James Charles OSPIE?, Ariana Grandeyy FAIL TATTOO, Tekashi69 JAIL not epic 📰 PEW NEWS📰

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Why does it say OSPIE?🧐

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/team--player 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's an epic victory royale for 69

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NestlyNes 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Sad violin] P: Let me just say that.. it's been an honor. It's been a privilege It's been.. something real. We did something that no one expected! We FOUGHT back Against all of India! And we fought bravely goddamn it! Well, we all knew it was bound to come to an end at some point. The sub gap is... Lef- less than 50,000 We used all our cards! We got nothing left! We got nothing and no one! ELON MUSK WHERE ARE YOU Where are yoU E L O N.... WHERE'S THE SUPERBOWL AD MR. BEAST... [Reads] Wall Street Journal: Furries are now illegal in Germany Oh, well, alright then- [Music stops] Well then it balances it out. Then it's okay *laughs* Good evening. I'm Gloria Borger I'm not supposed to have my opinion but Finally, they put the furries in jail. That is excellent. Thumbs up Gloria. [Pew News Intro] All right (👏x 2) Welcome to Pew News We have a lot of stories to cover, a lot of OOPSIES to go through- Number one!!! Oopsie number one reveals- PewDiePie did an oopsie. The BBC did a story on the whole, "PewDiePie hacking"... and uh, Well, first of all, absolutely [holy music] beautiful vector art! *Chuckles* Wh- what is that nose and beard!!! Thank you BBC! Very cool. And they asked the question here in the title, "Could hacking printers ruin your life?" And I'm.. I'm gonna go ahead and say no. No, we didn't. At least in this case You probably heard about the printer hack already where a couple hackers hacked Printers to print posts that are saying "Subscribe to PewDiePie," you know it was a combination of a Good meme.. for a funny cause, but also doing something positive in a sense of.. it's a hack that spreads awareness That people's printers are actually unprotected and that's probably something you should fix I mean I heard even police stations printed them. So it's pretty concerning and it's raising awareness for that But BBC kind of showed more the... the dark side of this whole hack *EAR RAPE* (ow) BBC: "Four hacks. One YouTube star." P: Someone hacked printers- BBC: Overnight fame, global news, then- They vanished! [Audio cut off] WHOAAAA They went incognito! *wheeze* *Laughs* "Then they vanished!" * M O R E E A R R A P E * FBI's like "WHERE'D THEY GO?" *Laughs* [holy music] beautiful editing! BBC: The Swedish comedian's army of followers got to work a Bizarre campaign was launched including billboards leafleting and posters one fan calling himself hacker giraffe Decided to take it to an extreme even criminal level He hacked an estimated 50,000 printers forcing them to produce a poster in support of to depart Those poor printers without consent printed this black and white image I can't believe it this criminal level. If anything. These kids should get hired for doing something groundbreaking So we're that they go in this illegal level like yeah, technically you're not allowed to do that I'm sure I don't know honestly, I don't honestly don't even know. I was involved in the "PewDiePie" Internet of Things Hacks". I'm going to tell you how we did it, but I'm going to tell you it anonymously. They talk about it like they broke into a bank and stole a bunch of money or something I was completely blinded by the whole fun aspect of it. It did feel exciting and I felt kind of like a hero like I'm going to change the world and actually make a difference. I felt like I was doing good. After this vulnerable printers are going to drop. The giraffe and user it was the exposure they've been dreaming of but then everything changed *crab rave* NEW MIXTAPE IS FFFIIIIRRREEEEE Are they being sarcastic? because they make it look like it's a murder. Yeah exactly This number was about 70 or 60,000 and now it's dropped down to 39,000. So I believe throught our attacks, a positive difference and these people are securing their printers. Well there ya go! There ya go! There's no doubt that fun and fame was a big part of the motivation here For these teen hackers have made an impact in an area where security is an increasing concern We don't know whether or not the authorities are trying to find them there's a good chance that we're looking over their shoulders. The authorities! We need to get that giraffe. the idea that they have to look over their shoulder, incase they would ever get arrested for the printer hack. I don't know man. It doesn't really seem that accurate, but that's just my opinion, which I'm not supposed to have Next news. James Charles, everyone's favorite youtuber *ksi and deji watching creepy video* HI SISTERS *ksi and deji screaming like a girl* Visited the UK and it was absolute madness hi sisters, james charles here *inaudible* (and welcome back) Apparently there were so many people that came to James Charles. I think it's his new makeup palette. I'm not sure or Meet-and-greet thing, that the whole mall just shut down. I mean, that's crazy. I mean the whole mall just got completely overrun Apparently brought traffic so that people couldn't come home From work afterwards and it was his overall madness, but a lot of people directed that Annoyance, which is understandable that if you can't get home or whatever They directed that to James Charles, obviously which is also a Kind of a dumbass way to look at things because clearly this is not his fault or at least maybe not directly So let's look at some reactions from the news about this whole event What kind of comment is that? what the hell man? That's because I take advice from a women, from a wahmen. Boys can't do makeup. You silly little boys. I love the smug faces she make, they make aswell like ehehehehehe I take advice from a mahn An article by MailOnline, it came out about this as well and said WhoTube? ha ha ha virtually unknown US vloggers Virtually unknown and his eight thousand screaming fans to bring Birmingham City Centre to a shocked standstill with extra police drafted amid crush fears as he opens cosmetics store Oh he opens the cosmetics store ok? James Charles responded with "virtually unknown' and 'eight thousand screaming fans' should not be used in the same sentence" I ah-I noticed that they they changed his headline as well it now says ah I don't know, US make-up vlogger and his 8,000 Great. There you go. So they realized at least Pewds: I also really like this radio recording. Radio: Um, but his he, no, I think he gets 10 million viewers. Radio: That's very different to hate. James: Yup yep Radio: So Radio: What's going on? Oh, three four five six. Oh, six. Oh nine seven three. What what does this say? About Fame in the modern because newspaper job is usually As a former show biz journalists, I-I cover fame. Why are, why don't I know about James Charles *suprise pikachu face* Given, I read every newspaper everyday. Oh three four five six Oh six I like how he answers his own question Why do (n't) I know by this youtuber? Cuz I read the news *wheeze* Radio: because I-I feel very sorry for West Midlands Police how the hell could they have been known? Oh, Pewds: why am I uneducated on this matter? I read the news every day. Do you watch pew news? Cuz then we wouldn't have this problem *laughs* I don't know It's funny to me cuz uh I don't know that much about James Charles to be honest But he never struck me as like that contro-well, maybe is actually *Uh huhuhu huyu* It's more like, I expect this kind of treatment for ah, for **PewDiePie** with the, the kind of snarky Sarcasm and and there ooh, who is this guy or whatever but the fact that other youtubers get also get the same treatment It's kind of it's almost sad in a way. It's always so spiteful and With the tone of jealousy whenever there's reporting of new media Coming from old media essentially this failure to understand it. Just makes them look so Pity and Ignorant Without realizing it themselves, honestly, so Next*clap* News*clap* The Shorty Awards. Yay. The Shorty Awards, the most respected award show of all time. Hey I won-I mean- PewDiePie's won a shorty award. It broke in the mail. I'm sorry Shorty Awards. Maybe you shouldn't send a piece of glass in the mail. That's just my opinion *laughs* People were mad at how badly the Nominations were. For example: the "meme parody account" The most important category of all time I mean, where's Dolan Dark. Where's Grande? Huh? You tell me. Why is the same picture of Chris Pratt? Nominated. Ok, this sh*t tired. This sh*ts old. Get it out of my sight. Am I supposed to have my opinion? This is garbage. I know none of these memesters. Really, the only reason I bring up this story is because I don't mean to break people's bubble here Essentially, all award shows. They're garbage. Ok, they're bogus. It's just a play that everyone plays into. It's a chARade that everyone plays into I guess you could say, you know, you really wanted to be something that actually commemorates and congratulates the people that did w-well a certain year, but that's rarely the case. It's more about, who's there to accept the award It's more about how can they bring as much attention to their award show as possible with these fake voting's or whatever That doesn't really make a difference and it's all kind of bullsh*it politics and corporate chilling Don't believe me the Black Panther Black Panther was an Oscar nominee for what category? You might ask maybe best soundtrack NO. Best Picture. Best Picture. Black Panther everyone. Of course, of course it is I like this story as well. Bret Easton Ellis questions Black Panther Oscar nomination for Best Picture. Does it really deserve one? I like how that's news. They might as well put, Bret Easton Ellis says what's on everyone's mind How dare you question the Black Panther being Oscar nominated for Best Picture? How could you! Listen, I would love for award shows to be what they actually appear to be I'm just saying they're not. Okay. And if you were level 10,000 woke like I am Then maybe you would realize. Oopsie number something next news we're going fast, and we're going hard today boys Ariana Grande got a tattoo This is my favorite story this month Ariana Grande mocked for Japanese typo Basically Ariana Grande got a tattoo. She posted it on her Instagram or Twitter or whatever no one cares A hand tattoo. First of all, great idea Ariana Grande, hand tattoos are always a great idea so basically what the Japanese symbols are saying Is Japanese barbecue grill So finally she missed out on a couple of characters so, I don't know what it was supposed to mean but she ended up with Japanese barbecue grill everyone And I thought, that's a nice-that's a nice tattoo to have. With my extra-large grilling machine with temperature control Makes preparing delicious food quick and easy. It's yours for just $99.98 plus shipping and handling Call 1-800-65fsdfghd now Now people obviously were quick to point out this mistake. Ariana Grande is vegan as well. She was offered a million dollar for laser tattoo removal. I was supposed to say "7 Rings" Like double check if you get hiragana or kanji or whatever. Make sure you know what you put on there It shouldn't be that hard. It's funny how this happened to Ariana Grande. Because I also got a tattoo on my hand recently. It says ass for animal super squad. The game that I had. Oh gee I sure hope he doesn't have any other meeting So she have to add in a couple extra letters to a- To fit to make sure you meant what it meant So now she just have it on her palm. Great job. Please, if you ever get a tattoo just make sure you double-check it. Okay? It's always good to double check things that will last forever. Just a small little hint that maybe wasn't obvious, apparently. Next. News. Okay. Okay. These things are hilarious. I love this so much. Okay, Tekashi pleads guilty to 90 criminal counts detailed in immersion. So as you guys- We reported recently on Pew News Tekashi69 was arrested for racketeering and uh- it looked pretty bad for six-nine. It looks like he was gonna face a long time in prison and now we have an actual estimate of what that number is going to be. Since he plead guilty, he could face up to Forty seven years of prison. Now, Why is this number so important? Well, he is 22. He's been sentenced to 47 years in prison. Takeshi69 will get out of jail when he is...? SIX NINE!!!! If this is not an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy, I don't know what is. God bless you, Takeshi. Next. News. YouTube star Austen Jones pleads guilty to producing child porn. This was a story back in 2015. Uh, where this YouTuber admitted to asking fans to twerk on camera for them Mind you this is underage fans as well. "Your opinion based off of the full story and the truth." This guy looks like such a smug little hole just in itself and the things he said in his response video "Just twerking the dance move. It's not something that I'm proud of, it's not something that I think is right" "And I shouldn't have done it." Austin basically says it was just twerking videos and that was it Now the full story comes out and he pleads guilty to half a dozen videos And then he tried to get others to do the same. The federal complaint details videos and conversations with two fourteen-year-old girls Including at one point Jones trying to get the girl to take her clothes off by telling her to prove she is his biggest fan She doesn't have to cry someone else He had two girls on camera, 14 year old, telling them to dress- take their clothes off to prove that their his biggest fan. Like, that's just straight-up disgusting, manipulative That makes me ashamed to be a youtuber. I guess this guy will be twerking in prison for now on Lot of oopsies going on guys, I'm not supposed to give my opinion but goddamn, I love it Now lastly, uh- This is not an oopsie. I don't know how to talk about this. I don't know what to say but Eugenia Cooney uploaded this video a few days ago and I just really wanted people to send her as much support and love as possible And I mean, I really mean that I think that's the only thing she needs right now and I hope that she will listen to people and try and understand where they're coming from and actually hopefully get some help because she honestly seems like a lovely girl and this is just scary to look at. That's it for Pew News! Hope you guys enjoyed this episode Remember to give lots of love and kisses to the like button Subscribe if you haven't, oh my god, please subscribe. We have to make it to the Superbowl at least Come on guys. The season finale we can't quit now! I'm poppy Harlow and this is what's jablin jabbles- oh my- *MUSIC* Subscribe to PewDiePie!
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 7,412,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 1pRh6edafrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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