Piecing Together The Dutch Drill by Duane "Bang" Ludwig

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grasshoppers this week all we're going to do is piece together the Dutch drill here we go okay one for one or even if it's on the back on the back uh locates the middle of the thigh nice and light and Carter receives it they go into it but again take care of a partner hooks locally beautiful nice good clean guard so watch their right hand goes across the part in the shoulder to make sure they have some extra protection let's watch your lead side mic yeah let's watch our lead side for now so we're like back on the cross knee body the lead body kick you switch or step depending on the Gap either way as once you load that hip rather than making a little half step what you can do but I'd like to make sure you throw off the habit of loading your hip it'll be switched or step easily we're loading that hip for the kitchen look low for your back cross lead body kicking body kick mid forearm hit their axle block sparking fighting hit him in the body you'll hike it to you if you want but that's true so if you find the kick mid Farm nice and light but a little bit of power to teach them to block the bottom kick as well beautiful so today's the thing go slow on the follow for me so when you say Fallout is to have it calculate land forward followed by three pieces two punches and a kick cross low that right there is the following so it's piecing together that's true look low Crosby body follows concert and hello you do this one more time and we'll add the return which is another three-piece combination with two hands and a kick and this kick will go high so we got the hook low oh Cross City by the kick Let It Forward pops let's go now here we're gonna bring that legs back before we launched that hook you really back to the Apostle and look you have hook love boom cross three body kick follow across the slow now here he's linking back flip the floor left shoulders back and closing now he's gonna rip that hook there's a cross and switch this step make sure you take your time allow that foot to hit the floor before we launch that action hook so that foot on the floor is your button boom to launch the hook which loads across there's loads the actual kick to the hit that shift to the kick itself for the high kick and block that high kick away from her head go rock yourself hook Low cross knee body follow it slow return hit cross look [Music] that's one clean my insights quality keep your focus [Music] that is this week's ninja skills and drills just piecing together deduction take your time
Channel: Dynamic Striking
Views: 860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fight tips, how to fight, fight training, fight techniques, learn to fight, learn fighting, striking, learn striking, striking techniques, strike techniques, how to punch, how to kick, kickboxing, kicking, kick techniques, mma training, ufc training, fight skills, martial arts, self defense, muay thai, dynamic striking
Id: YF5f4qbY9C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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