Top 5 Kettlebell Exercises for Boxing

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in my top five kettlebell exercises for boxing first exercise is kettlebell swing with the bands so the kettlebell swing fantastic exercise to develop hip extension fantastic to use in conditioning circuits or during the strength speed phase now we add the bands because it creates extra tension to increase that acceleration through the movement and also the bands bring the Kettlebell back down faster so it challenges eccentric utilization the hamstrings and the glutes grab a bag and so either side of the Kettlebell I'm going to pull one side through and pop it onto the Kettlebell like so around the handle then you can get enough space so then you can stand with your feet hip width apart first two reps are going to be some Maximum to start creating that momentum going into a set of either five or six repetitions knee flexion hip flexion one two and then we're driving up dipping the hips back driving all the way through the movement squeezing glutes and caught up top and then controlling that eccentric forces coming back down and refiring into the movement [Music] kettlebell Bottoms Up press fantastic excessive developed four arm and grip strength and also challenge shoulder strength and shoulder stability the fact that the Kettlebell is upside down means that you need to grip hold of the Kettlebell really hard and also have stability in the shoulder so make sure that the Kettlebell isn't moving side to side I've gone for 10 kilo kettlebell here but you're often going to go a little bit lighter compared to what you normally do on a normal press so start off light nice tight grip of the Kettlebell pop the arm out to the side for balance to keep the core nice and tense pushing up overhead and then you pull him back down to create that stability so when you pull down you're utilizing lats to create that stability around the scapula nice and controlled down if you find it quite tough even if you're doing a light a light kettlebell you can just pop your hand there there's a little bit of a support as long as you're getting that load as long as you're not doing it too much then you can take stabilizers off pop the Arms by the side press up and then back down foreign Bell lateral lunge swings fantastic exercise so get out the Satchel play develop lateral movement and stability an exercise that you take into the later stages of Camp gonna lunge to the side to start off with dip your hips back one leg straight one leg bent slight forward flexion of the trunk but keeping the shoulders pinned back keeping your back straight and then you're going to drive from this bent leg into the center while swinging the Kettlebell up and then go straight over to the other side one step dip down and five over [Music] so this exercise is kettlebell clean fantastic full body exercise to develop speed and power using kettlebell and also it's good for kind of shoulder stability and wrist strength as well kettlebell is going to be facing forward start off with and dip down hips just higher than the knees cut a bell on mine with the hips shoulder in front of the Kettlebell gonna come up simultaneously extend your hips and knees come up into full hip extension to power up the Kettlebell I'm Gonna Keep the Kettlebell quite close yeah we don't want to be it flinging out and then you're going to flip the Kettlebell over so the elbow just sits on the inside there it's important that you don't have your elbow out that Ultra weak shoulder stability put a lot of forces through the wrists through the elbow there you want to flip it keep it close to the body now the elbow there and also it flips over the Kettlebell a lot smoother rather than it coming out yanking out and smashing your forearm you can see I'm keeping it on the inside when I drop down start from Dead start position keeping it really Custom Body and flipping the elbows through and having the Kettlebell just sitting onto my forearm and move up around foreign [Music] this exercise is kettlebell drags fantastic exercise to develop shoulder strength possible shoulder strength but more importantly core strength and oblique strength the news kettlebell I've gone quite heavy today on 20 kilos I'll go try and go as heavy as he can because this will help increase activation you're going to start off in a plank position hands align with the shoulders kettlebell just online with the sternum pull the Kettlebell across as far as you can the reason might go far as you can as you reach across get that rotation in there get the lats switched on to pull it cross drag it across that will help increase oblique activation and challenge rotational strength and stability foreign if you find that quite tough obviously you can reduce the weight load but also you can wider your stance you find it easier finally stance and increase the weight load so they're my top five kettlebell exercise is for boxing let's give it a go if you've got any questions about how to use this or how to program this please leave your questions and comment box below hopefully see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Boxing Science
Views: 10,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strength, strength training, boxing science, boxing training, strength workout, boxing workout, strength and conditioning, sport science, boxing strength training, anthony joshua, conor mcgregor, floyd mayweather, mma, ufc, combat sports, deadlift, workout tips for boxing, boxing fitness, boxing strength and conditioning
Id: F8uk6eKvXTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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