James A. McMenis | The Beginning of Sorrows | Part 2

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so Paul is writing to Timothy here and he's given Timothy a charge he's given Timothy a commission Timothy would be Paul's successor he is the guy that's going to step in and continue on the ministry behind Paul Paul later tells us in this same chapter in verse 7 that he had fought a good fight had finished his course and that he had kept the faith so he's charging Timothy his successor and I love what he says I mean he's making the main thing the main thing because the first words out of his mouth when he's charging his successor is preach the word preach the word I love that statement preach the word he said be instant in season and out of season and as I said before the prayer that doesn't mean that he would keep a sermon in his back pocket always be ready to deliver a message that's what I was told this word meant when I surrendered to preach early and in ministry but no it's it's bigger than that he's saying be ready to minister the word in any and every season no matter what might be going on in the world or in a particular season I believe that for any person to walk in success for any person to be successful they have to be able to adapt to the seasons that they're in the Bible is filled with men and women of God who had wisdom and strength to adapt to the season that they're in but so many don't have that ability to discern the season that they are in and to adapt to that season in cleese yes T's chapter 9 verse 13 teaches us that a wise man discerns season a wise man knows what season he's in and there's so many believers that get discouraged and complacent and anxious might be the better word about the season that they're in and they don't know how to adapt if there's anybody that I know that knows how to adapt to the season they're in it's my wife I am a constant all of her ability to adapt to whatever the season is and we've lived a life and and been married for 20 years now and I can tell you I have witnessed her ability to adapt to whatever life was giving her and in in if for you and I to be successful as men and women as believers as the body of Christ as the church we must be able to adapt to whatever the season is whatever the climate is in the world and so when he says here in verse 2 preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine for the time will come he's talking about a time frame he's talking about an age for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine the time will come when folk won't want to hear the truth the time will come when people will not have an ear to hear the truth that age will come where the word of God in its purest form is not popular and therefore people reject it and stop making the main thing the main thing which is the Word of God he says the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their all lust after their own appetite after their own agenda and so many people today can't see anything past themselves they've made themselves the center of their own world I was telling the brother just yesterday and even my son today that Satan when he was cast out of heaven when you read of his fall through the prophet Isaiah before God put him out of heaven he made the statement that included 5 I wills Satan's agenda is always self and if we're not careful we buy into his lies because that is the lie that he sold Eve in the garden you can be your own God you can set your own destiny it's all about you and I know that's popular today in this climate and then this age the age of social media and self-promotion but when you study the Gospels Jesus teaches us the exact opposite that a million that is willing to die will live a man that is willing to lay down his life will find life but they that run after their life lose their life so here we are as the body of Christ here we are as believers in a world and in an age that makes everything about lust and the appetite and the passions and the desires of the flesh and Paul is telling Timothy don't let that alter the word don't let what's going on in society change the message preach the word in season out of season the time verse three is is referring to the season in verse two for the time will come that they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears but here's what I have found and you have to if you've lived any at any length of time and witnessed people there's something about trial that'll cause the main thing to become the main thing again there's something about adversity that'll leads you back into the thing that first brought you the faith hallelujah you know if your prayer life hadn't been what it ought to be it may be because you hadn't been through nothing but there is something about adversity and trial that will lead us to prayer and lead us to faith because that is the only source that can fuel our faith and starve our fears to death and right now in this age that I'm speaking this word in this climate and in this atmosphere in what's going on in the world we are being plagued with the spirit of fear from every possible angle but the body of Christ has got to rise up in the spirit of faith and be who God has called us to be to preach the word be instant in season when it's easy be instant out of season when it's hard be instant in season when it's popular be instant out of season when it's not popular be instant in season when when folks are gathering by the hundreds and thousands into churches or our places of worship but instant out-of-season when you can't gather when you can't congregate the body of Christ has got to get to the place where no matter what the world may throw at us we steal or who God has called us to be unwavering in our faith a tenacious in our faith is saying you know what I will not be moved be as first Corinthians 15:58 says I will be found always abounding in the work of the Lord for I know that my labor is not in vain when all this stuff begin to hit recently and I saw what was taking place with the recommendations of the CDC and our government and then the proclamation of the governor came out that we weren't able to assemble over 250 and then that number went to 50 and then he went to 10 I got to be real with you this is almost surreal for me but I'm not moved by there is an excitement in my spirit there's an excitement in my heart they says oh my goodness oh my goodness there's always glory that manifests itself after a trial and right now we're seeing a trial that's unprecedented I've never my lifetime seen anything that became a pandemic all the way across the face of the earth and no matter what you might think about it you cannot deny the reality that the whole world is being affected by what we're facing today when I see something like that happened my antenna goes up I'm ready to see not what evil is gonna come out of this I'm ready to see what good is gonna come out of this because the God that I serve and the Jesus that I know always shows up in darkness and his life is the brightest I am looking for God to do something in this season in this day and age that's unprecedented as well hallelujah I was talking the other day with some of my family and friends and we were talking about how bad it seems to have been this year with all the things that have broken out this year things that were unexpected and I said at the end of that I said hey this year is not over with yet God always brings forth his glory after a trial so right now we might be in the trial that's leading us to the glory but sad for many believers they'll never see that glory because they can't endure the trial and the Lord will put us through a trial of faith in our own lives and what I mean by that is he'll take what's going on in the world and he'll take what's going on all around us and say okay now I'm gonna test your faith with what's going on in the world how will you respond to what's going on in the world how will you reply to what's going on in the world just today I was thinking about recent series that I've ministered series like faith in the fire series like praying the word and then I thought about the series the unseen Lord and right when I spoke it to my son about these recent series now God was equipping us with truth I had a second thought that wait a minute the unseen war I don't know if that fits what's going on and then it hit me oh yes it does because in the unseen war we talked about how Satan seeks to have three dominions three holds on three heads in our world number one he seeks to have his control over the economy he seeks control over religion and he seeks control over government or the political head and you look at what's going on with the coronavirus and all of a sudden now the political landscape especially in an election year is being consumed with this virus not only that but the economy has been affected many have lost their jobs and you look at all that's going on in the world today and we can see that the economy our finances are being affected but not just the political world government not just the economy but we are seeing even religion being affected by this virus in that many cannot congregate together all over the nation so this is an unseen war this is not the time for the body of Christ to bellyache this is not the time for the body of Christ to panic this is the time for the body of Christ to be who God has ordained us to be in Isaiah chapter 60 God prophesied that there would be great it's great darkness that would cover the earth but he said in my life will arise upon you and my glory shall be seen in you and when the world is at its darkest moment that's when we need the body of Christ to light it up light it up light it up be the light that Jesus has called you to be if the body of Christ is gonna Billy ache if the body of Christ is gonna tuck it's in and took its tail and that's like we are victims then what will the world look to what hope will the world have if those that name the name of Jesus and knows that those that have been filled with the Spirit of God if those that know the Word of God are in a state of panic and anxiety and fear then what Avenue can we be what pipeline what conduit can we be to the world that needs hope that needs faith that needs life that needs love that has needs that need to be met that we've been called to rise up and minister to and to meet those needs but when we are so consumed with our own sorrow when we're so consumed with our own life and we're so consumed with our own agenda we ignore the opportunity that is all around us what is interesting is is what may look like is out of season in the world is always in season with God hallelujah if it weren't for lack we would have never prayed for sufficiency if it weren't for sickness we wouldn't afraid for healing if it weren't for weakness we would not have prayed for power and so what we're facing right now in this season in this moment of this year is an opportunity for the body of Christ to capitalize and to be who God has called us to be to be that ambassador to be that representative of the kingdom of God and that's what Paul is telling Timothy preach the word you can't just minister when it's easy you can't just minister when it's hard you can't just minister when you got people congregated and applauding you and looking at who can you be in the back who can you be in the booth who can you be in the dark I have much more respect for a person that will preach you know on the street and God will give them a pulpit than the one that says I won't preach unless I get a pulpit I remember the days in my own life when I didn't have a pulpit so I used the phone book McDonald's walking through the mall whoever got in front of me was gonna get some preaching because a preacher don't preach come on somebody hallelujah the body of Christ has got to rise up in season and out of season now you might think in this moment Pastor James you sure are being insensitive to me you don't know of what I'm facing right now I don't want to appear to be insensitive I don't want to appear to be in a position of ignoring that there many of that are hurting right now and and anxious right now because you have concerns about your future but what I am challenging you with is that this word you've been saying amen to this word that you've been writing down in your journal this word that you say you believe what will you do with it now will you walk away from it because times are hard or will you stand on it this is the time for believers to rise up and stand on the Word of God to declare greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world to declare in the authority of the name of Jesus the promise of God over our lives over our family over our finances we say amen to so many things but when we're tested we say oh me quit saying oh me and start saying amen put that in your notes right now I'm gonna stop saying oh me and start saying amen to the promise of God 2nd Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 says all of the promises of God are yay and amen there's none of promise in God's Word that Jesus has not made available to us all his promises are yes and amen we've got to get in this word and accept and believe his report and until we do we're not going to see the arm of the Lord revealed now I got a whole lot more to share so I got to get past this introduction but let me add this Isaiah 53 says aren't asked the question who will believe the report of the Lord and tagged with the question of who will believe the report of the Lord is the statement and who will see the arm of the Lord revealed when you study Isaiah 53 and you see that question in that statement paired together this is what it's saying the arm of the Lord will be revealed to them that believe the report I got to say that again the arm of the Lord will be revealed to them that believe the report so I want you to write that down the arm of the Lord will be revealed to them that believe the report so you've got to make it up in your mind which report you're gonna believe am I gonna believe what is facing me in this world fear which is an acronym that I like to use fear f.e.a.r for false evidence appearing real now you might say false evidence appearing real pastor James you're in denial there's coronavirus is real and there are a lot of things that are real but it doesn't mean it has to have its power over me Psalm 91 declares we can be a spectator and not a participator I remember the days of Woodlawn where I graduated high school here in Shreveport and an old song that went like this hard times spreading just like the flu watch out homeboy don't let it get you I remember that I remember that rent hard times spreaded like the flu watch out homeboy don't let him get you listen just because it's out there doesn't mean it has to get me doesn't mean it has to have power over my life and I want you to stand in faith that the word and the promise of God's Word is true in every season and it doesn't the word of God doesn't change because our conditions changed our position changed or our status changed my life doesn't alter this word but if I was stand on his word his word will alter my life you know when you look at what the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4 there's a popular verse in verse 13 where he said I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength but when you read the previous verse you can put it in better in context because in the previous verse of Philippians 4 he says I know how to abound and I know how to be abased I know how to be full and I know how to suffer need and then he says this in all things I am instructed we need to go look at this get your Bible over to the libman chapter 4 stop what you're doing on this life eating and sitting at the kitchen table put put that hot water cornbread down just for a second and open your Bible up here to Philippians chapter 4 and I want to show you this in verse number 12 verse 13 is the popular verse I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength but but let me let me let me let me show you first verse number 12 in Philippians 4 he says I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound everywhere and in all things glory to God wherever you add just say that out loud everywhere and in all things say that again riah where and in all it doesn't matter what's going on it doesn't matter where I'm at I know how to be a bass and I know how to abound I know how to be the bottom and I know how to beat a top glory to God how does he know what to do in every setting here's the answer he says I know how to abound how to be abased how to abound everywhere and in all things I want you to underline a circle the next three words in your Bibles I am instructed I am instructed if you taking notes write that down I am instructed I am instructed emphasize that highlight that circled that underline it I am instructed see when you don't have the word of God in your life you don't know how to be the base you don't know how to abound you don't know how to go through things because you don't have any instruction and there are many people today that are hurting that need the word of faith that need the word of Hope they need the reality of Jesus in their life and without that reality without that instruction without that hope they don't know how to be on the top or on the bottom they don't know how to go through anything but a believer ought to know what to do 1 because the word gives us instruction he said I am instructed both to be full what to do when I'm fool I'm instructed some of you right now have more than you need you're instructed what do you do you give to him that lacks some of you have the word you have faith you have love you have hope what are you instructed to do give to him that doesn't have see there's an instruction on when I'm on the top Oh what to do and there's an instruction when I'm on the bottom Oh what to do he says I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need and then we get to verse 13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me he's not telling me that oh there's an instruction that you'd be broke there's an instruction that you be on the bottom no he's saying there's an instruction when you are on the bottom there's a word for you he's not saying I'm instructing you to be rich no he's saying there's an instruction for you when you are rich see it's the same message that he told Paul in second Timothy and second Timothy for instant in season when it's good instant out of season when it's bad to many believers today are only instant in season they're not instant out of sees the word instant means ready alert ready ready to go alive set don't go let's do this many believers today sadly aren't instructed when things aren't going their way they're only on fire for Jesus when they have what they want I have witnessed this too many times in ministry and the point that I'm making is is that we are living in an age we are living in a world that is absolutely uncertain that's why Jesus said don't say what you're gonna do tomorrow you don't know what tomorrow oh I did not know last year that this year would hold this I never even factored the thought that there would be a time that we'd have to cancel corporate worship and that I would pull up on this campus to an empty parking lot that never crossed my mind the point I'm making is is that mama said they'd be days like this that everything is not going to always be tailor-made for our own benefit but will we in that moment still be moved by faith will we in that moment still be who God called us to be will we in that moment still rise up in the spirit of faith and speak his word over our lives that is the question and that is the exhorting that I'm trying to encourage you with because I am convinced that the enemy would love for the body of Christ to become items and God has not called us to become victims no matter what your situation might be you have to take his word and say you know what I am the head and not the tail above only and not beneath the Lord has blessed me and no man can curse whom the Lord has blessed I'm standing on the word I'm standing on the promise of God I'm standing on the authority of the name of Jesus you know when Jehoshaphat was moved to to prayer because of the evils that were be following the children of Israel he put confidence in two things and I want to give you the same word he put confidence number one in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord and number two he put confidence in the Word of God so no matter what's faced in my life can I rise up put confidence in the Word of God and put confidence in the name of Jesus and say you know what this is this is the hand that I've been dealt this is this is where I'm at right now in this season in my life I'm all rise up this thing's not going to take me down this thing's not going to take me out mm-hmm no all things work for the good of them that love God and are called into his according to his purpose God saw this coming before anybody saw it coming and he already gave me the answer in his words I'm not being moved by these calamities by these reports and by this fear that's coming over my life yeah I'm gonna do the natural plane silly but I'm gonna believe God to do the super and I'm not gonna limit my life to the natural no I'm not gonna put those kinds of limitations on my life not when I know what what the Lord has promised in his word and what he is able to do now I wanna I wanna I want to share share something with you this then I think I think I'll help you and and be a blessing to you let's go back over to the the book of second Timothy and let me let me just share some scriptures and I really felt like coming to the pulpit today that I needed to exhort but that I needed to encourage and and and and to quicken the body of Christ and those those listening and so that that was that was what I felt convicted to do and you know you might have tuned in one you know a deep Bible study well we're gonna get a deep Bible study but but sometimes we need we need exhorting through the word and that's something that Paul told Timothy also to do so let's go back over the second Timothy and I want you to see something and second Emma 'they in the third chapter so come back 1 1 1 1 1 verse or what chapter what I love about Jesus and His Word is that he tells us the truth always we're bad about skipping stuff that you know in the word but he tells us before any thing B Falls man God in his world tell you and and so it's not like anything happens that we weren't warned about and that's something I want to get into further in this series likely this coming Sunday is that hey Jesus told us that this was coming Jesus told us they'd be days like this if you're having a hard day Jesus told you you'd have a hard day now watch this in a second Timothy chapter 3 we'll look at it in verse 1 this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come perilous times shall come he says there's going to be times that are hard there's going to be times that are filled with peril and in the midst of these perilous times he says in verse 2 men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away he goes on to say in verse verse 7 ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth what has to happen for a person that's learned the word to be able to walk in a complete knowledge of the truth after having learned because the word is saying here that you can learn but still not come into the knowledge of the truth knowledge is one of the anointings of the Holy Spirit according Isaiah chapter 11 verse 2 is revealed knowledge is revealed by the Spirit of God but what what gives me knowledge what causes me to know that words know knowledge the root of the word knowledge is actually first mentioned or we see a perfect picture of it first mentioned in Genesis chapter 4 when the Bible says that Adam knew Eve and many more he knew more than her name he got more than her following them against things all right that that word acknowledgment there was an intimacy there was a oneness that came between Adam and Eve as a matter of fact Genesis 4 says that Adam and Eve knew each other to the point that that she brought forth the child by the name of Cain she she got pregnant through that knowledge you understand what I'm saying to you so this is a knowledge of intimacy this is a oneness that that transpired the true word of knowledge represents a conviction a convincing a becoming one with and God is saying here that there are some that in the last days will ever be learning but they'll never get that true knowledge that true conviction that true oneness with truth the truth that Jesus taught us in in John 17 verse 17 was his word but I'm telling you right now some of us had some grandmother's some of us had some some some grandparents that that knew the word that were one with the words and what made them so one with truth so one with the word so knowledgeable of the word was it because they set up under all the right teachers was it because they read all the right books was it because they listened to all the right podcast and had notebooks filled with information as they wrote down the words of an intelligent preacher no their knowledge came by adversity their knowledge came by trials their knowledge came by application of this word when they were getting a negative report their knowledge came when they stood on the word of faith when they didn't have anything else to stand on if you came before me today and you said Jesus is not real and that Bible is written by a man you could talk me up one side and down the other but you would never face my faith not knitting the reason being number one is that the Holy Spirit has given me a conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God because of its power to change my life but outside of the revelation that the Holy Spirit is quickened me to this word my life experience won't let me deny this word why because of what I have been through what I have faced the times that I have prayed what I have stood on when I use the name of Jesus when I spoke over my life and over my circumstances and over my situation the conviction that came but me standing on this word holding on to this word clinging to this word because I didn't have nothing else to hold on to gave me a oneness of knowledge with this word that changed my life that impregnated me with his word and with faith and now what you see coming out of me is a knowledge that is based on a relationship with truth you can learn and still not get the truth it's when we stand on this word hope in this word believe in this word walk by faith in this word and not by sight to speak this word over our lives no matter what may be going on in the world no matter what report we got in our inbox today no matter what bill showed up in the mailbox today no matter what we saw on the news today there's a greater word there's a greater promise there's a greater hope in the world of God and people of faith today have got to rise up and apply this word not by learning that won't be enough but buying knowledge of becoming one with this word when you were living in perilous times adversity will make you one with God adversity will make you one with his word and one with his spirit hallelujah and then what comes out of our life is what Paul would list in verse number 10 when he says but thou has fully known my doctrine doctor means what I teach what I live by manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity love patience persecutions afflictions hallelujah he said what persecutions I endured oh I love this last statement but out of them all the Lord they delivered me hallelujah he said the oneness that I've received with this word the knowledge that I've got with this word impregnated me and it brought forth a life a doctrine a purpose of faith a long-suffering a love a patience that even persecution and affliction could not alter hallelujah couldn't change me because I was one with it my life had been changed by it and he lets Timothy know that it's going to continue he says in verse 12 gay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution I had a young man approached me yesterday I was outside of the Home Depot a young man came up and hope you're watching live and just just a awesome young man and he was telling me about when he was stand for God and stand for faith and preached Jesus that some of his community were against that didn't want to hear that and and he was persecuted for his position and faith and I just let him know that's to be expected Jesus told us that would happen but he had I told him I said you got to keep on preaching you've got to keep on standing you've got to be in season and out of season I encouraged him to tune in to this service and to get last week's message see Paul writes to Timothy says look all that will live godly in christ are going to suffer persecution evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but notice what he tells Timothy but continue thou in the things which thou has learned when times get hard you got to stick with what you learn when times are hard you got that what do you think God gave you this word for I sense right now that you know somebody say man this means this isn't don't he know what we're going through I don't want to be insensitive but at the same time I will not Christ's become a victim when we have been made to be victorious the spirit of victory is in us God has put his spirit in us and given us his promise and we've got to rise up and not only be bold in the face of adversity we've got to be able not only to be bold for our whole lives we've got to be in such a position that we can give hope and help to those that are around us whose lives are falling apart and they've not heard this word they don't know Jesus if the body of Christ is broken and defeated how is the world going to get any hope I've made my mind up there was no way and I prayed and I asked God to fill me with his spirit I did this last Friday when the word came out that we wouldn't be able to congregate I prayed I said Lord fill me with your spirit so that when this word comes across this live feed with basically an empty 1600 seat auditorium that normally would be nearly full and on Sundays full three times don't let there be one ounce of defeat one ounce of sadness one ounce of victim one ounce of Oh what we're gonna do now I ask God to fill me with the spirit of victory we cannot be moved by what we see we cannot be moved by what's going on in this world it is time for the body of Christ to rise up and to make the most of this season that we are living in and rise up and it doesn't matter what's going on in your mind it doesn't matter what's going on in your heart let the word of faith come out of your mouth and confuse the enemy I'm convinced that when we praise Him when it is hard we confuse our enemies let God arise and his enemies be scattered praise him in your house praise him in your car lift up and magnify the name of Jesus and let everybody around you wonder where is this coming from where do you find this hope where do you find this faith I find it in Jesus I say at 26 tells us in verse 3 that a mind that has stayed on him a mind that has stayed on him is the mind of perfect peace if my mind is really on him if my mind is really only in you ought to see peace and peace is not feeling good about a bad thing but we're not called to feel good about a virus a pandemic we're not called to feel good about people losing their jobs I was ministering to a lady the other night Monday night at El Chico dear sister when our members manages that restaurant we were just gathered together and never going to have to close the restaurant to a table service the next day and I know those waiters and waitresses in there might have had anxiety about what am I going to do tomorrow what's this going to look like and for how long I know there are real people with real needs that are really hurting and something that Chris and I are doing along with our staff here is we're praying and asking God well what can we do because it hurts to see people hurting and I don't want to see anybody hurt but the reason that I share this is because people need hope that the world is not offering and here we are and we've read and we know this Savior and the Bible is filled with men and women that have received his and if we let what's going on in this world wreck our faith then those that God has put in our on lives go untouched they need to see the answer in us the Bible says that we are living epistles living epistles was that mean means I'm a living word I'm a Bible that some people I may be the only Bible that some will ever read and in a world of brokenness and this trial we're facing right now and this world will pass and there will be another but no matter what the trial may be our lives should represent the answer our lives should represent the hope our lives need to reflect the glory and the goodness of God you know the Bible says that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine we need to be medicine to people that are around us that are broken and hurtin it doesn't mean that I'm walking in the room and laughing it just means there's a hope and there's an optimism that is within me there is a faith that is only inside of me and that as my mind stays on him according Isaiah 26 verse 3 he's keeping me in perfect peace and that doesn't mean I'm feeling good about people that are hurting it means there's a wholeness in my mind my body and my spirit that's unfazed by what's going on around me Hebrews calls hope glory to God the anchor of the soul it's the word that anchors my soul it's the word that anchors my faith when Jesus started telling his disciples that he was going to the cross that he was gonna be betrayed in the hands of sinful men that they were gonna crucify him Peter began to rebuke it and say not so Lord we can't have you being crucified he was their hope but we know just simply by the conversations that were taking place like when the mother of Zebedee's boys came to Jesus and said when you enter your kingdom can my boys sit on your right hand and on your left they perhaps view Jesus as the ticket to the kingdom the ticket to a better life and when Jesus let them know that he was going to be crucified that not only meant his life would change with death but that later lives were changed where will we go if Jesus is dead where will we go if you die aren't you gonna aren't you gonna restore the kingdom we were gonna follow you all the way till we were heirs with you in the kingdom and now they find out that Jesus is going to die so Jesus began to give this analogy of the communion and Passover meal the broken bread and the shed blood and he said if if you're not willing to eat my flesh and drink my blood you won't have life and no standing by I thought this man is crazy eat his flesh drink his blood he was referring to the Passover meal the bread and the cup and people began to say this man has lost it and they began to walk away one by one and Jesus look at the disciples and he said will you leave me - and I can relate I've seen that in life when people think you can offer you something or you the best thing since sliced bread but the moment they think you can't offer them what they then leave you'd forget you Jesus looking at the disciples saying will you leave me - I love what they said they said law we can't leave you you have the words of life where else will we go you have the words of life and my word to you is no matter how hard it may be and no matter how offended the enemy may want to make you at man and God because when we're let down and things don't go well the enemy loves to generate offense and that type of climate my wife is gonna post a message tomorrow so stay tuned to our social media she's gonna minister a message that we're gonna post tomorrow about just having grace it seems like everybody's fuse is short it seems like everybody's on edge there's a lot of tension in so many homes and workplaces and environment and offense is running rampant folk are just offended so easily with everybody because their expectations are going unmet why because we're all facing something unprecedented it's affecting everybody but in your world the enemy wants to say no it's is only affecting you and you're getting the short end of the stick so get offended at everybody else and and and what the enemy really wants is not just for us to be offended at each other he really wants us offended at God and that's where the disciples were when everybody got offended at Jesus's words and they started filing out one by one Jesus said you gonna leave me too there's some soon though you've got the Word of Life where else will we go when you sell out to Jesus when you sell out to his word yes it doesn't matter how good days are it doesn't matter how bad the days are it doesn't matter how big the highs and how low the lows you hit all the way you're just had you're just a hint I can see Jesus looking at us right now and saying okay things look like they're falling apart the world looks like it is filled with chaos and and and brokenness you don't leave me I say no Lord I won't leave you if I got to go to church at this kitchen table I ain't leaving if I gotta do Church in my living room I ain't leaving you I'll do a psalm 149 says I'll sing my praise from my bed but I won't leave your Lord I won't leave make a decision I'm not gonna let what's going on in this world faze my relationship with Jesus there's so many believers that will close in a minute there are so many believers that only have oh hear me they only have a physical connection with Jesus a physical connection a natural connection with Jesus not a spiritual one and and and and and those and in this age today that have that connection with Jesus that's only physical that they weren't the first because in John chapter 6 Jesus fed 5,000 men and women 5,000 men not clean women and children and the next day the the multitude was trying to track him down and he had taken a ship to the other side of the sea and this multitude of people went on this long journey they walked a long way all the way around to see some of them that could afford it took up shipping they paid taxing boats to take them across and they got to Jesus chased him down well all the way and Jesus said these words because not only had he fed the 5,000 that day before he'd worked many miracles and Jesus said this he said you came to me today not because you saw the miracles but because you ate the bread John 6 he said the only reason you chasing me down is because you ate my bread he said labor not for the meat that perishes and I'm quoting John 6 labor not for the meat that perishes why are you working so hard for the meat that perishes that I will give you I will give you bread that bread I gave you yesterday you were hungry the next day that bread I fed you yesterday that miracle bread it only did you one day coming back you what you went through all that to get more he said I have bread that will cause you to never hunger again labor for that bread and so I think around verse 29 they said Lord what works must we do what works must we do to have this and he said all you just got to believe on me the point I'm making is is that there were thousands in Jesus's day that only had a physical connection with Jesus they only follow him because he gave them bread they ignored the miracles don't let your relationship with Jesus be a physical one a financial oh I'll praise you and I worship you and I'll serve you if you fattened my paycheck and put a good meal on my table and nice clothes and shoes on my feet but the moment a hard time hits our praise can't be heard our praise can't be found our service is gone why because we only had a physical connection with Jesus as long as you give me bread I'm there but if you stop the bread I'm out that sadly where many believers are today and in these last days where Jesus has forewarned us of an age that Lord will and I'll talk about Sunday called the beginning of rose he told us of an age in the last days where there would be trial and persecution and famine and pestilence and earthquakes and evil men getting worse and worse how will the body of Christ respond to a climate when that climate is hostile to faith when that climate is hostile to Jesus when the circumstances and situations in our life may or may not be pleasant where will the body of Christ be then so he says and I'm closed in 2nd Timothy 3:14 he said but continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou has learned them that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus all scripture all Scripture is given by inspiration of God it's God breathed God breathed and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man or woman of God may be perfect complete mature thoroughly furnished equipped with his spirit in his words unto all good works and that's what set up the next statement I charged thee first to preach the word right where we began we've come full-circle right back where we start how will we respond to the climate of this age how will we respond to the seasons that are guaranteed to come in life what will be our response how will we demonstrate our faith what will we convey to the Lord when there's fear and concern and hurt all around us where will we be where will we be I believe that the true believers in climates like this rasa and I believe because of that this is all the threshold to revival I believe it with everything in me that God is going to show forth his power and His grace like the world has never seen I believe that every trial leads to great glory and that's what we are in the threshold of seeing if we the remnant I'm getting ready to do a series in a few weeks called the remnant the remnant we get so moved by the big numbers but God always looks at the remnant the rim that the remnant I believe there's a remnant in the earth right now that God is equipping with his spirit and with his word that are ready to be used for his glory not their own for his kingdom not their own agenda that will sell out give all to all give all and be all for the glory of their King and I believe that you right now let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus I thank you for your word I thank you that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God Lord I pray right now Lord that the spirit of faith would rise up in the hearts in the minds of those that are tuned into this life here right now well we thank you for your word that your word never returns to you void that your word never returns to you void so father I pray right now whatever we need to change whatever we need to do in response in response to the season that we're in may your people be instant in season and out of season when it's easy when it's hard through the highs through the lows every head bowed those watching this lot of feet wherever yet your living room your kitchen your bedroom [Music] if you're driving or at work just in your mind just receive what I'm getting ready to share will you let God use you will you show the Lord that your relationship with Jesus goes beyond the natural he goes beyond the physical [Music] I'm not going to be like the children of Isreal or to let us be the children of Israel murmur against you [Music] because we want water and then you give water and we murmur because we have no bread and you give bread and we remember because we have no me [Music] may all that we're facing in this world the uncertainty draw us closer tea [Music] deeper in your word deeper in our praise would you fill us with your spirit with your power that we'd be willing to lay our own lives down to lift yours up Lord give us a sensitivity to the need that's all around us [Music] lord help us to see outside of our own box our own comfort [Music] and maybe if we got more absorbed with people around us that we're hurting we could get over our own offenses father I pray for the members of this ministry [Music] because they made the commitment then if there be a member of this ministry that's not making their lives all about Jesus it give us a conviction because we can't say it's all about Jesus you need not really be all about him and we can't put words on a billboard that says Jesus above all if we don't really believe that he's above all that if the thing has a name it has to submit to the name of Jesus cancer has a name the flu has a name covet 19 coronavirus is a name [Music] but there is no name higher then the name of Jesus we praise you for your name [Music] I just want to encourage you right where you are just speak the name of Jesus over your home speak the name of Jesus over that report you got today grab your baby's clothes and speak the name of Jesus over them because there is power in the name of Jesus would you host the fat parade he said your name is in this house your name is in this house quit canvassing coronavirus over your house and over your life confess the name of Jesus over your home over your house [Music] no we thank you for your word we think that your word never returns void you'll always have what you say and you said if we abide in you and your word about in us we ask what we will and it is done I want to read and just you can just continue to pray but I wanna I want to declare I said read I actually want to declare Psalm 91 over you it says this he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust he you got to say that I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in whom I will trust and notice what he said he would do this verse 3 says surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence I claimed that right now Lord his word says in verse 4 that he'd cover us and that his truth would be our shield and buckler and that we would not be afraid of the terror by night the arrows that fly by day nor the pestilence that walks at darkness nor the destruction that wasteth at noonday verse 7 a thousand shall fall at your side ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near thee I declare in Jesus name only with our eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is my refuge even the most high thou habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come near die swelling we claim that Lord in Jesus name [Music] verse 14 says because he has set his love upon me therefore I will deliver him I will set him on high because he hath known my name he shall call upon me and I will answer him I will be with him in trouble no matter what your trouble is the Lord will never leave you nor forsake you I will deliver him and honor him don't make a permanent decision over a temporary situation don't break relationship don't make silly decisions don't make foolish decisions over things that are getting ready to change this is just a season verse 16 says with long life will i satisfy him and show him my salvation what we believe to see your salvation we believe to see your salvation [Music] I'm going in with this second chronicles 20 verse 9 if evil comes upon us the sword of judgment or pestilence or family we will stand before this house and before you for your name is in this house and cry to you in our affliction and you will hear and save father in the name of Jesus let that be true for every one of our homes that we would blanket our homes with the name of Jesus that we would fill our homes with the songs of praise if you're watching this live feed and you don't know Jesus is Savior [Music] I think we had 42 this past Sunday except price right over the live feed it's something resonated in you maybe you're just tuned in just to see what was going on if you Syst a tug at your heart that's the work of the Holy Spirit drawing you into relationship with the father that's what Jesus came to give you no matter what's going on in your life he loves you I invite you to pray this prayer with me just say it in your heart speak it out loud if you like Heavenly Father [Music] I give you my life [Music] I believe you love me that you said Jesus to die for me that I could have a relationship with you and I want my relationship with you to go beyond the next I want there to be a spiritual connection that cannot be broken by good days or bad days by highs or lows I ask that you would fill me with your spirit [Music] that the spirit of faith would rise up in me that I would be instant in season and out of season that your name would be on my lips when it's hard and when it's easy that your praise would come out of me when I'm in the valley and on the mountaintop use my life for something bigger than me use my life that you might be made known that your kingdom be advanced in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: WOGM
Views: 3,776
Rating: 4.9550562 out of 5
Keywords: wogm, shreveport, james a mcmenis, sorrows, coronavirus, covid 19, online, wogm tech
Id: dYrkg7rSCIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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