James A. McMenis | Communion | Part 5

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i want to turn our attention to hebrews 12. if you weren't here last week you can stream this message on youtube you can go back and pull it up but i want to i want to back up a little bit and then move forward as we continue to talk about communion and and just pull all of this together as we wrap up this series lord willing in this service notice here in verses one and two the word tells us that we've been given this race that's set before us and in this race that's been set before us we're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses and because we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses we're supposed to lay aside every weight of and sin that easily causes us either to stagger or to miss the mark verse 2 says looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith i love that right there looking under jesus the author and finisher of our faith he's the olivetov that's literally what author and finisher means because when you look at the name of jesus and the aleph and for many that's that's new information because they haven't heard olive top they've heard alpha and omega but when when you look at aleph tov that is the same as what you would read in greek alpha and omega it just means first and the last however in the hebrew language the aleph and its ancient pictograms were was depicted by an oxheid symbolizing strength and service and the tav which was a cross marked a destination and so jesus threw out his word when you read in hebrew you find that he is called the aleph tov we know it many believers know it as alpha and omega because we see that in revelation not knowing the origin but when you say that jesus is author and finisher you're saying he's the olive top he's the first he's the author and he is the last the beauty of this scripture is is that he is the author of my faith and the finisher of my faith sometimes you can miss that when you read it too quickly in verse two where he says looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith when you break that down you're saying that jesus is the author of my faith and then when you break it down you're saying jesus is the finisher of my faith see how that resonates when you when you separate the two jesus is the author of my faith and jesus is the finisher of my faith would you say that out loud jesus is the author of my faith and jesus is the finisher of my faith yes i know it says altar and finisher but i want both to register in your in your heart because if jesus is the author of my faith then that means i have to read what the author has said i have to listen to what the author has said jesus is not authoring my faith if my faith is not sourced in his word if i'm not hearing his word if i'm not reading his word then i'm not letting jesus author my faith romans 10 17 says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god that's how i get faith i get faith by hearing the word of god and so when i position myself to hear the word of god i'm allowing jesus to author my faith but know this whatever jesus has authored when it comes to my faith he's not just the author of it he said in his word i'm as much the end as i am the beginning i'm as much the finisher as i am the author that means he will always complete his word he will always fulfill his word he is faithful to fulfill his word hallelujah hebrews 11 6 says that without faith it's impossible to please god for he that comes to god a must believe that he is god and b must believe that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him so not only does jesus choose to alter my faith he chooses to finish my faith in that good news now when you look back at verse 1 and he says we're compassed about with this great cloud of witnesses while we run this race of life and while we're running this race of life what we're looking to is jesus he's how we persevere he's how we keep from quitting he's the reason we keep on enduring amen however when you drop down in the same chapter to verse 22 he's going to tell you who it is that makes up the cloud of witnesses so verse 1 says hey we've got a cloud of witnesses and then now in verse 22 he's going to tell you who is in that crowd who who makes up this cloud of witnesses like the stadium surrounding us who is in attendance so watch this in verse number 22. he says you were come unto mount zion and under the city of the of the living god the heavenly jerusalem and to an innumerable company of angels so i know angels make up this cloud of witnesses that are around me how many innumerable that means i'm sure we all have more than one guardian angel hallelujah who else makes up this cloud of witnesses verse 23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn so the the those that have passed on before us that were part of his church make up this cloud which are written in heaven and to the god and to god the judge of all okay he makes up this this cloud of witnesses and to the spirits of just men made perfect so the spirit of those that have passed on before me make up this cloud verse 24. and to jesus hallelujah the mediator of the new covenant he makes up this cloud of witnesses that are around me but notice this next one because it it kind of stands out to me and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of abel that speaketh better things than that of abel notice that of all the things that that god lists that surround a believer in life one of the things that are that that is is listed as a part of the assembly as a part of a witness of my life is the blood of jesus and this blood is speaking better things than abel and like i shared last week abel's blood spoke vengeance it spoke judgment jesus's blood speaks redemption it speaks salvation and notice what he says in verse 25 see that you refuse not him that speaketh well who's speaking the blood of jesus don't reject what the blood of jesus has spoken over your life don't reject what the blood of jesus has spoken over your life what has the blood of jesus spoken over my life it's spoken redemption it's spoken forgiveness it's spoken justification hallelujah it speaks my victory hallelujah that's what romans chapter number 12 says and i'll read it to you uh down in verse number 10 or 11 when it says they overcame him they overcame the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death his blood speaks redemption his blood speaks victory his blood speaks atonement his blood speaks reconciliation hallelujah can you say amen now notice he says here refuse not don't refuse him that speaks now with that in mind come back to hebrews 9. hebrews 9. this may be unlike anything you've ever heard like what you mean the blood of jesus is in heaven and it speaks on my behalf absolutely and you have to really start digging into the old testament to really understand how the blood of jesus or how the blood of the sacrifice speaks and i know that blood speaks because it's been speaking since the beginning and the reason blood was first shed in the bible was because of man's sin when adam and eve sinned in the garden god sacrificed what scripture would go on to teach to be a lamb in genesis 3 21 and that innocent lamb died so that adam and eve could be covered so that their their debt of sin could be paid abel uh had faith in the blood that spoke and that's why he offered a sacrifice lamb to god where whereas his brother cain just brought his works his fruit to the lord and god had no respect for those fruit that fruit that was brought but he did have respect for the blood that was brought why because that blood spoke price it spoke redemption it spoke that this debt is paid leviticus chapter 17 teaches us that the price of life is in the blood that the price of life is in the blood i had a young man many many years ago before uh word of god i was entering pastoring and just you've heard me tell the story those you've been around for a minute and he come beating on the door young teenage boy and me beating on the church door and opened the door and he said um yeah i i want to let you know i'm here and i sold my soul to the devil i said no you hadn't he started getting really i sold my soul as you have not sowed your soul to devil i'm pizzelle you are not possessed possessed folk don't knock on church doors i don't know what you got going on but possession is not a part of it he said yes i sold my soul and i said no you didn't i said you couldn't have sold it to him because he couldn't afford it because the price of man's soul is innocent blood and satan doesn't have in his innocent blood he can't afford you do you hear what i'm saying to you he said i gave my life to that you might have been serving him because ultimately whoever we serve that's who becomes our master but you can stop serving him today by the power of the blood of jesus and he does not own your soul and he does not own your life because god put the price of life in in blood so it is by the shedding of blood that we have remission of sin see watch this in uh hebrews 9. i want you to see this and we'll look at it in verse number 12. he says neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place jesus did having obtained eternal redemption eternal redemption that means the blood spoke redeemed the blood spoke purchased we were purchased by the blood of jesus christ by the sinless spotless blood of jesus christ that's what paid the price for our eternal redemption hallelujah he says in verse 13 for if the blood of bulls and of goats and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctified to the purifying of the flesh how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living god and for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament that which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance we have received the promise of eternal inheritance by the blood of jesus what does that blood speak payment what does that blood speak redemption what does that blood speak reconciliation you got to know what the blood is speaking because you need to know the power of the blood of jesus when it comes to your life how can i receive communion and drink of the cup when i don't even know what the cup represents i need to know what that cup represents when i drink of that cup i need to see in my mind's eye and have faith established that when i drink of this cup that that the faith that i have in the blood of jesus i'm receiving when i drink of that cup of communion it can't just be you know it can't just be notice how i worded that it can't just be lord i remember you it's got to be more so that i'm seeing the power of communion in my life every time i drink of that cup otherwise we're going to turn it into a religious sacrament it's not going to have its power and we can't let that happen now he goes on in verse number 19 speaking of the blood and he says this for when moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood of calves and of goats with water and scarlet wool and hyssop and sprinkled both the book and all the people now let me read that part again and sprinkled both the book and all the people so there was a mixture of blood and water that moses took a a hyssop and he was and he would dash it on the book and then dash it on to people and you said man what in what in the world was going on let me show you what was going on he says here in verse number 20 saying so he was saying something as he did it this is the blood of the testament which god hath enjoined unto you read that out loud with me please verse 20 saying this is the blood of the testament which god hath enjoined unto you so he took the the blood of that sacrifice and sprinkled it upon god's word the book and then he sprinkled it upon the people and he said this blood is what has enjoined you to this book are these promises many believers miss this and i gotta spend a minute talking about it i know i dealt with it last week but you need to hear it again it is by the blood of jesus that every promise in this word becomes available to my life i have no claim on god's promise i have no claim on eternal life i have no claim on abundant life i have no claim on answered prayer i have no claim on any benefit that's been recorded in god's word my only claim on those promises of god that second corinthians 1 and 20 says are yes and amen the only reason god's promises are yes and amen is that the blood of jesus has connected this promise to my life that now i have access to claim this word by my faith in the blood of jesus outside the blood of jesus i have no claim on this word i have no claim on eternal life it is by the blood of jesus that i am redeemed it is by the blood of jesus that i'm a child of god not by my church attendance not by my good works not by this suit no it is by the blood of jesus that one is redeemed can you say amen too few talking too little about the blood of jesus christ without his blood there is no remission of sins without his blood there is no forgiveness without his blood there is no redemption are y'all with me here now notice uh because i want you to see that it is the blood according to verse 20 that has enjoined look at that statement in verse 20 and joined if you would circle that highlight it underline it do some of that word enjoined this is the blood of the testament which god hath enjoined joined the promise of god is connected to my life by the blood of jesus but yet so many of us have taken communion and drink of the cup and didn't even think about what was being connected when we drank up the cup and that's exactly what jesus said in matthew 26 when he gave the cup and i won't go back and reread it we've looked at it nearly every week in this series but when he gave that cup he said take this cup is my blood in the new testament drink all of it what was he saying he was saying this this cup symbolizes my blood of the new covenant of the new testament and there is not any consummation there isn't a true covenant you're not truly one except but by the blood and we're going to talk about that here in just a minute the blood of jesus has connected me to god the blood of jesus has connected me back to the father and has connected me or enjoined me to the promise or the benefit of his word does that make sense to everybody hallelujah now watch what he says in verse 22 and almost all things are by the law purged with blood now read the last statement here and without shedding of blood there is no remission so i owe god a debt for my sin and that debt was death and the blood of jesus is the price that was paid for my debt i'm redeemed by the blood that's why in revelation chapter 5 every born-again believer that was in heaven was singing a song and the bible says it was a new song of the redeemed that had been redeemed by the blood of the lamb and if you read revelation chapter 5 you would see that when the lamb jesus stood up the bible said he jesus stood up as a lamb that had been slain so the lamb jesus that had been slain was being praised by all that were in heaven but why because without him being slain nobody's in heaven he paid the price to get me there hallelujah man that's so important we understand this now let let's do this because he's saying here you know when you take hebrews 9 and you connect it with hebrews 12 refuse you know don't refuse him that speaks don't refuse what the blood is saying accept what the blood is saying hallelujah what would happen we're going to transition now what would happen if i started making my confession in line with what the word has already said over me see if the word of god has made a promise over my life and the blood of jesus has given me that access to that promise why would i speak something outside of my mouth that contradicts what i've been connected to by the blood of jesus see why would i go to a restaurant and then say yes ma'am thank you for wonderful service check please and then she the waitress or waiter say back uh well actually your ticket's already been paid and then i say no no i refuse that i refuse i refuse my ticket being paid i demand my ticket be brought to me right now well sir the ticket's already been cashed out it's paid i don't know what to do that debt's paid see i need to respond to a debt being paid with what i'm saying i don't need to sit there and reject what jesus or what says it was jesus using somebody i don't need to reject the debt having been paid listen church the blood of jesus has paid your sin debt it he the blood of jesus has redeemed you to every promise of god there's not a promise in this word i'm proven to you there's not a promise in this word that you don't have access to by the blood of jesus if that be true and it is true then why does our faith or where is our faith when it comes to what he said in other words i can't say i receive what he said by the blood of jesus but yet my faith and my actions and my words contradict what the blood has connected me to oh man this head about to kill me that's that that's not in line with the word of god i don't know what we gonna do that is not in line with the word of god i'm so sick i'm about to die that does not align with the word of god i'm gonna buzz hell wide open that does not align with the word of god we gotta learn to get in agreement with jesus and get an agreement with his word that know that when the blood of jesus was spilt to connect me to this word that means it gave me the authority it gave me the covenant right to say what he said to speak his word hallelujah see that's exactly what happened that we look at two weeks ago when abraham was approached by melchizedek and melchizedek a type of jesus in the old testament in genesis chapter 14 he comes to abram and the bible says he gave abram a cup of the the fruit of the vine and he gave him bread he gave him the communion elements he gave him a passover meal and he said blessed be abram of the most high god blessed be abram of the most high god he was saying abram drink this cup drink this cup symbolizing the blood drink this cup abram eat of this bread symbolizing the body and when abraham received the bread and the cup melchizedek the first high priest who was a picture of jesus in the old testament according to hebrews chapter 7 looked at abram and said blessed be abram of the most high god see that cup connected him to that covenant promise and what was abram's response blessed be the most high god see he if he's been connected to the blessing he can't be speaking curses if you've been connected to life quit speaking death if you've been connected to victory quit speaking defeat if you've been made the head quit acting like the tail again can i get somebody to understand what i'm saying to you i need to come in alignment in an agreement with what the blood of jesus has connected me to are y'all with me now go back with me to psalms 50. psalms 50. oh glory oh man i'm excited about this psalm 50. i love this verse right here all right so what gives me the right to claim the promise of god the blood of jesus what gives me the right to speak his promise over my life the blood of jesus this is why getting the whole series is important if you missed last week you're watching this week's telecast you need to start dvr and go back and get the ones you missed if or you can go back on youtube get those previous messages because i'm the whole thing's coming together and if you missed the previous part this one may not make sense but this is why we spent so much time over the last couple of weeks talking about what the blood has done to bring me into covenant with god that this meal we call communion also called the lord's supper is actually a passover meal it's a covenant meal it's a meal of exchange to qualify to receive the meal you have to be a believer romans 14 made that clear in verse 23 that if i eat outside of faith it's sin that's what paul was addressing in first corinthians chapter 11 not coming to that meal in faith it's not a meal for everybody you can't just take it and say drink this i mean you gotta have some faith are you understanding what i'm saying you can't just tell us my drink something and they think a miracle is gonna happen no it's not it's not no miracle juice it's the faith that brings the victory anybody can drink the cup you don't have faith before you drink the cup nothing gonna happen for you it's faith it's faith the blood of jesus has been spilled and can redeem but you've got to have faith in it the the the blood of jesus is available but if you don't have faith you can't be saved now watch this in psalms 50 verse 16. psalms 50 verse 16. if you there say amen well let me go back up to verse 15 so we can see it and call upon me in the day of trouble and call upon me in the day of trouble look at there call upon me in the day of trouble what you say when you get in trouble call on the lord by the by this past monday and it's wednesday as i speak this word this past monday my wife is sitting on the front row she can bear witness i couldn't hardly get around something happened i'd pull my back out i don't know how i did it it just all of a sudden man and i'd had this happen before and went through a long process before i was back and i didn't know what was going on i just knew i was hurting and i wasn't very mobile and i'd already determined i was going to baptize wednesday night and i was like the first thing in my mind i said oh man do you know the enemy was getting my head i was like oh man i better go and tell pastor brian you know that i won't be able to baptize wednesday night you know with a bad back and then i don't you know i took some pain medicine and and and finally by the end of the day i was like oh no and so man i just text a few uh uh uh men in my life and say hey pray pray for me brother jefferson you're on that list am i right raise your hand from telling the truth and i said would you would you pray for me and i'm telling you it was no sooner that i started feeling a relief and i told chris baby i said i know you know i took some medicine i said and you know somebody say well the medicine's kicking in i said i'm giving god all the glory because i've taken medicine before and then i do nothing take a little edge off but i mean ever since then it's like boom boom boom and now i baptize 20 tonight didn't have no back pain whatsoever i said call unto me when you're in trouble call unto me when you're in trouble and lord forgive me for not calling on you quicker he said call upon me in the day of trouble and i will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me so in other words when you call on him and he delivers you you make sure you return that glory back to him don't let him deliver you and you not say nothing so i'm sure gonna let him know thank you lord for healing my back now watch verse 16. but unto the wicked if you're born again he's not talking to you but unto the wicked god saith here we go what hast thou to do to declare my statutes read the rest with me out loud ready read or that thou should take my covenant in thy mouth did you see that to the wicked he said well well whoa why are you declaring my word to the wicked he says my covenant doing in your mouth see second corinthians 1 20 says that it is through christ that all the promises of god are yes and amen if you haven't entered into christ this covenant's not yours it'd be no different than you getting into a little accident and you have you know insurance company uh you know whoever and then you call allstate and you say yes i want to i want to let i want to report a claim i need a rental and i need my car fixed uh yes sir can i get your name uh here's my name and they push you in like uh sir we don't we don't we don't get we don't have that that you and our system oh would you look at it okay i'm looking at that today no we don't have you because you give me a cell screen no we don't have can you drive a lighter address no we you're not in the system and since you're not in the system we're not in covenant with you we don't have a contract with you we don't have to provide a rental we ain't got to fix your car because you can't just call up an insurance company at a random and say hey i messed my bumper up i need you to fix my bumper no you're not in a relationship you're not in a contract that would require that when you entered into jesus when you accepted christ as your savior you became a covenant heir with god almighty and that connected this covenant word to your life there's not a promise in this word that's not been connected to you by the blood of jesus you say well i know there was a time in my life when i was lost and the lord answered my prayer well that was romans 2 4. that was the goodness of god trying to lead you to repentance but it was no covenant obligation when i was lost and i prayed and god did something it wasn't because he had to his goodness just showed up to let me know hey i'm the one you need turn to my life i'm not saying god won't answer a prayer if you're lost i'm just saying that was just his goodness over your life but when you became a born-again believer his blood connected you to this word so much so that god said whoa whoa whoa whoa unbeliever wicked what are you doing declaring my promise what are you doing declaring my covenant you're not in covenant with me you can't you can't lay hold on that does that make sense all right well with that in mind let's go back to hebrews chapter 3. hebrews chapter 3. whoa man i should have took you to isaiah but y'all remind me to go to isaiah well let me do hebrews 3. then we'll go back to isaiah right watch this hebrews 3 verse 1 wherefore holy brethren partakers of the heavenly calling consider the apostle and high priest of our profession if you write in your bible underline that statement high priest of our profession high priest of our profession christ jesus what's a high priest he's a mediator we're getting ready lord willing maybe next week we'll start this series on jesus the high priest because i wanna oh that's gonna be good but yeah i get excited just thinking about it but but this is a good setup for it right here jesus is the high priest of my profession that means he's the mediator of my words if he's the high priest of my profession that means he's the mediator of my words but a high priest can't just receive anything he can't just take anything to god you couldn't come to a high priest in the old testament and bring something that the law didn't allow you couldn't bring a banana you couldn't bring an apple or homegrown tomatoes you know for a sacrifice for sin that's what abel and that's what cain did it was rejected so in other words the priest what he receives has got to be acceptable to god because the priest is receiving of man to give to god he's the mediator in fact god was so serious about it in the old testament that when the priest when the peg what you say when the priest went in behind the veil before the holies of holies in the presence of god they would wrap a ribbon around his ankle a rope and run it out from under the veil and they would have it outside the tabernacle and then at the bottom of his his linen ephod they would put bales and when he was in there putting the blood on the on the mercy seat where god set between the two cherub cherubim he would take the blood of the lamb with his finger he would put the tov the last hebrew albert the tav which is a cross can you imagine that he would take his finger dip it in the blood and on the on the ark of the covenant he would make a top and he would put seven of them seven spots of blood on that seat of god isn't it interesting that the high priest had to put the blood seven times on the ark of the covenant or on the mercy seat and jesus bled in seven places his brow his hands his feet his side his back seven it was all pointing to jesus and if that sacrifice according to leviticus was not acceptable if the if the priest had not washed himself and been redeemed himself if it was not acceptable that man would fall dead in the presence of god and who was going to go in there and get him out thus that's why they had the rope tied around his ankle dragged that dude out and said well he said he was called but i guess he wasn't called after all a whole lot less people joined in the ministry back then what'd you say i understand it was based on the levitical law i understand my point is is that the priests can't just take anything of man and give it to god it's got to be acceptable to god and it's for him to mediate and so not only is he receiving of man and mediating it and giving it to god he's also receiving of god and giving it to man that's what a mediator does jesus here according to hebrews 3 is the mediator of my profession of my profession that means today he's the mediator of my words we've got too many believers speaking death speaking doom speaking defeat speaking all kind of negativity and when you offer those words your mediator can't even accept them there's nothing he can do with those words i'm so sick about that mediator can't do nothing all this head gonna be like me this meteor can't do anything well this job gonna be like meteor can't do anything oh i know we're gonna die the mediator can't do anything we're never gonna make it he's like give me something i can take to god i can't take those words oh pastor you're being extreme no i'm not proverbs 18 21 says death death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof james chapter 3 says what's up how do you think you can speak blessing and then cursing with the same tongue and with the same mouth does a fountain bring forth salt water and fresh water at the same time you can't speak blessing and turn around and speak curses and turn around and speak blessing and think anything is going to manifest in your life you got to get your mind made up you've got to get in line with this word and know that isaiah 55 11 says his word will not return unto him void give god something he can work with speak words that the blood of jesus connected you to i'm gonna say that again speak words that the blood of jesus has connected you to this blood has connected me to his word now don't let me forget to go to isaiah so let's just do that right now i'm almost done oh man y'all got me fired up i don't know what we're going to do i know what i'm going to do speak his word jesus said in john 15 7 8 if you abide in me if you abide in me oh yeah if you abide in me ask what you will ask what you will and it shall be done unto you when you abide in me how do i abide in you jesus okay let me give you the whole verse of john 15 7-8 if you abide in me and my word abide in you ask what you will and it shall be done unto you what's the connection i got to be connected to jesus and his word has got to be in me if i'm not connected to jesus and his word is not in me then i don't say a thing and i have what his word says i have to be connected to jesus the blood did that and i have to have his word in my mouth in my heart whoa man watch this in isaiah 59 verse 21 how serious is god about me speaking his word how serious is he about it we need to know that y'all with me all right isaiah 59 verse number 21. oh glory to god whoo look back at verse 19 because it's just it's good man this is all good all right verse 19. so shall they fear the name of the lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun when the enemy shall come in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standard against him and the re and the redeemer see there the redeemer that's who jesus is and the redeemer shall come design that's old testament and new testament jerusalem israel but it also includes the church and the redeemers shall come to sign and unto them that turn from transgression in jacob saith the lord here we go verse 21 watch this as for me this is my covenant with them this is my covenant with them saith the lord this is his promise this is the contract this is my covenant this is the contract my spirit that is upon thee and my words which i have put in thy mouth see that he said i've given you my spirit and i've given you my word shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed saith the lord from henceforth and forever so notice god is saying don't stop speaking my word don't ever let there come a time that it's not my word coming out of your mouth my word shall not depart or leave your mouth don't trade the word of god for the word of man don't trade the word of faith for the word of fear don't trade the word of wisdom for the word of foolishness don't trade the word of understanding for the word of confusion don't trade the word of love for the word of hate don't trade the word of light for the words of darkness don't stop speaking his word over your life that's what he's saying right there now back up a few chapters to isaiah 34. i'm almost done and jesus is coming soon don't stop speaking his word don't stop speaking his word matter of fact it's not even faith if you're not speaking it because romans 10 8 says the word is nigh thee in thy heart and in thy mouth that is the word of faith which we preach because you've got so many folk that'll say something crazy and then when you call them out on they say well well i know that's what i said but but god knows my heart yeah he knows your heart all right and he knows out of the abundance of your heart your big mouth will speak he didn't say it like that y'all forgive me that's rude but i'm tired of believers just saying all kinds of stuff to my well the lord knows my heart he yeah he knows your heart and if you knew his word you would know how serious he is about how your mouth and your heart are in a marriage and they're always going to be connected and your mouth is going to say consistently what your heart has been imaging can i just out of nowhere say something out of my mouth that i want to pull back and retract yes but listen if you look at the consistency of a person's conversation what what the psalms say that uh uh psalms um uh 1914 let the words of my mouth let the words of my mouth and if my words are going to get right my heart's got to get right so let the words of my mouth and the say it if you know it meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight oh god which means if my meditation in my heart's not right my words are not going to be right because matthew 12 35 teaches that it's out of the abundance of the heart that my mouth is going to speak so but how do you get something in your heart faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god whatever you keep listening to and keep looking at is going to get in your heart and whatever comes in your heart in abundance is going to spew out of your mouth and once it comes out of the mouth then spiritual law takes precedence and once it's spoken it's a decision my uh dog our daughter lana wrote with me to church tonight and so we we walked in today what are we going to eat after church that's a teenager for you if i said to her on the way home hey baby you want whataburger or canes don't get hungry leave right now no no don't don't go don't go to the water burger yeah wait just a minute so if i said baby you want water burger king and then let's say she said whataburger and then i pull up in whataburger daddy daddy what are we doing at whataburger what a burger you said whataburger yeah but in my heart i meant canes what's in your heart doesn't count it's what comes out of your mouth is your choice once you speak it you've made a decision once you spoke it you've released it once you spoke it your words now are a witness against you god is saying if you don't want it don't say it you got to guard your heart you got to know what's in your heart because once it's out of your mouth that thing has been released it becomes a decision there's power in what we say now watch this in uh isaiah 34 because you're not going to know what to say and you're not going to have it to say it if you don't get in it don't y'all love the word i mean i love the word of god i do i just love it man it's beautiful the bible will teach itself all we're really doing is reading a bunch of verses that are saying the same thing they just fit together like a big puzzle so watch this in isaiah 34 verse number 16. can you get there say amen here we go seek ye out of the book of the lord and read let's read that out loud seek ye out of the book of the lord and read read what read the book which book of the lord and seek and man think about how hard that would have been hundreds of years ago or 50 or plus years ago and how easy it is now with a bible app you can type in one word and find every verse in the entire bible that has that word in it it's easy to seek it's never been so easy to seek what does the bible say about healing type in healing and there you go what does the bible say about my enemies type in enemies and look it up i mean boom it's there can you imagine back in the day it's easy to see watch verse 16 seek ye out of the book of the lord and read here we go no one of thee shall fail read that part out loud no one of these shall fail what you seek in this book won't fail none shall want her mate now read the rest for my mouth it hath commanded and his spirit it hath gathered them god is saying there's an alignment between my word and my spirit and the one that seeks out my word that when the one that seeks out my word speaks my word my spirit responds and gathers those words together which means it's the spirit of god's job to bring the past the word of god when it is spoken and if you if we were reading carefully we'd have seen that from the very beginning because you ever noticed when you read genesis chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth that when you get to verse 2 the bible says in the spirit of god and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters so in verse one you had god the creator in verse two you had the spirit of god and he's moving upon the face of the waters but we don't know what he's doing he's just there and then verse three god said in verse three god said in verse three god set words came out in verse three god said let there be light so if he said let there be light there had to have been darkness for there would be no need to say let there be light that meant in verse two there would have had to be darkness even though the spirit of god was there in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light the spirit of god was already present when it was dark but when the spirit when when the word of god came forward and said let there be light the bible says there was light there was light what happened the spirit of god manifested the word of god you can be in darkness and have the spirit you can be in darkness and have the spirit but until you speak the word of god you're not giving the holy ghost anything to work with in your life there is power when you speak his word just like when the spirit of god moved upon me when i was in darkness at the age of 17 lost right out of high school graduate go to church to get my aunt to leave me alone i'm setting up in the church waiting for it to be overwhelmed and then at the invitation i'm thinking man i don't think i'm saved that means i'm probably going to hell i don't want to go to hell i think i'm going to get saved and i can say i better get saved and then moment i'm counting that's a quarter in pocket okay that's a nickel over there i'm trying to get my mind off this ah i gotta get saved and i walked forward and the pastor said go over there and pray and i went over there and praying i called on the lord what happened the spirit of god was moving upon my darkness the spirit of god was moving upon my darkness but when i confess jesus as lord redemption manifested in my life romans 10 9 says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved verse 10 of romans 10 says for with the mouth y'all better listen to this romans 10 10 for with the mouth confession is made unto salvation when do i make salvation in my life when i confess jesus when i confess his word until i confess it it's not my reality until you confess it it's not your reality well god knows what's in mark yeah he does he also gave you a mouth when you confess it it's your reality it's your choice oh hallelujah when we spitting all over my soup when when when we receive communion when when we last verse go with me to colossians 2 and we're going to wrap this up this will be the last verse we're going to read when we receive communion we've got to know what this cup represents what it's connected me to that's what i'm remembering the blood has connected me to a life with god can you imagine two people going to a wedding there's a bride in the room they get married and they leave in separate cars to live in separate places now some of you right now say now that would have made my marriage work no no no that's not marriage that's not marriage if you're going to make the vow before god and before witnesses and you make that vow go now live out that vow why would you receive communion but you're not living out the relationship and we we we're drinking the cup that's enjoining us the blood of jesus but everything in our life nothing in our life has anything to do with what the blood of jesus has connected us to righteousness is outside our life faith is outside of our life peace is outside of our life i mean no no none of the promises of god are even active but yet we drink the cup all right where'd it tell you to go all right watch this in colossians 2. anybody there now let's go to um verse number 13. hallelujah and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him with him i've been i've been enjoying to him look here having forgiven you all trespasses best news you heard in your life you could be forgiven all trespasses blotting out blotting out the blood of jesus blots out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his cross whatever is contrary to the will of god in your life the blood of jesus has stripped it of its power it's it those things have been blotted out therefore when we receive communion and when we think about the blood of jesus and when we speak the word of god over our life we need to recognize all these things that are opposing our faith that are coming against us they've been blotted out by the blood of jesus why do i give it so much air time why do i give what's been blotted out so much power in my life hallelujah all right i'm going to give you four things to write down and because it's the only way i'm going to finish this series and if i feel led to the spirit i'll come back next week and teach on these four things but in case i don't i need to i need to know i got it out or get the book cause it's in the book when they received passover in the old testament there were four cups that were used and i want to give you these four cups real quick number one the cup of blessing the cup of blessing first corinthians 10 16 says the communion cup is a cup of blessing don't drink the cup of blessing and walk out cursing or cursing your life when i say curse i'm not talking about using foul language i'm talking about curse in your life different cursing and using foul language when you wish evil upon yourself or someone that's cursing them you get the new job yeah i got it but it probably won't work out either there you go he's speaking curses did you study for that test oh yeah i studied but i'm gonna fettle i can do all the rest of them see this curse yourself did you get your car fixed oh i did but shoot it probably two days and be broken in okay cursor you encourage yourself again look at your name and say quick cousin that's funny but it's true we got to stop cussing all right number two the second cup that was used was called the cup of judgment or affliction the cup of judgment or affliction that's the cup in matthew 26 39 that jesus said if it be possible let this cup pass from me because who wants that judgment when jesus in in john uh uh 18 spoke to peter about being crucified when peter tried to defend him by breaking out his sword jesus said this back to peter put up thy sword into thy sheath the cup which my father hath given me shall i not drink it so jesus was referring to the cup of judgment or affliction we don't have to drink that cup because he drank it for us hallelujah there are countless examples of god's judgment our wrath being poured out symbolically through a cup psalms 11 6 psalm 75 8 isaiah 51 17 jeremiah 25 verses 15 and 28 revelation chapter 14 verse 10 and revelation 16 19. all talk about judgment being poured out to a cup jesus drank of that cup he was judged so i wouldn't have to be glory to god number three the cup of redemption the cup of redemption or also called the cup of salvation that's recorded in psalms 116 verse 13 i will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the lord see when we take communion we need to take the cup of salvation and call on the name of the lord get our mouth in line with our faith and then lastly there was the cup of the kingdom also called the cup of consummation which symbolizes a marriage a marriage or two coming together and becoming one that's what jesus was referring to in john chapter 2 when his mother looked at him and said son they have no wine and he said what my hour has not yet come because jesus will provide wine at the marriage supper of the lamb he's referring to the future wedding his own wedding where he will drink with us which is what he referred to in matthew 26 when he said i will not drink this cup with you until i drink it with with you in my father's kingdom all right um he wrote that he spoke that in mark 14 verse 25 and then in revelation 19 when it's all fulfilled verse 9 says and he said unto me right blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the lamb and he saith these are the true sayings of god and that's when we'll have the consummation of the cup with jesus hallelujah now that cup of consummation is symbolic of a married couple coming together and becoming one so you go to a marriage and you there's a bride in the groom and they make the vows and then they eat the cake and dance on the dance floor and then honeymoon you're not supposed to consummate connect until you've been married you don't get covenant benefit until you enter into covenant to your amen it's called the cup of consummation means it's by this cup we become one so ruth 1 16 says uh well ruth makes this covenant and she says entreat me not to leave thee nor to return from following after thee for where you go i will go where you lodge our lodge your people shall be my people and your god shall be my god that's becoming one the blood of jesus has made me one with the father the cup is a type of consummation is it it symbolizes i'm one with god by the blood are you with me i'm right there dean i'm here i'm right there so now how many of you ever heard this at a wedding what therefore wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore god hath joined together let no man put asunder matthew 19 6 what therefore god hath joined together let no man put asunder how many of you ever heard that at a wedding what god therefore had joined together let no man there put us under and you then that's that's rightfully saul because that's what jesus was speaking over was a married couple however the book of ephesians chapter 5 tells me that every marriage of a man and a woman in the earth is a picture of the marriage of christ and his church in heaven which means marriage is an earthly picture of a spiritual covenant between god and his church are god and his people and so we look at an earthly marriage and say okay what god hath joined together through consummation let no man dare try to separate well the same is true with your relationship with god what god has joined together let no man put asunder do you realize that the blood of jesus has so connected me to god that no man is able to sever my relationship with god no matter what they say about me no matter how they try to dog me out on facebook no matter what you come up with you cannot separate what the blood of jesus has joined me to your words can't stop his blessing your mess can't stop what he's spoken over my life what god has joined together no man can put us under see we've got to recognize that the blood of jesus is what consummates it's what connects me to god and what has connected me to god no man has the power to sever to break or to disconnect this world don't have enough mess to disconnect me from the promise of his word there's nothing out in this world big enough that can separate me and i know there are christians that are losing their lives for the faith but you have defeated many enemies and the last enemy we will all defeat is death itself even death cannot break the connection that's why the book of romans tells me in chapter 8 that what shall separate me what shall separate me what shall separate me from the love of christ shall tribulation no shall persecution no shall distress no shall famine no shall act no shall sickness no shall death no nothing shall separate me from the love of god found in christ jesus my lord that's the power of the blood of jesus that when i enter into that covenant that blood has locked me in [Music] when you speak against his promise over my life you speak against god when you speak against this covenant you speak against god and what god has joined no man can put asunder that's it hey i'm connected by the blood every time you take communion you're remembering that you feel like the enemy is really trying to distinct you from god good time for communion hallelujah all right let me pray for you did this help anybody all right amen amen let me pray for you every every head by let me pray for you father we thank you for your word we thank you for your word we thank you that your word never returns born and i pray right now father for all that are assembled here are watching this live stream and i think that your spirit speaks in a way that's louder clearer and with a conviction that no man could ever offer so where i have failed you tonight i think that your spirit makes up the difference that every one of us would have your word planted in our heart that your spirit would keep us in remembrance of what we've heard that we would not be forgetful hearers in the name of jesus now with every head bow just for a minute what in your life right now what in your life right now is challenging this covenant what's telling you what's contradicting your faith what's gets you in fear what's got you in doubt because all of us are facing something but i'm telling you by the word of the lord that thing doesn't have the power that the blood of jesus has that connects us to his word and his promise no wonder revelation 12 11 says they overcame the enemy they overcame him the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony i can't just receive the blood and not testify you have to receive what the blood of jesus has done for you and line your mouth up with it line your mouth up with his promise if you've got to print it on a sheet of paper and hang it on your door do what you got to do whatever it takes to get that word in front of you as it relates to whatever you're facing you need to be in remembrance of what his word is said especially in the area where you're under attack now i invite you to pray with me heavenly father i've heard your word and believe faith has come and i ask right now that your holy spirit would keep me in remembrance of what i have heard i believe your son jesus the christ died for my sins i believe he spilt innocent blood to pay the price for my redemption for my salvation i confess jesus christ as lord of my life as my savior i believe you raised him from the dead that i could have eternal life and walk in the power of your spirit so i ask right now that you would forgive me of all my sins that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness and that you would feel me with your spirit and keep me in remembrance of your word i thank you that i've been reconciled to you as my father by the blood of your son and that what you've joined together no man no situation no circumstance can put asunder in jesus name use my life to advance your kingdom and to bring you glory in jesus name amen [Music] you
Channel: WOGM
Views: 564
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Qei11fQ2BiA
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Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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