Nordhavn 57 – San Diego to Ensenada – [Offshore Underway]

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[Music] bye [Music] there's our captain for this adventure captain don grover you shake hands yeah we can we can yeah now we have to be totally decontaminated [Music] hi i'm jeff merrell from jmys with my good friend don grover his wife polly is filming this we are going to be taking storm haven their nordhaven 57 from san diego down to ensenada it's how long of a run has it done about nine and a half ten hours not enough ten hours so is it eighty miles seventy miles 75 75 miles so it's kind of a day run um we're actually going to be leaving at the crack of dawn actually before the crack of dawn we're gonna leave about 4 a.m and so we'll see a sunrise on the way getting down to ensenada mid-afternoon type of thing 1 30 or so yeah so down there for for lunch we're going to kind of do a taco run like kevin and allison jeffries did so we're going to try to film a little footage here what it's like to do a day trip like that leaving the marine in the morning and then doing an international delivery down to mexico so thanks for joining us sunday morning i won't be getting the sunday paper today it's one that i can read okay inches oh that's the generator you've got going i was just a little generous and you have the wing going already oh okay i misspoke then earlier that was the generator thanks for checking your breakers flowers are on push that activate the thrusters which is the hydraulic switch part over lock to lock looking at the autopilot control head to see what he has he's got a hard starter hard fork now center it jog lever engaged checked you steer with the jog lever going out no just testing it i never got used to it yeah back on standby put their headsets on you sound like that tv guy until you i get in the back i can't hear you but they're helpful there we go yeah yeah no you're fine are you good i'm not talking that loud probably yes thrusters out of the slip about 4 25. we were right next to adam marie a norton 56 motor sailor just easing it into the channel squaring up okay out of the marina our bank engine is off because we don't need our thrusters anymore foreign monitoring the depth close waters here polly's up on the floor deck getting the lines secured throwing them off the dock obviously and she's just looping them over the rail and securing them because we'll be using them once we arrive forecast is very calm seas and six knots of wind so we're out of the box going through this little channel here take care of that security today all stations all stations all stations decisions technical san diego united states coast guard sector san diego united states coast guard sector for coast guard unscheduled safety marine information broadcast concerning intense vlog provisory relationship also freaking sigma 157 that's one megahertz [Laughter] away we go yeah 430 now so that was pretty good again it's always early but you you can lollygag and linger and all of a sudden you wish that you had that half hour back at the end of the day it was wise to have everything preset last night it takes about an hour to get this one underway yeah i'm doing it right yep you can get a very hard quarter if you have to but it's longer yep one of the f words that's probably my least favorite yeah we came back from catalina the day it was foggy but looking north it was worse than going south south it was just a little we had about a mile with this building going south going north when i get something pretty tight but you're here at a good time because we're seeing that sidekick but this bug will be a lot thicker yeah well we're pretty close to a slack type too aren't we just coincidentally uh high tide yeah i mean yeah yeah but it's slack or right at the top with the peak what's your timing for the radar when do you normally put that on get on the channel okay yeah i get out there though yeah we're getting a good time it won't be unfollow too bad until once we're out in the ocean yeah that sun kept up in the fall interesting coronado bridge the distance here's our first channel marker green 39. i like to always look back when i'm cruising just so if i have to return it looks familiar pleasant temperature temperature smooth water so radar going yeah okay you got your waypoints plugged in and your auto pilots good there's a it's called a breadcrumb breadcrumb trail the little red trail off the back of the boat and you can also look at the trails from your previous trip so particularly helpful at night to follow the trail that you've done previously because if you made it through that time you should be able to make it through the next time particularly if it's high tide which we are leaving right at noon on the high tide how do you like your touchscreen i do that's pretty you didn't have that to begin with i mean that's a newer thing oh i put all this in last year september last year it's really good yeah you got that zoomed in yeah nicely there's the thank you very much polly 62 36 on the hours we're warmed up just picked up the rpm to 1300 out in the channel here it's deeper 39 feet we're running at about 8.3 knots we're coming up to our tax dollars hard at work row so this first big ship i'm not sure it's not an aircraft carrier might be a destroyer apologize for those who know but number eight aircraft carrier so oh you got boots as co-pilot she thinks she gets in there she doesn't like sharing that but she has to you got it nice and warm fork slide right in there again there it is we found it yeah not even a patrol boat out here for the maybe i don't see it usually there's somebody out here kind of keeping an eye on things somewhere around oh i'm sure they are yeah they know we're here see a lot of ais triangles on the military zone there radar setup and close-up screen stabilizers are on but they're centered security security san [Music] carrier that diego lotso team plata is coming up on who is seven and eight ten knots heading to 24th street marine terminal and concerned traffic channel 16. we'll see that guy what's that big car carrier coming in they're always fun to meet they're big mothers aren't they yeah i need warships i was coming out here one time and there was a warship behind me and he didn't show up on my radar you know they've got all that oh yeah stealth stuff just freaked me out all of a sudden this giant ship looming there that i didn't see if you know had to use my eyes to see them not my electronics yeah we came back from hawaii we're offshore out there coming in towards san diego been up and she says to me she says you know you're tr of course you got laid out here i've been down sleeping and we made that one i think the early slept she taken to the labor she knew that we got to say ideal trafficking a lot thicker yeah so she she wanted to do the early shift so i was sleeping i came up and she said you know you got that horse going right into mexico crossing mexico line i said yeah a tiny bit but not much and she says well we're going to mexico we're going to check in we're leaving customs i said i don't do that much big deal yeah she said about i'm sorry that's what you'd be in new zealand we got in trouble she said something when he stayed in mexico i said i said ah okay so i just sent the course just for me skipping on the edge of the line going while i'm there and everything's fine radar clean everything you know everything black all of a sudden these lights light up i mean we're probably about within a half mile of it yeah lights flying up yeah and that was a big border ship of warship out there yeah surprise yeah yeah he lit the lights up on the whole thing yeah i was surprised hi yes welcome so the coronado bridge is now showing up on the radar right up here this is not your typical running at night only because we are in civilization so there's all these lights there's a little patrol boat over there ask questions shoot first ask questions later no i don't think they'll shoot gorgeous bridge under the bridge 4 58 am just about 5 a.m so a half hour from the marina to here san diego 40 feet deep monitoring 16. it is a pretty town tonight oh you're making breakfast homemade quiche just like that fantastic wow this is going to be fabulous remember the last time i had breakfast at 5 00 a.m yeah no i was not raised on a farm okay that big car carrier that we heard announcing its arrival is now passing us giant box on the water so we've run 10 miles and we still have not left san diego but we're getting close try shooting outside but you can't see anything there's the radar version of it the stabilizers are now active and we're getting a little bit of a swell coming in but not much 6 20 a.m we are outside sun's trying to pop up and it's foggy out here clearing san diego was interesting there were a lot of fishing boats returning from their night traveling we've got breakfast now getting ready beautiful smooth calm day san diego back that way mainland over there coronado and we are heading to mexico this is what you want you want nice smooth seas no wind a sturdy trawler to take you around captain's having breakfast coming up on 6 30 in the morning now don we've um covered 15.8 miles a couple of boats out here clogs actually lifted once we got away from the land a little bit hasn't it a little hairy in there yeah a lot of converging traffic in the bottleneck okay okay well we are in daybreak now officially it's light outside we've had a little breakfast some quiche some toast coffee has settled in it's about 6 40 in the morning right now don's taking a little break paulie's taking a break i have the helm it's a beautiful day i know that people want to see what it's like when there's rough weather and i get it but boy this is what you want really calm clear not clear clear seas but the fog is coastal interesting as we left the bay in the dark which i don't think that footage is going to come out that well but we had very good visibility once we got to point loma there was a big fog bank and there was a lot of traffic a lot of boats coming in a lot of fishing boats returning from their night fishing so a lot of activity and that's when you really have to pay attention the transition from night to day was relatively smooth it sort of blended in with the fog and once we cleared the channel got out past the few targets that were coming in with us we seem to break through the fog bank and it's a wide open space here heading south we're heading to mexico i'll show you on the chart so we're this red boat here and you've got the border coming up coronado islands coming up here's another way of looking at it you can see this is our course going up this is our next waypoint and that'll be just north of the border kind of see this line right in here showing us the border there's not a big stripe out here that shows you the border looking at our radar we're on three mile see that up here in the top corner three mile screen and then a half mile between lines so this target right here which is behind us uh anchored is 510 excuse me half one about one and a half miles away closed circuit tv just to keep an eye on the engine room not to replace an end room check but just to keep an eye on somebody down there no one down there right now we have our active pin stabilizers track abt stabilizers excellent you can see the port and starboard are active over here on the squares and then this is the actual activity the motion of the stabilizers which as you can see is very very light we are on autopilot right now we have set our course so we're following the waypoints but it's sometimes easier to steer just on autopilot so we're on the a down here and when i get to the next waypoint i will probably switch it over to nav to get us going monitoring channel 13 for other boat traffic here is our trip log so we've done 18.4 miles we're doing about 8.7 knots through the water channel 16 on the bhf radio up here this is the wing engine panel that is off we just use that for our hydraulics for a thruster or windlass water depth now we're out in the pacific it's getting deeper 130 plus maratron system showing us that we have about nine knots of speed sorry of wind that's the wind and then here is the main engine panel it's interesting that the gauges are set up that really if the needle is straight up kind of at a noon position that's usually right if you look closely you can see some little red pieces of tape there and that's just to give you a reference for those witness lines and the needles the analog gauges should be roughly there this little digital display shows engine hours shows our rpm so we're running 14.50 doing a nice smooth run here at uh eight 8.7 knots it's a lot of fun to be out here i think that's a pretty good summary of where we are right now leaving it dark is not that much fun waking up at a little before 4 is nice now but wasn't then and here's our captain i'll give him back the hill thanks don mexican waters see the line right here coronado islands over to the side go take a look outside damn so so sometimes i wonder what it must have been like to be one of those explorers who had none of the luxuries we have and we're cruising out to unknown waters without any references in the fog where you have very limited visibility not really sure what was ahead it's so much more comforting when you can actually see around but this is just goes to show you the importance of having good electronics knowing how to use it and also using your common sense not relying completely on the electronics we are it's a little after seven a.m now and we have crossed into the mexican waters the coronado islands are out here somewhere but we're seeing them on the radar and on the chart but we obviously can't see them with the naked eye even with binoculars through this fog don has just gone into the engine room so i'm watching him on the closed circuit tv it's somewhere on the far side of the engine seen by the toolbox it's got his earbuds on flashlight coming around the screen there it is by the camera so while he's down there doing that i've got the you khan a couple of targets sun's come out there's a few radar dots there and if you look then at the chart bottom of the ais overlay you can see that those are those same boats right there so we're the red boat coming up the screen we're coming up to a waypoint coming up to punta disconzo earlier we were talking about the tides and we were wrong the high tide is showing in the middle but the bar right here with the time is showing we actually left at low tide we said high tide earlier we both realized later that we had well hey you know it was 4 30 in the morning or something the first cup of coffee was still kicking in so everything's looking good it's still foggy the sun is out burned some of it off but we're still really relying on our electronics to get us going here here's the activepin stabilizers again and again you just see they're both on active active but you can see that the bars were just not deflecting that much but don went into the interim he left the door open so i will hear him when he comes out and closes it he's kneeling in the very back of the entrance right now looking the auto well the engine is set the port this is the wing engine that's turned off the main engine is turned on you can see the red light and then up here the rpm there's the analog rpm just under 1500 and if you look at the digital display you get the actual readout all of our gauges are still looking good mostly straight up wind is showing 8.7 that's apparent wind that's about our speed since there's really no wind out there we're creating that wind don has a couple of little reminders that are pretty helpful so he has one when he's offshore to remind him to empty the holding tank so he just pulled that out little plastic laminated card remember to pump out a lot of good smart little tips he's got his sunglasses here which you know we didn't even need to know where those were when we got up these new displays you put in are fantastic there's even a little dimming knob just very easily expensive screens they had some failures when he and paulie were out cruising had to reboot their computer thank you bill gates and they decided that they better get some new gear so dawn's still there i'm keeping an eye on him i also need to make sure that i look behind me it's so easy to be focused on looking forward forget to look behind beautiful out here checking the sides we have our inverter panels here all of our electrical crankers here we do have a day check log this is the the daily trip and that's something if you would like you can send me an email i'd be happy to send you a blank one like the one we're using on stormhaven just keeps track it's really a day summary and don is just wrapping up i just put the flashlight up hear the door in a second a little bit quieter now so we'll be coming up the steps in a minute are we looking down there all right i saw you on the tv yeah yeah so you'll be on tv on tv when this video gets posted so i'll give you your chair back nothing happened up here everything went well it did fog up a little bit while you were gone all right it's about nine a.m we've been underway for a couple hours now i was just doing the watch schedule at the top from the pilot house don took a nap i haven't done an interim check yet so i thought i'd go do one now i'm going to take you with me got my earmuffs on andrew doors over on the starboard side one feature that i like on the road 57 is there's a window so i can look in and see before i go in see what i'm getting into okay wait wait stop stop stop that didn't work being in the engine room with all of that noise and with the ear muffs so this is actually filmed after we've safely arrived so it's spoiler alert but we did make it safely densing on it but i want to give you the engine room tour right now and tell you what i was trying to say when i was in here earlier today when it was very hot so we do have a dry erase board for keeping track of things the raycor fuel filters are right here christopher dent one of the north haven 50 owners developed these new dent gauges which are all the rage in the north island community and are starting to take the world by storm a great way to check your vacuum pressure we have 30 micron elements in here and the ray core select switch this is a pointer right here so it's pointing this one is in service usually with a duplex like this you'll want to have one in service and then if it starts building up vacuum pressure or you see water and asphaltenes you switch over to the other one so over here on the port side the active fin stabilizer the track stabilizer of course not moving at all because we have stopped moving ourselves this is the fuel transfer pump for transferring fuel if you look over on the port side of the engine room there is a really cool workbench right here dawn has a lot of different cleaners and supplies over there some different racks really has it organized there's a vise down there stainless steel cover the fuel manifolds transfer return and supply are all down below here they're all color coded by tank and the ideal situation as you look down and the the different manifolds should be mirroring each other so if they're mirroring each other then you know you're supplying and returning to the correct tanks stormhaven is a wet exhaust boat so there's a through hole down below this is the seawater strainer it's a double basket seawater strainer and that's going to be something that you would check on an engine room check you'd look in here for any eel grass something that might be restricting that and then you also want to make sure you look at the engine itself up forward the alternator you might see some belt dust here's the impeller so that's something you want to look at this should be pretty cool you want to make sure you do some temperature checks they've labeled all the zincs where they are and when they are replaced this is your coolant overflow bottle air intake don is a farmer by trade and he is big on using tools he's very familiar with diesel engines so he has an expansive tool chest here the railing on this engine makes it very easy to get around you've got different filters over here you're going to check the engine mounts the alternators and come back aft look at the exhaust there's a fire suppression system on board right here the water maker components are right back here uh one trick that i've learned is that if you are going to make fresh water that's not a good time to also be pumping out the holding tank think about that now there's a flashlight very easy to grab right here i'm coming now over to the port side of the engine room the headroom is great in here and this is because of the maintenance strakes that jeff leishman developed it puts a bulge around the side of the keel to give you more standing headroom as i work my way aft i am going to lose some of that headroom space and i'll be kneeling but dawn has added some interlocking rubber tiles right here so it's easier on your knees this is the wing engine the separate propulsion package which we used today to fire up our bow thruster and stern thruster we revved it up you may remember and it's very well labeled in good shape all the way back after the door to the lazarette there are two trace inverters lined up there here is one northern lights generator this is the big one and then you have the small one right here on my engine room check i would be looking back at the transmission i'd be looking for leaks looking for oil spills i'd lift up these floors and check out the bilge i would crawl back aft and actually open up the lazarette hat to see what is there now i would be wearing earmuffs in here and i would not be carrying a camera so i'd have a in for a temperature gun and a flashlight and don has a flashlight right here by the door so you come in here you're looking around checking your steering just making sure there's no obstructions everything looks normal look around put the flashlight back and then close the door so here is a forward-looking view of the engine room with the nordham 57 really is spectacular really easy to get around convenient engine room it's still warm in here we still have heat left over from our trip uh one special feature on this model is they added a supply tank here similar to what nordheaven did on later designs so that will provide fuel for the wing engine it has its own reserve tank boy a lot more stuff to look at down here but that gives you just a little bit of a taste of what you want to do on an engine room check here they have been boaters for a long time they have gone beyond the blue tape and sharpie and checking temperatures they come down here look around lift up hatches make sure that there's the fuel and supply return manifolds are all correct and give them one last look over and then get out of here so um with that as our engine room break without actually running i will return to our regularly scheduled program in progress it's about 10 o'clock well on our way and closing in on our arrival the united states behind us pretty cool go do a little walk around [Music] so [Music] portuguese bridge very safe place here i probably should be wearing a inflatable safety vest but such a calm day daylight dawn's right in the pilot house behind me i'm in the portuguese bridge i'll refrain from going up to the foredeck unless i see some corpus but a beautiful day while we got an early start we're going to be arriving sooner than we actually thought originally so that all should work out great ah mylar balloon bad thing you can see mexico up in the distance so that we're a couple miles off shore still have the dew holding some moisture on the deck onelist is ready to go if we need it smart safety idea to have a life sling ready to deploy being able to see it and remember that it's there oh here comes some purpose okay i'm gonna break my rule wow [Music] nice hey fellas this never grows old this is just so much fun to watch these guys thank you for the welcome this way to [Music] tacos enchiladas margaritas beautiful [Music] so [Music] like dogs chasing cars very high railing up here i feel very safe it's not what i would recommend you do but again wearing a harness is not that difficult probably should have them in the pilot house ready to just slip on when you want to go outside the handrails are great good handrails to hang on to like so many things in life timing is everything how cool to come outside and then the porpoise come to serenade stormhaven is hole 25. don and paulie are the third owners and this is one of about five or six nordom 57s that have the reverse rake windows instead of the car windshield type it does give you i think a really cool look and being cool isn't what it's all about but it reduces the glare and it does take away a little bit of your interior in the pilot house but i think it's well worth it it is a really great look we are a hydraulic boat so we have a hydraulic windlass hydraulic bow thruster stern thruster this portuguese bridge is very safe and secure there's a docking station out here for coming into the dock you have your main engine controls bow thruster stern thruster that's a jog lever you can see my rudder angle indicator there windlass and another great feature on this boat because these boats do get pretty far away and how it needs some variety on their options but we have boarding doors in the portuguese bridge bridge so we we have our transportation we have our car with the inflatable dinghy we have some kayaks here board there's a magma barbecue and a life raft fly bridge we're not running from the farmers this is a perfect day to run from the fly bridge but we're really just doing a slip to slip move the boat delivery over on the port side the airatex crane good railing here too one of the exceptional features of the nordhoff 57 is being able to get up to the fly bridge from inside now with the double walk around you have to put that in otherwise how would you get up here unless you came up from the cockpit from the ladder so that's a pretty cool feature we have the bimini this was done down i believe in columbia by douglas it's a fiberglass top with stainless steel structure and he also added an extension back in the aft end of the boat deck so this is a very custom boat they all are and this one has some special features let's go see what the view looks like forward so a feature that i really think is necessary but it's not always on board a boat is being able to see the windlass and the anchor from the flybridge it's probably best to do your anchoring from the actual four deck but you have the ability to watch it or start it from up here is good some boats the fly bridge is so far back that you can't see that this type of fly bridge where we're sort of halfway back on the pilot house unlike say the north i'm 55 where that's stacked right up on top of the pilot house or the nordoff 47 this type where you're just a little bit after the pilot house i call it chariot styles kind of a roman chariot hyphen style which kind of reminds me of one of my favorite authors wilbur smith back in those egypt days where they drove around the chariots they learned how to use horses that's a really good series of books wilbur smith looked that one up we are equipped with the mexican courtesy flag we have that up we will change that to a yellow quarantine flag likely that's what we should do we should arrive with the quarantine flag clear in for customs and then on the starboard side hoist the mexican courtesy flag all that's done what his procedure is he's been down here a lot more often than i am and they might be a little more lacks ensenada is a very popular place to stop by for u.s voters the rules apply but they seem to be a little more relaxed we are going to the hotel corral my good friend tito espinoza is the manager down there so this is going to be fun beautiful day really calm for all those people who wanted to watch rough weather in the other video i know you want to see it but this is really this is a lot easier you want a good boring trip we had to get up pretty early we're going to arrive early we'll still have the afternoon probably just in time for a siesta and then go into town get something to eat love mexican food this should be fun so again thanks for joining me on this come in and check our trip log so we're 49 miles into this it's about 10 15. don is getting out the guidebook looking at the marina layout and where we will be what was our slip assignment b bravo b22 okay so there's the break water out there then you get in do we need to go to a courtesy dock first to clear in or we just go to b22 first oh i got a call yeah on vhf which book is that that you're looking at oh okay pat rain's book pat rains is phenomenal pat and john rains excellent in addition to paper charts you should have the guidebooks on board and come over here so here is ensenada let's see if i can get there's ensenada we're going to just follow this course we're not that far away just make a little turn in there we've had a fair amount of vhf traffic today and once we crossed the border we started getting some vhf broadcasts in spanish which was kind of fun there is a warship off of san diego trying to get in touch with various vessels in the vicinity they're doing a live fire practice drill so that would be a good area to stay clear of you have to monitor channel 16 when you're offshore we're on 16 and 13 so we can go back and forth and it's kind of fun if you hear something and they asked to switch from 16 to another channel with the secondary vhf you can switch over and hear what they're talking about so don i have a question for you um the mexican courtesy flag is flying right now do we take that down and put up a yellow q flag yeah that's the right protocol but mexico doesn't push that it's a little bit more casual okay but that is the proper casual about it yeah they don't really get excited about that all right well don's been down here a number of times across the pacific with paulie they had a northaven 46 prior to this is a pretty cool feature that was built into the boat little flag locker so they have a nordham flag seven seas cruising association diver down there's the yellow quarantine flag courtesy flags united states canada mexico i don't know looks like bahamas and brazil and all kinds of stuff but there's some stabilized binoculars good gear to have they have an air horn ready to go they have the screen wipes and the egg timer earlier today don did a pump out of our black water tank under legal water so he put that on as a reminder a little bit older brand but the idea of having a hands-free being able to talk with your crewmate without yelling is huge eartek and cena scna are kind of the more common brands right now i prefer to get a headset that has one ear covered and one ear open so that when you get to the dock and you're talking to somebody on the dock it might be helping with lines you can hear them and you can also stay in conversation with the other person who you're who's driving the boat yes and as don pointed out rightly so they are called marriage savers and i'll let you figure out why he already figured it out all right good so [Music] [Music] coast guard keeps talking all over us but we're having a fun day this has been great thanks again for breakfast your homemade quiche was fabulous all right and lucy the cat's still around having fun yeah she's down there laying with her dad all right yeah cat napping cat napping yeah okay okay i think i'm gonna need a catnap later on well you know what all this stuff does don't you yeah well not really yeah you do after all this time you do she does too all right well we saw some corpus let's go look at that [Music] so [Music] okay we've made our final turn heading into ensenada vendors are on standby and ready dock lines are ready john's called on the radio make sure that we're ready for us about 12 30 so we're eight hours into this hit the dock in 10 or 15 minutes this has been a lot of fun getting the boat down here it's really easy when you have a couple who are very experienced don and polly had their nordoff 46 now the nordoff 57 they've had it for a couple years got it all dialed in they've got their routines my job has been to try to capture some of this and stay out of their way it's always something you want to do is to help but they've got their system and i think if you interrupt a system or they have a plan you can actually make it worse so the lines are ready the fenders will be ready the headsets will be coming on soon doors are open and we're coming in way over by the port the big shipping cranes there is a huge mexican flag barely moving you can see a cruise ship over there too it's pretty far away not that easy to see and then coming into hotel corral there are some break waters there's a lot of surge in this rain can make it easy uh make it tricky when you're staying there particularly when the winter months come in and you have more severe weather a lot of people actually attach chains around the cleats and then tie their lines off to a thimble on the chain or a shackle so that the shaping is on the chain in the cleat as opposed to their lines many people had to replace dock lines store stormhaven has been a beautiful boat to ride on donald colley really taking great care of her all new electronics keeping everything fresh there's always another project to do when you own a boat and they are proactive with that they don't wait for something to break they keep track of how long things should last anticipate before things expire what needs to be attended to next and that is a really good approach that really makes sure that the boat is ready they have the tools the spare parts all of our weight coming in [Music] fenders on both sides lines ready don has studied the map the marina map so he knows where we're going to be going i'm not sure if we're going port side to her starboard side too one of the advantages of stormhaven is that she does have the walking side decks on both sides so we're easily set up to tie port side two starboard types starboard side two or both the windlass is ready if we did need to stop but hopefully that won't be necessary we are flying our mexican courtesy flag we decided to do that instead of the q flag try not to block the view but give you another angle of the boat just purring right in like bootsy their cat purring right in lucy was staying in the sun getting a little sunshine but we're getting here just about in time for a reasonable lunch and a well-deserved siesta john and polly are talking about what they're doing back in the pilot house some people do like to run the boat up to a high rpm in the last hour or so just to kind of burn out some of the extra sit we didn't do that today but that is another good idea good practice out there starting to see now the entrance to corral where that fishing bud is channel markers upon the breakwater people out here skiing or wakeboarding or towing each other i'm not sure what the water temperature is it looks pretty inviting i wouldn't mind going for a jump in the bay jump in the pacific all right slowing down for our turn engine will be fired up thrusters tested that wing engine at about 2000 rpm i believe earlier as we departed you know at some point we can turn off the radar because we can see where we are we don't need that don will be hand steering molly don wants you to go a headset here's yours oh thank you it's got a little safety lease there so somehow it drops it doesn't drop all the way yeah have you been in this one before yeah twenty some odd years ago they all both okay all right to the left that says c and to the right it says b so you're in the right between b and c yeah i see some duck guys there yeah there was there's down and waiting for you molly huh [Music] next to us [Music] using the thrusters okay 72.3 just before 1pm so we're tied up very nice support from the crew here at hotel corral and we have our shore power attached it's a glendinning retriever dispenser out on the starboard transom and the shore power post is up forward so we had to let out some of that conditioning and then attach them perfectly so we've then after the connection we told them to put the power on at the dock and we double checked that we had power coming in made it yeah we're here if i can i got our copies of our passport already turned into they went with the all right i think if you go over the originals you're not going to be missing anything if you if you go up there with the originals then i'm not going to ask for them i mean you'll have it you want to go get it should i go get mine are you going up don you gonna go up there pretty soon right in there um overall yeah thank you for making it this far into the video it was a lot of fun doing this short trip it was really kind of a deluxe slip transfer going from one marina to another just happened to involve crossing a border and arriving in a different country so paula you keep a trip log the daily trip log and what are some of the important details do you keep track of just basic stuff like the date the departure time the fuel used and the beginning fuel before we started etc uh who was on board the engine hours weather conditions weather conditions correct so we left at 4 30 in the morning we arrived here at 12 40 in the afternoon um good so this this uh trip summary is a sheet that i gave to don and paulie the generic one they were able to modify that if you'd like to get a copy for your own boat you can send an email to me just put trip summary in the subject line and send that to jeff don you have some more specific numbers for us on the trip what did you come up with yeah it was uh we burned 52 gallons of fuel on the way down uh we had 72 nautical miles we traveled and our average speed was 9 knots that was good speed and we every 1.38 nautical miles per gallon yeah pretty much that's a 1450 rpms yeah so 1450 was nice it was the smooth ride we were very lucky with the very flat sea conditions a little bit of swell but we're just kind of rolling through it no wind there was really no wind we were creating the apparent wind ourself so that was a real fun day i mean the tough part was waking up early but uh we got here uh the guys at carl marino were fantastic they grabbed our dock lines we got the shore power plugged in we got cleaned up had some friends over for cocktails and we all got a pretty good night's sleep so donna polly thanks for having me join you and i hope to come back again soon maybe i'll bring pam next time sorry fam we can't wait for you to come back okay loved it well thanks for watching everybody we'll talk to you later hey great to be underway again out on the water love it out here thank you very much for watching the video we have a couple of things you can do one thing is you can click the bell to get a reminder when we post the next video we love it when you give us those thumbs up and then you can subscribe by clicking the button below once you've seen a couple videos you might also want to check out some of the other ones so you can click on one of these videos on the side thanks we hope to have you come back here soon and we'll be putting up more content shortly
Channel: JMYS - Trawler Specialists
Views: 203,886
Rating: 4.8963284 out of 5
Keywords: Nordhavn 57, Nordhavn Yachts, Nordhavn Trawlers, Nordhavn Yachts for Sale, Nordhavn Trawlers for Sale, Trawlers, explorer, expedition, yacht, trawler yacht, offshore, blue water, motor boat, motor boat and yachting, marine, lifestyle, marina, boat, boating, yachting, long range, ocean, ocean crossing, yacht life, luxury, sea, cruising, wanderlust, explore, for sale, offered by, jmys, yachts for sale, trawler for sale, Nordhavn, motoryacht, power & motoryacht, passagemaker, international, slip
Id: eAyWNTlYkWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 35sec (4535 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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