Jambareeqi Ranks EVERY LAIKA Villain!

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Howdy Folks jambori here in today's video I'm going to be ranking all the villains of Leica stop motion animation Legends and masters of children's horror let's begin Lord pcket dunby from Missing Link when The Eccentric Monster Hunter sir Lal Frost makes a wager that he can bring proof of a Sasquatch to Lord P dby head of an elite adventuring club that Frost wants to join the Lord becomes determined to stop Frost Trail to protect his club's reputation Pig a dump spe loves to paint himself as this Brave courageous Adventurer but it's obvious that he only travels to hunt rare animals or colonize small cultures he has no real interest in learning about the world around him I do actually kind of appreciate him as a cartoony caricature of the British upper class because it's a spot on parody we butchered the ungodly and brought good British table manners to savages the world over he can certainly be a threatening fellow too with his short temper and disturbing attachment to his rifle but here's the thing he spends most of the film's running time growling orders from a lavish armchair or a fancy Carriage don't get me wrong his directions show a knack for adapting to Lionel's tracks and are always made with a big confidence hire thugs bribe the Port Authorities as soon as that ship reaches dry land we'll be waiting for them it's just for the most part that's all his character really gets to do as a villain or while he's hired assassin joins in in the action as a frequent face to-face obstacle for Our Heroes short the Lord does eventually join his henchmen on the field as a legit frat and is satisfying seeing a now developed Lionel shrugging off the appeal of pig a dunby snobby Club that's preposterous of course you want to be one of us we are Great Men We shape the world but this climactic hero versus fill and scene is immediately cut short thanks to the Lord's Reckless stupidity oh fcker look I get that the film wants to show that he's just a childish unhinged brat behind his pompous nobility but this villain has been underused enough and could have really found his Groove in the finale I think the biggest reason I ranked him right at the bottom is that he's shockingly boring for a like a baddy this studio has given us so many scary and weird villains but missing Link's primary antagonist it's just this generic Around the World in 80 Days knockoff that's rather disappointing Willard stank from Missing Link stank is a hunter who has been assigned to make sure the l or any Sasquatch Susan never reached civilization I love the texture that's detailed around Willard as a character his witty Southern draw mysterious head scar passion for taxidermic rare creatures and Infamous reputation all helped to develop him into this compelling odd ball if you think you can do better Frost you're out of your mind you hear me barking mad while he's gone is his trademark weapon I wouldn't say that it completely defines him heck for a short statue guy he's quite the fierce fighter and will use any part of his body to beat his opponents and he's quick to adapt to using other weapons whenever he is disarmed I like that there's a CLA justness to his combat skills too it's his raw scrambling to win that humanizes him and adds personality to the way that he finds to be honest I prefer that kind of roughness to just seeing a perfect Marksman who always makes he sh so yeah you can see why I prefer this guy way more than he's playing as vanilla boss HEK once p dunby is out of the picture stank is the one that saves the finale from whimpering out by suddenly making things very personal with Lionel which inspires the most exciting part of the film as stank immaturely puts his shallow Pride before the dangling lives of Lon and's [Music] friends every time I watch the scene I am seriously stunned and how much complicated work must have gone into animating this cinematic action scene by hand and I have to say that Willard has one of the most violent villain deaths in like is filmography like [Music] yees Arch Bal snatcher from The Box Trolls this scraggly man is desperate to be part of an elite club called the white hats who scoff down cheese while chatting politics so snatcher makes a deal with their leader Lord portly rhy if our villain can eliminate every bog stroll from the town then he'll be granted a white hat himself snatcher has a very clever neck for building up hate propaganda against every Box Troll it's how he contrives value to his role as a troll catcher plus to be fair he does make for a menacing Hunter of the night as he maniacally drives around in his dodgy truck joined by a troop of creepy minions all while he sees straight through every Box Trolls disguise look at all these boxes left lying about how curious how peculiar however what's truly obnoxious is that he doesn't even see the trolls as possible threats but rather weak pests and Vermin that he can easily exterminate for a ticket to white hat Hood going as far as to use many capture Box Trolls for free labor to build the very machine that will help him to capture the Rest of Their Own Kind all while the movie's Hero's father who has become very mentally ill serves as a kidnapped techical advisor how many layers of evil are in this game won't get much out him now though a decade hanging upside down scrambled his noodles good there's also this weedy perating Nur to snatcher too I mean he's allergic to cheese and not even that cultured yet he makes his minions help him act out his very own white hat meeting where each henchmen has to reluctantly play along Al while their boss delusionally pretends that his allergy isn't acting up it's just playing very very very sad to watch isn't this noce chewing the cheddar with the vict Jesus holding my own s allergic reactions are quite intense too they actually make snatcher look like this imposing mutant monster kind of reminiscent of the classic film Aira though you could argue that this is rather unflattering for sensitive audiences with real life cheese allergies themselves and actually say that Archie is that he most dominating when he ends up piloting a giant steampunk machine that he's been working on throughout the film suddenly this weasly creeper Zoid command strength and power all thanks to this scale in front of his new vehicle me thinks a d of this magnitude deserves something a bit more archal also has an alter ego called fruu which he uses to promote troll hate through song and worm his way into the white hats as a sedis sure you can tell it's him plus the white hats mainly full free disguise because they're dumb and horny but considering what Arie has to work with it's a pretty impressive makeup and fashion job little miss poine you shall play the sweet little baby TR sure snatcher isn't that high on my list but I've grown to appreciate how much work went into making him a hate worthy yet pitiful VOD villian black comedy baddy aromatic oky with an undertone of a mother George Hopkins from ParaNorman when the supernaturally gifted Norman brings the dead of his town back to life he ends up resurrecting Jorge Hopkins the official who sent a a little girl called agapa to death under the accusation of Witchcraft at first the judge and his horde of zombies seem like a dangerous bunch out for brains with the film using the zombie stereotype misleading scenes to imply that these Walking Dead may be meem violence hurry this [Music] way oh this is awful the zombies are like eating everyone however they're literally just old timey people as Phantoms even they're struggling with the situation at hand traumatized by the decadence of modern culture and the threat of an angry mob that hates them the judge even gets a few goofy moments to show how human he really is behind his Rotting Flesh from being comically stuck to a car as it whizzers down the road to a hilarious scene in which he has to awkwardly share a seat with Norman's family she wants you to move over um I heard that is the Haring flashback to agie sentencing that really flashes the judge out though showing that when he was alive he was a lot more dominating and commanding but also immaturely driven by fear panic and anger towards someone he didn't understand acting no less hostile than the town's people who are chasing him today execution no no Norman very validly calls the judge's actions unforgivable I mean come on he executed a bloody child but Hopkins does show guilt and remorse in death he in his Community are haunted by what they did they are not resting peacefully in their graves there's also a fragile vulnerability to this judge's decade state made Vivid and detailed fre his deeply sensitive eyes and the tender voice of the late burnard Hill why did you do it we were scared of what of her plus being hunted by a mob helps him to see things through Aggie's eyes in sort of an ironic punishment ending Aggie's curse will send these zombies to Blissful Slumber but you can also tell that they want to make up for the atrocity that they committed they do seek responsibility so when Norman does help agie find peace eventually the judge can fade away knowing that his victim is now free the sisters from Kubo and the two strings kubo's aunts are a pair of unhinged twins who have the job of hunting our down for their father the moon King they're a very creepy Duo that bring an essence of trademark like a horror to what's essentially an action adventure film come Kubo come to your aunties no reason to be afraid Kubo you'll notice that they're both wearing masks which sure are very unsettling to look at thanks to their uncanny designs but they also speak volumes for who they are as characters children of a God who demands Perfection and resents Humanity under underneath these spooky masks are daughters who are under great pressure to preserve the honor of their family of Starbound Gods while avoiding the Temptations of Earth hence why their hearts are so cold I have crushed creatures who could fit this world on their fingernail this Victory brings me no honor they also both resent and grief for kubo's mother who is now a monkey because she left the family to pursue love with a human it's kind of fascinating seeing villains expressing too conf in emotions at once while desperately trying to frame themselves as victims I remember how we looked up to you of all of us you shown the brightest such a waste however not an ounce of us is meant to feel sorry for either of them because these are very sadistic women who take sick pleasure from hurting others whether they're erasing memories through life ruining curse spells or murdering a child's parents right in front of him these vicious twins are also incredibly skilled Fighters too both wielding their own distinct weapons of choice they could be very aggressive but their rage doesn't make them clumsy their technique is forceful yet controlled and precise on top of their impressive combat Talent they can also take flight something theyd love to take advantage of oh and they can also control the power of Darkness itself as they use shadows as a black magic attack against their opponents many kids are too young for Japanese horror films but these sisters could be seen as a fantastic introduction to the kinds of villains you'd find in J horror both embodying the ghostly mystery and Gothic maab of the classic folklore legends that Inspire Colt J horror Cinema the moon King from Kubo and the two strings kubo's grandfather is determined to remove his grandson's ofai so that the boy can Ascend to the heavens and leave behind his Earth the moon King first appears to Kubo in a dream where he puts on a kindly old man act and sneakily sets Kubo up for a trap the last piece of the armor it's here follow the sing sun and you'll find it then after Kubo survives the moon King resorts to coercing Kubo into understanding his perspective the problem for the moon King is that his arguments are very flawed and his grandson is matured over the film like the moon King insists that all of humanity is pure evil blanketing every single human under the same umbrella he despises them and refuses to see any good in them yet the Moon King himself is so evil that he half blinded a baby stole parents from a child separated his own daughter from her true love and has been pressuring his offspring to be perfect sculptures that represent his vain Legacy if anything he represents the very wor of humanity what's even more frustrating though is that he won't even take responsibility for the severe pain he's caused and desperately tries to frame the bruising of his fragile ego as the real crime they brought their Fates upon themselves they disgraced me and upset the order of everything the moon King also branks how his immortality makes for a perfect existence and that being blind helps him to see the truth when really he's just enjoying the Bliss of ignorance once Moon King realizes that Kubo won't listen to him he exposes himself as the monster he really is giving us a refreshingly unique kind of creature design as he transforms into what can only be described as a bioluminescent parasite it's a very very menacing form of a SC ing expression soulless eyes and a dragon-like scale this is the end of your story now take one last look with that lonely eye in the end the moon King is defeated but not in a traditional sense after the fight he loses all of his memories and turns mortal this might seem like a strange conclusion for a villain and sure I personally think that he deserved an actual punishment but it makes sense when you remember that this is a film about The Art of Storytelling the value of have seen good in humanity and the magic of memories the moon King's tale has been Rewritten with a fresh new start so that he can experience the compassionate side of humanity create his own memories on Earth and become the grandfather that Kubo needs after losing his parents you know we have something in common we both adore your grandson his name is Kubo agaa from ParaNorman the story of AGI is so sad and Bleak that I I actually find it cruel classing her as a villain this superpowered child with amazing abilities who was seen as a witch and put to death her execution sentencing being one of the hardest to watch scenes in animation history of execution where you will be hang by the neck until you be dead oh and it's extra called how everyone has grown to see her as a burden not a victim of feir mongering who needs love and sympathy but an annoying Spectre who needs to be read to sleep now and again to keep us quiet however she's let her hatred within consume her turning her into this cynical bully who pushes people away all while she lets her powers cause destruction and panic she truly wants to hurt everyone around her so that they can feel her pain too making it resemble the caricature that Hopkins and Co framed her as they did something awful but that doesn't mean you should too all that's left in you now is mean and horrible that's not true then stop this is wrong and you know it when we first meet AGA she puts on this magic and light show this character that lives up to a fabricated Legend of a witch but it's all a self-defense mechanism behind the dark green storm is a scared little girl who was wronged by the adults around her her tale being a testament to the cruelty and Malice of a more primitive time when communities were so paranoid of witches that they abandoned their Humanity under the guise of religious entitlement although that's not to say that agaa makes for a harmless antagonist no one's task of calming her down is rought with danger because Angi is shockingly overpowered for a child there's an almost Godlike intensity to what she can do with her gifts making Norman's Mission a life or death Quest it's only when Norman speaks from the soul that he can reach the real agapa past a girl that he can emotionally relate to as a fellow supernaturally gifted child I think you're just a little kid with a really special gift who only ever wanted people would understand her so we're not all that different at all agie didn't need a bedtime story she needed love and compassion I mean hearing her say this Hearts splitting line kills me every time I just want my mommy the tragedy of Ager is haunting and soul crushing only Leica would be brave enough to tell a family film ghost story this harrowing while also making us feel for SE ghost of M of a mother from Coraline when young Coraline discovers a portal to another world she meets alternate universe parents who seem lovely at first but it turns out that her other mother is actually the Mastermind of this world and an evil creature known as the Beldum who wants to replace Coraline's eyes with buttons the over mother is introduced as this kindly lady who gives off a warm and gentle Aura with the exception of her creepy button eyes she seems like your typical loving parent I'm your other mother silly now go tell your other father that supper's ready however we as an audience get the sense that she end up world are too perfect the parade of colorful presence and fairy tale setting are just too good to be true mango [Music] Milkshake the film doesn't exactly spell out what's happening though it's just this constant unnerving feeling in the air all while hints of red flags are peppered throughout each visit to this utopian fantasy something sinister is certainly happening here but like a cruy Keeps Us in the dark then when they other mother offers Coraline an eternity in this world in trade for having her eyes buttoned that's when the cat is out of the bag and we now know that this oh so sweet mom has Twisted intentions we aren't worried at all darling soon you'll see things our way however in praise to Leica we don't get a big Exposition dump of info regarding the beldums legend or bag story this thing simply just exists a predatory boogie woman who creates dream worlds for a prey and then snatches the away from their parents heck that's one of the core principles of horror less is more what we can't explain is inherently scary Coraline you came back for us mom darling why would you run away from [Music] me the more her real form starts to show the more unsettling she is as a villainous presence this spider-like creature with faint remnants of the real mother that she's been imitating who Towers over Coraline is this gangly alien even in this deformed State she still tries to keep up a maternal act as she behaves eerily similar to real life abusive mothers who have control issues and selfish motives you know I love you you you have a very funny way of showing it I was also deeply disturbed by the way that she treats her Creations sting beings that she uses as Opps to keep up a World's Illusions who aren't allowed to speak out against their creator oh and if you do cross the over mother as a minion you can bet that you'll face a shocking end for a kid's horror film oh whybe evil witch the other mother was the first animated villain created by Leica and in all truth I don't think they've ever topped her she pushes boundaries as a family movie antagonist and is bound to crawl into your dreams night you dare disobey your mother if you enjoyed this video then please go and check out my other fun and exciting villain ranking videos I've been jab biki Cheerio folks [Music]
Channel: Jambareeqi
Views: 44,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LAIKA, LAIKA Villains, Animated Villains, Animated Movies, Other Mother, Coraline, The Boxtrolls, Archibald Snatcher, Wybie, Paranorman, Agatha Pendergrast, Judge Hopkins, Bernard Hill, Terri Hatcher, Dakota Fanning, Ben Kingsley, Stephen Fry, Kubo and the two strings, Kubo Sisters, Animated Horror, Missing Link, Hugh Jackman, Animated Movies Ranked, Cartoons, Stop Motion Animation
Id: zsYP9tkyzpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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