Jambareeqi Ranks EVERY Aardman Villain

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howy folks joriki here artman animation have a wholesome brand on the surface but their Collective work can also have hints of grim realism I mean they started off as a studio by making dark experimental shorts that were more for adults this macb side also sometimes translates into their many Twisted villains who I'll be ranking today I'll be counting baddies from their feature films and all of the walls and grommet shorts so let the ranking begin Lord new from early man when Lord new leader of the bronze World Turns The Stone AG's Valley into a mine dug the caveman challenge as nve to whim the valley at Claus early maners artman's weakest feature film to date so it's no surprise that I'd pick new for the worst artman villain now sure I know that he's mainly supposed to be a comedic villain I'm not going to pretend that he's meant to be taken seriously but as a comedy antagonist n never really made me laugh ever heck's the least funny character in the whole film because he tries way too hard to get his laughes instead of naturally earning them like other characters in the film do I mean we all know what losers C men are so Stone aged dos couldn't beat their own grandmothers so because he's so so unfunny I'm left scraping for something else to compensate for all these rubbish jokes but every other aspect of new fails too he spends the whole film whining complaining and being pampered all while his football team practice without any of his personal coaching and his minions do all the research on his caveman Rivals s they found something else down in the new mine in the valley we've made a copy for your inspection I can't say that he intimidating in the slightest either because he's just a bufoon with a silly French accent and he's the underling to the queen who treats him with abuse and disrespect or while he coward below her wait a minute she shouldn't even be on the peit and why not because she's a oh and the movie makes him the butt of the joke at every turn look I'm all down for a fascist villain getting humiliated but the movie makes new the punch line so often that he ends up losing all of his cred as a baddy I mean he literally gets shat on in one scene and most of his comical reactions to every embarrassment to too flat to be funny I wouldn't even say that he's entertaining to hate he's on the mly annoying end of the villain spectrum and AR only lets him nibble on his evil he's a bad person for sure and I don't like any of the things he's trying to do but I didn't resent him enough to enjoy booing him you think you can beat us at football he does have his calculated moments but they come in rare Spades like when he uses info gathered on the cavemen to crush Doug spirit before the game or the part where he intimidates his football team of execution if they lose so yet he's capable of threat or strategy but for the most part he's too childishly impulsive for me to credit him as a smart villain I am the new ref that's not fair oh isn't it let's ask the new ref ref is it fair oh yes it's totally fair I'd best some him up as a more boring and diluted version of Prince John from Disney's Robin Hood an authoritative villain whose patheticness is actually hilarious because there's strong humor to come from his over-the-top Diva reactions to every humiliation he faces no no no no but he also has a fine Dy Buffet on he evil his temper could be intimidatingly unpredictable and he's actually consistently cunning on his own merits I have it I'll use that fat fryer as bait to trap Robin Hood he's how you do this villain Trope right cooker from a grande out when ws and gromet traveled to the Moon to picnic on its cheese they're cracked down on by the moon's authoritative guard a robot resembling a cooker despite having no face or voice he's rich in personality thanks to his expressive robotic hands his Gest rations do a lot of work to get across his stuffy character while these policing seems to be just totes and tickets for Wallace and gred at first I would not say that he's harmless because it's revealed that he's armed with a bat on which can be a dangerous weapon in aggressive hands and it's arguable whether the crime matches the punishment cooker might be physically limited as a free wheeled oven but there's still a relentlessness to his automated Mission nothing can talk him out of following protocol as he puts the moon's environmental safety before everything this isn't just a happy [ __ ] cheese tasting vacation for Wallace and grommet they've chosen a trip destination that puts Wallace in constant danger and as an audience all we can do is bite our nails while screaming it's behind you like it's a panto [Music] as much of an antagonist cooker is though he's endearingly humanized when he discovers the Earthly custom of skiing the guy must live a boring life on the Moon experiencing nothing but pure existential monotony only programmed to follow one duty every time he's turned on so it makes total sense that he craves some fun deep down this leads to an Ending full of conflicting emotions as cooka maniacally breaks into the ship to visit Earth we're afraid for Our Hero's safety but also feel for this robot's need to live his dream luckily though a really sweet compromise is made in which cooker accidentally makes a pair of skis from Wallace's rocket giving us the only time in which a w and grommet villain has ever been granted a happy ending hecky could argue that Cook's character Arc steals the spotlight from our chees loving Duo Lord Victor quartermain from the curse of the we rabbit quain is a professional Hunter who wants to marry the kindly lady tottington to expand his own wealth but he feels challenged when totty Falls for inventa Wallace who is running a Humane Pest Control service however when it's revealed that Wallace is actually the rumored we rabbit Victor plans to kill Wallace and become a local hero now I have to admit that quartermain is basically a British Gaston the comparisons are very very easy to make so I can't really credit him for being an original or fresh character I also wouldn't say that he's an effective Deceiver cuz lady TTY blesser isn't exactly hard to con Victor I have to know did it suffer of course not my dear not yet anyway however multiple viewings of this film have made me grow to admire quart means qualities as a villain sure he's one of the less intimidating walls and grommet baddies but he's certainly a seven or eight on the evil met like even though Wallace has invented a simple and easy way to humanely remove rabbits quain is still casual about without taking him out the oldfashioned way just because he sees it as a fun chance to play with his boom boom toy Victor hadn't we agreed no more thoughtless killing quite right my dear so I fought this one through very carefully it's off to Banny heaven for you big ear this Lord also knows that the we rabbit is the innocent Wallace yet he harbers no guilt over trying to kill him Hecky's jealousy towards Wallace's competition for to's heart makes the murderer attempt a pleasure for him you commissioned me you of pesto and that's just what I intend to do quarter main also demonstrates strategy skills yes he's a trigger happy gun nut but he doesn't charge head first as a we rabbit Hunter he actually takes the time to research Wallace's weakness from a trustworthy expert before any shooting begins what kind of bullet a bullet of pure gold he also knows that grommet is his biggest obstacle in his assassination of Wallace so he smart enough to trap the loyal dog attack that the will help his scheme play out more smoothly in execution everyone's been looking forward to a good show let's see they get one oh and right from the moment we see this arrogant twitch's nasty smug smirk we wish for a big full from grace for him but odman slightly restrain themselves and make G wait impatiently we're forced to suffer watching him get his way for a lot of the film so his eventual public scrutiny which does not hold back ends up being very very rewarding no one beats Victor cman is that so consider yourself dumped quame might not be one of my top favorite Arman villains but even I one of his lesser fans will agreed that the effort was made the toad from Flushed Away toad is a slimy criminal who lives in a rap populated suici city which doesn't sit well with him as a snobby hater of rats for a comedy villain toad isn't particularly funny if I'm honest his minions are far far more hilarious and work well as goofballs who comically play off of Toad's obti pompousness so yeah excels the most as a straight man ah well we got most of it boss forget the Ruby it's the master cable that I want there's some entertainment to be had with his upper class newness for sure too mainly because he thinks he's way more classy than he actually is like he brags about having a cultured Royal Museum but it's just a bunch of gift top knit knacks Victoria's bust rought in porcelain classy quite lifelike wouldn't you say the always wonderful e McKellen is on point as Toad's voice as well McKellen's campiness is all out behind the microphone and he oozes pretentiousness with every smoke line delivery so you thought you could make a fool of the toad eh artman clearly had a riot animating to Ian's deliciously campy performance too because Toad's character animation is undeniably LA with exuberant energy with every movement tailored to the character's ostentatious personality there's actually some personal incentive behind Toad's Road and Prejudice too you see he once belonged to Prince Charles as a pet so he has taste as luxury but he was replaced by a pet rat even though Charles was the one who abandoned him toad decided to deceive towards rank kind this brings me on to his big scheme which in all frankness is extremely dark for a family movie once he can get his hands on a stolen cable he plans to open the sewer Gates so that he can drown every rat to death and repopulate the city with his own babies that is honestly up you're too late to do anything you and your kind are finished there are certainly Superior armman villains on this list but the toad is a pretty fun evil amphibian mainly carried by a terrific voiceover performance and a memorably dark antagonist scheme agent red from farmer gedon as Shan the Sheep movie this special agent has been assigned to invest investigate an alien sighting in mingham and said space creature has befriended up beloved sha the Sheep agent red commands herself with a lot of professionality everyone looks to her for leadership and she takes this job very very seriously she's no nonsense and bu the books if a paranormal report turns out to be a fluke she refuses to waste time on it and first we see her solid determination as just a sign that she wants to do a good job for the government but then we learn more about her you see as a little girl she witnessed her very own alien sighting but faced mockery and ridicu when she told everyone about it so ever since then she's put her Blood Sweat and Tears into saving her reputation this character development adds a fun extra layer to her antagonism because now we see that her motives are colored with emotional bias this is more than just about a career it's her key to public validation Red's minions are also a fantastic bunch of comic relief characters that all wonderfully play off of her as a straight woman these henchmen really complete her villain package from the bumbling and dimwitted hazmat suits to a loyal and adorkably char in robot Red's Relentless will to catch Sha's alien hits his peak in the climax when she Pilots a Mecca to get the job done at all costs with set Mech making for a truly intimidating final boss for sha and the ultimate obstacle for a signal Tower [Music] climb when the alien's parents arried we assume that red will go straight into special agent mode and cruy capture these space creatures that's not her Instinct though she instead feels joy and peace she thought that she wanted to repair her reputation but she realizes that she just needed validation for what she saw as a kid agent read earns her very own Redemption Arc going from being a serious antagonist in an ET story to an emotionally vulnerable woman who finds peace with her childhood Trumper from the Sha the Sheep movie after sha and his sheep friends go into the the big city to find their missing Farmer they have to deal with Trumper the egotistical boss of an animal pound Trumper really craves respect as an animal catcher but most people won't give him the time of day this frustration makes him a sour and bitter man his only joy comes from the pridey fields from his collection of Strays which he loves to flex to strangers it's a lot of fun to hate him because armman Goes Ham on his immaturity and cruelty as a villain with his arrogance being high enough to make us deeply resent him he doesn't care about his Strays finding loving homes he just sees them all as his prisoners to taunt and trophies to case like any sha the Sheep character he has no actual dialogue just noises and grunts which I can best describe as very British sounds Iranian British comedian Omi jal's vocal effects are chef's kiss artman were very strict about the sounds he made and the discipline shows when Sean successfully escapes the pound a very personal Vendetta is born between man and she I mean Sean put a dent on trumper's very tender Pride so of course revenge is on the menu Trumper is worth fearing too because as obnoxious as he is pest control is still his expertise plus his trademark claw and Slick safety Banners are bound to strike fear into strays [Music] but at the same time jokes are made at his expense and they're all ganks that show how he can let his ego distract him I think what could be best appreciated about him though is how Trumper is the antithesis of Sha's beloved farmer while the farmer cherishes his animals as Lov ones Trumper has dedicated his whole identity to hating animals and the V even gets to scold trumper's Abus of antics goes to show that you can come up with an animated villain who doesn't utter a single piece of dialogue yet the audience will passionately despise him and cheron his [Applause] defeat Preston from a close shave Preston is a sheep dog belonging to timid wool shopkeeper wendeline behind closed doors though Preston is rustling sheep Free's own dog food company Preston is quite intimidating for a plasticine dog from his cold demeanor to his casual bullying of The whome Grommet he's got this Mafia gangster vibe to him we don't trust or like him on First Sight and our judgment becomes valid as soon as we follow him more and more he's up to something we just know it but directing Nick Park cleverly keeps the truth vague right up until the dog Fu conspiracy is made clear however once the cat is out of the bag Preston deviously and sneakily frames poor grommet the only one who clued in on Preston's underground crime it's like grommet is being punished for for doing the right thing with our detective hero Behind Bars Preston can now 100% commit to his project without any suspicion or Interruption oh sure wendelin who is on board with the rustling until it becomes all about dog food tries to stand up to a sheep dog but it is useless it wasn't so bad when it was just the wall but this is evil daddy didn't create you for this and this is actually the final clue for the Short's biggest reveal of all the truth that Preston is really a cyborg which trust me makes 100% sense when you rewatch The Way That ardman animated Preston throughout the short the more that's dropped in us about Preston's scheme the more shocking it becomes he's not only Built a secret unlicensed slaughter house under everyone's noses but he's also transformed Wallace's well-meaning knitting machine into a meat crunching sheep mincer giving us one of the darkest ardman villain plans ever Preston is also even more threatening as a robot too because he can now finally show off he's a meant super strength plus you can't reason with him he's a soulless machine determined to make his company a success I can even imagine kids being scared by his sharp Jaws unfeeling eyes and creepy mechanical Roar luckily in the end Preston is crushed by his very own Slaughter machine then recycled into a good boy but I'm sure that the traumatizing fight against Preston will always stay with our wholesome characters Pella Bell from a matter of Loaf and death when Wallace and grommit who have started a Baking Company together go on a bread delivery run Wallace ends up meeting former Baking Company mascot Pella bwell not long after the two of them fall in love and get engaged but grommet learns that Pella is actually a serial killer and Wallace will complete her Baker's Dozen even though Pella is a dangerous monster there's a campy appeal to a divon or some flambo that's highly entertaining she's like a carry-on comedy character that's kind deranged right down to the silly quips and puns leave it to me oh you're so brave Wallace my minced [Music] pie beneath this campiness though is an odman villain who is disturbingly accurate to real life domestic narcissists and I say this as a survivor of such abuse myself she uses all the tactics and mind games that typical household abusers go for all while putting on a mask to hide the demon she really is I'm so sorry Wallace so so sorry I don't know what came over me apart from the flower of course oh this is also one of the rare times in which grommet who is usually The Dashing hero Falls victim to the power of our villain as Pella takes advantage of Wallace's naive innocence to become a figure of authority in the house ow ow it bit me P's ability to take on a jolly British housewife Persona not only helps her to avoid suspicion and play innocent but also works as an effect of cover while she's trying to foil grommet which can make for infuriatingly frustrating [Music] losses I know we're going to get on like a house on fire even pella's own dog fluffles is clearly traumatized haunted by pella's string of barbaric murders and terrified of what her mistress will do if she disobeys her with a constant shivering sickling red flags quite early on you cross me once too often you treacherous little I also find P's backstory to be well textured a one successful model who let her sweet tooth get the best of her which led to her losing her job there's a hint of tragedy to this backstory but our sympathy ends up getting lost she could have pointed the finger at the shallow fat phobia of advertising companies or found a career as a plus-size model but she instead chose to commit to a bizarre murder project while unfairly blaming Bakers for a downfall a curse on Bakers and their loome confection amazingly in a break of WS and grommet formula cliche is the deeply traumatized fluffles who ends up stealing the hero Spotlight with support from the loving grommet she overcomes her fears and stands up to her bully come to Mommy fluffy wuffy pyer embodies the Glamorous Camp of classical animated villains of yester year while also cementing herself as one of the most Sinister and disturbing ardman baddies to date she's a truly Stellar stopmotion Mistress of evil Mrs Tweety from the chicken rum movies Tweety is a chicken farmer who ties of making minuscule profit so she decides to turn a chickens into pies for bigger Revenue however Ginger the chicken is secretly leading an escape Heist somehow this adman /d DreamWorks movie managed to turn a Yorkshire Farm lady into one of the scariest animated movie villains of all time this scowling and snarling Devil Woman Who has traumatized many kids it's pretty disturbing how much she casually enjoys slaughtering her own chickens offing a poultry isn't a reluctant part of her job she sees it as one of the rare fun perks when a pie making machine finally arrives she's overcome with an unsettling amount of Happiness genuinely thrilled at the idea of killing Ginger and her friends for quined imagine it in less than a fortnite every grosses in the county will be stocked with box upon box of Mrs Tweety's homemade chicken pies chck is a film drenched in Bleak hopelessness all because Mrs Tweety has made it pretty much near impossible to escape her farm from Mr tweedy's obsessive patrolling to the threet of vicious guard dogss however Mrs TWY is at a most intimidating when the chickens finally Escape using a homemade plane this is when our villain goes completely berserk desperate to keep hold of a gold [Music] mine just last year armman released a brand new chicken run sequel dawn of the Nugget which knocked a few points off of tweedy's chances of ranking higher this mediocre belated sequel didn't exactly ruin Tweety's Legacy but it certainly left a little stain I mean it's baffling enough that a villain who clearly got killed in movie one is magically back without any explanation but it's also very disappointing that a Revenge scheme is just the same business again but with extra steps through the introduction of a chicken hypnosis gimmick it's me yeah she's clearly learned her lesson from the last movie but I find her new corporate Lair to be way less interesting than the first movie's Farm we've gone from a dystopian prison with a grim Yorkshire backdrop to a gigantic Factory with luxurious interiors and excessive flashy [Music] curine short she has a smarter husband this time for a sidekick but set HBY is still a bumbling comic relief who constantly annoys his cold harsh wife so really he's just mred a Tweedy with a science degree honestly that man is about as much use as I headless the film does attempt to make Tweety and Ginger's reunion come off as personal but for the most part it's very very phoned in consisting mainly of pandering nostalgic fan service bye-bye [Music] again if Chicken Run 2 did not exist then I would have put number two or maybe even one but sadly that's not the case fethers McGraw from the wrong trousers when w grommet face bills that need paying Wallace lets a mysterious Bird live with them for rent however this Shady foul is actually the Crooked wanted criminal feathers McGraw who plans to use Wallace's Robo trousers to steal a Precious Diamond as soon as we meet feathers he already gives off this creepy vibe that sends red flags from his unnerving stare to his silent Persona this villain somehow makes penguin [Music] scary [Music] right from the get-go he's audacious enough to back gromit's room to immediately create dominance over the poor dog then he begins pampering Wallace to make grommet jealous and plays very loud music to keep grommet up all night just so fethers can drive Wallace's best friend out of the picture this evil bird knows exactly what he's doing he's not just trolling gromet for fun that's what I've grown to love about feathers he's more than just a creepy penguin he's an Immaculate planner as a criminal there's intense intelligence behind those dead eyes of his before his Heist even takes place he goes to extra lengths to prepare himself not only does he measure the architecture of the museum itself but he also practices using the trousers with Wallace as a dummy whoa it's the wrong trousers Pro it and they've gone wrong when the day finally arrives all that planning really does pay off but it would have been very boring if this criminal was too perfect so we get a few hiccups to throw in some tension he the fact that a master Heist is sweating and panicking at things going wrong means that we really should be stressed for Wallace's safety fe's ultimate mistake though was to underestimate grommet detective skills and loyalty to his owner this very good boy has spent the whole short investigating the Penguin's strange behavior and will do anything to save his owner from prison though to be fair grommet overestimates himself too when he realizes that this is an armed criminal feathers is capable of being five steps ahead of artman's best detective and that's dang impressive this all leads to one of the best climaxes in animated film The Great Train Chase in which Our Heroes race to get the diamond back from a feathers who is still armed with a gun as feathers cunningly changes tracks at every chance while grommet intense track building skills help him to keep up with the penguin the tension is palpable at every [Music] [Music] turn Fe is an iconic artman baddy who embodies the Strategic intelligence and 1950 Swagger of a classic film Noir crook a creepy little guide that makes things very personal between Wallace and grommet Queen Victoria from Pirates and an adventure of scientists Victoria is a Regal Monarch known for despising pirates but she puts aside this Prejudice when she meets a pirate Captain with the last ever dodo named Polly who is the mascot for the pirate Captain's crew and becomes determined to get her hands on set Rare Bird Vicki stages herself as a classy Royal in front of others but once the palace doors close we see another side to her a horribly tempered and childishly entitled Nut Job who is unhealthy obsessed with her hate for pirates seeing them as her greatest enemy not out of moral duty but due to them being her world takeover competition with their idiotic shanties and their ridiculous hats and their endless blasted roaring thanks to her respectable queenly public rep she can worm her fingers around the pirate captain and seduce him into the benefits of wealth and fame going as far as to slightly temp the captain him with gold and trade for his principles which she knows full well is his greatest weakness I see seem to recall that you piratical types have a bit of a soft spot for shiny things the instant Our Heroes decide to save Paulie though they meet the hidden rra of England's Monarch who turns out to be using Polly as a social flx at a dining party where endangered animals are the corses yep she's such an entitled and spoiled brat that she sees chowing down on dying species as a luxury a ghastly privilege that audience is well downright hater for showing off just wait until you see what I've got for the main course throughout the fa Victoria downplays her Menace by intentionally leaning into the misogyny of the time you see I might have the body of a weak and feeble woman but the self-deprecation is actually a ruse behind her crown is perhaps the toughest and fiercest ardman baddy to ever grace plaster scene Cinema a royal Rogue who can easily take on the worst Buccaneers that the sea has to [Music] offer right where were we the cherry on top of the evil cake has to be aelder Stan's terrifically dominating voiceover it's a commanding cartoon baddy performance that fluidly slides between slimly snake like one doesn't know why perhaps it's his luxuriant beard or his gleaming teeth all the way he smells faintly of coconuts but we have taken a shine to this pirate and dementedly psychotic dear little Polly here is going to be absolutely dead delicious Queen Victoria really does deserve the crown for the number one spot on my list she's a very underrated villain from one of artman's best features feel free to check out my other villain ranking videos like the Rogues of D blof or the baddies of DreamWorks I've been jamarii Cheerio [Applause] folks
Channel: Jambareeqi
Views: 51,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aardman, Aardman Villains, British Animation, Wallace & Gromit, Flushed Away, Were-Rabbit, Chicken Run, Dawn of the Nugget, Mrs. Tweedy, Lord Quartermaine, Tha Toad, A Grand Day Out, Queen Victoria, Pirates!, Lord Nooth, Early Man, Cooker, Preston, Feathers McGraw, Piella Bakewell, Trumper, Shaun the Sheep, Farmageddon, Agent Red, Timmy Time, Arthur Christmas, Nick Park, Peter Lord, Animated Villains, Every Villain Ranked, Lady Tottington, The Wrong Trousers, A Close Shave
Id: Uycs07WhtJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 27sec (1827 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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