James O'Brien's best moments of 2020 | LBC

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i've had so many cruises cancelled because of this yes i've got enough credit i'll soon be able to buy my own cruise ship in september i've got spain booked right in october i have got morocco booked in november i have got another spain book and in december for christmas i have got a cruise so i am one of them will come up i mean i'll be honest my husband's even booked greenland for 2022. you're single-handedly revivifying the uk economy just with your holiday choices but here's the thing if you let's say the cruise to spain goes ahead and the quarantine is still in place and you get off the boat and you go into spain will you be quarantined for two weeks when you come back no but then i have to tell oh the police your last call is she wanted to dodge somebody in i mean i don't know what do you think the quarantine is for jennifer just in your own words why do you think it's there james i i'm going to insist that you answer the question i know it's to protect people from what jennifer to protect people from what from closing 19. how many people have died how many people have died of covert 19. do you know what i'd like you to you know the deaths of people from code 19. three of my friends but i might give me a weird right-wing conspiracy no no no no no two cancers and one heart condition and on their death certificates it also covered related that there's just three people i know have lost somebody during this period they didn't have covered they weren't even tested that's that's simply not possible okay please look into that cause you're good jennifer i'm looking into you at the moment i want you so you think that you don't need to quarantine because the risk has been exaggerated as the death toll around the world i know i do you know what i i'm not going to fall out with you i still like you but this isn't funny anymore i'm sorry this is really irresponsible please take more care of yourself and your husband because you know even if even if you don't care about anybody else other people care about you if the rules are there for a reason a quarantine is there for a reason we're having a conversation about people who may fray around the edges you're retired right jennifer oh cool so you don't even need to go to work you don't even need to go to work i mean it'd be easy to quarantine please this isn't funny this isn't like another radio phoning topic where someone comes on a bit contrary and we all have a bit of a laugh and a bit of a ding-dong and then we agree to disagree it's just it's just really stupid jennifer and profoundly dangerous please please have a little thing whatever happens in the next few days it's going to be bad brexit was meant to make our lives better right especially if you bought into the metropolitan elite nonsense that was perpetrated by people like jacob reese mog who went to eaton put that on the list really that's again something that really should have been a much louder alarm call than perhaps we registered it as being at the time people who went to eaton describing people who didn't as being members of the metropolitan liberal elite quite incredible but we are where we are the very very simply you were promised an improvement to your life that's just a fact you were promised improvements to your life in every measurable area in the short term and hopefully not too long hopefully the shortest of short terms another one for the list when they started saying we'll see the economic benefits in 50 years time oh okay that's fine if you've got a few quid in the bank but if you're already on struggle street taking an economic hit for the next 50 years could be the difference between sinking and floating so i i fully understand that i am not the best person to be leading this quest but i still want to be part of it hopefully somebody else can lead it god knows who though but i still want to be part of it because i hate seeing how angry and how bitter people are and i hate the knowledge that they've been made that way nobody's born like that nobody's ended up like that by accident it's a conscious and deliberate effort to enrage you with false information so for example now you're supposed to get crossed with a national trust because it wants to put his the history of historic house of a historic house in the actual historic house so the same people that led you to this madness also want you now to be anti-history the national trust suggests it might start providing more information about the history of the house that you're actually in and you don't have to reach far to find a daily telegraph columnist so well if they want to find out the history of the house they've actually paid to visit they should just buy a guidebook i mean how bonkers do you have to be to buy into that and i'm afraid it's not confined to the comments section of the daily mail anymore like it was when i started this job it's basically the cradle of the conservative parliamentary party it's full of people who believe this stuff people who believe that if you give food vouchers to the parents of hungry children they'll spend them in brothels and crack dens this actually now gets said in public by politicians this is what brexit has done to us because until you acknowledge that they were wrong i'm not even going to say lying until you acknowledge that they were wrong they will carry on so you have huge objections to the fact that there's not going to be an audience sing along at an event that doesn't have an audience to go back to the last night of the promise just stop and listen to my words ken and everybody like ken they're trying to make you angry about that now there's no audiencing along at an event that doesn't have an audience they're publishing the history of a house in the actual house black lives matter is a marxist movement that wants to defund the police and everybody who believes that black lives matter or that racism exists are somehow calling for a collapse of civilization these are just lies it's just not true what have you done this week oh i've been sticking up for the football fans that actually boo the anti-racist endeavors on the pitch you've been doing what i've been sticking up for the for the football fans that boo the anti-racist endeavors on the actual okay right and where did you stand on the brexit vote it's not exactly difficult to knit it together is it what have you been doing i'm very very opposed to feeding hungry school children during the school holidays and how did you vote during the brexit campaign you see they've just turned the anger that you were directing at brussels now that you are slowly waking up to the fact that brussels didn't deserve any of that anger they have to find new places to put it which is why they're telling you to get angry about they're not being any audience sing-alongs at an event with no audience it's why they're telling you that somehow british values are being undermined by actual history being published in an actual historic house the history of the actual house you see surely how low they hold you in their own regard if they think that you're that easy to manipulate cyclists could you imagine nigel flipping farage now talking about cycle lanes the man who arguably did as much as anybody else to bring the entire country to the precipice of catastrophe now getting paid by the berkeley brothers to wang on about cycle lanes are you going to let him do this to you you're going to take the anger that was fermented over decades and directed towards our friends neighbors and allies in europe and now you realize that that anger was built on lies and nonsense you're going to transfer you're going to let them transfer it to cycle lanes and audi and sing-alongs and historic houses in the national trust and black lives matter you're going to end up sticking up for the actual racists in the crowd booing the footballers who want to take a knee god forbid they should do any public expression of a desire to eradicate racism what else is on the list anything else on that list already yet because these will be the new um bendy bananas you see these will be the new three pin at first glance they can sound funny or even harmless but then they get into the bloodstream of the nation and 10 15 years later almost everybody believes aaron's nonsense utter gibberish complete bilge boris johnson has become prime minister on the back of a career dedicated to publishing bilge to lying about what the european union member you never would have heard his name if he hadn't stumbled accidentally having been fired from the times for making up quotes from his own godfather and turning up on the daily telegraph being sent to brussels and stumbling upon a wonderful tactic for the daily telegraph readership that involved telling them lies about the european union selling them tickets for the ghost train and then sitting back and counting the cash as everybody started screaming in horror and desperately trying to get out of the ghost train where all the ghosts were made of papia mache and old egg boxes and now we're here we're right up against it they're not going to say sorry to you are they they're going to tell you to start getting cross about footballers they're not going to say sorry to you they're not going to say we we messed this up they're going to start encouraging you to get angry with the national trust they're not going to say sorry to you they're going to tell you that school meal vouchers get spent in crackdowns and brothels they're not going to say sorry to you they're going to tell you that cyclists are the new enemy and that black lives matter is some sort of do you know what the best evidence is of the bogusness of that just ask them to name the people we should avoid next time you hear someone wanging on about black lives matter while pretending that it's not actually the eradication of racism that they're spooked by just ask them to name the people that we should avoid so who is it then who are the fully paid-up members and leaders of the black lives matter movement because right now i'm looking at people like the owner of colchester publishing a really powerful piece about why he doesn't want season ticket holders in his ground if they're going to boo the black lives matter protest the black lives matter moment who are the leaders of this incredibly powerful group that is dedicated to dismantling democracy yeah you see they still treat you like idiots they still think you're dumb a little bit of xenophobic stoking a little bit of poking a little bit of provoking and they'll just move your fury from brussels and the european union and angela merkel and and and michelle barnier they'll move it from there and they'll stick it somewhere else and it'll be just as dishonest it'll be just as damaging and it'll be just as dangerous but do you know what they'll get richer they'll get more famous they'll get more pats on the back of the billionaires that own the newspapers that they write for while the whole country is unnecessarily and avoidably led into decline and the final thing they'll do those of us who mourn what we've lost we're the ones that don't love our country enough you see those of us who point at the bruises and say why have we done this to ourselves we're the ones that don't love ourselves enough those of us who point with laser-like clarity to every single thing i've just described to you as an appalling assault upon and affront to british people british values and british history they will accuse us of not being patriotic and it's up to you and it's up to ken and it's up to every single one of us to decide whether we're going to let them get away with it again this is quite difficult for me to talk about because it's something that i'm quite ashamed about i'm a white guy from a rural area um and you know when i was between the ages of 13 to 15 i was quite a racist person um well maybe even older and you know the um there's no there's no shame in in in in that i'm working working on the presumption that you're not anymore charlie otherwise this call is going to go off in a very interesting direction i i think i i you know i felt compelled to ring in and i'm actually trying although i'm a terrible writer to write about it and that goes anyway they're great but the lack of education that i received on it and the influx of media influence kind of turned me into you know even though i had parents who spoke you know of love and compassion and you know taught very strongly against this um you know i was there and i was a paper boy um and every single day i would read the papers as i was going around um and you every single day you'd hear negative things in the newspapers about black uh young black kids specifically and and muslims and it turned me into this horrible horrible person um you know and and really i think you know what is maybe not highlighted enough um is the fact that you know a lot of in these very rural communities when i went to school we never went to a mosque you know we never went to a synagogue we never had the opportunity to visit or um people of different colors or people of different faiths you know there was one black person in my entire school and he was a teacher um so the lack of awareness and the lack of meeting other people and it was only through you know me going to sixth form yes and then university and actually meeting people and engaging and having conversations but you know i actually have you know empathy for some of the individuals you know back in my hometown who haven't had the opportunity to but this is it charlie this is it and this is why you don't be too hard on yourself because i i realized a few years ago and doing this job was part of the process that you you were the ripest you were the low-hanging fruit you're the easiest i want to persuade someone that all the immigrants or all the black people or all the muslims are coming over to um to take our jobs or to to you know steal our money or to then the easiest people to persuade are the people who have next to no experience at all of the individuals that are being generalized about and described that the numbers support it the areas with the lowest levels of immigration have the highest concerns about the impact of immigration the areas where we all live happily alongside each other generally record the lowest levels of concern about immigration so you simply needed to meet people in order to see that they were essentially just like you and no more represented by criminals and terrorists in the newspaper then you would be represented by white criminals and terrorists in the newspaper it's interesting when i um you know when i kind of you know i almost got involved in you know the bnp movement um i did it in the end just purely because i couldn't i didn't have a bike to be able to get the meetings interesting and you know if my parents ever knew that i had gone you know they would have absolutely murdered me so all that stood between you and signing up to a racist organization was the lack of a of a rally chopper you know i think it's important to use to point out why because i was someone who you know i went to you know a very underfunded school yeah i got bad grades and i had zero self-worth absolutely zero and then this group of people said to you said to me don't worry that you're you know that you aren't good in your education don't worry that you have low self-esteem you are inherently better you are an inherently better person purely because of your nationality because your skin color yeah and that to a lot of young especially rural but not you know specifically young white kids is a huge look because you know if you can if you can suddenly find this self-worth where you are not only better than every other person of a different skin color but you're better than every other white person in the world because you're english and you are better than every other englishman because you're standing up for this cause that you adamantly believe in yeah you're suddenly elevating yourself and your self-worth above thousands hundreds and millions of other people yeah and all of a sudden you know you were the lowest of the low but in your own head you know you everybody i mean it makes you feel special and nothing else in your in your life at that time did make you feel special quite the opposite in fact most of it made you feel as you say worthless no self-worth and someone comes along and goes well you're better than them not only are you better than them but they're coming for what little you've got yeah exactly and you know you you you've got to you know i think people are you know and i saw it in the aftermath of i'm actually thankful for the experience anyway because in the aftermath of brexit i can remember going on to um facebook and all of my you know apparently very liberal friends were in in a disguise basically saying you know all these working-class people are stupid they're idiots they're bigots what people need and i think it's so important to understand is that if you haven't been given the opportunity to integrate if you haven't been given this education that you know a lot of my london friends had absolutely um how are you how are you to know and who's going to help and where's the corrective you've got all the people pouring poison into your ear whether whether it's conscious or not the headlines that identify the ethnicity of a criminal but never the estimating of a good samaritan where's the alter where's the counterbalance that who's who's whispering in that where's the angel on their right shoulder to counterbalance the little devil on their left shoulder charlie i i really implore people to rather than shout racist rather than shout idiot rather than shout stupid or bigot to try and realize that you know if you have that privilege of understanding if you know i i have quite bad adhd i find it really hard to just sit down and read a book you know if you are someone who has the privilege of being educated you have to be aware of beauty you have i i do feel you have the duty to educate other people and educate other people what a lovely call i'm so grateful to you i'm very late for the break the only reason i'm moving on and for people who are prepared to take charlie's advice do be aware that even if you do all of the things he says then the purveyors of poison will still accuse you of calling everybody stupid and racist and bigoted even when you bend over backwards every day not to because that's another way in which they get to well um continue the brainwashing keep the poison in the bloodstream somewhat strangely perhaps for a radio phoning program i thought i'd begin by reading you a couple of letters one was written to a chat called stanley johnson you may have heard of him and one of course was written to you by a chap called boris johnson we'll begin with that one which dates from the end of march i am writing to you to update you on the steps we are taking to combat coronavirus in just a few short weeks everyday life in this country has changed dramatically we all feel the profound impact of coronavirus not just on ourselves but on our loved ones and our communities i understand completely the difficulties this disruption has caused to your lives businesses and jobs but the action we have taken is absolutely necessary for one very simple reason if too many people become seriously unwell at one time the nhs will be unable to cope this will cost lives we must slow the spread of the disease and reduce the number of people needing hospital treatment in order to save as many lives as possible that is why we are giving you one simple instruction you must stay at home you should not meet friends or relatives who do not live in your home you may only leave your home for very limited purposes such as buying food and medicine exercising once a day and seeking medical attention you can travel to and from work but should work from home if you can a letter from boris johnson to you this is a letter from martin hammond the master in college at eaton to stanley johnson dated the 10th of april 1982. stanley johnson in the unlikely event that you haven't heard of him is the father of the current prime minister and this is what his master had to say boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier attitude to his classical studies it is a question of priorities which most of his colleagues have no difficulty in sorting out boris sometimes seems affronted when criticized for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility and surprised at the same time that he was not appointed captain of the school for next half i think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds else listen again to that final line i think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else back to the letter that boris johnson wrote to you at the end of march that is why we are giving you one simple instruction you must stay at home you should not meet friends or relatives who do not live in your home you may only leave your home for very limited purposes such as buying food and medicine exercising once a day and seeking medical attention you can travel to and from work but should work from home if you can back to 1982 i think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else and then last night the prime minister of this country made a fool of every single human being who did what he asked of us he made a mug of every mother every father every daughter every son every brother every sister every nurse every doctor every teacher every paramedic who have done their level best in incredibly trying circumstances to pull to gather to prioritize the national interest over personal inconvenience and even misery boris johnson stood before you and before me last night and demonstrated categorically categorically but he still believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception one who should be free of the network of obligation which binds everyone else so where do we go from here you you will know that boris johnson has successfully misled not just of course the british electorate but various employers party leaders colleagues and constituents throughout his entire life and career i have in recent weeks almost given up reminding you about the man's track record almost given up reminding you about the catalog the cavalcade of calumnies and corrupt conduct that typifies every single element of this individual and today you might have expected me to be engaging in an almighty i told you so after my friend magic now has very very graciously allowed me to step back into the seat today when i was due to be on holiday you might have thought i was coming here to i don't know sound the trumpets of self-congratulation i'm not i'm sick to my stomach that at a time of unprecedented national and international danger the leopard has still not seen fit to change his spots and now we come to dominic cummings about whom i know very little i am familiar with his responsibility for steering the vote leave campaign to victory um contingent of course he believes upon that massive lie about the nhs that was put up on the side of the bus but that battle is over brexit is done and dusted it is finished i mean the detail is still to be thrashed out but the idea that we will not be leaving the european union has been toast since the end of january so we can park that completely the interest now of any patriot anybody remotely concerned about their neighbors about their families about their friends about their community about their country the priority now is to ask why why why was he allowed to do it and if he was really allowed to do it why didn't they tell us that we could too how long is it since you saw your mum people have said goodbye to relatives via ipad because they did what boris johnson asked them they acknowledged that single simple line halfway through that letter he sent to every household in the country that is why we are giving one simple instruction you must stay at home and we did we stayed at home i think for me the moment my mum said that you know some it it has occurred to me that i might not ever see you again now my mum is given to a little bit of emotional exaggeration occasionally but on that occasion there was none of it it was a genuine fear and god knows compared to so many countless other families in the country the inconvenience we have endured is as nothing i've heard from people who couldn't attend funerals i've heard from people as i say who are bidding farewell to relatives via their ipads i've heard from people who haven't left their homes in weeks and today those people have been asked to close their eyes put their fingers in their ears and pretend that there was even the vaguest scintilla of truth in what boris johnson said on a live television broadcast to the people of the united kingdom last night those people are being asked to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and ears and at first glance it seems to me that this time they won't and those two words this time seem to me to be by far the most important because i don't care who you voted for in december i don't care what you voted for in june of 2016. i really couldn't care less about the color of the scarf that is knotted around your neck i don't care where your political loyalties lie i don't care which tribe you have allied yourself with over the last few years and i don't care what you intend to do next time any questions are put to a ballot i care only about the fact that we are currently in the midst of an absolutely unprecedented and murderous scandal and the people in charge of it elected last night to seek to pull the wool over your eyes our death toll now our death toll now is almost too big to contemplate the comparisons with how other countries have coped with this crisis are a humiliation and yet still they spin still they prioritize public relations over public health and the only abiding mystery left will solve itself in the blink of an eye why on earth would a government that has addressed the coronavirus crisis with almost unprecedented incompetence be so desperate to retain the services of a key advisor on any rational planet anybody intimately involved with such a catastrophic governmental strategy would not be missed in a heartbeat in any rational universe they would not be sorry to see go a man widely regarded as the most powerful person in downing street so why when the uk government's response to corona virus has been so catastrophic the carnage in our care homes the death toll up and down these islands why would they be so desperate to keep a man in place who presided over it well the answer is simple because his skill set his gifts his talent are for manipulating the public for persuading them to do things that are against their own interests to convince them to ignore the evidence of their own eyes and ears i don't know if it will work this time but i know that it worked last time and i know that it worked the time before and that's why i'm forgetting about those events i'm forgetting about those elections i'm forgetting about those referendums you were given one simple instruction don't take my word for it take boris johnson's that is why we are giving one simple instruction you must stay at home unless your dominant comings i'm afraid i do not believe any of the figures that come from the mouths of the politicians or those that represent the health industry why not keith because james they don't make any sense well okay um i i don't think there's much to be gained from comparing their qualifications with mine or or with yours so let's move straight to the why of it why are they trying to lie to you well i think that's that's the question that none of us can can answer and i can i can but i'm interested in your answer okay i i i don't know i don't know why you have to know because my answer is they're not lying your answer is yes they are so you're the only you're the only one that has to answer who's your two eyes yes go on and the the that demonstrate that they're not telling the truth if you'll give me some time to to explain well i want the why of it first yeah you can't get the why because none of us know why do you think they're lying to you why you know there's a lot there's lots and lots of reasons why do you think they're lying to you keith that's all i want to know that's not the question i don't know james right but you're certain that they are the facts tell me that they are yes the facts through my eyes tell me that they go on and give me a couple let me finish the fact that it matters so give me a couple that's an invitation to you to speak in may when everybody was on the beach and we were told there was going to be a major um spike nothing happened um we are told to stay indoors i mean at the moment but we weren't but there's been a second spike we're in the middle of it now the death rate influenza as as let's go back to 2017 and let's talk facts in 2017 during the winter period of flu there were fifty thousand seven hundred and thirteen extra deaths caused by influenza did we close it down how many people died all right let me try again let me try again so you're convinced that they're lying but you don't know why okay i i i struggle to get past that point the death rate this week has hit figures that we haven't seen since last may so obviously all of the efforts that we made to get infection rates down over that period worked the lot the lockdown worked otherwise the figures wouldn't have gone back up again when we came out of it i've got two questions for you one might upset you a bit but but you know i'm certainly joking oh that's all right why do you think you're so angry about something you can't explain why am i so angry because i i feel that the government says one thing that it wants to protect the economy that it's excuse me acting in our interests yes it says one thing but then does completely the opposite so but that doesn't stand up to scrutiny because it says it wants to protect the economy and protect the population so you've fallen into that thinking that it's one hundred percent one way can i ask you one all right not yet no because i'm still much more interested in what you think i know what i think um you did this the the bolus i can't get past is this absolute certainty that they're lying to you without the beginnings of an idea why they would want to and that that for me is a big flaw in in in where you are and what i feel as a as a fellow human is that i want to try and help you be less angry about something you can't articulate so let's try again why would they want to lie to us just give me a theory i i i've got no theory before um i heard nick on the phone and he took sharma really did to the cleaners and i i followed brexit i'm quite strong tory at the moment sure and i i wasn't aware that australia deal and no deal were the same right let me see pause you there and we're not going to fall out right but the second thing you said completely destroys the validity of the first thing you said you said i follow brexit you you obviously i nearly swore then you obviously you obviously don't if you didn't realize that australia-style deal meant no deal when you say you follow brexit you still follow the people who persuaded you it was a good idea well yes i do i've listened to the other side as well you can't have done because it's been i mean it's like it's like the pope being a catholic australia being the same as no deal yeah obviously you're a lot cleverer than me it's nothing to do with being clever no but do you agree there must be a lot of people think like me i don't know i don't know there must be yeah because it must work so i mean listen blame is a big word whose fault is it that you failed to understand something that i consider to be really really straightforward obvious and simple well i accept that obviously it's the government's fault that people put it forward maybe i didn't listen hard enough to it but i'm sure there's a lot of people like me well i i applaud your honesty i'm sure there are and now you know it means exactly the same as no flipping deal at all how how are you how are you feeling about the whole plan and the people in charge well yeah well the whole thing is just going difficult at the moment but i've always i've always wanted to get out of the uh you know the european market because i want to be a sovereign state but i do agree what do you think that means let's not do this what do you think sovereign means well i think we can make our own laws but how do you do that if you're in a trade in negotiation if you're going to agree to some of the stuff you don't want in order to get it over the line with some of the stuff that you do want what happens to sovereignty in that context no but once we get out we can make our own laws and do exactly what we want of course we can't not not when it comes to trading with foreign countries we can't do exactly what we want at all we have to abide by the trading treaties that we have in place with them and signing that treaty involves what you would have to acknowledge forgive me forgive me seriously forgive me if you understood what sovereignty means you'd realize that there's no such thing in the context that you've just described well that's the next that's the next penny drop moment you finally realize that no deal means the same as australia deal and you're about to realize that sovereignty means signing up to things that are less than what you would get if you were 100 in charge of what you can get yeah but james obviously a lot of people did agree with me because 17 points so and so million people voted uh for brexit they voted for people like owen patterson who said only a madman would leave the market people like daniel hanan who said nobody's talking about leaving the single market people like michael gove who said no deal is not what we campaigned for it's never been on the cards at all people like nigel farage who said why can't we be like norway what what how now brown cow after four years can you still be coming out with this stuff my friend everything has been proved wrong they're even patronizing you today today they've said oh it's an australia-style deal and you've gone oh yeah that sounds good and then they've gone it's semantics they've pulled down your pants and you're still defending them yeah no i didn't sound that hands good i was not aware okay you're going to have a go at me and i'm not going to have a goal no fair play to you for coming and taking your medicine but i don't understand how you cannot be how often do you listen to me do you just think i've lied or that i'm sick or i've got it wrong for four years actually i hardly listen to you at all there you go there's the problem and that's why you've ended up not knowing what's going on under your own nose peter you silly silly sausage if you'd listen to me you wouldn't be on national radio now saying oh my god i've just been conned by the people i actually voted for i didn't i didn't actually say that at all but you know i i accept various things that you say yeah but you know the fact is a lot of people voted for brexit it doesn't mean anything well we'll see what happens in the next few months won't we well it's six weeks laurie parks in kent porterloo's all down the side of the m20 people like you decent honest people like you still thinking that australia style deal means something what does it take well no it means a no deal basically they saying australian deal because it sounds a lot softer than a no deal which is what sharma says and that's that's why they're patronizing you pete don't worry making me feel like i have to take this vaccination when i'm going to survive regardless yes because you might pass it on to people who don't but they've had the vaccination then james then surely they're beside well how do they know unless everybody has it but but then what's the problem if they've had it there's no problem you're just not allowed in the pub that's all but but why not i i don't know i haven't been oversized for not wanting something that's been only been tested for three months four months you're not you're just not being allowed into places where you might give coronavirus to people i mean sites but if they've had the vaccine then why am i not allowed in well because they've had the vaccine and you haven't yeah but if they've accidentally didn't have to worry then never dream no but you're not allowed into the pub because you haven't had the vaccine because if they let you in kyle they'll have to let everybody else who hasn't had the vaccine in as well and you'll all infect each other okay let me put it this way it's to protect people who aren't clever enough to protect themselves so you'd be in the pub without the vaccine and under your rules there'll be some if you stop talking i'll explain your misunderstanding kyle and with great gratitude actually for the opportunity to explain this to people like you if you're allowed into the pub without a vaccine then so is him and so is he and so is he and so is her and so is she and so it and you could all infect each other you see yeah and then you'd all need treatment and some of you would be intubated and some of you would go into intensive care and some of you would die so it's to protect people who aren't clever enough to understand how they can protect themselves that point five percent of us that are where are you getting that number from kyle not because of that survival rate where are you getting that number from where are you getting the death rate from objective i haven't mentioned the death rate no but i'm getting the same i'm getting the same where from kyle you're getting from i'm getting it from uh when i'm doing my research online yes but where mate because you can't say i'm getting it from the internet can you you can you can buy moon cheese on the internet where where exactly are you getting this 99.5 percent survival rate because it's a fact that it's a 99.5 so it doesn't become a fact when you keep saying it just just refer me to the source kyle i haven't said a number yet on the program today so let's just concentrate on where you're getting your facts from from from the research i'm doing james yeah research where into what's the phone away from my ear but just goes to the articles that i've read well just name no you must have gone oh crikey that looks good that's come from harvard or blimey that's from the office of national statistics or that's from the world health organization i'll say from the world health i can't i can't i can't pinpoint where i've got my water and and that is why kyle we need to protect you from yourself you see which is what a vaccine would do so you can stay at home if you want doing your research but if you want to move into a public space where you might infect other people i'm afraid you'll be prevented from doing so do you understand why now but i thought i could start mixing the public and do what i want and it'd be fine with the 99.5 what if i said now it's got a 100 death rate and you said where are you getting that number from and i said my research i'm getting it from my research only well that's all the conspiracy you see kyle because i saw it on facebook and there are a lot of people who are actually dead who are still walking around is it yes i've researched it on the internet they're like zombies and because they've got these chips in them bill gates is controlling them with a playstation 4 controller seriously just have the vaccine man on the question of what they've done to deserve the kind of abuse they get from the newspapers do we do we know do you know um in terms of the abuse they get from the newspaper and the newspapers will pick up on anything just for sales but they haven't done that to kate middleton so what why have they done it to this i mean they were they were quite ruthless it wasn't quite originally they poked a little bit of fun at her for not having a job and they reported on the snobbery that she encounters in in um aristocratic circles because her mother was an air host desk but um they certainly didn't sort of doorstep her dad in the hope of getting him to say disgusting things about his own daughter they didn't pay money to estranged family members from profoundly dysfunctional backgrounds i mean they went after meghan markle in a way that i i i can't actually think of like i'd compare it perhaps to britney spears or lily allen it was just quite do we know what they did wrong in the first place but it it's like your best friend marrying somebody who's totally dominated him so how where did you get this so there we go that's something i've read in in newspapers written by ignorant people where are you getting your information from papers this is my own conclusion so what's it based on the idea that she totally dominates him how did you arrive at that conclusion when when did you arrive at that conclusion pretty pretty early on okay and what was the evidence for it um deviation from royal protocol i would think no the evidence for her totally dominating him why by harry deviating from royal protocol for example um i mean for example the the the photographs that would normally be expected after the birth pardon photographs that would normally be expected of of a new birth of photographs of the baby she'd just given birth to which has happened in every case previously yes but you're talking about her dominating him so you think he would have wanted to do it differently and she didn't let him with the photographs of the baby that she'd just given birth to and you said it was pretty much from the start no no no you told me she dominates him that's got nothing to do with royal protocol he finds royal protocol presumably considerably more restrictive than she does because he's lived with it all his life so where are you getting this evidence from that she totally dominates him because i've seen it a lot particularly from people denying that their negativity is in any way racist it's all to do with how pushy she is so so show me because i i can't see it at the moment it's to do with how [ __ ] she is prince harry was was the son of the savior of the royal family he he's he's the shining star yes yes yes yes yes where's the evidence that she quotes totally dominates him end quote because that's offensive to both of them the fact that in such a short time he's changed so completely well we all change when we fall in love particularly with people that make us want to be better than we were before we met them so so again the evidence that she completely dominate just one little example before we bid farewell and you um step back from national radio where's the evidence that she completely dominates him well just a statement from yesterday that they want to step back from real life but where's the evidence that she completely dominates him steve well that that is the evidence no it is and that's the evidence that they want to step back from from royal life steve you just told me the reason they want to step back from royal life you told me she completely dominates him and i want to know and i suggested that you might just have swallowed that line from ignorant journalism you were adamant that you hadn't so you must have that so where does it come from no unlike you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah experience you've got loads of experts so where's the evidence that she completely dominates no experience i've got no idea about anything that's why i'm asking you where's the evidence that she completely dominates him because of the statement from yesterday there's no other possible explanation well apart from the fact that they want to step back from public life that's the other possible explanation so you need to just give me one little nugget of because not least because you said it was obvious from the start and now you're saying it's been obvious since yesterday so leaving that embarrassment aside no no no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i was here i was listening you said it's been obvious from the start so what what what is it based on your conclusion that she completely dominates him the complete change in his personality crikey so you've known him all his life sorry you've known him all his life what's all what's all of his life's got to do with the statement to be able to observe a complete change in his personality i don't know if his personality has changed at all when did you first meet him so you you you've got no it's a simple question when did you first meet him i haven't met him but his personality has completely changed and you're not basing that on anything you've read in the newspapers so where are you getting it from where are you getting it from i've followed him since he was born as you probably hope you haven't there's there's laws against that sort of thing but but where is the evidence a that his personality has completely changed and b that she completely dominated something that you know nothing about exactly that's why i'm asking you experience from working within a royal family have you worked within a royal family steve you should have mentioned it you're you're knocking boris you're not in the conservatives no i'm not mate no you've completely misunderstood i love this announcement i think it's great news for if the left wasn't so poor if the labour party wasn't so poor such please don't agree with it they're not offering anything for people to vote for a rally sing his name and now they're going to vote for the same again i don't know i agree but that's just bit i agree it's demented no i know but you said i'm knocking the conservative party i'm not i love this this is brilliant this is a really liberal immigration policy that lots of people thought wouldn't happen under boris johnson now how do those people feel about being betrayed by him again that's what i'm trying to get to the heart of gary yeah but we don't care if that's what i mean he could do what he likes because at the end of the day he could have another vote next week he could have an election every week and until the labour party offers an alternative he could do as he pleases he's sitting there rubbing his hands he's loving it well i agree i can't completely agree with you but are you describing yourself now as someone who doesn't care about facts or or or actual promises it's so bad so boris johnson lies to you and you say i've been i've been persuaded there's no persuasion of course there's persuasion you've never heard of jeremy corbyn until someone told you about it i'll vote for it no i guess listen i don't think we're arguing with each other you will vote for boris johnson regardless of what he does what he says or what he stands for because jeremy corbyn is such a wrong one not just the whole the whole labour party they're all scumbags exactly all right sorry about 800 000 members yeah a huge membership yeah but they seem to feel like they are representative of the 60 million people in this country and then 600 000 people were very strong views you believe in that but you you realize what you've done dogma and we're not here to talk about the labor party we're here to talk about why you like being lied to particularly about immigration it's not that we'll suffer the people we'll suffer johnson because the alternative is so poor yes says who i'm not i'm not a die hard conservative i'll vote well i'm not a die hard labor supporter under the current regime but i would ask you which policy which policy were you most perturbed by none of it really bothers me no no but the policy that that leads you to conclude you've got to give me one sorry mate i'm going to labour this point if you pardon the pun go on because here you are on national radio explaining how you like being lied to by boris johnson because the alternative is so awful that's it yeah i know so what policy was it what policy was it and do you know what just because i'm feeling friendly you can include ed miliband in this so what policy was it of any of the last three oh no just wait a minute seriously there's a punchline coming i'm pleased what policy just wait a second ago i need to get this out the last three general elections what labour policy was it that perturbed you so much you decided you'd rather be lied to by boris johnson it's not even policy no no but i do just want one i just want one uh just they're gonna buy it back the water i guess they're going our way and what are they talking about taking the railways back international ownership under grant chaps and the is it the east coast that's already happened hasn't it have they not announced james i'm a heat engineer like i can't keep track of everything but you've got very strong views on why you like being lied to but the conservatives have already i think they'll probably flog it off to you know give a bunch of money to an organization run by someone like richard branson or or something like that i understand why you prefer that but the idea that nationalization well that's the trouble that's that's how he's just making it will suffer that yeah but all you've got is that is it it's an alternative yeah okay that's it it's not that it's not nobody to themselves i'm not again i'm and how are they going to feel do you think the people you describe when they realize they've been lied to they're going to feel fine i i couldn't agree with you more no we're going to feel sick the alternative is a labour party which apart from some broad tabloid diluted description of a nationalization program you haven't got a scooby-doo whether they're coming or going and you know what happens now gary oh i know it's all about their personality but they're not scumbags that's the leader no that was turned him over okay gary gary gary if david miliband had been leader mate you'd have been persuaded that he was a scumbag as well it's what they do of course yeah it was the last different labour leader okay smith yeah was it where did he stand on nationalisation look as a personality is a credible leader obviously i've had such a have a great day we're actually on the same team what happens now is i get bombarded with abuse from corbyn fans saying it's my fault that people like gary um ended up believing that corbin was a wrong one i think corbyn was a disaster for this country and for the labour movement not least because he's ushered boris johnson and brexit onto the um stage in a way that they would not have been enjoying if it wasn't for his absolute inadequacy but there it is so here is boris johnson courting racist votes by pretending he was going to be quote tougher on immigration revealing already it's not even february that thirty thousand pound stuff now i can't believe you fell for that we're not doing that so i'm delighted sort of delighted tempered with disgusted if you fell for this why aren't you cross whereabouts in china are you luke jiangsu nam tong that's right james making anton famous today at least we'll all know about it then is that is that is that a leeds accent that i detect yeah it is welcome to yorkshire abroad well i don't know why possibly a little bit of low level snobbery on my part i wasn't expecting to hear my dad's accent on the other end of the phone when we crossed live to china um what's going on luke what is the latest and i'm glad you're in good spirits but it can't be much fun well i mean you have ups and downs i'm taking it day to day like just imagine the whole of england is just shut down like you know you want to take your national express to go home to see your family it's just you just cannot that's all stopped there's selected fast trains running you can you can take a plane but you you imagine the vast majority of chinese people can't afford these planes so i mean we can take it back to where it started like the day just before chinese new year yes everybody's gone home to always the city's go dead right so after that it goes a few days and then people start coming back to to to where they are where they're from to start work again which was supposed to be today now the government has said right nobody is to work until the 10th so there's another 10 days everybody's just on a public holiday they've just been told to stay indoors there's just like that's when you say stay indoors do you mean i mean literally don't leave your flat or your home no i mean what i'm seeing now is a progression where people are slowly starting to come out right and you know go for an evening walk but you know five days ago it was just me out like i'm like this is unbelievable if you want a cultural experience you're not gonna get this anywhere in the world other than if it's like some kind of war well it's like being the star of 28 days later i imagine or some zombie apocalypse like like for example starbucks closed starbucks is never closed he closed it early on chinese new year eve right so to see what's going on is just immense you don't sound scared a lot a lot of people here listening will be a little bit surprised that you don't sound more scared now that might be a result of the reporting here being perhaps a little bit more excitable than the reporting there or a little bit more accurate than the reporting there but have you been scared at all oh yeah when it first hit i i was like what on the so the the day of chinese new year i went to my gym there's a notice on the door it's closed what i'm like hey i can't i can't go and exercise i'm trapped like what am i doing here get out now i'm looking at flights my family's saying come home come on come on get out and then you start to think well why on earth would i want to go sit on a plane with 200 other people and i'm gonna get it then and then bring it back to england so everybody hates me i'm gonna have to self quarantine in any way so i can't go see you know my best mate wes he's just not a new kid he's not going to want to see music come here with your corona this is why we voted for brexit we don't want you coming over here with your dodgy diseases what are you playing at outrageous behavior but um well exactly you know i even thought of this right so for example if you're chinese and all these foreigners are getting sent off you think well we're in it together you don't want to be going around spreading it i'm thinking you know what in the uk when mad cow disease happens if everyone that you know from eu we went right suddenly oh we're off back could you imagine what they'd all be saying oh it's all right for him free nhs while they're here but as soon as it kicks off we're on first playing out of here well i don't think so you know you've gotta you've gotta stay and just just see what's going through well i mean i admire your resolve i suppose but there is a certain logic in taking the exit if it is available regardless of your origins or your or or your loyalties but but i completely understand where you're coming from do what's the expat community like where you are is it you may not know you may not be part of it but i mean well man is not a huge city but i say it's not a huge city there's seven million people that live here right so it's all relative it's all relative isn't it it's all relative yeah so i wrote my mate yesterday from england and it's like what you're going out he's like what i i've only been out like in the last seven days two times you've got to find life hacks you know things are closed so my gym were closed well i thought well there's only going to be one of a place that can't close that's got a gym a hotel yeah people here they're trapped here they can't go anywhere no so there i go i mean a little oh yeah this gym's open nice i'm making some new friends ah when life went before when life gives you lemons luke you make lemonade mate i can tell it's it shines off you it really does in fact i'm interested in you now not just the coronavirus how did you end up there oh jim well i mean i've been coming in off on and off coming to china for a few years right um but then i found nantung and basically like i'm a kindergarten teacher okay um i've got a chinese grandma that like basically looks after my every needs it's like it's like being an escort but for like a 60 year old woman just she's obviously looking out for me so you're living the life and it's she all right i mean are you looking after her as well at this difficult time well she's fine we're living in separate houses because i won't be able to handle you know it's hard enough when i go on holiday you know in these five-star hotels entertaining her and stuff but you know she said i i'm i'll always say oh you know i'll do exactly what my government said so they say you're coming home i'm coming home right yes and she's like no it's fine to stay here it's fine to stay you know she'll put it off saying oh you know it's this case is in japan now well i'm like well there's more cases in nansen than louisiana of japan yeah but we've got two in newcastle as well i don't know if you're aware of this there's two in newcastle that have just been identified and we've got the plane you refer to is everybody on it's been put into quarantine in the world so briefly lou why were you not on that plane i i mean you could have got on it and i understand the argument about not you know rats leaving a sinking ship type of thinking but could how hard would it have been you how hard would it have been for you to get on that airplane well i could have got on it but then you could think well who wants to spend two weeks trapped away in stop it you're stuck in your flat man that's right that's not a life is it like here at least the thing is i've found out you know done research and i'm seeing that i'm healthy i need to stay healthy hence going to the gym eating fruit eating soup yeah and when you're staying healthy that means that your immune system is good so yes if you're staying like that then if you get it then it's you know well you mentioned you make a very compelling case and you mentioned that you've made a lot of new friends not least in in the hotel gym i can tell you you've made quite a lot of new friends in my my universe as well i'll just read you a few is luke on twitter james please get him back in the same way that thursday afternoon hosts mysterio can we have luke from china report every friday from now on uh this leeds bloke is the best man in the world brilliant call that's from edward matt and simon gary says love his accent sean says love this lad from leeds wayne says this lad is a legend cheerful um in the face of the plague i'd love a pint with him give him a round of applause um and and so it continues so you know every cloud well i won't be having a pink someone detox after christmas right that's part of coming back to china after christmas you know you turned up even the guy at my jimmy were like oh my god you're fat now but just say it as it is i don't know i thought lisa was quite plain speaking luke i didn't realize he had to go to china for it well we're a beast a little bit more subtle aren't we you know if you say it first then it's fine to comment on it but here we were straight on it you were like oh yeah all right well it's christmas indeed can't central you let yourself go well you're a legend but you've made a lot of friends myself included hold on the final one go on just say this james you are my hero i do if it gets me then at least i've got this chance to speak to you honestly james i time my day around you so the fact that i'll leave on an afternoon i'll leave a coffee shop at 6 00 p.m so i can walk home when you start you know i'm straight in that i just oh yes thank you so much oh my i love you you've we need your positivity and optimism your honesty and uh well me at least your adulation so thanks ever so much mate
Channel: LBC
Views: 354,522
Rating: 4.5766425 out of 5
Keywords: lbc, lbc live, watch lbc, interview, interviews, politics news, british politics, uk politics live, live debate, debate, current affairs 2020, Coronavirus, Coronavirus uk, Coronavirus update, Coronavirus news, Brexit, Coronavirus symptoms, coronavirus explained, covid 19, corona, boris johnson, boris johnson interview, boris johnson coronavirus, coronavirus speech, farage, James O’Brien, Iain Dale, Nick Ferrari, Johnson, Black Lives Matter, Protests
Id: pN5ExDnCcRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 6sec (3786 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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