James A. McMenis | Purpose | Part 2

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so we read before the prayer in second Timothy chapter 1 I want to look at this again in verse number 9 as we continue in the topic of purpose so if you're writing notes or you're taking notes just at the heading put purpose purpose because that's what we're dealing with here is purpose I just felt led of the Lord to get into a study of purpose not just because of the the date on the calendar or a new year or anything like that I think this is a message that we all need in every season of life old young and in every facet of life we need to understand something purpose our purpose one of my favorite sayings is that anytime you do not understand something's purpose abuse is inevitable and there are many that don't know their purpose and I am of the belief and the conviction that it's hard to discover identity your identity when you don't know your purpose and so to every person old and young this is such an important topic in God's Word purpose or why did you make me who did you create me to be what is my purpose in this season of my life and one of the examples that we looked at last week was Elijah and I just want to and stay right there in 2nd Timothy 1 but I just want to bring Elijah back up real quick because he was the first person that we studied in light of this topic but last week if you weren't here we looked at Elijah in first Kings chapter 19 Elijah is this prophet the hand of God is on him he had this big moment where he called fire down from heaven none of us can put that on our resume I mean that's a pretty big moment when you're calling fire down from heaven you would think that his life was set and established and that he knew his identity and that he knew his purpose as a prophet of God but yet within 24 hours of this amazing moment he's so depressed that he's sitting under a tree and we read in first Kings chapter 19 where he prays to God that God would take his life that God would take his life he doesn't want to live now I don't about his you know lifting their hand or saying hey that's been me in the last week but it is a reality that there are so many people it's an epidemic in this day of individuals that are so dissatisfied with their life that they contemplate many follow-through with taking their own lives because they don't know their identity or just don't see that they are relevant or serve a purpose and here's this man of God this prophet of God Elijah in 1st Kings 19 that's had a an amazing moment but within 24 hours because of a threat that was on his life he finds himself depressed not seeing his purpose feeling completely isolated to the point that he prays and he says Lord just take my life well God met with him and he walks into this cave and he's in isolation and the Lord showed up and he showed him all these big things he saw an earthquake he saw a fire he saw wind that broke mountains and pieces and God asked him after all of these main and big events he said hey did you sense me did you hear me in any of that and in all of those big events he never saw God he did not hear God and then the Lord speaks to Elijah in a still small voice God speaks to Elijah in a still small voice and he hears from Elijah I mean Elijah hears from God and so God is showing him I don't need something big to communicate to you I can communicate you in a still small voice and I think that's so important for this generation where we're caught up in popularity and followers on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and what's the next big thing and am i a part of the next big thing Elijah had just had a very big thing but it didn't change the fact that within 24 hours he was so depressed that he didn't want to live and there are many people that think that they can just have this big thing maybe if I were more popular maybe if I had more money maybe if I had more prestige I wouldn't be so down on my life and I'm here to tell you that's just not true just not true and Elijah becomes this model to that in first Kings 19 so God comes to Elijah and he speaks to him and he says Elijah here's what I want you to do he said I want you to get out of this cave and I want you to go anoint the next king of Syria I want you to go and anoint the next king of Israel and I want you to anoint a man by the name of Eli sha now if you're a Bible scholar or a Bible student or you grew up in church and all you know in the Old Testament back to back there these two prophets one named Elijah and one named Elijah if you have ever heard of Elijah and Elijah shudders lift your hands so I know who I'm talking to I so most of you got your hand up if you don't that's okay that's okay all right I have been a student of the Word of God all of my adult life so that's better than five years now and that just means I'm really immature or something but I still get confused on the working of a miracle was that Elijah that did that or was that a lie sha that did that I still find myself wondering which one did what because they worked almost the identical pattern of miracles but what God does tell lies and I'm I'm bringing this back up for reason to stay with me is that he's got to get Elijah Elijah see there Elijah he's got to again Elijah's mind off himself he's got to show Elijah a bigger picture and so what he does is he says hey I want you to to anoint Elisha with an S I want you to anoint him in your room I want him to become your understudy I want him to be mentored by you I want him to be your successor I want you to begin to develop an understudy prophet by the name of Elijah so Elijah goes out and he does that very thing he anoints the next king of syria he anoints the next king of israel and then he anoints this prophet that would succeed him named Elisha and guess what Elisha found purpose listen any time the enemy can convince us to get isolated when you're alone and you're in your room and you're by yourself are you driving down the road and you just feel like nobody's there nobody really years I'm not really serving a purpose the enemy can really work his con on an individual that's in isolation if you really want to discover your purpose you have to connect with people you have to get connected to the right people because my purpose will always go beyond me your purpose will always go beyond you anytime we get like Elijah in our caves and we're only seeing ourselves we miss that we are a purpose that God wants to use in somebody else's life that we're all interconnected in that there is a purpose that I have in your life and there's a purpose that you might have in my life but if I live in isolation unlike the tool that can't be found that's needed but it's not present now if you have your Bibles turn with me well don't turn in I need to go back to this verse in verse 9 2nd Timothy 1 verse number 9 so 2nd Timothy 1:9 says that Jesus saved us but he didn't just save us he called us there's a call on my life there's a call on your life it's a holy calling it's it's it's it's from on high it's God that's calling and this call is not according to our works it's not who we make ourselves to be it's it's it's based on who he has made us to be my call is based on who he made me to be that's so important and we'll say it again my call is based on who he made me to be purpose is revealed by a design you can look at any tools design and you can begin to figure out its purpose purpose by design say that out loud purpose by design so God designed us all uniquely and His Word says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and so my purpose in life begins with how was I designed how did my father creator make to be out of all the genes that were twirling around why did these specific genes create me why am I wired the way I am I am a purpose with the name I was designed to fulfill a purpose in a world that doesn't believe in a creator I can be I can understand why there's the absence of purpose because if there's no creator then there's no intent and if there is no intent then there is no purpose we're all just here doing life with no real meaning and that's why there's an epidemic of depression and suicide and so many people are not able to find their identity and many taking it to the point of trying to become something they can never become because they do not know their purpose so the word says here that God has saved us and he's given us a call and this call is not based on our works but according to if you're in verse 9 you see it right in the middle but according to what his own purpose my call in life is based on his own purpose God what did you make me to be I want you to put this verse down in your notes it's proverbs 19:21 proverbs 19:21 proverbs 19:21 says this in the amplified bible it says many plans are in a man's mind many plans are in a man's mind just say that part out loud many plans are in a man's mind how many of you have had a lot of plans that you didn't follow through all right when I was a teenager even younger my dad was in construction so he was always coming home with blueprints and he would lay those blueprints out and I would be fascinated by all these blueprints and buildings that he would build and I just I was infatuated so as a kid I thought I was going to be an architect I love the idea of drawing these blueprints and designing these buildings but then I had a cousin that was in the military whose name also was James and he was in the Air Force and he was just like when I was in awe of and I wanted to and be like him and he was an attorney in the Air Force so I was torn between am I gonna be an attorney or am I going to be an architect am I gonna go to school to being an attorney or am I gonna go to school to be an architect and so then right out of high school I get saved and I didn't know what was going on but I just knew I could not see myself doing anything other than teaching the Word of God I had not grown up in church this was new to me and all I could think was wait a minute I had a plan of being an attorney I had a plan of being an architect but now I can't see myself doing anything other than preaching and so now what do I do many many plans many plans we have many thoughts about our lives proverbs 19 says but let me finish the verse verse 21 proverbs 19 says many plans are in a man's mind but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand many plans are in my mind but it is the Lord's purpose that will stand and God is so good that he used this 17 year old boy that was torn between being an architecture and an attorney he calls him to preach and now I get to do all three I've designed buildings that we've built we've got amazing expansion getting ready to happen I'm an attorney for the Lord I'm constantly pleading his case as the counsel of God and saying hey this is the verdict this is the word and I get to do all that while I'm doing ministry glory to God see you never know if those plans that you never follow through if maybe if they become just a part of something bigger that's going to happen in your lives I love proverbs 19:21 there are many plans in a man's mind but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand let that be our prayer today Lord there may be many plans in my mind but let your purpose for me stand amen let's say that out loud there are many plans well say it after me there are many plans in my mind but may the Lord's purpose be what stands what had happened what would happen we pray that every day what I've got so many thoughts I've got so many plans but what is your purpose what was your master plan for me hallelujah now where did I tell you to turn first rent in Chapter 12 maybe I didn't oh I told you to wait right here I did okay now go to first Corinthians chapter 12 of course Bossier is already turning there because they were in the spirit and they knew exactly where I was going first Corinthians chapter number 12 so let me take him back to Elijah real quick so Elijah is depressed granted his life's been threatened by Jezebel but he's depressed because he's isolated he's let her threat drive him into isolation and God immediately directs Elijah's attention to those around him that logic I'm not done with you yet there's a purpose I have for you but this purpose goes beyond you this purpose involves others and so Elijah would bring in Elijah as a student and he would anoint him and his mantle and his anointing would literally pass on to this man named Elijah I am convinced that we're never going to tap our purpose until we get connected with others because our purpose goes beyond us everything that God created serves something else we're all interconnected and we see this here in first Corinthians chapter 12 when you get over there just say Amen see nothing exists of itself everything serves a greater purpose everything is actually related to something else and I am convinced today that the world needs the purpose that's in you that the creator forms you and made you a certain way and he knew what he intended as your purpose when he designs you the way he designs you hallelujah God knew what he was up to he knew what was in my mama and he knew what was in my daddy and he knew what parts of both he would put in me he knew what was in my family tree and what needed to be deposited me to make me than me that he made to be glory to God don't ask me to say that again because I can't repeat it just like I just said it all right your purpose cannot be fulfilled in isolation it involves somebody else that's what God was saying to Elijah let's look at this example in first Corinthians chapter 12 when you get there just say Amen you know not only do other people need who I am to be to fulfill their purpose but I need who God made you to be to fulfill my own purpose isn't it something that I might need you to finish my purpose and you might need me to finish yours that we're all interconnected and so when you live in this isolated mindset where you say I don't need anybody you miss something there may there may be something or someone that God's gonna bring into your life that's gonna make sense of it all and maybe your your going into someone else's life it's gonna fulfill your own purpose I want you just get this mental picture right quick imagine this little girl sitting at the cafeteria table at school and no one's invited her to sit with her and so she feels alone and isolated and the thoughts of why am I in the school why do I exist why do I look the way I look why am I this way no one likes me I'm not accepted I don't have any friends my dad works all the time I mean can you just imagine the anxiety that so many children face when they feel like they're not connected or they're not accepted because acceptance is a need that we all have and in that moment of isolation where she is depressed and hates her school and may even begin to hate her life and what I'm preaching may be an example but it's a reality and so many people but what what would happen if if for a moment if the if the little girl got a revelation and said wait a minute is there anybody else in this room that's alone what would happen if there was another little girl in the same room setting by a table by herself and that girl got up and went over and said is anybody sitting here no no one's sitting here and she sat down at that table and a friendship was merged then all of a sudden the little girl says thank you so much for coming over here I didn't think anybody liked me well you know what I didn't think anybody likes me either that's why I came over here and she gets so excited over this new friend that she goes home from school mama says how was your first day mama it was great I met this girl named Suzy you wouldn't believe what happened purpose is discovered when we connect with other people what's this in first Corinthians chapter 12 if you're there just say Amen we'll look at it it's starting in verse 14 for the body is not one member but many read that with me out loud for the body is not one member but many he's referring here to the human body and he's using the human body as an example to illustrate the body of Christ or the church the body of Christ abroad the body of Christ that goes beyond a local assembly that's that that's Jesus's church worldwide the body of Christ just a few weeks ago Bibles that had been printed 23000 wasn't passed around 23,000 Bibles were distributed in Ethiopia was it - how many weeks ago was it three weeks ago 23,000 Bibles show up in Ethiopia so which really gave them a surge of Bible distribution to a group of people in Ethiopia I think six million in number that have not had a Bible printed in their native tongue in 1500 years so you have pastors and monks and ministers that do not have a copy of the Word of God and that are preaching off of memory of information been passed down passed down and passed down and yet even off of memory 86% of Ethiopian professes Christ but they don't have the Word of God imagine what they could do with the Word of God and so a church in Shreveport Louisiana last year raised over $100,000 to print these Bibles that went into distribution all the way in Ethiopia what I'm trying to say is is that the body of Christ it's not one member but it is many but when every part of the whole body of Christ is doing what it is called to do it brings health to the entire body we've got to recognize that my purpose goes beyond me it goes beyond my wife and my four kids it goes beyond the house I live in and the cars I Drive it goes beyond the trips I make in the life I live there is a purpose that God has for me that will that will change the world that will change others around me I am a purpose with a name it's the body of Christ could only figure it out that you know what I may not be the foot I may be the hand but my purpose is important as the foot or the hand I may not be the ear I may be the nose but I can't smell when somebody says do you smell that if I if they say if there's not an ear to hear it and a mind to tell the nose the smell I'll fix it up for 11:30 to make it a little bit all right so watch what he says here for the body is not one member but many now watch verse 15 if the foot shall say because I am NOT the hand I am NOT of the body see that's what's wrong with so many today is that we get on social media and we look at what other people are and we say I want to be what they are but God didn't make you to be who they are God made you to be you and until you figure out to you that he made you to be you'll never be fulfilled you cannot be anything you want to be that is a lie in this generation it sounds popular it sounds good they're my team it television commercial our school curriculum that says it you can be anything you want to be that is a lie I cannot be seven foot tall our basketball coach from Isle Swift is 610 I cannot be Stroh mousewheel I could study his dunks I could study his NBA career I could become best friends with him and hang out with him night and day but there is no way James a Mack Menace is ever going to become scroll Mouse with purpose by design we were walking and chick-fil-a a few months ago he and I my my boys were walking and chick-fil-a and his ladies walking out as Coach Stroh is walking in he's 610 and she walked in and she looked up at him and she said my god you're tall and then she said these words I had to laugh my head off she said you ought to do something with your life she said those do they my god you're tall this is amazing you ought to do something with your life all I II did do something with his life purpose by design say that out loud purpose by design god made you a certain way he designed you a certain way and their purpose is that you have that only you can fulfill and you can't be anything you want to be you can only be what God made you to be God what did you make me to be who did you make me to be what did you make me to be because I can chase after all these things that I could never be and ultimately never fulfill my purpose because I chased something that was not reality are y'all with me here so here he's using the example of the human body and he says look if the foot says because I'm not I'm not the hand I'm not of the body doesn't mean that it's not of the body we each serve a unique purpose all right so so watch what he says here in verse 15 if the foot shall say because I'm not the hand I'm not the body is it therefore not of the body and if the ear shall say because I'm not the eye I am NOT of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body were an eye where were they hearing so somebody could say come see this but you're never gonna see that because you didn't hear right if the whole we're hearing where were the smelling but now hath God set the members every one of them in the body read the last part as it hath pleased him as it hath pleased him God why have you put me where you've put me why was I born in this generation why do I exist why am I here what is my purpose you can ask friends you can ask Google you can ask Siri but only only God has the answer Oh while we exist because he's the creator and the creator knows his intention now go with me to Ephesians chapter number two Ephesians chapter number two every product is a manifestation of purpose every product is produced with intention for a purpose I don't believe an individual can find satisfaction or fulfillment until they discover their purpose because until I discover my purpose my life has no meaning but only the Creator knows his intention my purpose is revealed in my design now I want to show you something here any thieves in chapter 2 and we'll look at it in verse number 20 when you get there to say Amen we'll make a couple of statements real quick before you read this purpose is what produces design purpose produces design my wife years ago when James was young our oldest they came home from one day and he had a Golden Retriever puppy oh you know when you get it you get a dog that's like a child and so here come a little baby I mean you know everything's cute when it's little I think God does that to preserve life because I mean that thing to me the ugliest thing ever grown up but it's cute as a baby and they come home this little puppy and my son want to build a doghouse so we go out we build a doghouse and I didn't build the doghouse to fit the puppy we built the doghouse to fit its potential so we built a big doghouse and when the puppy went in he could run around and house but knowing how big or go to retriever gets we built it based on its potential some will make two statements purpose produces design purpose produces design so you look at the dollhouse and why did you build it purpose produces design so it's designed for a doll purpose produces design but watch this design produces potential what are you talking about if we built the house big enough for the puppy and just big enough for the puppy not factoring and that puppy is growing and so when you look at design design is based on potential so you might see the little puppy going in the big doghouse and you say man why did you big that build that big old doghouse because I know it's potential if this puppy stays healthy in this puppy lives this puppy's gonna grow them to a full fledged or when it's gonna need a house this size so the design is based on the potential the new edition 565 thousand square feet edition that we're getting ready to to put on this campus the design is based on potential it's not necessary based on where we are it's based on where we're going the classrooms will accommodate 1500 students 1500 students the design is based on the potential when God designs you he not only had a purpose in mind he had your potential in mind he knows what your potential is and that design is based on potential if every one of us would judge our lives not by what somebody else is doing but by rather what is my potential what could God do in me what will God do in me because your design has as much to do with your potential as it does anything I can only achieve what I have the potential to achieve so God put in me put in me everything I would need even as a little boy he began to put everything in me that I would need to be a man to be able to be a husband to be a father the potentials been there even before I got married but the way I was designed by my Creator I never had the potential to be a mama use the pencil why would you say such thing because this generation needs to understand that purpose is revealed by design what do I have the potential to be what did God make me to be what is my potential where could I go based on my design see a fish is designed for the water but not to fly and a bird is designed to fly not to swim and so even mean when he built the plane he takes the model of a bird and a man when he takes when he wants to build a submarine or a boat he takes the model of a fish I wouldn't take the model of a fish if I was gonna build a plane say that loud purpose by design city purpose by design my purpose is revealed in the way God designed me but you need to make anything that doesn't have purpose your existence is evidence of your purpose tell your neighbor that your existence is evidence of your purpose now allows you in isolation I'm going back to our first example elijah elijah in that cave in isolation his purpose is not gonna be fulfilled think about it like this and I know you're going to Ephesians 2 where you hear the signals if I went into your garage or your workshop it is likely that I'm going to see common tools displayed in other words you might have some hooks where your shovels and rakes and brooms or your weed eater hangs or extension cords or leaf blower you might have a pegboard in your workshop where your hammer and your level and your pliers and your crescent wrench and other tools are hanging there visible in case you have a need you want to be able to get hands-on real quick you wouldn't put your hammer and in a gun safe right the body of Christ you and I as members of the body of Christ if we're going to be used we got to get where we needed I've got to get around people I've got to put myself in a position if you want to serve but you don't know where to serve start with just signing up say hey put me on the serv team put me somewhere maybe I'll discover my purpose when you put me in children's ministry oh I can determine that is not where I belong but at least I got to get in the place to see whether or not I'm a tool that can be used here and if I'm a tool that can be used here I'll find purpose you can't stay in isolation and think that you're gonna find fulfillment or find purpose you've got to be a tool that's ready to be used now watch this in Ephesians chapter number 2 let me pause for a minute you don't get anything out of this because I believe the world needs what you have I believe the world needs what you have there might be something in you that's lying dormant there may be something in you that you don't even know exists but God is gonna use something he's been putting in your life and developing in you you may be like what happened me yesterday and gods always talking to me I stopped my wife a few weeks ago built what I call the goat maternity ward because we got some pregnant mini goats and she wanted to have this little house a little barn that she could put the goats in and she don't put the ghosts in there and got a little heat lamp when he gets cold she put a Wi-Fi camera up in there she can watch the goats on her phone we got one about a half birth I'm like just don't show me when this happens because if I see that goal with having a baby you're gonna hear me say baa and getting up out of there Marilyn see nobody and so I was putting up all the tools because we had put the head the tools all out and I'm putting everything back where it belongs and I came across a pair of pliers I don't know where they had been with a dog he got him a wood but they've gotten all rusted up in the rain I know what these pliers are for they're good fence pliers but they're rusted up and they wouldn't even move so I went over and grabbed a can of wd-40 you can put w4t on everything elbow hurting man just spray it down there people are yeah now I'm just kidding oh dude okay I don't need I don't need that lawsuit no no do it I grab some nobody 40min I sprayed the pliers down and I went to working my spray down a little bit more than what they're working on sprayed it down a little bit more man on before long them things were right back at with man fact they were better than new and I thought about this message I said how many pliers are coming into the church tomorrow they've got a purpose the Creator knows why he made them but maybe they've gotten rusty maybe they've been out of the word maybe they've been out of the will of God maybe he's got a little rusty but all they need is the anointing of the Holy Spirit to bring them back to life so that they can be used again listen it doesn't matter how long you've been lying dormant it doesn't matter how rusted you may have gotten when the Holy Spirit moves on you he will lubricate you and anoint you and empower you to do in you what he always intended Romans 11 19 says the gifts and calling of God are without repentance the gifts and calling of God are without repentance what does that mean that means God's not going to change his mind about why he made you and I said Romans 11 19 that's Romans 11:29 the gifts and callings of God are without repentance now watch this in Ephesians 2 and when you get there to see him in you've been there right alright watch verse 10 for we are his workmanship for we are his workmanship read that part out loud for we are his workmanship so I have to go to the creator well what did what did you create me to be why have you equipped me for this what have you equipped me for what do you want to do in my life I know if I brought pastor Brian our our missions pastor up here he would just speak to this till the sunset of what he has seen in traveling all over this world and I've been on many mission trips with him from Guatemala to to Ethiopia to Tanzania and there's something I've seen that's common whether it's here local or abroad the happiest people I've ever met are those that are serving others best Brown you remember the lady and Guatemala at the little village that had the little Hut and she was sweeping out her little hug with a homemade broom and everybody just spoke of how joyful she was didn't have anything had a little stove and her looked in the hut they didn't until we put in some new stoves she the fire burned inside her hut she smelled the smoke and breathed it in her little Hut if you and I lived in that one night we would we would think we were being tormented like a prison camp and that was her life but she was the happiest person and her teeth were not perfect but but she smiled and she had a joy that would make you envious why because she served her village she served others she was a believer and she was constantly pouring into others and praying for others and then serving others she found fulfillment there's a fulfillment that we can walk in mentally physically spiritually a fulfillment that health can buy money can't buy fingers can buy places can't buy there's a fulfillment oh wow the Lord used me to do what he wanted to do there is something about knowing that I've been used to the Lord to do what he called me to do there's something about that that is it that cannot be compared to any other feeling it's rewarding to know Lord you used me and I need you to know today that he's ready to use you you are his workmanship and your existence is evidence that he has a plan and a purpose for you watch verse 10 he says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus the good works which God has before ordained before Dame that we should walk in there there's one other verse I want you to put in your notes I don't have time to turn there but I'm gonna give it to you it's Psalms 138 verse 8 Psalms 138 verse 8 and I'm gonna close write for this but only give you this verse verse 8 the first part of Psalm 138 says the Lord will perfect that which concerns me the Lord will perfect that which concerns me that's like my go-to scripture for everything the Lord will perfect what concerns me kids that can crazy the Lord will perfect what concerns me spouse that greater now she'll never catch me I'm acting crazy the Lord will perfect what concerns me my money is acting funny the Lord will perfect it's like the go-to verse Psalm 138 if you don't know it already claim it the Lord will perfect that which concerns me but the latter part of that verse is what I want to highlight it says thy mercy O Lord endures forever listen to this forsake not the works of thine own hands forsake not the works of thine own hands let that be our prayer today Lord you made me you know me your word says you've numbered the hairs on my head that you know my Uprising in my down sitting you knew me before my mama knew my daddy you know the thoughts you have for me Lord don't forsake the works of your own hands and I want you to know that God's plan for your life is long-suffering and he is patient and even when we don't have it together he still knows why he made us you maybe a pair of pliers that are rusted but he knows how to lubricate you and anoint you and to give you back in it where you can function no matter what might be going through on in your life God's Word is saying I won't forsake my own work and you are his workmanship let me pray for you this morning father we thank you today for your word and that every one of us Lord our purpose with the name so I pray today father that when we leave this place this morning that this word and this thought will go with us father that that we will seek to know your purpose for our lives why were we born why are we here what have you called us to do who have you called us to be Father I pray for this body of believers and those gathered in our bozer campus and those at the River of Life others watching this live feed father today may we begin the process of discovering our identity by fulfilling our purpose every hit about all eyes closed church your purpose no matter what it may look like my word of counsel to you today especially young people get your eyes off what other people are doing don't let today's culture twist you into trying to be something you can't be who did your father in heaven make you to be you're fearfully and you're wonderfully made and the world needs who you are and there's a purpose that God has for you no matter what the world may be saying or what you may be feeling your existence is evidence of his purpose fee pray with me this morning those in our Bolger campus would you pray this prayer with me Heavenly Father I believe you are the creator of heaven and earth that all life came from you and begins with you I believe you love me and that you sent your son Jesus to die for my sins that I could be forgiven that I could be redeemed that I could have a relationship with you so don't let me leave here today with a religion but let me leave here today with a relationship a relationship with you my father and I acknowledge that you know me that you have a plan for my life that there's a purpose for my existence and I ask that you would give me the wisdom give me the strength to know your will and the power to carry it out that my life would fulfill its purpose and in so doing your kingdom would be advanced and above all you would be glorified in my life in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: WOGM
Views: 2,404
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Id: lTBDLCYmii8
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Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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