James Knight's Nordhavn 57 In Depth Review

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hi my name is James Knight some of you have probably heard of me I started the uptick back in 2000 and I had a customer who bought an odd having 46 back then I think he put the order in in 99 and both came in in 2000 and I got involved in that not Allen commissioning process and delivered about Annapolis at 946 number 65 and I became a believer in not havin and since then I have worked on a lot of them so it's been 20 years and I'm here today in Palm Beach Gardens on a Nordhausen 57 atoll number nine got my my son behind the camera he has grown up around know what happens his first trip on an old heaven was when he was in a carry cradle and it was on the egrets called the Mary flounders book we went to pick it up in Savannah and Matthew came along and got his I won't say his sea legs because he wasn't walking but my wife and I brought him along on the trip anyway I'm here today Matthew's behind the camera and I thought I would spend a little bit of time just talking to you about know what happens in particular this one a lot of people ask me the question you know what would I buy if I was going to buy a Nord heaven and you know there there are different answers for that depending on who I was going to take with me and whether the kids had left home and that's getting close now so that was just my wife and I I think the not havin 57 would be close to the top of the list it's become increasingly more difficult to answer that question over the years because not havin Jeff Leishman Nord haven't have built some amazing boats and as the years have gone by I'm lucky enough that I've got to work on bigger and bigger boats and so and some of those big boats are pretty nice to be at sea on so you know when you've done the number of trips that I've done on Nord Hammonds the number of days at sea and cruises that I've done on all the different models it it just becomes tough because being out there on a 76 is is something else but many times when people have asked me the question what would my favourite not having be it was the answer was a 57 and so I thought I would come here today and talk about that and the reasons for me choosing the 57 to be at the top of the list so I'm gonna take you around the boat I'm gonna show you some of the things that you won't find on other boats other than ovens and I'm gonna talk about some of the equipment down there and the space and the challenges with the 57 but on the whole the reason that most almost all I would say 57 owners loved their boats is because of the performance we I pulled out some drawings back there that I laid out on the couch from when Jeff Leishman was designing this boat back in 95 96 was one of their real early designs it's a much lower profile boat you know the later the later models it it is a challenge sometimes to to sell with 57 you know they discontinued that back in probably two thousand five or six I think because some of the newer models had more space more glitzy and the fifty seven died out but the lower profile boat looks right it has a nice long keel it has of course the bulbous bow on it and at sea she shines 325 horsepower lugger 6125 Komatsu block which is an amazing engine it was removed down the line and replaced by a John Deere 6125 and then ultimately I think they put in a couple of 1276 his log in 1276 s which i think is probably the ultimate engine for any know diamond there was an N 14 Cummins in 14 I think in one of the 57 s they did build some twins but the single engine 57 is by far the most efficient nord haven that they built i believe and that actually was pretty much proven a couple of years ago we organized a bernie francis organized a transatlantic we prepared most of the boats to go there was a 52 there are a couple of 55 so there was a 60 there was a 57 anyway the 57 had to slow down to 2 to allow everybody to keep up pretty much and was by far the most fuel-efficient boat crossing the Atlantic so this boat in my experience and I've done a lot of trips on 57 s you know it's a pretty much a four day trip from here to New York Palm Beach Gardens to New York if you get the weather right 57 and 62 is alike same power same kind of speed on the 57 you will be making about 9 knots at about 1800 rpm and burning about a gallon a mile so 1 gallon a mile at about nine knots and you'll burn about a thousand gallons to get from here to New York so for some of you that may seem like a lot but boy this is a big heavy boat and that's pretty fuel-efficient so she carries about 2,000 gallons and if you slow her down you can get 3000 maybe even 4,000 miles out of a tank of fuel so you know if you drop the speed down to five and a half six knots so you can really increase that range on the flip side if you try and get the boat up to ten knots so what they say she'll do which is 11 and in the paperwork and I don't believe it 11 knots is pushing it you know you might get 10 and are definitely in the Gulf Stream you can go quicker but through the water probably probably ten and a half knots is about bangs and if you push the boat to ten and a half knots you're burning about 16 gallons and now maybe even 17 so for that extra knot it costs you about seven gallons an hour so you can see the curve is pretty steep the 57 one of the one of the one of the few boats in the early years to have a stand up engine room unlike the 62 of course the 62 is a crawl around neo up you know if you're very short you can stand up but the 57 I remember going to Boat Show Joe megwin hired me to move a 57 back from the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show I think probably in 2002 2001-2002 and he took a chance on me because he didn't know if I could drive a boat but I took that 57 back and I remember when I got on the boat after the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show for Joe there was a white board in the engine room it was 57 number 11 and that was the first 57 I'd worked on and the white board had a big note across it saying this is by far the cleanest most organized and nicest engine room in the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show somebody had written that and put big exclamation points after it and I always remember that because for a 57 foot boat the engine room on here is truly amazing I'll take you down there in a couple of minutes we'll have a quick look around I don't want to extend the video too long I don't want people to get bored but yes the engine room is stand-up and you've got a couple of mainland strikes down there on the sides of the main engine so you can get to everything you'll see the generators are easy to get to you can pull the board's up and get to the shaft it's got a 16 and 1/2 foot prop sure 3 inch of course I've been in the service business for Nord ovens now for 20 years I've only been selling them for about ten absolutely twelve but so I've pulled these boats to pieces I've pulled the shafts out of many Nord have an 57 and it is not a two-person job pulling that 16 foot 3 and shaft out is a three to four person task it is a big heavy monster in the early days that Nord haven't did have some issues because that's a long sharp with shaft whip so the early boats didn't have an intermediate bearing they put the bearing in they played around with four to six engine mounts on the main engine we know that 57 s can be a little bit of a challenge to get the alignment right on I've worked on it many times and brought 57s in and put them right there are three contact points you've got the Cutlass bearing at the back end of the shaft right just in front of the prop you've got the intermediate bearing and of course you've got the point at which the coupling attaches to the transmission so three points to get in line whereas most no turbines only have the smaller ones anyway only have two points you got the Cutlass bearing and the cup so a57 does present some challenges and you know there there are many times that I've been out on them where they've had a little bit of a wobble and we can usually make that go away but they they're not the smoothest running boat as far as having a little vibration it's not uncommon on the 57 but there are so many things about the 57 the way she rides out in the big waves I remember crossing crossing in 57 number 20 number 19 to Bermuda a few years ago we got a really ready to cross the Atlantic and I took her out and coming in to Bermuda a couple of days out of the mood of the weather picked up and I hate to admit that I get seasick but I got seasick and I was lucky enough the owner's wife had some patches but I remember waking up on the starboard side of the salon there and looking out of the windows up at these big walls of water and the boat was riding up on these big seas I mean just no concern at all I mean big big ocean but boy the 57 just walks it you know it's like a walk in the park and just so a huge amount of confidence in the way these boats ride I have spent many hours back here laying in the back of the salon on the floor because this is by far the most comfortable spot on the boat when it comes to being in big seas one of the things about this 5709 is that she has a head right here this is quite unusual that we're a few 57s that had it it is nice if you're out in big seas you can you can use the head back here rather than having to go forward so that's a nice feature on this one you're not going to find this on very many of the 57s though three or four maybe had it I know that number 18 added and we sold one recently and Anacortes what Raven she had in the galley area challenges with 57s if you're short it's quite difficult to reach the cabinet since some people keep little little step stools in the galley the galley is fairly small you know the 55 was probably the boat that took over from the 57 50 cent fives sold like hotcakes is very glitzy boat very capable also much taller how does low profile as the 57 and you do notice the difference when you're out in big seas not saying they're not capable but they aren't the low-profile heavy bulbous bow long keel bow that this is this 57 steers like it's on Rails you will find that some of the other models don't steer as well they're all different again they're all very capable but it sure is a breath of fresh air to get behind the wheel on this 57 you're gonna let go of the wheel and she'll run in a straight line and it feels good so yes the galley is a little bit small compared to some of the boats but it's got everything you need it's got a full sized sub-zero refrigerator which is nice you've got a you've got a freezer also down here and this boat has a dishwasher a trash compactor full-size oven and one of the nice one of the nice things and you may think this is crazy and some people will probably admonish me for saying this but one of the nice things about having this door right here when you're preparing dinner and you're cutting vegetables and what-have-you it sure is nice to be able to throw them out the door over the side vegetables that's all a plastic so but but that's a nice feature and also you know when you're at anchor and you're preparing meals you know it's hot when this oven running this is a really nice feature because you can be cooking you got the door open the boat's swinging on the hook and you've got a nice breeze coming through the door I love having Astoria okay so let's take a quick wander down into the engine room I'm gonna make short Matthews already telling me my video is probably going to be too long and people are going to get bored I don't how well if you really like fifty sevens you're probably going to be watching like a hawk so if you can continue putting up with me and talking about bugs for a little bit longer there's a few more things about this 57 that I love one is this so you can close this door to the salon that's on a catch right here but we can close that up and we can open this door which means if you've got technicians coming and going from the boat and you're living on board they don't have to come traipsing through the salon or the galley or whatever you've got access to come right down into the engine room drag your tools in and out you don't have to come through the boat that is super nice and also if you're on a long trip and it's flat calm and you want to cool the engine room down either I've often run with this door wide open this one closed this door open open the engine room door you let all the heat out then you can come down here do your engine room checks it's not quite as hot know what heaven was never very well known in their early boats for engine room temperatures and ventilation it's okay it's pretty basic we got some baton blowers in here that keep the air moving it's a naturally aspirated engine room really we've got big vents at the back of the engine room that let air in we've got a couple of blowers here but we do have issues with you know they don't last forever their regular dayton blowers they rust and we change them out once in a while but they're easy to get we buy them from Grainger and they're fairly bulletproof so the engine as you can see is slap bang in the middle here we've got these maintenance strikes you'd have to see the bottom of the boat to understand their little bulges in the bottom of the boat that allow you to stand and I'm not I mean I'm not torn I was tall as Matthew but I can happily stand up here Matthew's going to prove me wrong now he can't stand without you without crouching I've been watering him too much but you know I can stand here I can work on the injection pump I can work on the the air filter I can do oil changes I can get down there the other day I was underneath one of these engines laying down here squeezed in with my hands and rags and we'll have you getting down cleaning out underneath I mean you have great access all around to this - this Komatsu 6125 lugar 6125 it is a workhorse so you know people people start asking me about the hours on these engines you've heard it before I'm sure these engines are going to outlive us all they are fairly bulletproof you know as long as you keep doing your oil changes you change your alternators once in a while we've got one right now on a 62 that we worked on a few weeks back we changed out the alternators we put in a new water circulating pump the boats crossing the Atlantic that boat number 15 62 number 15 she's been around the world already and not only has she been around the world but when she got back I worked on the boat I got called in she'd had a there was a lightning strike on the boat and I got called in probably back in 2005 I think down Street sent me over there to to work on that book and you know we got the lightning deal taken care of and a new owner bought the boat and I cruised it up to up to Maine and back and up and back and did several trips on that boat and then sold it for him to to the next owner who cruising Upper Hutt long story short it's I think she's got eight or nine thousand hours on the on the Komatsu same engine exactly the same 325 horsepower and we're getting ready to send her across the Atlantic the owner wants to spend you know two three years in the Med cruising around not an issue it doesn't burn a drop of oil might leak a little bit here and there you know they all leak there are there's no such thing as a completely League free engine but as long as it's not burning it now I will say they are a little you know one of the things that you have to understand if you're getting the dry stack is it is impossible not to get any soot in the stack and it depends a little bit on how you drive the boat as to how much soot you get in the stack but you are going to have a sort once in a while it's just you know it's the nature of the beast there's arguments for a dry stack there's arguments for against a dry stack there are arguments for and against wet exhaust to against the dry stack would be the suit everything else really is positive I've never had to replace a muffler in a 57 yeah you know some of the smaller boats with the mild steel mufflers yes I've had to do it but I haven't done a 57 yet so I'm sure the day is coming but I haven't done it yet so we didn't talk about this first of all we got a lovely workbench built in here with drawers storage and a sink there's a little somethin there that of course we're below the waterline down here you can see the access to the stabilizer right there I'll say the pour stabilizer has really good access starboard one not so much but you can get to it little guy like me open the door crawl in you can pull the stairs out and get to it it's not as great as this one but boy this makes up for it you know if you're gonna have a problem of the stabilizer have a problem at the port one now it is an ayat and I will say that there is no such thing as a leak-free Nyad system and I'm going to get complaints from Nyad for saying that but it's the truth I've worked on my ads so there's an oil leak here not uncommon okay don't don't worry about a little oil leak on an iron system oil lubricates things so and it also stops things from rusting so a little bit of an oil leak isn't always a bad thing so the big thing here on the 57 the 57 and the 62 fuel manifold system is very very similar it's a bit daunting when you first look at it I don't know if you can turn the camera down and look at this when you come through the door you know if you're a first-time trawler buyer you look at these manifolds and all these boughs and it's like oh what am I gonna do with that law how am I going to understand it and I normally when I sell an odd happen to to somebody I spend a day or two going through systems or whatever they need but usually we throw a couple of days in of training teaching or answering questions mostly and even with second or third or fourth time boat buyers you know there are always questions and I love answering questions to the best of my abilities so and I always spend a good amount of time going through these fuel manifolds it really is quite simple not only is it simple but it works really well you can do pretty much anything with this fuel system you've got a supply manifold you've got a return manifold so we've got a supply manifold here we've got our return manifold here some people first time boat buyers don't know much about diesel engines they don't even know that diesel engines return fuel to the tank they don't use all the fuel that they draw from the tank some of it the fuel that they don't need they return to the tank so that all goes back through this return manifold and then here we've got a transfer manifold that allows us the transfer manifold and the pump system on this boat allows us to take fuel from whichever tank we want we've got 2,000 gallons of fuel roughly in four tanks one tank either side of me here and two tanks just ahead of the engine there you can see all four sight gauges in the engine room which is really nice when you're doing your engine room checks when you're switching fuel tanks you can see what you're doing easily and so if you want to move fuel around or if you want to push the fuel into a filter or if you've changed the fuel filters on the engine and you want to bleed it you want to push fuel through there and make sure that it's all bled before you start it up you can do that with this system you draw the fuel from whichever tank you want to you can select any of the four tanks on the transfer manifold you can send the fuel to the pump you can then decide whether you want to send the fuel back through the return manifold and polish it because any time you move fuel it goes through a filter polish it back into one of the other tanks you can put it back into the same tank or you can send it to the supply manifold you can close off the valves to the other tanks and you can pressurize the supply manifold and then you can send the fuel to any one of the two generators the main engine or the wing engine however you need to do it it has saved me so much time these kinds of things you can't do on some of the other node ovens I won't tell you which ones but the fuel systems are all different every node having is different the 62 and the 57 have a very similar fuel system the 62 doesn't have sight gauges on all the tanks because a lot of them are up forward under the floor which you know presents a little bit of a challenge keeping fuel levels accurate fuel levels by way of a tank tender which isn't my favorite piece of kit but anyway 57 you can see them site gauges here and here slight edge there sight gauge they're easy to see got a water maker down here got the fuel sorry you got the water pump the Mach 5 it's been upgraded to a Mach 5 it's also got a headhunter stingray pump back there you know there's a lot of good stuff on this boat that's all been put in since the boat was built we've got access here to turn our engine start battery's off engine start mattress is separate they're up under the bed by the way just forward of here just water here is the master stateroom you wouldn't know it being an amount of serum this is thick the sound insulation is fantastic what else so at the back here we've got really good access to the generators as you can see I don't know if you can come around the corner there aquahama here is all opened up she was at a boat show recently and so she's opened up so you can see these generators it does look like there's been a leak at an injector pump here some some time ago you can see it's a little yellow there but that is not uncommon in fact there are there are three things on these generators that I always look for that a failure points one is the injection pump and it usually does not fail it starts to weep and that's what happens you've got yellow staining there and eventually it gets worse and worse and you can still run it but it's going to be leaking or leaking diesel and the seals in the injection pump go bad people run these with their sound shields on them they get very very hot inside it shortens the life of the injection pump so it's a simple injection pump off back to the injection shop they reseal them we put them back on so that's one of the things that goes bad on these but as you can see on this foot 57 it's super easy to get to them super easy to do that maintenance task you can get into the exhaust turbo you can see that's been done on this boat the exhaust elbow right in here I don't know if you can see that it's stainless steel that of course is another weak point on the north noise generator they come with a mild steel exhaust elbow they always rust out and they fail they crack and they split and that will stop you dead so because you'll be spraying saltwater out the exhaust elbow usually you can catch it before that but some people don't look back there too many people don't look back there so that's another thing that can cause a problem on the generator then we've got a few sensors in there the shutdown circuits and there's a one particular sensor in there that I try and tell people always carry as a spare it's the coolant high temperature cooler shut down sensor that often fails and if that fails the generator won't stay running you can bypass it if you know what you're doing always good to have a spare on board good to change your coolant out regularly and then you you won't have an issue with the coolant coolant shutdown sensor but people tend to go past their coolant change interval and then they'll have a problem one more thing air filters tend to get neglected the air filters inside here and those air filters tend to get their form and they get hot and they they break down and if you've ever worked on a foam air filter on a dirt bike or a four-wheeler or something like that you've probably seen them they crumble in your fingers that's the problem because the crumbling filter gets sucked into the air intake it goes up into the intake manifold and the generators smoking and nasty anyway changing filters changing fuel filters doing all of that service on the 57 is fantastically easy the RO water pump usually they don't fail fail they do start to drip a little bit of course you can tell if they've been dripping because they turn green underneath this one is not this one probably just add a little bit of we purged from the top maybe somebody took the hose off and it got salt water on here which is what's hungry but you can see it's been changed and it is not leaking from underneath though otherwise it would be green down here so that one looks good the filters have been changed these generators are in good shape the beltzman done I can tell you one thing about the owner of this boat he is a mechanic he's a race car driver he understands engines he's really done an amazing job I mean this is an old book we're talking 20 years old and it's remarkable when you go around and look at it as as to how nice it has been kept so down here we've got great access to the shaft this is the intermediate bearing that I was talking about so that's a pillar book bearing there it is a failure point we last year I had a call from a customer who was crossing the North Atlantic on their 57 and one that I had sold some some years ago anyway they had had somebody work on the intermediate bearing in Norway or Denmark somewhere over there and there are some pretty tight tolerances when you set these up it has to be set up as a floating bearing because this sharp moves back and forth with the engine mounts when the engine engine mounts are soft of course when you put the engine into gear the whole prop shaft and engine everything moves back and forth this has to allow for a little bit of tolerance a little bit and play there as you put the engine in and out of gear if you don't have those tolerances set up correctly this suckers gonna get hot inside there there are some big bearings we have some in stock on the shelf over the shop and those bearings will get hot and eventually will fail you know if you're running this bow for a week solid it's one of the things that I tell people you should be looking at that on your engine room checks you come down here you check that come back here and temperature gun you check the packing gland back there as well keep an eye on that all very easily accessed you've got a pack and gland on the wing engine here easily accessed as you can see that one looks like it could do it a little bit of extra packing in it but the wing engine on this boat powers the thrusters back in the early days the early 57 s they did not have to hydraulic pumps there's a hydraulic pump on the main that powers the stabilizers separate system it's a Naiad stabilization system I think it's got 254 s on this boat they are not ABT the lates of 57 s they went with a bt for the stabilizers and the thrusters this boat has american bow thruster thruster and the pto on the back of the wing engine is what drives that what else do we got we've got an oil change system back in there we got the reservoir back in the corner back over here for them for the bow thruster system that's a cooler for the thruster tank home or again very very easily accessed right I mean I can get in here I can check the temperature of the tank oil looks nice and clean fill where you get in the cooler here to take the end off and check and clean the cooler out you got over here you've got the dabit pump it's got a 220 volt electric hydraulic dabit so that runs off of the generator we got the inverter system here one inverter running off of each leg these are SW series inverters they are pretty bulletproof they are getting old but and we have spares in the shop but and so we have changed some out on some of the boats that are crossing the Atlantic and going over to the Med just to get new pieces of equipment in because again they're 20 years old but you know what they are bulletproof pieces to kill these are big heavy workhorses and that's the kind of equipment not of them was using back there I mean I can't imagine how many of these things went into these in order hundreds and hundreds of them because you know we've we've probably had 50 come through our shop and we have a number of them you know pieces and parts of them on the shelf that we use to to fix older ones so anyway access there is good access and I'm not gonna go into the lazarette right now but you have enough who can see in their company a little bit duh I get back in there and you can check the steering rams you can check all the steering gear you can check the seal all the batteries are back in here by the way this boat has all new air conditioners I mean the owner just before he bought because he bought a bigger boat just pretty build a bigger boat he went through and he stripped out every air conditioner and everything is brand new not only the compressors but the air handlers all new I turn on the air conditioning a second ago cuz they told Matthews and within about two minutes the salon was already starting to get cold and here we are in South Florida it's hot outside so all of that is new the owner has spent a lot of money on this boat doing things right and okay let's turn around we're gonna head back out and onto the pilot house so fairly bulletproof controls we've got I know it took these are actually hydraulic controls for the main and the Panda wing engine you know they're like I said they're fairly bulletproof non-electronic so we don't have to worry about lightning strikes or things like that bouncing rust of controls got a main engine here the main engine has four nine thousand hours on it so you know some people think that four and a half thousand hours is a lot but actually four nine thousand houses not very much so we got our high not tech controls bulletproof controls they're actually hydraulic we've got a bounce turn thruster we got our main engine here with the additional 3-pack of gauges which gives us a pyrometer exhaust temperature transmission crusher and turbo boost gauge I think turbo boost on this boat does not do very much by the way so okay and four and a half thousand ask for nine thousand hours not very much for this engine okay so I was talking to a crab fisherman not to extend the video or anything but I was talking so it wasn't a crab fisherman's a lobster fisherman I was on a 62 up in Maine and the the lobster fisherman comes up to me and he says hey yo what kind of power you got in that thing I'm always proud of it know what happened when I come up to the dock and I always like to talk about it so I told the guy I said hey I got a you know loved the boat we just came in from Florida you know she's got a Komatsu 6125 lugar marin eyes oh yeah great engine great engineer system you know I had one of those in one of my lobster boats and it sank I think the engine had like 35,000 hours on it went down so if we pulled it back up pulled the wiring harness off it cleaned the engine out put it all back together again and ran that thing for another 10 years and got sixty thousand hours on that engine or something that means something ridiculous and that was after it had sunk so you know that tells you the longevity of these engines wing engine hours obviously light 734 the good news is when you've got a hydraulic PTO on a wing engine it does get used so unlike some of the other boats that don't have PTAs on the wing engines like the 40 over there they they tend not to get used very often whereas this one gets used every time the boat goes out the engine gets started I recommend customers put them in and out of gear too they don't always do that but you know the one short falling of that would be the coupling there is a a torsion coupling in there that tends to go bad I'm sure it's been done on this boat already they don't like to sit there rattling away at high rpms with no load on the engine takes out the torsion coupling but you know that's an easy fix especially on a 57 because you've got great access down there so the electronics package on this boat is old you know the computer has been taken out but that's an easy fix put a computer in they're put a computer navigation suite in there on the display we go to backup now somebody's gonna probably want to put some gum and stuff in here or it's got a really nice stereo system on it we've got the little electronics sub panel down there that's standard for a 57 remember one of my first trips on that 57 11 back in there there's some fuses and I was messing around with the fuses because I was trying to learn the boat and back in here that's a little 10 amp fuse that oh yeah right in here so they're a little bit different 457 11s was further back and it had a little bit of chewing gum wrappers stuffed in it the boat was fairly new and so I kind of looked at the chewing gum wrapper wiggled it and the engine stopped and then realized that that was for the engine shutdown system nice to have it labeled engine shutdown system most of these boats have that the so if there was an issue with the fire bottle in the engine room the pressure releases the fire suppressant comes out the pressure releases and it'll shut the engine off from the blower's and all of that that's controlled by that little fuse in there if you didn't know I bet that's that's the kind of thing that I teach you when you buy a boat from me and I go around and I show you all the little bits that you know it's not in the manual by the way another really awesome thing about these boats this is a - touching book but 20 years old look at that wiring that is art I mean there aren't too many fingers that have been in here you know sometimes you get people come in and they chop chop and change and I can usually tell when somebody's been in I've done rewiring on these panels before we've had some some issues where I've had to rewire them and I always try and make it look like factory so that you can't tell where somebody's been I even picked my electrical terminals carefully so the colors match so that when I've done an electrical terminal and crimp you can't tell that I've been in there that's not always the case I can see people have used American crimp connectors but anyway generally speaking this boat looks like it did when it came out of the factory you know pretty amazing wiring they did and it still continued to do the woodwork you know this boat is 20 years old and I'll tell you the owner of the boat now great guy has looked after the boat but he's used this book I mean this boat has been back and forth to the Bahamas for family trips I think he bought the boat maybe in 2006 and has used the heck out of it I mean and that's what boats are for right this boat knows it's way around the Bahamas it it's spent a lot of time over there cruising around I'm not sure if you noticed this I forgot to mention it unusual but it's there if you want an extra bed in the pilot house there it is it folds down there's a connection here to support this corner and cushions have obviously been redone they look pretty nice so we got this stood chair which is super comfortable it's a little worn on the arms but you know what four thousand four and a half thousand our line this chair I love sitting in these chairs by the way they they're good for your back and I think the guy that designed them that Ernst it was an orthopedic surgeon or orthopedic somebody angry they love lovely chairs very expensive this speak Italian Italian company the clear view you don't see too many boats with this there is a 62 out that hole number seven I think that has I think I had a couple of speak clear views in it you know it's a rotational centrifugal that's an English word buy their base in centrifugal force fly so yeah thank you the water flies often and so you can see through it needs a good cleaning and it also I think it has a heater element in there so it'll keep the ice off if you go up into the into the ice fields generator controls or what do we got for hours on these 3,500 and foot they're even 3500 a piece I think they're both 20 kW so that's actually not a lot of hours and I can tell you looking at those generators they look great oil samples are necessary I haven't seen the oil samples absolutely I would do all samples but my I would put money on the ore samples coming back good and the generators have been taking care the exhaust elbers have been done obviously the injection pumps have been done they've been serviced I have no no issues with that we've got a basic Nyad system it's gyro it's a gyro system so there's a gyro on top of the on top of the fluid conditioner down there I know that the fins pretty sure that the fins have been serviced on this and the seals and what-have-you this there's no electronics in this system it's a basic on/off Center system auxilary puts the controls up to the flybridge you got a high temp in the lower it's very very simple you know they don't work quite as well as an ABC system they're not as the reaction time is not as good but they're bulletproof there's really not very much to go wrong so here we are in the master the master stateroom on a 57 is you know it's a bit of a cave there's no question about that you know the light down here is not great and it does turn some people off however I got to tell you it's in the middle of the boat right I mean the engine room is right there the sound level in here is is amazingly light you know you can sleep easily it's in the middle of the boat you're on the centerline of the boat you know there's no question that the back of the boat in the in the salon is a better place to be in a rough head see but this Center cabin is a nice place to be it's quite spacious and comfortable so nor devon has used in the past lots of different heads on the different boats the Royal Flush head is is a head that you know I am thinking now try and try and figure out if they used it on any other models but the Royal Flush definitely was the head of choice on the Norden 57 something about the 57 that people would never realize but I do because I'm a service guy is the sanitation system and the holding tank can head and sanitation system is something you know nobody really wants to talk about yes they do go wrong once in a while but the nice thing about the 57 is the Royal Flush head rarely goes wrong that's the first thing the run between the head and the holding tank and by the way you cannot flush these heads overboard it just on a 57 and it's not possible these heads directly deposit their contents into the holding tank there's no way around it and the holding tank is right there under the floor and the head is right here so the distance between the head and the holding tank is like well three feet I mean it's right there and then the other head which is in the guest head on the starboard side right here is also only about the holding tank is but right here under my feet by the way so you've got a royal flush head here row flush out there and they cut the contents drop right into the tank here so the hose run on the 57 other than we've got a couple of anti so fans under the stairs here you can get to it all under the stairs and of course it's lit you can see that's actually the overboard discharge valve down there which is closed and up in they go decline into get to it but the hose runs from the heads down to the tank are very very short and as most of you boaters know if you had a boat holding tank and head smells are pretty awful well on a 57 if there is any smell is really only under these steps and here down onto the floor here you don't really notice it anywhere in the boat and if you do have a smell it's usually coming from the hoses and if you want to change the hoses on a 57 it is a short sweet job well maybe not sweet but it's sure my Matthews done it it's fairly easy it doesn't take very long at all as compared to a forty seven or a fifty or a fifty-five where I swear I mean you could probably get through a hundred feet of hose doing a fifty fifty-five I mean there's hose everywhere and of course when that starts to smell hmm we've done that too and we'll do it for you it's just the 57 is nice so this boat has the little third stateroom some of the 57 s have only two staterooms and this area here would be the master head the on the to stateroom 57 that master is a full beam master and the head and showers up in here on this boat as you saw the head was on starboard side didn't shower and here we have a little guest a room which is actually pretty nice you know I've I've spent plenty of time in this little stateroom and some people might describe it as a coffin bunk but you know what it is quite cozy I like it in here I'm happy to be in here I'll tuck myself away no problem at all and you got a hanging locker there decent-sized hanging Locker all see the line and smells good the varnishes I mean probably doesn't look that much different to when the boat was new and by the way the headliners have all been redone not by us I'm afraid to say you know we love our headliners right Matthew somebody else did the headliners on this they don't look quite like ours but I will give them high marks they did a nice job it's not the same material that we used it looks pretty good down here i was showing Matthew early we got the water tank we had it on the specs of 280 gallons on my no I don't think so most fifty seven seven four hundred gallon tank this one I looked it up it looks like three hundred gallons not quite sure why it's less than some of the later ones but 300 gallons and it's got a water maker so so the water tank is painted blue you can see they're live and you can see again it's got glossy varnish pretty nice these carpets habits have obviously been redone cabinets look really nice and center line Queen you can you can kind of walk around it to make the bed you can't walk all the way around but it's not bad and then up here we've got access to the chain Locker and I've often you know wondered why we don't get more wood staining up here from the change in chain welcome because the windlass is right above you but it does have this little rubber seal around it but I just don't think you get a whole lot of the water in there you can see there's been a little bit of drip edge in there but a chain Locker is a wet area I mean let's face it you know you've got the anchor coming in there it's always wet when it comes up and then so I have seen on a couple of 57s where the wood is stained black but look for a 20 year old boat that's spent a lot of its life cruising around in the Bahamas and obviously been a tanker there is no wood damage I mean that looks gorgeous so the access to this head is from both sides so you can this this bifold door type thing you can get in from here and you can lock the other door you can come in from the other side so both the crew cabin and the forward guest stateroom have access to the head from either way you know the the shower does pump overboard the what the one thing about the 57 that perhaps isn't so great well one less thing to worry about I guess it doesn't have a gray water tank they never built the 57 with a grey water tank that I'm aware of I've never worked I've never worked on one with a grey water tank there are a couple 62s that have gray water tanks but that also wasn't a big feature on the 62 no grey so everything pumped overboard sinks drain overboard they they drain through a swing check valve which sometimes gets stuck which can be aggravating but it's an easy fix and the shower which is below the waterline down there has a little shower pump with a screen so you catch us soap scum in here and stuff like that which you got to clean out once in a while which can be a bit a bit of an aggravation but you know what most of the pants we've replaced now with Gulpers and they don't even need a screen I mean they'll pump everything yeah and so that's just great water going over the side when you have in a shower no big deal storage up top this can be a little annoying when you're in a head see these tend to slide back and forth to bang there is a little bit of water damage here you know around this that's probably more from condensation than anything doesn't surprise me again 20-year old boat so but the but the varnish and the finish and everything down here lovely anyway I'm not gonna stay up here for very long I've already said I've probably talked too much everybody's getting forward but there's so many things to talk about on a 57 and one of the things on the early 57th of these damaged I mean take a look at this davon this isn't hair texture actually no I think it's a 1,300 single single ram okay so Aaron Tex is not the best evidence world however there a lot of things to like about her that I mean the first thing is check it out it still looks like there it was made I mean come on it's stainless steel you polish it up it looks like it's brand-new how many other davits are there out there one Lord owners and I hate to name names but I'm going to steelhead my equipped Nick Jackson I mean how many of those can look like this after 20 years okay all right so the mechanicals are so great I get it but we know how to fix them right the hoses need to be replaced the seals and the Rams all of that kind of stuff the pins the cables you know I get it there's stuff to fix on them but you know what so you fix them and they look like brand-new still and they function and they're gonna look like that's gonna look that way in another 20 years keep it polished and I'll fix it for you once in a while they are great damage they really are and it would be my choice no question to have an era text a ver with a bunch of spare parts because I know that that is really well and I like to come out here and polish and see my face in it once in a while I don't want to have to come up onto the deck and sand corrosion and repaint every couple of years corrosion okay so the good the bad and the ugly there is corrosion on this our job there I would like nothing more than to take that arch off and get it repaired a coated or make a stainless one so that it looks like that heretics down that's what it needs I would like to take that off and repair a coat but you got a look at the joke on this boat I mean the owner of this boat has this boat waxed he had it wet sanded and buffed and waxed so many times there are some thin spots but it's amazing how beautiful the Joko is you go around the outside of this boat not so much up here needs a little bit of help but generally speaking when you go around the outside of this boat it looks like brand-new so I think I forgot to mention the flybridge we were looking at the davit from the boat deck and everything there's lots of room up there there is no dinghy with this boat it was taken off so we need to put chops on there and a dengue whoever buys it which is fine the flybridge up there is you know it's got a great view of the whole boat I love driving 57s from the flybridge easy to see what's going on this boat handles beautifully right bounce turn thrust lots of power in and out of gear we will give you just just an idle give you everything you need to to power this boat and even when it's windy a little bit you don't actually have to be a little bit careful with the throttle because you start giving a throttle this is a race horse take off in a hurry so but Matthew was parking a 62 how old were you and when we did that exercise maybe 14 you know I had a customer looking to buy a boat and we were we were on a 62 number 62 29 which is now lady kay I took Matthew and I had this customer and he said he was a bit worried about whether or not he'd be able to drive a boat and I'm like hey Matthew I don't think you'd ever done that but I put him on the controls and again big 325 horse to think that was a 340 but anyway with bow and stern thrusters and Matthew parked it in the marina it's a bit like a video game right Matthew yeah more to lose more to lose so nice handhold up here when you're out here and the boats moving around this is interesting I don't know if this was from knew or not I mean I was on this boat way way back when it was fairly new and I don't remember this whether somebody put this Cutlass in I guess it maybe it was there but it's quite nice I guess if you're fishing back here to have this cut out on the cap rail real nice heavy-duty hand rails here this is the standpipe for the dabit these are the air intakes for the engine room I don't know if you can see on the camera but gorgeous clothes - JA cloth is like I said it's a little bit places this is quite common on a 57 by the way these I've had to work on these before these are insect pieces of glass and then they put some cork around the edges and joker talked to me often craft these almost real heavy cap rails I remember when Matthews brother was with me on all four code when he was little 27 he was probably six and he dropped one of these I was thumb up so as you can see the port side of this quote is a walk around really nice to be able to get to all the fenders fender books on these because he doesn't have railings that would be a nice upgrade if somebody wanted to add sense to a ring like these all the way down I would probably have done that but easy done Portuguese bridge don't have any controls out here some of the boats have controls but guess what if you don't have controls out here out here you don't have to worry about the corroding brake I just always drive bridge anyway so easy access to the big Walker here I always thought my fenders in the dinghy up top a 170-pound stainless steel Nordhausen cqr star anchor I've got one in my garden and it's got this person name written on whatever the name is when you buy it I will throw that in because that anchors a bit weedy it's really deserving of a beautiful air attacks by the way same manufacturer as the davit anchor waiting for the next and lower boarding rules and there we have it the profile of this boat is probably one of the best profiles of anymore of it in my opinion so I'm James Knight yacht tech and that's my tour of the 57 I hope you found it useful informative this I could I could talk about 57s probably and 62s and lots of the Illinois islands all day long I get carried away sometimes but sorry if it was long and boring I'll see you down here when you come take a look
Channel: Yacht Tech Inc
Views: 74,753
Rating: 4.8580647 out of 5
Keywords: Yachts, Nordhavn, Boats
Id: 57Qrt0dP4Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 35sec (3155 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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