Nordhavn 62 In Depth Review with James Knight

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hi i'm james knight yacht tech we're here in anacortes and we are back by popular demand to walk through this beautiful north oven 62 the iconic nordhaven 62. we are on the back of 62 number 26. matthew and i did a video on the 57 that uh took off i wasn't quite ready for the number of views that it had in fact we decided we were going to put it on youtube for a couple of select customers to uh download and watch and then the next thing i knew it had 20 000 views or something so um a lot of people had called me and asked for us to do a walkthrough on a 62 other models as well but 62 is very close in specs to the 57 speed wise engine wise and performance wise so and it's another one of my favorites this boat is not for sale i have to put that in there right up front there's an awful lot to talk about with the 62. again you probably saw the last video so over 20 years of experience on nordhavens in general 62s probably 19 years experience and i could find hours of things to talk about i apologize many times in the last video because i thought it was going to be too long matthew was giving me a hard time about it but the reality is an awful lot of people called me and emailed me and said it wasn't long enough keep talking keep telling us so then i started going back through the video and i thought you know there's things that i missed i should have said this and i should have said that you know positives and negatives alike and um i want to try and get through this boat and not miss as much as i did on the 57. people wanted me to go in the lazarette i thought i didn't go in the bob's bow on the 57 that's a big locker up forward under the bed i missed that as well so i'm going to try and get it all we'll head on inside so as i said here we are a 2003 north island 62. this boat is called one day and uh we have between us frank and i my partner and i up here in anacortes uh frank sold this boat some years ago and um then it came to florida and i met with the chap that bought it from frank and uh we sold it for him to uh donna judy don and judy had it for two or three years they did a lot of work on this but we did a lot of work on this boat and then we recently sold it say two years ago we sold it again uh to the present owner who like i said is uh stuck up in canada unfortunately but we talk most days and um you know uh i said in the beginning the boat's not for sale but he was kind enough to let me do this walk through video so you guys can see what a 62 has to offer and uh hey look who it is frank good to see you good to see you yeah you were about to shake my hand there weren't you that's not allowed anymore no shaking hands no so yeah frank's uh frank's up here in anacortes still i came up to join frank and uh it's kind of funny i was thinking about it the other day this boat the first time i got on this boat was when frank had it listed for sale and that would have been back in 2011 right frank i think right listed in 2011 sold it in 2012 right so that uh back then the boat was called amazing grace and she was and still is an amazing vote in fact in many ways she's even more amazing now um yeah i don't know if you recognize it i hardly recognize it with the new granite on there and uh wow same work same refrigeration i think the backsplash got changed but so i don't recall that being the same but it looks very nice very clean yeah obviously loved by the owner my goodness they've spent a lot of time and effort and money uh keeping this boat in really nice shape uh recently matthew uh as you can imagine got his hands on the headliners yeah i recall it needed that but now wow yeah they uh good job they came out looking like factory we're pretty excited about that we've still got some to do you'll see as we move forward through the boat some of them are still sagging in places but uh you know we've got the bulk of the big ones done and we're waiting for magelite to send us some more material so hopefully that'll be here in a few days and matthew can wrap up the job i'm heading back to florida actually to show some noir heavens over there people that called me because of the the last 57 video and want to go look at 57s so we're going to take care of that for a few days and i'll leave matthew here doing doing headliners on this book well i'm just on my way to lift another boat james so maybe you can help me sell that one as well great to see you good job good job matthew and the headliner take care frank nice to see you all right so we're going to work our way through the boat here like i said under the floors in the bilges i'll talk about some of the challenges with the boat uh but more often the the good points you know this uh this really is one of the probably the most traveled motors i mean there's many many people have taken them around the world and across oceans and uh you know i talk to people all the time who have dreamed about owning 62s dreamed about it in fact i sold a 62 number 32 about two months ago uh two two and a half months ago to a chap who had been looking he came to me probably five years ago and during the covert uh situation we had actually locked down in florida and he was passing by and his car and he dropped in and said james uh it's time has come i really want a 62. and so we found him one that was not listed for sale and we made it happen and during the course of that process i had many conversations with he and his wife about the pros and cons of 62s versus 57s funnily enough and his wife was uh really sold on a 57 particularly the one that was sitting in hawaii for a while we were thinking about heading to hawaii and i talked her out of it so i had to be a little bit careful in fact when he uh saw the 57 video he said james you better hope my wife never sees that video because you said it's your favorite boat and i said hang on it's one of my favorite boats the 62 is another one of my favorite boats and also is close to the top of the list i can definitely see myself owning a 62 one day if i ever have the money to do it this is an absolutely stunning boat performance wise amazing and very very capable uh some of the other boats uh probably beat it in directional stability you know if you talk to 62 owners yep they all love them other than the engine room uh but in a down sea especially with the bustle on the back and we'll talk about the bustle being added that's the swim step on the back with the hatch uh the the boat does tend to wander around in a following sea there's a lot of buoyancy back there uh when they added the bustle on hole number eight uh was the first one to get it they never really changed the the position of the props the same the rudder did get changed because the rudder wasn't big enough they needed a bigger rudder because the waves get under the back of the boat and shove it around so a bigger rudder was needed and of course then they figured out that uh there wasn't enough uh steering capacity so the rams had to get uh beefed up as well okay so you can see that this is the wide body version right the salon here on 6226 is pushed out all the way to the port side many people already know that there are wide bodies and there are narrow bodies or asymmetrical so this is an asymmetrical and you know you do tend to miss that walkway a little bit when you're if you're docking like we are now port side too um but you saw in the beginning of the video probably me rolling up to the back of the boat we're a little bit away from the dock right now but you can step aboard from the back if you're on a floating dock uh coming on board from the port side is very very awkward if you don't have that stern 2 there is no boarding door so you're climbing uh that is a downside to the 62. now you could put tied right steps sometimes people put tied right steps on the port side so that if you're port side two you can come up from the tied right steps and step up on the side um but you know generally speaking you would want to try and come in starboard side too now if you've got a double walk around then obviously that opens up the possibilities you can put you can tie up port side too and get on and off very easily you can also keep these windows cleaner um a little tricky to keep the windows clean on this boat because you have to step on the cap rail out there and hang on to it hang on to a handrail while you're keeping the windows clean and on the 62 that we just sold over on the east coast there was a fair amount of staining on those windows so you know we had to work pretty hard to get that off because they didn't get clean very often um on in the cockpit here let's go back and look out in the cockpit we'll spend a little bit of time out here so the 62s are all different every one of them and just when you find one that you think you like but it's not available and you go hunting for another one that looks the same you'll be very disappointed because i don't believe there are two out there that are alike so one of the things that some of the boats have but not all of them is a seating and table area back here and i'm quite familiar with that because on one of the boats i think it was 62-27 um i ordered one from nordhav and it was shipped in and we installed it because the owner wanted it as with the deck boxes up front and i'll show you those they didn't all come in with deck boxes the only ones didn't have them there's also a box in front of the pilot house that i'll show you so back here we've got a barbecue grill and uh again they don't all have them um this one has a an electric melee grill i've put in in fact i was watching a mermaid monster video last night and i noticed that they were grilling on the back of eminu which is 62 number 15 and i put that grill in probably 12 years ago that was an uh gaggano grill and i there are three drawers i think under here and i took one of them opened it up took the guts out of it and i mounted the controls for the gargano grill right inside one of these which i thought was pretty cool and it's all still there and still working so i was pleased to see that most of them have the controls back here there's no steering on this boat but we do have bowster thruster controls engine start stop and horn so but no steering so if you're going to use it for docking you just basically are stuck with using the bounce stone thruster to adjust the position of the boat as you come into the slip and we can always add and we have done that for people who add steering so you can actually push the stern around with the rotor big barn door rudder down there just like all the others you push the rudder over and give it some forward and you will push the stone of the boat around um cap rails so these cap rails are teak um the 62s actually there's a undyne there i think that's 6205 we're going to check my numbers um those cap rails obviously are bare wood and many of the 62s they do they people do leave them bare because once you varnish them it's a it's a it's a mission to keep them keep them looking nice the wood moves there are seams in fact you can see a seam right here that's opening up a little bit um those seams move and when you have varnish on there the moisture gets in and it turns yellow and you've got to be on top of that real quick otherwise you lose your finest job and to do a varnish job on a 62 speaking from experience is anywhere from 11 well that was a long time ago now 11 grand i think was the cheapest we ever did one you're probably talking 15 or 16 grand to do a full strip and varnish job on a 62. now there's a lot of teak on this boat um depends who you have do it and where you have it done and whether they block it because there's a big difference between the varnish job where it's been properly blocked down and you can look across it looks like glass or somebody that digs holes in it with a palm sander and then you're looking at hills and valleys so i'm standing here back on the swim step or what uh pae refers to and i do now of course as well the bustle on the back of the 62 and um the bustle was an afterthought hull number uh one two three four five and six seven included yep seven i actually put a bustle on uh some years ago um eight was the first boat to get a bustle um we'll talk about eight in a little while when we get further forward some sad news on that boat many years ago i'm sure some of you know about it but that boat was the first one to get a bustle and uh it uh it's a great addition to the boat however it does change the handling a little bit as i said inside there was some changes that were made to the steering gear to accommodate the bustle um it really is nice to have extra space because the 62 back here is lacking in space the lazarette because of its canoe stern isn't very large the bustle gives you this added spot but it is a rather wet area unless you're very very careful so this one's had additional rubber seals put around the hatch if you're going off on a long trip you probably want to get some hurricane tape or something and uh and take the bustle down 620 6224 came in uh years ago we sold it and the but the inside of the bustle was absolutely immaculate and i asked them how the heck do you keep it so nice because it does get wet down there when you're underway they said whenever we go out and we're expecting any kind of seaway we always tape the bustle up so put it down run some tape around it and keep it dry so down here and you can come down in a second we've actually got and this one has is in pretty good shape too it's actually got a little uh 6kw generator back here on the starboard side and we've got a dive compressor down here on the port side and then some years ago for don and judy when they had the boat they wanted to put some callenberg horns so we put a an air needed it it's a big callenberg i'll let you hear it later we put a an air tank back in the back here we were trying to put it in a spot where it wouldn't take up valuable space so you'll see that when you climb down in here there's always a little bit of water uh in the in front of the thruster tube this is the stern thruster tube right here it's a horseshoe shaped tube you'll see that there's a bleeder on top of it the problem with the horseshoe tubes is that they gather air so if you have a diver on the boat and he's down there cleaning you know his air bubbles get trapped in there and you've got to remember to open up that valve and bleed the air out every time there's been a diver on the boat um corrosion here nothing too much this has obviously been kept clean and painted we've got the holding tan pump out valve over there uh the exhaust for the wing engine goes out the starboard side there is a bilge pump down here and it does pick up from just in front of that thruster tube however it's quite a flat area there's no sump so the bilge pump can never drain that uh bilge area out completely so there's always unless you go and sponge it out there's always some water sloshing around in the front of the bustle 162. so that's just something to be aware of now it's a very rigid structure it was added to the boat after the boat was molded but it was added uh solidly as everything is done on the nord 162. unfortunately the yard uses polyester resin and filler when they fare everything in and that has over the years led to some problems that we've had to deal with those problems manifest themselves in the form of cracks i don't know if you can follow me around here i don't want to knock matthew off but in the tops of the rub rail this rub rail right here if you've ever been around a 62 and look you'll see that there's oftentimes cracks in that rubber especially on the darker hold boats because it's an upper facing surface and it gets very hot in the sun so uh that heat will move the filler and that filler cracks and opens up and it looks pretty ugly so we've spent a lot of time fixing those over the years on different boats this one looks like we fixed it fairly well there are still a couple of cracks on there but normally what we do is we open it up and put lay some glass on top of the rub rail and then fare it and fill it and this one's painted this hull has actually been painted so that's all been done on this boat the other issue is that underneath where the bustle is fed into the hull it's done with the polyester filler also and i haven't seen a 62 that didn't have blisters on the underside where the bustle meets the hull it's a matter of time but that filler gets wet and you end up getting blisters in there the only way to fix it is to get in there with a grinder grind out all that filler fill it with epoxy refer it and repaint so that's just something that comes with the territory with the 62 get used to it so standing looking at the the transom of the 62 you'll notice that there are some steps there some stainless steel steps um they work as a swim step they don't go down very deep the lower step is all the way at the bottom in fact just under that step maybe three inches under that step is where the the hole moves forward and um there's a chine there so so that step is a problem if you go to if you are thinking of buying a 62 and you're going to survey you want to keep keep an eye on that step check it for corrosion because they get pitted and there are two studs that pass through the transom and those studs break off and the last thing you need is that thing breaking off when you're stepping on it because it's under water and then you're left with a little hole in the boat it's not a big hole it's not going to sink you but uh you know it's something to pay attention to and also again if you're looking at a 62 don't be surprised if you see blisters underneath there where that bustle meets the hole now the swim step actually comes with the boat a lot of people have thrown them away in fact well thrown them away donated them i have a couple of them in florida on my shelf in fact i think i have the one off of this boat on my shelf it is a ridiculously cumbersome contraption that you have to store down in here it takes up a ridiculous amount of space you know beautifully manufactured as with everything on the 962 just not very well engineered it is massive and it sits down and drops into a pair of these holes here for the staple holes and you know i mean it's really good it's got two big hand rails so if you're coming up with the with dive gear on i mean it's solid but it takes a lot of space up and space is really at a premium in the back of the boat here so those tend to get put aside if you want one i have a couple of them now check this out this sucker is monstrous i mean you know you thought the cap rail on the 57 was big and heavy look at that that sucker is built for a tank i'd say bulletproof but you know i said that too many times in the last video apparently so if you're wondering how it is that i know so much about 62s i just pulled up my list here because i can't remember all the ones that i've worked on but 6204 which was the predecessor to this vote here that 6205. frank actually sold that book a couple years ago it's now for sale with nordhaven and they're busy polishing up the hull she's starting to look pretty good so that is o5 oh i didn't work on o6 but i did work on 07. i worked on 08 i worked on a 9 i worked on number 14. anyway so um so yeah over the years i've worked on a few of them and you get to know the ins and outs so we're going to go down into the lazarette here and take a quick look and i'll show you the steering gear and there's a couple of things down here to pay attention to when you're doing your engine room checks you underwear you should always remember to come out here and open up lads assuming that the weather conditions allow it you're right matthew that one is stiff okay so while we're opening this up this non-skid matthew's got his shoes on right now but one of the big complaints from new owners of 62s new owners people that have just bought them or are looking at them and they get on this non-skid with their bare feet the non-skid is aggressive and when i say aggressive i mean if you're kneeling on it it hurts so opening the lads on the 62 reveals the uh rotostock right here regular packing gland um there is a bearing top bearing inside here and in the in the rotor table you can see it's all pretty beefy as you would expect on a 62. the steering cylinders here he's fairly easy to get to always when you're doing your engine room checks again don't forget to come out here and have a look make sure that you don't have leaks in your steering rounds make sure nothing's chafing make sure that nothing's you don't have any lateral movement here in your rotostock no leakage so this boat has air conditioners down here so the air can some of the early 62s have air conditioners in the engine room itself this boat has air conditioners back here in the lads this is a dry area so that's good six 225 i'm curious to know actually because i've seen that boat for a long time but i commissioned it 6225 had the air conditioners back in the la in the bustle which i thought was uh fairly ridiculous so i'd be curious to know how they're doing because like i said before it's a fairly wet area there were quite a few things about 6225 that were different including the main engine the power main engine power which was an mtu but we're going to talk about main engines and which which which engines they used over the years and so these 62s they all have this tool sometimes it gets put in place because people don't know what it's for but that's for tightening up the bearing here so make sure that uh gets kept in a safe place i'm not so sure about there you've got to be careful taking that in and out this is very important not to scratch these if these get scratched uh at all then it can tear up the the seals inside the steering ramp so i don't like to have anything heavy in that area we've got a couple of oil pads down there on this boat they need changing out looks like there's been some drippage um it's always good to keep those oil pads right there clean and dry and that way every time you come in or every time you look you can see if there is any drippage or any drips starting i usually wrap my finger underneath and see and this boat's been sitting for a while um and i don't see any it is a non-pressurized system this has a a high drive an australian hydride system same as the 57 there's no pressure other than when you're turning the wheel it's not a power assisted steering system um i think there is one out there that has a power assisted steering system it may be 17 it was a long time ago that i was on that boat but anyway one of the things that i noticed when i open these 62s up almost invariably it smells back here so what you store back here you've got to be a little cautious with and the reason it smells back here is because the holding tank hoses come right through the bulkhead here and the way that it's designed with this little pump here that pump tends to permeate the smell and i think this one smells a little bit it's been closed up probably need to change out these hoses some of these hoses have actually already been done i think i changed that one out maybe a couple of years ago back in florida when we sold the boat or before we sold the boat but these probably need to be changed and my guess is that this needs to be changed we've got the black water discharge pump down here under the rudder table and then the black water discharge through hull is back there in the lazarette which kind of is a pain to get to if you want to close it i mean it's technically it's supposed to be closed for the coast guard the boat has a little key so you can turn the key and lock it and put the key away which might satisfy the coast guard but usually if if they're uh depends on how what kind of mood they're in they might want to go hunting for the through-hole in which case you better have it closed and it's awkward to get to it's on the outboard side and in the bustle like i said and if you've got a ton of stuff stored back there dive gear and everything you've got to crawl in there and get that sucker closed and open and do not run the pump there's nothing to stop you doing it so it's not idiot proof we like to have things idiot-proof but they're not always so if you run that pump with the valve closed it it's not going to blow anything but what happens is it pressurizes the tube the hose between the pump and the discharge through hole gets up to pressure and then when you turn the pump off that pressure pushes back into the pump the pump has two one and a half inch duct duct door valves in it it's a t-12 t24 on this boat and uh those duck will allow to turn inside out and then once they're inside out if you're if you're quick to rescue it you could probably uh get away with it but if you let it sit like that for a while then those inverted duckbill valves will stick and it won't pump again so you've got to take it all apart and change them okay there's nothing else down here i don't think worth talking about other than obviously it's got the warping winch here or the pop puller as some people would call it up here in the pacific northwest i think that we're done with the oh no there is one more thing you probably don't want to hear about this but as you know from the other video i tell you everything i tried to um i was on a thing i was on a 62 not number 15 crossing the gulf of maine and this here snapped off on me pretty scary huh if you want to hear the story i can tell you about it i'm not going to go into it right now because it's probably a 15 20 minute story and it's pretty interesting uh what i discovered but the bottom line was i was with the owner of the boat we had recently put a uh an articulating rudder on that boat i did a couple of them so i think that the tiller arm was probably loaded a little more than it would have been with the normal rudder still shouldn't have broken off but it actually snapped off right at the world in the gulf of maine and uh we ended up bringing the boat in with uh emergency tiller so i got to experience driving a 62 with the emergency tiller and i found quite quickly in big seas that i'm not big enough to do it so don't think that you are i luckily i had a big heavy guy on the boat and uh he managed to steer the boat until i got the problem resolved which i did but again it's a long story so if you want to hear about it call me early 62s three small windows later 62s two big windows the iconic 62 probably has the small windows but i like the big windows picture windows more light i think it looks more modern um but again you know there is a difference there boarding door heavy duty cap rail like i said super heavy heavy hinges opening out which again you know somebody actually mentioned that in the 57 video i totally agree uh not the greatest design but opening inboard presents some challenges too so you know nordhaven has done what they've done and i've ended up fixing a lot of boarding doors because of it so this is a spot on 62's that almost always cracks okay i've got some tape over it right now just because uh tape in my face reminds me it needs to get fixed there was some gungy stuff dripping out of it i need to get in there with a dremel tool and we're going to fill it this was a problem for the previous owner too and i told them the same thing everybody asked me uh what do you do about it well you gotta you gotta get some glass in there so you need somebody to fix the thing probably um i would be surprised if you went on a 62 and didn't see that somebody had already if it's not crack you'd probably see see a little bit of a shadow there where somebody's already gel coated it's been done before probably more than once they also crack on the upright on the back there i think this one looks pretty good uh but that upright is fairly common for cracks as well so don't be surprised doesn't mean the boat's falling apart it's aesthetic it's not a structural engine room ventilation engine room ventilation on the 62 sucks but we can make it better um fuel fill for the engine room starboard tank which is the tank that we usually use as a day tank i'll explain that when we get down to the engine room uh this door obviously when they built the boat didn't fit and they decided to make it fit which i think is hilarious it works you know when you're in a marina and you hear that or you hear that i don't know if it's just me but i hear nothing you can tell a nordhaven door closing from 500 yards away can you see head banger did you just hit your head that is a headbanger right there almost everybody hits their head in that spot especially when you're wearing a cap because you don't see it don't and i've done it many times though i even i know that it's there all right so i'm not going to give you the spiel on the uh on the aerotex davit because we've been there and you don't want to hear it all over again but look at that it's gorgeous looks like the day it was made oh no they can see me this actually is a 2500 pound davit you can tell the difference because it has two lift cylinders if you look under here uh it's got a double lift cylinder so um this one's had it's hoses replaced although there's still is a leak in there and uh i gotta get in and figure out where it's coming from but this one has had some work done on it and should be in good shape i'm sure it's probably just a fitting that needs tightening up gorgeous davit deck boxes you can fit no no you're wearing shoes you can't feel that but like i said this non-skid here is uh aggressive on your feet after a while you get used to it and it's almost like a foot massage if you want to descale your souls and your feet you know you can do that too all right so these deck boxes were additional later boats had them you might not be able to see this but there are some cracks here on the deck and again not uncommon for a 62. and one of the reasons is the decks are quite you know quite dark and they get hot and the gel coat is very thick and so whenever you get heat cold heat cold you get movement and when you get movement you get cracking so it's not everywhere but there are a few places on this boat and i've seen worse i mean some of the 62s where the cracks are more significant again it's not a uh not a structural thing as a gel coat it's really in the non-skid the gray non-skid is laid over the top and and it's thick so this boat has a fuel tank which is quite common gasoline tank or petrol tank depending on where you are petrol for me of course so there's a little petrol tank there and uh storage area for hoses and what have you uh which is nice if you're in remote parts up in alaska or out in the bahamas or out in the pacific somewhere you can carry some spare dinghy gas with you maxwell horizontal windlass very similar to the 57 windlass it's the 30 actually yeah 3500 and that anchor is just the standard aerotex anchor uh that came with the nordhaven somebody's drilled a hole in it which is kind of nice stops the thing from jumping around and um what else do we got up here so this this dock box or deck box is uh just an empty one just for storage it's got a shelf in there and a brace um but again that's good for uh for all your cleaning equipment it's not really big enough for fenders so what we usually do is just put the fenders in the dinghy i've got a couple in there right now but and then these railings up here tend to be places to stow fenders this is important because when you lower the davit down when you're underway the davit tends to swing around some people put a little brace here or a couple of pad eyes and then a v-strap that you can tie this to but this i think it was probably made by trevor street i would guess he did did nice work does nice work looks like his kind of stuff so that brace the davit sits down in there and it just takes the load off of everything and stops it from moving around when you're underway fender stowage here most of the time we just tie them in between the frame some people have a little outboard possibly that they put on there as well if they've got a small tender on the starboard side and then this was also an option having the extra which is just nice because you can always do with more space right so we've got deck chairs the lifting gear the dab that is in there we've got line stowage up here in the portuguese bridge we've got port and starboard control stations and um we've got a chance we're going to take this boat out we'll see if we have a chance tomorrow but here is an absolutely ideal spot for parking the boat you don't have a flybridge on a 62 of course right but you know you don't have to have a fly bridge i mean this boat has all kinds of deck space when we were doing the delivery on the 62 a couple of months months ago up to barnegat we spent a lot of time out in the forex sitting on beanbags in the sun i mean the weather was fantastic and then if you want to be back on the after the boat if it's a bit rougher you can go back here that's a lovely seating area it's nice and quiet back here up away from the splashing of the water you do have the drone of the exhaust because this is a dry stack this boat was equipped with these brackets to hold the flopper stoppers nice thing about the 62 is the flop stopper poles not stabilizers here but floppy stoppers are for anchor they're already set up there so they're already rigged up all you have to do to deploy them is to uh uncleat the uphol uh and let the pole down and then if if you uh attach this to the end of the flop stopper and just heave it over the side then you're all set and ready to go so it's really a five minute job to put the flop stopper out as compared to say the 57 where you've got to deploy the pole you've got to put the rigging on it you've got to get the plate out this makes a big difference just having the plate here where it's accessible just pull it out of the rack we actually have these made for the previous owner and put them on there i think we've done a few boats uh accurate metalworks is next door to us in palm beach they've done them for us i think they probably did these and electroplated them so uh under here is more storage there's more storage back in here which is really nice these tables drop down and you can take the you can take the supports out and drop the tables down and then some of the boats i don't think this has them but some of the boats have full cushions that go all the way across here so you can turn this into a bit downside for the 62 with the dry stack pendant 6220 is a 62 that i spent a lot of time on and that boat has uh wet exhaust as to some of them some of the others you lose the stack here which is really nice if you're up here socializing you know it kind of it kind of ruins it having a stack right in the middle of everything because you've got somebody sitting over there you can't exactly sit here and talk to them which is annoying but uh i'd still probably go for the dry stack 62. i like the dry stack but i'm going to show you something in a second that you've got to take into consideration when you're choosing dry over wet another storage spot right here we're going to keep on moving that has some fenders in it windows and doors pmc windows and doors i think that's the name of the company canadian that's now diamond sea blaze these windows probably haven't been touched up no corrosion amazing really nice shape the doors and windows on the 62s are super high quality and you know they're not they are obviously aluminum frames and they can corrode but generally speaking uh they they stay in good shape if you keep them washed when you come in this is just a little uh control for those carlisle finishes searchlight we're going to go down into the engine room in a few minutes and we're going to talk about engines propulsion and dry stack versus wet exhaust a little bit more of that you know everyone has their opinions one of the challenges with a with a dry stack and we talked about it a little bit in uh in the last video on the 57 was soot and soot with the kamasu 6125 lugger uh is a challenge in fact not to say bad things about boats but you know it's just something you have to be aware of i love the engine but if you look up at that stack behind me you'll see what i'm talking about as opposed to an electronic engine john deere 6125 you still got soot but it doesn't look like that it's a clean burning engine cleaner we came up here from the portuguese bridge so we didn't attempt the pilot house stairs but in a little bit we're going to go down the pilot pilot house upstairs and you're going to see how steep they are they're pretty steep okay before you say anything these headliners are the only ones that we are not doing on the boat they don't look too bad they are not your tech headliners somebody else did them they didn't use magelite the foam is quite thick they don't look factory they're okay but we're not going to redo these i don't think yet until he sees ours then he might want them done in black i would do them in black i've done quite a few 62s we sorry have done quite a few 62s in black makes a big difference with the reflection of the screens in the pilot house um and it looks great all the lights on this boat have been changed to leds these all came from emtra a few years ago we supplied them the owner put them in they make a big difference really nice warm leds seating area on this boat quite similar to most of the other boats however uh some of the 62s had a head in this area a lot of them had this little office area which i prefer although when you want to go to a head uh go to the head on this boat you know you've got to take a trip so you're going down the steps you go forward and um you know some people don't want to do that so there are 62s out there that have a head wet head here so a little shower too and a sink and then there's also some 6229 in particular we sold a couple years back that had a captain's cabin right here so there's a bulkhead here it pushes everything forward it gets pretty tight in the pilot house the bed is here so the bulkhead is probably about here so you can just about get in and then there's a little office area at one end they all have as far as i'm aware anyway they all have a freezer under here so there's a wooden uh lid there that you pull up and underneath there there's a nice chest freezer that lid just take the cushion out the way the lid hooks up on here be real careful this one's actually been bent and it's probably been bent for a reason because um if you're not careful and you knock that sucker while you're leaning into the freezer it'll release it and then all of a sudden you've got a big heavy lid falling down on your head that's probably why that hook is a little bit bent just to give it a bit more security um filing drawers draws plenty of storage this this the storage full of charts under here two chart drawers there's storage underneath the cushions there's more drawers over there there's computers down under here there's there's all kinds of storage up here uh which is really nice and we've got drawers and we've got a small electrical panel here we're going to talk a little bit when we get to the forward end of the boat about batteries and voltage early 62s were all 12 volts the latest 62s became 24 volts there was a period in the middle where they were 12 and 24. uh they were kind of an odd duck boat uh north haven did that with a few of them they put battery equalizers in them and um you know they work they're still out there they're still working they're just a bit too complicated really so you probably want to know what you're getting into when you buy one and uh and how they work and how the power is distributed the reason i say it's worth looking into is because on a 62 it's a big boat right i mean we're talking 67 feet overall and your power the batteries uh your power supply basically dc is all the way in the bow okay and your demands your loads uh some of them big ones perhaps are in the back of the boat take for instance the autopilot pumps autopilot pumps usually are dc pumps your batteries are up there your pumps are back there your round trip wiring for that is probably 150 feet or so that's a lot of volt drop so on a 12 volt boat you know that vault drop can be an issue and when you're underway then you've got alternate alternators push pushing out current and charging the battery so you don't notice the vault drop as much um when you're sitting around waiting for a bridge or something and you're idling and the alternators aren't putting out any power if your batteries are weak then you're going to have issues we've had issues on other boats too you know not just 62s but 57s on hydraulic systems that also run on 12 volts the early 57s for 12 volts i remember the owner of 57 number 19 calling me up and saying hey and i got a problem every time i come into harbor i lose my thrusters what the heck's going on so we kind of worked through it and we figured it out you know his batteries were bad and you know if the alternators weren't putting out any current he didn't have enough voltage to drive his stresses so anyway something to think about again power up forward loads at the back of the boat you've got a panel up here that's running off of those batteries so from those batteries to this panel and then obviously from this panel you're going down to the autopilot you're going you know to various other places on the boat you know those round-trip wire runs are probably getting off for 150 feet so um 24 volt makes life easier and you know i'm not saying we can't do it we've had that challenge on a number of the early 62s wasn't really an issue when the 62s were built but as they get older now people and there's more and more electronics and people want more and more stuff they add things to them and they add power hungry items and those items can cause a challenge because now the loads are bigger and bigger and bigger what's helping now are the loads on the lighting circuits of course because everybody's kind of going to led which makes a big difference an led draw on a boat like this probably is 5 to 10 amps whereas originally when these boats were delivered with halogen lights in them you turn all the lights on on this boat and you were probably drawing 100 amps at 12 volts so big big difference on leds that does help but remember you know you're not you don't usually turn all your lights on on the boat at one time so anyway that's it for up here we've got some of the similar systems of the 57 engine shutdown systems i can quickly walk through if you want we've got stabilizer control over here this boat has abt we're going to talk about stabilizers when we get down there too the access to the stabilizers is good um you know you've got niads and you've got abts um and there are things uh that you could say about both of those pluses and minuses so we'll talk about that a little bit when we get downstairs we've got a this is a full hydraulic boat um hydraulic controls here wing and main pump something else we'll talk about in the engine room this boat has a pump on the main and the wing the early boats like the one next door here probably that's a different animal that one has a cruising generator on it similar to number four which we sold a couple years back that boat has a niad stabilizer system and a abt thruster system so you've got two separate systems two separate reservoirs you know you could argue that if you have a leak in your stabilizer system you still got your thrusters or vice versa this boat has one tank and many of the later ones do in fact all the later ones they went to abt fully which i think was a great idea um that has one hydraulic tank it has two pumps one off the back of the main engine one off the back of the wing engine and you can run the thrusters off of either you don't get full power of the main engine because when you're coming into a marina in in here a place like this you're going to be running at idle so you don't have enough oil flow to run the thrusters at full rpm especially if you want to run both together but it is nice if you're waiting for a bridge or something you don't have to start the wing wing engine up every time you want to bump a thruster you can raise a throttle on the main so we got a backup chart plotted there we got an iridium go which is really nice system we got a camera system we got a big commercial radar which is nice displays aren't great on this boat but the middle display is that's been replaced it's a hatland display i love them they've come a long way that is not a touch screen display but i do like those displays they're good um vhf radio across the top we've got some new electronics we've got some ameritron system that bill put in some years ago three owners ago um and we've got double autopilots on this boat windshield wipers horn i'm going to turn that horn on later and let you hear it that's awesome and we've got forward-looking flood lights these controls are for the flood lights up on the foredeck those are really nice to have and then there's one pointing aft as well air conditioning in this boat is uh uh good uh even in the tropics it can keep this pilot house nice and cool outlet over here outlet over there for the air conditioning and the windows on these boats are super dark tinted which actually gives you kind of a dull outlook on life once you get you know when you've been out at sea for a while in the pilot house over 62 it you you kind of think it's dull and dark outside but you know what it keeps the light down and it keeps the wood looking good i mean look at the wood in here this is a 2003 and the wood this is dashing boat and the wood all looks fantastic so uh you know happy about that all right i think we're moving on we're going downstairs look at these stairs down here uh good hand holds everywhere good hand hold here this looks all like it was factory maybe this one was added this looks like it was factory but these stairs are steep now the treads have been covered with carpet because uh there was a dog previous owner had a little actually present owner has a dog and enables the dog to get a little bit of traction if the dog's coming up or downstairs but i think even the dog finds us a little bit steep don't fall now so this is what i was talking about this uh this non-skid here now this is actually worn off but let me tell you something when this boat was brand new this was like sandpaper on here and if you if you were wearing shorts didn't have socks on you come down there and that would take the backs off your legs you'd be bleeding by the end of the day i was just thinking about the pilot house what i didn't say when i was up there and you're sitting in that helm chair up there in the pilot house looking out through those forward windows those there's the array of forward windows up there and you're looking out over that big deck it is so awesome it's like being in the pilot house of a little freighter with the sweeping deck i mean the sheer on this boat is absolutely gorgeous anyway back down in the galley now uh gorgeous spacious galley i mean look at the amount of space you got in here for preparing meals and two people actually three people could probably work in this galley you've got all kinds of space there on the counter top storage space up above um 60 the galleys are different on some of the boats they're shaped differently and some of them have bar stools around here that i don't know if this ever had bar stools the floors are slightly different in here too they don't have teak and holly they're just straight teeth um these the overhead here is pretty standard 6228 which we sold a few years ago uh does not have this it's been deleted which actually changes it makes this the volume in here seem amazingly huge um but i think it's a bit of a challenge because without this uh storage here you you lose a lot you know there's a lot of plate cup uh storage up and up at the top and uh without that it's a challenge to find spaces for everything so even though it's a huge galley um there isn't a huge amount of storage in the 62 galley a couple of teeny little drawers here for knives and what have you um nothing under here because uh back in here is the engine room and the master stateroom so you got nothing down here some of the uh some of the galleys on on 62s have a sub-zero full-size refrigerator right here um i personally like having the uh having the port here because it brings extra light into the galley you've got an opening port here so you can open that sucker up and when you're anchored you get a little bit of airflow through here which is nice you got the countertop hob or burners propane on this boat you've got an oven down here um some of the boats didn't have an oven so we have added oven some of them had dishwashers some of them didn't we've added dishwashers we've deleted dishwashers um you know you can't please everybody it seems like if it has a dishwasher people don't use it or they want something else so if it doesn't have a dishwasher they want one this has a dishwasher probably been changed actually i think also has a trash compactor there's a fair amount of storage under the sinks there and we've got these drawers uh for plates and what have you so um and then we've got here a refrigerator refrigerator and a freezer these are all sub-zeros quite a few of the boats were built this way with a with an array of um refrigerators and freezers and then of course you've got the chest freezer i didn't open it up and show you but up in the pile house there's a big chest freezer underneath the uh the pilot bunk at the back of the pile house so that's why there's only one freezer here because you've got all that added storage up up in the up in the part of the house and then we got um just a this is usually used for the for the vacuum cleaner i don't know where the vacuum cleaner hoses on this boat tucked away somewhere but this boat has um central back which many of them do it was an option a lot of people went for that central back which is kind of nice i had some challenges along the way with central vacs not sucking very well had it with this boat too but i found some leaks in the pvc pipe there's pvc pipe that runs all throughout the boat and uh you know if some i have found it where it wasn't glued together properly and it was it was leaking so so that's something to look out for again i talked about the door the doors are all in super nice shape really good quality doors a little bit of touch up here and there probably on a boat at this edge but they look super good okay so we're gonna we're dropping forward down to two steps there three steps actually there's some storage under these steps we won't go into that but uh now we uh and some people complain about the 62 being a bit like a rabbit one well this is a three-state room 62 so you know it really isn't you've still got a long kind of drawn out companion way and we'll go forward in a second you can see it but um we've got a master cabin which is bigger i think we should probably pop in here first so this is the master um this is a big master so if you take a four state room 62 the master is cut back considerably back to here and then the the head and shower which you can come through and take a look at that the head and shower is considerably smaller too even though there isn't a lot of um whole there aren't a lot of hull ports here you've got this one and it's closed it's actually still remarkably light in here you've got these little ports that uh are out onto the four deck those let in a lot of light if you if you look carefully the headliners are failing in here this is why matthew's just been redoing all the headliners in here we have not done this cabin yet and actually most of it looks good but it definitely is failing you can tell when you push on the headliner the foam is starting to fail which is it's a shame but anyway we'll get them done big hanging locker there big hanging locker here nothing in there all seat aligned all smell good now um take a look in there while i pull up the floor i'm going to pull up the floor here so you can see the stabilizer the access to the stabilizer i've pulled up the the floorboard here you can see the color actually of this this teak this is pretty close to the color it would have been when it was new it shrunk a little bit this is why they didn't do this very much actually uh because the teak tends to shrink back a little bit so you can see the cracks where it's opened up i mean it doesn't look terrible it's quite uniform actually but some of them were worse than that where the teak shrank back um maybe you know it was a little green perhaps when the boat was built and then it shrank back and opened up so um this is the access to the port side stabilizer fin so as you can see this has got track abt 250s and pretty good access you want to work on these things you can get to it from from above you know you're on your knees but good access to service them these are the non-automatic locking uh fins so you've actually got a pin uh if you want to center them and pin them the pins here you pull the pin out you can drop it in right now there i left them uh flopping so the fins have flopped over and uh which is fine because this is a nice calm marina um this has its own little bilge pump it's got a big pump and a birch pump switch in here in case you did take on water it would pump it out if you've got water in here usually speaking it's fresh water there's fresh water plumbing and what have you under the bed there's an air conditioner under this bed under the center of the bed there's a large accumulator tank and when i say large it's a big one so which is really nice to have it just the accumulated tank means that the water pump's not cycling on and off as much and occasionally if we get a pinhole leak or something in the in the water system that fresh water ends up coming into this locker so usually if you open this up and there's water in the first thing i'll do is taste it and make sure it's fresh because if it's not fresh if it's salty we might be sinking but usually it would be fresh there is um on the 62 there is a pressure relief valve or sorry pressure reducing valve cartridge in this locker here on the port side port side of the master state room and it is noisy sometimes so people complain when you're running underway because you've got a depending on how the boat's set up you may have a system that's running at higher pressure and drops that pressure down for the stabilizers and it happens in this locker and sometimes that kind of causes a hiss which annoys people so again something to be aware of um you've already looked in there this bow has vacuum flush heads and most of the 62s had vacuum flush heads this bow has three toilets the vacuum flush systems on these boats have a one vacuum flush pump which is an m pump and it's mounted in the back of the engine room on the port side that pump is for all the heads on the boat some of these boats have five heads and when you put five heads actually i'm trying to think lady k is it five or six maybe it's six it's a lot of heads on one pump and it's a challenge there's a trunk line that runs up the poor side of the boat that pump sucks the trunk line down and it sucks down every head on the boat and if you've got a vacuum leak in one of the heads it can be challenging sometimes to track that down we have a way of doing it um and we've added isolation valves on a lot of these boats so you can shut each head down individually and try and track down the head that has the problem when you don't have isolation valves and you've got five heads and one pump it's a it's a mission to find that leak um so something to think about when you're buying a boat i think we're good in here let's move on but before we leave one more thing this is the dc distribution basically the center point of where the charging from the engine room meets the batteries up forward so the battery positives and negatives are coming back here and the alternator output sometimes there are charges in the battery room and there are charges in the engine room and and it all comes through this little locker here and then across to the main panel which is here so we've got the main electrical panel um always in the same place on a swirl like say that i think it's all you know it's always been in the same place on any that i've worked on i haven't worked on every single one but i worked on most of them so i i can open this up real quick let me just show you it's very similar built in the same factory as the 57 and i showed you that one i'll show you this one too it's probably looks similar all very neat and tidy which is normal on a dashing boat i mean like i said on the 57 it's artwork this one somebody's been in here poking around i think it's a little bit cluttered in places it looks like people have had their hands in here those are not standard cable ties they're not uh yeah there's been some work done in here some things have been changed but it still looks pretty darn good and then we got breakers up in there for the inverter outputs this boat later boat like i said 26 has a inverted bypasses built right into the panel here early boats didn't have that i've put inverted bypasses on some of them they did not come as standard when the boats were built originally um probably i'd say most of the boats have bypasses by now got to question who put them in how did they do it where they're located there isn't a standard location for it but like i said the later boats do have the bypasses right on the panel here so uh air conditioning air conditioning on the right side uh 110 volt leg 1 and lead 2 got two separate inverters these are sw inverters same as the 57 we were looking at sw series this is is the main ship's panel um most of this stuff can be involved powered by inverters now you can even power the air conditioners by inverter but you've got to be careful with that obviously air conditioners are a big load you can you can run one the idea was this boat had had a hydraulic alternator and um you could actually run the hydraulic alternator off the main engine which would keep the inverters up there's two sw 4024 so you've got 8 kilowatts of inverters here at 110 volts 4 kilowatts at 240 volts you've actually got enough to run an air conditioner but there's a lot of juice flowing through everything and if you're doing that you got to you've got to be careful you've got to kind of keep an eye on things not really recommended the best way of running air conditioners is to run the generator anyway so that's your main electrical plant okay so we're under the starboard side now this is the walkway coming down from the steps from the galley and uh you can see how the wood changes color with the carpet down over the years so this is the um standard side stabilizer again really good access better than the other side actually you know if you want to get in there and service these abt stabilizers um great love them great company and uh you know they've had some challenges over the years we've done a lot of work on abt stabilizers lucky enough to have tony fields working for us now which and he is just a wealth of knowledge i think he's been working on these things for close to 30 years there have been some changes made over the years one is the locking pins like i said the other is upgraded shafts this this boat has a small spline shaft um small spline shafts we've discovered over the years you know the early ones had those and you know they can be problematic the splines tend to break up right where they can break off on the top of the shaft so whenever you pull them apart it's worth looking at that and they do sell it they do sell a kit to upgrade those to the larger splines now so at some point when when you're having them serviced it's definitely worth having a look to make sure that they're in good shape um two generators on this boat you saw back up there's a little one in the lazarette and then there's a 20kw in the in the engine room we've got two water makers right here they're both in the engine room you'll see shortly as well this is the dc panel at the bottom here 24 volt um dc panel we got ameritron system which i started earlier that was added and i think i mentioned it in the uh 57 video so the 62 the the fuel tanks actually one of the fuel tanks was right under there you could you could see it when i had the floor open for the stabilizer so this is the half starboard fuel tank the mid fuel tank and the port fuel tank mid fuel tanks in here underneath this carpet let me show you real quick okay so that's the mid tank all nice and clean and dusty down there that's always good to see we got the fill line we've got the fill line we've got the vent line we've got the uh pickup line we've got the return line and we've got a transfer line and this line right here this little tiny line that's for the uh which was what i was going to talk about that's for the tank tender now most of the fuel tanks on this boat with the exception of what we call the day tank and the engine room starboard side most of these fuel tanks are under the floor forward so there's no sight gauges so that presents a bit of a challenge figuring out how much fuel you've got what i would like to do to this boat and what every boat every 62 should have is is a second way of fuel level checking but they all have i think they all have uh this tank tinder system so basically you you hit the button for the tank then you pump it up and then so what that does is it sends a little pump of air down that little tiny tube and then when you let go of it you hold the button you stop pumping the fuel comes back up the tube it pressurizes the tube between there and the gauge and it holds the needle up and then you read off the display and then you have to measure it off against this card which is handily kept in one of these drawers most of the 62s have them and then you can look and see how many inches you've got and that equates to how much fuel depending on which tank you're reading yeah if you're spending a million dollars on a boat it's kind of a bit cheesy but anyway there you go holding tank like i said earlier we got the key there so you can turn it on when you want to pump the holding tank out turn it off when you're done and stick it in the drawer tell nobody to touch it right we are moving forward so we've got pantry space storage lots of storage space on this three state room 62 we've got another pantry in here this this is kind of a neat feature this is a this is where the owner has a dirty laundry so actually if there's a there's a shoot on the other side in the master stateroom so you can put your dirty laundry in there and then when you're on this side you can open it up carry it out to the washing machine how cool is that so this is what we would call the day head um it's all closed up but the lights are on day head has double access so you've got access to the stubborn cabin through that bi-fold door like the 57 a little bit water tank is down here and then this is the starboard cabin so that's a fairly good size uh starter guest cabin here we've got a washer dryer those things tuck away nicely and they've got little stoppers on the inside so you push them in and they lock nicely thought out so once you've locked them they don't slide in and out so we've got our dryer up top washing machine in the bottom and then here when you're pulling all your laundry out of the dryer you got a folding table that was thoughtful it's the little things so i'm up in the forward cabin on the three-state room 62 and the forward cabin is pretty spacious also we've got a double on the port side here a couple of hatches in the overhead luma hatches that open they've got screens across them right now and then there's a big luma hatch here with a stepladder so if you want to climb out the forward cabin you can right through the luma hatch up under the foredeck and then there's another bunk here lots of cupboards and storage obviously you can see right now the owner is using this as a storage area for his fishing rods fishing gear and cushions and bedding and what have you so not an easy place to kind of get you in and show you around but you can get a good idea from this and also i wanted to open this up and show you what's going on down here so i'm down here in what we call the mid bilge on the 62 and uh we got one more forward here and then there's a bulkhead to the bulbous bow this mid bilge houses the inverters so you can see that uh port side inverter right here and there's another one over here to start and uh also this is the davit uh pump assembly so there's a hydraulic reservoir on here the davit's 240 volt so that's the 240 volt motor that drives the pump which is right under this stack of valves and so when you hit a button on the controller up there for the davit it energizes one of these solenoids which gives you your different functions left right up down and out so um and then we've got another bilge pump down inside here because it's got its own little sump there's no water down here this is usually a fairly dry bilge now you might get a little bit of water comes down through the dab but this is the david stand pipe you probably noticed one of these in the galley also the stand pipe in the galley uh is it basically holds the ceiling up and um also there's a whole bunch of wires and uh what have you that run down inside that pipe in the galley this one here just houses the uh the hydraulic hoses and the wiring for the davit over here on the starboard side i can take the camera down here and show you over here on the starboard side we've got a vacuum tank that's a vacuum tank for the fresh uh for the freshwater flush on the vacuum flush system we've got a sink drain valve we've got fuses down here for the inverters we've got inverter output breakers that this is the control box with the board for the uh davit and then we've got some valving and what have you there's a little fire extinguisher down inside here obviously because we've got some inverters and then matthew was asking what's that well that is uh one of the manual bilge pumps we are going to open up a forward branch sorry and um oh there it is should i do that again sure so okay so we're going to open up the forward and this time i know exactly where the hook is right there and i'm going to climb down here and turn the lights on you can see this is quite a deep locker there's a lot going on down here it's a place that you don't want to ignore come down here once in a while it helps if you're my size if you're small like me it's a piece of cake i'm just going to go down here and see if i can track down the light switch there it is they're all in different spots on different boats okay so and i could keep on going down here actually can you see yeah you can see pretty well so this hatch here goes up into the bulbous bow it's pretty echoey down here this goes up into the bulbous bow much easier to get to than the last one i was on i was on third this one 32 a couple of months ago and i actually when we surveyed the boat one of the things that i said to the buyer was we need to look in there and see what's going on we got to the end of the survey and the survey of course was like well there's an area there that i didn't get into so and i promised i would do it so i took all the bolts off and i got the hatch out but it was a mission because there's a whole bunch of stuff mounted in front of it hydraulic equipment and i had to move all that stuff out of the way to open up this hatch and have a look in there now what's in there well you might well ask what's in there on this boat we've got um a whole bunch of hydraulic plumbing going up there there is a tube that runs through the bulbous bowel which houses the bow thruster on top of that you've got the bow thruster motor an associated plumbing and on this boat you've also got a directional valve that sits up inside there the directional valve is the valve that shifts the oil back and forth to make the bow thrust to go port or starboard depending on which way you push the stick right that directional valve is uh you know you got to keep them dry it's got electronics in the top of it it has a little circuit board in the top of it it's um they do you know they rust if they get water on them so it's a good idea to keep an eye on that sucker you think that it's dry up there but it isn't necessarily because you've got a shower forward of this and those showers sometimes get leaks and also you've got the chain locker up there and the chain lockers above and sometimes on the 62s the chain locker leaks down into here and you can end up getting uh getting water up in here so it's a good idea to to look in there once in a while let's see what i also do occasionally is just open this valve because this valve if it opens and water comes out let's see what happens here because this hasn't been open for a while perfect it's dry i'm glad about that because if it was wet i'd look like an idiot okay so open that once in a while and make sure it's dry and nothing comes out if you do that you're probably good but it doesn't uh doesn't mean that you shouldn't open this up once in a while pop all these nuts off stick your eyes in there with a flashlight and check because also hydraulic leaks you know if you've got hydraulic coming out of here you know you've got to leak up forward but get in there once in a while put your eyes on it make sure that you haven't got chief hydraulic leaks rust and what have you now underneath on these shelves we've got all their house batteries like i was saying earlier the 62 has all its batteries up in the bow it's a long way from here to the back of the boat where the loads are so think about that when you're buying one of these things and uh and pay attention to the way that it's wired and if you're not sure about that you need to call somebody like me to make sure that it's all done properly and it's all working properly there's all kinds of stuff going on down here if you give me the camera matthew i'll poke it around so that you can see i don't want to scare you guys but be careful not to touch the buttons okay so there we go so we got batteries down here on several layers i think this boat has a total of 16 8 d batteries these batteries probably last about um seven years depends on how they're taken care of but just be aware they're about six hundred and fifty seven hundred dollars a piece so when you're buying one of these boats you wanna make sure the battery is all in reasonable condition all right we've got bilge pumps we've got shower sump pumps we've got manual bilge pumps um and we've got a whole bunch of maratron stuff in here too we've got a fire extinguisher up here forward we've got valves for hydraulics um and we also have one more vacuum tank for the vacuum flush vacuum flush system in fact if you look right above my head hopefully it's not dripping that's the underside of the forward toilet so and that's the sewage hose coming out the bottom of it and the blue one is the water feed for that forward vacuum flush head there's a valve right there to turn the water feed off if you're working on the head so that you don't get a deluge of water when you unplug it all right here we are oh look who it is it's jason from your tech hopefully he's got our tables i don't know if you noticed but back in the salon we were missing three tables because jason stole him and uh he took them up to the shop to refinish them because they were looking a little shabby and let's go see what they look like oh actually i think he only brought one back so jason has just brought this table back we actually have three tables one on here one on this pedestal here and then there's a piece that slides in this groove in the middle and that piece i'll show you the storage spot for it very neat storage spot on these 62s for the for the slide-in piece this is not screwed down yet but you can see done a superb job of spraying this table in our spray booth and it looks absolutely gorgeous compared to the way it looked when he took it out um he took all the old varnish off took it right back to bear wood thank you very much jason nice job thank you now get back to work all right and um so the middle piece for that table actually slides in here you can see it's got a felt lining here track top and bottom so it neatly slides in there for a safe storage and that way you can walk in between the two tables now 6225 was the first 62 to have a counterbalance system and it did not have these fixed pedestals it had uh tim was the owner of that boat um if you're watching this you did a great job tim designing that system and yes you should have got royalties for it i know you were concerned about that um an awesome counterbalance balance system that actually folded down the two-piece two side pieces of the table came together low down like a coffee table and then clipped together uh so you had like a low coffee table affair and then if you unclip them and run them back up again you've got to see these things you may have seen them if you've been on the later model 62. we actually put one in 6215 he he saw it and wanted it so we bought one had it shipped over and i installed it absolutely uh you know amazing piece of design work but these are fixed so um you know the height of the table is the height of the table so that looks really good i'm happy about that the owner will be pleased to see them and finally the part you've all been waiting for the engine room on the north island 62. am i hesitant slightly the reason that i'm slightly hesitant is because this by far is the most difficult thing to get your head around and when i say get your head around i mean get your head around it's not very big and although i really love the 62 i've got a lot of bruises and scars on my back from coming up these stairs too quickly i actually quite like this boat because it's curved right here and some of the early ones don't curve right there and they have screws sticking out and i can i swear i've got scars on my back from that from coming out of the engine room too quickly and i've got bruises and bashes and anyway come on down i like everything about the 62 and i even quite like the engine room but when you bring people down here for the first time and if they've been on any of the other bigger nord islands you know they have stand-up engine rooms even the 57 you come down here and it's like oh crap crikey you know it's uh there's not a lot of room down here you know i think i brought one customer down one time and i was surprised lou goodwin are you out there lou i brought her down they had a 47 guy in lou and lou stood up there in front of the engine i was like perfect a stand-up engine room she's pretty small so uh cute small so we've got the wing engine back here and if you're working in the back of the wing engine well i tell you what why don't you film me trying to get in and out of here just so people know how tricky it is i can do it but once you're back here you gotta turn around and come back out again so when i'm working on something back here i like to uh i like to get myself in here get my tools organized and generally have somebody with me that can pass me tools now when i was a little bit younger i didn't mind it at all but now i like to get in here and have everything with me or have somebody to pass me tools because if you're working on the hydraulic cooler or if you're working on the pto on the wing engine if you're working on changing zincs or belts or any of this stuff you know invariably you don't have the right tool back here when you need it somebody's going to have to pass it to you now you do have some access across to the other side on this particular boat it's actually fairly open there so you can lay your tools out on the floor over on the port side and kind of reach over and get them the pto on this boat uh precludes you from being able to change out the belt so we always have spare belts kind of zip tied in place so that you can change the boat with having without having to take the the clutch and the pto this is a 24 volt clutch on this boat that engages the pto for the for the stabilizers or for the thrusters mostly but this would work with stabilizers too if you wanted it to hydraulic tank right here um with with a sight gauge and a thermometer in the middle of it pretty standard on the abt system oh that's an old zinc i probably left that there um we've got a bunch of valves out here and we've got an engine room uh blower here that brings air in these blowers are the same types of blowers on the 57 they're dayton blowers they rust oh you can hear the rust coming off of it so it hasn't been run for a while and all these chips and stuff is from that that blower which uh although the body of the thing looks like it's in really nice condition the inside of it probably is gonna need to be changed at some point um so peter probably put that on the list i'm guessing there's one here there's one on the forward port side intake and there's one on the ford starboard side which is a an outlet too so stop it blows out port blows in the challenge with the way they rigged this uh entering ventilation up is you've got one blowing in and one blowing out and what happens is that air comes in on one side of the engine room nice and cool and the other blower sucks it right back out again so it doesn't really do very much so what we've done on some of the boats is put a deflector shield so that it kind of pushes it back in the engine room to displace some of the hot air back here because it gets hot in here there is no question it's 120 and sometimes more when you're down in florida in south florida um depends on the blanket on the thickness of the blanket you can probably see this blanket's been changed out it's really uh quite a nice new blanket it also have has blowers i just added another blower to 6232 to try and help the situation because you got all that hot air over the top of the engine and you'll see i'll point it out to you in a second matthew let me out i'm getting claustrophobic no i'm not really i'm just ready to move on and show you a different spot so this is uh on my way out you can see this is the uh central back system uh which has this pvc pipe that runs out out and around through the boat wing engine has its own shaft and gory propeller which you probably all know by now so this just protects the coupling here and then it's got his own little shaft out on starboard which makes for interesting maneuvering when you're on the wing engine but it'll get you probably at about five months or so five and a half five and a half okay so this is a uh john deere 6125 and um they used a number of different engines in 62s they they used the kamasu for uh for a long time they used the uh 6125 john deere they uh 6220 had a um 6220 had a a cummins n14 great engine massive engine probably you know right up to here not very much room above the engine between the engine and the overhead so um pto this pto here drives the stabilizers the abt stabilizers needs a little bit of touch-up paint touch-up but you know mechanically all good and what have we got over on the other side there if i squeeze over there you know i was going to clean out the engine room and make it all presentable but that's not really the way it is okay when you come down because most people want to have tools and they want to have stuff around and there aren't that many places to put it and so i find when you're on a 62 you come down here and it's cluttered you've got two bags you've got two boxes you've got equipment laying around i mean i wouldn't all be never laying around like this normally but buckets and vacuum cleaners i mean this is the reality of the situation on a 62 there's not a whole lot of storage space for this kind of stuff and it ends up down here and you're working your way around it we got our fire suppression bottle here uh we've got a keel cooler so this kill called engine of course right it's got a water kill cooler this is the kill call in and out for the engine um master volt battery charger for backup battery charging and it used to have three charges that's why there's three breakers up there it also used to have a hydraulic alternator and the hydraulic alternator used to sit right here but that's been removed and actually the alternator is now belt driven off the main engine it's a really nice stainless steel guard over the alternator you'll see it on the port side forward and this over here is the uh what we use is the engine room day tank so a little bit awkward to see the sight gauge but you can see right in here you just kind of lean over the top of the toolbox this is the only fuel tank with a sight gauge and that's really the reason that we use it as the day tank because we can actually see 100 how much fuel is in the tank without relying on those silly tank tenders so all right we're going to move on around to the other side here the water heater on this boat is tucked in this cabinet right here kind of a bear to get to we changed out a bunch of the water heaters on 62s and you always have to take the water one of the water makers out of the way in this instance we'd have to take this whole wall out of the way but i'd still rather have my water heater back here tucked in here than i would uh up there with those inverters which is where that where it is on some of the 62s there is a bilge underneath this down here which uh is the one that does the build pump down there does all the work from the packing gland and we got two water makers on this boat which need to be fresh flushed and actually i'll do it while we're in here it's as simple as throwing those valves so the water pump just came on and so that's now pushing fresh water through the two water makers so we'll let that run for a few minutes moving back we've got a seat chest back here under the floor it's right under my backside there's a sea chest and the sea chest is fed by these two strainers down here i don't know if you can spin around matthew and catch those uh the two bronze strainers those uh those have been changed out i think to grow grocers um so we got intakes for that one comes into each side of the sea chest the sea chest is there you probably already know this i think i talked about it on the 57 so that you don't have as many holes in the bottom of the boat so we've got two uh larger intake through holes down there that feed the sea chest and then off of the sea chest we've got water the sea water that comes in for the generator this is the bigger generator 20kw generator then we've got the six in the back we've got the two water makers that feed off the sea chest we've got the air conditioning uh the air conditioning pump is back over here uh so the air conditioning pump feeds off with sea chest for water for the air conditioning up here we've got two auto pilot pumps two autopilot pumps uh accustomed constant running pumps on top those are uh power hogs those are the ones that i was saying earlier you know if you've got a 12 volt boat um those may struggle with low voltage um and up there on the uh shelf we've got uh that's the m pump for the uh vacuum flush system so you know it's all here it's not quite so easy to get to oh and we were talking up in the bow about the directional valve so the directional valve this is the directional valve for the stern thruster which you can see is in super nice condition there's no corrosion no leaks or anything even all the fittings are all clean and nice that's so that's the direction of valve for the stern thruster when you push the stick back and forth that energizes these two coils here and pulls the shuttle valve back and forth which creates uh you know gives a path for the oil to go either one way or the other to make the stone thruster go left or right this is the output breaker for the generator we've got membranes up here for the water one of the water makers uh that's the steering manifold uh back there in the corner with all the red valves on it when i was talking when i was in the back about using the emergency tiller when you use the emergency tiller you have to throw the bypass valve in the middle there so um you know it's amazing how many people i talk to when i get on their boats and it's like okay you know when you put the emergency tiller on you've got to throw this valve right this is the bypass valve right here when you open that valve up it allows the oil to flow back and forth between the two rams if you don't open that up you will not be able to move the rudder back and forth with the emergency tiller so that's something important to know this was added by us um this is the uh air pressure uh pump compressor for the kallenburg horns so this is what charges up that big tank in the in the bustle for the caliber ones a lot of the uh uh gauges pressure gauges have been removed on these this boat these would this originally would have had pressure gauges everywhere we all know at this point at least if you're a north avenue you probably do because it's been all over the northern site we've been having problems with for years with these pressure gauges blowing and if the pressure gauge blows you can lose all your hydraulic oil which is a big old mess so we generally take the gauges out now and then screw in test ports now if you open up a test port you can just plug in a test whip right into there and then you can check the pressure the running pressure of the system so that has been done on this boat which is nice and i think that's probably it for this corner i mean i could probably keep on talking about other things this is the trigger box for your air conditioners this is what turns the air conditioning pump on when any one of the units because there's several units around the boat i think five maybe um when any one of those units turns on this trigger box turns the fresh the salt water pump on to move water through this through each each of the air conditioners so that's what that does um spend a lot of time with customers obviously somebody that buys a nordhaven 62 or any nordhaven you know we spend probably more time down here going through all the nooks and crannies and pieces and parts of the engine room and it's usually a q a session that lasts a day down here because new owners want to know what absolutely everything is and it takes the best part of a day to go through an engine room on a 62. the fuel manifolds are very similar to the 57 you can see them on the way out they're forward starboard i already went over the fuel system on the 57 and so i don't really need to do that again you can have a look it looks complicated it really isn't it's a really neat fuel system very well thought out you can do everything you want with that fuel system you can push fuel to all the engines you can transfer fuel you can polish fuel um i like it i prefer it to having a small day tank like the the newer boats have simply because you can pressurize the supply manifold which is really nice you can push fuel to the to the filters you can use that pump to help you get the engine started if you're bleeding and the fuel system uh here like i said similar to the 57 just not laid out in a straight line so we've got a supply manifold we've got a return manifold and we have a transfer manifold and while we're transferring fuel we can make telephone calls at the same time so matthew and i thought we'd bring the 62 out and do a little sea trial and in the process we could uh take you around and show you some of the controls and show you how easy it is to maneuver this boat in the marina however as we pulled out of the slip i discovered that we actually weren't getting a full hydraulics uh full hydraulic pressure um this boat as i think i said down in the engine room has hydraulic pumps on both the wing and the main engine and those hydraulic pumps are controlled right here so right now you can see the green lights on the main pump is on the wing pump is off so we have the wing punch the wing engine shut down right now and what i normally do when i pull out of a slip uh when i haven't been on a boat for a while is i run the hydraulics and this is a good exercise for all you not oven owners out there with hydraulic systems with two pumps is run the hydraulics off of both pumps one at a time energize the main pump and run the thrusters make sure they're working turn the main pump off and then turn the wing engine pump on and make sure the thrusters are working that way you know that each individual pump is working if you just turn them both on and we all get into the habit of doing that start the wing engine up you turn the pump on and then you raise the rpms on the wing engine which on this boat you do so that you can have horsepower for the thrusters when you're maneuvering if you do that you don't actually know unless you're really in tune with things whether your wing pump is working or your main pump is working either or so it's a good idea to make sure that one and the other are both working well we discovered as we were coming out of the slip i thought that the thrusters seemed a little bit weak anyway we discovered that the wing engine pump was not working luckily there wasn't a lot of breeze and we pulled out of the slip and came out here and it's beautiful evening we're out here off of anacortes between anacortes and gwemus island and matthew's just been driving the boat around while i've been down in the engine room figuring out what was wrong so in a second here i'm going to take you down and show you what i did to to diagnose this problem i think i'm jinxed because whenever i take a boat out there's always a problem or maybe i'm just tuned into them i don't know but in this case it wasn't difficult to spot so um but what i would like to point out to everybody out there is that when you buy uh you know a 15 year old boat a 20 year old boat you are going to run into problems here and there you know there's no such boat out there that doesn't have glitches and problems once in a while so if you're in the market for a used nord oven be prepared to pick up your tools once in a while and probably call me myself my phone is programmed with everybody's satellite phone numbers so i get a lot of phone calls from people who have little glitches and it may be something simple and maybe something more significant i wouldn't expect anybody out there not the average boat owner anyway to be able to go down and diagnose what i just did um i'll call him back to diagnose what i just did but with a little bit of help over the phone to myself or to some of my guys i mean my guys are really good at troubleshooting too when i'm not available especially tony and rob is awesome and dan niece he's good so um those guys are always available for our customers who can lead you to the problem and with a little bit of help with a multimeter and in this case a simple screwdriver i just had matthew turning the wing pump on and off here we just sat still luckily it's not rough out here so we just kind of coasted to a stop and then matthew hit the pump on and off while i was down in the engine room with a little tiny screwdriver checking to see if the coil was getting magnetized or not and it wasn't and i happen to know where the relay is obviously that drives that coil and so i went into the box and i'll show you in a minute uh where i went and this boat has spare parts on board that's another another important thing you know when you're cruising around on an older boat is make sure you've got the spares you need and so there's some solid state relays inside the stabilizer and hydraulic control box down there the hydraulic control box and um i found a spare on board and switched it out and now we have thrusters at full power again so uh getting back into the marina will be a snap otherwise we would have been able to do it on the main engine but if you can fix it and you can get to everything working 100 obviously it's safer so so if you're um if you're in the market for a used north oven think about this the perfect boat for you doesn't exist it is not out there you'll find the boat that you like but there's always something that you don't like about it every nord heaven is different and just when you think you found the perfect one either somebody will snap it up in front of you or it won't be available and you go out there looking for another one and you can't find the same boat because it'll be different inside it'll have a different layout it'll have a different engine it won't have hydraulics whatever it is it'll be different there are so many of them out there and they are all different so get used to the fact that you're going to have to put up with something you don't particularly like you're out there looking for a boat be open-minded make yourself a list of the important things and uh be prepared to scrub some of those things off the list and if and accept the fact that you may not get what you want and it could be something as big as electric thrusters over a hydraulic package especially today you know we're uh we're in 2020 which has been an interesting year what's very interesting of course is that the um other than the world pandemic is that people are buying boats like crazy and there aren't very many out there i remember not that long ago when people were calling me up and saying why so many 55s on the market what's wrong with them well there's nothing wrong with them but at the time people weren't buying boats now try find a 55. we did sell one recently but there aren't very many of them out there so when one comes on the market be prepared if you want a 55 you're probably going to have to take what comes up if you want to go boating soon and they are out there and they will pop up pop up on the market they sometimes get sold under the radar uh there was one up here that naught haven't sold under the radar a week or so ago i think they're in the process we have one coming up that'll it'll probably sell before it hits the market too so that's what's happening so you may be talking to nordoff and you may be talking to the other brokers out there you know it pays to talk to everybody of course us included we've got a lot of service customers out there and we kind of know what they're up to so anyway uh those are some things to think about if you're in the market for a used north oven and don't forget if it's an older boat well even a newer boat you got to be prepared to pick up the tools once in a while do a little bit of troubleshooting this boat is so quiet so quiet we are just coming up with some amazing numbers i mean the 62 is a totally amazing boat everybody thinks that the 57 is my favorite now because i said it's one of my favorites 62 is one of my favorites too so we we turned around because i wasn't sure how much current we had with us and we turned around we're actually going into the current now we're running at 900 rpms um and we're doing five and a half knots actually 5.8 now so currents we're bucking the current a little bit 5.8 knots uh we're burning two gallons an hour now given it is calm and so we're not uh bashing through any waves or anything but 62 shines i mean look at this 5.8 5.8 two gallons an hour i just did the calculation actually it's more than that now it's almost 7 000 miles on a tank of fuel at this rate who'd have thought now you're not going to get that in real life because you're not going to want to go this slowly uh and actually once the seas start picking up you need power to punch through them but it's still remarkable that you can cruise along like this at almost six knots burning two gallons an hour so i did already talk a little bit about tankage on the boat this boat carries 2500 and a little bit of fuels [Music] we already talked about fuel uh tankage a little bit the 62 tanks are all under the floor uh going forward there's one tank on the starboard side in the engine room that has a sight gauge i think i mentioned that 2500 gallons of fuel 2576 actually on this boat uh if the book is right which sometimes they are and sometimes they are but i would say that's pretty close so the range uh as we just talked about with the fuel burn right now i mean right right now we're doing four and a half knots i throttle back i'm at idle we're doing four and a half knots and we don't have current with us by the way and we're doing uh we're burning 1.4 gallons probably do 8 000 miles um the boat cruises at 9 knots you know if i'm doing a trip on this bus just like the 57 it's a nine knot boat nine knot cruise and um she runs along beautifully at nine knots uh burning about a gallon a mile so uh and almost exactly the same fuel curve as the 57 you know you start pushing it up above nine knots and you're going to end up burning like 16 gallons an hour so that really does a number on your cruising range but in nine knots you're going to get about 2500 mah 2500 miles you slow it down a little bit you can hit that 3 000 mark very easily the boat runs a lot smoother i think than the 57 shorter shaft considerably shorter shaft half the length and also a three inch stainless shaft many of them have been switched out to aquamate 22 now this this one has an aquaman 22 shaft they all originally had 17 uh the older boats and 17 shafts probably uh most of them have been got rid of now you know 20 years on they get pitted and they do corrode especially in a non-commercial environment when they're sitting in marinas we talked about the wing engine a little bit um you saw it down the engine room the wing engine's the backup propulsion on this boat wing is going to drive you along at probably four and a half five knots in calm water we could probably do that right now the reality is that when you get out there and you're in a big sea uh trying to punch through a c is not happening with a wing engine you know you might make one or two knots depending on the size of the waves um you're gonna have to turn around and go with it there are some boats out there a couple of them that have the hydraulic drive of the generator 6220 has that it's a belt drive i've replaced that belt um a big toothed belt that engages on the shaft and drives the main shaft and the main propeller which is actually a pretty good way of doing it but a lot of people want that wing engine and of course the wing engine gives you a complete redundancy because you've got a separate propeller as well and this has a folding little folding propeller i think this has an old martech prop everything's gory now the gory props are really nice much smoother running would be a nice upgrade so wing engines tend not to get used enough this wing engine has what does it have on it 495 hours and the reason it's got so many hours on it is because it's been used for hydraulics just like on that 57 that we were looking at which is a good thing wing engine as you saw in the engine room is tough to get to um so they tend to lack a little bit of maintenance um people don't get that back to the raw water pump as much as they should we always have work to do when we get on a 62 because they tend to get neglected in there i've forgotten what i was going to talk about now i know so um so one of the things we talked a little bit about on the last video with 57s was heads and holding tanks and and uh and hose runs if you don't treat the heads and the lines in the holding tank with a good uh product like no flex we sell a lot of no flex people love it but if you start using no flex and you've never used anything before it starts releasing all the calcium in a head system you get a lot of calcium buildup in the lines if you've ever worked on toilet lines you probably are aware you know they get lined with with calcium and it's quite solid and when and you can break it and it comes out in chunks well when you have chunks of calcium breaking free in a vacuum flush system it's a problem because those chunks go down and they get caught in the duckbill valves and on this boat there's a bunch of duckbill valves you've got duct bills at the vacuum chambers you've got duck bills uh down at the vacuum pump itself in the engine room and there's a ton of line between the two and if you get a chunk in the in the duckbill valve you know that heads cycle and then a big chunk will stop the toilet paper and whatever else and now you've got a blockage and it happens so beware if you're buying an older 62 if it hasn't had work done on the head system you're probably going to be doing it and also if you start using no flex uh no flex will you know start releasing some of that calcium it's very good at that and then you'll end up with those chunks down there causing problems for you so you need a lesson in vacuum flush if you're going to own a boat with vacuum flush systems on it especially at 62 because they're all spread out you know you got one all the way at the bow um and then some of the boats like i said they have multiple heads six heads and one at the stern they're all tied together with plumbing and trunk lines the holding tank is underneath the engine which is difficult to get to you don't have to get to the holding tank very often but uh to work on the sender unit the sealand tank center is right under the main engine and the vent line and all of that so uh you know you've got to be prepared to get down under there to to get to another no gray water tank on this boat [Music] [Music] so we just got back to the dock and uh we're going to go down the interim and i'm going to show you what i did out there but as you can see the boat is a bit of a pickle because i was hunting for these solid state relays and i knew that i had seen some of these under the couch somewhere and finally i found them in this bag on the galley countertop but um you know it's always important when you have your spare parts to know where they are so um otherwise you've got to go say sir you know it's not more than 62 feet away but there's an awful lot of lockers in 62 feet so anyway i was lucky enough that i knew roughly where they were and i managed to hunt one down so what did i do to figure out what the problem was i came down here i had matthew up in the pilot house the first thing i needed to do was figure out where the coils are that drive the two pumps now i'm i know what i'm looking for so actually i i went back here because on some 62s it's back behind the wing engine on the bulkhead there but actually i could see it across here so follow me so this was this was the block that i was looking for and i was actually over there looking across i'm like oh there it is so what i did what you need to do is find out which coil drives which pump so that two of these coils drive the pumps and i discovered that they're actually turned off right now but this one is main engine and this one was magnetized and if you have a little flathead screwdriver like this one and you hold it up to the end you can feel the magnetism when it's turned on so i had matthew turn by pressing the main engine uh pump on and off i i had him on the speakerphone and i could hear him over the engine and every time he turned it on this got magnetized and i'm assuming then correctly so but the main and the wing are usually together so um i did this one and when he turned the wing engine pump on with the green button there was nothing happening here so the next step actually probably would have been to take the plug off and check the wires with a multimeter but i didn't have a multimeter and i took a bit of a gamble there is a relay inside this box i'm going to show you that relay in a second that drives the power to this coil so this is basically an electromagnet and this electromagnet there's a metal valve inside here and when this powers up and becomes a magnet it draws the valve back and opens that valve and that in turn sends pressure through this hydraulic hose here over to the wing engine pump to spool it up to make pressure so let's uh head over to the other side of the engine room and i'll show you where this coil lives okay so my next stop was back here in my favorite spot next to the wing engine of course it's all very hot down here because everything was running and that's the bad relay and so i'm not going to crawl in there right now but these relays are marked and there's actually on the inside of the american bow thruster box maybe i will crawl in there and show you these are all marked and this is marked wpv wing pressure valve if you're curious normally unless anybody stole it and if they did they should be shot the wiring diagrams uh and what have you are taped on the inside of the of the hydraulic control box it's always that's the place that it lives so when you're done with it always put it back for the next person so you got the plc's back there and to the left of the plc's there's a whole bank of relays and as you can see there's one relay maybe you can see that there's one relay third from the bottom which is hanging out i unscrewed it the screw is here basically unscrewed it pulled it out i cut the cable ties that held the wires in place so that i could remove it without having to remove the others and then just pulled the wires off and i was unlucky enough that one of the wires pulled out of the terminal while i was tugging on it and i was trying to tug on the terminal but the wire fell off in my fingers that might have been part of the problem i haven't figured that bit out yet it could be the wire maybe not the relay but we do know that the relays go bad so then i had to futz around with this little terminal and get the wire back in and crimp it back up again pop that back on the new relay and then i just had matthew at that point uh start hitting the wing engine button while i went back over there with my screwdriver and at that point now i could feel magnetism every time he hit the button so i knew that we had success so um i'm going to wait for the engine room to cool down a little bit and then i'm going to come back and i'm going to put the relay in with the screw i'm probably going to tug on all the other wires as well to make sure there aren't any other loose ones because loose wires are a problem and um and then i'll put the cover back on and tidy up i'm going to do some vacuuming here and button the job up but uh lucky uh lucky that um lucky that i found that before i deliver the boat back to canada for the owner next week all right so there we have it i could probably keep talking uh and some of you are going to say you should have kept talking but there is a limit and most people don't want to sit and listen to my waffle for more than an hour i think i've probably said enough i love the 62. i love almost all the nordharvans actually but again the 57 and the 62 are way at the top of my list my favorites until the next one comes along i'm james yachtech have a good day
Channel: Yacht Tech Inc
Views: 121,424
Rating: 4.7737069 out of 5
Keywords: Nordhavn, Trawlers, Yachts, Boats
Id: 7ApS_PiI7iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 39sec (6819 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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