JACKPOT SILVER & COIN SCORE ~ hunting abandoned treasure

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but we just bought this right here it's pounds and pounds and pounds and pounds of silver all right we got some coins all that money and she's keeping it in some of the i can run off with this and she has a container ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages we are just leaving someone say hi good morning we're leaving our storage unit there you go public store we had to pick up a load we came to sell this little bit of stuff and then i'm also going to pick while they make money they're doing the selling i'm doing the picking who do you think is going to do better last thing we need is more barbies because we have plenty of them but it never hurts to look we got 1990 barbie we got happy birthday barbie all right sir good morning what are you doing working yeah loving life loving it you don't get a lie mike how you doing good morning joe what's going on hey you know hanging out man i was interested in a couple your items the other day and i was ready to bed and i forgot my password eighty dollars for this stroke 100 bucks for what you got in your hands did you bring your jewelry today i'll give you 80 for them i don't know you can't find those ones okay i think we did good on that i'm uncertain but let's go check these guys out there's a whole set of mugs those are good for ebay how much is this 25. how much is the uh atlantic city uh 75 the one under 850. you gotta confess federal mayor it's got a freaking chip right both of them do yeah i do 100 for the two make me an offer how about 20. no no one's cool oh that's a big chip i might put it away oh you're asking on it like like 300 bucks oh wow okay yeah you're probably not you're granted the ones you're looking at are a little smaller because see look here's the five by nine and those ones were like 30 by 40 but yeah let me see if i can put it in five by nine you do have these little see can you see that a bunch of the trains i got the trains man give me i got the motor at like 25 and the rest for 10 10 10. well give me give me 50 [Music] dang it you know i'm going to try it what's up sir how you doing we're going to try this i'll let you know how it goes we got a flag so basically on this flag you saw me a minute ago i was looking it up and i didn't see any small ones i saw only the big one or any big one i only saw the small ones the small ones didn't sell for a thousand like he thought but this one's like three times the size of all the ones that we saw and so he said scrutiny let me have it for a hundred bucks i gamble he said they sell for like a thousand i'm gonna try even if i got 200 i'm doing good do you have two ghost i used to have hero4 when i was new you had a hero for last week i know you can say hello hello everybody just make sure you speak loud hello everybody in mike's world you want to introduce your dog yeah this is mushu mushu he's um three years old he's a good pup he comes to the flea market every weekend saturdays and sundays but i'm a big fan of storage auctions and this is how much for the shirt uh how much for the shirt for my shirts yeah i'm gonna sell this it's from the 80s i know it's probably 140 shirt if this is compatible with photoshop it is i definitely want it i want that put this one shoes that's crazy yeah they're all signed by who yeah look at this watch right here yeah it looks pretty good the spring doesn't work right now it's unfortunate it's a beautiful black if the spring was working so nice it almost looks gold how much are the coins these are thirty dollars each can i see one yeah [Music] why are they so rafferty well they're beat up a little bit man but you know they're still all right can you get it i think i've got to look for that is it really amazing are these 100 in these this is i'm sleeves it should be 150 this is probably 125. somebody was trying to sell me like 40 boxes today he's obviously went through and got the bestest ones but whatever you buy for me it came to be nowhere i couldn't film that but we just bought this right here it's pounds and pounds and pounds and pounds of silver i'll show you in a minute and here we go ladies and gentlemen look at this look at all of this huge pile of rings we just bought all silver we've got lighters we've got silver bracelets we've got this silver necklace right here is to die for we've got lighters belt buckles silver coins this is just awesome i'm gonna spread this out when i get home and i'm gonna show you everything in its entirety a little better than that all right we got some coins we just bought these as well i can't stop shopping oh are you trying to you have to you and she's keeping it in some of that i could run hey but you have to give her you have to give her credit for having this system where it's safe right what'd you guys sell anything big just little stuff give me 60 how much would i tell you five can i get a 15 michaela yes 60. give me four dollars each their led i think [Music] uh give me three yes we'll take 10 for all three what's up monkey what's up what are you doing give me 30 for the drum i think he's trying to get that he's asking his wife he needs permission when you get married you always have to ask the other person for a permission to buy something just so you know michaela jordan do you just say you know i'm a man do i know how to do this i know you're a man and all but do you know how to do this this right here this man stuff this is a piece of cake right here probably look at me no everybody knows because i had to leave my auction early to go save you all right pirates we're back at the house and i told you i was going to go through i was going to set everything up and i was going to give you a quick recap of everything i bought at the flea market today michaela do you have something to say about my filming technique oh because it seemed like you were making fun of me she was sitting here with her phone and she's like mimicking me like anyway let's real quick go through what we bought we got this huge huge pile of patches here right there's got to be at least a hundred in there i didn't really look at them i just asked what do you want from them all and he just said give me 20 bucks pirates so i was like all right i'm going to do that i got that i bought this this one i might have overpaid on their vintage license plates they are a pair which usually makes them more money but they are a little rafferty but they do work as wall hangs i paid 20 for this then we come over here guys like i as if i don't have enough trains right and as if i don't have enough trains i paid 50 for this whole lot this one i saw comp at 50 on ebay and then you get these amtrak trains just a little little heads up amtrak always sells well these are ho scale amtrak's are always very collectible so i figure there's at least 120 130 on ebay this right here this right here my buddy wanted a lot of money for it's a sterling and buttoning he said his friend sold one similar to this one basically like the same one five by nine he said he sold it for a thousand bucks on ebay i couldn't find one of this size it's 48 stars you look at the stitching right there beautiful work each one of those stars is handcrafted it's like one two three four five six pieces there is a few little bit of flaws there but i only saw like 12 by 24s and 33s michaela do you have something to say about my filming technique oh cause it seemed like you were making fun of me she was sitting here with her phone and she's like mimicking me like anyway let's real quick go through what we bought we got this huge huge pile of patches here right there's got to be at least a hundred in there i didn't really look at them i just asked what do you want from them all and he just said give me 20 bucks pirates so i was like all right i'm gonna do that i got that i bought this this one i might have overpaid on they're vintage license plates they are a pair which usually makes them more money but they are a little rafferty but they do work as wall hangs i paid 20 for this then we come over here guys like i as if i don't have enough trains right and as if i don't have enough trains i paid 50 for this whole lot this one i saw compt at 50 on ebay and then you get these amtrak trains just a little little heads up amtrak always sells well these are ho scale amtrak's are always very collectible so i figure there's at least 120 130 on ebay this right here this right here my buddy wanted a lot of money for this is sterling and buttoning he said his friends sold one similar to this one basically like the same one five by nine he said he sold it for a thousand bucks on ebay i couldn't find one of these sizes 48 stars you look at the stitching right there beautiful work each one of those stars is handcrafted it's like one two three four five six pieces there is a few little bit of flaws there but i only saw like 12 by 24s and 33s by 40s uh inches none of what am i going over there look at my phones for um i didn't see any big ones like this so i took a gamble he and at the end of the day he offered me he said you want to give me a hundred bucks for this i said you know what i'll give you a hundred for that because i feel like i'm gonna make money so we'll find out about that then we got this right here this is a good box i bought this whole box for 80. when i bought the box it was much bigger but a couple quick things the little woman loves starbucks and disney so she took a couple cups but if you look in here there's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 brand new starbucks coffee cup look those babies up they call for at least 20 bucks a piece someone can get higher but that was a good buy in my eyes and then last but not least wait we got comic books and garbage pail kids we picked this whole little box up here these two boxes there's a lot of different different ones in there they all seem to be in the cases i don't think there's any like 15 centers or 20 centers but there definitely is about 150 to uh no there's about 220 comics in here right i paid 70 bucks for all of this right here i picked up all these coins here for 20 each there's a little bit of meat on the bone there i'll make something i picked up this lighter lot of zippos right here that one cost me a smooth 20 bucks i bought this immaculate coin for 30 and these two for 40. then we come in here guys we come in here and i paid a lot of money i think i paid for almost 500 for the rings they're all sterling so these things are beautiful look at them then i got the sterling silver with gold pieces 14 karat pieces inside there i got that for 60 i paid 300 for this 10 carat diamond tennis bracelet 320. i paid 100 and 10 for this ring and 100 for that ring they're gold i paid an average of about i don't know these were ranged from 30 to 15 here very few were fifteen very few were thirty no twenty five so some twenties and fifteen and twenty five that's a good deal for those braces they're all sterling silver these ones as well that one was thirty the gold one right there that one was probably 15. i paid 60 for this gold and sterling silver belt buckle right here this piece is a gold plate on there of some form this one i paid pretty heavily but it was nice i liked it i think i paid 40 for that so we'll see that was a good buy or not that was my gift for spending so much i bought this necklace right here that necklace i think i paid 70 maybe 80. anyway that was a good haul precious metals are going up high right now and they're highly collectible so that was a i think i did all right there's a lot of money there i think there's probably almost two grand i spent there now i'd have to say that was a good day picking now the children i think they did what'd you guys do how much 141 yeah they did 141 in sales so they paid for they made themself money we sold some trinkets and i got the shop and i'm quite sure that i will make i'll probably make at least a thousand dollars i should probably make with all things consider what i spent today i should double i might have spent close to 20 300 or so 2400 on everything cumulatively i think i will double my money on that at least in the next week that's just my personal opinion you guys tell me what you think right in the comments section below if you could kindly hit the like button the share button if you don't subscribe please do and say something pretty
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 3,546
Rating: 4.941349 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, extreme unboxing, i bought, bought, i found, found
Id: 5GF3GYrf6DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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