5 Devastating Fight Moves for Beginners Self Defense. (These work!)

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technique number five now what I'd like to do is discuss the mechanics of an ijab first of all how do you stand well you just have one foot forward just like you're walking have your rear hand up when you do an eye jab you don't want your each finger going to each eye okay put your fingers together to strength in numbers the key to an eye jab is that you're loose your wrist is loose and you're just flicking it it's not a demonstrative move where you're yelling and screaming and key eyeing but you're just flicking it's coming in a slightly backhanded angle the first way I want you to do is just get in front of the mirror and move around in front of the mirror and just kind of take a step forward and poke it's a very simple motion it's very natural motion breaking news I'm giving away 200 of our new Commandos it's based on the original covert Vietnam SOG knife this is a hundred dollar knife but it's yours for free from the link in the description just pay a small shipping fee okay back to our video boom I want you to do this over and over with both hands sometimes change your left lead try the same thing on your left hand boom slowly move around picture your opponent coming in picture flicking the eyes the more times that you can picture that scenario in your head and the more times that you picture him coming in and boom you see the eyes that's the quickest thing you can do to a person eliminates here and he takes off the other way okay now if you have a person here what I'd like you to do for training is your training partner now your training partner is going to supply a Target that you can actually hit this is now a moving Target if you want you can put little eyes on the hands if you want you can purchase a focus glove and use it all he's going to do is he'll have the glove on and I'm moving around and boom I get to actually flick at the glove a little bit sometimes you change the height and I'm flicking it that's all until now I'm actually doing it on a Target so you get used to having a slight angle when you hit and you're not coming straight on this way so we don't hurt our fingers now our third way of training is to actually do it on our opponent our person our friend okay you don't want the fingers going directly into the eyes for training just keep them pointed up kind of just touch the eyebrow a good way to train this is Carlos you can just walk up to me slowly and then just I just touched the face as soon as he comes up boom just to get that feeling of Boom going into the eyes you're not your first response is not to make a fist and hit him it's just gonna piss somebody off as opposed to that as soon as he comes in boom flick the eyes and run the other way this is what's going to get the reaction we want this will take out a big man technique number four one of your best punches if you remember we were punches it only one punch you'll throw that your feet don't twist and turn and that's a front Punch or a boxer's jab your elbows and your fist you can throw from right in here this close you can physically if you can lay your hand on a person's chest you can just keep your thumb rotated out and hit them with an uppercut by simply twist turning that foot and driving up into their chin uh you don't want that hand to go too far but if we're in here like that and I wanted to back up I could say back up but if I take one of those hands and lay it in this way then you can fire that uppercut and I'll tell you what this is going to hit them right in that jaw and it's going to knock them down a lot of people will knock out there's some real tough guys out there so you probably want to follow this up but when you're here and you give a little push the weight rocks back on their heels if you can turn that hand on your chest no matter where you're standing you can still fire that uppercut right into the chin and if that uppercut misses then you've got an elbow that can go right into that chin normally if I if you have the chin that high you might want to follow up with another slash and elbow over top so good technique inside guy comes up you're like hey back off a little bit yeah boom come up the stairs back over top remember I'm giving away a 100 Commando fixed blade knife for free there are only 200 available just pay shipping and it's yours get to the link in the description right away okay back to our video technique number three talked about taking an attack and redirecting the attacker to a point of advantage for you one way we're going to do this is while the attacker coming at you heart coming up and he comes at you hard grabbing we need to take him to come in here we want to lock him into the body allowing him to continue his Motion in towards you you're going to slightly pivot with him if he was to go the other way we would take him the other way we then will take his elbow helping him go not forward but off to the side and pivoting it will drop us to the ground again we're going to look at it one more time as he comes in and grabs you're going to Pivot back taking him keeping him coming forward but then redirecting his body off to the side where he cannot maintain his balance now let's take this with a punch the individual throws a punch what we want to do is allow the punch to come we want it to continue forward but at the same time we want that his body to go off to the side again nice and slow here we're going to push him off doesn't make too much difference which hand I block with at this point I want him to go that way so as I finish this I'm going to push him off to the side getting him to go away that gives me an opportunity to get behind him again one more time and away now what we don't want is to get caught up in the middle of the individual if he attacks and he throws let's say a roundhouse punch up to my head I don't want to be here what happens is I'm now in a fight what I don't want to do is start fighting with this individual I want to survive this attack I want to get away from this attack so as he throws up here I've got to get in here and do what get out so if we keep our movements up where I can get away from him that's where I want to be I want to be to the back I don't want to be here if I'm in front of him I'm going to do something a little more drastic technique number two skill that I want to talk about is the jab she likes to set up your opponent basically you keep your opponent off you set him up for the right hand or a combination and the job is set up you twist your fists just like that nice and slow comes down just like that I'm up for the right hand but you pivot and twist that right hand Works off the jab belt Muhammad Ali Larry home the job was their bread and butter setting up their opponent now I'm gonna have Andre come in here and demonstrate his Jab this is why this job setting up with the ones too right hand all right onto it continuing with the jab I want to reiterate a job you always want to protect your chin my method of using the jab is to have my shoulder up a little bit like so okay and I kind of twist it into the point just like so as you see just like that nice and slow you set your opponent up right nice with that Jab foreign for the most part the type of job that I throw if you hit somebody in the chin a lot of times it messes equilibrium up and they they drop especially if you come over with that big right hand but once again I'm gonna have Andre demonstrate his job it's more of like a uh Sugar Ray Leonard fill out his opponent job we're seeing where to unload with that right hand and we're all conventional Fighters that's why we lead with our left we're not South Poles we're not left-handed people so Andre very nice Hector you got your special course as a jab he only knows one speed that's delivering maximum damage all right Hector Army Special Forces so I showed you three variations of the Jab my job work I keep my head down make sure that you're moving your feet the whole time whenever you're jabbing you're not staying still in one spot making yourself a Target if you just stand in one spot you're going to become the Target and somebody's gonna be able to hit you with a shot so you always want to make sure that you're moving bobbing and weaving when you're throwing that jab out there just like so hopefully we distribute we demonstrate it to you the proper and effective way through a jab technique number one pop-up drill is very very important remember this is how lions and nature defeat Cape buffaloes they run up hit them once again hit angle and off balance them and go to the neck generally to finish off the Cape buffalo now the initial movements with Dr Bob out here I'll very slowly show you if he were to come in to me which is the best way to do it or I can attack him with it although we have other methods we want to use that are a little better for attacking him but if he if he's right here initially I want to practice pop-up very simple I want to get sort of at an angle and come up with my arms slightly bit and do that it's why it's called a pop-up same crouching pouncing maneuver that the Lions use on the cape buffaloes okay this is what it looks like with a little bit of practice here initially I'm going to start out you want to drive off the rear leg because that gives you all the power to utilize your body weight forward if you have your body weight use it so what it looks like now this is the shield and Bob is standing sideways when you have body armor on you'll see us go sailing okay initially that's what it looks like and then of course if you were in a real fight don't stop with one never stop with one it's not good enough keep going the same Principle as the Machine Gun Works on first of all it doesn't matter too much but the next 19 certainly do a good job don't they so the same thing with the pop-up slow motion I'd be popping him up popping him up this is very important for chaining and sequencing because this ties into everything else like com Rock boss techniques do now a little later when you get good at that stationary thing Bob will move into me with the shield and I will pop them up now I'm not using I'm not using that much of my body weight because I don't want to beat up the doctor yet that'll be later his office visit charges are driving a little crazy it's that simple now one time I'm going to give him a real one so just to be stationary and stand sideways for real I want to be moving as much as I possibly can into him sprinting because all forms of athletic Endeavors fit into the comrock boss I'll Sprint lower and explode like that that was nothing are you ready okay so if I'm moving very important to be able to fight for real defend yourself is you must practice against a real person now if you do this you're going to hurt the other person with our moves what you have to do is have body armor you'll see Dr Bob you can hardly recognize him behind all this he's well protected behind layers and layers of body armor although this is protecting him fairly well I have Brandon behind him to catch him for certain movements now he's protected so if he does go down in his legs on his knees he's not going to get hurt he's well protected in here for pop-ups even though the shoulder pads take off some of the wedging you cannot wedge full power because I'll still terrorist AC joint up pretty well and if he's throwing punches he's fairly well protected that I'm not gonna not gonna hurt him here and if anything's stray you still don't can't you still cannot do a straight blast of this because it's gonna knock him out but otherwise for stray fingers coming up that might you might when you're learning hit the guy with he's protected so some of the things that you can do with the body armor on of course is if he's standing and he's threatening me from this distance I can pop him up and if he's Square it up like this he's going to go I'm not going to pop him up full power but Brandon's going to be there to stop him because he's going to go so for real what you need to do because a bag a pad Shield is not a real person you've got to learn how a real person feels so here he is I'm going to pop him up so if he's threatening me and I see him that that that's easy how are you okay now I'll now you're going to see we'll do this once if he's really gonna threaten me I'm Really Gonna Pop him now Brandon's gonna save his life at this this point so if he threatens me check out our site right now and I'll give you 20 off just get to the description link below click on it and it'll take you directly to our site and I'll automatically apply the 20 discount at the checkout just hurry though that special link and this deep discount are only good for the next 24 hours thanks for watching our video lessons here at TRS direct hit the like button down below and consider subscribing to our channel here on YouTube hit the Bell icon and we'll send you a notification when there's a new lesson available thanks again for watching [Music] foreign
Channel: FightFast
Views: 17,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fight Fast, TRS Direct, TRS, Fightfast, self defense, self defence, self defense techniques, self defence techniques, how to fight, martial art, martial arts, fight move, fight moves, learn to fight, self defense moves, self defence moves, how to defend yourself, self-defense tip, how to fight like a pro, close-range self-defense, self-protection, situational awareness, self-defense skills, top self defense moves, best self defense moves, best self defense
Id: jl2DSJ7pbUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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