J vs Ben: HARDEST Lord Voldemort Quiz EVER

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Was a great one, even if Ben lost lol. I was sooo proud of myself. For the first time in Ben vs J harry potter vids I got a question they got wrong!! What things did kid Voly steal.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SirDocMrMaster 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey brother and welcome everyone to another episode of jaber sees Ben where today we're taking on the ultimate Lord Voldemort you know I don't know how we actually haven't done this one yet this surprising we've done like Dobby and Remus and Sirius and all those I'm like I don't feel like there's that much to know this time I feel like there's a lot there's a lot of yeah Baltimore lore yeah this is this is gonna be tricky and we've been on such a Marvel kick lately oh no man a Harry Potter mind space I know I know I'm worried I've got my Voldemort wand here so I'm like trying to jam it I have mine on Baltimore wanted right yeah yeah we do this yeah let's do it [Music] so here's how it's going to work we're going to put a link in the description if you want to take the quiz alongside of us but the caveat is Ben and I will not have the multiple choice answers Derrick was going to read us each question and we will have to just know the answer and write them down on our whiteboard from memory yes but if we both agreed to hear the multiple choice then we can hear the multiple I feel like that always happens around question 17 haha make a mental note question 17 yes it's coming it's coming this this so your are like a two game win streak right now but I'm very nervous very nervous I've got on my lucky charlie cannons T so oddly cannons the cannons boom boom boom we are not pirates question one from whom does Baltimore take his first and middle names you are writing way too many words I don't think so two words the correct answer is his father and grandfather oh yeah kaboom man the early lead feels super good uh yeah I don't like that that was negligent to my part I wasn't ready I know it sounds like I was just writing down oh god I look we will catch up question two and the Harry Potter books which character speaks of Voldemort's name for the first time three two one hundred the correct answer is Albus Dumbledore are you snotting me I am not does he say it on privet Drive I must hmm I'm doing terribly then euro for two but I'm the only one for two man I really thought because like that's like that's the first time it's made of these like I don't like saying I can't spell it right right I guess the first time Harry hears it all right this one is a true or false Lord Voldemort killed Gellert Grindelwald true correct answer is true yeah oh my gosh question four I'm only one all right this is a select all that applies I'm gonna give you the list you have to tell me which ones it applies to which of the following characters was not a Death Eater Rodolfo's Lestrange Augustus Rookwood Fenrir Greyback Narcissa Malfoy Severus Snape oh my gosh one of these in particular I am like super nervous about oh my gosh I'm so nervous I'm so nervous I feel as soon as you said this like one character came to my mind I was like I'm not sure about that one haven't sure enough man I feel like it's it feels like such a like a thing - how could you not know that are not Death Eaters right correct amounts of Death Eaters to one grade back in Narcisa the correct answer is Fenrir Greyback and Narcissa Malfoy yes I was like I knew it had to be - I don't remember yeah Rookwood he is the one that Harry becomes in the department when they Polyjuice in the south like your least favorite part of the high here in heat that yeah all my gosh yeah so I was like yeah so I listen listen to them all I was like all of the the only one I knew for sure was gray back and then I thought I had the one the person who came by my I was Narcisa cuz like I know lucious is but they never send a Narcisa anywhere but she's always in the inner meetings but I was like is it just come at her house or because she's so associated but she's I mean she's there in the forest yeah I mean like Harry's dad and she the one who checks on him like I don't know and Bellatrix is her sister so it seems weird that she's not but I guess she never took no dark mark no dark mark yeah when do we learn that oh no no that's frustrating it is yeah cuz I uh I would say that that's something where it's like I want to know if it is explicitly said or if it's an if or if the thing there is that it just never explicitly said right you just need to know right hmm I don't know I feel like this is like one of those like bits of trivia that I've just sort of like like oh did you know the nurses actually isn't sort of thing but I don't know question five and which year was Lord Voldemort born man there's two numbers in my head and I'm it's either they're just series apart and I just don't know exactly which one it was three 19026 the correct answer is 1926 yes okay for some reason I was thinking 1928 I think that's good is that one the new fantastic beasts movie is I don't even think I I think that the first one took place in 1926 and this one's supposed to a place in 1927 okay I all I mean uh what I can remember because he was born the year the first one takes place like he's being born during movie and when did Voldemort die I think I think three two one the correct answer at the cool age of 72 1998 do you know that in my mind I was trying to do that this is why I almost have the last one wrong because I was like he was 71 then his mind you - 1998 but that's not 1926 I was like I'm pretty sick turns out I have a drum why why would you be so familiar with this age I don't think it's ever occurred to me that he was that old I think because like just in the course of our research like you learned that Baltimore it's like in his 70s sure which is like surprising so what do you think about it it's like like what do you think about an 18 year old fighting 70 year old it seems like unfair of a sudden right right question 7 how many times did Lord Voldemort ask to work at Hogwarts - - yeah right I gotta write nicely Big Brother whoo yeah question 8 where to devote the more to work after leaving Hogwarts 100 organ and birth for ahead be like quickest moment my mom went to floor from watts oh wait No all right question 9 in Deathly Hollows Lord Voldemort has a taboo put on his name what does this mean exactly yeah okay I don't even feel like there's like there's like a precise way to say this I know whoa I feel like we're both gonna write yeah three two one basically you can't say his name doing so gives away your position and breaks protective yeah I said when his name is said person who said it can be located so the answer is given in the quiz is whoever says his name is trackable so I'm gonna give it to both of you we're more specific yeah I think I think we both very much guys yeah you understood with us don't say his name or else they will come not dickin yeah yeah the athan yeah question 10 this is another select all that apply which special skills and abilities does a Voldemort possess he's an accomplished illegitimate and up LeMans he's a metamorphic Magus he's an animagus he's a personal mouth super super easy question I think if they split children's and Aquaman's I'd be like right question 11 and what new skill did Voldemort demonstrate in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows what he believed you can fly oh you touch the sky which is so unnecessary once you can straight-up teleport it's the least efficient way to travel and he's always like I'm the most powerful wizard ever it's like it teleporting if the distance you can teleport is the problem like you should be you should be focusing on overcoming bat-like you should be more impressive to you'd like I can teleport from China to Europe because I'm the most powerful was it ever break yes I can do that yeah I can fake that yeah no absolutely I don't get why flying all of a sudden was supposed to be important I feel like it only made the Battle of the seven potters interesting as they were flying it was like a great way to like demonstrate his power and also slow him down right well and I think the other thing is that like if they're in the air he needs to have a way to attack them and vault more on the boy on a broom does seem rude it does yeah okay I can't imagine that so they have to have in the air somehow I could see a lot of festro maybe sure like a particular like a brand new evil creature of his own yeah anyway baltimore's dragon that'd be great all right question 12 the wording of it is a little weird so we're gonna make it a select which one is correct okay in Slughorn's altered memory what did Slughorn say to Tom Riddle with his friends or which of these did Slughorn say Tom whatever you do don't make a Horcrux be careful what you wish for you'll go wrong boy mark my words choose a better path Tom next to all of your tests at high school was the entire question over again oh man I'm gonna change it here we go alright three two one whatever option three was the correct answer is you'll go wrong boy mark my words where are you Tom don't make a phone crux answer this line would be like yeah that's what I said it seems like the Turner like kind of cover up that he would do where it's like it's not well done he's just sort of like blurred lines but I do think this was one where I was I was thinking back to the movie more he just seems more like question 13 what did Voldemort say was the most powerfully magical number 13 I'm just kidding it's alright question 14 this is another select all that apply which of the following people did Voldemort personally murder Bertha Jorkins Gideon privet mad-eye moody Dobby Cedric Diggory okay three two one I said Bertha moody and Cedric I said the correct answer is Bertha Jorkins and Medaille moody are you saying cuz a worm tale yes wait so what is the answer just mad-eye moody and Bertha Jorkins man so I had moody before with this cuz I was trying to remember and that I thought that Baltimore only showed up at the Battle of 7 Potter's when they figured out which one was Harry no because they say Voldemort thought they he go yeah and Harry with the most experience he'll rise first why does Cedric come out of the wand then cuz he uses his wand is what's happening that's where in my mind oh boy I got it wrong in the movie cuz Harry like so be Emily is like he killed Cedric playing yeah he keeps saying it how do you do in person question 15 what was both immortal blood status 3 2 1 he was half blooded would you write have a pod IRA I wrote ok which which mother question 16 what happened a to Professor Quirrell after Lord Voldemort left his body ok listen some of these questions are harder than the others which is exactly what I think Ben wrote there it is there it is this is this is because it's so late in the quiz I was just like looking for something like [Laughter] question 17 before taking hold of the Elder Wand what were the characteristics of Voldemort's regular wand I feel like the multiple choice will really give it away yes I doubt the link that I doubt it's like the first two were the same it's just the length being changed but do you remember the length no that would be by far the one hold on I don't know no I want to measure it now yeah I know I want to measure it after the fact I don't think that either of us are gonna get the other two wrong so is it just like a total shot in the dark at length if I have an idea if I give you multiple choice I will give you the four different lengths and not any of the other information okay okay so the four lengths are 11 inches 12 and 1/2 inches 12 and 3/4 inches 13 and 1/2 inches 3 2 1 12 3 oranges 13 have it is a you wand with a phoenix feather feather core at 13 and 1/2 no that was that was like the number of my my I was like happy gasp Harry is Harry's is a lot half so we have a measuring tape we're gonna see how close we are to accurate that's 1414 and if anything 14 like in a quarter yeah so this is not correct per canon but it is cool-looking question 18 why did Voldemort kill Severus Snape three two one to become a master of the outer wand weird cuz he thought he was the master of the other one question 19 what color was the new hand that Voldemort gave to Wormtail I was afraid that it was gonna be something like it looks silvery or something like a silvery white yeah question 20 what were the correct order of ingredients for Voldemort's potion for resurrection the correct order okay okay goodness gracious there's I think there's three in particular that they're asking for three but there is more to the there are the five total ingredients okay I was gonna say very least we've talked about several that I don't think are there looking for three okay okay I'll call them the big three three do I put bone of the Father hand of the sermon blood of the enemy I put hand of the servant bone of the Father blood of the enemy the correct answer is bone of the Father flesh of the servant blood of the enemy man I even wrote it down in the right order and then see that you put hand of the servant okay they'd literally put that one in right after they talk about the hand that seems like bad test I think that he says out loud flesh of the sort of man that guys is you know yeah one kale is like an overachiever in this situation it's like not your pinky or like the pinky tip I mean missing us thinking maybe maybe he was like question 21 according to JK Rowling what Elizabeth mort's bug irked I think I just looked this up one day cuz we were gonna make a video called smaller more smog I know I just like this was not in the books it's just it's just like a rolling its deducible oh I think so okay three two one seeing himself dead his own corpse so death yeah question 22 in which town did Voldemort murder Frank Brice the correct answer is a little hang time yeah also the answers were upper Angleton lower angles and great angleton little mingled see that is one where I feel like this is taking it with the multiple choice it's like they gave me the answer Yeah right right maybe that's the one it's like if you got that in high school though or something that'd be like you're not really testing whether or not I knew it was handled like asking me to remember some pointless piece of information that's true that's true I will give you that it's frustrating I think when when the intention of the question is to be manipulative yeah and that's very frustrating question 23 a young Tom Riddle took two muggles to a cave where they were never quite right afterwards who were they Oh their names oh man this is a tough question I don't man I think I'll take it multiple choice possibly they've corrected up to go here alright the answers are Emilia Breyers and Daniel Babbage Erin Butler and David Brown Amy Benson and Dennis bishop Emily Bateman and Darrin Bell all right three two one the correct answer is Amy Benson and Dennis bishop yes see yes I just remembered little Dennis bishop that was all I could remember I mean I couldn't written down ahead of time Bob it was that Bobby all I was going off of was behind Celia and an Emily and I assumed that the question was trying to trick you up on like which kind of Emily name is it oh and then Darrin Bell yeah so literally like what flashed through my mind was like oh my god I wonder if it was like if there was a connection there actually a small theory life yeah Katie Bell let be fascinating yeah but you weren't question 24 what was the name of the muggle orphanage in which Voldemort grew up - it's like the problem with Voldemort is they did give us so much facts I think in so little of it is like plot-related like yeah this is a lot related right like this this is this is a detail well let you talk about visiting the site as a potential Horcrux location but but I feel like even then they just refer it as orphanage the choices are Steele's orphanage Cotton's orphanage hemp's orphans or wools orphanage well I feel like if the total material I agree okay two days yeah me too the correct answer is hemp seemed ridiculous cotton doesn't feel European to me it doesn't seem of all the worthy enough yeah yes yeah question 25 this is another select all that apply which of these magical allies that Voldemort recruit during the Wizarding Wars in fury vampires Giants Dementors werewolves let the folds alright three two one Giants in theory Dementors and werewolves the correct answer is in theory Giants Dementors and werewolves oh I've got to write down werewolves and then I was like but I even wondered about it because I guess really Fenrir werewolf like but like Remus says like he's down there but yeah as well sure sure yeah you know vampires I feel like I'm one of those things in there Potter world that ah maybe this is not the right way about it but I always felt like fell into me like on candy Valley a little bit where it was like that doesn't fit right vampires aren't really yeah really vampires don't feel like a reason it doesn't feel fantastical enough right right yeah it seems like like either wizards or vampires like not both right yeah like the inclusion of a vampire just feels out of place in the world and like every time it came up even like my first pass I remember thinking like yeah they're in Philosopher's Stone they mentioned like zombies and vampires and you're like right but then they bring it back in my prince to me it's vampires always seem more adult to me almost and that it's a yeah like a yeah she has an article about them on Pottermore if you're interested question 26 in the book Goblet of Fire what was the first thing Voldemort said when he had risen again okay that that makes sense to me and fit with the Scarecrow I could see being something else we'll see okay yeah I said where's my warm towel my wand the correct answer is robe with me no not stupid cares he's cold he's like beer me that room yeah one time cold please give me my robe you know I feel like our answer is more accurate to his character and he would care about wand more than robe question 27 which two objects that would later become Horcruxes did Tom secure from Hepzibah Smith question 28 this is another select all that apply when Dumbledore visits Tom Riddle at the orphanage which stolen objects did Tom have in his books a teddy bear an old football a tarnished mouth organ a silver thimble a yo-yo how many do you have okay are you thinking about a third I think I feel solid it too okay that makes me feel better okay three two one mouthful we're gonna new you mouth the correct answer is a mouth organ a yo-yo and a silver thimble complains with a thimble that's what I was like come on that's not even kids question twenty-nine how does Vernon Dursley mistakingly refer to Voldemort lord moldywart Lord Voldemort lowered of older shorts Lord Rahl defang I can like hear Jim nails voice in my head delivering this right but I can't even pinpoint the moment but like I remember I I remember there being an instance I'm a pretty sure it's like at the beginning of deathly hallows before like as they're leaving and he's like unpacked a car like several times right right right yeah you claim this all that was good that was good thank you great Jim Dalen personation of it's just like yeah I can see it picturing them shorts like a little bit too long looking a little bit too short it's like something Baltimore was definitely not be wearing OC I thought that I thought the opposite like like an out-of-date fashionable type thing he shows up at the beaches flip-flops and they're like damn like his shins know about Sun right see my mind it's like it's like the ironic because like you think he'd be that right like little snake patterns all right three two one Baldy thing the correct answer is Lord bully thing yes man this is hidden sound it's that one that almost seems like he was getting it to correct yeah well I and it's interesting that it gets it wrong cuz I think there's another part where like Harry II like remarks about how unusual it was for the Dursleys to just say Valda Mort without like flinching when everyone else's question 30 the final question in the book Deathly Hallows what were Lord Voldemort's final words before casting Avada Kedavra this quiz is killing me I just wanted yeah you want a multiple choice okay alright let's do it okay all right I'm just wanted to really get it I'm like I'm so like remembering all the other lines all right the answers are its power is mine we duel on skill alone but what does it matter I can attend to Draco Malfoy I'm trying to imagine how this how the scene will play out and what would make the most sense for him to be like this final line I know okay Gracie the correct answer is I can attend to Draco yes like he doesn't he cuz he's asking about snake there and so he hasn't told him yet that Draco was the Elder Wand mask did you get 25 yeah you would you get 19 you believed I read a lot man okay according to Jordan I have 20 it's very frequent that we have the answers Oh Herbert tally marks incorrect our boards man doesn't even be on top again I and you are the master I hate this I hate that I feel like I started this with just such a stupid mistake on his father father yeah like obviously I know that information yes like it was like oh yeah like well it's question one it's one answer yeah right yeah yeah see looks such a little hamlet fruit there was a few there we're on the multiple choice of it we were both guessing and I just got them right either way I'm the Baltimore Champion go me alright let us know how you did on the quiz in the Tao section and down below and let us know if there's any other quizzes you'd like to see us take here on Jay versus Ben and if you'd like to see us battle out in a more harab hunter tribute put this playlist right here in the middle totally glimmering shimmery until next time bye
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 1,542,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, harry potter, harry potter quiz, harry potter trivia, voldemort trivia, voldemort quiz, pottermore, j vs ben, jk rowling, wizarding world, j vs ben voldemort quiz, what were voldemorts last words, ultimate lord volemort quiz, snape, horcrux, j carlin, ben carlin, jonathan carlin, tom riddle, who was volemorts grandfather, gellert grindelwald, the elder wand, the deathly hallows, wormtail, who does voldemort kill, voldemort, death eaters, harry potter theory
Id: 560VDNr1OQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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