Logan & Jake Paul Face Off, Address Steroid Accusations, Expose Dillon Danis - IMPAULSIVE 394

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I didn't want that conversation to air I said that to everybody and I said it just makes us both look bad and you guys still aired it how does it feel to be the less cool ball brother right now I gotta ask you that honestly I'm honored I'm honored Jake is super cool and if I'm even in the same category oh man stop it stop it no I don't even want to start like this no no we shouldn't we shouldn't no I want to start yeah that was a joke I didn't mean it like but it's not a joke it's like a true joke well all right but like I'll say something really fast people want to compare us because there's no one else to compare us to mic drop we're the best in the world yeah number one and two like compare me to who else of course him that's where we were like this is my He's My Greatest Inspiration he's my oftentimes him and I are in competition because who the else are we gonna be in competition with Diaz brothers not the pro [ __ ] you and your stupid jokes yeah Mike's wild Mike's wild like who are they gonna compare us to compare me to somebody my age go vivec Ramsey Vivek Vic Rama Swami 38 year old presidential candidate you were hanging out with him dude that's that's how cool that's a level of coolness you're at bro you're hanging out with future presidents yeah I was saying that uh to Mom I was like man like and he's really cool and over the past like a couple of days we've had grown our relationship and um I really like his way of thinking and maybe if he doesn't win this presidential campaign maybe I know one day he's gonna win some presidential campaign he's not bought right he's not like is he running for a specific party he's Republican but what's great about him which is what I also liked about Trump is that they're not just saying what their donors want them to say they're not politicians by trade he's a businessman um billionaire he knows how to run a business America is a business and that's what people don't [ __ ] realize do you see him taking a lot like out of the Trot and true Trump Playbook like you you saw it kind of in the first um debates a lot of stuff that he says kind of sounds like stuff that Trump's already said really because yeah he runs on it no no I'm not saying that I think Vivek is like super articulate and Trump just says like jokes and [ __ ] Trump's [ __ ] around and he just is going like this yeah [Music] I didn't want to open this podcast politically um with there's two openings that we didn't want them both of us I wasn't even ready for this Robin on calls all day my mind is all over the [ __ ] place hell yeah dude you've been jump into it no it's good I I wanted to say welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening watching viewing and subscribing today's a very special episode it's a very special episode today because everyone on this set has a girlfriend wow including Mike baby oh I can't believe it I can't believe it Mike is locked down he found a girl who with a real name wait you want to start with you want a real name you want to start with this topic let's just it's just well we haven't been able to start with any of the topics yeah I got a girl dude I do I have a girlfriend um she's Latina she's uh she's partially Cuban the other part is Irish and she does have a she also has a four-letter name her name's Sarah but with no h at the end of it been trying to stay away from H for some time now uh and uh she's she's a very nice girl and uh the reason why we're bringing it up is because I wanted to ask you guys some questions you know relationships haven't always come very easy to me I uh have a bit of a commit a fear of commitment uh phobia if you will uh I'm a avoidance I'm a attachment avoidant they say and I wanted to ask you guys if you guys have ever dealt with any of that yourselves because it's really not that small of a problem there's a lot of people out there a lot of men who are have have fears about a myriad of things 39 of Millennium Millennials aren't sure whether their current partner is the one for them 15 percent of Millennials wonder whether they would stumble across someone better than their current partner did I see what you're saying are you a grass is greener type of guy like you're already looking Beyond Sarah no no no no no no not not on this one but I but I would I also think that it's not as always as simple as the idea that there could be better candidates there's there's a there's a bunch of other things that go into it I wanted to connect with you on it I don't know I don't know why I feel like you you might have some feedback on it but people have all kinds of issues getting they've they've they have trust problems they have fears of Abandonment they have issues that were left to them uh generationally or from their parents from divorces from uh sour relationships of the past and so I think for someone like me who hasn't been in a healthy relationship in so long I've had to go through a lot of um I've had to go through some like kind of early stuff here to try to get into a place where I'm like it's a massive change of of pace for me and a massive change of to my life to get used to the idea that yo I'm gonna text this person every day yo I'm gonna I'm gonna uh change the way I approach and talk to people of the opposite sex because of this person and all of my interactions moving forward so it's been a little bit of a growth for me but I wanted to see if you or or your brother or Mac ever dealt with any struggles there well yeah I mean I think also the profession you're in is a huge huge part of it and where you spend most of your time in the circles you're running in you're not surrounded by people with good healthy relationships I can't name a single healthy relationship in Los Angeles City County so uh we keep we keep trying if you have it so look at the numbers that Logan read earlier but add a hundred thousand followers and a blue check mark to those numbers and I guarantee you they're gonna be a lot a lot [ __ ] higher yeah because the problem with our generation is that no one wants to sacrifice and no one wants to build they want the easiest way out and everything in every route they're they think they deserve all of these things and then people's egos are inflated because of social media and as soon as anything starts going wrong you're just like I'm gonna go to these other 100 people that I see all the time and are put in front of us all the time and it ends up just being a waste of time like it's just it's a futile effort I mean you give up something good for uh for something that you think might be a good idea one in the hand is worth more than two in the bush exactly you know were you just saying that your discover page got cleaned up recently yeah now when I go on my Discover page because I try not to tempt myself with the the candies of the the flesh that's good that's good and so I started now when I go on my Discover page it's all Burgers calzones mozzarella sticks before what was it before badasses wrong fat asses Canadian titties we're all like all that type of [ __ ] I made this list uh because I want to remind myself every day yo like when I start to feel that anxiety because I also have really bad anxiety in general and so I feel like it's like heightened a little bit by this new stage in my life I wrote uh this girlfriend manifest good things about Sarah she's patient with me being brain dead she has a very mature attitude she is a hot Latina this one just says perfect and then it has the cat emoji foreign that could mean anything uh great great style Street Wear times Havana Nights she's focused on her future She's Tight with her mom dad and her hobby she helps me with my house and makes my bed she helps me talk more positively to myself like she doesn't if I ever say like yo [ __ ] it maybe I'll just go jump off the bridge I say that to Utah too and she tells you to not she says Jake don't even say that well I can't live without you oh that's so sweet uh she has a dog and she can take care of it 11 is that she doesn't snore and 12 is that she likes to eat drink and have fun and then I also included bad things about Sarah oh no there's just one hates all white [ __ ] that's it I mean I already said this a while back it was going to be a problem with the Latina bro she just stupid but she just aesthetically she looks white she like she might as well be but I she grew up in Miami and she's and she's ESL so she like spoke Spanish first so like she like to her she like shrimp Cuba you know what I'm saying like she ain't like bro I was at Fashion Week I know you were there too I want to talk about it but like I'll be around a bunch of Latina chicks and she's like oh yeah go have fun have a good time saying I'll do whatever you want and then like this one white chick bro like I swear was probably looking at like the hot dog vendor behind me and she comes up to me she goes who the [ __ ] was she looking at I was like I don't know [ __ ] what I don't even know this chick I only turned into a whole thing she was like I'll talk to Cindy prattle or something I was like you want me to talk to Cindy a coach she's Cuban that's right so anyways yeah you know people are scared of commitment yeah that's kind of yeah you're kind of one of them maybe you're struggling but you're working on it but I I see you getting so much better but I would also look at like the person themselves like what else in their lives like aren't they committed to if you can't make a commitment to yourself then there's no way you can make a commitment to somebody else do you mean like do and this is something I think about I'm not like the most disciplined person like in life as a whole and so I've been thinking about what you just said a lot lately like this seems like it has to be more of a holistic effort on my to get disciplined about a lot of things in my life I don't think that's incorrect but also how much of like relationship merging can be attributed to timing timing is so important people's lives I I don't think that could be uh uh underestimated like are you at a point in your life where you're willing to commit to this relationship because if it is feeling too much like work and it feels like you have to stay disciplined to be in that relationship are you really ready for it well I think Mike are you talking about like improving yourself in order to like level up your game and be better for her yeah and I'll and I'll answer both of these I think I think sometimes you need a catalyst in your life to start to go through those Motions like I remember Nina said it last night she was like you kind of have to like go through the fire a little bit like in order to start to ever be relationship ready you have to get relationship ready you have to start to go through those motions it's not that it feels like work it's just a little bit uncomfortable that's it does that make sense it's not like the easiest thing because it's so different from everything so drastically 180 miles also [ __ ] knowing your trauma and like all the [ __ ] you've been through you're used to life being a lot of ups and downs and so that's why you were attracted to these toxic relationships you actually go after people who hurt you sometimes because that's what you're used to whether it was your parents or you hurting yourself so you're actually addicted to this cycle and that's why people end up constantly in toxic relationships because they're sometimes more fun and the highs are super high and the lows are super low and so maybe you're just at this like base level and transitioning into a relationship that's like that which is how they're supposed to be yeah yeah which is how they're supposed but for you it might be like weird and I noticed that too with with Utah it's like this perfectly level relationship and sometimes I'm like wait something's supposed to be going wrong and then it's just not yeah and then you're like okay cool yeah it's surprising for me too as your brother like watching you in this relationship I remember like after a few months I was like you guys like getting any fights yet or because the Jake in relationships that I know you know things could happen they could flare up from both from both parties yeah exactly uh but it sounds like Utah and I can definitely speak like on this with me and Nina is she activates the best part of you when it comes to companionship which is which is how it should be you know and Mike's probably not used to that he's used to you know people making life harder yeah and making you feel insecure I like what you said though including himself though you know he he's he you self-inflict sometimes for sure no absolutely I do I'm that's the thing that's like and by the way the reason I brought this up today is I I like to come up with topics that as we always do that are affecting our lives but that are relatable to the audience because this is a very important topic for a lot of people people look at relationships as kind of like the basis point for happiness in this life like do I have a partner a lot of people look at it like that and and a lot of people struggle with the same demons that we're talking about which is which is why I kind of brought it up today um I've always been a runner like first sniff of a problem out sabotage or Runner and the question I've been asking her a lot is like yo are you sure you want to have to be patient like it's not this isn't about me it's more about it is about me so much that I'm like trying to turn on her and be like yo are you sure you want to be around and like deal with it yeah and deal with this madness and she's like I I really do she's like what like she you know what she said she said you are keenly aware of your issues voicing them to me and taking steps to work on them and she goes and you're asking me if I would rather do this or go to the 99 of the people out there who lie to themselves on a daily basis and I was like wow that was a [ __ ] mature ass statement and and she also added plus you have a big heart a big heart and you're not going to do something to to hurt me you might be flaky you might say yo I'm feeling anxious today but those are the things I can deal with so fellas are you running into stubble trouble are you dreaming of that clean shaving look I hate going through the hassle of a wet shave every other day I know you are and that's why we part of a man's great the brand for below the waist is coming to save that beautiful face yes sir manscape now has the beer products and is going a step further with the launch of their brand new handyman electric face shaver it's designed to give her face that smooth and chiseled finish without the mess of a traditional shave make sure to join the 9 million men worldwide who trust manscape with our exclusive offer head over to manscape.com music code Logan for 20 minutes off and free shipping your face is the first thing people see when you walk through the door or give them something to look at with manscapes the handyman for wet or dry use feel free to bring this anywhere and everywhere the compact design and airplane friendliness make this the perfect travel tool for on the go and for my fellows with a little more Scruff manscapes beard hedger Pro Cricket has everything you need to tame your main featuring their signature beard hedger this thing is the Juggernaut of fixing faces the cordless trimmer has a rotary wheel it gives you 20. hair cutting lengths all with one guard so no more messy drawers full of extra add-ons that's right face grooming doesn't need to be hard get 20 different beard lengths and just want gar 20 off and free shipping with the code Logan and manscape.com it's something funny Mike hit the refresh button with the handyman use code Logan manscape shout out to you back to the program I would say to the viewers watching like take a hard look internally and if you wouldn't date yourself knowing all the like bad things that you do behind closed doors maybe in relationships or if you are you know cheating or looking at these people if you wouldn't date you then you have a lot to work on before you're going to be able to be in a relationship that actually works because all of those things are going to come out for sure So speaking of coming out foreign this is way more important than what we just talked about because the things we just talked about have to do with people yeah humans yeah yeah give it to him Mike today the Mexican Government announced that they are in possession of extraterrestrials have you seen this I haven't seen that Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake it's a massive one [ __ ] year old mummified aliens no so so let me read this out the bodies allegedly yes these things look so [ __ ] stupid ridiculous so they look so they look like a a crappy version of E.T like a smaller like version of it it it's crazy how the aliens look exactly like we thought aliens would look like ridiculous with eggs inside them with eggs and such the bodies of two alleged alien beings were exhibited before politicians in a special session of the Mexican Congress the fossilized bodies presented by journalists and ufs UFO scientist Jamie Mawson and displayed in glass cases were retrieved from Cusco in Peru and are said to be 1 000 years old these specimens are not part of the evolution of our world they were not recovered from UFO scrap they were found fossilized in diatom Moss mine under oath under oath this man claimed that these two aliens who look like they're made of paper mache they do like like you're yo you're telling me after all this time after all this speculation no these cat-sized paper mache [ __ ] are what are what we're actually dealing with no people people aren't but they're not sure what to make of it because I mean you're looking at it right now yeah I mean I'm looking at some sort of like uh MRI kind of thing and it's got bones but like not in a it's got some stuff inside of it I mean it looks like a body maybe there's a reason we think that they look like that if they are old and I revert back to like imagine like me and my me and my friends joke about this imagine you walk into your room and you have a plant a plant in your room and the plant is like laying on the bed with the remote in its hand like flipping through the channels and then you walk in and it's like Oh and it jumps back into the planet Toy Story yeah it jumps back in there and you like what do you do do you tell your friends or they're gonna think you're [ __ ] crazy what are you what are you talking about this is no different than being like yeah look I found these alien bodies and then everyone else being like no you didn't you [ __ ] idiot those are paper mache or is that not the difference it's the same so it's it's unbelievable that it could it just like because before people are like you're no this you're [ __ ] stupid and then you have like the conspiracy theorists who are like yes this is it so then it just almost like creates this like more difficult it's a real one how about like a Galileo type where you guys like bro like bro can you can you zoom in on this I don't know man like are you this is his face look looks like Yoda but you're saying you're you're on the Logan you're on the side of like that's [ __ ] well this stuff fascinates me as everyone knows I love UFO stuff and I I'm I I like geek out on UFO videos all the time online but man when they pull back the the top of the alien box and that's what was in there oh no man I don't know and allegedly the guy who found them has previously been associated with claims of alien discoveries that have later been debunked including five mummies found him yeah but this is yeah but why is the government but why is the government involved like is this is this uh a psyops like is this one of those like are they are they distracting us yeah are they distracting us from from something else are these are these aliens going to be used in the future as mules for cocaine like do you understand what I'm saying like what is really going on here like do you think okay ready for this Mexican government does all this stuff right they take these paper mache aliens off the stage pack these [ __ ] with Peruvian white right then they're like oh [ __ ] we have to send this to Washington for further analysis that's why they found the cocaine yes in the White House exactly yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry yes these are 100 not real aliens they're just not bro they're just not I'm telling you right now end quote Logan Paul I like that we're no smarter than at least yeah but I'm just looking at this thing his head looks like a VR headset wrapped in paper mache he's got stupid expression that is by the way basically just a human face he has hip bones that are protruding and somehow he's laid out perfectly like flat on his back what alien both of them would have been mummified perfectly flat on their back and a thousand years ago also all mommy's a flat on their back no no they're in weird positions but then you go sometimes on their side but a thousand years isn't that long ago A Thousand Years not long at all but you you go back to like ancient hieroglyphics and they like depict aliens still looking that same way we're flat on their back with paper mache VR headset that face that face that's to that point what if it's and it's like why are these why like in civilizations from thousands and thousands of years ago are they drawing with stones on other Stones these alien faces for what reason to be like ha gotcha it's just a prank no I I know like they're gonna draw what's actually and back then there was so much less disinformation and there was one ruler and so and it was the and you didn't speak out otherwise you'd be killed in each in each culture in each like specifically in the Realms in in Rome so that everything you just said kind of makes sense yeah but I feel like I feel like there was a time a [ __ ] bunch of aliens in hieroglyphics on a wall like for because it's fun I I agree with you the the weirdest part about the hieroglyphics is that there are matching symbols and depictions of these extraterrestrial beings from um civilizations that had no contact with each other over a period of like a thousand years which is [ __ ] insane I I think there was a crazy amount of disinformation back then like dude like you know for a long time they thought the Earth was flat they're still those well that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't disinformation that was just that was just lack of lack of evidence yeah but isn't that just information it's not just information no disinformation is someone like an intentional intentional it's like a propaganda or some sort of way to confuse someone from from believing something what if it's some sort of game what if it's all of our beliefs that are making all these things come true like over time most the majority of us are manifestation the aliens are in existence and then they pop up from the nothingness and arrive here you think we're creating this at least through some sort of intelligent or or subconscious system we gotta get out of here just just well if we've talked about this before if time is everywhere and everything and it doesn't go forwards backwards up or down then yes if we are all just one moment in time then you could manifest things in real time as is happening and in the past and it's just this revolving door that you're walking which is why it would be so important that everyone always says there's no aliens there's no aliens so that the majority doesn't take over and we start to believe that these little little paper mache dummies arrive here on this planet but but to your point and and this really is what it all boils down to is like we really do just exist on a spinning Rock and I not it's not to quote Jeff Levin but at the end of the day it really is the fact of the matter like I'll sit here and discuss with you like I have relationship anxiety how do I overcome bro like let me lay this out for you one last time I'll just really quickly right now we are on a a massive globular Rock hurdling hurtling through space and the only reason why you're not floating into the ceiling is because that ball is spinning so fast that you stay glued to the ground and when you walk outside right you're not freezing because a much larger ball of gas is burning further out in space to heat us up like a small oven yeah and each each particle of that gas when it reaches us it takes 10 million years to be created inside of that ball shit's funky and somewhere out there right now somebody's like man I have such bad social anxiety like look how he looked at me when I was buying these oranges it's like it's and trust me I'm that person that's what makes that suck so bad like I understand all these things yet I still feel the way humans it's humans we're too conscious we're too it's weird the dichotomy of being like conscious beings who are self-aware and also not knowing a single thing about anything is is a funny position to be in like what are we doing here and why how do we get here and do those paper mache aliens have our answers they might we should ask and this is why Elon Musk treats his depression with ketamine because the smartest of the smart are always tend to be depressed because you just are too conscious and think too much and know too much and that's why I'm always depressed that's right ignorance is bliss right there's a saying for that I was gonna ask you and I'll ask all everyone watching it this is wild let me ask this question that's not most likely that's not why you're depressed I've met thousands and hundreds of thousands people in my time we said most likely like I've met so many [ __ ] people and most people are dumb as far so I just want to say I want to point out there's not a single dumb person that watches invulsive no no not for this audience no oh perfect then so yeah you guys are if you're depressed and it's most likely because you're a genius 100 all right question for you especially for you for the rich people here if you had to trade away your riches or your artistic expression I could be rich all right awesome okay you know actually you're right Mack I've already made a mistake I'm rich in love if you no but listen if you had to trade away all of your wealth the three of you right and you had to move back to Westlake and be dumb but twice as happy as you are right now twice bro 2x happiness and I don't care what the factors are would you write the question in in short is would you rather be dumb and happy or or smart and [ __ ] not as happy I would rather be exactly where I am right now in this moment because I believe so much in Destiny and that like certain people were meant to carry certain loads to change the world for the better and that everything we're doing Echoes into eternity I'd say watch out for happiness because it's not all happiness like you're gonna go through struggle you're gonna go through stuff so I wouldn't trade my uh my current thing just be a little bit more happy I do aim for happiness like I want to be happy but like the majority of our existence is not like always this elevated Peak and the more the more I evolve in life and mature I think a lot of times as creatures Were Meant to have happiness and have happy moments but I think we're meant to be useful and the more I read is stoicism and get deeper into it the more I just really see that their values were like far more advanced and still hold True to this day and I think so many people focus on I need to be happy I need that I need this and it's like the biggest thing you could do is help uplift others around you and make the world a better place and that's not easy or the first thing that provides happiness so you you study stoicism yeah a little bit yeah what do you think about my favorite belief set nihilism I will say you're uh you're spinning I'm not I'm not a nihilistice it's just basically Anarchy everything yeah everything nothing everything nothing yes falling apart at all times everything well it boils down that's David's philosophy yeah David the German it basically boils down into nothing matters so basically like the opposite of what Jake said whatever you do reverberates in the into eternity and nihilism nothing you do matters you cannot affect anything in any way and so you should just live your life based on Pleasure or whatever you want because you're only here for a little bit and whatever you do doesn't matter I think they're very I think they have similarities so I I at some point my life had a very very pessimistic View and I was literally gonna get like nothing matters um no regrets no but um and and uh it it slowly changed and as I got closer to myself and closer to this higher power and to to God that completely flipped on its head and I saw a moment that was presented to me where it showed me like just how big of a influence like every decision that I have makes in the world and that's why I said everything matters because if I decide something somehow maybe little Timmy in Nebraska who is a Jake Paul fan sees that and that changes one of his decisions to go to a different store that day because he went to that store that day he didn't get hit by the car Timmy goes and becomes the next president and changes the world and becomes the next Gandhi you know and it's you cannot even comprehend the butterfly effect um but that's why I I know that everything matters well especially for you because you're also a very big butterfly but you know what I'm saying like you're you're all jokes aside the size of his Promotional and marketable wings you know what I'm saying but for the average for the average person out there in Tuscaloosa for example you know they could I could see them reading Nietzsche and falling into a a nihilistic situation but speaking of unhappiness Dylan danis let's call her let's cover some of the stuff that's been going on there did you see the face to face I did not watch the full thing no why not I've been on a [ __ ] Terror like work non-stop every single day did you get hit in the face with a beard and I also and I also was confused because I saw so many Clips coming out for like three weeks and then I would like go and look to see when it was coming out and then when it actually came out I like didn't it was me it was me posting the clips yeah and I'll tell you what I've seen the clip outs no I this guy's a good he's a good Twitter Troll he's excellent and in debating how to like tackle this and even if I do want to tackle it he's a good Twitter troll because he's never he's never you have a very large weak spot that he's exploiting but when he tweets about anything other than Nita it doesn't no one cares yeah didn't he get like famous for tweet tweeting he's definitely let's give himself he was dead until you resurrected his career and like he's yeah he's like makes jokes but it's largely in part that he's exploiting Nina and there's so many hurt males out there who can't get girls and they're the ones who are like yeah like [ __ ] girls [ __ ] women I'm gonna do do I love what Dylan's doing here and they know that they won't ever get a hot girl in our society and culture and young men are hurting and are so hurt and they're addicted to porn and they have no way to interact with girls and they text them and they're getting rejected and then boom boom it's this never-ending cycle and now they're finding a way out to unleash their hate through this super hateful insecure male who is clearly clearly a very hurt person that's where we keep Landing it's like Dylan's obviously damaged and he may have some sort of mental illness that I empathize with but any unfortunately you know hurt people hurt people and he's he's targeted an innocent bystanding female that has nothing to do with this fight and people are latching on to it but he's at least at this point in time tweeting 20 30 40 50 times a day I don't even know how this guy is training and so we're going back and forth like well do I even engage in this Twitter war also do I give a [ __ ] do I have to like Dylan has done almost all the promoting for this fight has zero percent back end and he's gonna have to pay all the money he makes in this fight he's a puppet back to my face he did get some clout out of it I'll present the other side of it just because I'll always be called a Yes Man no matter what you always be called no matter what you say no here's one thing I can say to you right now say it say it then no you don't get to get out yeah the theory was when I was putting out those clips after the face-to-face I sat down with the guy and I was so curious to see what he was going to be like like in real life he's really just a puddle Jake I'm not I'm not even just saying this to be a tough guy he he melted he he stumbles over his words he can barely get out of sentence he can barely form a rational thought everything he says is a lie and so I landed on why don't I just show him actually who he is you know like it's much different in person when you're not tweeting behind a keyboard all day which is why I'm so excited for October 14th I need this guy to show up like what is gonna happen when Dylan danis is trapped in a [ __ ] 20 by 20 foot ring with me on October 14th and he can't go go to his phone and tweet because he got boxing gloves on but I need him to show up and I have a prediction because everyone's like is he gonna pull out of the fight what's gonna happen everyone's crossing their fingers he shows up the face to face is doing numbers like there's so much hyper on this fight and by the way the card in itself is going crazy they just added uh that Brazilian influencer slash comedian uh winterson Nunez October 14th is going to be nuts like the numbers this card is going to do were all super optimistic um for it but in thinking of the ways that Dylan could like make excuses and lie and back out of this fight I thought of one that actually could be a good thing for him and I'm gonna say this right now what's the date 13th September 13th I predict that he's going to somehow intentionally give himself covid to back up from the fight instead of like faking an injury or like actually getting injured I think he's gonna find someone with covid and like lick their feet or something and use it to get a positive cover test to back out of the fight granted on the week of that's what I'm saying yeah but also like laughs you could just like fake a covet test couldn't you no because it would be confirmed by 10 [ __ ] doctors he'd have to actually get covered but he's not gonna at first we thought he might intentionally injure himself like break a finger or something but that's insane like you think this guy's gonna put his hand on a table like smash his finger with a hammer I don't know but uh the other the other part of this is like him pulling out in any way that isn't like verified by a doctor of our choosing you'd have to pay a hundred thousand dollars to US which you know Mike said he can just pay using the Twitter Revenue that he's generating I wish I never said that no no because it becomes very much revenue that they're they're making from this stuff no he got two he did two he did over 2 billion impressions in the past year because everybody it's not a lot of one thinks that that little uh chart the three Rising bars on Twitter is views and I hate when people call it it's the dumbest it's the dumbest thing ever when you look at the Tucker Carlson interviews yeah and you're like yo he did 450 billion yeah and then everyone's like oh you got that many views like no that's something one second that's how many people scrolled by it yeah you don't know the views on Twitter right you don't but no everyone thinks that no but his his account is impression based so he so he he that yeah but Impressions from what videos of what oh yeah I'm not no say it no I'm not saying say it no no what's the content of I'm gonna be honest with you bro the way he got it done was activating an army of people that hate Logan Paul yeah that's it take the girl take Zoo whatever the [ __ ] you want to pull out of it and put under a magnifying glass but at the end of the day [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] with Logan Paul right now bro and it was a good time it was a perfect time for him to come in and activate that army people into Jake's Point even the people that kind of mess with you or or didn't care there was a bunch of hated women there was a bunch that wanted to do this there's a lot of nihilists who just want to watch it all burn and they just want to get involved and be like yo let's start trouble let's [ __ ] people up but but back to the the Crux the beginning of all of it is the hurt people situation and and honestly I've been I've been feeling worse and worse for the [ __ ] dude bro I I mean that I don't I I'm not gonna cry about it but it is very apparent that he's very he's a SAT he's sad bro and that sucks it sucks also you're gonna have to beat his ass if he thinks he's sad now wait until October 15th because he's in a position where and I said this to him October what you hold it yeah you should say 14th you said 15th yeah yeah the day after the fight I know I did the fight is I'm saying the day after the fight when he wakes up and he's like oh [ __ ] I've lost I've lost I've lost it all because when he goes on Twitter I said this in the face to face he's getting validation that he hasn't gotten in a while that's a good feeling dude like if you haven't gotten that type of attention and validation um a bunch of people online telling you you know you're the man your tweets are funny no matter how evil they are that can make you do things that you normally wouldn't do I've been there but these actions have consequences right his actions have a series of consequences there's legal consequences that we'll see how it plays out I have a feeling I know how it's going to play out and then there's Logan consequences you gotta show up you have to get in a [ __ ] ring with me and face me man-to-man after everything you said and we're gonna see just how valid you are just how intense just how much of a non-twitter Warrior real fighter that you think you are but we gotta get the guy to show up because when you have this type of feedback coming in that you haven't gotten you're going to do things that you normally wouldn't do and he crossed a lot of lines in the process he shot himself in the foot again with this legal situation and he's gonna shoot himself again in the foot when I [ __ ] kill him this is the fight game [ __ ] [ __ ] chick it's intense and I think we are clearly in a volatile space that no two fighters have ever been before no one's ever been in this situation it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] show and people want to see us rock each other you know there's a lot of people that want to see me lose there's a lot of people that want to see me shut him up everyone's watching for different reasons but as long as you're watching we're good I would have agreed with the murder thing up until like a couple days ago I saw uh I saw some sparring footage of you you haven't learned anything over the past couple years your head movement looked really bad uh your foot movement was the same your hands there was a uh sparring footage that dropped it was a club it was I'll be honest it was a short clip how short like one second maybe two seconds but long enough for one to make a 12. yo don't even say that dude's name videos two seconds of sparring footage in the middle of a combination and make a 10 minute video out of it how do you even do that if I if I could milk life like that I would honestly all power too oh yeah shut up just that's that that's incredible to to be able to like make something out of nothing and then the fact that people give a [ __ ] like who are you to be commenting anything about fighting do you know anything about this sport or are you a commentator do you engage in the activity and I think like you said it and you posted something funny the other day on Instagram something about combat so many armchair quarterbacks why does everyone that watch fighting think that they know fighting oh the the need he needs to throw the jab more this guy with potato chips [ __ ] shirt up here with his stomach I like hey that's me Gotta Throw the dab more yeah what is true what are you talking about and and it's such a big problem in the sport but it's funny because like even I remember growing up watching fights with Dad and he's yelling at the TV saying [ __ ] and like then I was like my dad knows my dad knows but thinking about it now I'm like he was yelling at the TV for them to do [ __ ] that he that he doesn't he doesn't really know about it yeah and I also think it's a larger problem in the sport because most boxing judges haven't fought in the ring or been in an actual fight and so how could they judge whether or not a punch is more effective than the other one or where it's placed on the body do they know that certain body punches hurt more because in different areas all of these things the timing what if they watch a lot of film what if they watch like a lot of boxing thousands of hours but their scoring is different than fighting of course but there might be an Elegance that you have to learn to scoring as well being able to see and register the punches I understand what you're saying you need the you need the but then but then why there's why why are there so why is there so much discrepancy in it you know and like I I don't think there's most boxers that watch a fight objectively would agree on the winner of it like I don't think there's a lot of controversy amongst actual boxers on like who won fights do you think it has to do with where the judges sit aren't they on three different sides of the Ring well this yeah and this is why I'm like wanted to change boxing judging you the audience plays uh a huge role in that if if it's a HomeTown fighter and they're screaming out loud every time that fighter gets a hit the judges subconsciously it's inherent human body it's exactly and so then there's so many things like that half the time when you're sitting in the front row this is why I like to watch fights better on TV you're sitting in the front row half the time they're 20 feet away and the judge is standing in front of them so you can't even see and maybe there's one big punch that they missed because they're always going like this and like this and like this and it's it's it's just bizarre that we we are still archaic with fight judging do you think it'll ever turn into the uh like super analyzed with sensors in the gloves and uh some sort of sensor on the body or ability to check all of those things I think it will turn into a more sort of AI scoring computer scoring with an in-person judgment inside of that I I have proposed different theories and there's many ways to fix it many ways to skin the cat but obviously it's such a hard thing to change are you on steroids Logan me yeah no no I know not that I know of I'm done being a yes man that's fine I'm gonna start at no I'm gonna start asking real [ __ ] sure sure yeah no I I I I hard stuff go to as doesn't take a test Asda is a UK retail chain that you know what I thought I think you meant to say usada yeah call Osama Mike have you seen this guy's training [ __ ] Lana Rose is calling Mike answer answer answer answer you could tell her I made you answer oh who do you got Dylan Dennis or Logan Paul on October 14th um Logan is there any emergency um no and I definitely don't want to talk about what I was going to talk about all right all right bye bye bye Lana she was always very she's very nice I still I try to make sure that no no she's just she's kind of like a meme a little bit in real life she's such a character you know like every time she calls you I I can't wait to see what's gonna come out of her mouth or no no no no no sorry no no no no no no I'm not on steroids I'm not on steroids I don't know how many times I need to clarify this uh I don't know why we aren't doing usada orvada testing well yeah because the conversation was never happened because JJ is doing it with with uh I'm more than happy to do it I I'm more than happy to do it I just do it no I'm gonna force you to do it I'll do it you're not gonna [ __ ] tell me that to be to say yes all the time you're fired nah uh I I just I do have one request don't laugh at me in the face to face but if I do a a drug test I want him to do STD test I'm just curious what's going to show up and he laughed he laughed me played it off he wasn't interested in doing that I wonder why I wonder what you got you feel like a gonorrhea guy to me anyways uh yeah no bro I go hard I'm working [ __ ] hard this Camp I know I've not been I've been said I've not been training Mike spilled Mike had an accident okay I'm 38 I'm training hard dude I'm pretending Dylan danis is Floyd Mayweather uh oh I saw I saw some sparring I saw some sparring last night what's boring I saw sparring for me yeah oh oh that [ __ ] was crazy bro because I haven't seen you fight in a long time and contrary to what one said dude you [ __ ] can move your head a little bit no you you I I'm not supposed to talk about this right no bro you just [ __ ] obliterated that guy oh no that [ __ ] was crazy bro yeah I will say I will say I Jake maybe maybe I don't think Mike's mic is on hello I can hear him you can I can hear him Kevin is it still coming through sorry I'm sorry yo yo Jake Jake people think I really suck at boxing dude like what about what about going eight rounds of Floyd Mayweather LED people to believe that I suck at boxing what did I what have I done wrong like what what the [ __ ] dude yeah I see I see videos I see videos like if he's if he's bragging about that he's out of his mind but before I fought Floyd it was he's gonna kill you you don't stand a chance you're not a real fighter and then I do it and some [ __ ] still clowning like what what have I done I think being inactive just make sure you've lost like your momentum of the respect fair fair but now it's time to show no fast it's time it's just time to show them and shut them up but also like it's this like fickle audience again who mostly doesn't know about fighting who you know sees salt Poppy beat up some oh I'm not I won't allow this yeah there will be no salt I gotta stop you slander on the show it has everything to do with the people hyping them up to think he's some God knowing that like okay is he AC a demigod at least no no back to back to the earlier topic and on this one as well people just want to feel involved bro that's why it's why it's why people so then like then go to the [ __ ] YMCA go to church yeah go go go play in your community with ride a bike around and [ __ ] take a bike I've come to accept recently that you know I you anyone in our position we're here to be critiqued we're here to uh uh entertain and with that comes the territory of people running their mouth or supporting us it's just like the life that we've lived so like if you want to be evolved you know go for it if you want to use me as your vehicle for whatever you're feeling that's that's cool I don't think anybody wants to use you as a vehicle can I can I I need a ride home reliable can we talk about something before I I go to this next topic because it's a weird one and I feel like this is a good time to say it uh the last time you were on the show A lot happened there was a lot of chatter a lot of conversation coming out of that episode a lot of potential misconception misconstruing judgment is there anything that you guys Logan Jake either you guys want to say to each other or any Clarity that you wanna um maybe speak out on this episode while we're sitting back together again uh I think that when the higher you climb the windier it gets and especially as brothers and brothers always and fam but mostly actually brothers in families older brother younger brother roughly one to two years apart maybe three years apart have the toughest relationship with one another and ours just happens to have a bunch of people watching us go through Ebbs and waves and I didn't want that conversation to air I said that to everybody and I said it just makes us both look bad and you guys still aired it yeah yeah and it was a conversation that we don't get to have often and people never understand like how busy Our Lives get and finding the time to have those conversations sometimes is impossible and that's unfortunately what happened but I think it felt good to have it and just get some frustrations off the chest the content of the conversation wasn't the issue the issue was that it was aired online and you were and you were right and Schultz asked me he's like why did that conversation see the light of day and you know there's some scrubbing that needs to be done internally of why that happened and I think it was just the speed at which we move the busy lives that we live is like I don't often think of the implications of what the [ __ ] I'm doing and I think it was just like a you know um record post move on we had the call out but I think I think you and I at the end of the day it comes down to a conversation between you and I we get the feedback from the people who watch and review and I think we've always strived on this show to show a side of ourselves that we don't that we don't always love that much if something comes out that portrays us as vulnerable or imperfect or well that's what I'm saying like like we are in a position where our lives as a fault of our own or you know intentionally is here for people to critique and sometimes that can be good and sometimes that can be bad people will watch the episode and brothers especially be like oh I have had a conversation like that with my brother oh maybe he got a little too far here Logan has some stuff he needs to work on which the the big takeaway for me is and Jake you're so wise you're the little brother but in many ways I think you're more emotionally mature than me and you've you've you've given me a ton of like feedback on my character my personal Direction in life and I don't think there's anything wrong with that dude like I am me severely imperfect human being and sometimes I need to be uh rerailed and steered back in the right direction and like you know everyone in this room is is here to to help me do that and sometimes I need to and to help each other yeah it's not just like and everyone's severely imperfect and like you said earlier we are in the world of being criticized and watched and hawked and people want to see us fall often times and we're just here to help each other all as humans get better honestly trying and you you helped me get immensely better dude and I again I try to take all the feedback and honestly being in this Camp has been nice because I can internalize even just sitting down this podcast to be honest is like hard for me I'm so I'm so ingrained in Camp I had a great workout this morning we're gonna go to the track right after this like it's all I'm thinking about it's all I want to do and so when I'm in that mode I get a chance to find out and think about who I am and who I want to be more than when I'm on the road shooting podcasts doing content performing for WWE like I'm really just shaping I'm shaping my body I'm shaping my mind and I like the position I'm in now because I can get to take your feedback and not approach it with an ego first standpoint yeah and to be fair that's why like I say boxing saved my life because it gave me the time to step back and it's all I've been doing for three years like locked away here doing that [ __ ] and time moves slower and days matter so much versus compared to the other lifestyle like you're saying it's you get that time and space Not only with yourself but the people that matter to you and you can kind of see yourself evolving and you have the clearest form of thinking because you're in this healthy mode and there's no distractions I'm so stupid stupid sober and there's no distractions and there it's just you so I think that's why boxing has helped me become this different person like I don't I never thought I would be like how I am today even it started with boxing me either to be honest with you yeah I was thinking about it this morning on my jump rope I was like damn boxing really saved Jake's life and at least for this in a room that I'm doing the boxing it's altering mine in in a way that I like you know thus far got a job to do got to show up and get it done but that's why I'm giving all these practices 100 I want to finish this camp not thinking of a single moment where I wish I would have went harder or I wish I wouldn't eat in that late night cheat meal or something like I it's also gotten easier in my adulthood you know when we first started these camps it was kind of foreign and it was we weren't really sure what to do or how to act or if we could trust ourselves to be disciplined it feels like my life now yeah and it's just what you do and it's more fun because it's easier when we first got in bro like we were getting our faces [ __ ] up every day bleeding all over yeah you couldn't move your arms your elbows are torn up and then it's like 9 A.M you're getting hit in the [ __ ] face in your living room like even even like even even the jumping rope at the beginning of the workout was hard and now it's just like that's this is a [ __ ] warm-up like this is easy as [ __ ] so and it gets more fun because of that which is why I've continued to found like new love and passion for it which is it's definitely your thing I I just I just wanted to pose that to you guys and just let you guys have like a little bit of moment of a moment because like I said we do we do uh show some stuff on this channel that is us in our imperfect selves and that goes for Logan and myself and and you too Jake I think we've all had moments on the show where we've said things that we maybe wish we had and and a strength of of it is that a lot of that stuff does go out and that has that has really hurt us a lot of times that has really hurt us a lot of times but I but I think it's but I think it's an important lesson and the only the only problem that I have with it as I continue to you know move on here coming up on on year seven as part of this Camp is that um you and I still watch it think to ourselves this will go out and people will see it and they'll understand where we were coming from or where Logan was coming from and they'll see that there wasn't malintent but no matter how long we do this the belief will always be that you have maliciously made every single mistake that you have made in your life and that I have maliciously made everything and you too and all all of us and that's that's the thing that hurts it always hurts to know that people think that you're doing these things on purpose when in reality as you just said a couple minutes ago we're imperfect just like everybody else we make mistakes and and so that that's like the toughest pill that I've always had to swallow is just knowing that there are people out there who think that this guy's a a bad person just through and through just a bad person you know what I'm saying and and by the way and just so you know and you you can relate to this as well it reflects upon us too as long as I stay close to him with the belief set of people that he's a bad person that makes me a bad person well I want to hear that email uh the subject line was Mike's corn Stars only fans farmer MILF I'm intrigued I'm gonna open that meal that email ten times it sounds like something Greg Paul would get Mike I'm a stay-at-home mom and farmer I would love to be considered by your Agency on how to start an only fans I'm a 30 year old and I'm all natural I will mow on a giant tractor with my tits out I can change oil on farm equipment and even muck donkey stalls once again with my titties out I live in rural Missouri oh God I live in rural Missouri and I really feel as if this is an untapped market for both of us tractor Mo the dirty hoe you can start an entire division targeting Farmers called Mike's corn Stars I hope to team up with you oh she's great she's great she better have her account ready no I'm not gonna say her name but but why not because because it's an entrepreneur dude nah because I think she's on some I mean she's already and she also has sent some photos no she's great she's great she's an entrepreneur Dirty Mo listen [Music] I didn't go into that space for a reason and I'm never going to I could have made a I could have made bot I could have made boxing money off of that yeah and now you're a Snapchat and I'm now I'm a snapchatter and I take a picture of the waffles but I did not go into that space for a reason I um I don't want to say too much but uh I'm pretty reformed as it pertains to the adult space I'm not in taking any uh any adult content anymore it's amazing what a good girl do for you huh it stopped a little while ago I found myself uh I think I got too close to the industry I know what happens in that space and I I'm not a supporter of it it's dark yeah it's really dark there's a lot of really nasty stuff that goes on I support all the women for sure I love all those girls but it's just a really nasty space yeah and I also just like to hold on to that see it really nasty it's gonna get nasty daddy listen I gotta go run on a track run off on the track uh you think Dylan's working as hard as me absolutely not I mean no chance is that sparring footage is real not caught in the band that's what we thought was Ben askren we thought he was [ __ ] around and then it was real but because I told this to Jake I said it's hard to look bad it's really hard to look bad if you know what you're doing the only way to really do it would be to switch your stance and then you kind of would look a little uncoordinated no no I I don't know I don't know I don't know how he's training because I'm training so [ __ ] hard but with the tweets the volume of the tweets that he's doing and the fact that he is incessantly avoiding getting served for this restraining order like like the dude's a ghost yeah North Korea to continue his training we have no idea where he is we don't know where he goes he's on Twitter all day but man Dylan I hope you're working I really hope you're working bro because like I actually I could just tell you after this feels like now is a good time he's uh he has a new place in New Jersey he has a place yeah it's his look he rents it yeah oh we're coming for you buddy we're coming for you okay thanks for listening to this episode of Paul soon we love you guys hit that subscribe button wow October 14th Prime Court 1010 Burger Manchester Fury also Logan Paul Dylan danis witness to Nunez versus my mates Nate we'll see you next time
Views: 1,292,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, jake paul impaulsive, jake paul and logan paul fight on podcast, dillon danis logan paul face to face, dillon danis vs logan paul, logan paul steroids, mike majlak girlfriend, lana rhoades, vivek ramaswamy, donald trump, presidential candidates 2024, alien en mexico, alien video, butterfly effect, destiny, nihilism, dillon danis nina agdal, boxing judging, dillon danis trolling
Id: SNTxRuLiJ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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