Jabbing Distance by Cain Velasquez

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i punches distance right I was gonna keep him here we're here we're here we can fight punch we can hit each other okay now we'll go back to the punches distance okay so the punching distance when you get into punching distance when we're here I'm not the only way we can see whether you hit each other as if is if what you take a step and then strike right when you see that you need to move but you should be moving anyways you should be circling she being here head movement you should be doing all this already we're not in punching distance yet look I punched over there I can't get him he would do the same thing else he's really tall he can do the same thing you punched it would just be punching hair okay so head movement moving around I'm body punching distance yet how I get myself into punching distance well initially I love the jab just like anybody else with jab is this is just set up to it's a stronger than the jab is your set up to the knockout punch right your jabs gonna keep him guessing the jab is gonna you know you put things in his face you can you go shoot for the leg you throw something up boom go for the takedown you throw something up here he gets covered go bottom go top good job is essential as an essential weapon for distance for setting up your stuff so having a fast jab quick strong it just makes make sure whole your whole repertoire just just extremely dangerous so am i touching distance yeah cuz look I can't hit him but but we're close to that and I always have this in your mind is when you do get your punching distance right away either you have to throw move and after you throw you have to move after you done after you go in and hit I'm not gonna stay there to have him counter-strike me I'm not gonna stay there to my around work oh I just he'll we're now since it's coming back okay so when you come in when you commit you're in that question distance you have to throw see around here you move I am putting punching distance now I gotta throw well get out of there because I want to take control of the fight it I don't want my opponent to I'm controlling the pace I'm push whole in the fight I don't want him to so if we getting these questions as distance here initially I will throw that jab and that jab comes from your feet you're gonna push off your back foot push off and as I push off my dad pan he's gonna be thrown and I'm going to try elongated as much as possible my straight punches I want them to be elongated and I want my arm to be locked out at the end of the punch and this all has to do with distance if I had to do in the jab here am i coming too close look come on look how it's been this is a shock absorber meaning you hit your opponent but I want to say you hit him with all your power okay there's a lot of power lost in here and with each with these strike with easy to take down you want to be as effective as possible with that without wasting energy that you don't have to waste it's all about conserving energy and getting the most out of every technique that you can so how do you do that number one when you step in this thing's be fast if you ever seen if your Seng fencing they come out to strike that's the same thing we're coming out exploding striking and coming back boom and coming back but as they come back I want heavy movement coming back why cuz you medicine target you committed yeah I come back well my head's there the whole time again in my opponents to know that my head's there it did not go offline it's not it's not necessarily a moving target anymore it's it's still stationary you know it's still a target where he knows like if you reach this a little bit you do it a couple of times he's gonna get that timing if he reads it and you're gonna be in big trouble
Channel: Dynamic Striking
Views: 15,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fight tips, how to fight, fight training, fight techniques, learn to fight, learn fighting, striking, learn striking, striking techniques, strike techniques, how to punch, how to kick, kickboxing, kicking, kick techniques, mma training, ufc training, fight skills, martial arts, self defense, muay thai, dynamic striking, Cain Valesquez, UFC, jabbing, jab, jab distance
Id: H6nSllWNN8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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