhere you need anywhere you need to be men now can we give God a praise as we wrap up tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well let's just let them a big shout in this place as you seal this [Applause] Hey [Applause] [Music] and let's just give Katie a big thank you thank you so much Katie hey Katie we'll be back here in the morning in just a couple hours that at 10:00 a.m. and then tomorrow night Katie and Tony will be tag teaming so that's gonna be a lot of fun so tomorrow morning 10:00 a.m. tomorrow night 7:00 p.m. go straight home unless you're going to Denny's and we will see you guys in the morning good night you guys god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SRC LIVE
Views: 3,414
Rating: 4.8064518 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel, Bethel Church, Bethel Redding CA, Supernatural, Jesus, Live Church, Live Stream Church, God, Holy Spirit, Healing, Live
Id: 2om3kSC1aPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 13sec (11173 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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